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- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
- module Main where
- import System.Environment (getArgs)
- data Term
- = TmVar Int Int
- | TmAbs Term
- | TmApp Term Term
- deriving (Show)
- termShift :: Int -> Term -> Term
- termShift d = walk 0
- where
- walk c t = case t of
- TmAbs t1 -> TmAbs (walk (c + 1) t1)
- TmApp t1 t2 -> TmApp (walk c t1) (walk c t2)
- TmVar x n ->
- if x >= c
- then TmVar (x + d) (n + d)
- else TmVar x (n + d)
- termSubst :: Int -> Term -> Term -> Term
- termSubst j s = walk 0
- where
- walk c t = case t of
- TmAbs t1 -> TmAbs (walk (c + 1) t1)
- TmApp t1 t2 -> TmApp (walk c t1) (walk c t2)
- TmVar x _ ->
- if x == j + c
- then termShift c s
- else t
- termSubstTop :: Term -> Term -> Term
- termSubstTop s t = termShift (-1) (termSubst 0 (termShift 1 s) t)
- isVal :: Term -> Bool
- isVal TmAbs {} = True
- isVal _ = False
- eval1 :: Term -> Maybe Term
- eval1 t = case t of
- TmApp (TmAbs t12) v2
- | isVal v2 ->
- return $ termSubstTop v2 t12
- TmApp v1 t2 | isVal v1 -> do
- t2' <- eval1 t2
- return $ TmApp v1 t2'
- TmApp t1 t2 -> do
- t1' <- eval1 t1
- return $ TmApp t1' t2
- _ -> Nothing
- eval :: Term -> Term
- eval t = maybe t eval (eval1 t)
- -- Wrapper around Term to include a recursion counter
- data TrackedTerm = TrackedTerm
- { termVal :: Term,
- counter :: Int
- }
- deriving (Show)
- -- Increment the counter in the TrackedTerm
- increment :: TrackedTerm -> TrackedTerm
- increment (TrackedTerm t c) = TrackedTerm t (c + 1)
- -- A version of eval that tracks the number of recursive calls
- -- Modified evalTracked to respect stepsLimit
- evalTracked :: Int -> TrackedTerm -> TrackedTerm
- evalTracked stepsLimit trackedTerm@(TrackedTerm t c)
- | c >= stepsLimit = trackedTerm -- Stop if we've reached the step limit
- | otherwise = case eval1 t of
- Nothing -> trackedTerm -- No more reductions can be done
- Just t' -> evalTracked stepsLimit (increment (TrackedTerm t' c))
- -- To use evalTracked, you start with a counter of 0
- -- Modified evalWithCounter to take stepsLimit and initiate evalTracked with it
- evalWithCounter :: Term -> Int -> TrackedTerm
- evalWithCounter t stepsLimit = evalTracked stepsLimit (TrackedTerm t 0)
- -- Process a single term, returning the result as a string
- processTerm :: Term -> Int -> IO String
- processTerm inputTerm limit = do
- let TrackedTerm resultTerm reductionsCount = evalWithCounter inputTerm limit
- return $
- if (reductionsCount == 0) || (reductionsCount == limit) then "0"
- else show resultTerm
- ++ ","
- ++ show reductionsCount
- nativeT :: Int -> Int -> Int
- nativeT 0 m = m
- nativeT n m =
- nativeT (n - 1) (m + 1)
- + sum [nativeT i m * nativeT (n - 1 - i) m | i <- [0 .. n - 1]]
- appTerm :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Term
- appTerm maxFreeVarCnt termSize j h
- | h <= tjmtnjm =
- let dv = (h - 1) `div` tnjm
- md = (h - 1) `mod` tnjm
- newApp = TmApp (unRankT j maxFreeVarCnt (dv + 1)) (unRankT (termSize - j) maxFreeVarCnt (md + 1))
- in newApp
- | otherwise = appTerm maxFreeVarCnt termSize (j + 1) (h - tjmtnjm)
- where
- tnjm = nativeT (termSize - j) maxFreeVarCnt
- tjmtnjm = nativeT j maxFreeVarCnt * tnjm
- unRankT :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Term
- unRankT termSize maxFreeVarCnt numberOfTerm
- | termSize == 0 = TmVar (numberOfTerm - 1) (numberOfTerm - 1 + 1)
- | numberOfTerm <= nativeT (termSize - 1) (maxFreeVarCnt + 1) = TmAbs (unRankT (termSize - 1) (maxFreeVarCnt + 1) numberOfTerm)
- | otherwise = appTerm maxFreeVarCnt (termSize - 1) 0 (numberOfTerm - nativeT (termSize - 1) (maxFreeVarCnt + 1))
- generateTerm :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Term
- generateTerm = unRankT
- -- main :: IO ()
- -- main = do
- -- let term_size = (8 :: Int)
- -- let term_num = (443769 :: Int)
- -- putStr (show term_size ++ "," ++ show term_num ++ ",")
- -- let term = generateTerm 8 0 443769
- -- putStr (show term ++ ",")
- -- resultString <- processTerm term
- -- putStr resultString
- -- putStr "\n"
- main :: IO ()
- main = do
- args <- getArgs
- case args of
- [maxSizeStr] -> do
- let maxSize = read maxSizeStr :: Int
- writeFile "data.csv" ""
- mapM_ processSize [1..maxSize]
- _ -> putStr "Wrong argument"
- -- Process each size
- processSize :: Int -> IO ()
- processSize size = do
- let maxNum = nativeT size 0
- mapM_ (processTermForSize size) [1..maxNum]
- -- Process each term for a given size and number
- processTermForSize :: Int -> Int -> IO ()
- processTermForSize size num = do
- let term = generateTerm size 0 num
- resultString <- processTerm term (size * 15)
- appendFile "data.csv" (if resultString == "0" then "" else show size ++ "," ++ show num ++ "," ++ resultString ++ "\n")
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