

Jan 26th, 2016
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  1. League of legends
  3. League of legends is an online game with over 1 000 000 players. It is a free to play game that is a mmo based online game. It has around 126 characters and there is even a championship with players from all across the globe. It is called E - Sports If you watch that you will learn a lot of things from real pros. A good advice is that you should find a character that suites you. If you are a nice and calm friend support would suite you if you are an aggressive player adc/marksman would suite you. If you are the type of guy who likes to lead the team mid would suite you. If you like to help people when they need it the jungle would suite you. If you are trying out the game for the first time go for a tanky champion and then head top. I personally think you will like the game I have met a lot of people and have gotten a lot of friend because of this game and I play with them all the time. When you start playing League I would recommend you to play Annie, Riven, Garen, Ashe, or yasuo they are izi champs to play with in the beginning. And if you get a player on your team who is (pardon my language) an asshole just ignore him and mute him if he threatens you. There are three gamemods. The first is bots, allsow known as IUvsplayers. The second one is team builder which allows you choose a lane and a character that you want to play with. The third is ranked it is a gamemode where you ban champions and then each player picks a champion after the person above them has pickt theirs and then you work together to win and get a rank. A rank is basically like a medal you and your teamโ€™s skills get tested against other players with the same skill or better then you. If you win you get ip when you have 100 ip you get a promo streak during that time if you win 2 out of 3 games you get a promotion there are 6 different ranks bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and challenger. And there are 5 different grades in each rank 5/V 4/IV 3/III 2/II 1/I. Some playerโ€™s think that they are the best in the whole world and that they deserve to be challenger but they are still bronze V and thatโ€™s why they flame and destroys other peoples lives.
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