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- # Idlerpg Script (Auto Play)
- # From SReject on Undernet!
- #########################
- on *:START:{ unset %mRPG:* | .mRPGReset }
- on *:EXIT: .mRPGOff
- on *:UNLOAD:.mRPGOff
- on *:ACTIVE:*:if ($mRPG:Bot($mRPG:Char) == $active) .timermRPG-EbCheck -m 1 250 MRPG:EbCheck
- on *:SIGNAL:MRPG_UPDATE: set %mRPG:Updated $ctime
- on *:DIALOG:mRPG:*:*:{
- if ($devent == init) {
- if (!$line(@mRPG-Players,0)) mRPGUpdate
- if (!$line(@mRPG-Players,0)) dialog -x $dname
- else {
- filter -wk @mRPG-Players mRPG:Load *
- did -c $dname 44 $iif($didwm(mRPG,44,%mRPG:Stats),$v1,1)
- mRPG:Stats
- }
- unset %mRPG:Stats
- }
- elseif ($devent == close) {
- unset %mRPG:Stats
- .timermRPG-Stats off
- }
- }
- alias mRPGPlay {
- if ($status != connected) echo -a 04/mRPGPlay: You must be connected to a server to use /mRPGPlay
- elseif ($0 < 3) echo -a 04/mRPGPlay: Too few parameters specified please use: /mRPGPlay 12character password gamechan
- elseif ($0 > 3) echo -a 04/mRPGPlay: Too many parameters specified, please use: /mRPGPlay 12character password gamechan
- elseif (#* !iswm $3) echo -a 04/mRPGPlay: Invalid game channel specified!
- elseif ($mRPG:Char) echo -a 04/mRPGPlay: You are already playing a character from this connection: $gettok($v1,1,32)
- elseif ($mRPG:Played($1)) echo -a 04/mRPGPlay: You are already playing $1 from a diffarent connection, please use /mRPGStop from that connection then try again from this connection
- else {
- mRPGUpdate
- if ($fline(@mRPG-Players,/^\Q $+ $replacecs($1,\E,\E\\E\Q) $+ \E\x01/i,1,2).text) {
- echo -a 12/mRPGPlay: Now playing $gettok($v1,1,1) from this connection.
- mRPG:Char $gettok($v1,1,1) $2-3
- mRPG
- }
- else echo -a 04/mRPGPlay: I'm sorry, but $1 was not found in the players list.
- }
- }
- alias mRPGList {
- if ($var(%mRPG:Play:*,0)) {
- var %x = 1
- while ($var(%mRPG:Play:*,%x)) {
- var %cid = $gettok($v1,3,$asc(:))
- tokenize 32 $($v1,2)
- echo -a 12/mRPGList: Playing $1 on $+($scid(%cid).network,12[,ConID: %cid,12])
- inc %x
- }
- }
- else echo -a 04/mRPGList: You are not currently playing any characters.
- }
- alias mRPGStats {
- if ($0 > 1) echo -a 04/mRPGStats: Too many parameters specified. Please use: 12/mRPGStats [charname]
- elseif ($dialog(mRPG)) {
- if ($1 && $didwm(mRPG,44,$1)) { did -c mRPG 44 $v1 }
- dialog -v mRPG
- }
- else {
- if ($1) set -e %mRPG:Stats $1
- dialog -m mRPG mRPGStats
- }
- }
- alias mRPGStop {
- if ($0) echo -a 04/mRPGStop: Too many parameters were specified, please use: 12/mRPGStop
- elseif ($mRPG:Char) {
- unset $+(%,mRPG:Play:,$cid)
- echo -a 12/mRPGStop: Play script stopped for $gettok($v1,1,32)
- }
- else echo -a 04/mRPGStop: You are not currently playing a character from this connect.
- }
- alias mRPGReset {
- if (!$0) {
- .timermRPG-* off
- close -@ @mRPG-*
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG BestBet.txt)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG BestBet.txt)
- if ($com(mRPG)) .comclose $v1
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Players.txt)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG players.txt)
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)
- if ($show) echo -a 12/mRPGReset: The script as been reset.
- mRPGUpdate
- }
- else echo -a 04/mRPGReset: Too many parameters were specified, please use: 12/mRPGReset
- }
- alias mRPGOff {
- if (!$0) {
- .timermRPG-* off
- close -@ @mRPG-*
- unset %mRPG:*
- if ($com(mRPG)) .comclose $v1
- if ($dialog(mRPG)) dialog -x mRPG
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Players.txt)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG players.txt)
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG BestBet.txt)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG BestBet.txt)
- if ($show) echo -a 04/mRPGOff: All playing of MultiRPG has been stoppped.
- }
- else echo -a 04/mRPGOff: Too many parameters were specified, please use: 12/mRPGOff
- }
- alias mRPG:Read {
- if (mRPG-Throttle:?* !iswm $1) return
- var %w @ $+ $1
- scid $gettok($1,2,58)
- if ($status != connected || !$line(%w,0) || $mRPG:Bot($gettok($mRPG:Char,3,32)) == $null) { close -@ %w }
- else {
- msg $v1 $line(%w,1)
- dline %w 1
- $+(.timer,$1) -oi 1 6 mRPG:Read $1
- }
- }
- alias MRPG:EbCheck {
- if ($mRPG:Bot($gettok($mRPG:Char,3,32)) == $active) && ($editbox($active)) && ($timer(mRPG-Throttle: $+ $cid)) {
- $+(.timer,$v1) -oi 1 30 mRPG:Read $v1
- .timermRPG-ebcheck -m 1 250 MRPG:EbCheck
- }
- }
- alias mRPG:Stats {
- if (!$dialog(mRPG)) unset %mRPG:Stats
- else {
- if (!%mRPG:Updated) set -e %mRPG:Updated $ctime
- tokenize 1 $fline(@mRPG-Players,$did(mRPG,44,1).seltext $+ $chr(1) $+ *,1).text
- did -ra mRPG 45 $4
- did -ra mRPG 46 $iif($22 == e,Evil[Undead],$iif($22 == g,Good[Priest],Neutral[Human]))
- did -ra mRPG 47 $iif($4 < 10,N/A,$26 $+ /5)
- did -ra mRPG 48 $iif($4 < 30,N/A,$27 $+ /5)
- did -ra mRPG 49 $iif($5,Yes,No)
- if ($5) {
- did -ra mRPG 50 $iif($calc($6 - ($ctime - %mRPG:Updated)) < 1,Any Moment,$mRPG:Dur($v1))
- did -ra mRPG 51 $iif($4 < 10,N/A,$iif($calc($7 - $ctime) < 0,Now,$mRPG:Dur($v1)))
- did -ra mRPG 52 $iif($4 < 35,N/A,$iif($calc($8 - $ctime) < 0,Now,$mRPG:Dur($v1)))
- did -ra mRPG 53 $iif($4 < 40,N/A,$iif($calc($9 - $ctime) < 0,Now,$mRPG:Dur($v1)))
- }
- else { did -ra mRPG 50,51,52,53 N/A while offline }
- did -ra mRPG 54 $iif(!$31,N/A,$+($ord($32),[+,$calc(2+ $32),%,]))
- did -ra mRPG 55 $iif(!$28,N/A,$+($ord($29),[+,$calc(2+ $29),%,]))
- did -ra mRPG 56 $10
- did -ra mRPG 57 $iif($22 == e,0.9,$iif($22 == n,1.0,1.1))
- did -ra mRPG 58 $30
- did -ra mRPG 59 $floor($calc($10 * $iif($22 == e,0.9,$iif($22 == n,1.0,1.1)) * $30))
- did -ra mRPG 60 $12
- did -ra mRPG 61 $13
- did -ra mRPG 62 $14
- did -ra mRPG 63 $15
- did -ra mRPG 64 $16
- did -ra mRPG 65 $17
- did -ra mRPG 66 $18
- did -ra mRPG 67 $19
- did -ra mRPG 68 $20
- did -ra mRPG 69 $21
- did -ra mRPG 70 $34
- did -ra mRPG 71 $35
- did -ra mRPG 72 $36
- did -ra mRPG 73 $24
- did -ra mRPG 74 $25
- did -ra mRPG 499 Updated $mRPG:Dur($calc($ctime - %mRPG:Updated)) ago.
- .timermRPG-Stats -moi 1 250 mRPG:Stats
- }
- }
- alias mRPGUpdate {
- if ($com(mRPG)) return
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Players.txt)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG Players.txt)
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Bestbet.txt)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG Bestbet.txt)
- var %f = write $qt($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)
- %f On Error Resume Next
- %f if (err.number <> 0) then err.clear
- %f set C = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp.6.0")
- %f if (err.number <> 0) then
- %f err.clear
- %f set C = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp.4.0")
- %f if (err.number <> 0) then
- %f err.clear
- %f set C = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp.3.0")
- %f if (err.number <> 0) then
- %f err.clear
- %f set C = CreateObject("msxml2.xmlhttp.2.6")
- %f if (err.number <> 0) then
- %f err.clear
- %f wscript.quit
- %f end if
- %f end if
- %f end if
- %f end if
- %f "GET", ""&timer, false
- %f C.send
- %f if (err.number <> 0) then
- %f if (Hex(err.Number) <> "800C0005") then
- %f err.clear
- %f wscript.quit
- %f else
- %f err.clear
- %f "GET", ""&timer, false
- %f C.send
- %f if (err.Number <> 0) then
- %f err.clear
- %f wscript.Quit
- %f end if
- %f end if
- %f end if
- %f set F = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(" $+ $mircdirmRPG Players.txt")
- %f if (err.number <> 0) then
- %f err.clear
- %f WScript.Quit
- %f end if
- %f BetChars = ""
- %f set R = New RegExp
- %f R.IgnoreCase = true
- %f R.Global = True
- %f R.Multiline = True
- %f R.Pattern = "^(rank \d+ char ([^\x20]+) network ([^\x20]+) userhost ([^\x20]+) level (\d+) created \d+ lastlogin \d+ online (0|1) sex (?:male|female|not_set) class \{[^\}]+\} team \d+ ttl (\d+) regentm (\d+) challengetm (\d+) slaytm (\d+) idled \d+ x_pos \d+ y_pos \d+ sum (\d+) amulet ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) charm ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) helm ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) boots ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) gloves ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) ring ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) leggings ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) shield ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) tunic ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) weapon ([a-z]?\d+[a-z]?) align (n|e|g) alignchanged [01] powerpots (\d+) luckpots (\d+) fights ([0-5]) bets ([0-5]) bwon \d+ blost \d+ badd \d+ bminus \d+ hero (0|1) hlevel (\d+) engineer (0|1) englevel (\d+) gold (-?\d+) bank (\d+))"
- %f for each L in R.Execute(C.ResponseText)
- %f Aln = L.SubMatches(21)
- %f Amd = 1.0
- %f if (Aln = "e") then Amd = "0.9"
- %f if (Aln = "g") then Amd = "1.1"
- %f Hro = L.SubMatches(26)
- %f HLv = L.SubMatches(27)
- %f Hmd = 1.0
- %f if (Hro = "1") then Hmd = 1.02 + .01 * CInt(Hlv)
- %f Eng = L.SubMatches(28)
- %f ELv = L.SubMatches(29)
- %f Emd = 1.0
- %f if (Eng = "1") then Emd = 1.02 + .01 * CInt(Elv)
- %f MSm = L.SubMatches(10) * Amd * Hmd
- %f F.WriteLine(Join(Array(L.SubMatches(1),L.SubMatches(2),L.SubMatches(3),L.SubMatches(4),L.SubMatches(5),L.SubMatches(6),L.SubMatches(7),L.SUbMatches(8),L.SubMatches(9),L.SubMatches(10),MSm,L.SubMatches(11),L.SubMatches(12),L.SubMatches(13),L.SubMatches(14),L.SubMatches(15),L.SubMatches(16),L.SubMatches(17),L.SubMatches(18) ,L.SUbMatches(19),L.SubMatches(20) ,Aln,AMd,L.SubMatches(22),L.SubMatches(23),L.SubMatches(24),L.SubMatches(25),Hro,HLv,HMd,Eng,Elv,EMd,L.SubMatches(30),L.SubMatches(31),CDbl(L.SubMatches(30)) + CDbl(L.SUbMatches(31))),""))
- %f if (L.SubMatches(5) = 1 and L.SubMatches(4) > 29) then
- %f if (BetChars <> "") then BetChars = BetChars & vbcrlf
- %f Betchars = Betchars & Cint(L.SubMatches(4)) * 10000000 + CInt(L.SubMatches(10)) & " " & L.SubMatches(1)
- %f end if
- %f next
- %f F.Close
- %f arryChars = Split(BetChars,vbcrlf)
- %f if (UBound(ArryChars,1) < 0) then wScript.Quit
- %f for a = 0 to ubound(arryChars,1)
- %f for b = a + 1 to ubound(arryChars,1)
- %f cchr = Split(arryChars(a)," ")
- %f nchr = Split(arryChars(b)," ")
- %f if (cdbl(cchr(0)) < cdbl(nchr(0))) then
- %f temp = arryChars(b)
- %f arryChars(b) = arrychars(a)
- %f arryChars(a) = temp
- %f end if
- %f next
- %f next
- %f cChr = Split(ArryChars(0)," ")
- %f BetChars = cChr(1) & " " & CInt(cChr(0) / 10000000) & " " & cChr(0) mod 10000000 & vbcrlf
- %f for a = 1 to uBound(ArryChars,1) -1
- %f pChr = Split(ArryChars(a -1), " ")
- %f cChr = Split(ArryChars(a)," ")
- %f cLvl = CInt(cChr(0) / 10000000)
- %f nChr = Split(ArryChars(a +1), " ")
- %f if (cInt(pChr(0) / 10000000) <> cLvl or cLvl <> CInt(nChr(0) / 10000000)) then
- %f BetChars = BetChars & cChr(1) & " " & cLvl & " " & cChr(0) mod 10000000 & vbcrlf
- %f end if
- %f next
- %f cChr = Split(ArryChars(Ubound(ArryChars,1))," ")
- %f arrychars = Split(BetChars & cChr(1) & " " & CInt(cChr(0) / 10000000) & " " & cChr(0) mod 10000000,vbcrlf)
- %f odds = 0.0
- %f bestbet = ""
- %f for a = UBound(ArryChars) to 1 step -1
- %f aChr = Split(ArryChars(a)," ")
- %f for b = a -1 to 0 step -1
- %f bChr = Split(ArryChars(b)," ")
- %f if (aChr(1) <= bChr(1)) and (odds < aChr(2) / bChr(2)) then
- %f bestbet = aChr(0) & " " & bChr(0)
- %f odds = aChr(2) / bChr(2)
- %f end if
- %f if (aChr(1) = bChr(1)) and (odds < bChr(2) / aChr(2)) then
- %f bestbet = bChr(0) & " " & aChr(0)
- %f odds = bChr(2) / aChr(2)
- %f end if
- %f next
- %f next
- %f if (odds <> 0.0) then
- %f set a = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(" $+ $Mircdirmrpg bestbet.txt")
- %f a.write(bestbet)
- %f a.close
- %f end if
- .comopen mRPG WScript.Shell
- if ($comerr) goto error
- if (!$com(mRPG,Run,1,bstr," $+ $mircdirmRPG Players.vbs",uint,0,bool,true)) goto error
- if ($lines($mircdirmRPG Players.txt) == 0) goto error
- unset %mRPG:BestBet
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG BestBet.txt)) set %mRPG:BestBet $read($mircdirmRPG Bestbet.txt,n,1)
- window -hl @mRPG-Players
- loadbuf -r @mRPG-Players $qt($mircdirmRPG Players.txt)
- scon -at1 mRPG
- .signal -n MRPG_UPDATE
- :error
- if ($error) reseterror
- unset %mRPG:BestBet
- if ($com(mRPG)) .comclose mRPG
- if ($com(mRPG2)) .comclose mRPG2
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG BestBet.txt)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG BestBet.txt)
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Players.txt)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG Players.txt)
- if ($isfile($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)) .remove $qt($mircdirmRPG Players.vbs)
- .timermRPG-Update -oi 0 90 mRPGUpdate
- }
- alias -l mRPG {
- if (!$line(@mRPG-Throttle: $+ $cid,0)) && ($mRPG:GetChar) {
- var %pwd = $gettok($v1,1,32), %gcn = $gettok($v1,2,32), %bot = $mRPG:Bot(%gcn), %mSum, %att, %chl, %sly, %fht
- tokenize 1 $gettok($v1,3-,32)
- if ($me !ison %gcn) join $v2
- elseif (%bot) {
- if ($5 != 1) mRPG:Msg Login $1 %pwd
- else {
- %mSum = $iif($22 != g,$calc($10 * 1.1 * $30),$23)
- %att = $iif($4 > 9 && $calc($7 - $ctime) < -5 && $mRPG:Creeps($4),$v1)
- %chl = $iif($4 > 34 && $calc($8 - $ctime) < -5,$true)
- %sly = $iif($4 > 39 && $calc($9 - $ctime) < -5 && $mRPG:Monsters($10),$v1)
- %fht = $iif($4 > 9 && $26 < 5 && $mRPG:Fight($1,$4),$v1)
- if (%att || %chl || %sly || %fht) {
- if ($22 != g) mRPG:Msg align priest
- if (%att) mRPG:Msg attack $v1
- if (%chl) mRPG:Msg challenge
- if (%sly) mRPG:Msg slay $v1
- if (%fht) {
- var %x = $calc(5 - $25)
- while (%x) {
- mRPG:Msg Fight %fht
- dec %x
- }
- }
- if ($22 != g) mRPG:Msg align $iif($22 == e,undead,human)
- }
- elseif ($4 > 29) && (5 > $27) && ($36 > 139) && (?* ?* iswm %mRPG:BestBet) {
- if ($34 < 140) mRPG:Msg bank withdraw $calc(140 - $34)
- mRPG:Msg bet $gettok(%mRPG:BestBet,1-2,32) 100
- }
- elseif ($34 > 40) {
- mRPG:Msg bank deposit $calc($34 - 40)
- }
- elseif ($34 < 40) && ($36 >= 40) {
- mRPG:Msg bank withdraw $calc(40 - $34)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- alias -l mRPG:Char if ($isid) return $($+(%,mRPG:Play:,$cid),2) | set $+(%,mRPG:Play:,$cid) $1-
- alias -l mRPG:Bot return $fline($1,/^(idle|multi)rpg0*$/i,$fline($1,/^(idle|multi)rpg0*$/i,0,3),3).text
- alias -l mRPG:Played var %x = 1 | while ($var(%mRPG:Play:,%x).value) { if ($gettok($v1,1,32) == $1) return $true | inc %x }
- alias -l mRPG:GetChar tokenize 32 $mRPG:Char | var %n = /^\Q $+ $replacecs($1,\E,\E\\E\Q) $+ \E\x01/i | if ($fline(@mRPG-Players,%n,$fline(@mRPG-Players,%n,0,2),2).text) return $2-3 $v1
- alias -l mRPG:Load did -a mRPG 44 $gettok($1-,1,1)
- alias -l mRPG:Dur { return $iif($floor($calc($1 / 86400)) > 0,$iif($v1 == 1,1day,$v1 $+ days)) $duration($calc($1 % 86400),3) }
- alias -l mRPG:Msg {
- var %win = @mRPG-Throttle: $+ $cid, %t = $mid(%win,2-)
- if ($status != connected) close -@ %win
- else {
- if (!$window(%win)) window -lhn %win
- aline %win $1-
- if (!$timer(%t)) mRPG:Read %t
- }
- }
- alias -l mRPG:Fight {
- if (!$line(@mRPG-Players,0) || !$1 || !$2) { return }
- window -nh @mRPG-Fight
- filter -wwgc @mRPG-Players @mRPG-Fight ^[^]+[^]+[^]+[^]+1
- var %x = 1, %Chr, %Sum, %ln
- while ($line(@mRPG-Fight,%x)) {
- %ln = $v1
- if ($gettok(%ln,4,1) < $2) break
- elseif ($1 != $gettok(%ln,1,1)) && (!%sum || $gettok(%ln,11,1) < %Sum) { var %Chr = $gettok(%ln,1,1), %Sum = $gettok(%ln,11,1) }
- inc %x
- }
- close -@ @mRPG-Fight
- return %Chr
- }
- dialog mRPGStats {
- title "mRPG - Stats"
- size -1 -1 181 247
- option dbu
- tab "Stats", 1, 1 1 180 233
- text "Character:", 2, 5 18 27 8, tab 1
- text "Level:", 3, 5 30 27 8, tab 1
- text "Alignment:", 4, 5 41 27 8, tab 1
- text "Fights:", 5, 5 52 27 8, tab 1
- text "Bets:", 6, 5 63 27 8, tab 1
- text "Online:", 7, 101 19 19 8, tab 1
- text "TTL:", 8, 101 30 12 8, tab 1
- text "TTA:", 9, 101 41 12 8, tab 1
- text "TTC:", 10, 101 52 12 8, tab 1
- text "TTS:", 11, 101 63 12 8, tab 1
- text "Engineer:", 12, 5 85 27 8, tab 1
- text "Hero:", 13, 101 85 13 8, tab 1
- text "Base", 14, 31 103 25 7, tab 1 center
- text "Align", 15, 75 103 18 7, tab 1 center
- text "Hero", 16, 111 103 18 7, tab 1 center
- text "Total", 17, 147 103 28 7, tab 1 center
- text "Sum:", 18, 5 112 25 8, tab 1
- text "X", 19, 60 112 11 8, tab 1 center
- text "X", 20, 97 112 11 8, tab 1 center
- text "=", 21, 133 111 11 8, tab 1 center
- text "Amulet:", 22, 10 127 25 8, tab 1
- text "Charm:", 23, 10 137 25 8, tab 1
- text "Helm:", 24, 10 147 25 8, tab 1
- text "Boots:", 25, 10 157 25 8, tab 1
- text "Gloves:", 26, 10 167 25 8, tab 1
- text "Ring:", 27, 93 127 25 8, tab 1
- text "Leggings:", 28, 93 137 25 8, tab 1
- text "Shield:", 29, 93 147 25 8, tab 1
- text "Tunic:", 30, 93 157 25 8, tab 1
- text "Weapon:", 31, 93 167 25 8, tab 1
- text "Carried", 32, 43 185 25 7, tab 1 center
- text "Banked", 33, 87 185 25 7, tab 1 center
- text "Total", 34, 128 185 25 7, tab 1 center
- text "Gold:", 35, 23 194 16 8, tab 1
- text "+", 36, 72 194 11 8, tab 1 center
- text "=", 37, 115 194 11 8, tab 1 center
- text "Power Potions:", 38, 5 218 40 8, tab 1
- text "Luck Potions:", 39, 109 218 35 8, tab 1
- box "", 40, 5 73 171 5, tab 1
- box "", 41, 5 96 171 5, tab 1
- box "", 42, 5 178 171 5, tab 1
- box "", 43, 5 205 171 5, tab 1
- combo 44, 32 17 60 200, tab 1 sort size drop
- edit "", 45, 32 28 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 46, 32 39 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 47, 32 50 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 48, 32 61 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 49, 125 17 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 50, 115 28 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 51, 115 39 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 52, 115 50 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 53, 115 61 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 54, 35 83 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 55, 115 83 60 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 56, 31 110 25 10, tab 1 read center
- edit "", 57, 75 110 18 10, tab 1 read center
- edit "", 58, 111 110 18 10, tab 1 read center
- edit "", 59, 147 110 28 10, tab 1 read center
- edit "", 60, 37 125 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 61, 37 135 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 62, 37 145 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 63, 37 155 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 64, 37 165 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 65, 120 125 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 66, 120 135 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 67, 120 145 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 68, 120 155 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "", 69, 120 165 50 10, tab 1 read right
- edit "Carried", 70, 43 192 25 10, tab 1 read center
- edit "Banked", 71, 87 192 25 10, tab 1 read center
- edit "GTOT", 72, 128 192 25 10, tab 1 read center
- edit "Power", 73, 46 216 30 10, tab 1 read center
- edit "Luck", 74, 145 216 30 10, tab 1 read center
- text "", 499, 1 237 100 10
- button "Close", 500, 144 235 37 12, ok cancel
- }
- alias -l mRPG:Creeps {
- if (!$1 || $1 < 10) { return }
- if ($1 == 10) { return Bush }
- if ($1 < 16) { return Locust }
- if ($1 < 21) { return Spider }
- if ($1 < 31) { return Goblin }
- if ($1 < 41) { return Lich }
- if ($1 < 51) { return Skeleton }
- if ($1 < 61) { return Ghost }
- if ($1 < 71) { return Shadow }
- ;if ($1 < 81) { return Troll }
- ;if ($1 < 91) { return Cyclop }
- ;if ($1 < 101) { return Mutant }
- if ($1 < 111) { return Monkey }
- if ($1 < 121) { return Phoenix }
- if ($1 < 131) { return Minotaur }
- if ($1 < 141) { return Beholder }
- }
- alias -l mRPG:Monsters {
- if (6000 <= $1) { return Hippogriff }
- if (5000 <= $1) { return Sphinx }
- if (4500 <= $1) { return Dragon }
- if (4000 <= $1) { return Vampire }
- if (3500 <= $1) { return Mammoth }
- if (3000 <= $1) { return Centaur }
- return Medusa
- }
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