
Suicide Storry

Aug 8th, 2017
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  1. Suicide Story
  2. <Hidden Messager> "Hey"
  3. <Justin> "Who are you?"
  4. <Hidden Messager> "Don't Worry i don't plan on hurting you"
  5. <Justin> "WHO ARE YOU" **SHOUTING**
  6. <Dad> "Don't Worry Justin he wont hit you i wont let him"
  7. <Hidden Messager> "Justin you wont fell hurt or bullied any more with me"
  8. <Hidden Messager> "It wont cost much"
  9. <Justin> "I don't plan on killing my self any time soon"
  10. <Hidden Messager> "It will be the best for you"
  11. <Dad> "You can trust him"
  12. <Justin> "How much will it cost?"
  13. <Hidden Messager> "Your life"
  14. <Justin> "But i am good at base ball and have many friends!" **SHOUTING AT HIS PHONE**
  15. <Dad> "Thats not true"
  16. <Dad> "Don't lie to him he sees over every thing"
  17. <Hidden Messager> "Your very poor on your throwing speed and you have 3 friends your brother your self and your mom"
  18. <Justin> "How do you know this??" **SHOCKED**
  19. <Hidden Messager> "I know everything that's all you need to know"
  20. <Hidden Messager> "You will know every thing when you do my task"
  21. <Justin> "Whats your task?"
  22. <ROBOT> User Dad has left the Chat
  23. <Justin> "What happened to my dad"
  24. <Hidden Messager> "He can not be here for my task"
  25. <Justin> "WHAT IS THE GOD DAMN TASK?"
  26. <Task Mannager> "First leave the house"
  27. <Justin> "Who are you?" **Walking down stairs**
  28. <Task Mannager> "I am everyone"
  29. <Task Mannager> "Do the task befor i do"
  30. <Justin> "Ok i left my house" **Getting a knife"**
  31. <Task Mannager> "Go to the Out Door Store and buy Rope and a knife"
  32. <Justin> "I don't have the money"
  33. <Task Mannager> "Steal it"
  34. <Justin> "Ok Ok"
  35. <Task Mannager> "Make Sure you take a car"
  36. <Justin> "I am"
  37. <Task Mannager> "Go to the west tree near you house after" **2 hours pass**
  38. <Justin> "I am here now what?"
  39. <Task Mannager> "Look at the tree" **As a black shade starts to move closer to Justin**
  40. <Justin> "Is that you?" **As the Black Shade starts to walk through Justin and Justin Get Frozen Cold**
  41. <ROBOT> User Task Mannager has left the chat User Hidden Messager Has left The Channel
  42. **Justin Hears a bang on the tree as a rope is tied ready for Justin to be hanged**
  43. **Justin see the dark shadow now**
  44. **Justin Throws his knife he stole at the dark shade and he hears in a deep voice you throw slow**
  45. **Justin Thinks about the messages that the hidden messager said about him trowing slow**
  46. **Justin walks to the noose and starts to hang him self**
  47. **Justin has just kicked the chair down and now is dead**
  50. Keep in mind this is not a true story made just for fun
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