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- module MUX2_1(output reg Y,input I0,I1,Sel);
- always @(I0,I1,Sel)
- if(Sel) Y=I1;
- else Y=I0;
- endmodule
- module FA(output reg carry,sum,input a,b,c_in);
- always @(a,b,c_in)
- {carry,sum}=a+b+c_in;
- endmodule
- module DFF(output reg Q,input D,Clk,Reset);
- always @(posedge Clk,negedge Reset)
- if(Reset==0) Q<=0;
- else Q<=D;
- endmodule
- module DFF_Clock(output Q,input D,Shift_Control,Clk,Reset);
- MUX2_1 m0(w0,Q,D,Shift_Control);
- DFF m1(Q,w0,Clk,Reset);
- endmodule
- module Shift_Register(output SO, output reg[3:0] Y ,input[3:0] data, input SI, Load, Shift_Control,Clk,Reset);
- assign SO=Y[0];
- always @(posedge Clk,negedge Reset)
- if(Reset==0) Y<=0;
- else if (Load) Y<=data;
- else if (Shift_Control) Y<={SI,Y[3:1]};
- endmodule
- module ex6_44(output SO,output[3:0] sregA,sregB,
- input[3:0] data_A,data_B,input Load,Shift_Control,Clk,Reset);
- wire SO_A,SO_B;
- wire carry,sum;
- supply0 gnd;
- assign SO=sum;
- wire Q;
- Shift_Register MA(SO_A,sregA,data_A,sum,Load,Shift_Control,Clk,Reset);
- Shift_Register MB(SO_B,sregB,data_B,gnd,Load,Shift_Control,Clk,Reset);
- FA m0(carry,sum,SO_A,SO_B,Q);
- DFF_Clock m1(Q,carry,Shift_Control,Clk,Reset);
- endmodule
- //sregAB for Debug
- module t_ex6_44();
- wire SO;
- wire[3:0] sregA,sregB;
- reg[3:0] data_A,data_B;
- reg Load,Shift_Control,Clk,Reset;
- ex6_44 m0(SO,sregA,sregB,data_A,data_B,Load,Shift_Control,Clk,Reset);
- initial begin Clk=0;forever #5 Clk=~Clk; end
- initial fork
- data_A=4'b1100;
- data_B=4'b0101;
- Load=0;
- Shift_Control=0;
- #2 Reset=0;
- #4 Reset=1;
- #20 Load=1;
- #30 Load=0;
- #50 Shift_Control=1;
- #90 Shift_Control=0;
- #100 $finish;
- join
- endmodule
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