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- using System.Text;
- var input = File.ReadAllLines("input.txt");
- // We will generate a GraphViz file (*.dot) to visualize the graph and identify the edges that have to be removed.
- var dotFile = new StringBuilder();
- dotFile.AppendLine("graph {");
- var wires = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>>();
- foreach (var line in input)
- {
- var parts = line.Split(": ");
- var wire = parts[0].Trim();
- var connections = parts[1].Trim().Split(" ").ToList();
- if (!wires.ContainsKey(wire))
- {
- wires[wire] = [];
- }
- foreach (var connection in connections)
- {
- // Generate content for a GraphViz graph.
- dotFile.AppendLine($" {wire} -- {connection}");
- if (!wires.ContainsKey(connection))
- {
- wires[connection] = [];
- }
- wires[wire].Add(connection);
- wires[connection].Add(wire);
- }
- }
- dotFile.AppendLine("}");
- File.WriteAllText("", dotFile.ToString());
- // I used Gephi ( to visualize the graph and identify the edges that have to be removed.
- // I used the "Force Atlas" layout algorithm to get a nice layout of the graph.
- // Here are the edges that had to be removed for my input:
- const string a1 = "cbl";
- const string b1 = "vmq";
- const string a2 = "bvz";
- const string b2 = "nvf";
- const string a3 = "klk";
- const string b3 = "xgz";
- wires[a1].Remove(b1);
- wires[b1].Remove(a1);
- wires[a2].Remove(b2);
- wires[b2].Remove(a2);
- wires[a3].Remove(b3);
- wires[b3].Remove(a3);
- // Now we just need to use BFS to count the number of reachable nodes from a random single node of the removed pairs
- var visited = new HashSet<string>();
- var queue = new Queue<string>();
- queue.Enqueue(a1);
- while (queue.Count > 0)
- {
- var current = queue.Dequeue();
- if (!visited.Add(current))
- {
- continue;
- }
- foreach (var connection in wires[current])
- {
- queue.Enqueue(connection);
- }
- }
- // We have the size of one of the two subsets, so we can calculate the size other subset by subtracting the first's
- // size from the total number of nodes.
- Console.Write($"Part 1: {visited.Count * (wires.Count - visited.Count)}");
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