
Secretary - 69

Dec 2nd, 2019
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Secretary ~ Thanks to 'Yiyun'

Chapter - 69

Sec and Wife are smitten by MC's new look and wonders why MC's aura changed that much..

Sec asks him what he did to his hair, he asks them if it's strange.. They both blush and praise him for his new look and how he's looking great.

MC is introducing his new project and what the company should do stay at the top of the sex industry.. He gives a name to his new 'Dolls' product saying how they'll revolutionize the sex industry so he named them 'Sayonara'!

His two manager praises for his idea and how it's amazing.. Wife is thinking how MC is really a wonderful man.. Boss is still praising MC saying how they'll start the production of their new product and should make a party.. MC thinks how it would have been better if he wasn't delayed by Boss in the past but now he's praising him like his new gold mine..

MC is now fucking wife in a doggy position.. She tells him how he's so good at sex and she really loves him.. She says how she can't do anything about her feeling and how it's MC's fault for being so great at sex and making her go crazy each times he's ramming it inside her.. Creampie..

Later.. He's fucking Sec in the stairs.. He's sucking hard on her breast while he's plowing Sec.. She tells him how she's too sensible her and to be more gentle because he's driving her crazy.. He licks and plays more with them.. She keeps moaning and asking for the creampie.. He releases his load inside her..

MC narrates how Sec and Wife already became his women (completely) and how they're following him wherever he's going.. And he has to select one of them each day..
He narrates how those days kept going..

He's having sex with SH, he's standing still asking her to move her huge ass.. She tells him how he already made her cum a few times and wants him to make her pregnant and begs him to wrap it up inside her.. She keeps moaning saying how she'll reach climax once again..

He's shown fucking another girl, a blonde short haired one.. He narrates how the women of the department kept going after him.. Panels of him fucking FMC and Sec once again..

He narrates how all these women want him even if they have a boyfriend and how each one of them want him to make them pregnant..

At a restaurant, Office party.
They are cheering and drinking.. How everything is great in their department because of MC's success..

Later, MC bumps into his rival.. They talk a bit and Rival makes fun of MC and his recent 'success' he tells him how he'd have greeted him if he knew he was in the room next to them.. MC says how it's not a big deal, Rival introduce the girl next to him to MC.. She introduces herself saying how she heard a lot about him.. They look and smile at each other.

She isn't Rival's gf she's calling him deputy.. Well who cares.. Rival is called by his manager to bring over more drinks.. He tells to Hyuna (LH) how she should go to the bathroom first..

MC is in hurry to take a piss and notice Hyuna behind him, he tells her how it's the men room and she went in the wrong place.. She acts all tipsy saying how she's feeling dizzy and falls in MC's embrace

To be continued..
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