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- # 1
- try:
- first_num = float(input('Enter first number:'))
- second_num = float(input('Enter second number:'))
- sum_of_nums = first_num + second_num
- difference = first_num - second_num
- print(int(sum_of_nums))
- print(difference)
- print(sum_of_nums)
- except ValueError as n:
- print("Exception, ", n)
- else:
- print('Ok')
- # 2
- def num(value):
- if value % 2 == 0 and 2 <= value <= 27:
- print("In first range")
- elif value % 2 != 0 and 29 <= value <= 53:
- print("In second range")
- elif value % 2 == 0:
- print("Odd")
- else:
- print("It's something")
- num(int(input("Enter number: ")))
- # 3
- def answer(first_value, second_value):
- print(int(first_value / second_value))
- print(first_value / second_value)
- first_num = float(input('Enter first number:'))
- second_num = float(input('Enter second number:'))
- answer(first_num, second_num)
- # 4
- my_str = 'Going through the forest is my favourite part of the walk. My dog Benji loves it too. I\'m Grace. ' \
- 'I live on a farm with my parents and I take Benji for a walk most days after school. While Benji\'s ' \
- 'playing, I stop to take a photo of a butterfly. I\'m thinking about posting it on Facebook, but then ' \
- 'I hear Benji barking. He\'s jumping and running around a boy. The poor boy looks worried. \'Benji, stop! ' \
- 'Come here!\' I call and throw him his ball. I\'m about to say sorry to the boy, but he\'s gone.'
- def str_in_column(some_str, max_len):
- new_str = ' '
- count = 0
- for i in some_str.split():
- count += len(i)
- if count > max_len:
- new_str += '\n\t'
- count = len(i)
- elif new_str != '':
- new_str += ' '
- count += 1
- new_str += i
- print(new_str)
- str_in_column(my_str, 20)
- # 5
- def find_max(num_of_results, input_lst):
- for i in input_lst:
- if type(i) == str:
- input_lst.remove(i)
- input_lst.sort()
- input_lst.reverse()
- print(input_lst[0:num_of_results])
- lst = [20, 58, 9, 23, 62, 'hi', 46, 48, 125.23, 55, 95, 68, 2, 2, 50, 'list', 76, 14, 92, 12, 71, 12, 30]
- find_max(int(input('How much results do you want: ')), lst)
- # 6
- import math
- def square_of_circle(r):
- s = (r**2) * math.pi
- print('Square of circle is: ', s)
- square_of_circle(float(input('Enter radius of circle: ')))
- # 7
- def lo_rew(first_str, second_str):
- print(second_str.lower()[::-1], first_str.lower()[::-1])
- lo_rew("Hello", 'World')
- # 8
- def list_of_one(lst_of_nums):
- while len(lst_of_nums) != 1:
- if len(lst_of_nums) > 3 and len(lst_of_nums) % 2 == 0:
- del lst_of_nums[1::2]
- elif len(lst_of_nums) > 3 and len(lst_of_nums) % 2 != 0:
- del lst_of_nums[1::2]
- lst_of_nums.pop(0)
- elif len(lst_of_nums) == 3:
- lst_of_nums.pop(1)
- lst_of_nums.pop(0)
- elif len(lst_of_nums) == 2:
- lst_of_nums.pop()
- print(lst_of_nums)
- lst = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
- list_of_one(lst)
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