
surprise gun

Sep 22nd, 2022
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  1. The Lord Marshal of Summer braced himself against the concussion, lifting one hand before his eyes as if it had been a stiff breeze. Then, in the deafening silence that came after, he lifted his sword and came straight toward me.
  2. I reached for my blasting rod, on the ground not far away, lifted it, and threw a quick lash of fire at Talos. The Sidhe lord didn't even bother to gesture it aside. It splashed against him and away, and with a sweep of his sword he sent my blasting rod spinning from my grasp. I lifted my staff as a feeble shield with my left hand, and he struck that away as well.
  3. Some of my hearing returned, enough for me to hear him say, "And so it ends."
  4. "You're damned right," I muttered. "Look down."
  5. He did.
  6. I'd drawn my.357 in my right hand while he'd knocked the staff out of my left. I braced my right elbow against the ground and pulled the trigger.
  7. A second roar of thunder, sharper than the first, blossomed out from the end of the gun. I don't think the bullet penetrated the dark faerie mail, because it didn't tear through Talos like it should have. It hit him like a sledgehammer instead, driving him back and toppling him to the ground. He lay there for a moment, stunned.
  10. Summer Knight Chapter 32, Page 357
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