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- #!/usr/bin/perl
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use feature qw(say);
- use List::Util qw(reduce);
- # Build undirected graph from input:
- my %graph;
- foreach my $conx (map {[m/(\w{2})-(\w{2})/]} <>) {
- push( $graph{$conx->[0]}->@*, $conx->[1] );
- push( $graph{$conx->[1]}->@*, $conx->[0] );
- }
- # Quick and dirty intersection of two lists (ASSUME: sets, so no repeats):
- sub intersect ($$) {
- my ($a, $b) = @_;
- return (grep {my $av = $_; grep {$_ eq $av} @$b} @$a);
- }
- # Find cliques (complete subgraphs) using Bron-Kerbosch
- sub recurse_bk {
- my ($r, $p, $x) = @_; # result, possibles, excludes
- my @ret;
- return ([@$r]) if (!@$p and !@$x); # P and X both empty => clique
- # Try each possible vertex:
- foreach my $v (@$p) {
- my @ruv = (@$r, $v); # Union of R with v
- my @pnNv = intersect( $p, $graph{$v} ); # Intersect of P with Neighbours of v
- my @xnNv = intersect( $x, $graph{$v} ); # Intersect of X with Neighbours of v
- push( @ret, &recurse_bk(\@ruv, \@pnNv, \@xnNv) ); # recurse and collect
- @$p = grep {$_ ne $v} @$p; # symmetric difference: P \ v
- @$x = (@$x, $v); # Union v into eXcludes
- }
- return (@ret);
- }
- my $max_clique = reduce {(@$b > @$a) ? $b : $a} &recurse_bk([], [keys %graph], []);
- say "Part 2: ", join( ',', sort @$max_clique );
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