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- procedure TFKJW.Button4Click(Sender: TObject);
- Var a,b: Real;
- begin
- a:=StrToFloat(Edit1.Text);
- b:=StrToFloat(EKecepatan.Text);
- If (Combobox4.ItemIndex=0) And
- (ComboBox3.ItemIndex=0) then
- Begin
- Label9.Caption:=FloatToStr(a/b) + ' Jam' ;
- End
- Else If (Combobox4.ItemIndex=0) And
- (ComboBox3.ItemIndex=1) then
- Begin
- Label9.Caption:=FloatToStr(a/(b/100)) + ' Jam' ;
- End
- Else If (Combobox4.ItemIndex=1) And
- (ComboBox3.ItemIndex=0) then
- Begin
- Label9.Caption:=FloatToStr((a/100)/b) + ' Jam' ;
- End
- Else If (Combobox4.ItemIndex=1) And
- (ComboBox3.ItemIndex=1) then
- Begin
- Label9.Caption:=FloatToStr((a/100)/(b/100)) + ' Jam' ;
- End;
- end;
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