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- import os
- import fnmatch
- from kivy.lang import Builder
- from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen, FadeTransition
- from import App
- from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
- class Homepage(Screen):
- def submit(self, path, word, typeofexem):
- global post_text_data
- global abc
- global cdf
- global word_u
- word_u = word
- print(path)
- print(word)
- typeofexem = '*.'+typeofexem
- abc = 0
- cdf = 0
- post_text_data = []
- for path, subdirs, files in os.walk(path):
- for name in files:
- abc += 1
- if fnmatch.fnmatch(os.path.join(path, name), typeofexem):
- f = open(os.path.join(path, name), 'r', encoding="utf8")
- if word in
- print(os.path.join(path, name))
- post_text_data.append(os.path.join(path, name))
- cdf += 1
- print(abc)
- print("select files are :" + str(cdf))
- print(str(post_text_data))
- class ResultNow(Screen):
- def data_get(self):
- abc_world = self.ids['yash_sanathara']
- ac = ''
- if post_text_data == []:
- ac = 'word Not Find '
- else:
- for a in post_text_data:
- ac = ac + '\n' + a
- abc_world.text = str(abc) +' Out of '+ str(cdf)+ ' have "'+ word_u +'"\n' +ac
- print(post_text_data)
- class FindMan(ScreenManager):
- transition = FadeTransition()
- w = Builder.load_string('''
- <FindMan>:
- Homepage
- ResultNow
- <Homepage>:
- name:'Homepage'
- id:Homepage
- BoxLayout:
- orientation: 'vertical'
- Label:
- id:header
- font_size:50
- color:[1,1,0,1]
- text:'Enter Folder Path'
- TextInput:
- id:folder_path
- font_size:30
- height:200
- hint_text: 'Enter Folder Path'
- width:self.height
- TextInput:
- id:word_path
- font_size:30
- height:50
- hint_text: 'Enter Word Which You Love'
- TextInput:
- id:type_path
- font_size:30
- height:50
- hint_text: 'which type Files selecting php , html, txt or more '
- Button:
- id:submit
- font_size:40
- color:[1,9,1,1]
- text:'Submit'
- on_press:
- root.submit(folder_path.text,word_path.text,type_path.text)
- app.root.current='ResultNow'
- <ResultNow>:
- name:'ResultNow'
- BoxLayout:
- orientation: 'vertical'
- BoxLayout:
- height:50
- Button:
- font_size:40
- text:'Back'
- on_press:
- app.root.current='Homepage'
- Button:
- font_size:40
- text:'Get-Files'
- on_press:
- root.data_get()
- TextInput:
- id:yash_sanathara
- font_size:20
- ''')
- class WeatherApp(App):
- def build(self):
- return FindMan()
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- WeatherApp().run()
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