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- --[[
- WARNING: Heads up! This script has not been verified by ScriptBlox. Use at your own risk!
- ]]
- repeat task.wait() until game:IsLoaded()
- repeat task.wait() until shared.GuiLibrary
- local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local GuiLibrary = shared.GuiLibrary
- local ScriptSettings = {}
- local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local COB = function(tab, argstable)
- return GuiLibrary["ObjectsThatCanBeSaved"][tab.."Window"]["Api"].CreateOptionsButton(argstable)
- end
- function securefunc(func)
- task.spawn(function()
- spawn(function()
- pcall(function()
- loadstring(
- func()
- )()
- end)
- end)
- end)
- end
- function warnnotify(title, content, duration)
- local frame = GuiLibrary["CreateNotification"](title or "Windows", content or "(No Content Given)", duration or 5, "assets/WarningNotification.png")
- frame.Frame.Frame.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 64, 64)
- end
- function infonotify(title, content, duration)
- local frame = GuiLibrary["CreateNotification"](title or "Windows", content or "(No Content Given)", duration or 5, "assets/InfoNotification.png")
- frame.Frame.Frame.ImageColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 64, 64)
- end
- function getstate()
- local ClientStoreHandler = require(
- return ClientStoreHandler:getState().Game.matchState
- end
- function iscustommatch()
- local ClientStoreHandler = require(
- return ClientStoreHandler:getState().Game.customMatch
- end
- function checklagback()
- local hrp = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
- return isnetworkowner(hrp)
- end
- GuiLibrary["MainGui"].ScaledGui.ClickGui.Version.Text = "Creeperware private | v2"
- GuiLibrary["MainGui"].ScaledGui.ClickGui.MainWindow.TextLabel.Text = "Creeperware private v2"
- GuiLibrary["MainGui"].ScaledGui.ClickGui.Version.Version.Text = "Creeperware Private V2"
- GuiLibrary["MainGui"].ScaledGui.ClickGui.Version.Position =, -175 - 20, 1, -25)
- infonotify("Creeperware private V2", "Loaded successfully!", 5)
- local AutoWin = COB("World", {
- ["Name"] = "Creeperware private AutoWin ",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- game.Workspace.Gravity = 0
- for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Team == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Team and v ~= game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer then
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- local Players = game:GetService("Players")
- getgenv().Autowin = true
- while getgenv().Autowin do
- for _,v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
- if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") and v.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 and v ~= Players.LocalPlayer then
- repeat
- Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- task.wait(0.2)
- until v.Character.Humanoid.Health <= 0
- end
- end
- task.wait()
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- getgenv().Autowin = false
- game.Workspace.Gravity = 196.2
- print("disabled autowin")
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "works only with disabler"
- })
- local CustomFly = COB("Blatant", {
- ["Name"] = "CustomClimbFly",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.CustomFly = true
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.CustomFly == true then return end
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 0
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- task.wait(0.04)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing)
- task.wait(0.01)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed)
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.CustomFly = false
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 196.2
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Uses bypasses to fly lagbacks"
- })
- local lobbyball = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "lobby ball",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.lobbyball = true
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.lobbyball == true then return end
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 0
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead)
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.lobbyball = false
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 196.2
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Alive)
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "epic lobby bypass👌"
- })
- local cflyswim = COB("Blatant", {
- ["Name"] = "CustomFlySwim",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.cflyswim = true
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.cflyswim == true then return end
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 0
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- task.wait(0.04)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed)
- task.wait(0.01)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming)
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.cflyswim = false
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 196.2
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "best custom fly"
- })
- local opCustomFly = COB("Blatant", {
- ["Name"] = "opfly",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.CustomFly = true
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.CustomFly == true then return end
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 0
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- task.wait(0.04)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Climbing)
- task.wait(0.01)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Landed)
- task.wait(0.01)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming)
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.CustomFly = false
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 196.2
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "fly but op"
- })
- local float = COB("Blatant", {
- ["Name"] = "Float",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- wait(0.15)
- ScriptSettings.float = true
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.CustomFly == true then return end
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.float = false
- game:GetService("Workspace").Gravity = 196.2
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "float/fly"
- })
- local KitExploit = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "KitExploit",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.KitExploit = true
- local kits = {
- ["Axolotl"] = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["axolotl-kit"]).AxolotlKit,
- ["Beast"] = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["beast"]["beast-util"]).BeastKit,
- ["Dasher"] = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["dasher-kit"]).DasherKit,
- ["Fisherman"] = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["fisherman"]["fisherman-util"]).FishermanUtil,
- ["IceQueen"] = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["ice-queen"]["ice-queen-kit"]).IceQueenKit,
- ["Santa"] = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["santa-util"]).SantaUtil,
- }
- kits["Axolotl"]["SWIM_TO_CHARACTER_TIME"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["Axolotl"]["ACTIVE_COOLDOWN"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["Beast"]["WALK_SPEED_MULTIPLIER"] = 5
- kits["Beast"]["KNOCKBACK_MULTIPLIER"] = 5
- kits["Dasher"]["DASH_COOLDOWN"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["Dasher"]["CHARGE_TIME"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["Dasher"]["CHARGE_TIME_BEFORE_CHARGING_STATE"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["Dasher"]["TOTAL_CHARGE_TIME"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["Fisherman"]["minigameDuration"] = 60
- kits["Fisherman"]["markerSize"] = UDim2.fromScale(0.05, 1)
- kits["Fisherman"]["totalDecaySpeedSec"] = 2
- kits["Fisherman"]["startingMarkerIncrementSpeed"] = 0.2
- kits["Fisherman"]["holdMinimumMarkerIncrementSpeed"] = 0.1
- kits["Fisherman"]["markerIncrementAmount"] = 0.025
- kits["Fisherman"]["fishZoneSize"] = UDim2.fromScale(0,5, 1)
- kits["Fisherman"]["fishZoneSpeedMultiplier"] = 5
- kits["Fisherman"]["fishZoneMoveCooldown"] = 10
- kits["Fisherman"]["fillAmount"] = 0.1
- kits["Fisherman"]["drainAmount"] = 0.0001
- kits["IceQueen"]["DAMAGE_REQUIREMENT"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["IceQueen"]["PASSIVE_STACK_COOLDOWN"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["IceQueen"]["PROC_COOLDOWN"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["IceQueen"]["BAR_COUNT"] = 4
- kits["IceQueen"]["BASE_PASSIVE_DAMAGE"] = 0.1
- kits["IceQueen"]["BASE_SPEED_MULTIPLIER"] = 99
- kits["IceQueen"]["BASE_SLOW_LENGHT"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["IceQueen"]["ICE_SWORD_PASSIVE_DAMAGE"] = 0.1
- kits["IceQueen"]["ICE_SWORD_SLOW_LENGTH"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["IceQueen"]["ICE_SWORD_STUN_DURATION"] = 99
- kits["IceQueen"]["PASSIVE_EXPIRATION_TIME"] = 99
- kits["Santa"]["BOMB_DROP_DELAY"] = 0.0000000000001
- kits["Santa"]["TOTAL_BOMBS"] = 99
- kits["Santa"]["DROP_HEIGHT"] = 150
- kits["Santa"]["DROP_DELAY"] = 0.0000000000001
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.KitExploit = false
- infonotify("ItemExploit", "Unable to revert changes", "5")
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Exploits Axolotl, Beast, Dasher, Fisherman, IceQueen and Santa kit settings"
- })
- local ItemExploit = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "ItemExploit",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.ItemExploit = true
- local SW = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["stopwatch-constants"]).StopwatchConstants
- local TB = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["twirlblade-util"]).TwirlbladeUtil
- local CS = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["charge-shield"]["charge-shield-util"]).ChargeShieldUtil
- local GH = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TS["grappling-hook"]["grappling-hook-util"])
- local HM = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").TS.vehicle.helicopter["helicopter-missile"])
- SW["DURATION"] = 60
- TB["SPIN_DAMAGE"] = 100
- CS["CHARGE_SHIELD_COOLDOWN_SEC"] = 0.0000000000001
- CS["MAX_HIT_ANGLE"] = 360
- CS["MAX_HIT_HEIGHT"] = 100
- CS["HIT_DAMAGE"] = 100
- GH["SPEED"] = 5000
- GH["FIRE_COOLDOWN"] = 0.0000000000001
- GH["HIT_PLAYER_COOLDOWN"] = 0.0000000000001
- GH["HIT_BLOCK_COOLDOWN"] = 0.0000000000001
- HM["MISSLE_FIRE_RATE"] = 0.0000000000001
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.ItemExploit = false
- infonotify("ItemExploit", "Unable to revert changes", "5")
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Exploits like 5 item settings settings"
- })
- local InfJump = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "InfJump",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.InfJump = true
- game:GetService("UserInputService").JumpRequest:connect(function()
- if not ScriptSettings.InfJump == true then return end
- if not ScriptSettings.InfJump_Alr then
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"):ChangeState("Jumping")
- ScriptSettings.InfJump_Alr = true
- task.wait(0.125)
- ScriptSettings.InfJump_Alr = false
- else
- task.wait()
- end
- end)
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.InfJump = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Makes you can jump infinetly"
- })
- local MageAnimation = COB("Render", {
- ["Name"] = "MageAnimation",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.MageAnimation = true
- local Animate = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate
- Animate.idle.Animation1.AnimationId = ""
- Animate.idle.Animation2.AnimationId = ""
- Animate.walk.WalkAnim.AnimationId = ""
- = ""
- Animate.jump.JumpAnim.AnimationId = ""
- Animate.climb.ClimbAnim.AnimationId = ""
- Animate.fall.FallAnim.AnimationId = ""
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.MageAnimation = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Makes you get mage animation (FE) for pvp"
- })
- local AnimDisabler = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "AnimDisabler",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.AnimDisabler = true
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate.Disabled = true
- while task.wait(1.5) do
- if not ScriptSettings.AnimDisabler == true then return end
- repeat task.wait() until game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate.Disabled = true
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.AnimDisabler = false
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Animate.Disabled = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Disables your animation"
- })
- local CollectAllDrops = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "CollectAllDrops broken",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.CollectAllDrops = true
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.CollectAllDrops == true then return end
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").ItemDrops:GetChildren()) do
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +,2,0)
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.CollectAllDrops = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Collect drops broken"
- })
- local Shaders = COB("Render", {
- ["Name"] = "Shaders",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- print("shaders enabled")
- game:GetService("Lighting"):ClearAllChildren()
- local Bloom ="BloomEffect")
- Bloom.Intensity = 0.1
- Bloom.Threshold = 0
- Bloom.Size = 100
- local Tropic ="Sky")
- Tropic.Name = "Tropic"
- Tropic.SkyboxUp = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxLf = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxBk = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxFt = ""
- Tropic.StarCount = 100
- Tropic.SkyboxDn = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxRt = ""
- Tropic.Parent = Bloom
- local Sky ="Sky")
- Sky.SkyboxUp = ""
- Sky.SkyboxLf = ""
- Sky.SkyboxBk = ""
- Sky.SkyboxFt = ""
- Sky.CelestialBodiesShown = false
- Sky.SkyboxDn = ""
- Sky.SkyboxRt = ""
- Sky.Parent = Bloom
- Bloom.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Bloom ="BloomEffect")
- Bloom.Enabled = false
- Bloom.Intensity = 0.35
- Bloom.Threshold = 0.2
- Bloom.Size = 56
- local Tropic ="Sky")
- Tropic.Name = "Tropic"
- Tropic.SkyboxUp = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxLf = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxBk = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxFt = ""
- Tropic.StarCount = 100
- Tropic.SkyboxDn = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxRt = ""
- Tropic.Parent = Bloom
- local Sky ="Sky")
- Sky.SkyboxUp = ""
- Sky.SkyboxLf = ""
- Sky.SkyboxBk = ""
- Sky.SkyboxFt = ""
- Sky.CelestialBodiesShown = false
- Sky.SkyboxDn = ""
- Sky.SkyboxRt = ""
- Sky.Parent = Bloom
- Bloom.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Blur ="BlurEffect")
- Blur.Size = 2
- Blur.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Efecto ="BlurEffect")
- Efecto.Name = "Efecto"
- Efecto.Enabled = false
- Efecto.Size = 2
- Efecto.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Inaritaisha ="ColorCorrectionEffect")
- Inaritaisha.Name = "Inari taisha"
- Inaritaisha.Saturation = 0.05
- Inaritaisha.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 224, 219)
- Inaritaisha.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Normal ="ColorCorrectionEffect")
- Normal.Name = "Normal"
- Normal.Enabled = false
- Normal.Saturation = -0.2
- Normal.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 232, 215)
- Normal.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local SunRays ="SunRaysEffect")
- SunRays.Intensity = 0.05
- SunRays.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Sunset ="Sky")
- Sunset.Name = "Sunset"
- Sunset.SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://323493360"
- Sunset.SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://323494252"
- Sunset.SkyboxBk = "rbxassetid://323494035"
- Sunset.SkyboxFt = "rbxassetid://323494130"
- Sunset.SkyboxDn = "rbxassetid://323494368"
- Sunset.SunAngularSize = 14
- Sunset.SkyboxRt = "rbxassetid://323494067"
- Sunset.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Takayama ="ColorCorrectionEffect")
- Takayama.Name = "Takayama"
- Takayama.Enabled = false
- Takayama.Saturation = -0.3
- Takayama.Contrast = 0.1
- Takayama.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(235, 214, 204)
- Takayama.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local L = game:GetService("Lighting")
- L.Brightness = 2.14
- L.ColorShift_Bottom = Color3.fromRGB(11, 0, 20)
- L.ColorShift_Top = Color3.fromRGB(240, 127, 14)
- L.OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(34, 0, 49)
- L.ClockTime = 6.7
- L.FogColor = Color3.fromRGB(94, 76, 106)
- L.FogEnd = 1000
- L.FogStart = 0
- L.ExposureCompensation = 0.24
- L.ShadowSoftness = 0
- L.Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(59, 33, 27)
- local Bloom ="BloomEffect")
- Bloom.Intensity = 0.1
- Bloom.Threshold = 0
- Bloom.Size = 100
- local Tropic ="Sky")
- Tropic.Name = "Tropic"
- Tropic.SkyboxUp = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxLf = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxBk = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxFt = ""
- Tropic.StarCount = 100
- Tropic.SkyboxDn = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxRt = ""
- Tropic.Parent = Bloom
- local Sky ="Sky")
- Sky.SkyboxUp = ""
- Sky.SkyboxLf = ""
- Sky.SkyboxBk = ""
- Sky.SkyboxFt = ""
- Sky.CelestialBodiesShown = false
- Sky.SkyboxDn = ""
- Sky.SkyboxRt = ""
- Sky.Parent = Bloom
- Bloom.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Bloom ="BloomEffect")
- Bloom.Enabled = false
- Bloom.Intensity = 0.35
- Bloom.Threshold = 0.2
- Bloom.Size = 56
- local Tropic ="Sky")
- Tropic.Name = "Tropic"
- Tropic.SkyboxUp = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxLf = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxBk = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxFt = ""
- Tropic.StarCount = 100
- Tropic.SkyboxDn = ""
- Tropic.SkyboxRt = ""
- Tropic.Parent = Bloom
- local Sky ="Sky")
- Sky.SkyboxUp = ""
- Sky.SkyboxLf = ""
- Sky.SkyboxBk = ""
- Sky.SkyboxFt = ""
- Sky.CelestialBodiesShown = false
- Sky.SkyboxDn = ""
- Sky.SkyboxRt = ""
- Sky.Parent = Bloom
- Bloom.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Blur ="BlurEffect")
- Blur.Size = 2
- Blur.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Efecto ="BlurEffect")
- Efecto.Name = "Efecto"
- Efecto.Enabled = false
- Efecto.Size = 4
- Efecto.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Inaritaisha ="ColorCorrectionEffect")
- Inaritaisha.Name = "Inari taisha"
- Inaritaisha.Saturation = 0.05
- Inaritaisha.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 224, 219)
- Inaritaisha.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Normal ="ColorCorrectionEffect")
- Normal.Name = "Normal"
- Normal.Enabled = false
- Normal.Saturation = -0.2
- Normal.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 232, 215)
- Normal.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local SunRays ="SunRaysEffect")
- SunRays.Intensity = 0.05
- SunRays.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Sunset ="Sky")
- Sunset.Name = "Sunset"
- Sunset.SkyboxUp = "rbxassetid://323493360"
- Sunset.SkyboxLf = "rbxassetid://323494252"
- Sunset.SkyboxBk = "rbxassetid://323494035"
- Sunset.SkyboxFt = "rbxassetid://323494130"
- Sunset.SkyboxDn = "rbxassetid://323494368"
- Sunset.SunAngularSize = 14
- Sunset.SkyboxRt = "rbxassetid://323494067"
- Sunset.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local Takayama ="ColorCorrectionEffect")
- Takayama.Name = "Takayama"
- Takayama.Enabled = false
- Takayama.Saturation = -0.3
- Takayama.Contrast = 0.1
- Takayama.TintColor = Color3.fromRGB(235, 214, 204)
- Takayama.Parent = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local L = game:GetService("Lighting")
- L.Brightness = 2.3
- L.ColorShift_Bottom = Color3.fromRGB(11, 0, 20)
- L.ColorShift_Top = Color3.fromRGB(240, 127, 14)
- L.OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(34, 0, 49)
- L.TimeOfDay = "07:30:00"
- L.FogColor = Color3.fromRGB(94, 76, 106)
- L.FogEnd = 300
- L.FogStart = 0
- L.ExposureCompensation = 0.24
- L.ShadowSoftness = 0
- L.Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(59, 33, 27)
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- print("shaders disabled")
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Cool shader"
- })
- local HostCrasher = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "HostCrasher",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.HostCrasher = true
- for i,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
- local args = {
- [1] = "",
- [2] = {
- [1] = {
- ["userId"] = plr.UserId,
- ["name"] = plr.Name,
- ["displayName"] = plr.DisplayName
- }
- }
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")"CustomMatches:CohostPlayer"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.HostCrasher == true then return end
- for i,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
- local args = {
- [1] = "",
- [2] = {
- [1] = {
- ["userId"] = plr.UserId,
- ["name"] = plr.Name,
- ["displayName"] = plr.DisplayName
- },
- [2] = math.random(1,999999999)
- }
- }
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")"CustomMatches:SetPlayerMaxHealth"):FireServer(unpack(args))
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.HostCrasher = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Requires you to be host to let it work"
- })
- local Crosshair = COB("Render", {
- ["Name"] = "Crosshair",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.Crosshair = true
- local mouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://9943168532"
- mouse:GetPropertyChangedSignal("Icon"):Connect(function()
- if not ScriptSettings.Crosshair == true then return end
- mouse.Icon = "rbxassetid://9943168532"
- end)
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.Crosshair = false
- local mouse = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- mouse.Icon = ""
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Custom crosshair"
- })
- local Reinject = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "Reinject",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.Reinject = true
- infonotify("Reinject", "Please disable reinject to use.", 5)
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.Reinject = false
- GuiLibrary["SelfDestruct"]()
- if shared.DogV4Private_AutoExec then shared.Restart_Vape() else infonotify("Reinject", "You do not have Dog V4 Reinject supported.", "5") end
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Reinjects vape"
- })
- local Night = COB("Render", {
- ["Name"] = "Night",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.Night = true
- game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay = "00:00:00"
- while task.wait(5) do
- if not ScriptSettings.Night == true then return end
- game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay = "00:00:00"
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.Night = false
- game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay = "13:00:00"
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Cool night render"
- })
- local ChatCrasher = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "ChatCrasher",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.ChatCrasher = true
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.ChatCrasher == true then return end
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").DefaultChatSystemChatEvents.SayMessageRequest:FireServer("", "All")
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.ChatCrasher = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "cool"
- })
- local AntiAFK = COB("Render", {
- ["Name"] = "AntiAFK",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.AntiAFK = true
- local cons = getconnections or get_signal_cons
- if cons then
- for i,v in pairs(cons(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Idled)) do
- if ScriptSettings.AntiAFK == true then
- v:Disable()
- v:Disconnect()
- end
- end
- end
- assert(firesignal, "Asserted FireSignal")
- local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
- local runs = game:GetService("RUnService")
- uis.WindowFocusReleased:Connect(function()
- if ScriptSettings.AntiAFK == true then
- runs.Stepped:Wait()
- pcall(firesignal, uis.WindowFocused)
- end
- end)
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.AntiAFK = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "No more AFK kicks, wow, another untoggable module i made toggable"
- })
- local CustomAntivoid = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "CustomAntivoid",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.CustomAntivoid = true
- --repeat task.wait(0.3) until getstate() == 1
- local part ="Part")
- part.Name = "AVOID_PART"
- part.Anchored = true
- part.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255,65,65)
- part.Size =,3,5000)
- part.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
- part.CFrame = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame -,20,0)
- ScriptSettings.CustomAntivoid_Part = part
- part.Touched:Connect(function(v)
- if v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") and v.Parent.Parent.Name == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name and not v.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Health == 0 then
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- task.wait(0.12)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- task.wait(0.12)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- task.wait(0.12)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping)
- --[[
- local tptimes = 0
- repeat
- task.wait()
- tptimes = tptimes + 1
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame / 2
- until tptimes = 10
- ]]--
- end
- end)
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.CustomAntivoid = false
- ScriptSettings.CustomAntivoid_Part:Destroy()
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "custom anti void (broken on beach map)"
- })
- local RagdollDisabler = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "RagdollDisabler",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.RagdollDisabler = true
- while task.wait(0.1) do
- if not ScriptSettings.RagdollDisabler == true then return end
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Ragdoll)
- task.wait(0.085)
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState(Enum.HumanoidStateType.Running)
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.RagdollDisabler = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Makes you ragdoll to bypass anticheat"
- })
- local LandmindeAura = COB("Blatant", {
- ["Name"] = "LandmindeAura",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.LandmindeAura = true
- while task.wait(0.15) do
- if not ScriptSettings.LandmindeAura == true then return end
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
- if not v.Name == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name then
- local mag = (v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Position).magnitude
- if mag > 11 then
- if not v.Team.BrickColor == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Team.BrickColor then
- if not v.Team.Name == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Team.Name then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["landmineremote"]:FireServer({
- ["invisibleLandmine"] = v.Character:FindFirstChild("Head")
- })
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.LandmindeAura = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "(Actually) a dumb aura i made"
- })
- local BiMode_Blur
- local BiMode = COB("Render", {
- ["Name"] = "BiMode",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.BiMode = true
- game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(130, 12, 110)
- game:GetService("Lighting").OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(130, 12, 110)
- game:GetService("Lighting").ColorShift_Bottom = Color3.fromRGB(130, 12, 110)
- game:GetService("Lighting").ColorShift_Top = Color3.fromRGB(130, 12, 110)
- game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay = "03:00:00"
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogColor = Color3.fromRGB(130, 12, 110)
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogStart = 500
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd = 100000
- game:GetService("Lighting").ExposureCompensation = 1
- BiMode_Blur ="Blur")
- local blurx = BiMode_Blur
- blurx.Size = 4
- blurx.Name = game:GetService("HttpService"):GenerateGUID(true)
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.BiMode = false
- game:GetService("Lighting").Ambient = Color3.fromRGB(165, 165, 165)
- game:GetService("Lighting").OutdoorAmbient = Color3.fromRGB(104, 104, 104)
- game:GetService("Lighting").ColorShift_Bottom = Color3.fromRGB(146, 190, 255)
- game:GetService("Lighting").ColorShift_Top = Color3.fromRGB(228, 249, 255)
- game:GetService("Lighting").TimeOfDay = "13:00:00"
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255)
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogStart = 0
- game:GetService("Lighting").FogEnd = 100000
- game:GetService("Lighting").ExposureCompensation = 0
- if BiMode_Blur then BiMode_Blur:Destroy() end
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "ok"
- })
- local SlowAutoWin = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "SlowAutoWin broken?",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.SlowAutoWin = true
- local char = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character
- char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame +,99,0)
- char:FindFirstChild("Head").Anchored = true
- char:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso").Anchored = true
- char:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso").Anchored = true
- char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart"):Destroy()
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.SlowAutoWin = false
- infonotify("SlowAutoWin", "Unable to revert changes", "5")
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "advanced hrp destroyer broken?"
- })
- local InviteCrash = COB("Utility", {
- ["Name"] = "InviteCrash",
- ["Function"] = function(callback)
- if callback then
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.InviteCrash = true
- while task.wait() do
- if not ScriptSettings.InviteCrash == true then return end
- for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do
- if not v.Name == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Name then
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")["events-@easy-games/lobby:shared/event/lobby-events@getEvents.Events"].inviteToParty:FireServer({["player"] = game:GetService("Players")[v.Name],})
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- else
- pcall(function()
- ScriptSettings.InviteCrash = false
- end)
- end
- end,
- ["Default"] = false,
- ["HoverText"] = "Spam invites other players"
- })
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