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- <?php
- namespace Implements\Expense;
- use App\Models\Expense\Budget;
- use App\Models\Expense\Order;
- use App\Models\User;
- use Yajra\Datatables\Datatables;
- use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate;
- use League\Csv\Reader;
- use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
- use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
- use App\Models\Expense\MonthlyBudget;
- use Illuminate\Contracts\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
- class BudgetRepository
- {
- public function datatable($year, $ccBy)
- {
- if($ccBy == 'all') {
- $budgets = Budget::with(['cc:id,cc', 'category', 'picExp', 'orders'])->where('year', $year)->get();
- /** Additional data - Untuk card di view budget */
- $tot_budget = Budget::where('year', $year)->selectRaw('SUM(amount) as tot_amount')->get();
- $tot_plan = Order::whereYear('updated_at', $year)->where('status', 'in-progress')->selectRaw('SUM(tot_price) as tot_plan')->get();
- $tot_actual = Order::whereYear('updated_at', $year)->where('status', 'finish')->selectRaw('SUM(tot_price) as tot_actual')->get();
- } else {
- $budgets = Budget::with(['cc:id,cc', 'category', 'picExp', 'orders'])->where('year', $year)->where('cc_id', $ccBy)->get();
- /** Additional data - Untuk card di view budget */
- $tot_budget = Budget::where('year', $year)->where('cc_id', $ccBy)->selectRaw('SUM(amount) as tot_amount')->get();
- $tot_plan = Order::whereYear('updated_at', $year)->where('status', 'in-progress')->where('cc_id', $ccBy)->selectRaw('SUM(tot_price) as tot_plan')->get();
- $tot_actual = Order::whereYear('updated_at', $year)->where('status', 'finish')->where('cc_id', $ccBy)->selectRaw('SUM(tot_price) as tot_actual')->get();
- }
- $tot_forecast = $tot_plan[0]->tot_plan + $tot_actual[0]->tot_actual;
- $balance = $tot_budget[0]->tot_amount - $tot_forecast;
- $tot_budget = number_format($tot_budget[0]->tot_amount, 0, '.', ',');
- $tot_forecast = number_format($tot_forecast, 0, '.', ',');
- $balance = number_format($balance, 0, '.', ',');
- // $orders = Order::groupBy('budget_id')->selectRaw('budget_id, SUM(tot_price) as tot_plan')->get();
- return Datatables::of($budgets)
- ->addIndexColumn()
- ->editColumn('cc_id', function($budgets) {
- return $budgets->cc->cc;
- })
- ->editColumn('category_id', function($budgets) {
- return $budgets->category->cat_name;
- })
- ->editColumn('pic', function($budgets) {
- return $budgets->picExp->name;
- })
- ->editColumn('amount', function($budgets) {
- return number_format($budgets->amount, '0', '.', ',');
- })
- ->addColumn('tot_forecast', function($budgets) {
- return number_format($budgets->tot_forecast, '0', '.', ',');
- })
- ->addColumn('tot_actual', function($budgets) {
- return number_format($budgets->tot_actual, '0', '.', ',');
- })
- ->addColumn('balance', function($budgets) {
- $balance = $budgets->amount - ($budgets->tot_forecast + $budgets->tot_actual);
- return number_format($balance, '0', '.', ',');
- })
- ->addColumn('action', function($budgets) {
- // $edit = Gate::allows('edit-budget', $budgets) ? '<i class="fa-regular fa-edit" onclick="editBudget(' . $budgets->id . ')"></i>' : '';
- $delete = Gate::allows('app-dev') ? '<i class="fa-regular fa-trash-can" onclick="deleteBudget(' . $budgets->id . ')"></i>' : '';
- $action = '<span style="cursor: pointer;">' . $delete . '</span>';
- return $action;
- })
- ->setRowClass(function($budgets) {
- $balance = $budgets->amount - ($budgets->tot_forecast + $budgets->tot_actual);
- return $balance >= 0 ? '' : 'text-danger';
- })
- ->setRowData([
- 'dt_tot_budget' => function() use($tot_budget) {
- return $tot_budget;
- },
- 'dt_tot_forecast' => function() use($tot_forecast) {
- return $tot_forecast;
- },
- 'dt_balance' => function() use($balance) {
- return $balance;
- },
- ])
- ->escapeColumns([])
- ->make(true);
- }
- public function upload($path, $delimiter, $is_new, $cc, $year)
- {
- $reader = Reader::createFromPath($path, 'r');
- $reader->setDelimiter($delimiter);
- $headers = $reader->fetchOne();
- $reader->setHeaderOffset(0);
- $data = $reader->getRecords();
- /* ------------------ Baru dan revise budget dalam 1 action ----------------- */
- /**
- * * Logic:
- * ? Get request apakah revise atau new
- * ? Revise >> Create
- * ? New >> Update
- * TODO: Check data lama. Jika ada bukan baru
- * TODO: STructure untuk update harus sama dengan yang ada dalam DB
- * TODO: Budget >> Key menggunakan exp_no (dengan id budget dan year berdasarkan dari request)
- */
- /* ---------------------------------- -end- --------------------------------- */
- $csv_data = collect($data)[1] ?? null;
- if (! $csv_data) {
- /** Tidak ada data dari csv file */
- return false;
- }
- if ($is_new) {
- /** Data baru */
- $current_budget = Budget::where('cc_id', $cc)->where('year', $year)->get();
- if (count($current_budget) > 0) {
- return false;
- }
- // return dd($current_budget);
- try {
- DB::beginTransaction();
- foreach ($data as $b) {
- $budget = Budget::create([
- 'cc_id' => $cc,
- 'exp_no' => $b['exp_no'],
- 'year' => $year,
- 'theme' => $b['theme'],
- 'category_id' => $b['category_id'],
- 'pic' => $b['pic'],
- 'amount' => $b['amount'],
- ]);
- $budget_id = $budget->id;
- for ($i=1; $i < 13; $i++) {
- if ($b[$i]) {
- MonthlyBudget::create([
- 'budget_id' => $budget_id,
- 'month' => $i,
- 'amount' => $b[$i],
- ]);
- }
- }
- }
- DB::commit();
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- DB::rollBack();
- Log::error($e->getMessage());
- return false;
- }
- }
- if (! $is_new){
- /** Budget revise */
- // return dd(collect($data)[1]);
- // try {
- foreach ($data as $csv) {
- $budget = Budget::where('cc_id', $cc)->where('year', $year)->where('exp_no', $csv['exp_no'])->get();
- if (! $budget) {
- return false;
- }
- $budget = Budget::where('cc_id', $cc)->where('year', $year)->where('exp_no', $csv['exp_no'])->update([
- 'theme' => $csv['theme'],
- 'category_id' => $csv['category_id'],
- 'pic' => $csv['pic'],
- 'amount' => $csv['amount'],
- ]);
- $monthly_budget = MonthlyBudget::where('budget_id', $budget)->delete();
- for ($i=1; $i < 13; $i++) {
- if ($csv[$i]) {
- MonthlyBudget::create([
- 'budget_id' => $budget,
- 'month' => $i,
- 'amount' => $csv[$i],
- ]);
- }
- }
- }
- // } catch (\Exception $e) {
- // Log::error($e->getMessage());
- // return false;
- // }
- }
- return true;
- }
- public function getData($id)
- {
- $budget = Budget::with([
- 'cc:id,cc', 'picExp:id,nik,name', 'monthly:id,budget_id,month,amount'
- ])->find($id);
- return $budget;
- }
- public function update(array $data)
- {
- $budget = Budget::find($data['budget_id']);
- DB::beginTransaction();
- try {
- $budget->update(['amount' => $data['amount']]);
- for ($i=0; $i < 13; $i++) {
- if ($data['monthly'][$i]['amount'] > 0) {
- $monthly_budget = MonthlyBudget::where('budget_id', $data['budget_id'])->where('month', $i + 1)->update([
- 'amount' => $data['monthly'][$i]['amount'],
- ]);
- } else {
- $monthly_budget = MonthlyBudget::where('budget_id', $data['budget_id'])->where('month', $i + 1)->delete();
- }
- }
- DB::commit();
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- DB::rollBack();
- Log::error($e->getMessage());
- return ['error' => $e->getMessage()];
- }
- return $budget;
- }
- }
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