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- ;-------------------------------------------------------------------
- section .data
- nline db 10,10
- nline_len equ $-nline
- colon db ":"
- rmsg db 10,'Processor is in Real Mode...'
- rmsg_len equ $-rmsg
- pmsg db 10,'Processor is in Protected Mode...'
- pmsg_len equ $-pmsg
- gmsg db 10,"GDTR (Global Descriptor Table Register) : "
- gmsg_len equ $-gmsg
- imsg db 10,"IDTR (Interrupt Descriptor Table Register) : "
- imsg_len equ $-imsg
- lmsg db 10,"LDTR (Local Descriptor Table Register) : "
- lmsg_len equ $-lmsg
- tmsg db 10,"TR (Task Register) : "
- tmsg_len equ $-tmsg
- mmsg db 10,"MSW (Machine Status Word) : "
- mmsg_len equ $-mmsg
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section .bss
- GDTR resw 3 ; 48 bits, so 3 words
- IDTR resw 3
- LDTR resw 1 ; 16 bits, so 1 word
- TR resw 1
- MSW resw 1
- char_ans resb 4 ; 16-bits, so 4 digits
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- %macro Print 2
- mov rax, 1
- mov rdi, 1
- mov rsi, %1
- mov rdx, %2
- syscall
- %endmacro
- %macro Read 2
- mov rax, 0
- mov rdi, 0
- mov rsi, %1
- mov rdx, %2
- syscall
- %endmacro
- %macro Exit 0
- mov rax, 60
- mov rdi, 0
- syscall
- %endmacro
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
- section .text
- global _start
- _start:
- mov rax,[MSW]
- ror rax,1 ; Check PE bit, if 1=Protected Mode, else Real Mode
- jc p_mode
- Print rmsg,rmsg_len
- jmp next
- p_mode:
- Print pmsg,pmsg_len
- next:
- STR [TR]
- Print gmsg, gmsg_len ;GDTR (Global Descriptor Table Register)
- mov ax,[GDTR+4] ; load value of GDTR[4,5] in ax
- call disp16_proc ; display GDTR contents
- mov ax,[GDTR+2] ; load value of GDTR[2,3] in ax
- call disp16_proc ; display GDTR contents
- Print colon,1
- mov ax,[GDTR+0] ; load value of GDTR[0,1] in ax
- call disp16_proc ; display GDTR contents
- Print imsg, imsg_len ;IDTR (Interrupt Descriptor Table Register)
- mov ax,[IDTR+4]
- call disp16_proc
- mov ax,[IDTR+2]
- call disp16_proc
- Print colon,1
- mov ax,[IDTR+0]
- call disp16_proc
- Print lmsg, lmsg_len ;LDTR (Local Descriptor Table Register)
- mov ax,[LDTR]
- call disp16_proc
- Print tmsg, tmsg_len ;TR (Task Register)
- mov ax,[TR]
- call disp16_proc
- Print mmsg, mmsg_len ;MSW (Machine Status Word)
- mov ax,[MSW]
- call disp16_proc
- Print nline, nline_len
- Exit
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- disp16_proc:
- mov rbx,16 ; divisor=16 for hex
- mov rcx,4 ; number of digits
- mov rsi,char_ans+3 ; load last byte address of char_ans buffer in rsi
- cnt: mov rdx,0 ; make rdx=0 (as in div instruction rdx:rax/rbx)
- div rbx
- cmp dl, 09h ; check for remainder in rdx
- jbe add30
- add dl, 07h
- add30:
- add dl,30h ; calculate ASCII code
- mov [rsi],dl ; store it in buffer
- dec rsi ; point to one byte back
- dec rcx ; decrement count
- jnz cnt ; if not zero repeat
- Print char_ans,4 ; display result on screen
- ret
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------
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