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- /*######################-> [[GOLD BANKER ]] <-#########################
- **************************! DEV: ak47sigh !****************************
- #######################################################################*/
- #include "ScriptPCH.h"
- #include <cstring>
- #include "Chat.h"
- // -- [[ Configs:
- uint32 maxPlayerDeposits = 3;\
- uint32 minDepositNameLenght = 5;
- uint32 createDepositCost = 100000; // default 10 gold per deposit
- uint32 createDepositPlus = 50000; // increase the cost by X gold for each new repository
- uint32 maxDepositAmount = 2000000000; // recommended not to pass this value 2 000 000 000
- // -- [[ DO NOT EDIT BELLOW // --
- #define MENIU(a, b, c, d) PlayerTalkClass->GetGossipMenu().AddMenuItem(-1, a, b, c, d, "", 0)
- #define MENIU_EXTENDED(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) PlayerTalkClass->GetGossipMenu().AddMenuItem(-1, a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
- #define TRIMITE_MENIU(a, b) PlayerTalkClass->SendGossipMenu(a, b)
- struct DepositInfo
- {
- uint64 editselectedid;
- uint64 depid;
- std::string depname;
- };
- static std::map<uint32, DepositInfo> editselectedid;
- class gold_banker : public CreatureScript
- {
- public:
- gold_banker() : CreatureScript("Gold_Banker") { }
- // Deposit gold in the last selected deposit
- bool DepositGold(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 amount, uint32 deposit_id)
- {
- QueryResult depInfo = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM `gold_bank_data` WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", deposit_id);
- if(!depInfo)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: You are trying to deposit into a non existing one!");
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- Field * pField = depInfo->Fetch();
- if(amount + pField[2].GetUInt32() > maxDepositAmount)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: Amount is to higher enough to pass '%u' of gold.", maxDepositAmount);
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- if(amount > player->GetMoney()/10000)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: You dont have the amount inserted.");
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- if(amount <= 0)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: Invalid amount to deposit.");
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `gold_bank_data` SET `depGold`=`depGold`+'%u' WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", amount, deposit_id);
- player->ModifyMoney(-amount*10000, false);
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Deposit [\'%u\'][%s] loaded with a plus of \'%u\' gold.", deposit_id, editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depname.c_str(), amount);
- player->PlayerTalkClass->SendCloseGossip();
- return true;
- }
- // Withdraw gold from the last deposit selected
- bool WithdrawGold(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 amount, uint32 deposit_id)
- {
- QueryResult depInfo = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM `gold_bank_data` WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", deposit_id);
- if(!depInfo)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: You are trying to withdraw from a non existing deposit!");
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- Field * pField = depInfo->Fetch();
- if(amount > pField[2].GetUInt32())
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: You can't withdraw more than you don't have!", maxDepositAmount);
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- if(amount <= 0)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: Invalid amount to withdraw.");
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `gold_bank_data` SET `depGold`=`depGold`-'%u' WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", amount, deposit_id);
- player->ModifyMoney(amount*10000, false);
- if(amount == pField[2].GetUInt32())
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Deposit [\'%u\'][%s] drawn all \'%u\' gold.", deposit_id, editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depname.c_str(), amount);
- else
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Deposit [\'%u\'][%s] drawn an amount of \'%u\' gold.", deposit_id, editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depname.c_str(), amount);
- player->PlayerTalkClass->SendCloseGossip();
- return true;
- }
- // Rename the last selected deposit
- bool RenameDeposit(Player* player, Creature* creature, const char* deposit_name)
- {
- QueryResult depInfo = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM `gold_bank_data` WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depid);
- if(!depInfo)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: You are trying to rename a non existing deposit!");
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- std::string depnamepreview = deposit_name;
- if(depnamepreview.length() < minDepositNameLenght)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: Invalid string length, minimum %u characters required.", minDepositNameLenght);
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- WorldDatabase.PExecute("UPDATE `gold_bank_data` SET `depName`='%s' WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", deposit_name, editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depid);
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Deposit renamed to \'%s\'.", deposit_name);
- player->PlayerTalkClass->SendCloseGossip();
- return true;
- }
- //Disband deposit
- bool DisbandDeposit(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 deposit_id)
- {
- QueryResult depInfo = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM `gold_bank_data` WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", deposit_id);
- if(!depInfo)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("ERR: You are trying to disband a non existing deposit!");
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- return false;
- }
- Field * pField = depInfo->Fetch();
- WorldDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM `gold_bank_data` WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", deposit_id);
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Deposit disbanded.");
- player->PlayerTalkClass->SendCloseGossip();
- return true;
- }
- // Creates a deposit
- bool CreateDeposit(Player* player, Creature* creature)
- {
- QueryResult depResult = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM `gold_bank_data` WHERE plrGUID = %u", player->GetGUID());
- uint32 deposits = 0;
- uint32 cost = createDepositCost;
- if(depResult)
- {
- deposits = depResult->GetRowCount();
- if(deposits > maxPlayerDeposits)
- {
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("You already have the max deposits allowed.");
- return false;
- }
- Field * pField = depResult->Fetch();
- }
- if(deposits == 0)
- {
- cost = createDepositCost;
- }
- else
- {
- cost = createDepositCost + (deposits * createDepositPlus);
- }
- player->ModifyMoney(-cost, false);
- WorldDatabase.PExecute("INSERT INTO `gold_bank_data` (`plrGUID`, `depName`) VALUES (%u, 'Change my name')", player->GetGUID());
- ChatHandler(player->GetSession()).PSendSysMessage("Deposit created and ready to use, you can change it's name at anytime.");
- player->PlayerTalkClass->SendCloseGossip();
- return true;
- }
- // Opens a menu to edit the selected deposit
- void EditSelectedDeposit(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 uiAction)
- {
- player->PlayerTalkClass->ClearMenus();
- editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depid = uiAction;
- QueryResult depInfo = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM `gold_bank_data` WHERE `depositGUID`='%u'", editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depid);
- player->MENIU(7, "|cff5C5C5C[Return]|r", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 1);
- if(depInfo)
- {
- Field * pField = depInfo->Fetch();
- editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depname = pField[1].GetString().c_str();
- player->MENIU_EXTENDED(6, "Withdraw some gold", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 888, "How much gold would you like to|cffFF0000 withdraw|r?\n Press \"Accept\" button to insert", 0/*copper*/, true);
- player->MENIU_EXTENDED(6, "Deposit some gold", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 777, "How much gold would you like to|cFF00FF00 deposit|r?\n Press \"Accept\" button to insert", 0/*copper*/, true);
- player->MENIU_EXTENDED(8, "|cff9E00FFRename deposit|r", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 555, "|cffEBFF00Press \'Accept\' button to insert a name|r", 0/*copper*/, true);
- player->MENIU_EXTENDED(4, "|cffFF0000Disband deposit|r", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 888, "|cffEBFF00Are you sure about disbanding this deposit?\n |cFFFF0000Once disbanded cannot be recovered!|r", 0/*copper*/, false);
- }
- else // deposit no longer exists
- {
- player->MENIU(0, "|cffFF0000Deposit no longer exists or connection could not be established! Please contact a Game Master as soon as it's possible. Thank you|r", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 1);
- }
- player->PlayerTalkClass->SendGossipMenu(7777778, creature->GetGUID());
- }
- // Opens a list with the player's available deposits
- void ListPlayerDeposits(Player* pPlayer, Creature* pCreature, unsigned int start = 0)
- {
- pPlayer->PlayerTalkClass->ClearMenus();
- pPlayer->MENIU(0, "|cff5C5C5C[Return]|r", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 999);
- QueryResult depResult = WorldDatabase.PQuery("SELECT * FROM gold_bank_data WHERE plrGUID = %u", pPlayer->GetGUID());
- uint32 deposits = 0;
- if(depResult)
- {
- deposits = depResult->GetRowCount();
- int offset = 0;
- Field * pField = depResult->Fetch();
- bool ranOnce = false;
- for(unsigned int i = start; i < deposits; i++)
- {
- if(start != 0 && ranOnce == false)
- {
- for(int x = 0; x < start; x++)
- {
- depResult->NextRow();
- }
- ranOnce = true;
- }
- if(offset != maxPlayerDeposits) // max returns
- {
- std::ostringstream cString1, cString2;
- cString1 << pField[3].GetUInt32();
- cString2 << pField[2].GetUInt32();
- pPlayer->MENIU(GOSSIP_ICON_MONEY_BAG, "[Deposit |cffFFFFFF" + cString1.str() + "|r] \"|cff0055FF" + pField[1].GetString() + "|r\"\n |cff00ff00available|r " + cString2.str() + "|cffFF0000 gold|r", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, pField[3].GetUInt32());
- offset++;
- depResult->NextRow();
- }
- }
- if(deposits < maxPlayerDeposits)
- {
- uint32 cost = createDepositCost;
- if(deposits == 0)
- {
- cost = createDepositCost;
- }
- else
- {
- cost = createDepositCost + (deposits * createDepositPlus);
- }
- pPlayer->MENIU_EXTENDED(GOSSIP_ICON_INTERACT_2, "[+] Create a new Deposit", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 0, "Would you like to create a new deposit?", cost, false);
- }
- }
- if(deposits == 0)
- {
- uint32 cost = createDepositCost;
- pPlayer->MENIU_EXTENDED(GOSSIP_ICON_INTERACT_2, "[+] Create a new Deposit", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 0, "Would you like to create a new deposit?", cost, false);
- }
- pPlayer->PlayerTalkClass->SendGossipMenu(7777778, pCreature->GetGUID());
- }
- // Main Gold Banker menu
- bool OnGossipHello(Player * player, Creature * creature)
- {
- player->PlayerTalkClass->ClearMenus();
- editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depid = 0; // reset
- player->MENIU(8, "I want to check deposits", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 1);
- player->MENIU(2, "Maybe'..later", GOSSIP_SENDER_MAIN, 2);
- return true;
- }
- // ..
- bool OnGossipSelect(Player * player, Creature * creature, uint32 sender, uint32 uiAction)
- {
- switch(uiAction)
- {
- case 0:
- CreateDeposit(player, creature);
- break;
- case 1:
- ListPlayerDeposits(player, creature);
- break;
- case 2:
- player->PlayerTalkClass->SendCloseGossip();
- break;
- case 888:
- DisbandDeposit(player, creature, editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depid);
- break;
- case 999:
- OnGossipHello(player, creature);
- break;
- default:
- if(uiAction != 999 || uiAction != 888 || uiAction != 1 || uiAction != 0 || uiAction != 2)
- EditSelectedDeposit(player, creature, uiAction);
- break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- // ..
- bool OnGossipSelectCode(Player* player, Creature* creature, uint32 sender, uint32 uiAction, const char* code)
- {
- uint32 codexx = uint32(atol(code));
- switch(uiAction)
- {
- case 555:
- RenameDeposit(player, creature, code);
- break;
- case 777:
- DepositGold(player, creature, codexx, editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depid);
- break;
- case 888:
- WithdrawGold(player, creature, codexx, editselectedid[player->GetGUID()].depid);
- break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
- void AddSC_Gold_Banker()
- {
- new gold_banker();
- }
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