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it unlocks many cool features!
- -[[
- _____ __ __ ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _
- | __ \ | \/ | | ____| ( ) / ____| | | / ____| (_) | |
- | |__) | | \ / | | |__ |/ ___ | | ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ _ __ __| | | (___ ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_
- | ___/ | |\/| | | __| / __| | | / _ \ | '_ ` _ \ | '_ ` _ \ / _` | | '_ \ / _` | \___ \ / __| | '__| | | | '_ \ | __|
- | | | | | | | |____ \__ \ | |____ | (_) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | | | | | (_| | ____) | | (__ | | | | | |_) | | |_
- |_| |_| |_| |______| |___/ \_____| \___/ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_| |_| \__,_| |_____/ \___| |_| |_| | .__/ \__|
- | |
- |_|
- --]]
- local Administrators = {
- {["NAME"] = "Sweetsally1", ["UID"] = "13940070", ["RANK"] = 4}, -- i created this, but its your choice to keep/remove it. ;)
- {["NAME"] = "Player", ["UID"] = "78913263", ["RANK"] = 4}, -- cool guy helped me with lots of stuff, but its your choice to keep/remove him. ;)
- {["NAME"] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name, ["UID"] = game.Players.LocalPlayer.userId, ["RANK"] = 5}
- }
- --// RANK NOTE:
- -- 1: Restricted Permissions; Equivalent to Kohl's TempAdmin rank
- -- 2: Less-restricted Permissions; Equivalent to Kohl's Admin rank
- -- 3: Hightened Permissions; Equivalent to Kohl's Owner rank
- -- 4: Unrestricted Permissions; Equivalent to Kohl's TrueOwner rank
- -- 5: Client Permission; No equivalent to Kohl's; Commands designated with a rank of 5 only work on the LocalPlayer
- -- 1: Removal using ":Remove()"
- -- 2: Removal through a HopperBin crash (give it time to crash them obviously)
- local BannedUsers = {{["NAME"] = "YourMom", ["UID"] = "-1337", ["RANK"] = 1}}
- local LoopKilled = {}
- local LoopSit = {}
- local MusicList = {}
- local ESP = {}
- local Allowed = {}
- local Jailed = {}
- local Commands = {}
- local KeyBinds = {}
- local ChatLogs = {}
- local CommandLogs = {}
- local DefaultKeyBinds = {
- SpeedUpKey = 27, -- F2
- SpeedDownKey = 28, -- F3
- FloatKey = 29, -- F4
- FlyKey = 30, -- F5
- HomeKey = 22, -- HOME
- }
- local WayPoints = {
- {["NAME"] = "Hark", ["COORD"] = {-1877, 4.4, -3000}},
- {["NAME"] = "Mansion", ["COORD"] = {-2366, 5.6, -1618}},
- {["NAME"] = "Dirk", ["COORD"] = {-2839, 4.4, 725}},
- {["NAME"] = "Trin", ["COORD"] = {-2798, 4.1, 2593}},
- {["NAME"] = "Yale", ["COORD"] = {-2271, 4.4, 3112}},
- {["NAME"] = "OM", ["COORD"] = {-649, 4.4, -2873}},
- {["NAME"] = "Olke", ["COORD"] = {104, 4.4, -2188}},
- {["NAME"] = "Cemetery", ["COORD"] = {482, 4.4, -1477}},
- {["NAME"] = "Prison", ["COORD"] = {1319, 4.4, 56}},
- {["NAME"] = "Kin", ["COORD"] = {-862, 5.7, 1036}},
- {["NAME"] = "FR", ["COORD"] = {52, 154, 3115}},
- {["NAME"] = "Korri", ["COORD"] = {1188, 4.4, 2545}},
- {["NAME"] = "RC", ["COORD"] = {2473, 4, -2796}},
- {["NAME"] = "MO", ["COORD"] = {1679, 5, -1406}},
- {["NAME"] = "RT", ["COORD"] = {1052, 67, 1197}},
- {["NAME"] = "Vernal", ["COORD"] = {2496, 4.4, -549}},
- {["NAME"] = "Mason", ["COORD"] = {2441, 5.1, 639,}},
- {["NAME"] = "Fact", ["COORD"] = {2663, 4.4, 2279}},
- {["NAME"] = "Flats", ["COORD"] = {-2891, 4.4, -2618}},
- {["NAME"] = "Pitts", ["COORD"] = {-2040, 6, 15}},
- {["NAME"] = "die", ["COORD"] = {2651, 136.6, 2342}},
- {["NAME"] = "OM2", ["COORD"] = {518, 1195, -5740}},
- {["NAME"] = "Cemetery2", ["COORD"] = {115, 785, -1892}},
- {["NAME"] = "MO2", ["COORD"] = {2933, 756, -2856}},
- {["NAME"] = "Vernal2", ["COORD"] = {4703, 544.7, -63}},
- {["NAME"] = "Mason2", ["COORD"] = {4703, 544.7, -63}},
- {["NAME"] = "Fact2", ["COORD"] = {4846, 371.1, 5430}},
- {["NAME"] = "Pitts2", ["COORD"] = {-2422, 727.4, -1877}},
- {["NAME"] = "HardWin", ["COORD"] = {-39, 33, -592}},
- }
- local Services = {
- ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage"),
- ServerScriptService = game:GetService("ServerScriptService"),
- Workspace = game:GetService("Workspace"),
- Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting"),
- ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"),
- Players = game:GetService("Players"),
- ReplicatedFirst = game:GetService("ReplicatedFirst"),
- StarterGui = game:GetService("StarterGui"),
- StarterPack = game:GetService("StarterPack"),
- StarterPlayer = game:GetService("StarterPlayer"),
- TestService = game:GetService("TestService"),
- HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService"),
- CoreGui = game:GetService("CoreGui"),
- Chat = game:GetService("Chat"),
- InsertService = game:GetService("InsertService"),
- Teams = game:GetService("Teams")
- }
- local LightingDefaults = {
- Ambient = Services.Lighting.Ambient,
- OutdoorAmbient = Services.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient,
- Brightness = Services.Lighting.Brightness,
- TimeOfDay = Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay,
- FogColor = Services.Lighting.FogColor,
- FogEnd = Services.Lighting.FogEnd,
- FogStart = Services.Lighting.FogStart,
- GlobalShadows = Services.Lighting.GlobalShadows,
- Outlines = Services.Lighting.Outlines,
- ShadowColor = Services.Lighting.ShadowColor
- }
- local Settings = {
- Version = "0.0.3",
- Disco = false,
- Strobe = false,
- ServerLocked = false,
- Flying = false,
- Floating = false,
- NoClipped = false,
- Notifications = true,
- FlyEvent1,
- FlyEvent2,
- NavBarOpen = true,
- MainGuiOpen = {"None", false},
- SubGuiOpen = {"InfoHolder", true},
- SubListOpen = {"None", false}
- }
- local Prefix = ";"
- local Split = " "
- local ScriptPrefix = "\\"
- local ASpeaker
- local Mouse = Services.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
- local StorageLocation = Services.CoreGui
- game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://303368006")[1].Parent = StorageLocation
- local StorageFolder = StorageLocation:WaitForChild("StorageFolder")
- StorageFolder:WaitForChild("GuiObjects").NavBar:Clone().Parent = StorageLocation
- local Guis = StorageLocation:WaitForChild("NavBar")
- Guis.Bar.Visible = true
- -- vv credit to genehackman vv
- ForEach = function(Base, Function)
- for Index, Value in pairs (Base) do
- Function(Value, Index)
- end
- end
- CreateObject = function(ClassName)
- local Object =
- local function AssembleObject(Properties)
- ForEach(Properties, function(Value, Property)
- Object[Property] = Value
- end)
- end
- return AssembleObject
- end
- -- ^^ credit to genehackman ^^
- coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
- repeat
- wait(0.05)
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- for a,b in pairs(BannedUsers) do
- if BannedUsers[a].NAME == v.Name or BannedUsers[a].UID == v.userId then
- if BannedUsers[a].RANK == 1 then
- v:Remove()
- elseif BannedUsers[a].RANK == 2 then
- repeat
- wait(0.05)
- for i = 1, 1000 do
- CreateObject "HopperBin" {
- Parent = v.Backpack,
- Name = string.rep(tostring(math.random(1, 9999999)), 100)
- }
- end
- until
- v == false
- end
- end
- end
- for _,b in pairs(LoopKilled) do
- if tostring(b):match(tostring(v)) then
- if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- v.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
- end
- end
- end
- for _,b in pairs(LoopSit) do
- if tostring(b):match(tostring(v)) then
- if v.Character and v.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- v.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
- end
- end
- end
- if Settings.NoClipped then
- Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:ChangeState("StrafingNoPhysics")
- end
- if Settings.ServerLocked == true then
- for _,b in pairs(Allowed) do
- if not tostring(b):match(tostring(v)) then
- repeat
- wait(0.05)
- for i = 1, 1000 do
- CreateObject "HopperBin" {
- Parent = v.Backpack,
- Name = string.rep(tostring(math.random(1, 9999999)), 100)
- }
- end
- until
- v == false
- end
- end
- end
- for _,b in pairs(ESP) do
- if tostring(b):match(tostring(v)) then
- if not StorageLocation:findFirstChild(v.Name .. "_ESPGUI") then
- local newESP = StorageFolder.GuiObjects:findFirstChild("ESPGUI"):Clone()
- newESP.Name = v.Name .. "_ESPGUI"
- newESP.Parent = StorageLocation
- local Distance = math.floor((Services.Players.LocalPlayers.Character.Torso.Position - v.Character.Torso.Position).magnitude)
- local Health = v.Character.Humanoid.Health
- local MaxHealth = v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
- newESP.Label.Text = v.Name .. " || [" .. Distance .. "] || " .. Health .. "/" .. MaxHealth
- newESP.Adornee = v.Character.Head
- newESP.Enabled = true
- elseif StorageLocation:findFirstChild(v.Name .. "_ESPGUI") then
- local ESPGUI = StorageLocation[v.Name .. "_ESPGUI"]
- local Distance = math.floor((Services.Players.LocalPlayers.Character.Torso.Position - v.Character.Torso.Position).magnitude)
- local Health = v.Character.Humanoid.Health
- local MaxHealth = v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
- ESPGUI.Label.Text = v.Name .. " || [" .. Distance .. "] || " .. Health .. "/" .. MaxHealth
- ESPGUI.Label.TextColor3 = v.TeamColor.Color
- ESPGUI.Adornee = v.Character.Head
- ESPGUI.Enabled = true
- --[[v.CharacterAdded:connect(function()
- ESPGUI.Adornee = game.Workspace
- wait(0.01)
- ESPGUI.Adornee = v.Character.Head
- Distance = math.floor((game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position - v.Character.Torso.Position).magnitude)
- Health = math.floor(v.Character.Humanoid.Health)
- MaxHealth = math.floor(v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth)
- end)
- v.Changed:connect(function(prop)
- if prop == "TeamColor" then
- ESPGUI.Label.TextColor3 = v.TeamColor.Color
- end
- end)]]
- end
- end
- end
- --[[if Settings.Disco == true then
- spawn(function()
- repeat
- if Settings.Disco == false then
- return
- end
- wait(0.1)
- local col =,math.random(255)/255,math.random(255)/255)
- Services.Lighting = col
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = col
- until
- Settings.Disco == false
- end)
- elseif Settings.Strobe == true then
- spawn(function()
- repeat
- if Settings.Strobe == false then
- return
- end
- local White =,1,1)
- local Black =,0,0)
- wait(0.05)
- Services.Lighting = White
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = White
- wait(0.05)
- Services.Lighting = Black
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = Black
- until
- Settings.Strobe == false
- end)
- end]]
- end
- until
- false
- end))
- BackupMap = function()
- if Services.InsertService:findFirstChild("MapBackup") then
- Services.InsertService.MapBackup:Remove()
- end
- CreateObject "Model" {
- Parent = Services.InsertService,
- Name = "MapBackup"
- }
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if not v:IsA("Terrain") and not Services.Players:findFirstChild(v.Name) and Services.InsertService:findFirstChild("MapBackup") then
- v:Clone().Parent = Services.InsertService.MapBackup
- end
- end
- end
- --BackupMap()
- Notify = function(Player, Message)
- if Settings.Notifications then
- local newLabel = StorageFolder.GuiObjects:WaitForChild("NotificationGui"):Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = StorageLocation
- newLabel.Label.Visible = true
- newLabel.Label.Text = Player.Name .. "; " .. Message
- newLabel.Label:TweenPosition(,-200,1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 5, true, nil)
- newLabel:findFirstChild("RemoveScript").Disabled = false
- end
- end
- ValidateAdmin = function(NAME, ID)
- for i,v in pairs(Administrators) do
- if tostring(Administrators[i].NAME) == tostring(NAME) then
- return true
- elseif not tostring(Administrators[i].NAME) == tostring(NAME) then
- if tostring(Administrators[i].UID) == tostring(ID) then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- SplitFunc = function(String, Value) -- credit to safazi
- if String:find(Value) then
- return String:sub(0, String:find(Value) - string.len(Value)), true
- else
- return String, false
- end
- end
- StringSplit = function(String, Value)
- local Value, Fields = Value or Split, {}
- local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", Value)
- String:gsub(pattern, function(c) table.insert(Fields, #Fields + 1, c) end)
- return Fields
- end
- AddCommand = function(CMDS, DESC, RANK, FUNC)
- table.insert(Commands, #Commands + 1, {
- ["CMDS"] = CMDS, -- table
- ["DESC"] = DESC, -- string
- ["RANK"] = RANK, -- integer
- ["FUNC"] = FUNC -- lua function
- })
- end
- FindCommand = function(Command, Player)
- for i,v in pairs(Commands) do
- for q,c in pairs(Commands[i].CMDS) do
- if tostring(Commands[i].CMDS[q]) == tostring(Command) then
- return Commands[i]
- end
- end
- end
- end
- GetArguments = function(String)
- local Arguments, NewArgument, CheckSplit, newString = {}, nil, nil, String
- repeat
- NewArgument, CheckSplit = SplitFunc(newString, Split)
- if NewArgument ~= "" then
- table.insert(Arguments, #Arguments + 1, NewArgument)
- newString = newString:sub(NewArgument:len() + string.len(Split) + 1)
- end
- until
- CheckSplit == false
- return Arguments
- end
- Execute = function(String, Player)
- table.insert(CommandLogs, #CommandLogs + 1, Player.Name .. "; " .. String)
- if String:sub(1, 3) == "/e " or String:sub(1, 3) == "/w " then
- String = String:sub(4)
- end
- if not String:sub(1, Prefix:len()) == tostring(Prefix) and String:sub(1, ScriptPrefix:len()) ~= tostring(ScriptPrefix) then
- return
- end
- if String:sub(1, Prefix:len()) == Prefix then
- local All, Command, Arguments = StringSplit(String:sub(Prefix:len() + 1), Split)
- Command = All[1]
- table.remove(All, 1)
- Arguments = All
- for i,v in pairs(Commands) do
- for q,c in pairs(Commands[i].CMDS) do
- if Commands[i].CMDS[q] == tostring(Command) then
- for a,b in pairs(Administrators) do
- if Administrators[a].NAME == Player.Name then
- if Administrators[a].RANK >= Commands[i].RANK then
- Commands[i].FUNC(Arguments, Player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- elseif String:sub(1, ScriptPrefix:len()) == ScriptPrefix then
- for a,b in pairs(Administrators) do
- if Administrators[a].NAME == Player.Name then
- if Administrators[a].RANK >= 3 then
- spawn(function()
- local Script, LoadError = loadstring(String:sub(1, ScriptPrefix:len() + 1)) -- full credit to safazi for this idea
- if not Script then
- error(LoadError)
- else
- Script()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- v.Chatted:connect(function(msg)
- if ValidateAdmin(v.Name, v.userId) then
- ASpeaker = v
- Execute(msg, v)
- if msg:sub(1, Prefix:len()) == Prefix or msg:sub(1, ScriptPrefix:len()) == ScriptPrefix or msg:sub(1, Prefix:len() + 3) == "/e " .. Prefix or msg:sub(1, ScriptPrefix:len() + 3) == "/e " .. ScriptPrefix or msg:sub(1, Prefix:len() + 3) == "/w " .. Prefix or msg:sub(1, ScriptPrefix:len() + 3) == "/w " .. ScriptPrefix then
- Notify(v, msg)
- end
- end
- table.insert(ChatLogs, #ChatLogs + 1, v.Name .. "; " .. msg)
- end)
- end
- Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if key:byte() == DefaultKeyBinds.SpeedUpKey then
- Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed + 1
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, Prefix .. "ws me " .. Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed)
- elseif key:byte() == DefaultKeyBinds.SpeedDownKey then
- Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed - 1
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, Prefix .. "ws me " .. Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed)
- elseif key:byte() == DefaultKeyBinds.FloatKey then
- if Settings.Floating == false then
- Settings.Floating = true
- Execute(Prefix .. "float " .. Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Name, Services.Players.LocalPlayer)
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, Prefix .. "float me")
- elseif Settings.Floating == true then
- Settings.Floating = false
- Execute(Prefix .. "unfloat " .. Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Name, Services.Players.LocalPlayer)
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, Prefix .. "unfloat me")
- end
- elseif key:byte() == DefaultKeyBinds.FlyKey then
- if Settings.Flying == false then
- Settings.Flying = true
- Execute(Prefix .. "fly", Services.Players.LocalPlayer)
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, Prefix .. "fly")
- elseif Settings.Flying == true then
- Settings.Flying = false
- Execute(Prefix .. "unfly", Services.Players.LocalPlayer)
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, Prefix .. "unfly")
- end
- elseif key:byte() == DefaultKeyBinds.HomeKey then
- if Settings.NavBarOpen == true then
- if Settings.MainGuiOpen[2] == true then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.MainGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,-1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"None", false}
- for _,v in pairs(Guis.Bar:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("TextButton") then
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- end
- Guis.Bar:TweenPosition(,0,0,-81), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.NavBarOpen = false
- elseif Settings.NavBarOpen == false then
- Guis.Bar:TweenPosition(,0,0,30), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.NavBarOpen = true
- end
- elseif key:lower() == Prefix then
- if Settings.NavBarOpen == true then
- Guis.Bar.CommandBar:CaptureFocus()
- elseif Settings.NavBarOpen == false then
- Settings.NavBarOpen = true
- Guis.Bar:TweenPosition(,0,0,30), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- wait(1)
- Guis.Bar.CommandBar:CaptureFocus()
- end
- else
- for i,v in pairs(KeyBinds) do
- if KeyBinds[i][1] == key:lower() then
- Execute(KeyBinds[i][2], Services.Players.LocalPlayer)
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, KeyBinds[i][2])
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- do
- local Waiting = false
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.Version.Text = " v" .. tostring(Settings.Version)
- for _,v in pairs(Guis.Bar:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("TextBox") then
- if v.Name == "CommandBar" then
- v.Changed:connect(function(Property)
- if Property == "Text" and v[Property] ~= " Command Bar" then
- v.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed)
- if enterPressed and not Waiting then
- ASpeaker = Services.Players.LocalPlayer
- Execute(Prefix .. v.Text, Services.Players.LocalPlayer)
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, Prefix .. v.Text)
- Waiting = true
- wait(1)
- Waiting = false
- v.Text = " Command Bar"
- else
- v.Text = " Command Bar"
- return
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- elseif v.Name == "ScriptBar" then
- v.Changed:connect(function(Property)
- if Property == "Text" and v[Property] ~= " Script Bar" then
- v.FocusLost:connect(function(enterPressed)
- if enterPressed and not Waiting then
- ASpeaker = Services.Players.LocalPlayer
- Execute(ScriptPrefix .. v.Text, Services.Players.LocalPlayer)
- Notify(Services.Players.LocalPlayer, Prefix .. v.Text)
- Waiting = true
- wait(1)
- Waiting = false
- v.Text = " Script Bar"
- else
- v.Text = " Script Bar"
- return
- end
- end)
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- if v:IsA("TextButton") then
- v.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if v.Name == "NotificationToggle" then
- if Settings.Notifications == true then
- Settings.Notifications = false
- v.Text = "OFF"
- elseif Settings.Notifications == false then
- Settings.Notifications = true
- v.Text = "ON"
- end
- elseif v.Name == "Help" then
- if Settings.MainGuiOpen[2] == false then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"HelpHolder", true}
- Guis.Bar.Help.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif Settings.MainGuiOpen[2] == true then
- if Settings.MainGuiOpen[1] == "HelpHolder" then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,-1,-1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"None", false}
- Guis.Bar.Help.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.MainGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,-1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- for _,a in pairs(Guis.Bar:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("TextButton") then
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"HelpHolder", true}
- Guis.Bar.Help.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- elseif v.Name == "Explorer" then
- if Settings.MainGuiOpen[2] == false then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ExplorerHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"ExplorerHolder", true}
- Guis.Bar.Explorer.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif Settings.MainGuiOpen[2] == true then
- if Settings.MainGuiOpen[1] == "ExplorerHolder" then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ExplorerHolder:TweenPosition(,0,-1,-1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"None", false}
- Guis.Bar.Explorer.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.MainGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,-1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- for _,a in pairs(Guis.Bar:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("TextButton") then
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ExplorerHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"ExplorerHolder", true}
- Guis.Bar.Explorer.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- elseif v.Name == "Lists" then
- if Settings.MainGuiOpen[2] == false then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ListHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"ListHolder", true}
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif Settings.MainGuiOpen[2] == true then
- if Settings.MainGuiOpen[1] == "ListHolder" then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ListHolder:TweenPosition(,0,-1,-1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"None", false}
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.MainGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,-1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- for _,a in pairs(Guis.Bar:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("TextButton") then
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ListHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"ListHolder", true}
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- for _,b in pairs(Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.ButtonHolder:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("TextButton") then
- b.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if b.Name == "About" then
- if Settings.SubGuiOpen[2] == false then
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.InfoHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"InfoHolder", true}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif Settings.SubGuiOpen[2] == true then
- if Settings.SubGuiOpen[1] == "InfoHolder" then
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.InfoHolder:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"None", false}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.SubGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- for _,a in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("TextButton") then
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.InfoHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"InfoHolder", true}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- elseif b.Name == "UpdateLog" then
- if Settings.SubGuiOpen[2] == false then
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.UpdateLog:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"UpdateLog", true}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif Settings.SubGuiOpen[2] == true then
- if Settings.SubGuiOpen[1] == "UpdateLog" then
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"None", false}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.SubGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- for _,a in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("TextButton") then
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.UpdateLog:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"UpdateLog", true}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- elseif b.Name == "Help" then
- if Settings.SubGuiOpen[2] == false then
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"HelpHolder", true}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif Settings.SubGuiOpen[2] == true then
- if Settings.SubGuiOpen[1] == "HelpHolder" then
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"None", false}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.SubGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- for _,a in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("TextButton") then
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"HelpHolder", true}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- elseif b.Name == "Credits" then
- if Settings.SubGuiOpen[2] == false then
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.CreditsHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"CreditsHolder", true}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- elseif Settings.SubGuiOpen[2] == true then
- if Settings.SubGuiOpen[1] == "CreditsHolder" then
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.CreditsHolder:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"None", false}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.SubGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- for _,a in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("TextButton") then
- a.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- end
- wait(1)
- b.Parent.Parent.FrameHolder.CreditsHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"CreditsHolder", true}
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- for _,b in pairs(Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ListHolder.ButtonHolder:GetChildren()) do
- local Holder = Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ListHolder.ListFrame
- b.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- for _,a in pairs(Holder:GetChildren()) do
- if not a.Name:find("Template") then
- a:Remove()
- end
- end
- if b.Name == "AdminList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #Administrators do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template2:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "AdminEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. Administrators[i].RANK .. " || " .. Administrators[i].UID .. "; " .. Administrators[i].NAME
- newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value = tostring(Administrators[i].NAME)
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- Settings.Verify = newLabel.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- StorageFolder.GuiObjects.Verification:Clone().Parent = Holder.Parent
- for _,q in pairs(Holder.Parent.Verification:GetChildren()) do
- if q:IsA("TextButton") then
- q.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if q.Name == "YesBtn" then
- for x,y in pairs(Administrators) do
- if Administrators[x].NAME == newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value then
- table.remove(Administrators, x)
- newLabel:Remove()
- end
- end
- q.Parent:Remove()
- else
- q.Parent:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "BanList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #BannedUsers do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template2:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "BanEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. BannedUsers[i].RANK .. " || " .. BannedUsers[i].UID .. "; " .. BannedUsers[i].NAME
- newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value = tostring(BannedUsers[i].NAME)
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- Settings.Verify = newLabel.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- StorageFolder.GuiObjects.Verification:Clone().Parent = Holder.Parent
- for _,q in pairs(Holder.Parent.Verification:GetChildren()) do
- if q:IsA("TextButton") then
- q.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if q.Name == "YesBtn" then
- for x,y in pairs(BannedUsers) do
- if BannedUsers[x].NAME == newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value then
- table.remove(BannedUsers, x)
- newLabel:Remove()
- end
- end
- q.Parent:Remove()
- else
- q.Parent:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "CmdList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #Commands do
- local YSize = 65
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template1:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "CmdEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. Commands[i].RANK .. " || "
- newLabel.Label.Visible = true
- for a = 1, #Commands[i].CMDS do
- if a == 1 then
- newLabel.Text = newLabel.Text .. Commands[i].CMDS[a]
- else
- newLabel.Text = newLabel.Text .. "; " .. Commands[i].CMDS[a]
- end
- end
- newLabel.Label.Text = " " .. Commands[i].DESC
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "KeybindList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #KeyBinds do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template2:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "KBEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. KeyBinds[i][1] .. " || " .. KeyBinds[i][2]
- newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value = tostring(KeyBinds[i][1])
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- newLabel.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- StorageFolder.GuiObjects.Verification:Clone().Parent = Holder.Parent
- for _,q in pairs(Holder.Parent.Verification:GetChildren()) do
- if q:IsA("TextButton") then
- q.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if q.Name == "YesBtn" then
- for x,y in pairs(KeyBinds) do
- if KeyBinds[x][1] == newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value then
- table.remove(KeyBinds, x)
- newLabel:Remove()
- end
- end
- q.Parent:Remove()
- else
- q.Parent:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "LklList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #LoopKilled do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template2:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "LoopkillEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. LoopKilled[i]
- newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value = tostring(LoopKilled[i])
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- newLabel.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- StorageFolder.GuiObjects.Verification:Clone().Parent = Holder.Parent
- for _,q in pairs(Holder.Parent.Verification:GetChildren()) do
- if q:IsA("TextButton") then
- q.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if q.Name == "YesBtn" then
- for x,y in pairs(LoopKilled) do
- if LoopKilled[x] == newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value then
- table.remove(LoopKilled, x)
- newLabel:Remove()
- end
- end
- q.Parent:Remove()
- else
- q.Parent:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "LoopsitList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #LoopSit do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template2:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "LoopsitEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. LoopSit[i]
- newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value = tostring(LoopSit[i])
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- newLabel.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- StorageFolder.GuiObjects.Verification:Clone().Parent = Holder.Parent
- for _,q in pairs(Holder.Parent.Verification:GetChildren()) do
- if q:IsA("TextButton") then
- q.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if q.Name == "YesBtn" then
- for x,y in pairs(LoopSit) do
- if LoopSit[x] == newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value then
- table.remove(LoopSit, x)
- newLabel:Remove()
- end
- end
- q.Parent:Remove()
- else
- q.Parent:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "ScriptList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- local Scripts = StorageFolder.Misc.Scripts:GetChildren()
- for i = 1, #Scripts do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template2:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "ScriptEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. Scripts[i].Name
- newLabel:findFirstChild("NameVal").Value = tostring(Scripts[i].Name)
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- newLabel.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- StorageFolder.GuiObjects.Verification:Clone().Parent = Holder.Parent
- for _,q in pairs(Holder.Parent.Verification:GetChildren()) do
- if q:IsA("TextButton") then
- q.MouseButton1Down:connect(function()
- if q.Name == "YesBtn" then
- local Script = Scripts[i]:Clone()
- Script.Parent = Services.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui
- Script.Disabled = false
- q.Parent:Remove()
- else
- q.Parent:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "WayPointList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #WayPoints do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template1:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "WPEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. WayPoints[i].NAME .. " || " .. WayPoints[i].COORD[1] .. ", " .. WayPoints[i].COORD[2] .. ", " .. WayPoints[i].COORD[3]
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "CmdLogsList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #CommandLogs do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template1:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "CmdLogEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. CommandLogs[i]
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- end
- elseif b.Name == "ChatLogsList" then
- for _,c in pairs(b.Parent:GetChildren()) do
- c.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- end
- wait(0.05)
- b.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- for i = 1, #ChatLogs do
- local YSize = 45
- local Position = ((i * YSize) - YSize)
- local newLabel = Holder.Template1:Clone()
- newLabel.Parent = Holder
- newLabel.Visible = true
- newLabel.Name = "CmdLogEntry"
- newLabel.Text = " " .. ChatLogs[i]
- newLabel.Position =, 0, 0, Position + 5)
- Holder.CanvasSize =, 0, 0, Position + YSize + 5)
- end
- end
- end)
- end
- for _,b in pairs(Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ExplorerHolder.ExplorerPanel:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("LocalScript") then
- ypcall(function()
- loadstring(b.Source)()
- end)
- end
- end
- for _,b in pairs(Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.ExplorerHolder.PropertiesPanel:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("LocalScript") then
- ypcall(function()
- loadstring(b.Source)()
- end)
- end
- end
- end
- GetPlayers = function(String) -- todo: admins, nonadmins, noobs, friends
- String = String:lower()
- local UsersCalled = {}
- local Count1 = {1} -- i thank kohl for this method
- local Count2 = {}
- if String == "all" then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- table.insert(UsersCalled, v)
- end
- elseif String == "others" then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name ~= ASpeaker.Name then
- table.insert(UsersCalled, v)
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #String do
- if String:sub(i, i) == "," then
- table.insert(Count1, i + 1)
- table.insert(Count2, i - 1)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, #String do
- if (Count1[i] and Count2[i] and String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i]) == "me") or (Count1[i] and String:sub(Count1[i]) == "me") then
- table.insert(UsersCalled, ASpeaker)
- elseif (Count1[i] and Count2[i] and String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i]) == "others") or (Count1[i] and String:sub(Count1[i]) == "others") then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Player") then
- if v.Name ~= ASpeaker.Name then
- table.insert(UsersCalled, v)
- end
- end
- end
- elseif (Count1[i] and Count2[i] and String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i]) == "all") or (Count1[i] and String:sub(Count1[i]) == "all") then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- table.insert(UsersCalled, v)
- end
- elseif (Count1[i] and Count2[i] and String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i]) == "random") or (Count1[i] and String:sub(Count1[i]) == "random") then
- table.insert(UsersCalled, Services.Players:children()[math.random(#Services.Players:children())])
- elseif (Count1[i] and Count2[i] and String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i]) == "team-") or (Count1[i] and String:sub(Count1[i]) == "team-") then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Teams:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Team") and String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i]):sub(6) ~= "" then
- if v.Name:lower():find(String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i]):sub(6):lower()) then
- for _,p in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if p:IsA("Player") and p.TeamColor == v.TeamColor then
- table.insert(UsersCalled, p)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- if (Count1[i] and Count2[i] and String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i]) ~= "" and v.Name:lower():find(String:sub(Count1[i], Count2[i])) == 1) or (Count1[i] and String:sub(Count1[i]) ~= "" and v.Name:lower():find(String:sub(Count1[i])) == 1) or (String ~= "" and v.Name:lower():find(String) == 1) then
- table.insert(UsersCalled, v)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return UsersCalled
- end
- _G.AddCmd = AddCommand
- _G.Exec = Execute
- AddCommand({"ff", "forcefield"}, "Gives a player a forcefield.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- CreateObject "ForceField" {
- Parent = Player.Character,
- Name = math.random(1,1000)
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unff","noff", "unforcefield","noforcefield"},"Removes a player's forcefield.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("ForceField") then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"fire","ignite"}, "Gives a player fire.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local r, g, b = Args[2], Args[3], Args[4]
- if not Args[2] or not Args[3] or not Args[4] then
- r = 100
- g = 100
- b = 100
- end
- CreateObject "Fire" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Torso,
- Name = math.random(1,1000),
- Color =, g/255, b/255),
- SecondaryColor =, g/255, b/255)
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unfire","nofire","extinguish"}, "Removes a player's fire.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Fire") then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"sparkles","sp"}, "Gives a player sparkles.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local r, g, b = Args[2], Args[3], Args[4]
- if not Args[2] or not Args[3] or not Args[4] then
- r = 100
- g = 100
- b = 100
- end
- CreateObject "Sparkles" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Torso,
- Name = math.random(1,1000),
- SparkleColor =, g/255, b/255)
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unsparkles","nosparkles","unsp","nosp"}, "Removes a player's sparkles.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Sparkles") then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"smoke"}, "Gives a player smoke.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local r, g, b = Args[2], Args[3], Args[4]
- if not Args[2] or not Args[3] or not Args[4] then
- r = 100
- g = 100
- b = 100
- end
- CreateObject "Smoke" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Torso,
- Name = math.random(1,1000),
- Color =, g/255, b/255),
- RiseVelocity = 2,
- Opacity = 1
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unsmoke","nosmoke"}, "Removes a player's smoke.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Smoke") then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"btools","buildtools"}, "Gives a player build tools.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(StorageFolder.Tools["Build Tools"]:GetChildren()) do
- v:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"god","godmode"}, "Makes a player's health math.huge.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = math.huge
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = math.huge
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"sgod","demigod"}, "Makes a player's health very high.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 1e9
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 1e9
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"ungod","nogod"}, "Makes a player's health normal.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth = 100
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 100
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"heal"}, "Makes a player's health their maxheatlh.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = Player.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"freeze","frz"}, "Makes a player so they can't move.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unfreeze","unfrz","thaw"}, "Makes a player so they can move again.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
- Player.Character.Torso.Anchored = false
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"kill","murder"}, "Makes a player's health 0.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"music","sound"}, "Creates/removes a sound instance.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Args[1] and Args[1] ~= "off" then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") and v.Name == "InsertedMusic" then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- CreateObject "Sound" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace,
- SoundId = "rbxassetid://" .. tostring(Args[1]),
- Volume = 1,
- Name = "InsertedMusic",
- Looped = true
- }
- elseif Args[1] and Args[1] == "off" then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Sound") and v.Name == "InsertedMusic" then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- elseif not Args[1] then
- return
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"explode","kaboom"}, "Explodes a player.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- CreateObject "Explosion" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace,
- Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"invisible","invis"}, "Makes a player invisible.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,a in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("BasePart") then
- a.Transparency = 1
- elseif a:IsA("Hat") then
- a.Handle.Transparency = 1
- elseif a:IsA("Tool") then
- for _,b in pairs(a:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("BasePart") then
- b.Transparency = 1
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Player.Character.Head:findFirstChild("Face").Parent = Player.Character
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"visible","vis"}, "Makes a player visible.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,a in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("BasePart") and a.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
- a.Transparency = 0
- elseif a:IsA("Hat") then
- a.Handle.Transparency = 0
- elseif a:IsA("Tool") then
- for _,b in pairs(a:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("BasePart") then
- b.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- Player.Character:findFirstChild("Face").Parent = Player.Character.Head
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"goto"}, "Sends the speaker to a player.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Speaker.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"bring"}, "Sends a player to the speaker.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = Speaker.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"teleport","tp","tele"}, "Sends a player to a player.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- local oPlayer = GetPlayers(Args[2])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character and Player.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- if oPlayer[1].Character and oPlayer[1].Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = oPlayer[1].Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"char","charapp"}, "Changes a player's character's appearance.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.CharacterAppearance = "" .. Args[2]
- CreateObject "Model" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace,
- Name = Player.Name .. "_NewChar"
- }
- CreateObject "Humanoid" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace[Player.Name .. "_NewChar"]
- }
- Player.Character = Services.Workspace[Player.Name .. "_NewChar"]
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unchar","uncharapp","nocharapp"}, "Returns a player's character's appearance.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.CharacterAppearance = "" .. Player.userId
- CreateObject "Model" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace,
- Name = Player.Name .. "_NewChar"
- }
- CreateObject "Humanoid" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace[Player.Name .. "_NewChar"]
- }
- Player.Character = Services.Workspace[Player.Name .. "_NewChar"]
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"respawn"}, "Reloads a player's character.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- CreateObject "Model" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace,
- Name = Player.Name .. "_NewChar"
- }
- CreateObject "Humanoid" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace[Player.Name .. "_NewChar"]
- }
- Player.Character = Services.Workspace[Player.Name .. "_NewChar"]
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"walkspeed","speed","ws"}, "Changes a player's walkspeed.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = Args[2]
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"time","timeset"}, "Change's the game's time.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay = Args[1]
- end)
- AddCommand({"kick"}, "Removes a player from the game.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player:Remove()
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"crash","lagkick"}, "Removes a player from the game by crahsing them.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- repeat
- wait(0.05)
- for i = 1, 1000 do
- CreateObject "HopperBin" {
- Parent = Player.Backpack,
- Name = string.rep(tostring(math.random(1, 9999999)), 100)
- }
- end
- until
- Player == false
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"ban","autokick"}, "Banishes a player from your server.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if not Args[2] then
- return
- end
- table.insert(BannedUsers, #BannedUsers + 1, {["NAME"] = Player.Name, ["UID"] = Player.userId, ["RANK"] = Args[2]})
- if Args[2] == "2" then
- repeat
- wait(0.05)
- for i = 1, 1000 do
- CreateObject "HopperBin" {
- Parent = Player.Backpack,
- Name = string.rep(tostring(math.random(1, 9999999)), 100)
- }
- end
- until
- Player == false
- elseif Args[2] == "1" then
- Player:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unlockws","unlockall"}, "Unlocks every part in Workspace.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Modify = function(Instance)
- for _,v in pairs(Instance:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") and not v:IsA("Terrain") then
- v.Locked = false
- end
- Modify(v)
- end
- end
- Modify(Services.Workspace)
- end)
- AddCommand({"lockws","lockall"}, "Unlocks every part in Workspace.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Modify = function(Instance)
- for _,v in pairs(Instance:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") and not v:IsA("Terrain") then
- v.Locked = true
- end
- Modify(v)
- end
- end
- Modify(Services.Workspace)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unanchorws","unanchorall"}, "Unanchors every part in Workspace.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Modify = function(Instance)
- for _,v in pairs(Instance:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") and not v:IsA("Terrain") then
- v.Anchored = false
- end
- Modify(v)
- end
- end
- Modify(Services.Workspace)
- end)
- AddCommand({"hat"}, "Gives a hat to a player.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if not Args[2] then
- return
- end
- local Object = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. Args[2])[1]
- if Object:IsA("Hat") then
- Object:Clone().Parent = Player.Character
- end
- Object:Destroy()
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"gear"}, "Gives a gear to a player.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local Model = Services.InsertService:LoadAsset(tonumber(Args[2]))
- for _,v in pairs(Model:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Tool") then
- v:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
- end
- end
- Model:Destroy()
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"admin"}, "Makes a player an admin.", 4, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if not Args[2] or tonumber(Args[2]) >= 5 then
- return
- end
- for i,v in pairs(Administrators) do
- if Administrators[i].NAME == Speaker.Name or Administrators[i].UID == Speaker.userId then
- if tonumber(Args[2]) >= Administrators[i].RANK then
- return
- end
- end
- end
- table.insert(Administrators, #Administrators + 1, {["NAME"] = Player.Name, ["UID"] = Player.userId, ["RANK"] = tonumber(Args[2])})
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unadmin"}, "Removes a player's admin.", 4, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for a,b in pairs(Administrators) do
- if Administrators[a].NAME == Player.Name then
- for c,d in pairs(Administrators) do
- if Administrators[c].NAME == Speaker.Name or Administrators[c].userId == Speaker.userId then
- if Administrators[a].RANK >= Administrators[c].RANK then
- return
- end
- end
- end
- table.remove(Administrators, a)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"help"}, "Shows the help panel", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Settings.NavBarOpen == false then
- Settings.NavBarOpen = true
- Guis.Bar:TweenPosition(,0,0,30), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- wait(1)
- if Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.SubGuiOpen[1])] then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.SubGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- wait(1)
- end
- for _,v in pairs(Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.ButtonHolder:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name ~= "Help" then
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- Guis.Bar.Help.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"HelpHolder", true}
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"HelpHolder", true}
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- elseif Settings.NavBarOpen == true then
- if Guis.Bar.FrameHolder:findFirstChild(tostring(Settings.MainGuiOpen[1])) then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.MainGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,-1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- wait(1)
- end
- if Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.SubGuiOpen[1])] then
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.FrameHolder[tostring(Settings.SubGuiOpen[1])]:TweenPosition(,0,-1,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- wait(1)
- end
- for _,v in pairs(Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.ButtonHolder:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name ~= "Help" then
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.7
- else
- v.BackgroundTransparency = 0.5
- end
- end
- Settings.MainGuiOpen = {"HelpHolder", true}
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,1), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- Settings.SubGuiOpen = {"HelpHolder", true}
- Guis.Bar.FrameHolder.HelpHolder.FrameHolder.HelpHolder:TweenPosition(,0,0,0), "InOut", "Quad", 1, true, nil)
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"insert"}, "Inserts a model to the speaker's position.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Model = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(Args[1]))[1]
- Model.Parent = Services.Workspace
- Model:MakeJoints()
- Model:MoveTo(Speaker.Character.Torso.Position)
- end)
- AddCommand({"load","loadmap"}, "Inserts a model to the speaker's position.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if not v:IsA("Terrain") and not Services.Players:findFirstChild(v.Name) then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- local Model = game:GetObjects("rbxassetid://" .. tostring(Args[1]))[1]
- Model.Parent = Services.Workspace
- Model:MakeJoints()
- end)
- AddCommand({"notools","removetools"}, "Removes a player's tools.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Backpack:ClearAllChildren()
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"tpr","coordtp"}, "Teleports a player to a set of coordinates.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =[2]), tonumber(Args[3]), tonumber(Args[4]))
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"serverlock","slock"}, "Locks the server and prevents people from joining it.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Settings.ServerLocked == false then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Players:GetChildren()) do
- table.insert(Allowed, #Allowed +1, v.Name)
- end
- Settings.ServerLocked = true
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"serverunlock","sunlock"}, "Unlocks the server and allows people to join it again.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Settings.ServerLocked == true then
- for i,v in pairs(Allowed) do
- table.remove(Allowed, i)
- end
- Settings.ServerLocked = false
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"allow"}, "Lets a player bypass the server lock.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- if not Args[1] or Settings.ServerLocked == false then
- return
- end
- table.insert(Allowed, #Allowed + 1, tostring(Args[1]))
- end)
- AddCommand({"shrek"}, "Characterizes a player to look like Shrek.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,a in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("Hat") or a:IsA("CharacterMesh") or a:IsA("Shirt") or a:IsA("Pants") then
- a:Remove()
- elseif a:IsA("Part") and a.Name == "Head" then
- for _,b in pairs(a:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("Decal") or b:IsA("SpecialMesh") then
- b:Remove()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- CreateObject "SpecialMesh" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Head,
- MeshType = "FileMesh",
- MeshId = "",
- TextureId = "",
- Offset =,0.1,0)
- }
- CreateObject "Shirt" {
- Parent = Player.Character,
- ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://133078194"
- }
- CreateObject "Pants" {
- Parent = Player.Character,
- PantsTemplate = "rbxassetid://133078204"
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"guest"}, "Characterizes a player to look like a guest.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,a in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if a:IsA("Hat") or a:IsA("CharacterMesh") or a:IsA("Shirt") or a:IsA("Pants") then
- a:Remove()
- elseif a:IsA("Part") and a.Name == "Head" then
- for _,b in pairs(a:GetChildren()) do
- if b:IsA("Decal") then
- b:Remove()
- end
- end
- elseif a:IsA("Part") and a.Name ~= "Head" then
- a.BrickColor ="Really black")
- elseif a:IsA("Part") and a.Name == "Head" then
- a.BrickColor ="White")
- end
- end
- CreateObject "Shirt" {
- Parent = Player.Character,
- ShirtTemplate = "rbxassetid://8561740"
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"clear","clearws"}, "Clears all of Workspace to just be a baseplate.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- for _,v in pairs(game.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if not Services.Players:findFirstChild(v.Name) then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- wait(0.1)
- CreateObject "Part" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace,
- Name = "BasePlate",
- Locked = true,
- Anchored = true,
- BrickColor ="Bright green"),
- Material = "Grass",
- FormFactor = "Symmetric",
- Size =,1,1000),
- Position =,0,0)
- }
- end)
- AddCommand({"give"}, "Gives a player an item from Lighting/ReplicatedStorage.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Lighting:GetChildren()) do
- if not Args[2] then
- return
- end
- if v:lower():find(Args[2]:lower()) then
- v:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"startergive"}, "Gives a player an item from Lighting/ReplicatedStorage to keep after death.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Lighting:GetChildren()) do
- if not Args[2] then
- return
- end
- if v:lower():find(v.Name, Args[2]:lower()) then
- v:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
- v:Clone().Parent = Player.StarterGear
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"plrdist","pdist","playerdist","playerdistance"}, "Prints (to the console) the distances between two players.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- local OtherPlayer = GetPlayers(Args[2])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character and Player.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- if OtherPlayer[1].Character and OtherPlayer[1].Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- print(OtherPlayer[1].Name .. " || " .. math.floor((Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - OtherPlayer[1].Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude))
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"sword","givesword"}, "Gives a player a linked sword.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local sword = Services.InsertService:LoadAsset(125013769)
- for _,v in pairs(sword:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Tool") then
- v:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
- end
- end
- sword:Destroy()
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"change"}, "Changes a player's leaderstat.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player:findFirstChild("leaderstats") then
- for _,v in pairs(Player.leaderstats:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name:lower():find(tostring(Args[2]):lower()) then
- v.RobloxLocked = true
- v.Value = tostring(Args[3])
- wait(0.5)
- v.RobloxLocked = false
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"resetstats"}, "Resets a player's leaderstats.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player:findFirstChild("leaderstats") then
- for _,v in pairs(Player.leaderstats:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("StringValue") then
- v.Value = ""
- elseif v:IsA("NumberValue") then
- v.Value = 0
- else
- error("Invalid value type")
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"damage","dmg"}, "Removes some of a player's health.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character.Humanoid then
- Player.Character.Humanoid:TakeDamage(tonumber(Args[2]))
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"team"}, "Changes a player's team.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Teams:GetChildren()) do
- if v:lower():find(Args[2]:lower()) then
- Player.TeamColor = v.TeamColor
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"pbtools","pbstools"}, "Gives a player PBS tools.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.PersonalServerRank = 250
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"pbvis","nopbtools"}, "Removes a player's PBS tools.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.PersonalServerRank = 10
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"view","viewplr","viewp"}, "Lets the localplayer view another player.", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Player.Character
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unview","unviewplr","unviewp"}, "Makes the localplayer view their own character.", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CameraSubject = Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
- end)
- AddCommand({"startergear","sgear"}, "Gives a player a gear to keep after death.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local Model = Services.InsertService:LoadAsset(tonumber(Args[2]))
- for _,v in pairs(Model:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Tool") then
- v:Clone().Parent = Player.Backpack
- v:Clone().Parent = Player.StarterGear
- end
- end
- Model:Destroy()
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"nolimbs","removelimbs","limbless"}, "Removes a player's limbs.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- if v.Name ~= "Torso" and v.Name ~= "Head" and v.Name ~= "HumanoidRootPart" then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"light"}, "Gives a player a light.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local r, g, b = Args[2], Args[3], Args[4]
- if not Args[2] or not Args[3] or not Args[4] then
- r = 100
- g = 100
- b = 100
- end
- CreateObject "PointLight" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Torso,
- Name = math.random(1,1000),
- Color =, g/255, b/255),
- Shadows = true,
- Range = 15,
- Brightness = 5
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unlight","nolight"}, "Removes a player's light.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character.Torso:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("PointLight") then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"misctools","mtools"}, "Gives the localplayer advanced tools.", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- for _,v in pairs(StorageFolder.Tools["Misc Tools"]:GetChildren()) do
- local newTool = v:Clone()
- newTool.Parent = Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
- newTool.Functions.Disabled = false
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"headsize"}, "Changes a player's head size.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.Head.Mesh.Scale =[2], Args[2], Args[2])
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"punish"}, "Puts a player's character in Lighting.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character.Parent ~= Services.Lighting then
- Player.Character.Parent = Services.Lighting
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unpunish"}, "Puts a player's character back into Workspace.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Services.Lighting:findFirstChild(Player.Name) then
- Player.Character.Parent = Services.Workspace
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"loopkill","lkl","lkill"}, "Makes a player die repeatedly.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- table.insert(LoopKilled, #LoopKilled +1, Player.Name)
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unloopkill","unlkl","unlkill"}, "Stops a player's repeated death.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for i,v in pairs(LoopKilled) do
- if tostring(Player.Name):match(v) then
- table.remove(LoopKilled, i)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"loopsit","lsit"}, "Makes a player sit repeatedly.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- table.insert(LoopSit, #LoopSit +1, Player.Name)
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unloopsit","unlsit"}, "Stops a player's repeated sitting.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for i,v in pairs(LoopSit) do
- if tostring(Player.Name):match(v) then
- table.remove(LoopSit, i)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"lockcam","lockcamera"}, "Makes a person's camera go to first person.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.CameraMode = "LockFirstPerson"
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unlockcam","unlockcamera"}, "Makes a person's camera go to third person.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.CameraMode = "Classic"
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"rocket","blastoff"}, "Launches a player into the sky and then explodes.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- CreateObject "BodyThrust" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Torso,
- Name = "Rocket",
- Force =,6000,0)
- }
- wait(7)
- CreateObject "Explosion" {
- Parent = Services.Workspace,
- Position = Player.Character.Torso.Position
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"float","skywalk"}, "Lets a player walk on air.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local newPad = StorageFolder.Misc.Pad:Clone()
- newPad.Parent = Player.Character
- newPad.CFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame *,-3.5,0)
- spawn(function()
- while wait(0.05) do
- if Player.Character:findFirstChild("Pad") then
- newPad.CFrame = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame *,-3.5,0)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unfloat","unskywalk"}, "Removes a player's ability to walk in the air.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character:findFirstChild("Pad") then
- Player.Character.Pad:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"nograv","moonjump"}, "Gives a player a zero-gravity effect.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("ChangedGravity") then
- Player.Character.Torso.ChangedGravity:Remove()
- end
- CreateObject "BodyThrust" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Torso,
- Name = "ChangedGravity",
- Force =,2500,0)
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"grav"}, "Returns a player's normal gravity.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("ChangedGravity") then
- Player.Character.Torso.ChangedGravity:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"setgrav","changegrav"}, "Changes a player's gravity.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- local Gravity = Args[2]
- if not Args[2] then
- Gravity = 2500
- end
- if Player.Character.Torso:findFirstChild("ChangedGravity") then
- Player.Character.Torso.ChangedGravity:Remove()
- end
- CreateObject "BodyThrust" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Torso,
- Name = "ChangedGravity",
- Force =,Gravity,0)
- }
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"removews","removeworkspace"}, "Remove all contents of Workspace.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if not v:IsA("Terrain") and v.Name ~= "Camera" then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"clearterrain","terrainclear","tclear"}, "Clears all terrain.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Terrain") then
- v:Clear()
- end
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"colorws","colourws","colourworkspace","colorworkspace"}, "Colours everything in workspace.", 4, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Colour = table.concat(Args, " ")
- if not Args[1] then
- Colour = "Bright red"
- end
- local function ColourParts(Instance)
- for _,v in pairs(Instance:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- v.BrickColor =
- v.Transparency = 0.7
- CreateObject "SelectionBox" {
- Parent = v,
- Name = math.random(1, 1000),
- Adornee = v,
- Color3 =,
- Transparency = 0.7
- }
- end
- ColourParts(v)
- end
- end
- ColourParts(Services.Workspace)
- end)
- AddCommand({"disco"}, "Makes the ambience change colours as if it were a disco party.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- if not Settings.Disco then
- if not Settings.Strobe then
- Settings.Disco = true
- elseif Settings.Strobe then
- Settings.Strobe = false
- Settings.Disco = true
- end
- spawn(function()
- repeat
- if Settings.Disco == false then
- return
- end
- wait(0.1)
- local col =,math.random(255)/255,math.random(255)/255)
- Services.Lighting = col
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = col
- until
- Settings.Disco == false
- end)
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"undisco"}, "Ends the disco.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Settings.Disco then
- Settings.Disco = false
- wait(0.5)
- Services.Lighting.Ambient = LightingDefaults.Ambient
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = LightingDefaults.FogColor
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"strobe"}, "Repidly changes the ambience from black to white.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- if not Settings.Strobe then
- Services.Lighting.FogEnd = 50
- if not Settings.Disco then
- Settings.Strobe = true
- elseif Settings.Disco then
- Settings.Disco = false
- Settings.Strobe = true
- end
- spawn(function()
- repeat
- if Settings.Strobe == false then
- return
- end
- local White =,1,1)
- local Black =,0,0)
- wait(0.05)
- Services.Lighting = White
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = White
- wait(0.05)
- Services.Lighting = Black
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = Black
- until
- Settings.Strobe == false
- end)
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"unstrobe"}, "Ends the disco.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Settings.Strobe then
- Settings.Strobe = false
- wait(0.5)
- Services.Lighting.Ambient = LightingDefaults.Ambient
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = LightingDefaults.FogColor
- Services.Lighting.FogEnd = LightingDefaults.FogEnd
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"fix","fixlighting"}, "Restores Lighting's properties to their original values.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Settings.Disco then
- Settings.Disco = false
- end
- if Settings.Strobe then
- Settings.Strobe = false
- end
- wait(0.5)
- Services.Lighting.Ambient = LightingDefaults.Ambient
- Services.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient = LightingDefaults.OutdoorAmbient
- Services.Lighting.FogColor = LightingDefaults.FogColor
- Services.Lighting.Brightness = LightingDefaults.Brightness
- Services.Lighting.TimeOfDay = LightingDefaults.TimeOfDay
- Services.Lighting.FogEnd = LightingDefaults.FogEnd
- Services.Lighting.FogStart = LightingDefaults.FogStart
- Services.Lighting.GlobalShadows = LightingDefaults.GlobalShadows
- Services.Lighting.Outlines = LightingDefaults.Outlines
- Services.Lighting.ShadowColor = LightingDefaults.ShadowColor
- end)
- AddCommand({"restore","restoremap","fixws","fixworkspace"}, "Restores Workspace to its original state.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Services.ReplicatedStorage:findFirstChild("MapRestore") then
- for _,v in pairs(Services.Workspace:GetChildren()) do
- if not v:IsA("Terrain") and not v:IsA("Camera") then
- v:Remove()
- end
- end
- for _,v in pairs(Services.ReplicatedStorage.MapRestore:GetChildren()) do
- v:Clone().Parent = Services.Workspace
- end
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"shutdown"}, "Removes all players from the server.", 4, function(Args, Speaker)
- Services.Players:ClearAllChildren()
- end)
- AddCommand({"decalspam","dcalspam","dspam"}, "Spams a decal on every surface of every part in Workspace.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- local function Spam(Instance)
- local id
- for _,v in pairs(Instance:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("BasePart") then
- local Surfaces = {"Front","Back","Top","Bottom","Left","Right"}
- for i = 1, 6 do
- local Image ="Decal", v)
- Image.Name = "Spam"
- Image.Face = Surfaces[i]
- if Args[1] then
- id = Args[1]
- elseif not Args[1] then
- id = 67588212 -- troll face
- end
- Image.Texture = "rbxassetid://" .. tostring(id)
- end
- end
- Spam(v)
- end
- end
- Spam(Services.Workspace)
- end)
- AddCommand({"setb","brightness"}, "Changes the place's brightness.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- if not Args[1] then
- return
- end
- Services.Lighting.Brightness = Args[1]
- end)
- AddCommand({"setamb","ambience"}, "Changes the place's ambience.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local r, g, b = Args[1], Args[2], Args[3]
- if not Args[1] or not Args[2] or not Args[3] then
- r = 100
- g = 100
- b = 100
- end
- Services.Lighting.Ambient =, g/255, b/255)
- end)
- AddCommand({"name","namechar"}, "Changes a player's character's name.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local String = table.concat(Args, " ")
- local newString = string.gsub(String, Args[1] .. " ", "")
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character:children()) do
- if v:findFirstChild("NameTag") then
- Player.Character.Head.Transparency = 0
- v:Destroy()
- end
- end
- CreateObject "Model" {
- Name = newString,
- Parent = Player.Character
- }
- CreateObject "Humanoid" {
- Name = "NameTag",
- MaxHealth = 0,
- Health = 0,
- Parent = Player.Character[newString]
- }
- local newHead = Player.Character.Head:Clone()
- newHead.Parent = Player.Character[newString]
- CreateObject "Weld" {
- Part0 = newHead,
- Part1 = Player.Character.Head,
- Parent = Player.Character[newString]
- }
- Player.Character.Head.Transparency = 1
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unname","unnamechar"}, "Restores a player's character's name.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for _,v in pairs(Player.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Model") and v:findFirstChild("NameTag") then
- v:Remove()
- Player.Character.Head.Transparency = 0
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"jump"}, "Makes a player jump.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Jump = true
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"sit"}, "Makes a player sit.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"clone","clonechar"}, "Clones a player's character.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Player.Character.Archivable = true
- local newChar = Player.Character:Clone()
- newChar.Parent = Services.Workspace
- newChar:MoveTo(Player.Character.Torso.Position)
- Player.Character.Archivable = false
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"fog","setfog"}, "Changes the fog colour and end distance.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local r, g, b, fend = Args[1], Args[2], Args[3], Args[4]
- if not Args[1] or not Args[2] or not Args[3] then
- r = 100
- g = 100
- b = 100
- end
- if Args[4] then
- Services.Lighting.FogEnd = fend
- end
- Services.Lighting.FogColor =, g, b)
- end)
- AddCommand({"part","newpart","addpart","createpart"}, "Creates a part at the speaker's head's position.", 2, function(Args, Speaker)
- local x, y, z = Args[1], Args[2], Args[3]
- if not Args[1] or not Args[2] or not Args[3] then
- x = 2
- y = 1
- z = 4
- end
- CreateObject "Part" {
- Name = math.random(1, 1000),
- Parent = Services.Workspace,
- Size =, y, z),
- Position = Speaker.Character.Head.Position +, 2, 0),
- Anchored = true
- }
- end)
- AddCommand({"fling"}, "Flings a player's character.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") and Player.Character:findFirstChild("Humanoid") then
- local xran, zran
- repeat
- xran = math.random(-9999,9999)
- until
- math.abs(xran) >= 5555
- repeat
- zran = math.random(-9999,9999)
- until
- math.abs(zran) >= 5555
- Player.Character.Humanoid.Sit = true
- Player.Character.Torso.Velocity =,0,0)
- CreateObject "BodyForce" {
- Parent = Player.Character.Torso,
- Name = "FlingForce",
- Force = * 4, 9999 * 5, zran * 4)
- }
- wait(0.1)
- Player.Character.Torso.FlingForce:Remove()
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"setkeybind"}, "Creates a keybind.", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- local String = table.concat(Args, " ")
- local newString = string.gsub(String, Args[1] .. " ", "")
- for i,v in pairs(KeyBinds) do
- if KeyBinds[i][1] == Args[1] then
- table.remove(KeyBinds, i)
- end
- end
- table.insert(KeyBinds, #KeyBinds + 1, {Args[1], newString})
- end)
- AddCommand({"setwp","setwaypoint"}, "Creates a waypoint at the speaker's position.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- local WPName = Args[1]
- if not Args[1] then
- return
- end
- for i,v in pairs(WayPoints) do
- if v.NAME == WPName then
- table.remove(WayPoints, i)
- end
- end
- if Speaker.Character:findFirstChild("Torso") then
- local Torso = Speaker.Character.Torso
- table.insert(WayPoints, #WayPoints + 1, {["NAME"] = WPName, ["COORD"] = {math.floor(Torso.Position.X), math.floor(Torso.Position.Y), math.floor(Torso.Position.Z)}})
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"remwp","removewaypoint"}, "Removes a waypoint.", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- for i,v in pairs(WayPoints) do
- if WayPoints[i].Name == Args[1] then
- table.remove(WayPoints, i)
- end
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"tpwp"}, "Teleports a player to a waypoint.", 1, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- if Player.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
- for i,v in pairs(WayPoints) do
- if WayPoints[i].NAME == tostring(Args[2]) then
- Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =[i].COORD[1], WayPoints[i].COORD[2], WayPoints[i].COORD[3])
- end
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"chat"}, "Shows a chat bubble above a player's head", 3, function(Args, Speaker)
- local String = table.concat(Args, " ")
- local newString = string.gsub(String, Args[1] .. " ", "")
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- Services.Chat:Chat(Player.Character.Head, newString, Enum.ChatColor.Green)
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"fly"}, "Enables LocalPlayer fly.", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild("Torso")
- local Torso = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso
- Settings.Flying = true
- local speed = 0
- local keys = {
- a = false,
- d = false,
- w = false,
- s = false
- }
- local function start()
- CreateObject "BodyPosition" {
- Parent = Torso,
- maxForce =, math.huge, math.huge),
- position = Torso.Position
- }
- CreateObject "BodyGyro" {
- Parent = Torso,
- Name = "FLYGYRO",
- maxTorque =, 9e9, 9e9),
- cframe = Torso.CFrame
- }
- local bPosition = Torso:findFirstChild("FLYPOSITION")
- local bGyro = Torso:findFirstChild("FLYGYRO")
- repeat
- wait()
- Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = true
- local new = bGyro.cframe - bGyro.cframe.p + bPosition.position
- if not keys.w and not keys.s and not keys.a and not keys.d then
- speed = 1
- end
- if keys.w then
- new = new + Services.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * speed
- speed = speed + 0.01
- end
- if keys.s then
- new = new - Services.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector * speed
- speed = speed + 0.01
- end
- if keys.d then
- new = new *, 0 ,0)
- speed = speed + 0.01
- end
- if keys.a then
- new = new *, 0, 0)
- speed = speed + 0.01
- end
- if speed > 5 then
- speed = 5
- end
- bPosition.position = new.p
- if keys.w then
- bGyro.cframe = Services.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(-math.rad(speed * 15), 0, 0)
- elseif keys.s then
- bGyro.cframe = Services.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(speed * 15), 0, 0)
- else
- bGyro.cframe = Services.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame
- end
- until
- Settings.Flying == false
- if bGyro then
- bGyro:Destroy()
- end
- if bPosition then
- bPosition:Destroy()
- end
- Settings.Flying = false
- Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.PlatformStand = false
- speed = 0
- end
- Settings.FlyEvent1 = Mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
- if not Torso or not Torso.Parent then
- Settings.Flying = false
- Settings.FlyEvent1:disconnect()
- Settings.FlyEvent2:disconnect()
- return
- end
- if key == "w" then
- keys.w = true
- elseif key == "s" then
- keys.s = true
- elseif key == "a" then
- keys.a = true
- elseif key == "d" then
- keys.d = true
- elseif key == "e" then
- if Settings.Flying == true then
- Settings.Flying = false
- else
- Settings.Flying = true
- start()
- end
- end
- end)
- Settings.FlyEvent2 = Mouse.KeyUp:connect(function(key)
- if key == "w" then
- keys.w = false
- elseif key == "s" then
- keys.s = false
- elseif key == "a" then
- keys.a = false
- elseif key == "d" then
- keys.d = false
- end
- end)
- start()
- end)
- AddCommand({"unfly"}, "Disables LocalPlayer fly.", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Settings.Flying then
- Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("FLYPOSITION"):Remove()
- Services.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("FLYGYRO"):Remove()
- Settings.Flying = false
- Settings.FlyEvent1:disconnect()
- Settings.FlyEvent2:disconnect()
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"noclip"}, "Noclips the LocalPlayer", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- if not Settings.NoClipped then
- Settings.NoClipped = false
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"clip"}, "Clips the LocalPlayer", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- if Settings.NoClipped then
- Settings.NoClipped = true
- end
- end)
- AddCommand({"esp"}, "Shows a billboard gui over a player's head showing health and distance.", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- table.insert(ESP, #ESP +1, Player.Name)
- end)
- end)
- AddCommand({"unesp","noesp","remesp"}, "Removes a player's ESP billboard.", 5, function(Args, Speaker)
- local Players = GetPlayers(Args[1])
- ForEach(Players, function(Player)
- for i,v in pairs(ESP) do
- if tostring(Player.Name):match(v) then
- table.remove(ESP, i)
- end
- end
- end)
- end)
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