

May 13th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. --WhiteList
  2. if 1 == 1 then
  3. local function Message(text, color)
  4. game.StarterGui:SetCore("ChatMakeSystemMessage", {
  5. Text = text,
  6. Color = color,
  7. })
  8. end
  9. rconsoleprint('---------------------Sin HUB WHITELIST--------------------- \n')
  10. Message("Checking your whitelist....", Color3.new(0, 62, 255))
  11. rconsoleprint('Checking your whitelist.... \n')
  12. wait(0.3)
  13. rconsoleprint('Whitelist valid loading the hub\n')
  14. Message("Whitelist valid loading the hub", Color3.new(0, 62, 255))
  15. wait(0.5)
  16. rconsoleprint('Game found loading the ui \n')
  17. Message("Game found loading the ui", Color3.new(0, 62, 255))
  18. wait(0.2)
  19. rconsoleprint('Ui loaded welcome to Sin hub!\n')
  20. Message("Ui loaded welcome to Sin hub!", Color3.new(0, 62, 255))
  21. rconsoleprint('---------------------WHITELIST SUCCEEDED---------------------')
  23. if game.PlaceId == 3527629287 then
  25. local UILibrary = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bloodball/-back-ups-for-libs/main/twink"))()
  27. local MainUI = UILibrary.Load(" Big Paintball | SinHub")
  28. local SecondPage = MainUI.AddPage("Gun Mods")
  29. local CombatPage = MainUI.AddPage("Combat")
  30. local ThirdPage = MainUI.AddPage("ESP")
  31. local MiscPage = MainUI.AddPage("Misc")
  32. local CreditsPage = MainUI.AddPage("Credits")
  34. --functions
  36. --Walkspeed--
  37. local function UserWalkSpeed(person, speed)
  38. if person and person.Character then
  39. if person.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") then
  40. person.Character:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = speed
  41. end
  42. end
  43. end
  46. --Labels
  48. local CreditsLabel = CreditsPage.AddLabel("Made by KarumuBlox#2391")
  49. local CombatLabel = CombatPage.AddLabel("Thanks to WetWipes#1017 for the silent Aim")
  52. --------Gun Mods--------
  54. --Auto Gun--
  55. local ModsToggle = SecondPage.AddToggle("Automatic Gun", false, function(Value)
  56. if toggle == false
  57. then toggle = true
  59. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  60. pcall(function()
  61. require(v)[tostring(i)].automatic = false
  62. end)
  63. end
  66. else
  67. toggle = false
  69. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  70. pcall(function()
  71. require(v)[tostring(i)].automatic = true
  72. end)
  73. end
  74. end
  75. end)
  77. --Fire Rate--
  78. local ModsToggle = SecondPage.AddToggle("Fire Rate", false, function(Value)
  79. if toggle == false
  80. then toggle = true
  82. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  83. pcall(function()
  84. require(v)[tostring(i)].firerate = 50
  85. end)
  86. end
  87. else
  88. toggle = false
  90. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  91. pcall(function()
  92. require(v)[tostring(i)].firerate = -math.huge
  93. end)
  94. end
  95. end
  96. end)
  98. --Range (No Drop)--
  99. local ModsToggle = SecondPage.AddToggle("Range (No Drop)", false, function(Value)
  100. if toggle == false
  101. then toggle = true
  103. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  104. pcall(function()
  105. require(v)[tostring(i)].velocity = 150
  106. end)
  107. end
  108. else
  109. toggle = false
  111. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  112. pcall(function()
  113. require(v)[tostring(i)].velocity = 9999999
  114. end)
  115. end
  116. end
  117. end)
  119. --Super Gun--
  120. local ModsToggle = SecondPage.AddToggle("Super Gun", false, function(Value)
  121. if toggle == false
  122. then toggle = true
  124. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  125. pcall(function()
  126. require(v)[tostring(i)].firerate = 50
  127. require(v)[tostring(i)].velocity = 150
  128. require(v)[tostring(i)].additionalSpeed = -15
  129. require(v)[tostring(i)].automatic = false
  130. end)
  131. end
  132. else
  133. toggle = false
  135. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  136. pcall(function()
  137. require(v)[tostring(i)].firerate = math.huge
  138. require(v)[tostring(i)].velocity = 9999999
  139. require(v)[tostring(i)].additionalSpeed = 15
  140. require(v)[tostring(i)].automatic = true
  141. end)
  142. end
  144. end
  145. end)
  147. --------Combat--------
  151. local CombatButton = CombatPage.AddButton("One Hit Gadgets (Drone and turrets)", function()
  153. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Modules["1 | Directory"].Guns:GetChildren()) do
  154. pcall(function()
  155. require(v)[tostring(i)].gadgetDamage = 100
  156. end)
  157. end
  158. warn("Sucessfull!")
  160. end)
  162. local CombatButton = CombatPage.AddButton("Kill All (K to toggle)", function()
  164. _G.Debug = true
  166. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  167. local mouse = player:GetMouse()
  168. Players = game:GetService("Players")
  169. KillAll = false
  173. mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key)
  174. if key == "k" then
  175. if KillAll then
  176. KillAll = false
  177. _G.ENABLED = false
  178. ENABLED = false
  179. Respawn = false
  180. TARGET = false
  184. else
  185. KillAll = true
  186. _G.ENABLED = true
  187. ENABLED = true
  188. Respawn = true
  189. TARGET = true
  192. end
  193. end
  194. end)
  196. PLAYER = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  197. MOUSE = PLAYER:GetMouse()
  198. CC = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  200. ENABLED = true
  202. _G.FREE_FOR_ALL = false
  204. local TARGET = false
  206. _G.AIM_AT = 'Head'
  208. wait(1)
  210. function GetNearestPlayerToMouse()
  211. local PLAYERS = {}
  212. local PLAYER_HOLD = {}
  213. local DISTANCES = {}
  214. for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  215. if v ~= PLAYER then
  216. table.insert(PLAYERS, v)
  217. end
  218. end
  219. for i, v in pairs(PLAYERS) do
  220. if _G.FREE_FOR_ALL == false then
  221. if v and (v.Character) ~= nil and v.TeamColor ~= PLAYER.TeamColor then
  222. local AIM = v.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.AIM_AT)
  223. if AIM ~= nil then
  224. local DISTANCE = (AIM.Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude
  225. local RAY = Ray.new(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p, (MOUSE.Hit.p - CC.CoordinateFrame.p).unit * DISTANCE)
  226. local HIT,POS = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(RAY, game.Workspace)
  227. local DIFF = math.floor((POS - AIM.Position).magnitude)
  228. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i] = {}
  229. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].dist = DISTANCE
  230. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].plr = v
  231. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].diff = DIFF
  232. table.insert(DISTANCES, DIFF)
  233. end
  234. end
  235. elseif _G.FREE_FOR_ALL == true then
  236. local AIM = v.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.AIM_AT)
  237. if AIM ~= nil then
  238. local DISTANCE = (AIM.Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude
  239. local RAY = Ray.new(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p, (MOUSE.Hit.p - CC.CoordinateFrame.p).unit * DISTANCE)
  240. local HIT,POS = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(RAY, game.Workspace)
  241. local DIFF = math.floor((POS - AIM.Position).magnitude)
  242. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i] = {}
  243. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].dist = DISTANCE
  244. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].plr = v
  245. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].diff = DIFF
  246. table.insert(DISTANCES, DIFF)
  247. end
  248. end
  249. end
  251. if unpack(DISTANCES) == nil then
  252. return false
  253. end
  255. local L_DISTANCE = math.floor(math.min(unpack(DISTANCES)))
  256. if L_DISTANCE > 12 then
  257. return false
  258. end
  260. for i, v in pairs(PLAYER_HOLD) do
  261. if v.diff == L_DISTANCE then
  262. return v.plr
  263. end
  264. end
  265. return false
  266. end
  271. function FIND()
  272. CLEAR()
  273. TRACK = true
  274. spawn(function()
  275. while wait() do
  276. if TRACK then
  277. CLEAR()
  278. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  279. if v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  280. if _G.FREE_FOR_ALL == false then
  281. if v.TeamColor ~= PLAYER.TeamColor then
  282. if v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  283. CREATE(v.Character.Head, true)
  284. end
  285. end
  286. else
  287. if v.Character:FindFirstChild('Torso') then
  288. CREATE(v.Character.Head, true)
  289. end
  290. end
  291. end
  292. end
  293. end
  294. end
  295. wait(1)
  296. end)
  297. end
  299. local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  300. local mouse = player:GetMouse() -- get the mouse
  301. local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  302. local ready = true
  303. game:GetService('RunService').RenderStepped:connect(function()
  304. if ENABLED then
  305. local TARGET = GetNearestPlayerToMouse()
  306. if (TARGET ~= true) then
  307. local AIM = TARGET.Character:FindFirstChild(_G.AIM_AT)
  308. if AIM then
  309. CC.CoordinateFrame = CFrame.new(CC.CoordinateFrame.p, AIM.CFrame.p)
  310. end
  312. end
  313. end
  314. end)
  316. wait()
  317. Respawn = false
  319. Players = game:GetService("Players")
  320. LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  321. LocalCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character
  322. LocalCFrame = LocalCharacter.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  324. warn("Kill All Enabled, Thanks WetWipes!")
  325. while wait(0.3) do
  326. if LocalCharacter and LocalPlayer.Character and KillAll then
  327. if Respawn then
  328. keypress(0x20)
  329. end
  330. for i, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  331. if player.TeamColor ~= LocalPlayer.TeamColor and player.Character and player.Character.HumanoidRootPart then
  332. end
  334. Players = game:GetService("Players")
  335. LocalPlayer = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  336. LocalCharacter = LocalPlayer.Character
  337. LocalCFrame = LocalCharacter.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  339. root = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  340. root.CFrame = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, 3)
  341. mouse1click()
  342. wait(0.1)
  343. end
  344. end
  345. end
  347. end)
  349. local CombatButton = CombatPage.AddButton("Silent Aim (Q = On, E = Off)", function()
  351. local Players = game:GetService("Players"); --> Wally is sexy!
  352. local Player = Players.LocalPlayer;
  353. local scriptEnv = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Framework.Library);
  354. local network = scriptEnv.Network;
  355. local gunCmds = scriptEnv.GunCmds;
  356. local SilentAimTog = false;
  357. local UnlockAllTog = false;
  358. game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:Connect(function(io)
  359. if io.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.Q then -- true when pressed Q or F9
  360. SilentAimTog = true
  361. elseif io.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.E then -- only true when pressed F9
  362. SilentAimTog = false
  363. end
  364. end)
  365. local function getClosestPlayer()
  366. local shortestDistance, closestPlayer = math.huge;
  368. for i, v in next, Players:GetPlayers() do
  369. if (v.Name ~= Player.Name and v.Team ~= Player.Team and Player.Character and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") and v.Character and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
  370. local mag = (v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude;
  372. if (mag < shortestDistance) then
  373. closestPlayer = v;
  374. shortestDistance = mag;
  375. end;
  376. end;
  377. end;
  379. return closestPlayer;
  380. end;
  382. local function kill(code, plr)
  383. if (code and plr.Character and plr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")) then
  384. local data =
  385. {
  386. [1] =
  387. {
  388. [1] = plr.Character.Humanoid;
  389. [2] = code;
  390. [3] = 235;
  391. [4] = plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position;
  392. [5] = false;
  393. };
  394. [2] =
  395. {
  396. [1] = false;
  397. [2] = false;
  398. [3] = false;
  399. [4] = false;
  400. [5] = false;
  401. };
  402. };
  404. game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("__THINGS"):FindFirstChild("__REMOTES"):FindFirstChild("do damage"):FireServer(data);
  405. end;
  406. end;
  408. wait(1)
  409. do
  410. local oldUnlockAll = gunCmds.DoesOwnGun;
  412. gunCmds.DoesOwnGun = newcclosure(function(...)
  413. if (UnlockAllTog) then
  414. return true;
  415. end;
  417. return oldUnlockAll(...);
  418. end);
  419. end;
  421. do
  422. local oldFire = network.Fire;
  424. network.Fire = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
  425. local args = {...};
  427. if (tostring(self) == "New Projectile" and SilentAimTog) then
  428. local closePlayer = getClosestPlayer();
  430. if (closePlayer) then
  431. kill(args[2], closePlayer); --> Epic func
  432. end;
  433. elseif (tostring(self) == "Request Respawn" and UnlockAllTog) then
  434. args[1] = "1"; --> Easy peasy bypass :)
  435. end;
  437. return oldFire(self, unpack(args));
  438. end);
  439. end;
  441. warn("Legit Silent Aim Enabled!");
  443. end)
  447. --------ESP--------
  449. --Basic ESP--
  450. local ESPToggle = ThirdPage.AddToggle("Basic Esp", false, function(Value)
  451. if toggle == false
  452. then toggle = true
  454. --// Made by Blissful#4992 - R15 Skeleton ESP
  455. --//Options:
  456. local Settings = {
  457. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), -- Color of the lines of the skeleton
  458. Thickness = 2, -- Thickness of the lines of the Skeleton
  459. Transparency = 1, -- 1 Visible - 0 Not Visible
  460. AutoThickness = true -- Makes Thickness above futile, scales according to distance, good for less encumbered screen
  461. }
  463. --//Locals, etc:
  464. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  465. local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  467. local function NewLine()
  468. local line = Drawing.new("Line")
  469. line.Visible = false
  470. line.From = Vector2.new(0, 0)
  471. line.To = Vector2.new(0, 0)
  472. line.Color = Settings.Color
  473. line.Thickness = Settings.Thickness
  474. line.Transparency = Settings.Transparency
  475. return line
  476. end
  478. --//Separation: Main Function
  480. for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  481. local R15
  482. spawn(function()
  483. repeat wait() until v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil
  484. R15 = (v.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) and true or false
  485. end)
  487. local Spine = {}
  488. local SpineNames = {}
  489. local connecthead = NewLine()
  491. local LLeg = {}
  492. local LLegNames = {}
  493. local connectlegleft = NewLine()
  495. local RLeg = {}
  496. local RLegNames = {}
  497. local connectlegright = NewLine()
  499. local LArm = {}
  500. local LArmNames = {}
  501. local connectarmleft = NewLine()
  503. local RArm = {}
  504. local RArmNames = {}
  505. local connectarmright = NewLine()
  507. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  508. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Transparency ~= 1 then
  509. if v.Name == "UpperTorso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or v.Name == "LowerTorso" then
  510. table.insert(SpineNames, v.Name)
  511. Spine[v.Name] = NewLine()
  512. end
  513. if v.Name == "LeftLeg" or v.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or v.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or v.Name == "LeftFoot" then
  514. table.insert(LLegNames, v.Name)
  515. LLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  516. end
  517. if v.Name == "RightLeg" or v.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or v.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or v.Name == "RightFoot" then
  518. table.insert(RLegNames, v.Name)
  519. RLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  520. end
  521. if v.Name == "LeftArm" or v.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or v.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or v.Name == "LeftHand" then
  522. table.insert(LArmNames, v.Name)
  523. LArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  524. end
  525. if v.Name == "RightArm" or v.Name == "RightUpperArm" or v.Name == "RightLowerArm" or v.Name == "RightHand" then
  526. table.insert(RArmNames, v.Name)
  527. RArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  528. end
  529. end
  530. end
  532. local function ESP()
  533. local function ConnectLimbs(limb, root, connector)
  534. if v.Character:FindFirstChild(root) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(limb) ~= nil then
  535. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(root).Position)
  536. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(limb).Position)
  537. connector.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  538. connector.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  539. end
  540. end
  541. local function Visibility(state)
  542. connecthead.Visible = state
  543. connectarmleft.Visible = state
  544. connectarmright.Visible = state
  545. connectlegleft.Visible = state
  546. connectlegright.Visible = state
  547. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  548. x.Visible = state
  549. end
  550. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  551. x.Visible = state
  552. end
  553. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  554. x.Visible = state
  555. end
  556. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  557. x.Visible = state
  558. end
  559. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  560. x.Visible = state
  561. end
  562. end
  563. local function Thickness(state)
  564. connecthead.Thickness = state
  565. connectarmleft.Thickness = state
  566. connectarmright.Thickness = state
  567. connectlegleft.Thickness = state
  568. connectlegright.Thickness = state
  569. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  570. x.Thickness = state
  571. end
  572. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  573. x.Thickness = state
  574. end
  575. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  576. x.Thickness = state
  577. end
  578. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  579. x.Thickness = state
  580. end
  581. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  582. x.Thickness = state
  583. end
  584. end
  585. local function Color(color)
  586. connecthead.Color = color
  587. connectarmleft.Color = color
  588. connectarmright.Color = color
  589. connectlegleft.Color = color
  590. connectlegright.Color = color
  591. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  592. x.Color = color
  593. end
  594. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  595. x.Color = color
  596. end
  597. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  598. x.Color = color
  599. end
  600. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  601. x.Color = color
  602. end
  603. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  604. x.Color = color
  605. end
  606. end
  608. local connection
  609. connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  610. if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and v.Name ~= plr.Name and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  611. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  612. if vis then
  613. if R15 then
  614. local a = 0
  615. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  616. a=a+1
  617. if SpineNames[a+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position ~= nil then
  618. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a]).Position)
  619. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position)
  620. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  621. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  622. end
  623. end
  624. local b = 0
  625. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  626. b=b+1
  627. if LArmNames[b+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position ~= nil then
  628. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b]).Position)
  629. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position)
  630. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  631. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  632. end
  633. end
  634. local c = 0
  635. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  636. c=c+1
  637. if RArmNames[c+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position ~= nil then
  638. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c]).Position)
  639. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position)
  640. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  641. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  642. end
  643. end
  644. local d = 0
  645. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  646. d=d+1
  647. if LLegNames[d+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position ~= nil then
  648. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d]).Position)
  649. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position)
  650. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  651. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  652. end
  653. end
  654. local e = 0
  655. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  656. e=e+1
  657. if RRLegNames[e+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position ~= nil then
  658. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e]).Position)
  659. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position)
  660. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  661. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  662. end
  663. end
  665. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmleft)
  666. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmright)
  667. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegleft)
  668. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegright)
  669. ConnectLimbs("UpperTorso", "Head", connecthead)
  670. end
  672. if Settings.AutoThickness then
  673. local distance = (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  674. local value = math.clamp(1/distance*100, 0.1, 3) --0.1 is min thickness, 4 is max
  675. Thickness(value)
  676. else
  677. Thickness(Settings.Thickness)
  678. end
  680. Visibility(true)
  681. else
  682. Visibility(false)
  683. end
  684. else
  685. Visibility(false)
  686. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) == nil then
  687. connection:Disconnect()
  688. end
  689. end
  690. end)
  691. end
  692. coroutine.wrap(ESP)()
  693. end
  695. --// Made by Blissful#4992
  697. -- For when a player gets added:
  698. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(newplr)
  699. repeat wait() until newplr.Character ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil
  700. local R15 = (newplr.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) and true or false
  702. local Spine = {}
  703. local SpineNames = {}
  704. local connecthead = NewLine()
  706. local LLeg = {}
  707. local LLegNames = {}
  708. local connectlegleft = NewLine()
  710. local RLeg = {}
  711. local RLegNames = {}
  712. local connectlegright = NewLine()
  714. local LArm = {}
  715. local LArmNames = {}
  716. local connectarmleft = NewLine()
  718. local RArm = {}
  719. local RArmNames = {}
  720. local connectarmright = NewLine()
  722. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  723. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Transparency ~= 1 then
  724. if v.Name == "UpperTorso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or v.Name == "LowerTorso" then
  725. table.insert(SpineNames, v.Name)
  726. Spine[v.Name] = NewLine()
  727. end
  728. if v.Name == "LeftLeg" or v.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or v.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or v.Name == "LeftFoot" then
  729. table.insert(LLegNames, v.Name)
  730. LLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  731. end
  732. if v.Name == "RightLeg" or v.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or v.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or v.Name == "RightFoot" then
  733. table.insert(RLegNames, v.Name)
  734. RLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  735. end
  736. if v.Name == "LeftArm" or v.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or v.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or v.Name == "LeftHand" then
  737. table.insert(LArmNames, v.Name)
  738. LArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  739. end
  740. if v.Name == "RightArm" or v.Name == "RightUpperArm" or v.Name == "RightLowerArm" or v.Name == "RightHand" then
  741. table.insert(RArmNames, v.Name)
  742. RArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  743. end
  744. end
  745. end
  748. local function ESP()
  749. local function ConnectLimbs(limb, root, connector)
  750. if newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(root) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(limb) ~= nil then
  751. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(root).Position)
  752. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(limb).Position)
  753. connector.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  754. connector.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  755. end
  756. end
  757. local function Visibility(state)
  758. connecthead.Visible = state
  759. connectarmleft.Visible = state
  760. connectarmright.Visible = state
  761. connectlegleft.Visible = state
  762. connectlegright.Visible = state
  763. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  764. x.Visible = state
  765. end
  766. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  767. x.Visible = state
  768. end
  769. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  770. x.Visible = state
  771. end
  772. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  773. x.Visible = state
  774. end
  775. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  776. x.Visible = state
  777. end
  778. end
  779. local function Thickness(state)
  780. connecthead.Thickness = state
  781. connectarmleft.Thickness = state
  782. connectarmright.Thickness = state
  783. connectlegleft.Thickness = state
  784. connectlegright.Thickness = state
  785. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  786. x.Thickness = state
  787. end
  788. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  789. x.Thickness = state
  790. end
  791. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  792. x.Thickness = state
  793. end
  794. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  795. x.Thickness = state
  796. end
  797. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  798. x.Thickness = state
  799. end
  800. end
  801. local function Color(color)
  802. connecthead.Color = color
  803. connectarmleft.Color = color
  804. connectarmright.Color = color
  805. connectlegleft.Color = color
  806. connectlegright.Color = color
  807. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  808. x.Color = color
  809. end
  810. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  811. x.Color = color
  812. end
  813. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  814. x.Color = color
  815. end
  816. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  817. x.Color = color
  818. end
  819. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  820. x.Color = color
  821. end
  822. end
  824. local connection
  825. connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  826. if newplr.Character ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and newplr.Name ~= plr.Name and newplr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  827. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  828. if vis then
  829. if R15 then
  830. local a = 0
  831. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  832. a=a+1
  833. if SpineNames[a+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position ~= nil then
  834. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a]).Position)
  835. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position)
  836. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  837. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  838. end
  839. end
  840. local b = 0
  841. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  842. b=b+1
  843. if LArmNames[b+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position ~= nil then
  844. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b]).Position)
  845. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position)
  846. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  847. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  848. end
  849. end
  850. local c = 0
  851. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  852. c=c+1
  853. if RArmNames[c+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position ~= nil then
  854. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c]).Position)
  855. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position)
  856. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  857. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  858. end
  859. end
  860. local d = 0
  861. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  862. d=d+1
  863. if LLegNames[d+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position ~= nil then
  864. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d]).Position)
  865. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position)
  866. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  867. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  868. end
  869. end
  870. local e = 0
  871. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  872. e=e+1
  873. if RLegNames[e+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position ~= nil then
  874. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e]).Position)
  875. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position)
  876. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  877. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  878. end
  879. end
  881. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmleft)
  882. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmright)
  883. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegleft)
  884. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegright)
  885. ConnectLimbs("UpperTorso", "Head", connecthead)
  886. end
  888. if Settings.AutoThickness then
  889. local distance = (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - newplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  890. local value = math.clamp(1/distance*100, 0.1, 3) --0.1 is min thickness, 4 is max
  891. Thickness(value)
  892. else
  893. Thickness(Settings.Thickness)
  894. end
  896. Visibility(true)
  897. else
  898. Visibility(false)
  899. end
  900. else
  901. Visibility(false)
  902. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(newplr.Name) == nil then
  903. connection:Disconnect()
  904. end
  905. end
  906. end)
  907. end
  908. coroutine.wrap(ESP)()
  909. end)
  910. --// Made by Blissful#4992
  912. else
  913. toggle = false
  915. --// Made by Blissful#4992 - R15 Skeleton ESP
  916. --//Options:
  917. local Settings = {
  918. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0), -- Color of the lines of the skeleton
  919. Thickness = 2, -- Thickness of the lines of the Skeleton
  920. Transparency = 1, -- 1 Visible - 0 Not Visible
  921. AutoThickness = true -- Makes Thickness above futile, scales according to distance, good for less encumbered screen
  922. }
  924. --//Locals, etc:
  925. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  926. local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera
  928. local function NewLine()
  929. local line = Drawing.new("Line")
  930. line.Visible = true
  931. line.From = Vector2.new(0, 0)
  932. line.To = Vector2.new(0, 0)
  933. line.Color = Settings.Color
  934. line.Thickness = Settings.Thickness
  935. line.Transparency = Settings.Transparency
  936. return line
  937. end
  939. --//Separation: Main Function
  941. for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do
  942. local R15
  943. spawn(function()
  944. repeat wait() until v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil
  945. R15 = (v.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) and true or false
  946. end)
  948. local Spine = {}
  949. local SpineNames = {}
  950. local connecthead = NewLine()
  952. local LLeg = {}
  953. local LLegNames = {}
  954. local connectlegleft = NewLine()
  956. local RLeg = {}
  957. local RLegNames = {}
  958. local connectlegright = NewLine()
  960. local LArm = {}
  961. local LArmNames = {}
  962. local connectarmleft = NewLine()
  964. local RArm = {}
  965. local RArmNames = {}
  966. local connectarmright = NewLine()
  968. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  969. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Transparency ~= 1 then
  970. if v.Name == "UpperTorso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or v.Name == "LowerTorso" then
  971. table.insert(SpineNames, v.Name)
  972. Spine[v.Name] = NewLine()
  973. end
  974. if v.Name == "LeftLeg" or v.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or v.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or v.Name == "LeftFoot" then
  975. table.insert(LLegNames, v.Name)
  976. LLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  977. end
  978. if v.Name == "RightLeg" or v.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or v.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or v.Name == "RightFoot" then
  979. table.insert(RLegNames, v.Name)
  980. RLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  981. end
  982. if v.Name == "LeftArm" or v.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or v.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or v.Name == "LeftHand" then
  983. table.insert(LArmNames, v.Name)
  984. LArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  985. end
  986. if v.Name == "RightArm" or v.Name == "RightUpperArm" or v.Name == "RightLowerArm" or v.Name == "RightHand" then
  987. table.insert(RArmNames, v.Name)
  988. RArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  989. end
  990. end
  991. end
  993. local function ESP()
  994. local function ConnectLimbs(limb, root, connector)
  995. if v.Character:FindFirstChild(root) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(limb) ~= nil then
  996. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(root).Position)
  997. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(limb).Position)
  998. connector.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  999. connector.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1000. end
  1001. end
  1002. local function Visibility(state)
  1003. connecthead.Visible = state
  1004. connectarmleft.Visible = state
  1005. connectarmright.Visible = state
  1006. connectlegleft.Visible = state
  1007. connectlegright.Visible = state
  1008. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1009. x.Visible = state
  1010. end
  1011. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1012. x.Visible = state
  1013. end
  1014. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1015. x.Visible = state
  1016. end
  1017. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1018. x.Visible = state
  1019. end
  1020. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1021. x.Visible = state
  1022. end
  1023. end
  1024. local function Thickness(state)
  1025. connecthead.Thickness = state
  1026. connectarmleft.Thickness = state
  1027. connectarmright.Thickness = state
  1028. connectlegleft.Thickness = state
  1029. connectlegright.Thickness = state
  1030. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1031. x.Thickness = state
  1032. end
  1033. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1034. x.Thickness = state
  1035. end
  1036. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1037. x.Thickness = state
  1038. end
  1039. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1040. x.Thickness = state
  1041. end
  1042. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1043. x.Thickness = state
  1044. end
  1045. end
  1046. local function Color(color)
  1047. connecthead.Color = color
  1048. connectarmleft.Color = color
  1049. connectarmright.Color = color
  1050. connectlegleft.Color = color
  1051. connectlegright.Color = color
  1052. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1053. x.Color = color
  1054. end
  1055. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1056. x.Color = color
  1057. end
  1058. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1059. x.Color = color
  1060. end
  1061. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1062. x.Color = color
  1063. end
  1064. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1065. x.Color = color
  1066. end
  1067. end
  1069. local connection
  1070. connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  1071. if v.Character ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and v.Name ~= plr.Name and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  1072. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  1073. if vis then
  1074. if R15 then
  1075. local a = 0
  1076. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1077. a=a+1
  1078. if SpineNames[a+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1079. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a]).Position)
  1080. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position)
  1081. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1082. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1083. end
  1084. end
  1085. local b = 0
  1086. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1087. b=b+1
  1088. if LArmNames[b+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1089. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b]).Position)
  1090. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position)
  1091. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1092. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1093. end
  1094. end
  1095. local c = 0
  1096. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1097. c=c+1
  1098. if RArmNames[c+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1099. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c]).Position)
  1100. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position)
  1101. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1102. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1103. end
  1104. end
  1105. local d = 0
  1106. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1107. d=d+1
  1108. if LLegNames[d+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1109. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d]).Position)
  1110. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position)
  1111. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1112. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1113. end
  1114. end
  1115. local e = 0
  1116. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1117. e=e+1
  1118. if RRLegNames[e+1] ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]) ~= nil and v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1119. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e]).Position)
  1120. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(v.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position)
  1121. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1122. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1123. end
  1124. end
  1126. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmleft)
  1127. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmright)
  1128. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegleft)
  1129. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegright)
  1130. ConnectLimbs("UpperTorso", "Head", connecthead)
  1131. end
  1133. if Settings.AutoThickness then
  1134. local distance = (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  1135. local value = math.clamp(1/distance*100, 0.1, 3) --0.1 is min thickness, 4 is max
  1136. Thickness(value)
  1137. else
  1138. Thickness(Settings.Thickness)
  1139. end
  1141. Visibility(true)
  1142. else
  1143. Visibility(false)
  1144. end
  1145. else
  1146. Visibility(false)
  1147. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(v.Name) == nil then
  1148. connection:Disconnect()
  1149. end
  1150. end
  1151. end)
  1152. end
  1153. coroutine.wrap(ESP)()
  1154. end
  1156. --// Made by Blissful#4992
  1158. -- For when a player gets added:
  1159. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(newplr)
  1160. repeat wait() until newplr.Character ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil
  1161. local R15 = (newplr.Character.Humanoid.RigType == Enum.HumanoidRigType.R15) and true or false
  1163. local Spine = {}
  1164. local SpineNames = {}
  1165. local connecthead = NewLine()
  1167. local LLeg = {}
  1168. local LLegNames = {}
  1169. local connectlegleft = NewLine()
  1171. local RLeg = {}
  1172. local RLegNames = {}
  1173. local connectlegright = NewLine()
  1175. local LArm = {}
  1176. local LArmNames = {}
  1177. local connectarmleft = NewLine()
  1179. local RArm = {}
  1180. local RArmNames = {}
  1181. local connectarmright = NewLine()
  1183. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1184. if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Transparency ~= 1 then
  1185. if v.Name == "UpperTorso" or v.Name == "Torso" or v.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" or v.Name == "LowerTorso" then
  1186. table.insert(SpineNames, v.Name)
  1187. Spine[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1188. end
  1189. if v.Name == "LeftLeg" or v.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or v.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or v.Name == "LeftFoot" then
  1190. table.insert(LLegNames, v.Name)
  1191. LLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1192. end
  1193. if v.Name == "RightLeg" or v.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or v.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or v.Name == "RightFoot" then
  1194. table.insert(RLegNames, v.Name)
  1195. RLeg[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1196. end
  1197. if v.Name == "LeftArm" or v.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or v.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or v.Name == "LeftHand" then
  1198. table.insert(LArmNames, v.Name)
  1199. LArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1200. end
  1201. if v.Name == "RightArm" or v.Name == "RightUpperArm" or v.Name == "RightLowerArm" or v.Name == "RightHand" then
  1202. table.insert(RArmNames, v.Name)
  1203. RArm[v.Name] = NewLine()
  1204. end
  1205. end
  1206. end
  1209. local function ESP()
  1210. local function ConnectLimbs(limb, root, connector)
  1211. if newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(root) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(limb) ~= nil then
  1212. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(root).Position)
  1213. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(limb).Position)
  1214. connector.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1215. connector.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1216. end
  1217. end
  1218. local function Visibility(state)
  1219. connecthead.Visible = state
  1220. connectarmleft.Visible = state
  1221. connectarmright.Visible = state
  1222. connectlegleft.Visible = state
  1223. connectlegright.Visible = state
  1224. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1225. x.Visible = state
  1226. end
  1227. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1228. x.Visible = state
  1229. end
  1230. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1231. x.Visible = state
  1232. end
  1233. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1234. x.Visible = state
  1235. end
  1236. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1237. x.Visible = state
  1238. end
  1239. end
  1240. local function Thickness(state)
  1241. connecthead.Thickness = state
  1242. connectarmleft.Thickness = state
  1243. connectarmright.Thickness = state
  1244. connectlegleft.Thickness = state
  1245. connectlegright.Thickness = state
  1246. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1247. x.Thickness = state
  1248. end
  1249. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1250. x.Thickness = state
  1251. end
  1252. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1253. x.Thickness = state
  1254. end
  1255. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1256. x.Thickness = state
  1257. end
  1258. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1259. x.Thickness = state
  1260. end
  1261. end
  1262. local function Color(color)
  1263. connecthead.Color = color
  1264. connectarmleft.Color = color
  1265. connectarmright.Color = color
  1266. connectlegleft.Color = color
  1267. connectlegright.Color = color
  1268. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1269. x.Color = color
  1270. end
  1271. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1272. x.Color = color
  1273. end
  1274. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1275. x.Color = color
  1276. end
  1277. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1278. x.Color = color
  1279. end
  1280. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1281. x.Color = color
  1282. end
  1283. end
  1285. local connection
  1286. connection = game:GetService("RunService").RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  1287. if newplr.Character ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") ~= nil and newplr.Name ~= plr.Name and newplr.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
  1288. local pos, vis = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position)
  1289. if vis then
  1290. if R15 then
  1291. local a = 0
  1292. for u, x in pairs(Spine) do
  1293. a=a+1
  1294. if SpineNames[a+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1295. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a]).Position)
  1296. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(SpineNames[a+1]).Position)
  1297. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1298. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1299. end
  1300. end
  1301. local b = 0
  1302. for u, x in pairs(LArm) do
  1303. b=b+1
  1304. if LArmNames[b+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1305. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b]).Position)
  1306. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LArmNames[b+1]).Position)
  1307. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1308. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1309. end
  1310. end
  1311. local c = 0
  1312. for u, x in pairs(RArm) do
  1313. c=c+1
  1314. if RArmNames[c+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1315. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c]).Position)
  1316. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RArmNames[c+1]).Position)
  1317. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1318. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1319. end
  1320. end
  1321. local d = 0
  1322. for u, x in pairs(LLeg) do
  1323. d=d+1
  1324. if LLegNames[d+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1325. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d]).Position)
  1326. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(LLegNames[d+1]).Position)
  1327. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1328. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1329. end
  1330. end
  1331. local e = 0
  1332. for u, x in pairs(RLeg) do
  1333. e=e+1
  1334. if RLegNames[e+1] ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]) ~= nil and newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position ~= nil then
  1335. local pos1 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e]).Position)
  1336. local pos2 = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(newplr.Character:FindFirstChild(RLegNames[e+1]).Position)
  1337. x.From = Vector2.new(pos1.X, pos1.Y)
  1338. x.To = Vector2.new(pos2.X, pos2.Y)
  1339. end
  1340. end
  1342. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmleft)
  1343. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperArm", "UpperTorso", connectarmright)
  1344. ConnectLimbs("LeftUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegleft)
  1345. ConnectLimbs("RightUpperLeg", "LowerTorso", connectlegright)
  1346. ConnectLimbs("UpperTorso", "Head", connecthead)
  1347. end
  1349. if Settings.AutoThickness then
  1350. local distance = (plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position - newplr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position).magnitude
  1351. local value = math.clamp(1/distance*100, 0.1, 3) --0.1 is min thickness, 4 is max
  1352. Thickness(value)
  1353. else
  1354. Thickness(Settings.Thickness)
  1355. end
  1357. Visibility(true)
  1358. else
  1359. Visibility(false)
  1360. end
  1361. else
  1362. Visibility(false)
  1363. if game.Players:FindFirstChild(newplr.Name) == nil then
  1364. connection:Disconnect()
  1365. end
  1366. end
  1367. end)
  1368. end
  1369. coroutine.wrap(ESP)()
  1370. end)
  1371. --// Made by Blissful#4992
  1372. end
  1373. end)
  1375. --ADVANCED ESP--
  1376. local ESPToggle = ThirdPage.AddToggle("Advanced Esp", false, function(Value)
  1377. if toggle == false
  1378. then toggle = true
  1380. shared.Visuals = { --// Configuration (Will load default settings if shared.Visuals doesn't exist.)
  1381. Enabled = false,
  1382. CrosshairEnabled = true,
  1383. Boxes = true,
  1384. Healthbar = true,
  1385. Tracers = true,
  1386. Info = true,
  1387. ShowAllyTeam = true,
  1388. UseTeamColor = true,
  1389. AllyColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),
  1390. EnemyColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
  1391. Crosshair = {
  1392. Size = 5,
  1393. Thickness = 1.5,
  1394. Offset = 5
  1395. }
  1396. }
  1398. loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coastss/releases/main/universal_visuals.lua"))()
  1399. else
  1400. toggle = false
  1402. shared.Visuals = { --// Configuration (Will load default settings if shared.Visuals doesn't exist.)
  1403. Enabled = true,
  1404. CrosshairEnabled = true,
  1405. Boxes = true,
  1406. Healthbar = true,
  1407. Tracers = true,
  1408. Info = true,
  1409. ShowAllyTeam = true,
  1410. UseTeamColor = true,
  1411. AllyColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),
  1412. EnemyColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0),
  1413. Crosshair = {
  1414. Size = 5,
  1415. Thickness = 1.5,
  1416. Offset = 5
  1417. }
  1418. }
  1420. loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/coastss/releases/main/universal_visuals.lua"))()
  1421. end
  1422. end)
  1424. --Radar ESP--
  1425. local ESPButton = ThirdPage.AddButton("Radar ESP (Purple)", function()
  1427. function newRadarESP(c)
  1428. local radarESP = game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.RadarPing:Clone()
  1429. radarESP.Parent = c.Head
  1430. end
  1431. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers())do
  1432. if v~=game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  1433. newRadarESP(v.Character)
  1434. v.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(c)
  1435. repeat wait()until c:FindFirstChild("Head")
  1436. newRadarESP(c)
  1437. end)
  1438. end
  1439. end
  1440. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(p)
  1441. p.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(c)
  1442. repeat wait()until c:FindFirstChild("Head")
  1443. newRadarESP(c)
  1444. end)
  1445. end)
  1447. end)
  1449. --Turret ESP--
  1450. local ESPButton = ThirdPage.AddButton("Turret ESP (Red)", function()
  1452. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.__THINGS.Sentries:GetChildren())do
  1453. local gadgetESP=game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.GadgetIndicator:Clone()
  1454. gadgetESP.Parent=v["Turret Bottom"]
  1455. gadgetESP.Frame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,30,30)
  1456. end
  1457. game.Workspace.__THINGS.Sentries.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c)
  1458. if tostring(c)==tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then return end
  1459. repeat wait()until c:FindFirstChild("Turret Bottom")
  1460. local gadgetESP=game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.GadgetIndicator:Clone()
  1461. gadgetESP.Parent=c["Turret Bottom"]
  1462. gadgetESP.Frame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,30,30)
  1463. end)
  1465. end)
  1467. --Drone ESP--
  1468. local ESPButton = ThirdPage.AddButton("Drone ESP (Blue)", function()
  1470. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.__THINGS.Drones:GetChildren())do
  1471. local gadgetESP=game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.GadgetIndicator:Clone()
  1472. gadgetESP.Parent=v["Base"]
  1473. gadgetESP.Frame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(255,30,30)
  1474. end
  1475. game.Workspace.__THINGS.Drones.ChildAdded:Connect(function(c)
  1476. if tostring(c)==tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then return end
  1477. repeat wait()until c:FindFirstChild("Base")
  1478. local gadgetESP=game.ReplicatedStorage.Assets.GadgetIndicator:Clone()
  1479. gadgetESP.Parent=c["Base"]
  1480. gadgetESP.Frame.BackgroundColor3=Color3.fromRGB(30,30,255)
  1481. end)
  1483. end)
  1484. --------Misc--------
  1486. local WalkSlider = MiscPage.AddSlider("WalkSpeed", {Min = 16, Max = 100, Def = 0}, function(Value)
  1487. UserWalkSpeed(user, Value)
  1488. end)
  1490. local MiscButton = MiscPage.AddButton("Unlock all", function()
  1491. loadstring(game:HttpGet('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Singularity5490/bigpaintball/main/unlockall.lua'))()
  1492. end)
  1494. local MiscButton = MiscPage.AddButton("TP to BanLand", function()
  1495. game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(4505939773, LocalPlayer)
  1496. end)
  1498. local MiscButton = MiscPage.AddButton("Destroy all Sentries", function()
  1500. for a,b in pairs(workspace["__THINGS"].Sentries:GetChildren()) do
  1501. workspace["__THINGS"]["__REMOTES"]["do sentry damage"]:FireServer({[1]={[1]=b,[2]=math.huge},[2]={[1]=false,[2]=false}})
  1502. end
  1504. end)
  1506. local MiscButton = MiscPage.AddButton("Destroy all Drones", function()
  1508. for a,b in pairs(workspace["__THINGS"].Drones:GetChildren()) do
  1509. workspace["__THINGS"]["__REMOTES"]["do drone damage"]:FireServer({[1]={[1]=b,[2]=math.huge},[2]={[1]=false,[2]=false}})
  1510. end
  1512. end)
  1514. end
  1515. end
  1517. if game.PlaceId == 4390380541 then
  1519. --Made by : https://v3rmillion.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=1078854
  1521. local UILibrary = loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bloodball/-back-ups-for-libs/main/twink"))()
  1523. local MainUI = UILibrary.Load("Rumble Quest | SinHub")
  1525. local FirstPage = MainUI.AddPage("Main")
  1527. local FirstLabel = FirstPage.AddLabel("Press R To rapidly damage enemies")
  1529. local FirstButton = FirstPage.AddButton("Rapidly Damage Enemies", function()
  1530. weapon = nil
  1531. murder = false
  1532. directmurder = false
  1533. mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  1535. function GetNearestNPCToMouse()
  1536. local PLAYERS = {}
  1537. local PLAYER_HOLD = {}
  1538. local DISTANCES = {}
  1539. for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Enemies:GetChildren()) do
  1540. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  1541. table.insert(PLAYERS, v)
  1542. end
  1543. end
  1544. for i, v in pairs(PLAYERS) do
  1545. if v.HumanoidRootPart ~= nil then
  1546. local AIM = v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  1547. if AIM ~= nil then
  1548. local DISTANCE = (v:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).magnitude
  1549. local RAY = Ray.new(game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p, (mouse.Hit.p - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p).unit * DISTANCE)
  1550. local HIT,POS = game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(RAY, game.Workspace)
  1551. local DIFF = math.floor((POS - AIM.Position).magnitude)
  1552. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i] = {}
  1553. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].dist= DISTANCE
  1554. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].plr = v
  1555. PLAYER_HOLD[v.Name .. i].diff = DIFF
  1556. table.insert(DISTANCES, DIFF)
  1557. end
  1558. end
  1559. end
  1561. if unpack(DISTANCES) == nil then
  1562. return nil
  1563. end
  1565. local L_DISTANCE = math.floor(math.min(unpack(DISTANCES)))
  1566. if L_DISTANCE > 20 then
  1567. return nil
  1568. end
  1570. for i, v in pairs(PLAYER_HOLD) do
  1571. if v.diff == L_DISTANCE then
  1572. return v.plr
  1573. end
  1574. end
  1575. return nil
  1576. end
  1578. mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(key)
  1579. if key == "r" then
  1580. murder = true
  1581. end
  1582. end)
  1583. mouse.KeyUp:Connect(function(key)
  1584. if key == "r" then
  1585. murder = false
  1586. end
  1587. end)
  1589. mouse.KeyDown:Connect(function(key)
  1590. if key == "f" then
  1591. murderdirect = true
  1592. end
  1593. end)
  1594. mouse.KeyUp:Connect(function(key)
  1595. if key == "f" then
  1596. murderdirect = false
  1597. end
  1598. end)
  1600. for i,v in pairs(game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1601. if v:IsA("Model") and v:FindFirstChild("Handle") then
  1602. weapon = v
  1603. end
  1604. end
  1607. game:GetService('RunService').Stepped:connect(function()
  1608. if murder == true then
  1609. for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Enemies:GetChildren()) do
  1610. if v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1611. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Network.RemoteEvent:FireServer("WeaponDamage", ""..weapon.Name.."", v.Humanoid)
  1612. end
  1613. end
  1614. end
  1615. if murderdirect == true then
  1616. for i, v in pairs(game.Workspace.Enemies:GetChildren()) do
  1617. if v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
  1618. local NPC = GetNearestNPCToMouse()
  1619. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Modules.Network.RemoteEvent:FireServer("WeaponDamage", ""..weapon.Name.."", NPC.Humanoid)
  1620. end
  1621. end
  1622. end
  1623. end)
  1625. --[[
  1626. ..
  1627. /yys. `hMM/
  1628. :ys: `NMMMo oMMM:
  1629. `sMMMm -oo: `NMMy
  1630. .hMMMMM+ +MMN` `.-::. `
  1631. -mMMyoMMN. /hho .:syhhomMMs -smNMMMNy `shysssssyhdho
  1632. :mMMs``dMMd` NMMm .smMNdhdMMMM. `sNMNs:/MMM. `ydmmmmddMMMN+
  1633. +NMMs -MMMs :MMM/ +NMNs- .MMMy .dMMd- -yMMy `````/hMMy-
  1634. `yMMMmosyhdMMMM+ yMMm yMMN: `yMMM/ dMMN+odNMd/ :hMNy:
  1635. -dMMMMMMmmdhyhMMM+ NMMo /MMM- :dMMMM- :MMMMNmho-``:/ :hNMh-
  1636. +NMMm//-..`` `hMMMo` -MMM/ yMMm``:hNMyMMM+.-- :MMMy.` `-omMd` /dMMmo/+oooo/`
  1637. oMMMh. `yMMMm/ :MMMs +MMMmmMNh: hMMNNNy yMMMmhdmNMm+`:dMMMMNNNNmNMMMo
  1638. :yh+` `/dNNs `ydh: :shys/. `+yso-` :shddhy+-` oNMNho:-..```.-/`
  1640. Join my discord here!:
  1641. https://discord.gg/bMwYFq2
  1642. --]]
  1644. -- Hold R to kill all the NPCs around you
  1645. -- Hold F to kill the closest NPC to your mouse
  1646. end)
  1648. local FirstButton = FirstPage.AddButton("Auto Complete Dungeon", function()
  1649. --[ Keep in mind, the options still need to be unlocked in game, for you to create a Dungeon of that type and Difficulty Mode]
  1650. --[ Auto Sell can be buggy sometimes, as always i am not responsible for the wrong items being sold, it has a 99% chance of not happening but just in case]
  1652. getgenv().GameSettings = {
  1653. AutoSell = {
  1654. ['Active'] = false, --[ On or Off ]--
  1655. ["Cosmetic"] = false,
  1656. ["CosmeticRarity"] = {["Common"] = false, ["Unique"] = false, ["Rare"] = false, ["Epic"] = false, ["Lengendary"] = false},
  1657. ["Armor"] = false,
  1658. ["ArmorRarity"] = {["Common"] = false, ["Unique"] = false, ["Rare"] = false, ["Epic"] = false, ["Lengendary"] = false},
  1659. ["Weapon"] = false,
  1660. ["WeaponRarity"] = {["Common"] = false, ["Unique"] = false, ["Rare"] = false, ["Epic"] = false, ["Lengendary"] = false},
  1661. ["Ability"] = false,
  1662. ["AbilityRarity"] = {["Common"] = false, ["Unique"] = false, ["Rare"] = false, ["Epic"] = false,["Lengendary"] = false},
  1663. },
  1664. Dungeon = {
  1665. ["Active"] = true, --[ On or Off ]--
  1666. ["Difficulty"] = "Easy", --[ Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert ]
  1667. ["PartyOnly"] = false,
  1668. ["Hardcore"] = false,
  1669. ["Location"] = "Caves" --[ Dungeon Name]
  1670. },
  1671. Player = {
  1672. ['HideName'] = true,
  1673. ["NoMeleeCoolDown"] = true,
  1674. ["PlayerHeight"] = -15,
  1675. ["RangeAngle"] = true, --[ Always Set to true unless you know what your doing ]--
  1676. },
  1677. Skill = {
  1678. ['Active'] = false,
  1679. ["NumberOfPointsToWait"] = 5, --[ Wait for a set amount of skill points before autoskill kicks in ]--
  1680. ["SkilltoPut"] = "Strength" ,
  1681. }
  1682. }
  1684. loadstring(game:HttpGet("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DohmBoyOG/Script-Dump/main/RumbleQuest_AutoDungeon_DohmScripts_Public.lua"))()
  1685. end)
  1687. end
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