
Magic Arts The Legit Dark

Aug 20th, 2016
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  2. "There was definetly a period where I think we focused, first and foremost, on the idea of faster expansions. And in pursuit of that goal, we probably sacrificed things that we shouldnt have. So our focus going forward really is a steady stream of content, obviously were going to make new expansions - were working on new expansions. But priority #1 is lets make sure that you dont run out of stuff to do. And then when the expansions ready, the expansions ready. But lets make sure the time is filled between them, and make sure the story is awesome.
  4. Were never going to rush an expansion, in the past weve said were aiming for one year expansions, this is the dream were going to go after it. And when it comes down to it, were not going to compromise the quality of the game that we release. So when it comes down to those hard calls like, I know we said a year but its gonna be another 4 months, and another 2 months and suddenly its a year and a half, suddenly its 20 months, and legion is better for it.
  6. People who have been playing beta all along have seen theres been leaps and bounds and improvements in almost every part of it and i think its really come together over the course of the summer and were really happy with where it stands right now. So the answer isn't for us to rush the expansions out faster, its to work more efficiently, and to make sure that there is always new stuff in the live game to look forward to, while were doing our job and making the expansion what it needs to be.
  8. I think theres a certain duration for a raid tier that I think is healthy, probably 4-5 months is a good range. I think certain people might disagree. We've heard that some people think foundry came out too quickly after highmaul, I know that high end mythic guilds were totally ready for foundry, but there were a lot of people who were still working on Margok and just getting into mythic difficulty and suddenly foundry comes out and the gear is way better, and it almost feels irellevant to keep working on this thing you werent quite done with.
  10. And another thing, HFC lasted way too long, we still think that the 4-5 month sweet spot is good, but that doesnt mean we cant have other non raid content to help break stuff up in between, time walking, world content, etc."
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