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- #[
- Remake of my python's ccube script that validates if a number follows collatz conjecture
- ]#
- import std/[os,strutils,strformat,random]
- import bigints
- randomize()
- let VER = "0.1.3"
- let banner = fmt"""
- ░█████╗░░█████╗░██╗░░░██╗██████╗░███████╗
- ██╔══██╗██╔══██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝
- ██║░░╚═╝██║░░╚═╝██║░░░██║██████╦╝█████╗░░
- ██║░░██╗██║░░██╗██║░░░██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝░░
- ╚█████╔╝╚█████╔╝╚██████╔╝██████╦╝███████╗
- ░╚════╝░░╚════╝░░╚═════╝░╚═════╝░╚══════╝Version{VER}"""
- proc showUsage():void =
- echo(banner)
- echo("""
- Usage:ccube <ARGS>
- Note:These arguments are not positional,
- meaning you can use them in any order.
- --noloop:<true/false> | A boolean to check if next numbers
- | are to be validated for collatz conjecture.
- | by default this boolean is false
- |
- -n:<number> | Number to be checked for.if no number
- | is given then a random number from
- | 1 to 1000 is used.
- |
- --file:<Path> | Path for the file in which result will
- | be stored.if 'void' is specified then
- | results wont be stored in file.
- | default path is current directory.
- | default filename is iterationData.txt
- Examples:
- 1:ccube --noloop:false -n:69 --file:void
- This command will calculate cc for numbers
- onward from result will be stored.
- 2:ccube -n:6969 --noloop:true
- This command will check cc for only current number.
- result is stored in samw directory with default
- filename.
- 3:ccube -n:69 --noloop:false --file:~/Desktop/pp.txt
- This command will check cc for numbers
- onward from 68.results are stored in Desktop on
- file name pp.txt.
- cc* = collatz conj
- """)
- quit()
- proc parseParams():(string,string,string) =
- if paramCount() > 0:
- var
- paramSequence:seq[string] = @[]
- forbiddenCharArray = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","!","@","#","$","%","^","&","*","(",")","_","-","=","+","'","\"",":",";","<",">",".","/","?","[","]","{","}"]
- validBools = ["true","false"]
- noLoopSwitch = "--noloop:"
- fileSwitch = "--file:"
- numberParam = "-n:"
- filePath:string
- number:string
- noLoopSwitchBool:string
- for i in 1..paramCount():
- paramSequence.add(paramStr(i))
- for param in paramSequence:
- if noLoopSwitch in param:
- try:
- noLoopSwitchBool = param.split(':')[1]
- if noLoopSwitchBool in validBools:
- discard
- else:
- stderr.write(&"Error:\"{noLoopSwitchBool}\",Invalid bool used")
- quit()
- except IndexDefect:
- stderr.write("Error:Bad use of --noloop switch,valid bool expected")
- quit()
- if numberParam in param:
- try:
- number = param.split(':')[1]
- for forbiddenChar in forbiddenCharArray:
- if forbiddenChar.toUpper in number or forbiddenChar.toLower in number:
- stderr.write(fmt"Error:Expected a valid integer but got '{number}',[Value Error]")
- quit()
- except IndexDefect:
- stderr.write("Error:Bad use of --noloop switch,valid integer expected")
- quit()
- if fileSwitch in param:
- try:
- filePath = param.split(':')[1]
- except IndexDefect:
- stderr.write("Error:Bad use of --file switch,valid file path expected")
- quit()
- if len(filePath) > 0:
- discard
- else:
- filePath = fmt"{getCurrentDir()}{DirSep}iterationData.txt"
- if len(number) > 0:
- discard
- else:
- number = $rand(1..1000)
- if len(noLoopSwitchBool) > 0:
- discard
- else:
- noLoopSwitchBool = "false"
- result = (noLoopSwitchBool,number,filePath)
- else:
- showUsage()
- proc isEven(number:BigInt):bool =
- if number mod 2 == 0:
- result = true
- else:
- result = false
- proc main(cmdArgs:(string,string,string)):void =
- var
- noLoopSwitchBool = cmdArgs[0]
- number = initBigInt(cmdArgs[1])
- filePath = cmdArgs[2]
- isLooping = true
- incrementer:BigInt
- noOfIterations:BigInt = initBigInt("0")
- while isLooping or noLoopSwitchBool == "false":
- incrementer = number
- while number != 1:
- if isEven(number):
- number = number div 2
- inc noOfIterations
- else:
- number = (number * 3) + 1
- inc noOfIterations
- var echoData = &"""-----------------------------------
- Current Number:{incrementer}
- Number of iterations:{noOfiterations}
- -----------------------------------{'\n'}"""
- echo(echoData)
- if filePath == "void":
- discard
- else:
- try:
- let writeData = open(filePath,fmAppend)
- writeData.write(echoData)
- writeData.close
- except IOError as e:
- stderr.write(fmt"Error:An Error occured while writing data,{'\n'}{'\n'}Details:{e.msg}")
- quit()
- inc incrementer
- number = incrementer
- noOfIterations = initBigInt("0")
- if noLoopSwitchBool == "true":
- isLooping = false
- main(parseParams())
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