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- struct segtree {
- struct gett {
- int max;
- };
- struct node {
- int modify;
- gett get;
- };
- vector<node> t;
- int size;
- int NO_OPERATION = -inf;
- gett ZERO = { 0 };
- gett INITIAL = ZERO;
- segtree(int n) {
- size = 1;
- while (size < n) size *= 2;
- t.assign(size * 2 - 1, { NO_OPERATION, INITIAL });
- build(0, 0, size);
- }
- segtree(vector<int>& a) {
- int n = a.size();
- size = 1;
- while (size < n) size *= 2;
- t.assign(size * 2 - 1, { NO_OPERATION, INITIAL });
- build(a, 0, 0, size);
- }
- int modify(int a, int b, int len) {
- if (b == NO_OPERATION) return a;
- if (a == NO_OPERATION) return b;
- return a + b;
- }
- gett modify(gett a, int b, int len) {
- if (b == NO_OPERATION) return a;
- return { a.max + b };
- }
- gett unite(gett a, gett b, int len) {
- return { max(a.max, b.max) };
- }
- void build(vector<int>& a, int x, int lx, int rx) {
- if (rx - lx == 1) {
- if (lx < a.size()) t[x] = { NO_OPERATION, {a[lx]} };
- return;
- }
- int m = (lx + rx) / 2;
- build(a, x * 2 + 1, lx, m);
- build(a, x * 2 + 2, m, rx);
- t[x].modify = NO_OPERATION;
- t[x].get = unite(t[x * 2 + 1].get, t[x * 2 + 2].get, rx - lx);
- }
- void build(int x, int lx, int rx) {
- if (rx - lx == 1) {
- return;
- }
- int m = (lx + rx) / 2;
- build(x * 2 + 1, lx, m);
- build(x * 2 + 2, m, rx);
- t[x].modify = NO_OPERATION;
- t[x].get = unite(t[x * 2 + 1].get, t[x * 2 + 2].get, rx - lx);
- }
- void propagate(int x, int lx, int rx) {
- if (rx - lx == 1 || t[x].modify == NO_OPERATION) return;
- int m = (lx + rx) / 2;
- t[x * 2 + 1].modify = modify(t[x * 2 + 1].modify, t[x].modify, 1);
- t[x * 2 + 1].get = modify(t[x * 2 + 1].get, t[x].modify, m - lx);
- t[x * 2 + 2].modify = modify(t[x * 2 + 2].modify, t[x].modify, 1);
- t[x * 2 + 2].get = modify(t[x * 2 + 2].get, t[x].modify, rx - m);
- t[x].modify = NO_OPERATION;
- }
- void upd(int v, int l, int r, int x, int lx, int rx) {
- propagate(x, lx, rx);
- if (lx >= r || rx <= l) return;
- if (lx >= l && rx <= r) {
- t[x].modify = modify(t[x].modify, v, 1);
- t[x].get = modify(t[x].get, v, rx - lx);
- return;
- }
- int m = (lx + rx) / 2;
- upd(v, l, r, x * 2 + 1, lx, m);
- upd(v, l, r, x * 2 + 2, m, rx);
- t[x].get = unite(t[x * 2 + 1].get, t[x * 2 + 2].get, min(rx, r) - max(lx, l));
- }
- void upd(int v, int l, int r) {
- return upd(v, l, r, 0, 0, size);
- }
- gett get(int l, int r, int x, int lx, int rx) {
- propagate(x, lx, rx);
- if (lx >= r || rx <= l) return ZERO;
- if (lx >= l && rx <= r) {
- return t[x].get;
- }
- int m = (lx + rx) / 2;
- gett a = get(l, r, x * 2 + 1, lx, m);
- gett b = get(l, r, x * 2 + 2, m, rx);
- return unite(a, b, min(rx, r) - max(lx, l));
- }
- gett get(int l, int r) {
- return get(l, r, 0, 0, size);
- }
- };
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