
BWR - Changelog 12/11/24

Nov 12th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Reserve Shooter
  2. - Reduced accuracy bonus to 10% (was 15%)
  3. A slight nerf to it's accuracy was seen as necessary. Some buff is still should help improve it's useability on pyro. Some future nerf might still be necessary, potentially nerfing it's ability to counter jumpers.
  5. Panic Attack
  6. ~ Fixed Alt-Fire triggered while switching without full deploy
  7. + Successive shots now only become less accurate with Alt-Fire
  8. The added spread was seen as less necessary when not using the alt-fire, given the much reduced clip size. It was buffed in this way make it a bit more consistent.
  10. The Shortstop
  11. - Reduced reload speed bonus to 10% faster (was 15%)
  12. The weapon was already tangentially buffed with fixed spread, such that the reload speed bonus was seen as a tad overboard for some. It was nerfed slight, and hopefully won't require additional ones.
  14. Back Scatter
  15. + Added 10% faster firing speed
  16. The weapon was a fair bit underwhelming, so it was buffed for it's firing speed. Speeding up your follow-up shots should help in securing picks in addition to make your general burst damage up close more potent.
  18. The Winger
  19. + Reduced clip size penalty to -40% (was -60%)
  20. A slight buff was a consistent sentiment for the weapon, having 2 more in the clip ought to help close out some kills against higher health targets or if accuracy is failing.
  22. Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol
  23. + Reduced damage penalty to -15% (was -20%)
  24. Damage might have been reduced too much, thus the nerf was tweaked a bit to keep it meaningfully low but not too low.
  26. Candy Cane
  27. + Removed -50% health from non-dropped packs on wearer
  28. + Removed -75% health from healers
  29. - Added: -60% primary ammo on wearer
  30. The healing penalties appeared to contradict the weapon's intent in improving your ability to keep your health topped. The penalties were instead replaced with an ammo nerf to instead tax your ability to maintain ammo. However with your incentive to kill enemies for health, you should be able to keep your ammo up if you're taking advantage of it.
  32. The Backburner
  33. - Added: Crits scale with temperature, from +35% at min and up to +200% max
  34. The immediacy of the crits from behind were of particular focus of criticism this time around, in particular with how flames were made universally more consistent. They were made to ramp up similarly to the Phlog to reward more consistent flame tracking in order to maximize crit damage.
  36. The Phlogistinator
  37. - Cannot delete projectiles without enough MMMPH to spend
  38. - Reduced damage done by alt-fire to 20 (was 30)
  39. Alt-fire was made a bit less free in how it cleared projectiles away, thus it was given a hard limit if you didn't have MMMPH. It's additionally less damaging as it was a bit too intense as an opener that outpaced your primary damage.
  41. Sharpened Volcano Fragment
  42. ~ Fix to effect applied to ubered enemies
  43. A fix for the sake of consistency.
  45. Scottish Resistance
  46. + Added 20% faster reload speed
  47. A buff was seen as necessary for how it fell behind from other launchers. It was given a reload buff to make setting multiple traps more convenient.
  49. Scotsman's Skullcutter
  50. + Removed No Random Crits
  51. + Added: 20% faster shield recharge rate
  52. - Removed gaining EDGE from consecutive hits
  53. The EDGE system simply made it a bit too free to proc crits. Instead, it was simply reverted to retain it's ability to crit like non-sword melees. However for how it probably won't prov with the slower speed, it was given a muted version of it's former shield recharge buff as well. It should now have an effective use on both normal demo and knight.
  55. Claidheamh Mòr
  56. + Fully reloads primary weapon on-kill (was just by 1)
  57. - No longer reloads secondary weapon on-kill
  58. The former reload buff wasn't particularly impressive enough to be effective on normal or even hybrid demo. It was buffed to better replenish your primary, however the secondary was left behind as it'd be potentially too powerful in giving back stickies.
  60. Ullapool Caber
  61. + Increased bonus to explosion damage to +15% (was +10%)
  62. + Explosion counts for Melee on-kill bonuses
  63. - No longer minicrits on shield bash while grenade is intact
  64. The caber's ability to deal minicrit damage of 150+ damage was particularly problematic, thus it was removed but only while the grenade was intact. It's based damage was made a bit more consistent in it's ability to compensate losing this power boost. Additionally the inconsistent behavior with how it proc'd on-kill bonuses was improved, making it more consistent on demoknight.
  66. Huo-Long Heater
  67. + Decreased ammo drain to 2/s (was 4/s)
  68. - Ring of Fire can no longer can be toggled
  69. The toggle appeared to make the weapon too free in how you could reap it's bonuses, and the bonuses themselves weren't consistent enough to incentivize keeping the ring on. The ring's drain was thus nerfed greatly at the cost of losing it's toggle. The weapon should now be more consistently interesting to play around it's attributes.
  71. Buffalo Steak Sandvich
  72. + Reverted to recharge on resupply and spawn
  73. + Gain 50% recharge for sharing steak with teammates
  74. + No Mark for Death on ending effect early
  75. - No longer recharges via damage
  76. - Added 100% slower holster speed on ending effect early
  77. The item was seen as particularly punishing for being empty on spawn and being tied to damage. In place of damage recharge it should allow the user to start with it full, and was given an additional buff to make using it for support less punishing. It was also given a potentially less punishing downside for survivability for ending the buff early, instead limiting your ability to quickly setup your minigun soon after.
  79. Syringe Guns
  80. - Reduced accuracy bonus to 15% (was 30%)
  81. The weapon was potentially too good at engaging enemies from afar, making it a bit too potent when used aggressively. It was reined in sightly to prevent this, but keeping it accurate enough to track pursuers.
  83. Solemn Vow
  84. - Added No Random Crits
  85. - Knockback vulnerability on wearer now passive (was "while active")
  86. The knockback was potentially too potent if you could lock an enemy against a wall, especially if you could quickly followup a hit. It's offensive capabilities was thusly nerfed. The knockback was also potentially not potent enough on the user while conditionally being active, so it was made passive to match the passive upside you have.
  88. The Classic
  89. - Removed ability to fire while airborne
  90. The airshots were too inconsistent and potentially still problematic in damage dealing. They were removed to prevent further issues that could arise from them.
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