
Best of luck

Oct 30th, 2023
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  1. scriptname = 'best on F(L)uck'
  2. divbal = 1
  3. initbal = balance/divbal
  4. minbet = 1e-8
  5. chance = 1
  6. inc = 33
  7. div = 1e6
  8. base = balance/div
  9. ctwin = 0 ctlose = 0 winrate = 0
  10. if base < minbet then base = minbet end
  11. nextbet = base resetseed()
  12. resetpartialprofit()
  13. function dobet()
  14. init_drop()
  15. winrate = (ctwin/ctlose)*100
  16. log("--- WinRate \t"..string.format("%.2f",winrate).."% \t - DropDown "..string.format("%.2f",dd).."% ")
  17. if win then
  18. ctwin = ctwin + 1
  19. if (currentstreak == 1) then bethigh =!bethigh end
  20. if partialprofit < 0 then
  21. if partialprofit < -initbal*0.1 then
  22. nextbet = partialprofit/-10
  23. else
  24. nextbet = previousbet/2
  25. end
  26. else
  27. nextbet = base resetpartialprofit()
  28. end
  29. else
  30. ctlose = ctlose + 1
  31. if (ctlose == 1) then
  32. if lastBet.roll < 50 and bethigh then bethigh = false end
  33. if lastBet.roll > 50 and (bethigh == false) then bethigh = true end
  34. if chance > 30 and partialprofit < -initbal*0.3 then
  35. if math.random(3,7) == 5 then bethigh = !bethigh end
  36. end
  37. end
  38. if lastBet.roll < 10 or lastBet.roll > 90 then
  39. if lastBet.roll < 1 or lastBet.roll > 99 then
  40. chance = math.random(1,10)/10
  41. else
  42. chance = math.random(2,5)
  43. end
  44. elseif lastBet.roll > 10 and lastBet.roll < 30 then
  45. chance = math.random(8,10)
  46. elseif lastBet.roll > 30 and lastBet.roll < 50 then
  47. chance = math.random(16,20)
  48. else
  49. chance = math.random(20,30)
  50. end
  51. if previousbet > initbal*0.01 and previousbet < initbal*0.05 and chance < 15 then nextbet = previousbet/2 end
  52. if previousbet > initbal*0.05 and previousbet < initbal*0.1 then chance = math.random(30,45) end
  53. if previousbet > initbal*0.1 then chance = math.random(45,60) end
  54. nextbet = previousbet+(previousbet*(inc/100))
  55. end
  56. if nextbet < minbet then nextbet = minbet end
  57. end
  58. -- drop down function
  59. balhi = 0 drop = 0 maxdrop = 0 dd = 0
  60. function init_drop()
  61. if balance > balhi then balhi = balance else balhi = balhi end
  62. drop = balhi - balance if drop > maxdrop then maxdrop = drop end
  63. dd = (maxdrop/balance)*100
  64. end
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