
Apartment Chapter 1

Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. Apartment Ch.1
  2. [Apartment Detention]
  3. App.Base TL not accurate [Note: ES Elder sister]
  5. Chapter start
  6. A view of a apartment building some Lady ring a doorbell and a man open his door asking Who are You? The shy lady didn't speak So that guy ask her again Are You a university student? flustered Lady still didn't speak so that guy tell her What? Are you deaf? [This Guy name Park Jun Tae 32 Self employed] The Lady info [Han Young Mi 21 College Student] The Lady finally speak and tell him I visit you because someone say that the person here has a lot of water I'm right? That Guy speak Is that so you need water. She nod that guy grin and say that bottled of water cost of 1 sex per 1 bottle are you okay with that? That lady tremble after hearing his term but she nod agreeing to the guy demand The douche smile and say good come inside the lady enter his room moments later the fucking started douche tell her don't you feel good 1 sex for 1 bottled of water don't you feel its cheap in this kind of situation this fucking time.[revealing a zombie invasion] The sex ended Douche gives her a 1 bottled of water as promise and speak You are really delicious if you're thirty just comeback here.The lady show a teary and flustered appearance and grab the bottle as quick as possible and dress herself to left the room that man in While the lady is about to go back she think {No one knows at any moment now The zombie virus in the world Is started to turn people into zombie one by one} {Unfamiliar of apartment door Because they were zombies} {All the people inside of this apartment are safe}
  7. {But We are also trap in here} The lady goes back and his brother welcome her saying Sister The ES called him Young Soo and toss the water bottled to him saying For you [Looks like they are twins same age Han Young Mi and Han Young Soo both 21 years old] The bro. catch it and tell his "ES" that Where did you get this? who give it to you? ES say Ah just a kind mister from the other room.Lil bro drink it and say ah really a man his so kind. "ES" laugh and tell his Lil bro that she will rest for a moments at her room she cry and in his mind the word "FUCK" and reveal her watery pussy.
  9. TBC.
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