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- <block type="logic_compare" id="x,zhOUgs7%vUsGRoKanI">
- <field name="OP">NEQ</field>
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- <block type="variables_get" id="7cu][3W3/qvw(oY8+qY;">
- <field name="VAR" id="kuGw}z9eyDfE`~G2^jLe">heating_relay_offline</field>
- </block>
- </value>
- <value name="B">
- <block type="logic_boolean" id="QVR6AGRlwc$M0nx)sZ:s">
- <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
- </block>
- </value>
- </block>
- </value>
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- <block type="variables_set" id="v=rClz/:,:+Jf-0a8mT7">
- <field name="VAR" id="kuGw}z9eyDfE`~G2^jLe">heating_relay_offline</field>
- <value name="VALUE">
- <block type="logic_boolean" id="2+Bwey.~`e(d$qdDyo:.">
- <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
- </block>
- </value>
- <next>
- <block type="telegram" id="s_)Q~UJ]zBKUGo?b,x$f">
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- <value name="MESSAGE">
- <shadow type="text" id="|]aJqfy)(G0Rwr3)4EL6">
- <field name="TEXT">Heizpatrone offline, kann nicht automatisch eingeschaltet werden</field>
- </shadow>
- </value>
- <value name="USERNAME">
- <block type="text" id="U+MI9aql_4Xih6g$gt_q">
- <field name="TEXT">Tom</field>
- </block>
- </value>
- <next>
- <block type="debug" id="q(W]%nXUue(s.,Y};2!$">
- <field name="Severity">warn</field>
- <value name="TEXT">
- <shadow type="text" id="U9HgiJG0c-~J5S9jJV_p">
- <field name="TEXT">*** Heizpatrone offline, kann nicht automatisch eingeschaltet werden</field>
- </shadow>
- </value>
- <next>
- <block type="timeouts_cleartimeout" id=";g=,%X.Cqk?F}JM=}!O{">
- <field name="NAME">reset_heating_relay_offline2</field>
- <next>
- <block type="timeouts_settimeout" id="CCX..]nZ~*7W0;O(hYX5">
- <field name="NAME">reset_heating_relay_offline2</field>
- <field name="DELAY">30</field>
- <field name="UNIT">min</field>
- <statement name="STATEMENT">
- <block type="controls_if" id="KtQ.W8lNPAD6]1h!!d:e">
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- <field name="OP">EQ</field>
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- <block type="variables_get" id="*wT#e-]485rm{FRy:|{/">
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- </block>
- </value>
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- <block type="logic_boolean" id="1:oVjauf^qT#:!;+#jH!">
- <field name="BOOL">TRUE</field>
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- </block>
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- <value name="VALUE">
- <block type="logic_boolean" id="#iq;IBe:DDMq:*)|(e{r">
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- <field name="Severity">warn</field>
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- <shadow type="text" id="YmrAZEx=cRN!V_%PHVV7">
- <field name="TEXT">*** Heizpatrone AN nach 15s nicht sinnvoll</field>
- </shadow>
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- </block>
- </statement>
- <next>
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- </block>
- </statement>
- </block>
- </statement>
- <next>
- <block type="comment" id="Xqz=cXT:aC1~=Wk{N{=h">
- <field name="COMMENT">Reset Automatik Heizpatrone</field>
- <next>
- <block type="astro" id=":NvC%z)o#OQ!#dSB6UHP">
- <field name="TYPE">sunset</field>
- <field name="OFFSET">0</field>
- <statement name="STATEMENT">
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- <block type="get_value" id="-^OW`wT)n6Y@/q_I%{1~">
- <field name="ATTR">val</field>
- <field name="OID">0_userdata.0.Energy.PV.Automatic_Control</field>
- </block>
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- </block>
- </value>
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- <block type="control" id="+sxYqeA-E`gTuD*Dq8rj">
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- <field name="WITH_DELAY">FALSE</field>
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