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- -- Place Check
- if game.PlaceId ~= 13864667823 then
- if game.PlaceId == 14775231477 or game.PlaceId == 13864661000 then
- -- Free Gamepasses (LOBBY)
- local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))()
- local Window = OrionLib:MakeWindow({
- Name = "luidyotavio235 Break in 2 Hub",
- HidePremium = false,
- SaveConfig = true,
- ConfigFolder = "OrionTest",
- IntroText = "Loading Script..."
- })
- local Tab = Window:MakeTab({
- Name = "Free Gamepasses",
- Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",
- PremiumOnly = false
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Free Hacker Role",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.OutsideRole:FireServer("Phone", true, false)
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Free Nerd Kid Role",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").RemoteEvents.OutsideRole:FireServer("Book", true, false)
- end
- })
- OrionLib:Init()
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name == "Part" and v:FindFirstChild("TouchInterest") then
- firetouchinterest(v, game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, 0)
- end
- end
- else
- game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:Kick("Error! Game Not Supported!")
- end
- else
- -- Floating Part
- local Part ="Part")
- Part.Size =, 1, 5)
- Part.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
- Part.Anchored = true
- Part.Transparency = 1
- -- Locals
- local Events = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Events")
- local SelectedItem = "Med Kit"
- local Damange = 5
- local namecall
- local ScriptLoaded = false
- local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
- local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
- local OriginalWalkspeed = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed
- local OriginalJumpPower = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower
- local ModifiedWalkspeed = 50
- local ModifiedJumpPower = 100
- local OriginalBrightness = Lighting.Brightness
- local OriginalFog = Lighting.FogEnd
- local OriginalShadow = Lighting.GlobalShadows
- local HailClone = game:GetService("Workspace").Hails:Clone()
- getgenv().RemoveSlipping = false
- getgenv().SemiGodmode = false
- -- Remove Slipping Handler
- local mt = getrawmetatable(game)
- local old = mt.__namecall
- setreadonly(mt, false)
- mt.__namecall = newcclosure(function(self, ...)
- local args = {
- ...
- }
- if getnamecallmethod() == 'FireServer' and self.Name == 'IceSlip' and RemoveSlipping == true then
- return wait(387420489)
- end
- return old(self, unpack(args))
- end)
- -- Semi-Godmode Handler
- namecall = hookmetamethod(game, "__namecall", function(self, ...)
- local args = {
- ...
- }
- if getnamecallmethod() == 'FireServer' and self.Name == 'Energy' then
- if SemiGodmode == true then
- if args[1] < 0 then
- args[1] = 0
- end
- else
- args[1] = args[1]
- end
- return namecall(self, unpack(args))
- end
- return namecall(self, ...)
- end)
- -- Tables
- local SecretEndingTable = {
- "HatCollected",
- "MaskCollected",
- "CrowbarCollected"
- }
- local ItemsTable = {
- "Armor",
- "Med Kit",
- "Key",
- "Gold Key",
- "Louise",
- "Lollipop",
- "Chips",
- "Golden Apple",
- "Pizza",
- "Gold Pizza",
- "Rainbow Pizza",
- "Rainbow Pizza Box",
- "Book",
- "Phone",
- "Cookie",
- "Apple",
- "Bloxy Cola",
- "Expired Bloxy Cola",
- "Bottle",
- "Ladder",
- "Battery"
- }
- -- Functions
- local function UnequipAllTools()
- for i, v in pairs(LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Tool") then
- v.Parent = LocalPlayer.Backpack
- end
- end
- end
- local function EquipAllTools()
- for i, v in pairs(LocalPlayer.Backpack:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("Tool") then
- v.Parent = LocalPlayer.Character
- end
- end
- end
- local function GiveItem(Item)
- if Item == "Armor" then
- Events:WaitForChild("Vending"):FireServer(3, "Armor2", "Armor", tostring(LocalPlayer), 1)
- else
- Events:WaitForChild("GiveTool"):FireServer(tostring(Item:gsub(" ", "")))
- end
- end
- local function Train(Ability)
- Events:WaitForChild("RainbowWhatStat"):FireServer(Ability)
- end
- local function TakeDamange(Amount)
- Events:WaitForChild("Energy"):FireServer(-Amount, false, false)
- end
- local function TeleportTo(CFrameArg)
- LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = CFrameArg
- end
- local function HealAllPlayers()
- UnequipAllTools()
- task.wait(.2)
- GiveItem("Golden Apple")
- task.wait(.5)
- LocalPlayer.Backpack:WaitForChild("GoldenApple").Parent = LocalPlayer.Character
- task.wait(.5)
- Events:WaitForChild("HealTheNoobs"):FireServer()
- end
- local function HealYourself()
- GiveItem("Pizza")
- Events.Energy:FireServer(25, "Pizza")
- end
- local function BreakBarricades()
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").FallenTrees:GetChildren()) do
- for i = 1, 20 do
- if v:FindFirstChild("TreeHitPart") then
- Events.RoadMissionEvent:FireServer(1, v.TreeHitPart, 5)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function BreakEnemies()
- pcall(function()
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuys:GetChildren()) do
- v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid", true).Health = 0
- end
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuysBoss:GetChildren()) do
- v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid", true).Health = 0
- end
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuysFront:GetChildren()) do
- v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid", true).Health = 0
- end
- end)
- end
- local function KillEnemies()
- pcall(function()
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuys:GetChildren()) do
- Events:WaitForChild("HitBadguy"):FireServer(v, 64.8, 4)
- end
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuysBoss:GetChildren()) do
- Events:WaitForChild("HitBadguy"):FireServer(v, 64.8, 4)
- end
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuysFront:GetChildren()) do
- Events:WaitForChild("HitBadguy"):FireServer(v, 64.8, 4)
- end
- if game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("BadGuyPizza", true) then
- Events:WaitForChild("HitBadguy"):FireServer(game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("BadGuyPizza", true), 64.8, 4)
- end
- if game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("BadGuyBrute") then
- Events:WaitForChild("HitBadguy"):FireServer(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuyBrute, 64.8, 4)
- end
- end)
- end
- local function GetDog()
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Assets.Note.Note.Note:GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name:match("Circle") and v.Visible == true then
- GiveItem(tostring(v.Name:gsub("Circle", "")))
- task.wait(.1)
- LocalPlayer.Backpack:WaitForChild(tostring(v.Name:gsub("Circle", ""))).Parent = LocalPlayer.Character
- TeleportTo(, 29.4499969, -910.452637, -0.238445505, 7.71292363e-09, 0.971155882, 1.2913591e-10, 1, -7.91029819e-09, -0.971155882, -1.76076387e-09, -0.238445505))
- task.wait(.5)
- Events:WaitForChild("CatFed"):FireServer(tostring(v.Name:gsub("Circle", "")))
- end
- end
- task.wait(2)
- for i = 1, 3 do
- TeleportTo(, 30.4500484, -790.901428, -0.0148558766, 8.85941187e-09, -0.999889672, 2.65695732e-08, 1, 8.46563175e-09, 0.999889672, -2.64408779e-08, -0.0148558766) +, 5, 0))
- task.wait(.1)
- end
- end
- local function GetAgent()
- GiveItem("Louise")
- task.wait(.1)
- LocalPlayer.Backpack:WaitForChild("Louise").Parent = LocalPlayer.Character
- Events:WaitForChild("LouiseGive"):FireServer(2)
- end
- local function GetUncle()
- GiveItem("Key")
- task.wait(.1)
- LocalPlayer.Backpack:WaitForChild("Key").Parent = LocalPlayer.Character
- wait(.5)
- Events.KeyEvent:FireServer()
- end
- local function ClickPete()
- fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").UnclePete.ClickDetector)
- end
- local function CollectCash()
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace"):GetChildren()) do
- if v.Name == "Part" and v:FindFirstChild("TouchInterest") and v:FindFirstChild("Weld") and v.Transparency == 1 then
- firetouchinterest(v, LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart, 0)
- end
- end
- end
- local function GetAllOutsideItems()
- TeleportTo(, 30.0009422, -790.182739, 0.08340507, 2.48169538e-08, 0.996515751, -2.7112752e-09, 1, -2.46767993e-08, -0.996515751, -6.43658127e-10, 0.08340507))
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").OutsideParts:GetChildren()) do
- fireclickdetector(v.ClickDetector)
- end
- LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid:MoveTo(LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position +, 0, 0))
- end
- local function BringAllEnemies()
- pcall(function()
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuys:GetChildren()) do
- v.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
- v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, 0, -4)
- end
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuysBoss:GetChildren()) do
- v.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
- v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, 0, -4)
- end
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BadGuysFront:GetChildren()) do
- v.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true
- v.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame *, 0, -4)
- end
- end)
- end
- local function Noclip(State)
- LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CanCollide = State
- for i, v in pairs(LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
- if v:IsA("MeshPart") then
- v.CanCollide = State
- end
- end
- end
- local function GetSecretEnding()
- for i, v in next, SecretEndingTable do
- Events.LarryEndingEvent:FireServer(v, true)
- end
- end
- local function GetGAppleBadge()
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").FallenTrees:GetChildren()) do
- for i = 1, 20 do
- if v:FindFirstChild("TreeHitPart") then
- Events.RoadMissionEvent:FireServer(1, v.TreeHitPart, 5)
- end
- end
- end
- task.wait(1)
- TeleportTo(, 29.4499969, -534.381165, -0.584439218, -1.05103076e-07, 0.811437488, -3.12853778e-08, 1, 1.06993674e-07, -0.811437488, 3.71451705e-08, -0.584439218))
- task.wait(.5)
- fireclickdetector(game:GetService("Workspace").GoldenApple.ClickDetector)
- end
- local function AntiMud(Touchable)
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").BogArea.Bog:GetDescendants()) do
- if v.Name == "Mud" and v:IsA("Part") then
- if Touchable == true then
- v.CanTouch = false
- else
- v.CanTouch = false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function AntiWind()
- if game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("WavePart") then
- game:GetService("Workspace").WavePart.CanTouch = false
- end
- end
- -- Main Script / GUI
- local OrionLib = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))()
- local function Notify(name, content, image, time)
- OrionLib:MakeNotification({
- Name = name,
- Content = content,
- Image = image,
- Time = time
- })
- end
- local Window = OrionLib:MakeWindow({
- Name = "luidyotavio235 Break In 2 Hub",
- HidePremium = false,
- SaveConfig = true,
- ConfigFolder = "OrionTest",
- IntroText = "Loading Script..."
- })
- local Tab = Window:MakeTab({
- Name = "Overpowered",
- Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",
- PremiumOnly = false
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Item Giver"
- })
- Tab:AddParagraph("Note:", "Getting/Spamming Multiple Of 1 Type Of Items May Cause The Item To Break And Be Unuseable/Unequippable.\nIt Is Recommended To Only Grab 1 Item At Once, Especially If Its An Item Everyone Can Use.")
- Tab:AddDropdown({
- Name = "Item",
- Default = "Med Kit",
- Options = ItemsTable,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if Value == 'Book' or Value == 'Phone' then
- Notify('Warning', Value .. " Wont Work Unless You Own The Corresponding Gamepass.", 'rbxassetid://4483345998', 7)
- end
- SelectedItem = Value
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Get Item",
- Callback = function()
- GiveItem(SelectedItem)
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Training"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Train Strength",
- Callback = function()
- Train("Strength")
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Train Speed",
- Callback = function()
- Train("Speed")
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Heal Youself"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Heal Yourself",
- Callback = function()
- for i = 1, 10 do
- HealYourself()
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Loop Heal Yourself",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().HealLoop = Value
- while HealLoop do
- HealYourself()
- task.wait(.1)
- end
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Heal All"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Heal All",
- Callback = function()
- HealAllPlayers()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Loop Heal All",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().HealAllLoop = Value
- while HealAllLoop do
- HealAllPlayers()
- task.wait(3)
- end
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Quality Of Life"
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Semi-Godmode",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().SemiGodmode = Value
- if SemiGodmode == true then
- Notify('Info', "What Semi-Godmode Works On: Special Attacks (Pizza Boss's Pepper Attack, All Scarry Larry/Marry Attacks Except Monster Spawner), Hailing And Possibly Some Others\nWhat Semi-Godmode Doesnt Work On: Enemies, Ice (Use Anti Slip), Getting Locked In A Room While An Enemy Wave Comes, And Possibly Some Others.", 'rbxassetid://4483345998', 7)
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Remove Slipping",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().RemoveSlipping = Value
- if RemoveSlipping == true then
- Notify('Credits To', "Leo Dicap On V3rmillion For Making This Feature!", 'rbxassetid://4483345998', 7)
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Remove Hailing",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if Value == false then
- if ScriptLoaded == true then
- HailClone.Parent = game:GetService("Workspace")
- end
- else
- HailClone = game:GetService("Workspace").Hails:Clone()
- game:GetService("Workspace").Hails:Destroy()
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Remove Wind",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().NoWind = Value
- while NoWind == true do
- AntiWind()
- task.wait(.5)
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Remove Mud",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- AntiMud(Value)
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Others"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Teleport To Private Lobby",
- Callback = function()
- game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(14775231477, LocalPlayer)
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Unlock Secret Ending",
- Callback = function()
- GetSecretEnding()
- end
- })
- local Tab = Window:MakeTab({
- Name = "Teleports",
- Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",
- PremiumOnly = false
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Main"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Boss Fight",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, -368.711945, -1040.66626, 0.0929690823, -1.97564436e-08, 0.995669007, -1.53269308e-08, 1, 2.1273511e-08, -0.995669007, -1.72383299e-08, 0.0929690823))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Shop",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 30.4500484, -847.319275, 0.999987781, -9.18427645e-08, -0.00494772941, 9.19905787e-08, 1, 2.96483353e-08, 0.00494772941, -3.01031164e-08, 0.999987781))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Kitchen",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 30.4500484, -732.703125, -0.999205947, -1.97705017e-08, 0.0398429185, -2.00601384e-08, 1, -6.86967372e-09, -0.0398429185, -7.66347341e-09, -0.999205947))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Fighting Arena",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 62.7139359, -723.436035, -0.0542500541, 4.28905356e-09, -0.998527408, 1.07862625e-08, 1, 3.70936082e-09, 0.998527408, -1.05691456e-08, -0.0542500541))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "The Gym",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 63.4500465, -840.825562, 0.999789953, 2.17116263e-08, 0.020495005, -2.15169358e-08, 1, -9.7199333e-09, -0.020495005, 9.27690191e-09, 0.999789953))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Golden Apple",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 29.4499969, -534.381165, -0.584439218, -1.05103076e-07, 0.811437488, -3.12853778e-08, 1, 1.06993674e-07, -0.811437488, 3.71451705e-08, -0.584439218))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Feeding Instructions",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 60.4500465, -830.583557, 0.118373089, 3.89876789e-08, -0.992969215, 3.47791551e-09, 1, 3.96783406e-08, 0.992969215, -8.15031065e-09, 0.118373089))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Middle Room",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 30.4590473, -789.723877, -0.0485812724, 6.74905039e-08, 0.998819232, 1.19352916e-09, 1, -6.75122394e-08, -0.998819232, -2.08771045e-09, -0.0485812724))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Scarry Mary Pillar",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, -325.156891, -1060.63367, -0.691015959, 7.43958628e-09, 0.722839475, -5.03345055e-09, 1, -1.51040194e-08, -0.722839475, -1.40754954e-08, -0.691015959))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Outside Loot",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").OutsideParts:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Part", true).CFrame +, 0, 0))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Experiment Room",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").Final.Factory.RedDesk.Drawer:GetChildren()[2].CFrame +, 0, 0))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Cafeteria",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").Final.Factory:FindFirstChild("Legs", true).CFrame)
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Rainbow Pizza Box",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(game:GetService("Workspace").RainbowPizzaBox.CFrame)
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Npc's"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Secret Agent Bradley",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 95.4500275, -790.556946, -0.116918251, -7.95074726e-08, -0.993141532, -2.79918044e-09, 1, -7.97270019e-08, 0.993141532, -6.54155974e-09, -0.116918251))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Twando The Dog",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 29.4499969, -910.452637, -0.238445505, 7.71292363e-09, 0.971155882, 1.2913591e-10, 1, -7.91029819e-09, -0.971155882, -1.76076387e-09, -0.238445505))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Uncle Pete",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 63.4182587, -737.712036, -0.998669028, -7.34403613e-08, -0.05157727, -7.2258743e-08, 1, -2.47743781e-08, 0.05157727, -2.1014495e-08, -0.998669028))
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Secret Ending"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Golden Crowbar",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 29.4477005, -929.365295, 0.756779075, 4.53537341e-09, -0.653670728, 5.82708326e-09, 1, 1.36845468e-08, 0.653670728, -1.4165173e-08, 0.756779075))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Purple Mask",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 29.2477055, -976.389954, -0.951403797, 3.76210636e-08, -0.307946175, 1.89752569e-08, 1, 6.35433466e-08, 0.307946175, 5.46120233e-08, -0.951403797))
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Homeless Kid",
- Callback = function()
- TeleportTo(, 29.4477024, -932.782715, -0.215949073, 3.18771427e-08, 0.976404607, -7.60385461e-08, 1, -4.94647345e-08, -0.976404607, -8.49262562e-08, -0.215949073))
- end
- })
- local Tab = Window:MakeTab({
- Name = "Humanoid",
- Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",
- PremiumOnly = false
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Settings"
- })
- Tab:AddSlider({
- Name = "Walk Speed",
- Min = 0,
- Max = 500,
- Default = 50,
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),
- Increment = 1,
- ValueName = "Speed",
- Callback = function(Value)
- ModifiedWalkspeed = Value
- end
- })
- Tab:AddSlider({
- Name = "Jump Power",
- Min = 0,
- Max = 500,
- Default = 100,
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),
- Increment = 1,
- ValueName = "Power",
- Callback = function(Value)
- ModifiedJumpPower = Value
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Humanoid"
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Enable Walk Speed",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if Value == true then
- OriginalWalkspeed = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed
- LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = ModifiedWalkspeed
- else
- LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = OriginalWalkspeed
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Enable Jump Power",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if Value == true then
- OriginalJumpPower = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower
- LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = ModifiedJumpPower
- LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.UseJumpPower = Value
- else
- LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = OriginalJumpPower
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Enable Noclip",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().Noclipping = Value
- if Noclipping == true then
- spawn(function()
- while Noclipping == true do
- Noclip(false)
- task.wait(.05)
- end
- end)
- end
- if Noclipping == false then
- Noclip(true)
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Enable Floating",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().Float = Value
- if Float == true then
- spawn(function()
- while Float == true do
- Part.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +, -4, 0)
- task.wait(.05)
- end
- end)
- end
- if Float == false then
- Part.CFrame = LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame +, 999, 0)
- end
- end
- })
- local Tab = Window:MakeTab({
- Name = "Combat",
- Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",
- PremiumOnly = false
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Kill Enemies"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Kill All Enemies",
- Callback = function()
- for i = 1, 10 do
- KillEnemies()
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Loop Kill All",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().KillAllLoop = Value
- while KillAllLoop do
- for i = 1, 3 do
- KillEnemies()
- end
- task.wait(.1)
- end
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Break Enemies"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Break All Enemies",
- Callback = function()
- BreakEnemies()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Loop Break All",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().BreakAllLoop = Value
- while BreakAllLoop do
- BreakEnemies()
- task.wait(1)
- end
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Bring Enemies"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Bring All Enemies",
- Callback = function()
- BringAllEnemies()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Loop Bring All",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().BringAllLoop = Value
- while BringAllLoop do
- BringAllEnemies()
- task.wait(.1)
- end
- end
- })
- local Tab = Window:MakeTab({
- Name = "Misc",
- Icon = "rbxassetid://4483345998",
- PremiumOnly = false
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Harmful"
- })
- Tab:AddSlider({
- Name = "Damange Amount",
- Min = 0,
- Max = 200,
- Default = 5,
- Color = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0),
- Increment = 1,
- ValueName = "Damange",
- Callback = function(Value)
- Damange = Value
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Damange Yourself",
- Callback = function()
- if SemiGodmode == false then
- TakeDamange(Damange)
- else
- Notify('Warning', "Damanging Yourself Won't Work Due To Having 'Semi Godmode' Enabled!", 'rbxassetid://4483345998', 7)
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Slip",
- Callback = function()
- if RemoveSlipping == false then
- Events:WaitForChild("IceSlip"):FireServer(, 0, 0))
- else
- Notify('Warning', "Slipping Won't Work Due To Having 'Remove Slipping' Enabled!", 'rbxassetid://4483345998', 7)
- end
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Tools"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Equip All",
- Callback = function()
- EquipAllTools()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Unequip All",
- Callback = function()
- UnequipAllTools()
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Bosses"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Delete Scary Mary",
- Callback = function()
- if game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("Villainess") then
- game:GetService("Workspace").Villainess:Destroy()
- else
- Notify('Warning', "Scary Marry Is Already Deleted Or Boss Fight Hasnt Started!", 'rbxassetid://4483345998', 7)
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Delete Scary Larry",
- Callback = function()
- if game:GetService("Workspace"):FindFirstChild("BigBoss") then
- game:GetService("Workspace").BigBoss:Destroy()
- else
- Notify('Warning', "Scary Larry Is Already Deleted Or Boss Fight Hasnt Started!", 'rbxassetid://4483345998', 7)
- end
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "NPC's"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Get All NPC's",
- Callback = function()
- GetDog()
- task.wait(5)
- GetAgent()
- task.wait(1)
- GetUncle()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Get Dog",
- Callback = function()
- GetDog()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Get Agent Bradley",
- Callback = function()
- GetAgent()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Get Uncle Pete",
- Callback = function()
- GetUncle()
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Cash"
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Collect Cash",
- Callback = function()
- CollectCash()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Auto Collect Cash",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().CollectAllCash = Value
- while CollectAllCash do
- CollectCash()
- task.wait(1)
- end
- end
- })
- local Section = Tab:AddSection({
- Name = "Others"
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Auto Claim Uncle Pete Quests",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- getgenv().AutoPete = Value
- while AutoPete do
- ClickPete()
- task.wait(10)
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Get Golden Apple Badge (Note: Breaks Heal All)",
- Callback = function()
- GetGAppleBadge()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Get All Items From Outside",
- Callback = function()
- GetAllOutsideItems()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddButton({
- Name = "Break Fallen Trees",
- Callback = function()
- BreakBarricades()
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Hidden Items ESP",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if Value == true then
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Hidden:GetChildren()) do
- local highlight ="Highlight")
- highlight.Parent = v
- highlight.FillColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 255)
- highlight.FillTransparency = 0
- highlight.OutlineTransparency = 0
- highlight.OutlineColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255)
- end
- else
- for i, v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace").Hidden:GetChildren()) do
- if v:FindFirstChild("Highlight") then
- v:FindFirstChild("Highlight"):Destroy()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- })
- Tab:AddToggle({
- Name = "Full Bright",
- Default = false,
- Callback = function(Value)
- if Value == true then
- Lighting.Brightness = 1
- Lighting.FogEnd = 999999
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = false
- else
- Lighting.Brightness = OriginalBrightness
- Lighting.FogEnd = OriginalFog
- Lighting.GlobalShadows = GlobalShadows
- end
- end
- })
- Notify('Loaded!', "Script Successfully Loaded!\nJoin Our Discord At ( For Support, Questions And Updates!\nThe Script Is Open Source So Feel Free To Look At The Code!", 'rbxassetid://4483345998', 15)
- ScriptLoaded = true
- OrionLib:Init()
- end
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