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- version = 20231005.1900
- local tkVersion = version -- otherwise over-written by clsTurtle when loaded
- --[[
- **********Toolkit v2**********
- Last edited: see version YYYYMMDD.HHMM
- if NOT online:
- Make sure you create a folder 'lib' and place menu.lua and clsTurtle.lua into it
- else
- lib folder will be created and files obtained automatically!
- end
- ]]
- args = {...} -- eg "farm", "tree"
- local menu, T
- --[[
- Computercraft started with mc version 1.7.10 and went to 1.8.9
- ccTweaked started around mc 1.12.2 and currently at 1.18
- mc 1.18 has new blocks and bedrock at -64, so needs to be taken into account.
- _HOST = The ComputerCraft and Minecraft version of the current computer environment.
- For example, ComputerCraft 1.93.0 (Minecraft 1.15.2).
- ]]
- local dbug = false -- debug is reserved word
- local bedrock = 0
- local netherBedrock = 0
- local ceiling = 255
- local deletesWater = false
- local brick = "minecraft:nether_brick" -- pre 1.16+ name
- local ccMajorVersion = _HOST:sub(15, _HOST:find("Minecraft") - 2) --eg ComputerCraft 1.93.0 (Minecraft 1.15.2)
- local ccMinorVersion = 0
- --[[
- Netherite level stand on 14
- Chunk borders F3+G or:
- math.floor(x / 16) * 16 add 16 for each border. same for z
- ]]
- function string:split(sSeparator, nMax, bRegexp, noEmpty)
- --[[return a table split with sSeparator. noEmpty removes empty elements
- use: tblSplit = SplitTest:split('~',[nil], [nil], false) or tblSplit = string.split(SplitTest, '~')]]
- assert(sSeparator ~= '','separator must not be empty string')
- assert(nMax == nil or nMax >= 1, 'nMax must be >= 1 and not nil')
- if noEmpty == nil then noEmpty = true end
- local aRecord = {}
- local newRecord = {}
- -- self refers to the 'string' being split
- if self:len() > 0 then
- local bPlain = not bRegexp
- nMax = nMax or -1
- local nField, nStart = 1, 1
- local nFirst,nLast = self:find(sSeparator, nStart, bPlain)
- while nFirst and nMax ~= 0 do
- aRecord[nField] = self:sub(nStart, nFirst-1)
- nField = nField+1
- nStart = nLast+1
- nFirst,nLast = self:find(sSeparator, nStart, bPlain)
- nMax = nMax-1
- end
- aRecord[nField] = self:sub(nStart)
- if noEmpty then --split on newline preserves empty values
- for i = 1, #aRecord do
- if aRecord[i] ~= "" then
- table.insert(newRecord, aRecord[i])
- end
- end
- else
- newRecord = aRecord
- end
- end
- return newRecord
- end
- if tonumber(ccMajorVersion) == nil then -- 1.93.0 NAN
- --ccMajorVersion = ccMajorVersion:sub(1, ccMajorVersion:find(".", 3, true) - 1)
- local parts = ccMajorVersion:split(".")
- ccMajorVersion = parts[1]
- if parts[2] ~= nil then
- ccMajorVersion = ccMajorVersion.."."[2]
- end
- ccMajorVersion = tonumber(ccMajorVersion)
- if parts[3] ~= nil then
- ccMinorVersion = tonumber(parts[3])
- end
- end
- local mcMajorVersion = _HOST:sub(_HOST:find("Minecraft") + 10, _HOST:find("\)") - 1) -- eg 1.18 or 1.20 -> 1.18, 1.20
- local mcMinorVersion = 0
- if tonumber(mcMajorVersion) == nil then -- 1.18.3 NAN
- --mcMajorVersion = tonumber(_HOST:sub(_HOST:find("Minecraft") + 10, _HOST:find("\)") - 3)) -- eg 1.19.4 -> 1.19
- local parts = mcMajorVersion:split(".")
- mcMajorVersion = parts[1]
- if parts[2] ~= nil then
- mcMajorVersion = mcMajorVersion.."."[2]
- end
- mcMajorVersion = tonumber(mcMajorVersion)
- if parts[3] ~= nil then
- mcMinorVersion = tonumber(parts[3])
- end
- end
- if mcMajorVersion < 1.7 and mcMajorVersion >= 1.18 then -- 1.12 to 1.??
- bedrock = -64
- ceiling = 319
- end
- if mcMajorVersion < 1.7 and mcMajorVersion >= 1.16 then -- 1.12 to 1.??
- brick = "minecraft:nether_bricks"
- end
- if mcMajorVersion < 1.7 and mcMajorVersion <= 1.12 then --- turtle in source deletes it. 1.7.10 to 1.12
- deletesWater = true
- end
- local utils = {}
- function utils.tableConcat(tbl, sep)
- local output = ""
- for i,value in pairs(tbl) do
- output = output .. tostring(value)
- if i ~= #tbl then
- output = output .. sep
- end
- end
- return output
- end
- function utils.calculateDimensions(R)
- if == "" then -- not being called from other functions
- if R.width == 0 then -- user chose auto settings
- R.length = utils.calculateDistance(R.length) -- still facing forward
- print("Calculated Length = "..R.length)
- T:turnRight(1) -- ready to check width
- R.width = utils.calculateDistance(R.width) -- now facing right
- print("Calculated width = "..R.width)
- T:go("R2F"..R.width - 1 .."L1".. "F"..R.length - 1 .."R2") -- back at start. width/length confirmed
- end
- end
- if R.height == 0 then -- use auto settings based on water detection
- R.height = 64
- end
- return R
- end
- function utils.calculateDistance(estDistamcMajorVersionnce)
- --[[
- measure length
- movement stops when either solid block in front or solid below
- called from utils.calculateDimensions
- ]]
- local moves = 1
- local nonSolidBelow = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- if estDistance == 0 then
- while nonSolidBelow and turtle.forward() do -- while able to move and air/water below
- moves = moves + 1
- nonSolidBelow = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- end
- else
- while moves < estDistance * 2 do -- loop can only run for max of double estimated distance
- if turtle.forward() then -- able to move forward
- moves = moves + 1
- else
- break
- end
- if not utils.clearVegetation("down") then -- solid below
- turtle.back()
- moves = moves - 1
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return moves
- end
- function utils.checkFuelNeeded(quantity)
- local quantity = tonumber(quantity)
- local fuelNeeded = quantity - tonumber(turtle.getFuelLevel()) -- eg 600
- if fuelNeeded > 0 then
- if T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:lava_bucket"}, {1}, false) == nil then
- if T:checkInventoryForItem({"coal"}, {math.ceil(fuelNeeded / 60)}, false) == nil then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"planks"}, {math.ceil(fuelNeeded / 15)})
- end
- end
- T:refuel(quantity, true)
- end
- end
- function utils.clearVegetation(direction)
- local isAirWaterLava = true -- default true value air/water/lava presumed
- -- blockType, blockModifier, data
- local blockType, blockModifier = T:getBlockType(direction)
- if blockType ~= "" then --not air
- if T:isVegetation(blockType) then
- T:dig(direction)
- elseif blockType:find("water") == nil
- and blockType:find("lava") == nil
- and blockType:find("bubble") == nil
- and blockType:find("ice") == nil then
- -- NOT water, ice or lava
- isAirWaterLava = false -- solid block
- end
- end
- return isAirWaterLava --clears any grass or sea plants, returns true if air or water, bubble column or ice
- end
- function utils.createPath(R) -- 51
- --[[places a path in air/lava/water. R can also be of type int]]
- local length = 0
- local reduce = false
- local torchInterval = 8
- if type(R) == "table" then
- length = R.length
- if == "reduce" then
- reduce = true
- end
- torchInterval = R.torchInterval
- else
- length = R
- end
- local numBlocks = 0
- if reduce then
- T:forward(1)
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- local useBlock = blockType
- while blockType == useBlock do
- T:go("x2F1")
- numBlocks = numBlocks + 1
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- utils.goBack(numBlocks + 1)
- else
- for i = 1, 2 do
- T:fillVoid("down", {}, false)
- T:forward(1)
- numBlocks = numBlocks + 1
- end
- local place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- while place do -- while air, water, normal ice, bubble column or lava below
- if T:fillVoid("down", {}, false) then -- false if out of blocks
- T:forward(1)
- numBlocks = numBlocks + 1
- if numBlocks % torchInterval == 1 or numBlocks == 0 then
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:torch", -1) > 0 then
- T:turnRight(2)
- T:place("minecraft:torch", -1, "forward", false)
- T:turnRight(2)
- end
- end
- else
- break
- end
- if length > 0 and numBlocks >= length then -- not infinite path (length = 0)
- break
- end
- place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- end
- end
- return {numBlocks} -- returned as a table in case called as task 51 back to main()
- end
- function utils.createWalledSpace(D)
- --[[
- D.width = #
- D.length = #
- D.height = #
- D.ceiling = false
- D.floor = false
- D.vDirection = "U" or "D"
- D.hDirection = "LR" or "RL"
- D.goHome = true
- T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- ]]
- local turn = "R1"
- local oTurn = "L1"
- if D.hDirection == "RL" then
- turn = "L1"
- oTurn = "R1"
- end
- local placeF = "C1"
- local lib = {}
- function lib.getPlace(D, start, finish)
- if start then -- start of build
- if D.vDirection == "U" then -- bottom and going up
- if D.floor then
- return "C2"
- end
- else -- D.vDirection == "D"
- if D.ceiling then
- return "C0"
- end
- end
- elseif finish then -- end of build
- if D.vDirection == "U" then -- bottom and going up
- if D.ceiling then
- return "C0"
- end
- else
- if D.floor then
- return "C2"
- end
- end
- end
- return "" -- start and finish both false
- end
- function lib.layer(D, start, finish)
- local outward = true
- local place = lib.getPlace(D, start, finish)
- for width = 1, D.width do
- for length = 1, D.length do
- if start or finish then
- T:go(place, false, 0, true)-- place floor / ceiling
- end
- if width == 1 then
- T:go(oTurn..placeF..turn, false, 0, true) -- face wall and check if block
- elseif width == D.width then -- checking opposite wall
- if outward then -- travelling away from start
- T:go(turn..placeF..oTurn, false, 0, true) -- face wall and check if block
- else -- travelling towards start
- T:go(oTurn..placeF..turn, false, 0, true) -- face wall and check if block
- end
- end
- -- move forward
- if length < D.length then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- if width < D.width then
- -- change direction
- if outward then
- T:go(placeF..turn.."F1", false, 0, true)
- else
- T:go(placeF..oTurn.."F1", false, 0, true)
- end
- outward = not outward
- else
- if outward then
- T:go(placeF..oTurn.."F"..D.width -1 ..oTurn.."F"..D.length - 1 .."C1R2", false, 0, true)
- else
- T:go(placeF..turn.."F"..D.width -1 ..oTurn..placeF..turn..turn, false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- T:go("R2"..placeF.."R2", false, 0, true) -- place block behind
- for height = 1, D.height do
- if height == 1 then
- lib.layer(D, true, false) -- first layer, so start = true, finish = false
- elseif height == D.height then
- lib.layer(D, false, true) -- final layer, so start = false, finish = true
- else
- lib.layer(D, false, false) -- mid build layer, so start = false, finish = false
- end
- if height < D.height then -- go up or down unless finished build
- T:go(D.vDirection.."1")
- end
- end
- if D.goHome then-- ends at starting point
- if D.vDirection == "U" then
- T:down(D.height - 1)
- else
- T:up(D.height - 1)
- end
- end
- end
- function utils.createWaterSource(level)
- if level == nil then
- level = 0
- end
- if level > 0 then
- T:up(level)
- elseif level < 0 then
- T:down(math.abs(level))
- end
- -- assume on flat surface, but allow for blocks above
- T:go("x0C2F1 x0C2F1 x0C2F1 x0C2R1 F1 x0C2F1 x0C2F1 x0C2R1 F1 x0C2F1 x0C2F1 x0C2R1 F1 x0C2F1 x0C2", false, 0, false)
- T:go("R1F1D1", false, 0, false) --move to corner and drop down
- T:go("C2F1R1 C2F1R1 C2F1R1 C2F1R1", false, 0, false)
- T:go("U1")
- for i = 1, 2 do
- T:placeWater("down")
- T:go("F1R1F1R1", false, 0, false)
- end
- -- refill water buckets
- for i = 1, 2 do
- sleep(0.5)
- T:placeWater("down")
- end
- T:go("R2F1R1F1R1")
- -- end above lower left of pond (starting point)
- return {}
- end
- function utils.drainWaterLava(R) -- 84
- local lib = {}
- function lib.startCorner()
- -- assume starting mid 3 high column
- T:go("D1C1R1C1 U1C1 L1C1 U1C1 R1C1 L1D1 C2C0", false, 0, true)
- -- finished on same mid 3 high column with wall in front and right completed
- end
- function lib.midWall()
- -- assume starting mid 3 high column
- T:go("D1R1C1 U1C1 U1C1 L1D1 C2C0", false, 0, true)
- -- finished on same mid 3 high column with wall on right completed
- end
- function lib.endCorner()
- -- assume starting mid 3 high column
- T:go("D1R1C1 R1C1 U1C1 L1C1 U1C1 R1C1 L2D1 C2C0", false, 0, true)
- -- finished on same mid 3 high column with wall behind and right completed
- end
- function lib.backTurn(offset)
- -- assume starting mid 3 high column with completed wall behind
- T:go("L1F"..offset.."L2C1 R1D1C1 U1C1 U1C1 D1")
- -- end next row along the width, facing the back, mid point
- -- wall ahead completed
- end
- function lib.frontTurn()
- -- assume starting mid 3 high column facing back
- -- next move is to turn toward previous wall and remove
- T:go("L2D1C1 U1C1 U1C1 D1R1 C2C0 F1R2C1 L1")
- -- end facing back ready to remove wall
- end
- function lib.placeRetainingWall(distance)
- -- assume starting above 3 block high area facing front (player)
- --T:down(1)
- for i = 1, distance do
- if i == 1 then -- start wall
- lib.startCorner()
- else
- if i < distance then -- mid wall
- lib.midWall()
- else -- end of the wall
- lib.endCorner()
- end
- end
- if i < distance then
- if not turtle.back() then
- T:go("R2F1R2")
- end
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- return 1
- end
- function lib.placeDam(distance)
- --T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- local waterPresent = false
- for i = 1, distance do
- if T:isWater("down") then
- waterPresent = true
- end
- T:go("C0C2")
- if i < distance then
- if not turtle.back() then
- T:go("R2F1R2")
- end
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- return waterPresent
- end
- function lib.removeDam(distance)
- -- facing towards back, dig wall up down and ahead
- for i = 1, distance do
- T:go("x0x2")
- if i < distance then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- -- end up back to retaining wall, mid point
- end
- if == "" then
- if turtle.detectDown() then -- on solid surface
- turtle.forward()
- end
- end
- if deletesWater then --turtle replaces source so use clearSolid()
- R.silent = true
- R.down = true
- R.up = false
- clearSolid(R)
- else -- mc 1.12.15+ turtle does NOT replace source blocks
- -- place first stone along the length of water and measure length
- R = utils.calculateDimensions(R)
- local depth = 0
- for h = 1, R.height do
- local waterPresent = false -- resets at each level
- local row = 0
- T:go("R2D2", false, 0, true) -- at start, level 2, facing towards the front, move backards
- --lib.startCorner()
- row = row + lib.placeRetainingWall(R.length)
- lib.backTurn(1)
- if lib.placeDam(R.length) then
- waterPresent = true
- end
- row = row + 1
- -- left side wall has been built, 2 rows of walls laid. row = 2
- while row < R.width - 1 do -- eg width=2, row=2, this will not run. width=5, row=2
- lib.frontTurn()
- lib.removeDam(R.length)
- lib.backTurn(2)
- if lib.placeDam(R.length) then
- waterPresent = true
- end
- row = row + 1
- end
- -- lay right wall
- lib.frontTurn()
- lib.removeDam(R.length)
- lib.backTurn(2)
- row = row + lib.placeRetainingWall(R.length)
- lib.frontTurn()
- lib.removeDam(R.length) -- faces to front on finish
- T:go("L1F1R1")
- lib.removeDam(R.length) -- faces to front on finish
- depth = depth + 3
- T:go("L1F"..R.width - 1 .."R1D1")
- if depth == R.height or not waterPresent then -- still replacing water
- T:up(depth - 1) -- when h == R.height will go up
- break -- in case water dries up before loop has completed
- end
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- function utils.dropSand()
- while not turtle.detectDown() do -- over water. will be infinite loop if out of sand
- if not T:place("sand", -1, "down", false) then
- print("Out of sand. Add more to continue...")
- sleep(2)
- end
- end
- return true --will only get to this point if turtle.detectDown() = true
- end
- function utils.pause(R)
- --[[
- allows 2 turtles to co-operate
- When they face each other and move together
- R.side = "R" or "L"
- ]]
- local rsIn = rs.getAnalogueInput("front")
- local rsOut = 1
- local present = false
- local confirmed = false
- local timer = 0
- local endTimer = 0
- local finished = false
- T:go(R.side.."1")
- rs.setAnalogueOutput("front", 0) -- switch off output
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- while blockType:find("turtle") == nil do
- menu.colourWrite("Waiting for other turtle "..endTimer,, nil, nil, false, true)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- sleep(0.1)
- timer = timer + 0.1
- if timer >= 1 then
- timer = 0
- endTimer = endTimer + 1
- end
- end
- timer = 0
- endTimer = 0
- while not finished do
- if endTimer == 0 then
- if present then
- if confirmed then
- menu.colourWrite("Turtle confirmed: input = "..rsIn.." output = "..rsOut,, nil, nil, false, true)
- else
- menu.colourWrite("Other turtle ok: input = "..rsIn.." output = "..rsOut,, nil, nil, false, true)
- end
- else
- menu.colourWrite("Waiting: input = "..rsIn.." output = "..rsOut,, nil, nil, false, true)
- end
- end
- sleep(0.1)
- timer = timer + 1
- if endTimer > 0 then
- endTimer = endTimer + 1
- end
- if endTimer >= 10 then -- allows time for other computer to get ready
- finished = true
- end
- rs.setAnalogueOutput("front", 1) -- output 1 as a signal initially
- if present then
- rs.setAnalogueOutput("front", rsOut) -- output 1 as a signal initially
- end
- rsIn = rs.getAnalogueInput("front")
- if rsIn == 1 then
- present = true
- if not confirmed then
- rsOut = 7
- end
- elseif rsIn == 7 then
- present = true
- confirmed = true
- rsOut = 15
- elseif rsIn == 15 or confirmed then
- menu.colourWrite("endTimer active = "..endTimer,, nil, nil, false, true)
- endTimer = endTimer + 1 -- start endTimer
- end
- end
- T:go(R.side.."3")
- return rsIn -- 15
- end
- function utils.startWaterFunction(inWater, onWater, maxDescent, goIn)
- --[[
- Use with utils.getWaterStatus
- could be inWater and not onWater if on single layer of water with floor below
- ]]
- maxDescent = maxDescent or 1 -- prevents continuous down due to lack of water
- if goIn == nil then -- turtle should submerge
- goIn = true
- end
- local descent = 0 -- counter for going down
- if inWater then -- job done
- return inWater, onWater
- end
- if onWater and goIn then --inWater already returned so must be false
- if turtle.down() then
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("water") ~= nil or T:getBlockType("forward"):find("bubble") ~= nil then
- inWater = true
- return inWater, onWater
- end
- end
- end
- if not onWater then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- -- should now be above water, but may be further down so onWater still false
- while T:getBlockType("down"):find("water") == nil and T:getBlockType("down"):find("bubble") == nil do-- go down until water below
- if turtle.down() then
- descent = descent + 1
- if descent >= maxDescent then -- limit descent in case no water present
- onWater = false
- return inWater, onWater -- false,false
- end
- else
- onWater = false
- return inWater, onWater -- false,false
- end
- end
- -- now above water
- if goIn then
- turtle.down() -- now inside water block
- inWater = true
- end
- return inWater, onWater
- end
- function utils.fillBucket(direction)
- if T:getWater(direction) then
- sleep(0.3)
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function utils.getEmptyBucketCount()
- local lastSlot, leastModifier, total, slotData = T:getItemSlot("minecraft:bucket", -1)
- return total
- end
- function utils.getRoofStats(R)
- local isWidthOdd = R.width % 2 == 1 -- is the width odd or even?
- local isLengthOdd = R.length % 2 == 1 -- is the length odd or even?
- if isWidthOdd then
- R.height = math.floor(R.width / 2) -- eg 7 x 5 roof, layers = 5 / 2 = 2
- else
- R.height = R.width / 2 -- eg 17 x 8 roof, layers = 8 / 2 = 4
- end
- local width = 2 -- assume even width with 2 block roof ridge
- local length = R.length - R.height - 1 -- assume even width with 2 block roof ridge
- if isWidthOdd then
- width = 3 -- adjust to allow for single width roof ridge
- end
- if isLengthOdd then
- length = R.length - R.height -- adjust as 1 layer less
- end
- return R, isWidthOdd, isLengthOdd, width, length
- end
- function utils.getWater()
- if deletesWater then
- T:getWater("down") -- take water from source
- sleep(0.2)
- T:getWater("down") -- take water from source
- else
- if not turtle.detectDown() then
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false)
- end
- T:getWater("forward") -- take water from source
- sleep(0.2)
- T:getWater("forward") -- take water from source
- end
- end
- function utils.getWaterBucketCount()
- -- lastSlot, leastModifier, total, slotData = T:getItemSlot(item, useDamage)
- local lastSlot, leastModifier, total, slotData = T:getItemSlot("minecraft:water_bucket", -1)
- return total
- end
- function utils.getWaterStatus()
- --[[ Usage:
- local inWater, onWater = utils.getWaterStatus() -- returns turtle position near water
- utils.startWaterFunction(onWater, inWater, 2, true) -- move INTO water max 2 blocks down
- utils.startWaterFunction(onWater, inWater, 5, false) -- move ABOVE water max 5 blocks down
- ]]
- local onWater = false
- local inWater = false
- for i = 1, 4 do
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("water") ~= nil or T:getBlockType("forward"):find("bubble") ~= nil then
- inWater = true
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- if T:getBlockType("down"):find("water") ~= nil or T:getBlockType("down"):find("bubble") ~= nil then
- onWater = true
- end
- return inWater, onWater
- end
- function utils.goBack(blocks)
- blocks = blocks or 1
- local success = true
- for i = 1, blocks do
- if not turtle.back() then
- success = false
- T:go("R2F1R2")
- end
- end
- return success
- end
- function utils.getPrettyPrint(promptColour, menuPromptColour)
- promptColour = promptColour or colors.yellow
- menuPromptColour = menuPromptColour or colors.white
- local pp = {}
- pp.prompt = promptColour
- pp.itemColours = {}
- pp.menuPrompt = menuPromptColour
- pp.allowModifier = true -- can the menu return 'q' or 'h' / 'i'
- return pp
- end
- function utils.move(R, blocks, reverse)
- if reverse == nil then
- reverse = false
- end
- if reverse then
- if R.subChoice == 2 then -- reverse direction
- T:up(blocks)
- else
- T:down(blocks)
- end
- return blocks * -1
- else
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:up(blocks)
- else
- T:down(blocks)
- end
- return blocks
- end
- end
- function utils.setStorageOptions()
- local storage = ""
- local storageBackup = ""
- if T:getItemSlot("barrel") > 0 then
- storage = "barrel"
- storageBackup = "barrel"
- end
- if T:getItemSlot("chest") > 0 then
- if storage == "" then
- storage = "chest"
- end
- storageBackup = "chest"
- end
- return storage, storageBackup
- end
- local pp = utils.getPrettyPrint()
- local function buildWall(R)
- -- T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.singleLayer(R)
- for l = 1, R.length do
- if l == R.length and == "house" then
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("C1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- end
- function lib.doubleLayer(R)
- for l = 1, R.length do
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- if l == R.length and == "house" then
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("C1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- end
- function lib.tripleLayer(R)
- for l = 1, R.length do
- T:go("C2C0", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- if l == R.length and == "house" then
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("C1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- end
- -- R.width preset to 1
- local remaining = R.height
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:forward(1) -- face forward, move over first block
- end
- if R.height > 1 then
- T:up(1) -- go up 1 block
- end
- if ~= "house" then
- T:turnRight(2) -- rotate 180
- end
- if R.height == 1 then -- single block: place in front
- lib.singleLayer(R)
- elseif R.height == 2 then -- 2 blocks, go backwards, place below and ahead
- lib.doubleLayer(R)
- else
- while remaining >= 3 do
- lib.tripleLayer(R)
- remaining = remaining - 3
- if remaining == 1 then
- T:go("U2F1R2")
- elseif remaining > 1 then
- T:go("U3F1R2")
- end
- end
- if remaining == 1 then
- lib.singleLayer(R)
- elseif remaining == 2 then
- lib.doubleLayer(R)
- end
- end
- if not R.silent then
- while turtle.down() do end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function buildStructure(R)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.goDown(R)
- --T:go("L1F1 R1F1 L1") -- now on ground floor
- if R.height > 1 then
- T:down(1)
- end
- end
- local buildHeight = R.height
- local height = R.height
- local width = R.width
- local length = R.length
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:forward(1) -- face forward, move over first block
- end
- if R.height > 3 then
- R.height = 3
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- = "house"
- R.silent = true -- prevent return to ground after buildWall(R)
- R.subChoice = 2 -- do not move forward when building walls
- while height > 0 do
- buildWall(R)
- lib.goDown(R)
- R.length = width - 1
- buildWall(R)
- lib.goDown(R)
- R.length = length - 1
- buildWall(R)
- lib.goDown(R)
- R.length = width - 2
- buildWall(R)
- height = height - R.height -- 1, 2 or 3
- if height > 0 then
- T:go("U2 R1F1 L1F1")
- R.height = height
- if height > 3 then
- R.height = 3
- end
- R.length = length
- end
- end
- T:go("U2F2")
- while turtle.down() do end
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- return {}
- end
- local function buildGableRoof(R)
- --[[
- stairs placement:
- _| up
- T L forward
- _
- | down
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.placeRoof(R, outward)
- for i = 1, R.length + 2 do
- if R.useBlockType:find("stairs") ~= nil then
- T:place("stairs", 0, "up")
- else
- T:go("C0", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- if i < R.length + 2 then
- if outward then
- T:go("L1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("R1F1L1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.placeGable(R, outward)
- local width = R.width
- for h = 1, R.height do
- for w = 1, width do
- T:go("C1")
- if w < width then
- if outward then
- T:go("L1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("R1F1L1")
- end
- end
- end
- if h < R.height then
- if outward then
- T:go("R1F1L1U1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1R1U1")
- end
- end
- width = width - 2
- outward = not outward
- end
- return outward
- end
- local outward = true
- -- go to centre of end wall if odd no, or half width if even
- R.height = math.floor(R.width / 2)
- local isOdd = R.width % 2 == 1
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("R1F"..R.height - 1 .."U"..R.height - 1) -- top of roof, under top layer
- for h = 1, R.height + 1 do -- place tiles on left side of roof
- lib.placeRoof(R, outward)
- if h < R.height + 1 then
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:down(1)
- outward = not outward
- end
- end
- if isOdd then
- T:go("F"..R.height + 2 .."R2U"..R.height)
- else
- T:go("F"..R.height + 1 .."R2U"..R.height)
- end
- for h = 1, R.height + 1 do -- place tiles on right side of roof
- lib.placeRoof(R, outward)
- if h < R.height + 1 then
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:down(1)
- outward = not outward
- end
- end
- -- gable ends
- if outward then
- T:go("F1R1U1")
- else
- T:go("F1L1U1")
- end
- outward = lib.placeGable(R, outward)
- T:go("F2R2 C1R2F"..R.length - 1 .."D"..R.height - 1)
- if outward then
- T:go("R1F"..R.height - 1 .."R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F"..R.height - 1 .."L1")
- end
- outward = not outward
- outward = lib.placeGable(R, outward)
- if isOdd then
- if outward then
- T:go("L1F1R1U2F1")
- else
- T:go("R1F1L1U2F1")
- end
- for i = 1, R.length do
- T:go("C2F1", false, 0, false)
- end
- for i = 1, R.length + 2 do
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("slab", 0, "forward")
- end
- end
- while turtle.down() do end
- return {}
- end
- local function buildPitchedRoof(R)
- --[[
- stairs placement:
- _| up
- T L forward
- _
- | down
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.placeRoofSection(length)
- -- starts facing centre of building
- for i = 1, length do
- if i < length then
- if R.useBlockType:find("stairs") ~= nil then
- T:place("stairs", 0, "up")
- else
- T:go("C0", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- T:go("L1F1R1")
- end
- end
- -- ends facing centre of building
- end
- function lib.placeRoof(R, width, length)
- lib.placeRoofSection(length)
- T:go("R1")
- lib.placeRoofSection(width)
- T:go("R1")
- lib.placeRoofSection(length)
- T:go("R1")
- lib.placeRoofSection(width)
- end
- function lib.placeSlabs(length)
- -- add slabs at top
- T:go("U2F1L1")
- if length > 1 then
- T:forward(length - 3)
- for i = 1, length - 3 do
- T:place("slab", 0, "forward")
- utils.goBack(1)
- end
- T:place("slab", 0, "forward")
- else
- T:place("slab", 0, "forward")
- end
- T:go("D2R1")
- utils.goBack(1)
- end
- --[[
- Turtle MUST be placed on left corner of shortest dimension
- **** or T******
- **** *******
- **** *******
- ****
- T***
- shortest dimension is R.width
- if width is odd, ignore top layer as is only 1 block wide
- ]]
- local isWidthOdd, isLengthOdd, width, length = false, false, 0, 0
- R, isWidthOdd, isLengthOdd, width, length = utils.getRoofStats(R)
- T:go("F"..R.height - 1 .."R1F"..R.height - 1 .."U"..R.height - 1) -- top of roof, under top layer
- if isWidthOdd then
- lib.placeSlabs(length)
- end
- for h = 1, R.height + 1 do -- place tiles on left side of roof
- lib.placeRoof(R, width, length)
- length = length + 2 -- increase dimensions
- width = width + 2
- if h < R.height + 1 then
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("D1R1")
- utils.goBack(1)
- end
- end
- while turtle.down() do end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearAndReplantTrees() -- 25
- --[[ clear all trees in a rectangle area defined by walls, fences or non-dirt blocks
- replant with same type of sapling. If original tree 2 blocks wide, replant 4 if possible. ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.getSaplingFromLogType(log)
- --[[ get type of sapling to plant from log type ]]
- if log:find("oak") ~= nil then
- return "minecraft:oak_sapling"
- elseif log:find("spruce") ~= nil then
- return "minecraft:spruce_sapling"
- elseif log:find("birch") ~= nil then
- return "minecraft:birch_sapling"
- elseif log:find("jungle") ~= nil then
- return "minecraft:jungle_sapling"
- elseif log:find("acacia") ~= nil then
- return "minecraft:acacia_sapling"
- elseif log:find("dark_oak") ~= nil then
- return "minecraft:dark_oak_sapling"
- end
- return "sapling"
- end
- function lib.plantSapling(sapling, double)
- --[[ plant sapling(s) ]]
- if sapling == "" or sapling == nil then sapling = "sapling" end
- T:up(1)
- lib.suck()
- if double then -- check if enough saplings
- --slotData.lastSlot, slotData.leastModifier, total, slotData = T:getItemSlot(sapling, -1)
- local a, b, total, _ = T:getItemSlot(sapling, -1)
- if total >= 4 then
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:place(sapling, -1, "down")
- T:go("F1R1")
- end
- T:forward(1) -- above pre-planted sapling
- else
- if not T:place(sapling, -1, "down") then
- T:place("sapling", -1, "down")
- end
- end
- else
- if not T:place(sapling, -1, "down") then
- T:place("sapling", -1, "down")
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.suck()
- --[[ Collect saplings, sticks and apples ]]
- turtle.suck()
- turtle.suckUp()
- turtle.suckDown()
- end
- function lib.turn(direction)
- --[[ change direction and return new value for direction ]]
- if direction == "r" then
- T:turnRight(1)
- direction = "l"
- else
- T:turnLeft(1)
- direction = "r"
- end
- return direction -- will only change direction variable if return value is used
- end
- function lib.emptyInventory(blockTypeD)
- --[[ Empty all except 32 of each sapling and 1 chest ]]
- if blockTypeD == nil then
- blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- if blockTypeD:find("chest") ~= nil or blockTypeD:find("barrel") ~= nil then
- -- empty logs, apples, sticks and all but 1 stack of each sapling type
- T:emptyInventorySelection("down", {"chest", "oak_sapling", "birch_sapling", "spruce_sapling", "acacia_sapling", "jungle_sapling","dark_oak_sapling"},{1, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 32})
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function lib.moveDown(blockTypeD)
- --[[ move down until hit ground. Break leaves and continue ]]
- if blockTypeD == nil then
- blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- while blockTypeD == "" or blockTypeD:find("leaves") ~= nil do -- move down, breaking leavse
- T:down(1)
- lib.suck()
- blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- return blockTypeD
- end
- function lib.moveForward()
- --[[ Move forward 1 block only, go down to ground while air or leaves below ]]
- local blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- local blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockTypeF == "" or blockTypeF:find("leaves") ~= nil then -- air or leaves ahead
- T:forward(1) -- move forward, breaking leaves
- T:dig("up") -- remove leaves / low branches above to allow space for player
- lib.suck()
- blockTypeD = lib.moveDown()
- if not lib.emptyInventory(blockTypeD) then -- check if above a corner chest / barrel
- if lib.isBorder(blockTypeD) then -- not above chest so check if above border
- return false, blockTypeD -- above a border block so stop
- end
- end
- blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- return true, blockTypeF -- moved ok, could be air or block in front
- end
- return false, blockTypeF -- did not move, obstacle in front NOT leaves or air
- end
- function lib.moveUp(blockTypeF)
- --[[ Move up until air in front (dig leaves / harvest tree) ]]
- if blockTypeF == nil then
- blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- end
- while blockTypeF:find("dirt") ~= nil or
- blockTypeF:find("grass_block") ~= nil or
- T:isVegetation(blockTypeF) do -- go up while dirt, grass-block or any vegetation in front
- T:up(1)
- blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockTypeF:find("log") ~= nil then
- lib.harvestTree(blockTypeF)
- return T:getBlockType("forward")
- elseif blockTypeF:find("leaves") ~= nil then
- T:dig("forward")
- return ""
- end
- end
- return blockTypeF -- should be "" (air) or any border block
- end
- function lib.harvestTree(blockTypeF)
- --[[ Fell tree, returns true if double size ]]
- -- clsTurtle.harvestTree(extend, craftChest, direction)
- local saplingType = lib.getSaplingFromLogType(blockTypeF)
- local double = T:harvestTree(false, false, "forward") -- assume single tree, will auto-discover
- lib.plantSapling(saplingType, double)
- end
- function lib.safeMove()
- --[[ move forward until border reached. loop breaks at that point ]]
- local blockTypeF = ""
- local success = true
- while success do
- success, blockTypeF = lib.moveForward() -- move forward 1 block, return block type ahead
- if not success then -- did not move forwards, block in the way: either log, dirt/grass, border block or vegetation
- if blockTypeF:find("log") then -- tree found
- lib.harvestTree(blockTypeF)
- success = true -- block (log) removed, try again
- else
- success = not lib.isBorder(blockTypeF) -- Is at border?: if is at border success = false so loop stops
- if success then -- Not at border. Dirt/grass vegetation in front
- blockTypeF = lib.moveUp(blockTypeF) -- move up until leaves/log/air
- success = not lib.isBorder(blockTypeF) -- Is at border?: if is at border success = false so loop stops
- if success then -- keep moving forward
- if blockTypeF:find("log") then -- tree found
- lib.harvestTree(blockTypeF)
- end
- -- else blockTypeF is air/leaves border has been checked
- end
- end
- end
- end -- else success = true, 1 block moved so continue
- end
- end
- function lib.isBorder(blockType)
- --[[ Is the block log, dirt, grass_block, vegetation: non-border, or other:border]]
- if blockType == nil then -- not passed as parameter
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- end
- if blockType == "" then -- air ahead: not border
- return false, ""
- else -- could be border or other
- if blockType:find("dirt") ~= nil or blockType:find("grass_block") ~= nil or blockType:find("log") ~= nil then -- either dirt, grass block or log
- return false, blockType -- dirt, grass, log: not border
- end
- if T:isVegetation(blockType) then -- vegetation found: not border
- return false, blockType
- end
- end
- return true, blockType -- dirt, grass_block, log and vegetation eliminated:must be border
- end
- function lib.inPosition()
- --[[ check if in lower left corner ]]
- local inPosition = true -- assume correct
- if not turtle.detectDown() then -- hanging in mid-air
- return false
- end
- T:turnLeft(1)
- if lib.isBorder() then
- -- so far so good
- T:turnLeft(1)
- if not lib.isBorder() then -- not in correct place
- inPosition = false
- end
- T:turnRight(2) -- return to original position
- else
- inPosition = false
- T:turnRight(1) -- return to original position
- end
- return inPosition
- end
- function lib.findBorder()
- --[[ assume started after reset. if log above harvest tree else return to ground. Find starting corner]]
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("up") -- dig any logs above, return to ground
- local log = "sapling"
- if blockType:find("log") ~= nil then -- originally felling a tree so complete it
- log = lib.getSaplingFromLogType(blockType)
- local double = T:harvestTree(false, false, "up") -- assume single tree, will auto-discover
- lib.plantSapling(log, double)
- else -- no log above so go downm
- blockType = lib.moveDown() -- return to ground (or vegetation)
- end
- lib.safeMove() -- move forward until border reached
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.safeMove() -- move forward until second border reached
- T:turnRight(1) -- should now be in correct position
- lib.emptyInventory() -- empty inventory if above a chest
- end
- local direction = "r"
- local blockTypeF = ""
- local success = false
- if not lib.inPosition() then
- lib.findBorder()
- end
- local secondBorderFound = false
- while not secondBorderFound do
- lib.safeMove() -- moves forward until reaches border forward or below
- lib.turn(direction) -- turn r or l. direction is not changed
- success, blockTypeF = lib.isBorder() -- no blockType passed as parameter so will return current block in new forward direction
- if success then
- secondBorderFound = true -- game over
- elseif blockTypeF:find("log") ~= nil then -- tree in front
- lib.harvestTree(blockTypeF)
- elseif blockTypeF == "" or blockTypeF:find("leaves") ~= nil then -- air or leaves in front
- T:forward(1) -- move forward 1 block
- lib.moveDown() -- go down if required
- elseif blockTypeF:find("dirt") ~= nil or
- blockTypeF:find("grass_block") ~= nil or
- T:isVegetation(blockTypeF) then -- dirt, grass_block or vegetation in front
- blockTypeF = lib.moveUp(blockTypeF) -- move up until air or border ahead.
- if lib.isBorder(blockTypeF) then -- border ahead
- secondBorderFound = true
- else -- air ahead
- T:forward(1) -- move forward 1 block
- end
- end
- direction = lib.turn(direction) -- turn r or l. direction is changed to opposite
- end
- lib.moveDown() -- return to ground level
- lib.emptyInventory()
- return {}
- end
- local function clearArea(R) -- 71, called from 22
- local evenWidth = false
- local evenHeight = false
- local loopWidth
- -- go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting)
- if R.width % 2 == 0 then
- evenWidth = true
- loopWidth = R.width / 2
- else
- loopWidth = math.ceil(R.width / 2)
- end
- if R.length % 2 == 0 then
- evenHeight = true
- end
- -- clear an area between 2 x 4 and 32 x 32
- -- if R.width is even no, then complete the up/down run
- -- if R.width odd no then finish at top of up run and reverse
- -- should be on flat ground, check voids below, harvest trees
- for x = 1, loopWidth do
- -- Clear first column (up)
- for y = 1, R.length do
- if R.useBlockType == "dirt" then
- if not turtle.detectDown() then
- T:place("minecraft:dirt", -1, "down", true)
- else --if not water, dirt, grass , stone then replace with dirt
- blockType, blockModifier = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType ~= "" then
- if blockType ~= "minecraft:dirt" and blockType ~= "minecraft:grass_block" then
- turtle.digDown()
- T:place("minecraft:dirt", -1, "down", true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if y < R.length then
- T:go("F1+1", false,0,false)
- end
- end
- -- clear second column (down)
- if x < loopWidth or (x == loopWidth and evenWidth) then -- go down if on R.width 2,4,6,8 etc
- T:go("R1F1+1R1", false,0,false)
- for y = 1, R.length do
- if R.useBlockType == "dirt" then
- if not turtle.detectDown() then
- T:place("minecraft:dirt", -1, "down", true)
- else
- blockType, blockModifier = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType ~= "" then
- if blockType ~= "minecraft:dirt" and blockType ~= "minecraft:grass_block" then
- turtle.digDown()
- T:place("minecraft:dirt", -1, "down", true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if y < R.length then
- T:go("F1+1", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- if x < loopWidth then
- T:go("L1F1+1L1", false,0,false)
- else
- T:turnRight(1)
- T:forward(R.width - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- else -- equals R.width but is 1,3,5,7 etc
- T:turnLeft(2) --turn round 180
- T:forward(R.length - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- T:forward(R.width - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearRectangle(R) -- 72
- --local function clearRectangle(width, length, up, down)
- -- height = 0: one level, 1 = +up, 2 = +down, 3 = +up/down
- local lib = {}
- function lib.UpDown(length)
- for l = 1, length do
- T:go("x0x2F1x0x2")
- end
- end
- function lib.Up(length)
- for l = 1, length do
- T:go("x0F1x0")
- end
- end
- function lib.Down(length)
- for l = 1, length do
- T:go("x2F1x2")
- end
- end
- function lib.Forward(length)
- T:forward(length)
- end
- -- could be 1 wide x xx R.length (trench) R.up and return
- -- could be 2+ x 2+
- -- even no of runs return after last run
- -- odd no of runs forward, back, forward, reverse and return
- if R.width == 1 then -- single block trench ahead only
- if R.up and R.down then -- single block wide trench dig R.up and R.down = 3 blocks deep
- lib.UpDown(R.length - 1)
- elseif R.up then -- single block wide trench dig R.up = 2 blocks deep
- lib.Up(R.length - 1)
- elseif R.down then -- single block wide trench dig R.down = 2 blocks deep
- lib.Down(R.length - 1)
- else -- single block wide = 1 block deep
- lib.Forward(R.length - 1)
- end
- T:turnRight(2) -- turn at the top of the run
- T:forward(R.length - 1) -- return to start
- T:turnRight(2) -- turn round to original position
- else -- R.width 2 or more blocks
- local iterations = 0 -- R.width = 2, 4, 6, 8 etc
- if R.width % 2 == 1 then -- R.width = 3, 5, 7, 9 eg R.width 7
- iterations = (R.width - 1) / 2 -- iterations 1, 2, 3, 4 for widths 3, 5, 7, 9
- else
- iterations = R.width / 2 -- iterations 1, 2, 3, 4 for widths 2, 4, 6, 8
- end
- for i = 1, iterations do -- eg 3 blocks wide, iterations = 1
- if R.up and R.down then -- dig R.up and R.down
- lib.UpDown(R.length - 1)
- T:go("x0x2R1F1x0x2R1x0x2") -- turn round
- lib.UpDown(R.length - 1)
- elseif R.up then -- dig R.up
- lib.Up(R.length - 1)
- T:go("x0R1F1x0R1x0")
- lib.Up(R.length - 1)
- elseif R.down then -- dig R.down
- lib.Down(R.length - 1)
- T:go("x2R1F1x2R1x2")
- lib.Down(R.length - 1)
- else -- no digging R.up or R.down
- lib.Forward(R.length - 1)
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- lib.Forward(R.length - 1)
- end
- -- if 1 less than end, reposition for next run
- if i < iterations then
- T:go("L1F1L1", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- if R.width % 2 == 1 then -- additional run and return to base needed
- T:go("L1F1L1", false, 0, false)
- if R.up and R.down then
- lib.UpDown(R.length - 1)
- elseif R.up then
- lib.Up(R.length - 1)
- elseif R.down then
- lib.Down(R.length - 1)
- else
- lib.Forward(R.length - 1)
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- T:forward(R.length - 1)
- end
- T:go("R1F"..R.width - 1 .."R1", false, 0, false)
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearPerimeter(R) -- 74
- local lib = {}
- function lib.UpDown(length)
- for l = 1, length do
- T:go("x0x2F1x0x2")
- end
- end
- function lib.Up(length)
- for l = 1, length do
- T:go("x0F1x0")
- end
- end
- function lib.Down(length)
- for l = 1, length do
- T:go("x2F1x2")
- end
- end
- function lib.Forward(length)
- T:forward(length)
- end
- if R.up and R.down then
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.UpDown(R.length - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.UpDown(R.width - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- elseif R.up then
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.Up(R.length - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.Up(R.width - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- elseif R.down then
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.Down(R.length - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.Down(R.width - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- else
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.Forward(R.length - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.Forward(R.width - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearBuilding(R) -- 75, 43
- --[[
- Clear the outer shell of a building, leaving inside untouched. Optional floor/ceiling removal
- clearBuilding(R)
- R.subChoice = 1-'up' or 2-'down'
- = true / false
- = true / false
- ]]
- local height = 1
- local remaining = R.height -- eg 5
- local start = true
- local finish = false
- local lib = {}
- function lib.floorOrCeiling(R)
- T:go("F1R1 F1L1")
- R.length = R.length - 2
- R.width = R.width - 2
- clearRectangle(R)
- R.length = R.length + 2
- R.width = R.width + 2
- T:go("L1F1R1")
- utils.goBack(1)
- end
- function lib.singleLayer(R)
- R.up = false
- R.down = false
- if start then
- if or then -- floor / ceiling to go. only one layer, so clearRectangle
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R)
- end
- start = false
- end
- if finish then
- if or then -- floor / ceiling to go. only one layer, so clearRectangle
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R)
- end
- finish = false
- end
- clearPerimeter(R) -- no floor / ceiling
- end
- function lib.doubleLayer(R)
- R.up = false
- R.down = false
- if start then
- if and R.subChoice == 1 then -- going up and floor needs removing
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R) -- remove floor/ceiling
- elseif and R.subChoice == 2 then -- going down and ceiling needs removing
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R) -- remove floor/ceiling
- end
- start = false
- end
- if finish then
- if and R.subChoice == 1 then -- going down and ceiling needs removing
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R) -- remove floor/ceiling
- elseif and R.subChoice == 2 then -- going down and floor needs removing
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R) -- remove floor/ceiling
- end
- finish = false
- end
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- R.up = true
- else
- R.down = true
- end
- clearPerimeter(R)
- end
- function lib.tripleLayer(R)
- -- turtle in centre layer
- R.up = false
- R.down = false
- if start then
- if and R.subChoice == 1 then -- going up and floor needs removing
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1, true) -- move down 1 block
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R) -- remove floor/ceiling
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1) -- move up 1 block
- elseif and R.subChoice == 2 then -- going down and ceiling needs removing
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1, true) -- move up 1 block
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R) -- remove floor/ceiling
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1) -- move down 1 block
- end
- start = false
- end
- if finish then
- if and R.subChoice == 1 then -- going up and ceiling needs removing
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1, true) -- move down 1 block
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R) -- remove floor/ceiling
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1) -- move up 1 block
- elseif and R.subChoice == 2 then -- going down and floor needs removing
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1, true) -- move up 1 block
- lib.floorOrCeiling(R) -- remove floor/ceiling
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1) -- move up 1 block
- end
- finish = false
- end
- R.up = true
- R.down = true
- clearPerimeter(R)
- end
- --[[
- = "up" or "down" as direction of travel
- R.up = true to remove ceiling
- R.down = true to remove floor
- ]]
- R.silent = true
- if R.height < 3 then --1-3 layers only
- if R.height == 1 then --one layer only
- lib.singleLayer(R)
- elseif R.height == 2 then --2 layers only current + dig up/down
- lib.doubleLayer(R)
- end
- else -- 3 or more levels
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1) -- move up/down 1 block for first layer
- while remaining >= 3 do -- min 3 levels
- lib.tripleLayer(R)
- remaining = remaining - 3
- if remaining == 0 then -- all finished
- break
- elseif remaining == 1 then
- height = height + utils.move(R, 2) -- move up/down 2 blocks
- lib.singleLayer(R)
- elseif remaining == 2 then
- height = height + utils.move(R, 2) -- move up/down 2 blocks
- lib.doubleLayer(R)
- else
- height = height + utils.move(R, 3) -- move up/down 3 blocks
- if remaining == 3 then
- finish = true
- else
- --height = height + 3
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if height > 1 then
- utils.move(R, height - 1, true) -- reverse direction
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearMineshaft(R, equippedRight, equippedLeft, inInventory) -- 19
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkCobweb(directions, inInventory)
- assert(type(directions) == "table", "directions must be a table eg {'up','down'}")
- for _, direction in ipairs(directions) do
- local blockType = T:getBlockType(direction)
- if inInventory == "minecraft:diamond_sword" then -- using a sword
- local side = "left"
- if blockType:find("cobweb") ~= nil then
- --clsTurtle.equip(self, side, useItem, useDamage)
- if equippedRight == "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe" then
- side = "right"
- end
- T:equip(side, "minecraft:diamond_sword")
- T:dig(direction)
- T:equip(side, "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe")
- elseif blockType ~= "" then
- T:dig(direction)
- end
- else
- T:dig(direction)
- end
- end
- end
- -- check position by rotating until facing away from wall
- length = 0
- torch = 0
- turns = 0
- while not turtle.detect() do
- T:turnRight(1)
- turns = turns + 1
- if turns > 4 then
- return {"I am not facing a wall. Unable to continue"}
- end
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- -- move forward until obstructed, digging up/down. place torches
- while not turtle.detect() do
- lib.checkCobweb({"up","down"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block up/down
- length = length + 1
- torch = torch + 1
- if torch == R.torchInterval then
- torch = 0
- T:place("minecraft:torch", -1, "down", false) ---(self, blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- end
- lib.checkCobweb({"forward"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block in front
- T:forward(1)
- end
- -- turn right, forward, right, return to start with up/down dig
- T:go("R1")
- lib.checkCobweb({"up","down"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block up/down
- T:go("F1R1")
- for i = 1, length, 1 do
- lib.checkCobweb({"up", "down", "forward"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block up/down/forward
- T:forward(1)
- end
- -- move to other wall and repeat.
- T:go("R1")
- lib.checkCobweb({"up","down"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block up/down
- T:go("F1")
- lib.checkCobweb({"up","down"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block up/down
- T:go("F1R1")
- lib.checkCobweb({"up","down"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block up/down
- for i = 1, length, 1 do
- lib.checkCobweb({"up", "down", "forward"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block up/down/forward
- T:forward(1)
- end
- lib.checkCobweb({"up", "down"}, inInventory) -- dig cobweb or any other block up/down/forward
- return {}
- end
- local function clearMonumentLayer(R) -- 85
- R.up = true
- R.down = true
- R.silent = true
- if R.subChoice == 0 then
- R.up = false
- R.down = false
- end
- -- send turtle down until it hits bottom
- -- then clear rectangle of given size
- -- start above water, usually on cobble scaffold above monument
- if T:detect("down") then -- in case not over wall
- T:forward(1)
- end
- local height = 1
- -- go down until solid block detected
- while utils.clearVegetation("down") do
- T:down(1)
- height = height + 1
- end
- T:down(1)
- height = height + 1
- clearRectangle(R)
- T:up(height - 1)
- return {}
- end
- local function clearWaterPlants(R) -- 87
- local lib = {}
- function lib.getLength()
- local length = 1
- print("Checking water length")
- while utils.clearVegetation("forward") do
- T:forward(1)
- length = length + 1
- end
- for i = 1, length do
- turtle.back()
- end
- return length
- end
- function lib.clearDown(D)
- while utils.clearVegetation("down") do --clears any grass or sea plants, returns true if air or water, bubble column or ice
- T:down(1)
- D.depth = D.depth + 1
- end
- -- if slab at bottom, replace with solid block
- D.blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if D.blockType:find("slab") ~= nil then
- T:go("C2")
- end
- if D.depth > D.maxDepth then
- D.maxDepth = D.depth
- end
- return D
- end
- function lib.clearLength(D)
- local moves = 0
- local blockHeight = 1
- D.floorLength = 0 -- reset
- while moves < D.length - 1 do
- if utils.clearVegetation("forward") then
- T:forward(1)
- moves = moves + 1
- if turtle.detectUp() then -- could be on monument going under arch, or faulty monument floor
- if not D.monumentArchesClear then
- D = lib.checkArches(D)
- end
- end
- local temp = D.depth
- D = lib.clearDown(D) -- go down if in water/air
- if blockHeight == 4 and D.depth - temp == 3 then -- could be just gone over 3 block high column in ocean monument
- if not D.monumentTopClear then
- D = lib.checkTop(D)
- end
- blockHeight = 1
- end
- if D.useBlockType == "prismarine" then
- if D.blockType:find("prismarine") == nil then
- -- on monument floor so restrict forward movement to 8 blocks
- D.floorLength = D.floorLength + 1
- if D.floorLength == 8 then
- D.blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- while D.blockType:find("prismarine") == nil do
- T:up(1)
- D.blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- end
- D.floorLength = 0
- end
- end
- end
- if moves >= D.length - 1 then
- D.width = D.width + 1 -- another length completed so increase width
- return D
- end
- else -- block in front
- blockHeight = 1
- local waterAbove = utils.clearVegetation("up")
- local waterAhead = utils.clearVegetation("forward") -- true if air/water in front
- while not waterAhead do -- solid block in front
- if waterAbove then -- move up
- T:up(1)
- D.depth = D.depth - 1
- blockHeight = blockHeight + 1
- if D.depth < 1 then
- D.width = D.width + 1 -- another length completed so increase width
- return D
- end
- else -- block above so go back
- while not waterAbove do
- utils.goBack() -- returns true if no object behind, but moves anyway
- waterAbove = utils.clearVegetation("up")
- moves = moves - 1
- if moves == 0 then
- T:up(1)
- D.depth = D.depth - 1
- waterAbove = utils.clearVegetation("up")
- while not waterAbove do
- T:up(1)
- D.depth = D.depth - 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- go up 1 to prevent loop
- T:up(1)
- D.depth = D.depth - 1
- end
- waterAbove = utils.clearVegetation("up")
- waterAhead = utils.clearVegetation("forward")
- end
- end
- end
- D.width = D.width + 1 -- another length completed so increase width
- D.maxDepth = D.maxDepth + 1 -- +1 to allow for starting pos in top layer
- return D
- end
- function lib.checkArches(D)
- -- gone under a block so could be monument arch (6)
- if T:getBlockType("up"):find("prismarine") ~= nil then -- confirm on monument, not previously cleared
- local direction = "" -- initialise direction
- T:go("B1U2F1R1")
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("prismarine") ~= nil then -- correct guess
- direction = "R"
- else -- wrong direction. turn round and check other side
- T:go("R2")
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("prismarine") ~= nil then
- direction = "L"
- end
- end
- local path = "U1F1 U1F3 D1F1 D1R2 U2F5 D2"
- --for i = 1, 6 do
- T:go(path) -- clears arch top 1 and returns
- T:go(direction.."1F6"..direction.."1")
- T:go(path) -- clears arch top 2 and returns
- T:go(direction.."1F6"..direction.."1")
- T:go(path) -- clears arch top 3 and returns
- T:go(direction.."1F9"..direction.."1")
- T:go(path) -- clears arch top 4 and returns
- T:go(direction.."1F6"..direction.."1")
- T:go(path) -- clears arch top 5 and returns
- T:go(direction.."1F6"..direction.."1")
- T:go(path) -- clears arch top 6 and returns
- T:go(direction.."3F34"..direction.."2D2F1")
- D.monumentArchesClear = true
- end
- return D
- end
- function lib.checkTop(D)
- -- gone over 3 block column so could be at the top of ocean monument
- if T:getBlockType("down"):find("prismarine") ~= nil then -- confirm on monument, not previously cleared
- local direction = "" -- initialise direction
- T:go("U3R1") -- up to top of column and try right side
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("prismarine") ~= nil then -- correct guess
- direction = "L"
- else -- wrong direction. turn round and check other side
- T:go("R2")
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("prismarine") ~= nil then
- direction = "R"
- end
- end
- if direction ~= "" then -- facing single block on layer 2
- T:go("U1F6"..direction.."1F5".. direction.."1F5"..direction.."1F5"..direction.."1") -- clear 4 single blocks
- T:go("F1U1"..direction.."1F1"..direction.."3") -- on top of monument
- T:go("F3".. direction.."1F3"..direction.."1F3"..direction.."1F3"..direction.."3") -- clear top, face return
- T:go("F2D5"..direction.."3B1")
- end
- D.monumentTopClear = true
- end
- return D
- end
- function lib.findBlockTypeEnd(D)
- D.blockType = "" -- reset
- repeat
- if utils.clearVegetation("forward") then
- T:forward(1)
- D = lib.clearDown(D) -- go down if in water/air, D.blockType is updated with floor type
- else -- block in front
- local waterAbove = utils.clearVegetation("up")
- local waterAhead = utils.clearVegetation("forward") -- true if air/water in front
- while not waterAhead do -- solid block in front
- if waterAbove then -- move up
- T:up(1)
- else -- block above so go back
- while not waterAbove do
- utils.goBack() -- returns true if no object behind, but moves anyway
- waterAbove = utils.clearVegetation("up")
- end
- end
- waterAbove = utils.clearVegetation("up")
- waterAhead = utils.clearVegetation("forward")
- end
- end
- until D.blockType:find(D.useBlockType) == nil
- -- now above a non-prismarine block, facing away from monument
- T:turnRight(2) -- facing monument
- D.blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- while D.blockType:find(D.useBlockType) ~= nil do
- T:up(1)
- D.blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- end
- T:go("F1L1")
- D.blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- while D.blockType:find(D.useBlockType) ~= nil do
- T:forward(1)
- D.blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- turtle.back()
- -- should now be at end of monument base
- end
- function lib.turn(D)
- local direction = "R"
- if not D.facingForward then
- direction = "L"
- end
- T:go(direction.. 1)
- if utils.clearVegetation("forward") then
- T:forward(1)
- --D.depth = D.depth + lib.clearDown(depth)
- D = lib.clearDown(D)
- else
- while not utils.clearVegetation("forward") do
- T:up(1)
- D.depth = D.depth - 1
- end
- T:forward(1)
- end
- T:go(direction.. 1)
- D.facingForward = not D.facingForward
- return D
- end
- local D = {}
- D.depth = 0
- D.maxDepth = 0
- D.blockType = ""
- D.useBlockType = R.useBlockType -- "" or "prismarine"
- D.length = 0 -- copy of R.length used in lib.clearLength
- D.width = 0 -- increased every iteration
- D.facingForward = true
- D.monumentTopClear = false
- D.monumentArchesClear = false
- D.inWater = false
- D.onWater = false
- D.inWater, D.onWater = utils.getWaterStatus()
- D.floorLength = 0 -- used on monument floor
- if == "clearWaterPlants" then -- NOT monument corner discovery
- D.inWater, D.onWater = utils.startWaterFunction(D.onWater, D.inWater, 2, true) -- move into water
- if R.length == 0 then
- R.length = lib.getLength()
- end
- if R.width == 0 then
- T:turnRight(1)
- R.width = lib.getLength()
- T:turnLeft(1)
- end
- end
- D.length = R.length
- D = lib.clearDown(D) -- go down to floor, set depth, maxDepth, blockType
- if == "clearWaterPlants" then -- NOT monument corner discovery
- if R.width == 1 then
- print("Single row clearing")
- D = lib.clearLength(D) --D.width also increased
- else
- while D.width < R.width do -- D.width starts at 0
- -- now on floor, move along sea/river bed following contour
- D = lib.clearLength(D) --D.width also increased
- -- now turn and repeat
- if D.width < R.width then
- D = lib.turn(D)
- if D.depth <= 0 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- finished so return to surface
- T:up(1) -- up 1 to check for water below
- while T:getBlockType("down"):find("water") ~= nil do
- T:up(1)
- end
- T:down(2) -- return to surface
- --[[while utils.clearVegetation("forward") do
- T:forward(1)
- end]]
- elseif == "oceanMonumentColumns" then -- monument corner discovery
- -- this function used to find edge of monument base
- if D.blockType:find(D.useBlockType) ~= nil then
- lib.findBlockTypeEnd(D)
- return {""}
- else
- T:up(D.depth)
- return {"Prismarine not found on ocean floor"}
- end
- end
- if R.silent then
- return {D.maxDepth, R.length}
- else
- return {""}
- end
- end
- local function clearMountainSide(R) -- 78
- --[[
- First row outward l s f mid (length, start, finish, midPoint)
- >|*|*| true lib.clearRow() moves: 7-5=2, midPoint starts at 2
- +|*|*|
- +|*|*|
- ^|*|*| < false 7 5 6 2 lib.clearRow() moves: 9-2=7, midPoint starts at -4 -1 = -5
- |*|*|*| +
- |*|*|*|*|*| +
- > |*|*|*|*|*| ^ true 9 2 6 -4 lib.getStartingLength(). Ends 1 block after block finish
- ^|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| starts here, moves up 1
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 block index
- Second row outward l s f mid
- < false
- +
- |*|*| +
- >|*|*|*|*|^ true
- +|*|*|*|*|
- +|*|*|*|*|
- ^|*|*|*|*| < false 6 5 6 2
- |*|*|*|*|*|*| +
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| +
- |*|*|*|>|*|*|*|*| ^ true 7+5 5 -7 lib.getHalf(R); goBack(7)
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| starts at midPoint of previous row eg block 4
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- ]]
- -- variables declared before lib for them to be used within lib as is then in scope
- local turn = "R"
- local oTurn = "L"
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- remove left side
- turn = "L"
- oTurn = "R"
- end
- local outward = true -- direction flag
- local lib = {}
- function lib.isAnyAbove(above)
- T:saveToLog("lib.isAnyAbove: "..utils.tableConcat(above, ", "), false)
- for k,v in ipairs(above) do
- if v then
- T:saveToLog("lib.isAnyAbove Found: "..k , false)
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function lib.clearLevel(R, above) -- eg 9, 2, 6, -4 from lib.getStartingLength OR 7, 5, 6, 3 from previous
- -- clearLevel always follows either lib.getStartingLength or a previous lib.clearLevel
- -- midPoint should be adjusted as turtle moves to reflect current row length
- if #above == 0 then return above, 1 end
- --local index = 0
- local minMoves = math.floor(#above / 2)
- local up, forward, down = lib.getDetect()
- if outward then -- follow table indexes
- for x = 1, minMoves do -- clear first half
- above[x] = up -- reset this with new value
- T:go("x0x2F1") -- clear and move forward
- up, forward, down = lib.getDetect()
- --index = index + 1
- end
- for x = minMoves + 1, #above do -- check remaing half and clear
- T:go("x0x2") -- clear above / below
- if above[x] then -- is a block recorded as present?(now below)
- above[x] = up -- reset this with new value
- T:forward(1) -- move forward
- up, forward, down = lib.getDetect()
- --index = index + 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- else -- iterate table in reverse
- --index = #above
- for x = #above, minMoves, -1 do -- clear first half
- above[x] = up -- reset this with new value
- T:go("x0x2F1") -- clear and move forward
- up, forward, down = lib.getDetect()
- --index = index - 1
- end
- for x = minMoves - 1, 1, -1 do -- check remaing half and clear
- T:go("x0x2") -- clear up / down
- if above[x] then -- is a block recorded as present?(now below)
- above[x] = up -- reset this with new value
- T:forward(1) -- move forward
- up, forward, down = lib.getDetect()
- --index = index - 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- T:go("x0x2 F1R2 x0x2 F1") -- face opposite direction, delete blocks above and below
- outward = not outward -- switch direction flag
- return above -- eg {false, true, true, true, false}
- end
- function lib.getDetect()
- return turtle.detectUp(), turtle.detect(), turtle.detectDown()
- end
- function lib.getStartingLength(R)
- --[[
- length of column by excavating blocks above, ahead or below
- Rotate 180 at end of run ready to return
- already 1 block above ground
- ]]
- local above = {} -- empty table of boolean values
- local length = 0 -- used as counter
- T:forward(1) -- start check 1 block ahead
- local up, forward, down = lib.getDetect() -- check if anything around current block
- if up or forward or down then -- block found nearby: continue
- while up or forward or down do -- while blocks ahead / up / down move forward
- table.insert(above, up)
- T:go("x0x2F1")
- up, forward, down = lib.getDetect() -- check if anything around current block
- length = length + 1
- if length >= R.length then -- check if going out of range
- T:saveToLog("lib.getStartingLength(R) : outward = "..tostring(outward).." MaxLength "..maxLength.." reached", false)
- break
- end
- end
- T:go("R2x0x2") -- Rotate 180 and clear blocks above/below
- else -- no blocks nearby: exit
- T:go("R2F1") -- return to start position rotated 180
- end
- outward = not outward
- return above -- above = {false, true, true, true, true, false, false}
- end
- function lib.firstRow(R)
- local height = 1 -- starts at ground level, but forced up 1
- T:up(1)
- local above = lib.getStartingLength(R) -- clear the ground level and 1 above eg 9, 2, 5, 4
- if T:saveToLog("startLength: "..#above, true) then
- T:saveToLog(utils.tableConcat(above, ", "), false)
- if dbug then read() end
- end -- at end of first row as already turned 180, outward set to false in getStartingLength
- while lib.isAnyAbove(above) do
- T:go("U3") -- go up 3
- height = height + 3
- above = lib.clearLevel(R, above) -- returns start and finish of blocks above, rotates 180
- if T:saveToLog("checking level: "..height, true) then
- T:saveToLog(utils.tableConcat(above, ", "), false)
- if dbug then read() end
- end
- end -- first row all levels completed.
- T:down(height) -- now on ground + 1, facing last column cleared.
- return above
- end
- function lib.deepCopy(tbl)
- local copy = {}
- for key, value in ipairs(tbl) do
- table.insert(copy, value)
- end
- return copy
- end
- function lib.getHalf(R, above)
- -- already 1 block above ground
- local maxLength = R.length
- local temp = {}
- local retValue = {}
- if #above > 0 then -- not empty table, so must be second half
- temp = lib.deepCopy(above) -- copy existing table
- above = {} -- initialise above
- end
- local up, forward, down = lib.getDetect()
- while up or forward or down do -- while blocks ahead / up / down move forward
- T:go("x0x2F1")
- table.insert(above, up)
- up, forward, down = lib.getDetect() -- check if anything around current block
- if #above >= math.floor(maxLength / 2) then -- check if going out of range
- T:saveToLog("lib.getHalf(R) : outward = "..tostring(outward).." MaxLength "..maxLength.." reached", false)
- T:go("x0x2")
- break
- end
- end
- T:turnRight(2) -- ready for next half or return
- outward = not outward
- if #temp > 0 then -- completing a second half measurement
- for i = #above, 1, -1 do
- table.insert(retValue, above[i]) -- combine 2 tables into 1
- end
- for i = 1, #temp do
- table.insert(retValue, temp[i])
- end
- else
- retValue = above
- end
- return retValue
- end
- function lib.nextRow(R)
- local height = 1
- T:saveToLog("lib.nextRow(R)", false)
- T:up(1)
- local pattern = turn.."1F1"..turn.."1"
- if not outward then
- pattern = oTurn.."1F1"..oTurn.."1"
- end
- T:go(pattern)
- T:saveToLog(" T:go("..pattern..")", false)
- outward = not outward -- reverse direction flag
- -- now in next vertical row
- local above = lib.getHalf(R, {})
- local index = 0
- if T:saveToLog("\t first half Length: "..#above.." Enter", true) then
- T:saveToLog(utils.tableConcat(above, ", "), false)
- if dbug then read() end
- end
- lib.returnToMidPoint(#above) -- return to starting point
- T:forward(1)
- above = lib.getHalf(R, above) -- returns length - 1 eg 5, 4
- if T:saveToLog("\t total length: "..#above.." Enter", true) then
- T:saveToLog(utils.tableConcat(above, ", "), false)
- if dbug then read() end
- end
- while lib.isAnyAbove(above) do
- T:go("U3") -- go up 3
- height = height + 3 -- increment height
- T:saveToLog("\tClear height loop: height = "..height, false)
- above = lib.clearLevel(R, above) -- returns start and finish of blocks above
- end
- T:down(height) -- now on ground + 1
- lib.returnToMidPoint(above)
- end
- function lib.returnToMidPoint(above)
- --[[ value can be integer or table]]
- if type(above) == "table" then
- T:saveToLog("lib.returnToMidPoint("..#above..")", false)
- if #above > 0 then
- local midPoint = math.floor(#above / 2)
- if #above % 2 == 1 and not outward then -- length is odd no
- midPoint = math.ceil(#above / 2)
- T:saveToLog(" midPoint adjusted "..midPoint..")", false)
- end
- T:saveToLog(" T:forward("..midPoint..")", false)
- T:forward(midPoint)
- end
- else
- T:saveToLog("lib.returnToMidPoint("..above..")", false)
- if above > 0 then
- T:saveToLog(" T:forward("..above..")", false)
- T:forward(above)
- end
- end
- -- now back at starting point
- end
- -- Start here
- -- if "tk log d.." typed instead of "tk" will start logfile and display comments. read() will be activated for debugging
- T:saveToLog("Starting function clearMountainSide", false)
- local above = lib.firstRow(R) -- outward depends on height eg 1-2 = false, 3-5 = true, 6-8 = false
- lib.returnToMidPoint(above) -- return to mid first row of blocks
- for row = 1, R.width -1 do
- lib.nextRow(R)
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearSandWall(R) -- 81
- --dig down while on top of sand/red_sand/soul_sand
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkAbove(height)
- if turtle.detectUp() then -- moved under a ledge
- T:go("B1U1")
- height = height - 1
- end
- return height
- end
- function lib.moveDown(height)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- while blockType:find("sand") ~= nil do
- T:down(1)
- height = height + 1
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- return height
- end
- function lib.moveForward(length)
- lib.digForward()
- T:forward(1)
- length = length + 1
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- return length, blockType
- end
- function lib.digForward()
- while T:dig("forward") do
- while T:suck("forward") do end
- while T:suck("up") do end
- end
- end
- local moves = 0
- local height = 0
- local length = 0
- local search = 0
- local reverse = false
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if R.length == 0 then
- R.length = 64
- end
- print("Checking for sand below")
- while blockType:find("sand") == nil do --move forward until sand detected or 3 moves
- T:forward(1)
- search = search + 1
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if search > 3 then
- T:go("B"
- return {"Unable to locate sand"}
- end
- end
- -- must be sand below
- height = lib.moveDown(height) -- go down if sand below
- -- repeat until height == 0
- repeat -- starts at bottom of sand wall
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("sand") ~= nil then -- sand in front
- length, blockType = lib.moveForward(length) -- move forward 1 and dig sand
- if blockType == "" or blockType:find("sand") ~= nil then -- sand or nothing in front
- height = lib.moveDown(height) -- go down if sand below
- end
- else -- solid block, air or water, not sand so move up
- if turtle.detect() then -- block in front
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("sand") ~= nil then -- sand below
- T:dig("down")
- end
- T:up(1)
- height = height - 1
- else -- air/water in front so move forward
- if length < 60 then -- in case missing wall and in open ocean
- length, blockType = lib.moveForward(length) -- move forward 1 and dig sand
- height = lib.checkAbove(height)
- else -- already > monument length of 56
- T:up(1)
- height = height - 1
- end
- end
- end
- until height == 0 or length == R.length
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("sand") ~= nil then -- sand below
- T:dig("down")
- end
- if height > 0 then -- finished as length ran out
- T:up(height)
- end
- -- stay at end of cleared wall unless user chose to return
- if == "return" then
- T:go("R2F"..length.."R2")
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearSolid(R) -- 76
- --[[ direction = R.subChoice = 1 up or 2 down ]]
- local height = 1
- local remaining = R.height
- local lib = {}
- function lib.singleLayer(R)
- R.up = false
- R.down = false
- clearRectangle(R)
- end
- function lib.doubleLayer(R)
- R.up = false
- R.down = false
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- R.up = true
- else
- R.down = true
- end
- clearRectangle(R)
- end
- function lib.tripleLayer(R)
- -- turtle in centre layer
- R.up = true
- R.down = true
- clearRectangle(R)
- end
- R.silent = true
- if R.height < 3 then --1-3 layers only
- if R.height == 1 then --one layer only
- lib.singleLayer(R)
- elseif R.height == 2 then --2 layers only current + dig up/down
- lib.doubleLayer(R)
- end
- else -- 3 or more levels
- height = height + utils.move(R, 1) -- move up/down 1 block for first layer
- while remaining >= 3 do -- min 3 levels
- lib.tripleLayer(R)
- remaining = remaining - 3
- if remaining == 0 then -- all finished
- break
- elseif remaining == 1 then
- height = height + utils.move(R, 2) -- move up/down 2 blocks
- lib.singleLayer(R)
- elseif remaining == 2 then
- height = height + utils.move(R, 2) -- move up/down 2 blocks
- lib.doubleLayer(R)
- else
- height = height + utils.move(R, 3) -- move up/down 3 blocks
- if remaining == 3 then
- finish = true
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if height > 1 then
- utils.move(R, height - 1, true) -- reverse direction
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearSandCube(R) -- 81
- = ""
- for w = 1, R.width do
- clearSandWall(R)
- if w < R.width then
- if w % 2 == 1 then
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function clearWall(R) -- 73
- local lib = {}
- function lib.move(direction, blocks, reverse)
- --[[ Move up or down by blocks count ]]
- if reverse == nil then
- reverse = false
- end
- if reverse then
- if direction == "down" then -- reverse direction
- T:up(blocks)
- else
- T:down(blocks)
- end
- else
- if direction == "up" then
- T:up(blocks)
- else
- T:down(blocks)
- end
- end
- return blocks
- end
- function lib.singleLayer(length)
- T:go("F"..length - 1)
- end
- function lib.doubleLayer(modifier, length)
- for i = 1, length do
- if i < length then
- T:go("x"..modifier.."F1")
- else
- T:go("x"..modifier)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.tripleLayer(direction, length)
- for i = 1, length do
- if i < length then
- T:go("x0x2F1")
- else
- T:go("x0x2")
- end
- end
- end
- -- R.width preset to 1
- -- R.subChoice = 1 up / 2 down
- if R.height < 3 then
- R.silent = true
- end
- -- dig along and up/down for specified R.length
- local modifier = "0"
- local direction = "U"
- local outbound = true
- local height = 0
- if R.subChoice == 2 then
- modifier = "2"
- direction = "D"
- end
- if R.height == 1 then -- single block so dig and return
- lib.singleLayer(R.length)
- elseif R.height == 2 then
- lib.doubleLayer(modifier, R.length)
- else -- 4 blocks or more. start with bulk 3 blocks
- local remaining = R.height
- T:go(direction.."1") -- up 1 or down 1
- height = 1
- while remaining >= 3 do
- lib.tripleLayer(direction, R.length)
- remaining = remaining - 3
- if remaining == 0 then -- no more, return home, already in position
- elseif remaining == 1 or remaining == 2 then
- T:go(direction.."2")
- height = height + 2
- else
- T:go(direction.."3")
- height = height + 3
- if remaining >= 3 then -- another iteration
- T:go("R2")
- outbound = not outbound
- end
- end
- end
- -- 0, 1 or 2 layers left
- if remaining > 0 then
- T:go("R2")
- outbound = not outbound
- if remaining == 1 then
- lib.singleLayer(R.length)
- elseif remaining == 2 then
- lib.doubleLayer(modifier, R.length)
- end
- end
- end
- if outbound then
- T:go("R2F"..R.length)
- else
- T:forward(1)
- end
- direction = "D" -- reverse direction
- if R.subChoice == 2 then
- direction = "U"
- end
- if height > 0 then
- T:go(direction..height.."R2")
- else
- T:go("R2")
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function convertWater(R) -- 88
- --[[
- if dry need enough buckets to place along (width + length - 1) / 2
- use 12 buckets
- start on floor + 1
- place slab down and water up along 2 edges. stay on this level
- return round same 2 edges removing slabs and and placing them 1 above
- placeUp water onto slabs on both edges
- repeat recover slabs, place 1 above , placeUp water
- for sloping water, place full area with slabs
- place sloping water on top of slabs
- remove slabs
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkStartPosition()
- --[[
- 0 T -- T=turtle, W=wall, S=source, F=flowing
- 1 W|S|F|F|F|F|F -- sloping flowing water
- 2 W|F|F|F|F|F|F -- blocks removed after placing flowing water above
- 3 W|S|S|S|S|S|S -- original sources
- 4 W|?|?|?|?|?|? -- may be sources
- ]]
- -- need to be on floor or R.height if specified
- local depth = 0
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- local isWaterUp, isSourceUp = T:isWater("up")
- local isWaterForward, isSourceForward = T:isWater("forward")
- local isWaterDown, isSourceDown = T:isWater("down")
- print("Block below is "..blockType)
- print("Water above is "..tostring(isWaterUp))
- print("Water forward is "..tostring(isWaterForward))
- print("Water below is "..tostring(isWaterDown))
- if blockType:find("water") == nil then -- on at least level 0
- print("Moving forward in 2 seconds...")
- sleep(2)
- T:forward(1)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("water") ~= nil then
- print("Water found. Going down to floor")
- depth = -1
- else
- T:down(1)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("water") ~= nil then
- depth = -2
- else
- return 0, "Not close to water. Aborting..."
- end
- end
- end
- while turtle.down() do
- depth = depth + 1
- end
- local emptyBuckets = utils.getEmptyBucketCount()
- for i = depth, 0, -1 do
- if emptyBuckets > 0 then
- lib.fillBuckets()
- emptyBuckets = utils.getEmptyBucketCount()
- end
- turtle.up()
- end
- return depth, ""
- end
- function lib.fillBuckets()
- local emptyBuckets = utils.getEmptyBucketCount()
- local direction = "forward"-- start with forward
- local isWater, isSource, isIce = T:isWater(direction)
- if emptyBuckets > 0 then
- if not isSource then
- direction = "down"
- isWater, isSource, isIce = T:isWater(direction)
- if not isSource then
- direction = "up"
- isWater, isSource, isIce = T:isWater(direction)
- if not isSource then
- direction = ""
- end
- end
- end
- if direction == "" then
- print("Unable to locate water source")
- else
- for i = 1, emptyBuckets do
- if utils.fillBucket(direction) then
- print("Bucket filled "..direction)
- sleep(0.3)
- else
- print("Unable to fill bucket ".. i .." / "..emptyBuckets)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return utils.getWaterBucketCount()
- end
- function lib.placeSlabs(length)
- for i = 1, length do
- T:place("slab", -1, "down", false)
- if i < length then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.placeSources(length, place)
- local moves = 1
- local waterBuckets = utils.getWaterBucketCount()
- -- place sources alternate positions + start and finish
- while moves < length do
- if place then
- if T:placeWater("up") then
- print("Placed source up")
- waterBuckets = waterBuckets - 1
- end
- end
- place = not place
- if moves < length then
- T:forward(1)
- moves = moves + 1
- end
- if waterBuckets == 0 then
- T:down(1) -- break the slab below
- waterBuckets = lib.fillBuckets()
- T:up(1)
- T:place("slab", -1, "down", false)
- end
- end
- if T:placeWater("up") then -- end of length
- print("Placed final source up")
- end
- return place
- end
- function lib.moveSlabs(length)
- for i = 1, length do
- T:dig("down")
- T:up(1)
- T:place("slab", -1, "down", true)
- if i < length then
- T:forward(1)
- T:down(1)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.recoverSlabs(length)
- for i = 1, length do
- T:dig("down")
- if i < length then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- end
- local depth, message = lib.checkStartPosition()
- if message ~= "" then
- return {message}
- end
- local maxDepth = R.height
- local buckets = utils.getWaterBucketCount()
- R = utils.calculateDimensions(R) -- if R.width or R.length == 0
- T:down(depth)
- lib.placeSlabs(R.length)
- T:go("R1")
- lib.placeSlabs(R.width)
- T:go("R2")
- while depth > 0 do
- local place = true
- lib.fillBuckets()
- place = lib.placeSources(R.width, place)
- T:go("L1")
- place = lib.placeSources(R.length, place)
- lib.fillBuckets()
- T:go("R2")
- lib.moveSlabs(R.length) -- dig slab from below, move up and replace below
- T:go("R1F1D1")
- lib.moveSlabs(R.width - 1)
- T:go("R2") -- now moved up 1 layer
- depth = depth - 1
- if depth == 0 then
- place = lib.placeSources(R.width, true)
- T:go("L1")
- place = lib.placeSources(R.length, place)
- T:go("R2")
- lib.recoverSlabs(R.length)
- T:go("R1")
- lib.recoverSlabs(R.width)
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createBoatLift(R) -- 59 state:0=new, size:1=extend, side:0=left, 1=right
- -- build stepped lift with fencing gates and soul sand
- local lib = {}
- function lib.getWater(backToWater, downToWater)
- if backToWater > 0 then
- utils.goBack(backToWater)
- end
- if downToWater > 0 then
- T:down(downToWater)
- end
- T:getWater("down") -- take water from source
- sleep(0.2)
- T:getWater("down") -- take water from source
- if downToWater > 0 then
- T:up(downToWater)
- end
- if backToWater > 0 then
- T:forward(backToWater)
- end
- end
- --T:place(blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- local backToWater = 0
- local downToWater = 0
- T:go("R1F1L1") -- over canal facing forward
- for h = 1, R.height do
- lib.getWater(backToWater, downToWater) -- check water supplies, return to starting position
- T:go("L1C1 R1D1 L1C1 R1", false, 0, false) -- place towpath, forward, down, place towpath, face forward
- T:place("soul", -1, "down", false) -- place soulsand down
- T:place("soul", -1, "forward", false) -- place soulsand forward
- T:go("R1F1C1L1", false, 0, false) -- place right towpath face forward
- T:place("soul", -1, "down", false) -- place soulsand down
- T:place("soul", -1, "forward", false) -- place soulsand forward
- T:go("U1 R1C1 L1") -- place towpath, face forward
- T:placeWater("down") -- place water down
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("gate", -1, "forward", false) -- place fence gate
- T:go("R1C1 U1C1 D1 L2F1 C1R1 F1 L1C1R1") -- over left soul sand
- T:placeWater("down") -- place water down
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("gate", -1, "forward", false) -- place fence gate
- T:go("U1 L1C1 R1F1 L1C1 R1x1") -- facing forward first unit complete
- T:go("R1F1 L1x1 R1C1")
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("L1F1")
- if backToWater == 0 then
- backToWater = 1
- end
- backToWater = backToWater + 1
- downToWater = downToWater + 1
- end
- -- now finish the canal
- lib.getWater(backToWater, downToWater)
- T:go("D1 L1C1 U1C1") -- build left towpath, facing towpath, above water level
- T:go("R1F1 L1C1 D1C1") -- move forward, build towpath, facing towpath ground level
- T:go("R1C1 R1F1 L1C1 R1C1 U1C1") -- build right towpath, facing towpath, above water level
- T:go("R1F1 L1C1 D1C1 U1") -- build right towpath next to gate, facing towpath, above water level
- T:placeWater("down")
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("L1F1")
- T:placeWater("down")
- return {}
- end
- local function createBorehole(R)
- --[[go down to bedrock and return. Chart all blocks dug/ passed through]]
- local diary = {}
- local lib = {}
- local depth = R.height -- eg 63 start position
- local moves = 0
- --R.height = current level
- function lib.addBlock(depth, blockType, diary)
- if blockType == "" then
- blockType = "air"
- end
- table.insert(diary, blockType)
- --[[if blockType ~= "" then
- local add = true
- for k,v in pairs(diary) do
- if blockType == v then
- add = false
- break
- end
- end
- if add then
- diary[depth] = blockType
- end
- end]]
- return diary
- end
- function lib.processItem(item)
- if item:find("minecraft") ~= nil then
- return item:sub(11)
- end
- return item
- end
- function lib.writeReport(R, diary)
- local numLevels = #diary -- eg 125 levels
- local levelsPerCol = math.ceil(numLevels / 4) -- eg 31.25 -> 32
- local lines = {}
- for l = 1, levelsPerCol do -- add 32 empty strings
- table.insert(lines, "")
- end
- local lineNo = 1
- for k, v in ipairs(diary) do
- local level = R.height - k -- eg 63 range 63 to -59
- local lev = " "
- local item = lib.processItem(v)
- if level < -9 then
- lev = tostring(level).." " -- "-10 " to "-59 "
- elseif level < 0 then
- lev = "-0"..math.abs(level).." " -- "-09 " to "-01 "
- elseif level < 10 then
- lev = " 0"..level.." " -- " 01 " to " 09 "
- elseif level < 100 then
- lev = " "..level.." " -- " 10 " to " 99 "
- else
- lev = " "..level.." " -- " 100 " to " 319 "
- end
- local output = lev..item -- eg "-10 grass_block"
- if #output > 20 then -- eg "-10 some_long_block_name"
- output = output:sub(1, 20) -- eg "-10 some_long_block_"
- else
- output = menu.padRight(output, 20, " ") -- eg "-10 grass_block "
- end
- lines[lineNo] = lines[lineNo]..output -- add new entry to this line
- lineNo = lineNo + 1 -- increase line no
- if lineNo > levelsPerCol then -- past last line number
- lineNo = 1 -- reset to 1
- end
- end
- local fileName = "borehole"..os.getComputerID()..".txt"
- local handle =, "w") --create file eg "borehole0.txt"
- handle.writeLine("Level Block Level Block Level Block Level Block")
- for k,v in ipairs(lines) do
- handle.writeLine(v)
- end
- handle.close()
- return fileName
- end
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- while T:down(1) do
- depth = depth - 1
- moves = moves + 1
- if depth == R.depth then
- break
- end
- diary = lib.addBlock(depth, blockType, diary)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- local fileName = lib.writeReport(R, diary)
- T:up(moves)
- return {"File '"..fileName.."' written"}
- end
- local function createBubbleLift(R) -- 15
- local lib = {}
- function lib.addLayer()
- T:go("F2 L1C1 R1C1 R1C1 L1", false, 0, true)
- turtle.back()
- T:dig("up") -- clear block above so completed lift can be found
- T:placeWater("forward")
- turtle.back()
- T:go("C1x0")
- end
- function lib.addSign()
- turtle.back()
- T:placeWater("forward")
- T:go("L1B1")
- T:place("sign", -1, "forward")
- end
- function lib.buildLift(toHeight)
- local built = lib.goToWater() -- returns lift blocks already placed, total height of drop from starting point
- local toBuild = toHeight - built -- no of blocks remaining to increase lift size
- local water = 0
- while toBuild > 0 do -- at least 1 block height remaining
- water = lib.fillBuckets(toBuild, false) -- no of water buckets onboard (could be more than required)
- if water > toBuild then -- more water than required
- water = toBuild -- reduce to correct amount
- end
- T:up(built) -- climb to top of existing lift
- while water > 0 and toBuild > 0 do
- lib.addLayer()
- water = water - 1
- T:up(1)
- toBuild = toBuild - 1
- end
- -- may still be some height to complete, but needs refill
- if toBuild > 0 then
- built = lib.goToWater() --return to source
- toBuild = toHeight - built
- --lib.fillBuckets(toBuild)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.cleanUp(fromHeight)
- local plug = false
- T:turnRight(2)
- for i = 1, fromHeight do
- plug = false
- if turtle.detect() then
- plug = true
- end
- turtle.down()
- if plug then
- T:place("stone", -1, "up")
- end
- end
- T:go("D1 C1R1x1 R1C1 R1F1 R1x1 L2x1 L1C1 x1") -- delete water sources
- T:go("D1 C1R1x1 R1")
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("dirt") == nil and blockType:find("soul") == nil then -- not dirt or soul sand in front
- T:go("C1")
- end
- T:go("R1F1 R1x1 L2x1 L1C1 x1")
- end
- function lib.fillBuckets(toBuild, withSort)
- local emptySlots, water = lib.stackBuckets(withSort)-- gets no of empty slots + no of water buckets
- if water < toBuild then -- no of water buckets onboard less than required quantity
- for i = 1, toBuild do -- fill required no of buckets up to max space in inventory
- if emptySlots == 0 then -- inventory full
- break
- else
- if T:getWater("down") then
- water = water + 1
- sleep(0.5)
- end
- end
- emptySlots = lib.getEmptySlots()
- end
- end
- return water
- end
- function lib.getEmptySlots()
- local empty = 0
- for i = 1, 16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) == 0 then
- empty = empty + 1
- end
- end
- return empty
- end
- function lib.goToWater()
- local built = 0 -- measures completed lift height
- while turtle.down() do -- takes turtle to bottom of water source
- if turtle.detect() then
- built = built + 1
- end
- end
- T:up(1) -- above watersource ready to fill buckets
- -- height = height - 1
- -- built = built - 1 not required as next block is water source: not detected
- return built -- , height
- end
- function lib.stackBuckets(withSort)
- if withSort == nil then withSort = false end
- local data = {}
- local bucketSlot = 0
- local emptySlots = 0
- local water = 0
- if withSort then
- T:sortInventory()
- end
- for i = 1, 16 do
- -- find first empty bucket
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 then
- data = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if == "minecraft:bucket" then
- if bucketSlot == 0 then
- bucketSlot = i
- else
- turtle.transferTo(bucketSlot)
- end
- elseif == "minecraft:water_bucket" then
- water = water + 1
- end
- else
- emptySlots = emptySlots + 1
- end
- end
- return emptySlots, water
- end
- T:go("C1R1") -- place block next to ladder support block, turn right to check ladder
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward") -- Is there a ladder to the right?
- if blockType:find("ladder") == nil then
- T:go("C1L2") -- Place block as ladder not present
- else -- ladder present
- T:go("L2") -- ready to check other side
- end
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("ladder") == nil then
- T:go("C1R1")
- else
- T:go("R1")
- end
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- local dirt = "minecraft:dirt"
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:soul_sand") > 0 then
- dirt = "minecraft:soul_sand"
- end
- if blockType:find("bedrock") ~= nil then
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place(dirt, -1, "forward", false) -- placed at end of potential water source, next to ladder
- else
- T:place(dirt, -1, "down", false) -- placed in ground, next to ladder
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:placeWater("forward") -- place extra water source
- end
- T:go("R1C1 R2C1 L1F1C2 R1C1 L2C1 R1F1C2 R1C1 L1C1 L1C1 L1F1", false, 0, true)
- -- ready for water sources to be placed
- T:placeWater("forward") -- place front water source
- T:turnRight(2) -- facing backward
- T:placeWater("forward") -- place back water source
- T:go("R2U1") -- facing forward, U1, above centre of water source
- lib.fillBuckets(R.height, true) -- fill as many buckets as required or until inventory full, sort inventory as well
- local nextToLadder = false
- --T:go("F2R1")
- T:go("x0F1 x0F1C1 R1") -- move forward 2 taking out blocks above, plug behind soul sand
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("ladder") == nil then -- no ladder here
- T:turnLeft(2)
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("ladder") ~= nil then -- ladder here
- nextToLadder = true
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- else
- nextToLadder = true
- T:turnLeft(1)
- end
- -- now above soul sand, facing forward
- if nextToLadder then -- if nextToLadder, no need for signs
- utils.goBack(2) -- return to source centre
- else
- T:go("F2 L1C1R1C1R1C1L1", false, 0, true) -- prepare layer 1
- lib.addSign()
- T:go("U1F1R1F1 L1C1R1C1R1C1L1", false, 0, true) -- prepare layer 2
- lib.addSign()
- T:go("L1F1 R1F1R1", false, 0, true) -- above source, level 2
- end
- -- ready to build lift
- lib.buildLift(R.height - 1)
- lib.cleanUp(R.height - 1)
- return {"Bubble lift created", "Check correct operation", "Check exit before using" }
- end
- local function createBubbleTrap(R) -- 34
- --[[
- Replace floor of existing volume of water with soulsand
- Used in river biome for squid farm. Area should be enclosed
- with solid walls surface to floor.
- Usually 7 blocks wide
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.clearDown(depth)
- while utils.clearVegetation("down") do
- T:down(1)
- depth = depth + 1
- end
- T:place("soul_sand", -1, "down", false)
- return depth
- end
- function lib.clearLength(length, depth)
- local moves = 0
- while moves < length - 1 do
- if utils.clearVegetation("forward") then
- T:forward(1)
- moves = moves + 1
- depth = lib.clearDown(depth) -- go down if in water/air
- if moves >= length - 1 then
- return depth
- end
- else -- block in front
- local waterAhead = utils.clearVegetation("forward") -- true if air/water in front
- while not waterAhead do -- solid block in front
- T:up(1)
- depth = depth - 1
- if depth < 1 then
- return 0
- end
- waterAhead = utils.clearVegetation("forward")
- end
- end
- end
- return depth
- end
- function lib.turn(facingForward, depth)
- local direction = "R"
- if not facingForward then
- direction = "L"
- end
- T:go(direction.. 1)
- if utils.clearVegetation("forward") then
- T:forward(1)
- depth = depth + lib.clearDown(depth)
- else
- while not utils.clearVegetation("forward") do
- T:up(1)
- depth = depth - 1
- end
- end
- T:go(direction.. 1)
- return depth
- end
- local depth = 0
- local length = 0
- local width = 0
- local outbound = true
- local facingForward = true
- local inWater, onWater = utils.getWaterStatus()
- inWater, onWater = utils.startWaterFunction(onWater, inWater, 2 ,true) -- move into water, max descent 2
- if R.length == 0 then
- R.length = lib.getLength()
- end
- if R.width == 0 then
- T:turnRight(1)
- R.width = lib.getLength()
- T:turnLeft(1)
- end
- -- go down to floor
- depth = lib.clearDown(depth)
- while width < R.width do
- -- now on floor, move along sea/river bed following contour
- depth = lib.clearLength(R.length, depth)
- width = width + 1
- -- now turn and repeat
- if width < R.width then
- depth = lib.turn(facingForward, depth)
- facingForward = not facingForward
- end
- end
- -- finished so return to surface
- T:up(1) -- up 1 to check for water below
- while T:isWater("down") do
- T:up(1)
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createCorridor(R) -- 52
- --[[create a corridoor 2 blocks high, with floor and ceiling guaranteed
- T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.continue(R, currentSteps, totalSteps)
- if not R.silent then
- if currentSteps >= 64 and R.length == 0 then
- -- request permission to continue if infinite
- T:clear()
- print("Completed "..totalSteps..". Ready for 64 more")
- print("Do you want to continue? (y/n)")
- response = read()
- if response:lower() ~= "y" then
- return true, 0
- else
- return false, currentSteps
- end
- end
- end
- return true, currentSteps
- end
- function lib.seal()
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("water") ~= nil then
- T:place("stone", 0, "forward", false)
- return "water" -- water found
- elseif blockType:find("lava") ~= nil then
- T:place("stone", 0, "forward", false)
- return "lava" -- lava found
- end
- return "" -- no water or lava
- end
- function lib.checkSeal(R)
- local fluidType = ""
- if == "seal" then -- check for lava/water at the sides
- T:turnRight(1)
- fluidType = lib.seal() -- could be "", "water", "lava"
- T:turnLeft(2)
- local blockType = lib.seal()
- if fluidType == "" then -- no water / lava so far
- fluidType = blockType -- could be "", "water", "lava"
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- return fluidType -- could be "", "water", "lava"
- end
- function lib.placeTorch(R, torchSpaces, totalSteps)
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then -- torches onboard
- if torchSpaces == R.torchInterval then -- time to place another torch
- if totalSteps < R.length then -- not at end of run
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:torch") > 0 then
- T:place("minecraft:torch", -1, "down")
- end
- torchSpaces = 1
- end
- end
- end
- return torchSpaces -- original value or 1
- end
- local currentSteps = 0 -- counter for infinite length. pause every 64 blocks
- local totalSteps = 0 -- counter for all steps so far
- local torchSpaces = R.torchInterval -- if torches present, counter to place with 8 blocks between
- local fluidType = ""
- local damLength = 0
- local damStarted = false
- local doContinue = true
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:torch") == 0 then
- R.torchInterval = 0 -- set to default 9 in getTask()
- end
- for steps = 1, R.length do
- -- starts on floor of tunnel
- doContinue, currentSteps = lib.continue(R, currentSteps, totalSteps) -- continue tunnelling?
- if not doContinue then
- break
- end
- T:go("C2U1C0", false, 0, true) -- place floor, up 1, place ceiling
- fluidType = lib.checkSeal(R) -- if == "seal", check for water/lava at ceiling level
- if fluidType == "" then -- either ~= "seal" or no fluid found
- torchSpaces = lib.placeTorch(R, torchSpaces, totalSteps) -- original value or 1 if torch placed
- T:go("F1D1")
- elseif fluidType == "water" then
- T:go("F1R2 C1D1 C1L2", false, 0, true)
- damStarted = true
- damLength = damLength + 1
- else --lava
- T:go("F1D1")
- end
- blockType = lib.checkSeal(R)
- if blockType ~= "" then
- fluidType = blockType
- end
- currentSteps = currentSteps + 1
- totalSteps = totalSteps + 1
- torchSpaces = torchSpaces + 1
- if damStarted and fluidType == "" then -- was in water, but no more
- T:go("R2 F"..damLength + 1 .."U1L2F"..damLength + 1 .."D1")
- damStarted = false
- end
- end
- if fluidType ~= "" then -- water or lava found while tunnelling
- T:go("U1C0", false, 0, true)
- lib.checkSeal(R)
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true)
- T:down(1)
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createDragonTrap() -- 49
- local lib = {}
- function lib.attack()
- local totalHitsF = 0
- local totalHitsU = 0
- local totalHitsD = 0
- while true do
- local hitF = false
- local hitU = false
- local hitD = false
- if turtle.attackUp() then
- hitU = true
- totalHitsU = totalHitsU + 1
- end
- if turtle.attackDown() then
- hitD = true
- totalHitsD = totalHitsD + 1
- end
- if turtle.attack() then
- hitF = true
- totalHitsF = totalHitsF + 1
- end
- if hitF or hitU or hitD then
- print("hits forward: "..totalHitsF..", up: "..totalHitsU..", down: "..totalHitsD)
- end
- end
- end
- -- build up 145 blocks with ladders
- T:clear()
- menu.colourPrint("Press Enter to start 1 minute delay\n",
- menu.colourPrint("Run to island centre across the bridge\n",
- menu.colourPrint("You have already made the bridge?...", colors.lime)
- read()
- for t = 60, 1, -1 do
- sleep(1)
- T:clear()
- io.write("Starting in "..t.. " seconds ")
- end
- for i = 1, 145 do
- T:go("U1C2")
- turtle.back()
- T:place("minecraft:ladder", -1, "down")
- turtle.forward()
- end
- T:go("R2F1C1 L1C1 L2C1 R1")
- for i = 1, 100 do
- T:go("F1C2U1C0D1")
- end
- T:forward(1)
- T:place("minecraft:obsidian", -1, "down")
- T:go("R2F1x2R2")
- T:placeWater("forward")
- T:go("R2F6R2")
- lib.attack()
- return {}
- end
- local function createEnderTower(stage) -- 66
- --[[ lower base = stage 1, upper base = 2, tower = 3 ]]
- local lib = {}
- --[[ go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock) ]]
- function lib.getEmptySlots()
- local empty = 0
- for i = 1, 16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) == 0 then
- empty = empty + 1
- end
- end
- return empty
- end
- function lib.getStone(direction, stacks)
- --[[ get block user wants to use ]]
- local suck = turtle.suck
- if direction == "down" then
- suck = turtle.suckDown
- end
- if T:getBlockType(direction) == "minecraft:chest" then
- T:sortInventory()
- local slot = T:getFirstEmptySlot() --find spare slot
- if slot > 0 then --empty slot found
- if stacks == 0 then
- while suck() do end
- else
- for i = 1, stacks do -- get # stacks of stone from chest
- suck()
- end
- end
- if T:getSlotContains(slot) == "" then
- return T:getMostItem() -- empty chest
- else
- return T:getSlotContains(slot) -- use this as default building block
- end
- else
- return T:getMostItem() -- full inventory
- end
- else
- return T:getMostItem() -- no chest
- end
- end
- function lib.stackBuckets()
- local data = {}
- local bucketSlot = 0
- local emptySlots = 0
- local water = 0
- T:sortInventory()
- for i = 1, 16 do
- -- find first empty bucket
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 then
- data = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if == "minecraft:bucket" then
- if bucketSlot == 0 then
- bucketSlot = i
- else
- turtle.transferTo(bucketSlot)
- end
- elseif == "minecraft:water_bucket" then
- water = water + 1
- end
- else
- emptySlots = emptySlots + 1
- end
- end
- return emptySlots, water
- end
- function lib.countWaterBuckets()
- local data = {}
- local buckets = 0
- for i = 1, 16 do
- data = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if == "minecraft:water_bucket" then
- buckets = buckets + 1
- end
- end
- return buckets
- end
- function lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, count, turn)
- for i = 1, count do
- T:go("C2F1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- end
- T:go("C2"..turn, false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- end
- function lib.outsideRun(preferredBlock)
- T:place("fence", -1, "down", false)
- T:forward(1)
- T:place(preferredBlock, -1, "down", false)
- T:forward(1)
- T:place(preferredBlock, -1, "down", false)
- T:forward(2)
- T:place(preferredBlock, -1, "down", false)
- end
- function lib.signRun(preferredBlock ,message)
- T:place(preferredBlock, -1, "down", false)
- T:forward(4)
- T:place(preferredBlock, -1, "down", false)
- turtle.back()
- turtle.back()
- T:down(1)
- T:place("sign", -1, "forward", false, message)
- T:go("U1F2")
- end
- function lib.goToWater(height)
- local built = 0 -- measures completed lift height
- while turtle.down() do -- takes turtle to bottom of water source
- height = height + 1
- if turtle.detect() then
- built = built + 1
- end
- end
- T:up(1) -- above watersource assuming it is 1-1.5 blocks deep
- height = height - 1
- -- built = built - 1 not required as next block is water source: not detected
- return built, height
- end
- function lib.fillBuckets(toBuild)
- local emptySlots, water = lib.stackBuckets() -- gets no of empty slots + no of water buckets
- if water < toBuild then -- no of water buckets onboard less than required quantity
- for i = 1, toBuild do -- fill required no of buckets up to max space in inventory
- emptySlots = lib.getEmptySlots()
- if emptySlots == 0 then -- inventory full
- break
- else
- if T:getWater("down") then
- water = water + 1
- sleep(0.5)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return water
- end
- function lib.buildLift(preferredBlock)
- local built = 0 -- measures completed lift height
- local height = 0 -- measures total height from starting position
- built, height = lib.goToWater(height) -- returns lift blocks already placed, total height of drop from starting point
- local toBuild = height - built -- no of blocks to increase lift size
- while toBuild > 0 do -- at least 1 block height remaining
- local water = lib.fillBuckets(toBuild) -- no of water buckets onboard (could be more than required)
- if water > toBuild then
- water = toBuild
- end
- while turtle.detect() do -- climb to top of existing lift
- turtle.up()
- height = height - 1
- end
- T:forward(1)
- for i = 1, water do -- build lift by no of water buckets
- if T:placeWater("forward") then
- T:up(1)
- height = height - 1
- toBuild = toBuild - 1
- T:place(preferredBlock, -1, "down", false)
- end
- end
- turtle.back()
- -- may still be some height to complete, but needs refill
- if toBuild > 0 then
- lib.goToWater(0) --return to source
- lib.fillBuckets(toBuild)
- end
- end
- if height > 0 then -- if any remaining distance
- T:up(height)
- end
- end
- function lib.buildSection(preferredBlock, solid)
- -- builds a section without any blocks in the centre
- -- second layer of each section end walls have fence posts
- T:go("F1C2 F2C2 F1R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- first side solid row
- if solid then -- first layer of each section
- T:go("F1C2 F1R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- top side solid row
- else
- T:go("F1") -- top side solid row
- if not T:place("fence", -1, "down", false) then-- first side
- T:place(preferredBlock, -1, "down", false)
- end
- T:go("F1R1") -- top side solid row
- end
- T:go("F1C2 F2C2 F1R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- far side solid row
- T:go("F1C2 F1R1U1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- bottom side solid row
- end
- --[[
- clsTurtle methods:
-, blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting)
- clsTurtle.go(self, path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- ]]
- -- remove 1 stack stone from chest
- local preferredBlock = lib.getStone("down", 1) -- use this as default building block
- if stage == 1 then
- -- build base floor
- --T:go("R2F2R1F3R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- T:go("R2F1C2R1F1C2F1C2F1C2R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "R1F1R1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "L1F1L1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "R1F4R1")
- end
- -- move back to centre, build water source, with soul sand at base of first source
- --T:go("R1F3L1C2F1C2F2D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --just behind chest, 1 below ground level
- T:go("R1F3L1F2C2F1D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --1 block behind chest, 1 below ground level
- T:place("minecraft:soul_sand", -1, "down", false) -- over block 1 of water source
- T:go("F1C2F1C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- over block 2 of water source
- T:go("F1C2U1C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- over block 4 of water source
- T:go("F1C2F1C2R2F5R2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- over block 1 of water source
- T:placeWater("down")
- T:forward(2) -- over block 3 of water source
- T:placeWater("down")
- turtle.back() -- over block 2 of water source
- T:getWater("down")
- T:go("F2D1R2C2") -- over block 4 of water source
- T:go("U1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- T:placeWater("down")
- T:forward(4)
- lib.stackBuckets() -- put all buckets in same slot
- T:dropItem("minecraft:dirt", "up", 0) -- drop dirt up: clsTurtle.dropItem(self, item, direction, keepAmount)
- preferredBlock = lib.getStone("down", 6)
- T:go("R1F2R1U1") -- move to start position
- for i = 1, 2 do
- -- build first level of tower: 2 x outside run, 2 x sign run
- lib.outsideRun(preferredBlock)
- if i == 1 then -- place door
- T:go("L1F1L1F1L1D1")
- T:place("door", -1, "forward", false)
- T:go("U1L1F1R1F1L1")
- end
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- lib.signRun(preferredBlock, "Pint size\nzombies\nProhibited")
- T:go("L1F1L1C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- T:forward(4) -- miss out centre block
- T:place(preferredBlock, -1, "down", false)
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- lib.signRun(preferredBlock, "Pint size\nzombies\nProhibited")
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- lib.outsideRun(preferredBlock)
- if i == 1 then -- layer 1
- T:go("R1F1R1F1R1D1") -- place door
- T:place("door", -1, "forward", false)
- T:go("U1 R1F1 L1F5 L1U1 F2D1 F2R2 U1") -- go over door
- else -- layer 2
- T:go("L1F5L1F6R2U1") -- over corner of lower platform
- end
- end
- for i = 1, 2 do -- build both sides of platform, leave centre missing
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "R1F1R1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "L1F1L1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "R1F4R1")
- end
- T:go("R1F3L1C2F1C2F1C2F4C2F1C2F1C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --fill in centre row
- --T:go("R2F6R1F1R1U1") -- go to start of tower base
- T:go("R2F7R2D3") -- go to start on top of chest
- T:sortInventory()
- elseif stage == 2 then
- -- start on top of chest, should have sufficient stone in inventory
- T:go("U3L1F1R1F1U1") -- go to start of tower base
- for i = 1, 7 do -- build 14 block high tower
- lib.buildSection(preferredBlock, false)
- lib.buildSection(preferredBlock, true)
- end
- T:go("R2F4R1F4R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- build upper platform (154 blocks remaining)
- for i = 1, 2 do -- build both sides of upper platform, leave centre missing
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 12, "R1F1R1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 12, "L1F1L1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 12, "R1F1R1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 12, "L1F1L1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 12, "R1F6R1")
- end
- T:go("R1F5 L1C2 F1C2 F1C2 F1C2 F1C2 F4C2 F1C2 F1C2 F1C2 F1C2 ", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --fill in centre row
- T:go("R2F5") -- return to drop area
- lib.buildLift(preferredBlock) -- build bubble lift
- T:go("F3R1F1R1U1") -- go to start of tower base
- T:go("C2F4 C2R1F1R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- left side layer 21
- T:go("F2C2 F2C2 L1F1L1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- centre layer 21
- T:go("C2F4 C2R2U1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- right side layer 21
- T:go("C2F4 C2R1F1R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- right side layer 22
- T:place("fence", -1, "down", false) -- fence centre of bottom side layer 22
- T:go("F2C2 F2L1F1L1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- centre layer 22
- T:go("C2F4 C2R2F2L1F1R2D2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --ready to place ladder
- T:place("ladder", -1, "forward", false)
- T:up(1)
- T:place("ladder", -1, "forward", false)
- --T:go("U2R1F4R1F1R1") -- ready to make upper part of tower base
- T:go("U2R1F4R1F1R1") -- ready to make upper part of tower base
- for i = 1, 2 do -- build both sides of platform, leave centre missing
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "R1F1R1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "L1F1L1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "R1F4R1")
- end
- T:go("R1F3 L1C2 F1C2 F1C2 F1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --fill in centre row
- T:place("minecraft:soul_sand", -1, "down", false)
- T:go("F1C2 F2C2 F1C2 F1C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- T:go("R2F6R1F1R1U1") -- go to start of tower base
- -- build 2 levels, finish signs and ladders
- T:go("C2F2 R1D2 U1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- T:place("ladder", -1, "down", false)
- T:turnRight(1)
- T:place("sign", -1, "forward", false, "UP\n^\n|\n|")
- T:go("U1R2F2C2 R1F2C2 R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --top right corner
- T:go("F4C2B2D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- T:place("sign", -1, "forward", false, "UP\n^\n|\n|")
- T:go("U1F2R1F1C2F1R1U1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --ready for second level
- T:go("C2F2 R2D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- T:place("sign", -1, "forward", false, "UP\n^\n|\n|")
- T:go("U1R2F2C2R1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --top left corner
- T:go("F1R1C2F4C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --mid bottom row
- T:go("L1F1L1C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- bottom right corner
- T:go("F2R2D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- T:place("sign", -1, "forward", false, "UP\n^\n|\n|")
- T:go("U1R2F2C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- top right corner
- -- return to chest
- T:go("L1F1L1 F5D23R2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- return to chest
- T:sortInventory()
- elseif stage == 3 then
- --[[ move to top of structure
- | 4 |
- |3 5|
- | X |
- |2 6|
- | 1 |
- ]]
- local towerHeight = 128 -- even no only suggest 128
- while turtle.detect() do
- turtle.up()
- end
- T:go("F1U1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- return to finish tower
- for i = 1, towerHeight do -- 1
- T:go("C2U1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- end
- T:go("F1L1F1R1D2")
- while turtle.down() do -- 2
- T:fillVoid("up", {preferredBlock})
- end
- T:go("F1R2C1R2F1D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- for i = 1, towerHeight / 2 do -- 3
- T:go("U2C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- end
- T:go("U1F1R1F1R1D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- back of tower facing front
- local deviate = false
- while turtle.down() do -- 4
- T:place("fence", -1, "up", false)
- if turtle.down() then
- T:fillVoid("up", {preferredBlock})
- else
- T:go("F1R2C1R1F1R1D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- deviate = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not deviate then
- T:go("F1L1F1R1D1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- end
- for i = 1, towerHeight / 2 do -- 5
- T:go("U2C2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- end
- T:go("F2R2", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) -- facing back of tower
- while turtle.down() do -- 6
- T:fillVoid("up", {preferredBlock}) --layer 129
- end
- T:go("F1L2C1U"..towerHeight)
- T:go("F4R1F3R1U1", false, 0, false, preferredBlock)
- -- add small platform at the top
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "R1F1R1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "L1F3L1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "L1F1L1")
- lib.baseRun(preferredBlock, 8, "R1F1R1")
- T:go("C2 F1C2 F1C2 F4C2 F1C2 F1C2 R2F3", false, 0, false, preferredBlock) --fill in centre row
- lib.buildLift(preferredBlock) -- build bubble lift
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createFarm(R, extend) -- 31
- -- if extend ~= nil then this has been called from createFarmExtension()
- -- T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.addWaterSource(R, pattern, storage)
- -- pattern = {"d","c","c","d"} t = place crafting instead of dirt
- -- place(self, blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- T:go("D1x2C2", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:dig("forward")
- if pattern[i] == "d" then
- T:place("dirt", -1, "forward", false)
- elseif pattern[i] == "t" then
- --if not T:place("minecraft:crafting_table", -1, "forward", false) then
- if T:place(storage, -1, "forward", false) then
- if T:dropItem("crafting", "forward", 0) then
- print("Crafting table -> buried storage")
- end
- else
- T:place("dirt", -1, "forward", false) -- dirt if no storage available
- end
- else
- T:place(R.useBlockType, -1, "forward", false)
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- T:up(1)
- T:placeWater("down")
- end
- function lib.placeDirt(count, atCurrent)
- if atCurrent then
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("dirt") == nil and blockType:find("grass_block") == nil then
- T:place("dirt", -1, "down", false)
- end
- end
- for i = 1, count do
- T:forward(1)
- T:dig("up")
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("dirt") == nil and blockType:find("grass_block") == nil then
- T:place("dirt", -1, "down", false)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.placeStorage(storage, storageBackup)
- T:dig("down")
- if not T:place(storage, -1, "down", false) then-- place barrel/chest below
- T:place(storageBackup, -1, "down", false) -- place chest below
- end
- end
- -- extend "", "right" or "forward". only adds a single new farm.
- -- right adds farm and checks for existing front extensions, dealt with separately
- --, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting)
- if extend == nil then
- extend = ""
- end
- local blockType = ""
- -- extend = "right": placed on cobble corner of existing farm facing right side
- -- extend = "front": placed on cobble corner of existing farm facing front
- -- else placed on ground at corner of potential new farm facing front
- local storage, storageBackup = utils.setStorageOptions()
- -- step 1 dig ditch round perimeter wall
- if extend == "right" then
- -- move to front corner ground ready for ditch
- T:go("F1L1F12D1R1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- -- cut ditch round new farm extension
- for i = 1, 12 do
- T:go("x0F1")
- end
- T:go("R1x0")
- for i = 1, 13 do
- T:go("x0F1")
- end
- T:go("R1x0")
- -- now at lower right corner. if extension below, do not cut ditch
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("stone") ~= nil then -- already a farm extension on left side
- -- return to start for adding chests and walls
- T:go("U1R1F1L1F12", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- else -- finish ditch
- for i = 1, 12 do
- T:go("x0F1")
- end
- T:go("R1U1F1") -- on corner of new extension
- end
- elseif extend == "forward" then
- T:go("L1F2R1D1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- -- cut ditch round new farm extension
- for i = 1, 12 do
- T:go("x0F1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- T:go("R1x0", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- for i = 1, 13 do
- T:go("x0F1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- T:go("R1x0", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- for i = 1, 11 do
- T:go("x0F1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- T:go("U1x0F1R1F12R1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType) -- on corner of new extension
- else -- new farm. cut a groove round the entire farm base
- -- move to left side of intended wall
- T:go("L1F1x0R1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- for j = 1, 4 do
- for i = 1, 12 do
- T:go("x0F1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- T:go("R1x0F1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- T:go("R1F1L1U1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- -- stage 2 place sapling and double barrel/chest
- T:dig("down") --remove cobble if present
- T:place("dirt", -1, "down", false)
- T:go("F1R2")
- T:place("sapling", -1, "forward", false) -- plant sapling
- T:go("L1")
- lib.placeStorage(storage, storageBackup)
- T:go("L1F1R1")
- lib.placeStorage(storage, storageBackup)
- T:turnLeft(1)
- if extend == "right" then -- cobble wall exists so go forward to its end
- T:forward(9)
- else -- new farm or extend forward
- for i = 1, 9 do -- complete left wall to end of farm
- T:go("F1x0x2C2", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- end
- T:go("R1F1 R1x0 x2C2 F1D1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)-- turn round ready for first dirt col
- lib.addWaterSource(R, {"d","c","c","d"}, storage) -- water at top of farm
- lib.placeDirt(9, false) -- place dirt back to start
- lib.addWaterSource(R, {"c","c","t","d"}, storage) -- water source next to chests, includes crafting table
- T:go("U1F1R2")
- if T:getBlockType("down"):find(storage) == nil and T:getBlockType("down"):find(storageBackup) == nil then
- lib.placeStorage(storage, storageBackup)
- end
- T:go("R1F1L1")
- if T:getBlockType("down"):find(storage) == nil and T:getBlockType("down"):find(storageBackup) == nil then
- lib.placeStorage(storage, storageBackup)
- end
- T:go("F1D1")
- lib.placeDirt(9, true)
- local turn = "R"
- for i = 1, 7 do
- T:go("F1U1x0C2"..turn.."1F1"..turn.."1x0x2C2F1D1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- lib.placeDirt(9, true)
- if turn == "R" then
- turn = "L"
- else
- turn = "R"
- end
- end
- T:go("F1U1x0C2"..turn.."1F1"..turn.."1x0x2C2F1D1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- lib.addWaterSource(R, {"d","c","c","d"}, storage)
- lib.placeDirt(9, false)
- lib.addWaterSource(R, {"c","c","d","d"}, storage)
- T:go("F1U1R1C2x0F1x0x2C2R1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- for i = 1, 11 do
- T:go("F1x0x2C2", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- -- add barrel/chest to any existing farm extension to the right
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- if T:getBlockType("down"):find("stone") == nil then -- farm extension already exists to right
- lib.placeStorage(storage, storageBackup)
- end
- T:go("L1F11")
- return {"Modular farm completed"}
- end
- local function createFarmExtension(R) -- 32
- -- assume inventory contains 4 chests, 64 cobble, 128 dirt, 4 water, 1 sapling
- -- check position by rotating to face tree/sapling
- local doContinue = true
- local treePresent = false
- local extend = "right" -- default
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- extend = "forward"
- end
- local storage, storageBackup = utils.setStorageOptions()
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find(storage) == nil and blockType:find(storageBackup) == nil then
- return
- {
- "Barrel or chest not present below\n",
- "Unable to calculate position",
- "Move me next to/front of the tree/sapling",
- "lower left corner of the existing farm."
- }
- else
- for i = 1, 4 do
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("log") ~= nil or blockType:find("sapling") ~= nil then
- treePresent = true
- break
- end
- T:turnRight()
- end
- if not treePresent then
- return
- {
- "Unable to locate tree or sapling",
- "Plant a sapling on the lower left",
- "corner of the farm, or move me there"
- }
- end
- end
- if doContinue then -- facing tree. check if on front or l side of farm
- if extend == "forward" then
- T:go("R1F11") -- to other side of farm. may be stone or barrel/chest below
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find(storage) ~= nil or blockType:find(storageBackup) ~= nil then
- doContinue = false
- end
- else
- T:go("R2F9") -- to right of farm, may be sapling/tree in front
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("log") ~= nil or blockType:find("sapling") ~= nil then
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- if doContinue then -- extend farm.
- createFarm(R, extend)
- else
- return
- {
- "This farm has already been extended",
- "Move me next to/front of the tree / sapling",
- "of the last extension in this direction."
- }
- end
- end
- return {"Modular crop farm extended"}
- end
- local function createFloorCeiling(R) -- 79 size integer 1 to 4
- --[[
- R.up = true for ceiling
- R.down = true for floor
- R.height = 0 for normal
- R.height combined with R.up/R.down used for remote access
- ]]
- local useBlock = T:getSlotContains(1)
- local waterPresent = false
- if R.useBlockType ~= "" then
- useBlock = R.useBlockType
- end
- print("Using ".. useBlock)
- local direction = "down"
- if R.up then
- direction = "up"
- end
- if R.height > 0 then -- remote placing. go up/down R.height first
- R.silent = true
- local depth = 0
- if R.down then -- floor could be under water
- while turtle.down() do
- depth = depth + 1
- end
- elseif R.up then
- while turtle.up() do
- depth = depth + 1
- if depth > R.height + 3 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not(R.height - depth <= 2 or depth - R.height <= 2) then
- T:up(depth)
- return {"Measured depth/height of "..depth.." > setting: "..R.height}
- end
- -- not returned so depth acceptable
- end
- -- check if block above/below
- local blockBelow = turtle.detectDown()
- local blockAbove = turtle.detectUp()
- if R.subChoice == 2 then -- New floor over existing
- -- if no block below, assume in correct position and continue
- -- else move up 1 and continue
- if blockBelow then T:up(1) end
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then -- New ceiling under existing
- -- if no block above, assume in correct position and continue
- -- else move down 1 and continue
- if blockAbove then T:down(1) end
- end
- local evenWidth = false
- local evenHeight = false
- local loopWidth
- -- go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting)
- if R.width % 2 == 0 then
- evenWidth = true
- loopWidth = R.width / 2
- else
- loopWidth = math.ceil(R.width / 2)
- end
- if R.length % 2 == 0 then
- evenHeight = true
- end
- -- if R.width is even no, then complete the up/down run
- -- if R.width odd no then finish at top of up run and reverse
- for x = 1, loopWidth do
- -- Clear first column (up)
- local tAvailable = T:getStock(useBlock, -1)
- if < R.length and not R.silent then
- return {"Insufficient resources to complete current row"}
- end
- for y = 1, R.length do
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if not waterPresent then
- if blockType:find("lava") ~= nil or blockType:find("water") ~= nil then
- waterPresent = true
- end
- end
- T:place(useBlock, -1, direction, false) -- leaveExisting = false
- if y < R.length then
- T:go("F1", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- -- clear second column (down)
- if x < loopWidth or (x == loopWidth and evenWidth) then -- go down if on R.width 2,4,6,8 etc
- T:go("R1F1R1", false,0,false)
- tAvailable = T:getStock(useBlock, -1)
- if < R.length and not R.silent then
- return {"Insufficient resources to complete current row"}
- end
- for y = 1, R.length do
- T:place(useBlock, -1, direction, false) -- leaveExisting = false
- if y < R.length then
- T:go("F1", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- if x < loopWidth then
- T:go("L1F1L1", false,0,false)
- else
- T:turnRight(1)
- T:forward(R.width - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- else -- equals R.width but is 1,3,5,7 etc
- T:turnLeft(2) --turn round 180
- T:forward(R.length - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- T:forward(R.width - 1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- end
- if waterPresent then
- return {"water or lava found"}
- end
- return {""}
- end
- local function createIceCanal(R) -- 55
- --[[
- R.subChoice =
- 1: move right into canal, build left towpath
- 2: build left towpath
- 3: build right towpath
- 4: move left into canal, build right towpath
- 5/8: clear path 3 blocks high, place slabs/torches
- 6/7: build alternating ice road / create 3 block high air gap (2 over water)
- ]]
- local oTurn = "R"
- if R.side == "R" then
- oTurn = "L"
- end
- local lib = {}
- function lib.convertTowpath(R)
- -- only used to convert existing water canal, so assume towpath already present
- -- starting position 1 block above existing towpath
- for i = 1, R.length do
- if turtle.detectDown() then -- eg existing torch
- T:dig("down")
- end
- local placeSlab = true
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then -- place torches
- if i == 1 or i % R.torchInterval == 0 then -- ready to place torch
- --go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- T:go("C2x0", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)-- place solid block below
- T:go("F1R2x0")
- T:place("torch", 0, "forward") -- place torch, move forward
- T:turnRight(2) -- turn round
- placeSlab = false
- end
- end
- if placeSlab then
- T:dig("up")
- if not T:place("slab", 0, "down") then -- break if out of slabs
- break
- end
- if i < R.length then
- T:forward(1) -- move forward
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.iceCanalTowpath(R)
- -- move forward placing slabs along the way. If existing water canal, ceiling will be raised by 1 block
- local torchInterval = 0
- local placeIce = true
- for i = 1, R.length do
- local addTorch = false
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- if i == 1 then addTorch = true end
- if torchInterval >= R.torchInterval then
- addTorch = true
- torchInterval = 0
- end
- end
- lib.iceCanalEdge(R, addTorch, i, placeIce)
- torchInterval = torchInterval + 1
- placeIce = not placeIce
- end
- T:go(oTurn.."1")
- end
- function lib.iceCanalEdge(R, addTorch, numBlocks, placeIce)
- -- starting position facing canal side
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward") -- ? air / slab / other
- local isWater, isSource, isIce = T:isWater("down") -- water / ice below
- if blockType:find("slab") == nil then -- add slab
- if addTorch then -- check if torch needed
- -- T:place(blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- if not T:place("stone", -1, "forward", false) then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {math.ceil(R.length / R.torchInterval)}, true)
- end
- T:go("U1x1 U1x1 D1") -- water level to 2 above water level
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:torch", -1) > 0 then
- T:place("torch", -1, "forward", false)
- end
- T:down(1) -- back to above water level
- if not isIce then -- break block below if NOT ice
- T:dig("down")
- end
- else
- if not T:place("slab", -1, "forward", false) then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {R.length - numBlocks}, true)
- end
- if not isSource then -- NOT on water, so dig above
- T:go("U1x1 U1x1 D2")
- end
- if not isIce and not isSource then
- T:dig("down")
- end
- end
- else -- slab already on side
- if addTorch then -- check if torch needed
- T:dig("forward")
- if not T:place("stone", -1, "forward", false) then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {math.ceil(R.length / R.torchInterval)}, true)
- end
- T:go("U1x1 U1x1 D1") -- water level to 2 above water level
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:torch", -1) > 0 then
- T:place("torch", -1, "forward", false)
- end
- T:down(1) -- back to above water level
- if not isIce then -- break block below if NOT ice
- T:dig("down")
- end
- end
- end
- if == "ice" and placeIce and not isIce then -- = "ice", placeIce = true, not already ice present
- T:place("ice", -1, "down", true)
- end
- if numBlocks < R.length then
- T:go(oTurn.."1F1"..R.side.."1")
- end
- end
- function lib.convertIcepath(length)
- -- use only for placing ice to convert a water canal
- -- place ice on alternate blocks until length reached or run out of ice
- local placeIce = true
- for i = 1, length do
- if T:getBlockType("down"):find("ice") == nil then -- no ice below
- T:dig("down") -- remove any existing block
- if placeIce then
- if not T:place("ice", -1, "down", true) then -- out of ice
- break
- end
- if i == length - 1 then
- break
- end
- end
- else -- ice already below
- placeIce = true
- end
- T:go("U1x0 D1F1")
- placeIce = not placeIce -- reverse action
- end
- end
- function lib.convertToAir(length)
- -- use only for converting a water canal. start at ground level
- -- dig up/down/forward to clear space
- for i = 1, length + 1 do
- T:go("U1x0D1")
- if i < length + 1 then
- T:go("x2F1")
- else
- T:dig("down")
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.initialise(R)
- if R.subChoice == 1 or R.subChoice == 4 then
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down") -- ? at ground/water level or on top of existing slab
- if blockType:find("slab") ~= nil then -- slab already present
- T:go(oTurn.."1F1D1"..R.side.."2") -- move right/left forward, down onto ice canal top, face canal wall
- elseif blockType:find("torch") ~= nil then
- T:go(oTurn.."1F1D2"..R.side.."2") -- move right/left forward, down onto ice canal top, face canal wall
- else -- assume on ground / water level
- T:go(oTurn.."1F1"..R.side.."2") -- move right/left forward onto ice canal top, face canal wall
- end
- else
- if T:isWater("forward") then -- player put turtle inside canal water
- T:up(1)
- end
- T:go(R.side.."1") -- face canal wall
- end
- end
- if R.length == 0 then R.length = 1024 end
- if R.subChoice <= 4 then -- towpath 1,2,3,4
- lib.initialise(R) -- reposition
- lib.iceCanalTowpath(R) -- build towpath
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 or R.subChoice == 8 then -- assume placed on towpath
- if T:getBlockType("down"):find("slab") ~= nil then -- slab already present
- T:go("F1")
- else
- T:up(1)
- end
- lib.convertTowpath(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 6 or R.subChoice == 7 then
- if == "ice" then -- assume placed on existing ice or initial ice position
- lib.convertIcepath(R.length)-- place ice
- else -- assume placed on empty path
- lib.convertToAir(R.length) -- clear 3 high area
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createLadder(R) -- 12
- -- createLadder( ="bedrock", R.height = 70, R.depth = -48)
- -- go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting)
- -- place(blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.placeLadder(direction, ledge, i, height)
- -- 1 check both sides and behind
- local fluid = false
- local block = T:isWaterOrLava("forward", ledge)
- if block:find("water") ~= nil or block:find("lava") ~= nil then
- --[[ surround 2 block shaft with blocks ]]
- T:go("R1C1 R1C1 R1C1 R1F1 L1C1 R1C1 R1C1 R1C1F1 R2C1 x1")
- else
- --[[ no water/lava so prepare ladder site]]
- T:go("F1 L1C1 R1C1 R1C1 L1B1", false, 0, true)
- end
- if not T:place("ladder", -1, "forward", false) then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"ladder"}, {height - i}, false)
- end
- -- 3 check if ledge, torch
- if ledge == 0 and i > 1 then -- place block above unless new ladder
- T:place("common", -1, direction, false) -- any common block
- elseif ledge == 1 then
- T:place("minecraft:torch", -1, direction, false)
- elseif ledge == 2 then
- ledge = -1
- end
- return ledge
- end
- local retValue = {}
- local ledge = 0
- local height = math.abs(R.depth - R.height) --height of ladder
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if R.up then -- create ladder from current level to height specified
- for i = 1, height do -- go up, place ladder as you go
- ledge = lib.placeLadder("down", ledge, i, height) -- ladder placed forward, stone ledge for torch placed down
- if i < height then
- T:up(1)
- ledge = ledge + 1
- end
- end
- else -- R.down = true: ladder towards bedrock
- local success = true
- local numBlocks, errorMsg = 0, ""
- T:down(1)
- for i = 1, height do -- go down, place ladder as you go
- ledge = lib.placeLadder("up", ledge, i, heigt) -- ladder placed forward, stone torch placed up
- --success, blocksMoved, errorMsg, blockType = clsTurtle.down(self, steps, getBlockType)
- if i < height then
- success, numBlocks, errorMsg, blockType = T:down(1, true) -- true = return blockType
- ledge = ledge + 1
- end
- -- if looking for stronghold then check for stone_bricks
- if blockType:find("stone_bricks") ~= nil then
- table.insert(retValue, "Stronghold discovered")
- break -- stop descent at stronghold
- end
- end
- -- if user requested shelter create chamber at this level
- if == "chamber" then -- user has chosen to build a chamber
- table.insert(retValue, "Shelter constucted at level".. R.depth)
- if blockType:find("bedrock") ~= nil then
- T:findBedrockTop(0) -- test to check if on safe level immediately above tallest bedrock
- end
- -- In shaft, facing start direction, on lowest safe level
- -- create a square space round shaft base, end facing original shaft, 1 space back
- T:go("L1n1 R1n3 R1n2 R1n3 R1n1", false, 0, true)
- T:go("U1Q1 R1Q3 R1Q2 R1Q3 R1Q1 R1D1", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- return retValue
- end
- local function createLadderToWater(R) -- 86
- -- go down to water/lava with alternaate solid/open layers
- -- create a working area at the base
- -- Return to surface facing towards player placing ladders
- local inAir = true
- local numBlocks, errorMsg = 0, ""
- local height = 2
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType ~= "" then -- not over air
- T:forward(1)
- end
- T:go("R2D1") -- face player, go down 2
- while inAir do --success = false when hits water/lava
- blockType = T:isWaterOrLava("down")
- if blockType:find("water") ~= nil or blockType:find("lava") ~= nil then
- inAir = false
- end
- T:go("C1R1 C1R2 C1R1", false, 0, false) -- surround front and sides with cobble
- if inAir then
- T:down(1)
- height = height + 1
- end
- T:place("ladder", 0, "up")
- end
- -- In shaft, facing opposite start direction, on water/lava, ladders above
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false)
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("ladder", 0, "forward")
- T:up(3)
- height = height - 3
- for i = 1, height do
- if i < height then
- T:go("C2U1", false, 0, false)
- else
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createMine() -- 11
- -- go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- T:clear()
- T:go("m32U1R2M16", true, 8, true) -- mine ground level, go up, reverse and mine ceiling to mid-point
- T:go("U2D2") -- create space for chest
- T:place("minecraft:chest", -1, "up", false)
- T:emptyTrash("up")
- T:go("D1R1m16U1R2M16", true, 8, true) -- mine floor/ceiling of right side branch
- T:emptyTrash("up")
- T:go("D1m16U1R2M16", true, 8, true) -- mine floor/ceiling of left side branch
- T:emptyTrash("up")
- T:go("L1M15F1R1D1", true, 8, true) -- mine ceiling of entry corridor, turn right
- T:go("F1x0 F1x0 n14 R1n32 R1n32 R1n32 R1n14 F1x0 F1U1", true, 8, true)-- mine floor of 36 x 36 square corridor
- T:go("R1F16R2") --return to centre
- T:emptyTrash("up")
- T:go("F16R1") --return to entry shaft
- T:go("F2Q14R1Q32R1Q32R1Q32R1Q14F2R1", true, 8, true) --mine ceiling of 36x36 square corridor. return to entry shaft + 1
- T:go("F16R2") --return to centre
- T:emptyTrash("up")
- -- get rid of any remaining torches
- while T:getItemSlot("minecraft:torch", -1) > 0 do
-"minecraft:torch", -1))
- turtle.dropUp()
- end
- T:go("F16R1F1R1") --return to shaft + 1
- for i = 1, 8 do
- T:go("N32L1F1L1", true, 8, true)
- T:go("N16L1F"..(i * 2).."R2", true, 8, true)
- T:emptyTrash("up")
- if i < 8 then
- T:go("F"..(i * 2).."L1N16R1F1R1", true, 8, true)
- else
- T:go("F"..(i * 2).."L1N16L1", true, 8, true)
- end
- end
- T:go("F17L1") -- close gap in wall, return to ladder + 1
- for i = 1, 8 do
- T:go("N32R1F1R1", true, 8, true)
- T:go("N16R1F"..(i * 2).."R2", true, 8, true)
- T:emptyTrash("up")
- if i < 8 then
- T:go("F"..(i * 2).."R1N16L1F1L1", true, 8, true)
- else
- T:go("F"..(i * 2).."R1N16R1", true, 8, true)
- end
- end
- T:go("F16R1")
- T:clear()
- return{"Mining operation complete"}
- end
- local function createMobFarmCube(R) -- 61, 62
- --[[
- Part 1 / 3 Mob Spawner Farm
- blaze = true: blaze spawner in nether
- R.subChoice is set to:
- 1 = on top of spawner
- 2 = line of sight
- 3 = room below
- blaze = false: overworld mob spawner
- R.subChoice is set to:
- 1 = on top of spawner
- 2 = bottom left corner
- 3 = top left corner
- 4 = bottom right, corner
- 5 = top right corner
- R.width / R.length set by player (external size)
- ]]
- local blaze = true
- if == "spawner" or == "chest" then
- blaze = false
- end
- local continue = false
- if == "restart" then
- continue = true
- end
- R.direction = "clock" -- starting on right side
- if not blaze then
- print("R.width: "..tostring(R.width))
- R.width = R.width - 2 -- internal width
- R.length = R.length - 2 -- internal length
- if R.subChoice == 2 or R.subChoice == 3 then
- R.direction = "anticlock"
- end
- end
- -- allows for 2-part operation "blaze" = main cube, "restart" = killzone
- T:clear()
- local lib = {}
- function lib.floorSection(length)
- for i = 1, length do -- starts on top left corner
- T:go("C2")
- if i < length then
- T:forward(1)
- else
- T:go("R1F1")
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.wallSection(blaze)
- blaze = blaze or false
- for i = 1, 4 do
- for j = 1, 11 do
- if blaze then
- T:place("slab", 0, "up", false)
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false)
- else
- T:go("C0C2", false, 0, false)
- end
- if j < 11 then
- T:forward(1)
- T:go("R2C1L2", false, 0, false)
- else
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.ceiling(blaze)
- -- T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- -- all outer walls complete, now for remaining 9x9 ceiling
- blaze = blaze or false
- for i = 1, 9 do
- for j = 1, 9 do
- if blaze then
- T:place("slab", 0, "up", false)
- T:dig("down")
- else
- T:go("C0x2", false, 0, true)
- end
- if j < 9 then
- T:forward(1)
- else -- end of length
- local place = false
- if i%2 == 1 then -- odd numbers 1,3,5,7,9
- if i < 9 then
- place = true
- T:go("R1F1 R1")
- end
- else
- place = true
- T:go("L1F1 L1")
- end
- if place then
- if blaze then
- T:place("slab", 0, "up", false)
- T:dig("down")
- else
- T:go("C0x2", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.clearWall(length)
- for i = 1, 4 do
- for j = 1, length do
- if j < length then
- T:go("x0x2F1")
- else
- T:go("x0x2R1")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.isSpawner()
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("spawner") ~= nil then
- return true, "top"
- end
- blockType = T:getBlockType("up")
- if blockType:find("spawner") ~= nil then
- return true, "bottom"
- end
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("spawner") ~= nil then
- return true, "forward"
- end
- return false, ""
- end
- function lib.placeFloor(width, length, blockType)
- -- T:place(blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- for i = 1, width do
- for j = 1, length do
- T:place(blockType, -1, "down", false)
- if j < length then
- T:forward(1)
- else
- if i%2 == 1 then -- odd numbers 1,3,5,7,9
- if i < width then
- T:go("R1F1R1", false, 0, true)
- end
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.searchStrip(distance)
- --go forward until hit either a wall or a chest
- local blocks = 1
- print("Searching strip, distance = "..distance)
- while blocks < distance do --max travel is external width/length
- if turtle.forward() then
- blocks = blocks + 1
- else
- print("Checking for chest")
- if lib.isChest("forward") then
- if turtle.forward() then
- blocks = blocks + 1
- end
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.findChests(R)
- for i = 1, 4 do
- print("Searching wall "..i)
- if i == 1 or i == 3 then
- lib.searchStrip(R.width) -- find and empty chests along width
- else
- lib.searchStrip(R.length) -- find and empty chests along length
- end
- if R.direction == "clock" then
- T:turnRight(1)
- else
- T:turnLeft(1)
- end
- end
- -- checked all walls
- T:go("F".. math.floor(R.width / 2)) -- now at mid-dungeon, next to wall
- if T:getItemSlot("chest") > 0 then
- if R.direction == "clock" then
- T:turnLeft(1)
- else
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- -- now at mid-dungeon, facing wall
- -- deposit chest outside the dungeon
- while turtle.back() do end -- backing spawner
- T:go("x0 F1x0 F1x0 F1x0 F1x0 F1x0 F1x0 x1x2")
- -- place(self, blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- T:place("chest", -1, "forward", false)
- -- empty out all except stone and slab
- T:emptyInventorySelection("forward", {"cobble", "tuff", "slab", "granite", "andesite", "diorite" }, {0,0,0,0,0,0})
- T:turnLeft(2)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {512}, false, "Full cube uses ~700 blocks\nEstimate your requirements")
- while turtle.forward() do end -- facing spawner
- else
- if R.direction == "clock" then
- T:turnRight(1)
- else
- T:turnLeft(1)
- end
- end -- now at mid-dungeon, facing spawner
- end
- function lib.enterDungeon(R)
- --[[ find and empty any chests, return to dungeon wall ]]
- print("Entering dungeon")
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType == "" then -- nothing in front.Error
- return false, "No block in front: Check position."
- else -- attempt entry into dungeon wall
- if R.subChoice == 2 then -- bottom left
- T:go("R1F1 L1U2 F2R1")
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- top left
- T:go("R1F1 L1D1 F2R1")
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then -- bottom right
- T:go("L1F1 R1U2 F2L1")
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 then -- top right
- T:go("L1F1 R1D1 F2L1")
- end
- while turtle.down() do end -- either on floor or chest
- if lib.isChest("down") then
- turtle.down()
- end
- print("Searching for chests")
- lib.findChests(R) -- go round inside walls emptying chests. Finish mid-wall
- end
- return true, ""-- success, message
- end
- function lib.isChest(direction)
- direction = direction or "forward"
- local blockType = T:getBlockType(direction)
- if blockType:find("chest") ~= nil then -- chest found. early stages so empty and break it
- print("Chest found")
- while T:suck(direction) do end
- T:dig(direction, false) -- false prevents checking for chests
- return true
- elseif blockType:find("torch") ~= nil then
- print("Torch found")
- T:dig(direction, false) -- false prevents checking for chests
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function lib.findSpawner(blaze)
- local moves = 0
- local quit = false
- -- assume turtle placed on centre of inside spawner wall in front of spawner
- -- or as close as possible in Nether
- print("Checking if next to spawner")
- local found, position = lib.isSpawner() -- true/false, top/bottom/nil
- if not found then -- move forward towards spawner
- print("Not close to spawner")
- while turtle.forward() and not quit do
- moves = moves + 1
- if moves > 16 then
- quit = true
- end
- end
- found, position = lib.isSpawner() -- true/false, top/bottom/nil
- if not found then
- if blaze then -- could be behind a wall
- print("Assuming blaze spawner behind a wall")
- T:forward(1)
- moves = moves + 1
- while turtle.forward() and not quit do
- moves = moves + 1
- if moves > 16 then
- quit = true
- end
- end
- found, position = lib.isSpawner() -- true/false, top/bottom/nil
- if not found then
- T:go("R2F"..moves + 2 .."R2")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return found, position
- end
- if not continue then -- new mob cube either dungeon or blaze
- -- clsTurtle.go(self, path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- -- determine spawner position level 4, move to top of spawner (level 6)
- print("Checking if already at spawner")
- local found, position = lib.isSpawner() -- already on spawner?
- if blaze then
- if not found then -- away from spawner
- if R.subChoice == 3 then
- T:go("U5")
- end
- found, position = lib.findSpawner(blaze)
- end
- else -- go to bottom of dungeon and empty chests
- if not found then --outside dungeon
- local success, message = lib.enterDungeon(R)
- if not success then
- return {message}
- end
- found, position = lib.findSpawner(blaze) -- is spawner in front / above / below?
- end
- end
- if found then -- true: move to correct starting position
- --[[
- 1 |c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|
- 2 |w| | | | | | | | | |w|
- 3 |w| | | | | | | | | |w|
- 4 |w| | | | | | | | | |w|
- 5 |w| | | | | | | | | |w|
- 6 |w| | | | |s| | | | |w|
- 7 |w| | | | | | | | | |w|
- 8 |w| | | | | | | | | |w|
- 9 |w| | | | | | | | | |w|
- 10 |w| | | | | | | | | |w| exit level for overworld
- 11 |f|f|f|f|f|f|f|f|f|f|f|
- 12 |f|f|f|f|f|f|f|f|f|f|f| sub floor for overworld
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 1
- 0 1
- ]]
- -- T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- if position == "bottom" then
- T:go("B1U2F1")
- elseif position == "forward" then
- T:go("U1F1")
- end
- T:up(1)
- T:place("slab", -1, "down", true) -- place slab on top T:place(blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting)
- -- go up 2 blocks, forward 5, right, forward 5, right
- T:go("U2F5 R1F5 R1") -- Level 2: now placed 1 below ceiling inside wall, top right corner of new dungeon
- lib.wallSection(blaze) -- fix layers 1, 2, 3 including ceiling margin turtle at Level 2
- T:go("F1R2 C1L1 F1R2 C1R1", false, 0, false) -- exit wall, repair behind, still Level 2
- lib.ceiling(blaze) -- fix ceiling, end opposite corner to start
- T:go("R2D3") -- clear the inner walls inside original dungeon
- lib.clearWall(9) -- clear the 9 x 9 area around the spawner
- T:go("F1R1F1L1")
- lib.clearWall(7) -- clear the 7 x 7 area around the spawner
- T:go("F1R1F1L1")
- lib.clearWall(5) -- clear the 5 x 5 area around the spawner. Also needed for cave spiders
- T:go("R2F1R1F1R1")
- T:go("F7R1 F8L1F1R2", false, 0, false) -- return from ceiling, enter wall below previous section: Level 5
- lib.wallSection() -- deal with areas from spawner level up (4,5,6). walls only
- T:go("F1R2 C1L1 F1R2 C1R1 D3", false, 0, false) -- exit wall, repair behind, embed 1 below original floor: Level 8
- clearRectangle({width = 9, length = 9, up = true, down = true}) -- clear levels 7,8,9
- T:go("L1F1 L1F1L2", false, 0, false) -- go inside wall sectio, ready for next wall section
- lib.wallSection() -- deal with walls on levels 7,8,9
- T:go("F1R2 C1L1 F1R2 C1R1 D3", false, 0, false) -- exit wall, repair behind, embed 4 below original floor: Level 11
- --print("Check: about to clear 3 floors 3 below spawner") read()
- clearRectangle({width = 9, length = 9, up = true, down = true}) -- clear levels 10,11,12
- if blaze then
- T:go("L1F1 L1F1L2", false, 0, false) -- ready for next wall section
- lib.wallSection() -- wall on layers 10,11,12
- T:go("F1R2 C1L1 F1R2 C1R1 D3", false, 0, false) -- exit wall, repair behind, embed 1 below original floor: Level 8
- clearRectangle({width = 9, length = 9, up = true, down = true}) -- clear levels 13, 14, 15
- end
- T:go("L1F1L1F1L2", false, 0, false) -- ready for next wall section
- --print("Check: level 11, 5 north, 5 east")
- --read()
- lib.wallSection() -- wall on layers 10,11,12 or 12,13,14 if blaze
- T:go("F1R1 F1R2 C1R1 U1", false, 0, false) -- exit wall, repair behind: Level 10, facing entry point top right corner
- T:down(1)
- if blaze then
- lib.placeFloor(9, 9, brick) -- place brick floor on level 14
- T:go("L1F4 R1F2 U4") -- ends facing out to lower chamber ?below staircase
- -- now needs to build killzone
- else
- lib.placeFloor(9, 9, "stone") -- ends facing wall on entrance side
- T:go("U1R2")
- lib.placeFloor(9, 9, "stone") -- ends facing wall on opposite side
- -- return to mid-point front
- T:go("R2F8 R1F4 L1F2") -- exit at bottom of dungeon
- T:go("x1U1 x1U1 x1U1 x1D3 R2") -- rise to chest, then return ready for next stage
- -- ends with turtle facing spawner, in front of exit hole
- end
- else
- return
- {
- "Spawner not found. Place me on top,",
- "immediately below, or facing it.",
- "\nEnter to quit"
- }
- end
- end
- if continue then
- T:clear()
- local text =
- [[~yellow~Items required to continue:
- ~lightGray~slabs 81
- ~orange~nether bricks 88
- ~yellow~lava buckets 4
- ~brown~chest / barrel 1
- ~gray~hopper 1
- ~red~WARNING ~yellow~Inventory ejects items if you
- continue! ~orange~(Choose at next menu.)
- ~white~Next -> Enter]]
- menu.colourText(nil, text, true)
- read()
- pp.itemColours = {, colors.lime}
- local choice ="Choose your option", {"Continue with build", "Re-start later"}, pp, "Type number + Enter") -- 1 = continue, 2= quit
- if choice == 1 then
- choice ="Choose your option", {"Turtle is above me", "Turtle is below or next to me"}, pp, "Type number + Enter") -- 1 = up, 2= down
- if choice == 1 then
- T:emptyInventory("down")
- else
- T:emptyInventory("up")
- end
- else
- return {"Blaze spawner partial build halted"}
- end
- --clsTurtle.getItemSlot(self, item, useDamage): return slotData.lastSlot, slotData.leastModifier, total, slotData
- T:checkInventoryForItem({brick}, {88})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {81})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"lava"}, {4})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sign"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"hopper"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"chest", "barrel"}, {1, 1})
- print("Stand clear. Starting in 2 secs")
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- -- place upper floor and slabs under it
- T:go("R2D4F2 L1F4 R1U4")
- lib.placeFloor(9, 9, brick) -- place brick floor on level 10
- T:down(2)
- T:place(brick, 0, "up")
- T:go("D1R2")
- lib.ceiling(true) -- true uses slabs
- -- place lava
- T:go("L1F4 L1F4 U4") -- through hole in ceiling
- T:go("F4 L1F4 R2")
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:place("lava", 0 , "down")
- T:go("F8 R1")
- end
- T:go("F4 R1F4 D2 F1 R2")
- -- place sign and repair above
- T:dig("forward")
- T:place("sign", 0, true, "")
- T:down(1)
- T:place(brick, 0 , "up")
- T:forward(1)
- -- place blocks under exit hole
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:place(brick, 0 , "forward")
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- -- place chest and hopper
- T:go("D2x2")
- if not T:place("chest", 0, "down") then
- T:place("barrel", 0, "down")
- end
- T:up(1)
- T:place("hopper", 0, "down")
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("slab", 0, "forward")
- T:go("R2F5U3")-- return to starting point and create entrance
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function floodMobFarm(R) -- 63
- --[[Part 2 / 3 Mob Spawner Farm turtle on floor, pointing towards water source wall, single hole]]
- local lib ={}
- function lib.setPosition(addWater)
- local width = 0
- while turtle.forward() do end -- move forward until hit wall
- T:go("U1L1")
- while turtle.forward() do end -- move forward until hit left wall
- if addWater then
- T:placeWater("down") -- place water down
- end
- T:turnLeft(2) -- turn round
- while turtle.forward() do
- width = width + 1
- end -- go forward 7
- if addWater then -- back 1
- T:placeWater("down") -- place water
- end
- T:go("L2F".. math.floor(width / 2) .."L1") -- turn round, go forward 3 (centre of wall), turn left
- end
- function lib.digFloor()
- T:go("x2F1 x2") -- first block, move forward
- T:turnLeft(1) -- left turn, go back into right side, facing left
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("x2 F1x2 F1x2 R1F1") -- go right to left dig 3 blocks, forward on left side
- T:turnRight(1) -- right turn, go back into left side, facing right
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 L1F1") -- go left to right dig 5 blocks, forward on right side
- T:turnLeft(1) -- left turn, go back into right side, facing left
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 R1F1") -- go right to left dig 7 blocks, forward on left side
- T:turnRight(1) -- right turn, go back into left side, facing right
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 F1x2 L1") -- go left to right dig 5 blocks, face forward on right side
- end
- lib.setPosition(false) -- move to back of cube and verify position
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:forward(3) -- forward 4 (centre of chamber)
- else
- T:forward(2) -- forward 3
- end
- T:down(1)
- lib.digFloor()
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:go("D1F1 L1F8")
- utils.goBack(4)
- T:go("L1U1")
- lib.setPosition(true) -- place water sources
- T:go("F8D2")
- -- go down 2, check floor, up 1, place fence
- T:go("D2C2U1", false, 0, true)
- T:place("fence", -1, "down", false)
- T:go("F1D1C2U1", false, 0, true)
- T:place("fence", -1, "down", false)
- T:go("F1U1R2", false, 0, true)
- T:go("F1R1U1")
- T:place("sign", -1, "down", false)
- T:go("U1C0D1")
- T:place("slab", -1, "up", false)
- T:go("R2F1R2")
- T:place("sign", -1, "forward", false)
- T:go("R1F1R2C1R1F1D1L1") --sitting on soul sand/dirt facing spawner
- if not T:place("minecraft:soul_sand", -1, "down", false) then
- T:place("minecraft:dirt", -1, "down", false)
- end
- else
- T:go("D1F1 L1F8")
- T:go("R1F1 R1F8")
- utils.goBack(4)
- T:go("R1U1")
- lib.setPosition(true) -- place water sources
- T:go("F8D2 F1C2C0 F1") -- exit leaving single hole in wall, facing away from spawner
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createMobBubbleLift(R) -- 64
- -- Part 3 / 3 Mob Spawner Farm
- -- R.subChoice = 1 or 2 (left/right)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.initialise()
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType ~= "minecraft:soul_sand" then
- T:dig("down")
- if not T:place("minecraft:soul_sand", -1, "down", false) then
- return {"Unable to find or place soulsand."}
- end
- end
- -- check facing sign, rotate if not
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- local turns = 0
- while blockType:find("sign") == nil do
- T:turnRight(1)
- turns = turns + 1
- if turns == 4 then
- return {"Unable to find sign."}
- end
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- end
- return {""}
- end
- function lib.createWaterSource(oTurn)
- T:go(oTurn.."1") -- turn to opposite side of dropzone
- T:go("F1x0D1")
- for i = 1, 3 do
- T:go("C2 L1C1 R2C1 L1")
- if i < 3 then
- T:go("F1x0")
- end
- end
- T:go("R2F1") -- face column move to middle
- T:placeWater("forward")
- T:go("R2") -- face away
- T:placeWater("forward")
- T:go("U1x0 R2F1x0 F1x0"..oTurn.."1") -- face column, return to soul sand, face spawner
- end
- function lib.goToWater(moves)
- T:down(moves)
- T:getWater("down")
- sleep(0.1)
- T:getWater("down")
- end
- function lib.placeCollector(turn, oTurn)
- local hopperSlot = T:getItemSlot("hopper")
- local chestSlot = T:getItemSlot("chest")
- if hopperSlot > 0 and chestSlot > 0 then
- T:dig("down")
- T:place("chest", 0, "down")
- T:go(turn.."1F1"..oTurn.."1")
- T:dig("down")
- T:place("chest", 0, "down")
- T:go(turn.."1")
- utils.goBack(3)
- T:go("D1x1")
- T:place("hopper", 0, "forward")
- T:go("U1C2F2"..oTurn.."1")
- end
- end
- function lib.up()
- local moves = 0
- while turtle.detect() do
- turtle.up()
- moves = moves + 1
- end
- return moves
- end
- function lib.createChamber()
- local D = {}
- D.width = 4
- D.length = 7
- D.height = 4
- D.ceiling = true
- D.floor = true
- D.vDirection = "D"
- D.hDirection = "RL"
- D.goHome = true
- utils.createWalledSpace(D)
- end
- function lib.mobTransporter()
- for i = 1, 9 do -- fill in a solid block bar from bubble column for 8 spaces
- T:go("F1C0C2 R1C1 R1C1 R1C1 R1C1")
- end
- T:go("D1C2C1 R1C1 R2C1 L1 C0x0") -- move down column
- for i = 1, 8 do -- go under solid block bar
- T:go("F1C2 R1C1 L2C1 R1x0")
- end
- end
- local turn = "R"
- local oTurn = "L"
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- turn = "L"
- oTurn = "R"
- end
- local data = lib.initialise() -- check if in the right position
- if data[1] ~= "" then
- return data -- eg {"Unable to find sign."}
- end
- lib.createWaterSource(oTurn) -- everything in place, build a water source, facing spawner
- for i = 1, 3 do -- fill in back and one side, go up
- T:go(turn.."1C1"..turn.."1C1"..turn.."1x1"..turn.."1U1", false, 0, true)
- end
- -- dungeon wall, above mob exit, facing spawner
- local colHeight = 19
- for i = 1, colHeight do -- tunnel up, filling 3 sides
- T:go(turn.."1C1"..turn.."1C1"..turn.."1x1"..turn.."1C1 U1", false, 0, true)
- end
- -- facing spawner 20 blocks up. move either left/right 8 blocks, repairing ceiling and sides
- T:go("C0"..turn.."2C1"..turn.."1F1 C0C1"..turn.."1C1"..turn.."2C1"..oTurn.."1", false, 0, true) -- fill top of column
- lib.mobTransporter()
- T:go("x2x0 F1x2x0 F1x2x0 R2") -- over water source
- -- now create bubble column
- T:down(colHeight + 2)
- local moves = 0
- repeat
- lib.goToWater(moves) -- get water
- moves = lib.up()
- T:go("F1")
- T:placeWater("forward")
- T:go("U1C2")
- T:placeWater("forward")
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("C1")
- moves = moves + 1
- until moves >= colHeight + 1
- lib.goToWater(moves) -- get water for last time
- lib.up() -- finishes above lower part of the transport bar
- T:go("F2R2C1D1") -- seal off bubble column
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:placeWater("forward") -- place source on top of bubble column
- utils.goBack(7) -- over down shaft
- T:down(1) -- start shaft, facing bubble column
- for i = 1, 17 do
- -- tunnel down, filling all 4 sides
- T:go("R1C1 R1C1 R1C1 R1C1 D1", false, 0, true)
- end
- lib.createChamber()
- T:go("x0")
- T:go(oTurn.."1C1".. turn.."1D1C2"..oTurn.."1C1"..turn.."1F1".. oTurn.."1F1"..oTurn.."1") -- facing end wall ready to place slabs
- for i = 1, 6 do
- T:place("slab", 0, "down")
- if i == 6 then
- T:go(oTurn.."1")
- end
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("C1")
- end
- T:go("D2F2"..turn.."1F5")
- T:placeWater("forward")
- T:go(turn.."1F1"..oTurn.."1") -- facing down mob channel floor
- for i = 1, 5 do
- T:go("C1")
- utils.goBack(1)
- end
- T:go("C1"..turn.."1F1"..turn.."1F1")
- for i = 1, 7 do
- T:go("C2x0")
- if i < 7 then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- T:go("U3R2")
- for i = 1, 7 do
- T:go("F1x2")
- end
- T:go("D3")
- lib.placeCollector(turn, oTurn) -- if hopper / chests present
- return {}
- end
- local function createPlatform(R) -- 56
- -- T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- local forward = true
- for w = 1, R.width do
- for l = 1, R.length do
- T:go("x2C2", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- if R.up then
- T:dig("up")
- end
- if l < R.length then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- if w < R.width then
- if forward then
- if R.up then
- T:go("R1F1 x0R1")
- else
- T:go("R1F1 R1")
- end
- else
- if R.up then
- T:go("L1F1 x0L1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1 L1")
- end
- end
- end
- forward = not forward
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createPortal(R) -- 42
- --[[
- R.length = length of portal NOT width default 4
- R.height = height of portal default 5
- R.width = thickness of portal default 1
- = "bury" to embed bottom into ground
- R.subChoice 1 = facing portal, 2 = aligned
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.buildBase()
- --T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- T:forward(1)
- for i = 1, R.length - 2 do -- R.length = 4: place when i=1,2
- T:place("minecraft:obsidian", 0, "down", false)
- T:forward(1)
- end
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- end
- function lib.buildLayer()
- T:place("minecraft:obsidian", 0, "down", false)
- for i = 1, R.length - 1 do -- R.length = 4: forward when i=1,2,3
- T:forward(1)
- end
- T:place("minecraft:obsidian", 0, "down", false)
- end
- if ~= "bury" then
- T:up(1)
- end
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:go("F1R1")
- end
- local out = true
- for width = 1, R.width do
- lib.buildBase()
- for i = 1, R.height - 2 do
- T:go("R2U1")
- out = not out
- lib.buildLayer()
- end
- T:go("R2U1")
- out = not out
- lib.buildBase()
- if out then
- T:go("R2F"..R.length - 1)
- end
- if width < R.width then
- T:go("R1F1D"..R.height.."R1")
- out = true
- else
- T:go("L1F"..R.width.."D"..R.height - 1 .."R2")
- if ~= "bury" then
- T:down(1)
- end
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createPortalPlatform() -- 48
- --[[ Used in End World to use a trapdoor to push player through portal ]]
- local lib ={}
- function lib.findPortal()
- local found = false
- local onSide = false
- for i = 1, 64 do
- if not turtle.up() then -- hit block above
- found = true
- break
- end
- end
- if found then
- -- are we under the centre block, or one of the sides?
- if turtle.detect() then -- under a side
- onSide = true
- else -- nothing in front, probably under centre, or facing wrong direction so check
- for i = 1, 4 do
- turtle.turnRight()
- if turtle.detect() then
- onSide = true
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if onSide then-- move to centre
- T:go("D1F1")
- end
- end
- local height = 3 -- allows for 2 bedrock + starting space
- while turtle.down() do
- height = height + 1
- end
- return found, height
- end
- function lib.addFloor(length)
- for i = 1, length do
- if i < length then
- T:go("C2F1", false, 0, true)
- else
- T:go("C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.buildLadder(height)
- for i = 1, height do
- --T:go("F1C1 R1C1 L2C1 L1F1L2", false, 0, true)
- T:go("F1C1 R1C1 L2C1 R1", false, 0, true)
- utils.goBack(1)
- if i > 3 then
- T:go("C2")
- end
- T:place("minecraft:ladder", 0, "forward", true)
- T:up(1)
- end
- end
- local found, height = lib.findPortal()
- if found then -- position under centre of beacon
- -- build ladder up and create platform
- T:go("L1F1L1F2L2")
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:ladder"},{height})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"},{height * 4 + 18})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"trapdoor"},{1})
- lib.buildLadder(height) -- ends facing ladder, 1 block above
- T:go("R1")
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("C2F1 C2F1 C2F1 C2")
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- T:go("C2F1 C2F1 C2F1 C2")
- utils.goBack(2)
- T:go("R1F1") -- facing portal entrance
- T:place("trapdoor", -1, "up", false)
- else
- return {"Portal not found. Move me under","the centre if possible.", "wait for purple beacon."}
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createRailway(R) -- 93
- -- go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- --[[Build steps up or down ready for railtrack]]
- if R.down then
- if R.height == 0 then
- local blockType = ""
- while blockType == "" do
- T:go("F1D1", false, 0, true)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType == "" then
- T:go("C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, R.height - 1 do
- T:go("U1x0 D1x1 F1x0x1 D1x1 C2", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- elseif R.up then
- for i = 1, R.height do
- T:go("C1U2 x0D1F1", false, 0, false) --put stone in front, up 2 excavate 1, down 1, forward 1
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createRectanglePath(R) -- 710, 83 direct commands
- -- allow user to control length / width of each path
- -- T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- --local pp = utils.getPrettyPrint()
- local lib = {}
- function lib.forward(R)
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- for i = 1, R.length do
- T:go("F1x0C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- else
- for i = 1, R.length do
- T:go("F1U1C0D1C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.back(R)
- for i = 1, R.length do
- turtle.back()
- end
- end
- function lib.left(R)
- T:turnLeft(R.length)
- end
- function lib.right(R)
- T:turnRight(R.length)
- end
- function lib.up(R)
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:go("U2R2 x1R2 D1C2", false, 0, true)
- else
- T:go("U2R2 x1R2C0 D1C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- function lib.down()
- T:go("D1C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- if == "menu" then
- -- mimics direct commands using f.lua, r.lua etc with space between commands and number
- local width = 0
- local length = 0
- local choices =
- {
- "Forward 1 block",
- "Forward # blocks",
- "Back 1 block",
- "Back # blocks",
- "Turn Right",
- "Turn Left",
- "Up 1 block",
- "Down 1 block",
- "Quit"
- }
- local choice, modifier
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime, colors.lime,,,,, colors.cyan, colors.cyan, colors.gray}
- while choice ~= 9 do
- choice, modifier ="Choose next step", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- if choice == 1 then
- R.length = 1
- lib.forward(R)
- elseif choice == 2 then
- -- getInteger(prompt, minValue, maxValue, row, fg, bg, default)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Move forward how many blocks?", 1, 250, nil, colors.lime)
- lib.forward(R)
- elseif choice == 3 then
- R.length = 1
- lib.back(R)
- elseif choice == 4 then
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Move back how many blocks?", 1, 250, nil,
- lib.back(R)
- elseif choice == 5 then
- R.length = 1
- lib.right(R)
- elseif choice == 6 then
- R.length = 1
- lib.left(R)
- elseif choice == 7 then
- lib.up(R)
- elseif choice == 8 then
- lib.down()
- end
- end
- else
- local instructions =
- [[~lightGray~Commands:
- direction + ~blue~number ~yellow~eg ~white~f2 ~yellow~= forward ~blue~2
- ~lightGray~direction without number = ~blue~1
- ~yellow~f = forward ~orange~b = backward
- ~lime~l = left ~red~r = right
- ~lightGray~u = up ~cyan~d = down
- ~red~q = quit
- ]] -- Direct control
- local cmd = ""
- while cmd ~= "q" do
- local line = menu.clear()
- line = menu.colourText(line, instructions)
- -- menu.getString(prompt, withTitle, minValue, maxValue, row, fg, bg, default)
- input = menu.getString("command ", false, 1, 5, line, colors.yellow,
- -- remove spaces
- input = input:gsub( " ", "")
- cmd = input:sub(1,1)
- R.length = 1
- if #input > 1 then
- R.length = tonumber(input:sub(2))
- end
- if cmd == "q" then
- return{"User has quit application"}
- end
- if cmd == "f" then
- lib.forward(R)
- elseif cmd == "b" then
- lib.back(R)
- elseif cmd == "l" then
- lib.left(R)
- elseif cmd == "r" then
- lib.right(R)
- elseif cmd == "u" then
- lib.up(R)
- elseif cmd == "d" then
- lib.down()
- end
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createRetainingWall(R) -- 34, 82
- -- facing direction wall will take
- -- will need to rotate 180 to build
- -- if R.height > 0 then build to specified depth
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkFloor()
- local newDepth = 0
- place = utils.clearVegetation("down") -- in case col in front is deeper
- while place do -- loop will be entered at least once
- T:down(1)
- newDepth = newDepth + 1
- place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- end
- if newDepth > 0 then
- for j = 1, newDepth do -- go up until column base is met
- T:go("U1C2")
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.patchMissingBlock()
- if turtle.back() then
- T:go("C1")
- else
- T:go("B1C1")
- end
- end
- function lib.placeSingle(height)
- local y = 0
- if height > 0 then
- T:go("D"..height)
- y = height
- else
- local place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- while place do -- loop will be entered at least once
- place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- if place then
- T:down(1)
- y = y + 1
- end
- end
- end
- -- return to surface, placing below
- for i = 1, y do
- T:go("U1C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- function lib.placeDouble(height)
- --T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- local y = 0
- if not turtle.back() then
- T:go("B1")
- end
- if height > 0 then
- for i = 1, height do
- T:go("C1D1", false, 0, true)
- end
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true)
- y = height
- else
- local place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- -- build back column
- while place do -- loop will be entered at least once
- place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- if place then
- T:go("C1D1", false, 0, true)
- y = y + 1
- end
- end
- -- reached bottom. floor in front could drop down
- T:go("F1") -- move under first column
- lib.checkFloor()
- turtle.back() -- back at starting point
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true)
- end
- -- return to surface, placing below
- for i = 1, y do
- T:go("U1C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- function lib.placeTriple(height)
- --T:go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- local y = 0
- if turtle.back() then
- T:go("C1")
- else
- T:go("B1C1")
- end
- if height > 0 then
- for i = 1, height do
- T:go("C1D1", false, 0, true)
- end
- for i = 1, height do
- T:go("C1D1", false, 0, true)
- end
- T:go("C1R2C1", false, 0, true) --fill last block, then turn 180 to build opposite side
- y = height
- else
- local place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- -- build back column
- while place do -- loop will be entered at least once
- place = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- if place then
- T:go("C1D1", false, 0, true)
- y = y + 1
- end
- end
- -- reached bottom. floor in front could drop down
- T:go("F1") -- move under first column
- lib.checkFloor()
- T:go("B1C1R2F1", false, 0, true)
- lib.checkFloor()
- T:go("B1C1")
- -- return to surface , placing below and to front
- end
- for i = 1, y do
- T:go("C1U1C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- T:go("F1R2C1", false, 0, true)
- -- facing back again inside edge of col 3
- return y -- depth of this run
- end
- local topInPlace = false -- topInPlace = true already a path across the water eg monument rectangle
- if == "withPath" then
- topInPlace = true
- end
- local place = false
- local inWater = false
- local onWater = false
- if not topInPlace then
- if R.length > 1 then
- inWater, onWater = utils.getWaterStatus() -- returns whether above water, or immersed
- end
- end
- local maxDepth = 5 --initial estimated value
- -- start at surface, move back 1 block
- -- each iteration completes 3 columns
- local numBlocks = T:getSolidBlockCount()
- print("Solid blocks in inventory: "..numBlocks)
- if R.length == 1 then -- single column down to water bed
- lib.placeSingle(R.height)
- elseif R.length == 2 then--down then up: 2 cols
- inWater, onWater = utils.startWaterFunction(onWater, inWater, 2, true) -- move into water
- T:go("R2") -- move to face player
- lib.placeDouble(R.height)
- if not inWater then
- T:go("U1C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- else -- R.length 3 or more
- if topInPlace then
- T:down(1) -- break through top
- else
- inWater, onWater = utils.startWaterFunction(onWater, inWater, 2, true) -- move into water
- end
- T:go("R2") -- move to face player
- -- now at water surface
- local remain = R.length
- while remain >= 3 do
- numBlocks = T:getSolidBlockCount()
- print("Inventory blocks: "..numBlocks.." depth: "..maxDepth)
- if numBlocks < maxDepth * 3 then
- --ask player for more
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {maxDepth * remain}, false)
- end
- local y = lib.placeTriple(R.height) -- moves back, places col in front, centre and behind. R.height = 0 for auto depth
- if y > maxDepth then
- maxDepth = y
- end
- remain = remain - 3
- if remain > 1 then
- lib.patchMissingBlock()
- end
- end
- if remain == 1 then -- 1 more column
- lib.patchMissingBlock()
- lib.placeSingle(R.height)
- elseif remain == 2 then -- 2 cols
- lib.placeDouble(R.height)
- end
- T:go("U1C2") -- above surface
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createSafeDrop(R) -- 14
- -- dig down height blocks, checking for blocks on all sides
- local drop = 0
- local isBedrock = false
- T:down(2)
- drop = 2
- for i = 1, R.height - 1 do
- for j = 1, 4 do
- -- go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- T:go("C1R1", false, 0, true)
- end
- if T:down(1) then
- drop = drop + 1
- else
- isBedrock = true
- break
- end
- if T:isWaterOrLava("up") ~= "" then
- T:go("C0x0", false, 0, false) -- delete water/ lava block
- end
- end
- if not isBedrock then -- not sitting on bedrock, so break foot level exit block
- T:go("U1R2x1")
- end
- T:placeWater("down")
- if isBedrock then
- T:go("U1x1 U1x1")
- else
- T:go("U1x1")
- end
- T:up(drop - 2)
- return {"Safe drop completed "..drop .. " blocks"}
- end
- local function createSlopingWater(R) -- 34, 89
- --[[
- creates a sloping water area above existing lake/river/ocean
- R.width is usually 7 with an existing wall on 8th row
- R.length is user choice, limited to bucket/slab quantities
- Places slabs into existing surface, places row of sources
- Removes slabs
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.fillBuckets()
- local emptyBuckets = utils.getEmptyBucketCount()
- for i = 1, emptyBuckets do
- if utils.fillBucket("down") then
- print("Bucket filled down")
- sleep(0.3)
- else
- print("Unable to fill bucket ".. i .." / "..emptyBuckets)
- end
- end
- return utils.getWaterBucketCount()
- end
- local outbound = true
- local inWater, onWater = utils.getWaterStatus()
- inWater, onWater = utils.startWaterFunction(onWater, inWater, 2 ,false) -- move above water, max descent 2
- local waterBuckets = lib.fillBuckets()
- for w = 1, R.width do
- for l = 1, R.length do
- T:place("slab", -1, "down", false)
- if l < R.length then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- if w < R.width then
- if outbound then
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- outbound = not outbound
- end
- end
- if outbound then
- T:go("L1F"..R.width - 1 .."L1")
- else
- T:go("R1F"..R.width - 1 .."R1")
- end
- T:placeWater("up") -- place in corner
- local move = true
- while move do
- move = turtle.forward()
- move = turtle.forward() -- false if at end of run
- T:placeWater("up") -- alternate positions + end of run
- end
- T:go("R2D1")
- T:sortInventory() -- get all buckets into 1 slot
- for w = 1, R.width do
- for l = 1, R.length do
- if l < R.length then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- if w < R.width then
- if outbound then
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- outbound = not outbound
- end
- end
- if outbound then
- T:go("L1F"..R.width - 1 .."L1")
- else
- T:go("R1F"..R.width - 1 .."R1")
- end
- T:go("U2")
- return {}
- end
- local function createSquidFarmBase(R) -- 34
- -- dig down to y=45. assume starting at water level (64)
- local depth = 0
- local message =
- [[Place the turtle under the grid
- left corner above current pit
- opening.
- It will descend to the base and
- continue to level y=45.
- Enter to continue...
- ]]
- read()
- while turtle.down()do
- depth = depth + 1
- end
- T:down(1)
- R.height = 21 - depth
- R.width = 15
- R.length = 15
- R.silent = true
- = "down"
- clearSolid(R)
- T:up(depth + 4)
- return {}
- end
- local function createSandWall(R) -- 81
- local success = true
- --move above water
- local maxMove = 2
- while turtle.detectDown() and maxMove > 0 do
- T:forward(1)
- maxMove = maxMove - 1
- end
- if R.length > 0 then
- for i = 1, R.length - 1 do
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:forward(1, false)
- end
- success = utils.dropSand()
- else
- while not turtle.detectDown() do -- over water
- while not turtle.detectDown() do -- nested to allow forward movement
- success = utils.dropSand() -- drops sand and checks supplies
- end
- if success then
- T:forward(1, false)
- else -- out of sand
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createSinkingPlatform(R) -- 58
- local lib = {}
- function lib.stage1a(R) -- build side wall left side
- for l = 1, R.length do -- | |*| |
- T:go("L1C1 R1C2", false, 0, false) -- |*|>| | to |*|>| | place left wall
- if l == 1 then -- first iteration
- T:go("U1C2 D1 F1C2", false, 0, false)-- |*|>| | to |*|*|>| up/down block to delete source at corner
- elseif l < R.length then -- mid run
- T:go("F1C2", false, 0, false) -- |*|>| | to |*|*|>| move forward
- else -- end of run
- T:go("C1U1 C2D1", false, 0, false) -- |*|>| | to |*|>|*| place end wall
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.stage1b(R) -- same as stage1a on right side
- for l = 1, R.length do
- T:go("R1C1 L1C2", false, 0, false)
- if l == 1 then
- T:go("U1C2 D1 F1C2", false, 0, false)
- elseif l < R.length then
- T:go("F1C2", false, 0, false)
- else
- T:go("C1U1 C2D1", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.stage2(forward)
- if forward then
- T:go("C1R1 F1L1 C1R2", false, 0, false)
- else
- T:go("C1L1 F1R1 C1L2", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- local forward = true
- local goingRight = true
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("water") ~= nil or blockType:find("lava") ~= nil then
- T:up(1)
- end
- for h = 1, R.height do -- repeatedly create a platform, move down and repeat
- T:down(1) -- move down into existing platform
- if goingRight then -- first side
- if forward then -- complete left side
- T:go("R2C1 L2", false, 0, false) -- | |>| | to |*|<| | to |*|>| |
- lib.stage1a(R) -- build left wall
- T:go("R1F1 L1C1 R2C2", false, 0, false) -- turn ready for next side
- else
- T:go("L2C1 R2", false, 0, false) -- block 1, 1
- lib.stage1b(R) -- turn ready for next side
- T:go("L1F1 R1C1 L2C2", false, 0, false)
- end
- else -- on right side so different approach
- if forward then
- T:go("L2C1 R2", false, 0, false) -- | |<| | to | |>|* | to | |<|*|
- lib.stage1b(R)
- T:go("C1L1 F1R1 C1L2 C2", false, 0, false) -- turn ready for next side
- else -- complete left side
- T:go("R2C1 L2", false, 0, false) -- block 1, 1
- lib.stage1a(R) -- turn ready for next side
- T:go("C1R1 F1L1 C1R2 C2", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- forward = not forward -- continue strips across until at far edge
- for w = 1, R.width - 2 do
- for l = 1, R.length do
- if l < R.length then
- T:go("C2F1", false, 0, false)
- else
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false)
- end
- end
- if goingRight then
- lib.stage2(forward)
- else
- lib.stage2(not forward)
- end
- forward = not forward
- end -- far side
- if goingRight then
- if forward then
- lib.stage1b(R)
- else
- lib.stage1a(R)
- end
- else
- if forward then
- lib.stage1a(R)
- else
- lib.stage1b(R)
- end
- end
- goingRight = not goingRight
- T:turnRight(2)
- forward = not forward
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createStaircase(R) -- 13
- -- R# L# F# B# U# D# +0 -0 = Right, Left, Forward, Back, Up, Down, up while detect and return, down while not detect
- -- dig: x0,x1,x2 (up/fwd/down)
- -- suck: s0,s1,s2
- -- place chest: H0,H1,H2
- -- place sapling: S0,S1,S2
- -- place Torch: T0,T1,T2
- -- place Hopper: P0,P1,P2
- -- mine floor: m# = mine # blocks above and below, checking for valuable items below, and filling space with cobble or dirt
- -- mine ceiling: M# = mine # blocks, checking for valuable items above, and filling space with cobble or dirt
- -- mine ceiling: N# same as M but not mining block below unless valuable
- -- place: C,H,r,S,T,P,^ = Cobble / cHest / DIrT / Sapling / Torch / hoPper /stair in direction 0/1/2 (up/fwd/down) eg C2 = place cobble down
- -- 3| |B| |
- -- - - -
- -- 2|A| |C|
- -- - - -
- -- 1|^|D| |
- -- - - -
- -- 1 2 3
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkFluids()
- local isFluid = false
- -- check if water or lava present
- for i = 1, 4 do
- blockType = T:isWaterOrLava("forward")
- if blockType:find("lava") ~= nil or blockType:find("water") ~= nil then
- isFluid = true
- end
- end
- return isFluid
- end
- function lib.createStaircaseSection(onGround, levels, level)
- -- start 1,1,1, n
- -- stage A
- local isFluid = lib.checkFluids()
- local blockType = ""
- local data = T:getStock("stairs")
- if == 0 then
- T:craft('stairs', 4)
- end
- if onGround and isFluid then
- -- add right side and block entrance
- T:go("R1C1R1C1R2")
- end
- if isFluid then
- T:go("L1C1 R1F1C2 L1C1 R1x1 R1C1 L1C2B1 C1x1 ^1C2", false, 0, true) --start:1,1,1,n stairs A on level 1, going back to 1,1,1,n
- else
- T:go("F1x1 R1C1 L1C2B1 ^1C2", false, 0, true)
- end
- if not onGround then
- -- stage A1
- T:go("L2C1L2", false, 0, true) -- start 1,1,1,n fix corner on level 1 end: 1,1,1,n
- end
- -- stage B
- T:go("U1L1", false, 0, true) -- end 1,1,1,w layer 2
- level = level + 1
- isFluid = lib.checkFluids()
- if isFluid then
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true) -- end 1,1,1,w layer 2
- end
- if not onGround then
- if isFluid then
- T:go("L1C1R1", false, 0, true) -- end 1,1,1,w layer 2
- end
- end
- -- stage C1
- if isFluid then
- T:go("R1C1F1C1x1 L1C1 R2C1 L1B1", false, 0, true)
- else
- T:go("R1F1 R1C1 L1B1", false, 0, true)
- end
- --level = level + 1
- --if level == levels then
- --return false, level
- --end
- -- stage C2
- T:go("U1")
- level = level + 1
- --if level == levels then
- --return true, level
- --end
- isFluid = lib.checkFluids()
- if isFluid then
- T:go("L1C1L1 C1L2 C1F1L1 C1R2 C1L1 B1C2 D1", false, 0, true) -- end 1,1,2,n
- else
- T:go("F1R1 C1L1 B1D1", false, 0, true) -- end 1,1,2,n
- end
- level = level - 1 -- went down in branch above
- --if level == levels then
- --return false, level
- --end
- -- stage D
- isFluid = lib.checkFluids()
- if isFluid then
- T:go("C1F1C1F1C1x1L1 C1R1 C1R1", false, 0, true) -- 3,1,2,e
- else
- T:go("F2 C1R1", false, 0, true) -- 3,1,2,e
- end
- return false, level
- end
- --local height = currentLevel -- eg 64 at top or 5 at bedrock
- local data = T:getStock("stairs")
- --{, rt.mostSlot, rt.leastSlot, rt.mostCount, rt.leastCount}
- local numStairs =
- local levels = math.abs(R.depth - R.height) --height of stairs
- local numStairsNeeded = levels
- numStairsNeeded = numStairsNeeded - numStairs
- if numStairsNeeded > 40 then
- print('crafting '..numStairsNeeded..' : '..numStairs.. ' in stock')
- if T:craft('stairs', 40) then -- max 40 so repeat
- data = T:getStock("stairs")
- if == 0 then
- data = T:getStock("stairs")
- end
- numStairs =
- numStairsNeeded = numStairsNeeded - numStairs
- else
- return {"Unable to craft stairs"}
- end
- end
- if numStairsNeeded > 0 then
- T:craft('stairs', numStairsNeeded)
- end
- local level = 0
- if R.down then -- go down towards bedrock
- local atBedrock = false
- for i = 1, levels do
- level = level - 1
- if not T:down() then
- atBedrock = true
- break
- end
- end
- if atBedrock then -- hit bedrock so get to level 5 / -59
- level = T:findBedrockTop(level)
- T:go("R1F1R1", false, 0, true)
- end
- end
- local onGround = true
- level = 0
- while level < levels do
- onGround, level = lib.createStaircaseSection(onGround, levels, level)
- end
- if not turtle.detectDown() then
- T:go("C2")
- end
- return{"Staircase completed"}
- end
- local function createStripMine(R)
- --[[
- R.length should be a multiple of 16
- mine a corridoor repairing floor and ceiling
- check sides, remove valuable items
- plug if lava present
- Every 16 blocks dig a side passage 1 block deep 2 blocks long
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.seal(R)
- if T:isValuable("forward") then -- valuable block in front. If debris then refuse already dumped
- T:dig("forward")
- end
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("lava") ~= nil then
- --T:place("stone", 0, "forward", false) -- place does not allow for specific blocktype
- T:go("C1", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function lib.checkSeal(R)
- local retValue = false
- T:turnRight(1)
- if lib.seal(R) then
- retValue = true
- end
- T:turnLeft(2)
- if lib.seal(R) then
- retValue = true
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- return retValue
- end
- function lib.alcove(R)
- -- right side, starting at ceiling
- T:go("R1F1 C0", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType)-- stone ceiling, facing alcove wall (upper)
- lib.seal(R) -- seal alcove wall (upper)
- T:go("D1C2", false, 0, false, "cobble") -- cobble floor, facing alcove wall (lower)
- lib.seal(R) -- seal alcove wall (lower)
- T:go("L2 F1") -- down 1, turn round, return to corridoor.
- -- left side
- T:go("F1 C2", false, 0, false, "cobble") -- cobble floor, facing alcove wall (lower)
- lib.seal(R) -- seal alcove wall (lower)
- T:go("U1 C0", false, 0, false, R.useBlockType) -- stone ceiling, still facing alcove wall
- lib.seal(R) -- seal alcove wall (upper)
- T:go("L2F1L1") -- return to corridoor at ceiling position
- lib.placeTorch(R)
- end
- function lib.placeTorch(R)
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then -- torches onboard
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:torch") > 0 then
- T:place("minecraft:torch", -1, "down")
- end
- end
- end
- local seal = false
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:torch") == 0 then
- R.torchInterval = 0 -- set to default 16 above
- end
- for steps = 1, R.length do
- -- go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- T:go("C2U1C0", false, 0, true, R.useBlockType) -- check and repair floor / ceiling
- if steps % 16 == 0 or steps % 16 == 1 then
- lib.alcove(R) -- enter and exit at ceiling position
- else
- seal = lib.checkSeal(R)
- end
- T:go("F1D1", false, 0, true)
- seal = lib.checkSeal(R)
- end
- if seal then -- water or lava found while tunnelling
- T:go("U1C0", false, 0, true, R.useBlockType)
- lib.checkSeal(R)
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true, R.useBlockType)
- T:down(1)
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createTreefarm(R) -- 22
- local lib = {}
- --go(path, useTorch, torchInterval, leaveExisting, preferredBlock)
- function lib.buildWallSection(length, placePolished, useBlockType)
- for i = 1, length do
- if placePolished and i == length - 4 then
- T:place("polished", 0, "down")
- T:forward(1)
- else
- if i < length then
- T:go("C2F1", false, 0, false, useBlockType)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.placeFloor(length, useBlockType)
- for i = 1, length do
- T:go("x0C2", false, 0, false, useBlockType)
- if i < length then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.placeWater(length)
- T:placeWater("down")
- T:go("F"..length.."R1")
- end
- function lib.placeCorners(length, numBlocks, useBlockType)
- for i = 1, numBlocks do
- T:go("C2F1", false, 0, false, useBlockType)
- end
- -- now at 5th space
- T:forward(length - (numBlocks * 2))
- for i = 1, numBlocks do
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false, useBlockType)
- if i < numBlocks then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.turn(outward)
- if outward then
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- return not outward
- end
- local blockType
- local blockModifier
- -- = "existing" if on existing tree farm
- -- R.up = true if clear area
- if R.up then
- clearArea(R)
- end
- if == "existing" then
- T:go("R1F1 D1", false, 0, false) -- move 14 blocks, right, forward, down 1
- lib.buildWallSection(R.width - 1, false, R.useBlockType)
- T:turnLeft(1)
- lib.buildWallSection(R.length, false, R.useBlockType)
- T:turnLeft(1)
- lib.buildWallSection(R.width - 1, false, R.useBlockType)
- T:go("C2U1R2")
- lib.buildWallSection(R.width - 1, true, R.useBlockType)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.buildWallSection(R.length, true, R.useBlockType)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.buildWallSection(R.width, true, R.useBlockType)
- T:go("R1") -- on lower left corner facing forward
- else
- T:down(1)
- local placePolished = false
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.buildWallSection(R.length, placePolished, R.useBlockType)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.buildWallSection(R.width, placePolished, R.useBlockType)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.buildWallSection(R.length, placePolished, R.useBlockType)
- T:turnRight(1)
- lib.buildWallSection(R.width, placePolished, R.useBlockType)
- T:turnRight(1)
- placePolished = true
- if i == 1 then
- T:up(1)
- end
- end -- on lower left corner facing forward
- end
- T:go("F1R1 F1L1 D2") -- over 13 x 13 internal area
- local outward = true
- for i = 1, R.width - 2 do
- lib.placeFloor(R.length - 2, R.useBlockType)
- if i < R.width - 2 then
- outward = lib.turn(outward)
- end
- end
- T:go("U1R2") -- over 13 x 13 internal area opposite corner
- -- now add corners
- lib.placeCorners(R.length - 2, 4, R.useBlockType)
- outward = lib.turn(outward)
- lib.placeCorners(R.length - 2, 3, R.useBlockType)
- outward = lib.turn(outward)
- lib.placeCorners(R.length - 2, 2, R.useBlockType)
- outward = lib.turn(outward)
- lib.placeCorners(R.length - 2, 1, R.useBlockType)
- if outward then
- T:go("R1F"..R.width - 9 .."R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F"..R.width - 9 .."L1")
- end
- outward = not outward
- lib.placeCorners(R.length - 2, 1, R.useBlockType)
- outward = lib.turn(outward)
- lib.placeCorners(R.length - 2, 2, R.useBlockType)
- outward = lib.turn(outward)
- lib.placeCorners(R.length - 2, 3, R.useBlockType)
- outward = lib.turn(outward)
- lib.placeCorners(R.length - 2, 4, R.useBlockType) -- should be back in starting corner facing front
- T:go("U1R1")
- lib.placeWater(R.length - 3) -- place water down then move forward, turn right
- lib.placeWater(R.width - 3)
- lib.placeWater(R.length - 3)
- lib.placeWater(R.width - 3)
- T:go("F".. math.floor((R.length - 2) / 2).."R1F".. math.floor((R.width - 2) / 2)) -- should be in centre
- T:go("D4C2 R1C1 R1C1 R1C1 R1F1 R2") -- facing back of hole ready to place water
- T:placeWater("forward")
- T:go("R2F7U4")
- return {"Tree farm ready for planting"}
- end
- local function createWallOrFence(R)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.placeBarrel(R)
- if == "barrel" then
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("L1F1")
- T:place("barrel", 0, "down", false)
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("R1")
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- function lib.placeTorch(R)
- T:up(1)
- local up = 1
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- while blockType:find(R.useBlockType) ~= nil and blockType ~= "" do -- prevent continuous upward travel
- T:up(1)
- up = up + 1
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- end
- T:place("torch", 0, "forward", true)
- T:down(up)
- end
- function lib.buildWall(R, length)
- -- T:place(blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- local blockType = ""
- local blocks = 0
- lib.placeBarrel(R)
- while blocks < length do
- if turtle.back() then
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", true)
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- if blocks == 0 or blocks % R.torchInterval == 0 then
- lib.placeTorch(R)
- end
- end
- blocks = blocks + 1 -- still facing start position
- while turtle.down() do
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "up", true)
- end
- else -- obstruction
- T:turnRight(2) -- facing away from start
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("torch") ~= nil then
- T:go("F1R2")
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward")
- blocks = blocks + 1 -- facing start
- elseif blockType:find("log") ~= nil then
- T:harvestTree()
- T:turnRight(2)
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward")
- blocks = blocks + 1 -- facing start
- elseif T:isVegetation(blockType) then
- T:go("F1R2")
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward")
- blocks = blocks + 1 -- facing start
- else -- cant go forward, go up instead
- while turtle.detect() and blockType:find("torch") == nil and blockType:find("log") == nil and not T:isVegetation(blockType) do -- block ahead, but not torch or tree
- while turtle.detectUp() do -- will only run if block above
- utils.goBack(1)
- blocks = blocks - 1
- end
- turtle.up()
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "down", true)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- end
- T:turnRight(2) -- facing start
- end
- end
- end
- end
- T:turnRight(2) --facing start position
- if R.width == 0 then -- single fence
- lib.buildWall(R, R.length)
- else
- lib.buildWall(R, R.length - 1)
- T:go("R1") -- facing start so left turn = turnRight
- lib.buildWall(R, R.width - 1)
- T:go("R1")
- lib.buildWall(R, R.length - 1)
- T:go("R1")
- lib.buildWall(R, R.width - 2)
- T:go("U1")
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "down", true)
- end
- return {"Wall or fence completed"}
- end
- local function createWaterCanal(R) -- 53
- --[[
- designed for 4 turtles, but can be done with 2 as well
- = 1 (2 turtles) or 2 (4 turtles)
- R.height = 0 (in water/ on canal floor) or 1 (at ground level)
- R.side = "R" or "L"
- R.subChoice =
- 1 = left side, ground level (on towpath)
- 2 = left side above canal water (new canal only)
- 3 = right side above canal water (new canal only)
- 4 = right side, ground level (on towpath)
- 5 = left side in canal water (if present)
- 6 = right side in canal water (if present)
- if R.height = 0 then already at correct height on canal floor
- check block below, block to left and block above, move forward tunnelling
- if entering water then move up, onto canal wall and continue pathway
- if tunnelling then flood canal
- else R.height = 1 then above water and on path across
- move forward, checking for water below
- if water finishes, move into canal, drop down and continue tunnelling
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.newCanalSide(oTurn)
- T:go("C1 U1x1 U1x1 D2"..oTurn.."1", false, 0, false)
- end
- function lib.newCanalBase(R)
- local oTurn = "R" -- assume R.side = "L"
- if R.side == "R" then
- oTurn = "L"
- end
- if not turtle.detectDown() then -- air / water below: fill floor
- T:go(oTurn.."1D1") -- *|>| | | to *|V| | | turn towards canal centre, go down ready to repair neighbouring canal base
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("turtle") ~= nil then -- turtle in similar position
- if R.side == "L" then -- only left side repairs, so wait 1 second
- sleep(1)
- T:go("C1") -- repair neighbouring canal base
- end
- else
- T:go("C1") -- repair neighbouring canal base
- end
- T:go(R.side.."1") -- *|V| | | to *|>| | | turn to face start
- T:up(1) -- *|>| | | return to canal floor
- end
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false)
- end
- function lib.newCanal(R)
- -- no source in front as this function called -- *|<| | | facing end wall ready for new canal canal base level
- local oTurn = "R" -- assume R.side = "L"
- if R.side == "R" then
- oTurn = "L"
- end
- lib.newCanalSide(oTurn) -- *|<| | | wall fixed. to -- *|^| | |
- lib.newCanalSide(oTurn) -- *|^| | | wall fixed. to -- *|>| | |
- lib.newCanalBase(R) -- *|>| | | base fixed
- T:go("F1"..R.side.."1") -- *|>| | | to *| |>| | to *| |^| |
- lib.newCanalSide(oTurn) -- *| |^| | to *| |>| |
- lib.newCanalBase(R) -- *| |>| | base fixed
- T:go("F1"..R.side.."1") -- *| |>| | to *| | |>| to *| | |^|
- lib.newCanalSide(oTurn) -- *| | |^| to *| | |>|
- lib.newCanalBase(R) -- *| | |>| base fixed
- T:go(R.side.."2") -- *| | |>| to *| | |<|facing existing / back wall
- T:forward(1) -- *| |<| |
- T:placeWater("forward") -- *|W|<| | placed against start wall
- T:go("L2") -- *|W|>| |
- T:placeWater("forward") -- *|W|>|W| placed direction of travel
- T:go("R2") -- *|W|<|W| rotate
- if deletesWater then
- T:up(1)
- else
- sleep(0.2)
- end
- utils.getWater() -- *|W|<|W|
- T:go(oTurn.."2F1") -- *|W|<|W| to *|W|W|>| ready to go
- end
- function lib.towpathOnly(R)
- --[[single turtle on towpath only using 4 turtles. Starts at ground level]]
- for i = 1, R.length do
- if turtle.detectDown() then -- eg dirt, stone
- T:dig("down") -- remove block below
- end
- local placeOnly = true
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then -- place torches
- if i == 1 or i % R.torchInterval == 0 then -- ready to place torch
- T:go("C2U1") -- place solid block below, up 1
- T:place("torch", 0, "down") -- place torch, move forward
- T:go("F1D1") -- move forward, down
- placeOnly = false
- end
- end
- if placeOnly then
- T:dig("up") -- clear blocks above
- if not T:place("stone", 0, "down") then -- place stone below
- break
- end
- if i < R.length then
- T:forward(1) -- move forward
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.initialiseCanal(R)
- --[[ move turtle to correct position. return moves]]
- local moves = 1
- local oTurn = "R"
- if R.side == "R" then
- oTurn = "L"
- end
- local newCanal, isWater, isSource = false, false, false
- if == 1 then -- use 2 turtles only
- if R.subChoice == 1 or R.subChoice == 4 then -- left / right side on towpath- move into canal space
- if deletesWater then
- T:go(oTurn.."1F1") -- turn to face canal centre, go forward over water
- isWater, isSource = T:isWater("down")
- if isSource then -- canal already exists
- T:go(oTurn.."1") -- stay above water, face existing canal
- else -- NOT above source
- T:go("D1"..oTurn.."1") -- go to canal floor, face existing
- newCanal = true -- flag create 6 water source blocks
- end
- else -- NOT deletesWater
- T:go(oTurn.."1F1D1"..oTurn.."1") -- move into canal, face back along any existing canal
- isWater, isSource = T:isWater("forward")
- if isSource then
- T:go(R.side.."2") -- face forward for new canal
- else
- newCanal = true
- end
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 or R.subChoice == 3 then-- left / right side above canal finishing pos if deletesWater
- if deletesWater then
- isWater, isSource = T:isWater("down")
- if isSource then
- T:go(R.side.."2") -- face towards existing canal
- else
- T:go("D1"..R.side.."2") -- go down and face existing canal -- no water ahead
- newCanal = true -- already in newCanal starting position
- end
- else -- NOT deletesWater
- T:go("D1"..R.side.."2") -- facing existing on canal floor
- isWater, isSource = T:isWater("forward")
- if isSource then -- water ahead
- T:go(R.side.."2") -- face forward for new canal
- else
- newCanal = true
- end
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 or R.subChoice == 6 then -- left / right side in canal base. Assume NOT deletesWater
- T:go(R.side.."2") -- check if water behind
- isWater, isSource = T:isWater("forward")
- if isSource then
- T:go(oTurn.."2")
- else
- newCanal = true
- end
- end
- else -- use 4 turtles
- if R.subChoice == 1 or R.subChoice == 4 then -- left / right side on towpath stays in place for 4 part canal
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 or R.subChoice == 3 then-- left / right side above canal finishing pos if deletesWater
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 or R.subChoice == 6 then -- left / right side in canal base. Assume NOT deletesWater
- end
- end
- if newCanal then -- no water ahead, facing start wall of new canal *|<| | |
- lib.newCanal(R) -- start new canal, finish facing new canal 6 block water sources
- moves = 2
- end
- return moves -- facing forward ready for new canal *|>| | |
- end
- function lib.side(R, maxLength)
- -- Already in position facing new canal, 2 water buckets
- local torch = R.length - maxLength -- start torch count at 1-2 depending on lib.initialise()
- local sourceCount = 0 -- allow for 1 iteration of placing source blocks when changing from solid to water
- local numBlocks = 0 -- distance travelled
- local _, isSource = nil, false -- initialise variables
- local oTurn = "R" -- assume R.side == "L" -> oTurn = "R"
- if R.side == "R" then -- R.side = "R"
- oTurn = "L" -- oTurn = "L"
- end
- while numBlocks < maxLength do -- loop from here. Facing forwards to extend canal
- torch = torch + 1 -- increase torch spacing interval
- numBlocks = numBlocks + 1 -- inrease block count
- if deletesWater then -- up to and including mc 1.12.2
- T:forward(1) -- move forward to extend canal | |>|
- _, isSource = T:isWater("down") -- check if source water below
- if isSource then
- sourceCount = sourceCount + 1 -- count source blocks
- else
- T:down(1) -- down to canal floor
- sourceCount = 0 -- reset
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false) -- place block below
- T:up(1) -- up to water level
- end -- still facing away from canal
- T:go(R.side.."1F1C2", false, 0, false) -- go above towpath, place stone down, facing out
- if turtle.detectUp() then -- ? block above
- T:go(R.side.."2U1F1D1"..R.side.."2") -- rotate to face canal, up 1 forward over canal, back down to water level, face towpath
- else
- utils.goBack(1) -- face towpath
- end
- -- facing towpath
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then -- Are torches required?
- if torch == R.torchInterval or numBlocks == 0 then -- check if ready to place
- torch = 0 -- reset interval counter
- T:go("U1F1")
- T:place("torch", -1, "down") -- place torch
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:down(1)
- end
- end -- facing towpath, above water
- -- facing towpath
- if isSource and scoreCount > 0 then
- T:go(oTurn.."1x0") -- face new canal direction
- else -- not source below, or first time found, ensures continous canal
- T:go(R.side.."1x0") -- face back to existing canal
- T:placeWater("down") -- place water
- T:forward(1) -- forward 1
- T:placeWater("down") -- place water
- utils.getWater() -- collects water from below
- utils.goBack(1) -- back 1
- T:go(oTurn.."1x0") -- face new canal
- end
- else
- T:forward(1) -- move forward to extend canal
- _, isSource = T:isWater("forward") -- check if source water ahead
- if isSource then -- ? source ahead
- sourceCount = sourceCount + 1
- else
- sourceCount = 0
- if not turtle.detectDown() then -- air / water below, but no source in front, so fill it
- T:go(oTurn.."1D1") -- ready to repair neighbouring canal base
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("turtle") ~= nil then -- turtle in similar position
- if R.side == "L" then -- only left side repairs, so wait 1 second
- sleep(1)
- T:go("C1") -- repair neighbouring canal base
- end
- T:go(R.side.."1") -- face forward
- else
- T:go("C1"..R.side.."1") -- repair neighbouring canal base if air
- end
- T:up(1)
- end
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false) -- place block below if not already source
- end
- T:go(R.side.."1C1", false, 0, false) -- face canal wall, replace with stone
- local placeTorch = false
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then -- Are torches required?
- if torch == R.torchInterval or numBlocks == 0 then -- check if ready to place
- torch = 0 -- reset interval counter
- placeTorch = true
- end
- end
- if (isSource and placeTorch) or not isSource then
- T:go("U1x1 U1x1") -- up 2 and excavate blocks above tow path
- if placeTorch then -- torch required
- T:forward(1) -- move over towpath
- T:place("torch", -1, "down") -- place torch
- utils.goBack(1) -- move back
- end
- T:down(2) -- return to canal base
- end
- if isSource and sourceCount > 1 then -- source ahead found at least once
- T:go(oTurn.."1") -- face newcanal as no water refill required
- else -- not source in front, or first time found, ensures continous canal
- T:go(oTurn.."1C1") -- *| | | |>| face along new canal and block entrance
- utils.goBack(1) -- *| | |>| | back 1
- T:placeWater("forward") -- *| | |>|W| place water
- T:go(oTurn.."2") -- *| | |<|W| face existing canal
- _, isSource = T:isWater("forward") -- *| |?|<|W| check if source water ahead
- if not isSource then
- if not T:placeWater("forward") then -- place water again *| |W|<|W|
- while not T:getWater("forward") do -- wait for other turtle
- print("Out of water buckets")
- sleep(1)
- end
- sleep(0.2)
- T:getWater("forward")
- end
- end
- utils.getWater() -- collects water *| |W|<|W|
- T:go(R.side.."2F1") -- face along new canal *| |W|>|W| to *| |W|W|>|
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.waterOnly(R, maxLength)
- -- Already in position facing new canal, 2 water buckets
- local torch = R.length - maxLength -- start torch count at 1-2 depending on lib.initialise()
- local sourceCount = 0 -- allow for 1 iteration of placing source blocks when changing from solid to water
- local numBlocks = 0 -- distance travelled
- local _, isSource = nil, false -- initialise variables
- local oTurn = "R" -- assume R.side == "L" -> oTurn = "R"
- if R.side == "R" then -- R.side = "R"
- oTurn = "L" -- oTurn = "L"
- end
- while numBlocks < maxLength do -- loop from here. Facing forwards to extend canal
- torch = torch + 1 -- increase torch spacing interval
- numBlocks = numBlocks + 1 -- inrease block count
- if deletesWater then -- up to and including mc 1.12.2
- T:forward(1) -- move forward to extend canal | |>|
- _, isSource = T:isWater("down") -- check if source water below
- if isSource then
- sourceCount = sourceCount + 1 -- count source blocks
- else
- T:down(1) -- down to canal floor
- sourceCount = 0 -- reset
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false) -- place block below
- T:up(1) -- up to water level
- end -- still facing away from canal
- if turtle.detectUp() then -- ? block above
- T:go("U1x0") -- break block above
- end
- if not isSource or scoreCount == 0 then -- not source below, or first time found, ensures continous canal
- T:go(R.side.."2x0") -- face back to existing canal
- T:placeWater("down") -- place water
- T:forward(1) -- forward 1
- T:placeWater("down") -- place water
- utils.getWater() -- collects water from below
- utils.goBack(1) -- back 1
- T:go(R.side.."2") -- face new canal
- end
- else
- T:forward(1) -- move forward to extend canal
- _, isSource = T:isWater("forward") -- check if source water ahead
- if isSource then -- ? source ahead
- sourceCount = sourceCount + 1
- else
- sourceCount = 0
- if not turtle.detectDown() then -- air / water below, but no source in front, so fill it
- T:go(oTurn.."1D1") -- ready to repair neighbouring canal base
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("turtle") ~= nil then -- turtle in similar position
- if R.side == "L" then -- only left side repairs, so wait 1 second
- sleep(1)
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true) -- repair neighbouring canal base
- end
- T:go(R.side.."1") -- face forward
- else
- T:go("C1"..R.side.."1",false, 0, true) -- repair neighbouring canal base if air
- end
- T:up(1)
- end
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false) -- place block below if not already source
- end
- if not isSource then
- T:go("U1x0D1") -- up 1 and excavate blocks above canal. return to canal base
- end
- T:go(R.side.."1C1"..oTurn.."1", false, 0, true) -- face canal wall, replace with stone if empty, face forward
- if not isSource and sourceCount == 0 then -- not source in front, or first time found, ensures continous canal
- T:go("C1", false, 0, true) -- *| | | |>| face along new canal and block entrance
- utils.goBack(1) -- *| | |>| | back 1
- T:placeWater("forward") -- *| | |>|W| place water
- T:go(oTurn.."2") -- *| | |<|W| face existing canal
- _, isSource = T:isWater("forward") -- *| |?|<|W| check if source water ahead
- if not isSource then
- if not T:placeWater("forward") then -- place water again *| |W|<|W|
- while not T:getWater("forward") do -- wait for other turtle
- print("Out of water buckets")
- sleep(1)
- end
- sleep(0.2)
- T:placeWater("forward")
- end
- end
- utils.getWater() -- collects 2 water *| |W|<|W|
- T:go(R.side.."2F1") -- face along new canal *| |W|>|W| to *| |W|W|>|
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local maxLength = 512
- if R.length ~= 0 then
- maxLength = R.length
- end
- menu.clear()
- menu.colourWrite("Building canal "..R.side.." side", colors.yellow, nil, nil, false, true)
- local moves = lib.initialiseCanal(R) -- move to correct position and/or start new canal
- if == 1 then -- 2 turtles
- lib.side(R, maxLength - moves)
- else -- 4 turtles
- if R.subChoice == 1 or R.subChoice == 4 then -- towpath
- lib.towpathOnly(R)
- --lib.waterCanalTowpath(R, maxLength - moves)
- else -- main canal only
- lib.waterOnly(R, maxLength - moves)
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function createMobGrinder(R)
- -- go down 5 and create a cavity 9 wide, 5 long, 8 high
- -- assume facing out from spawner cube at base of exit (6 blocks above ground
- -- R.subChoice = 1 or 2 (sticky or normal pistons)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.getInventory(R)
- T:clear()
- menu.colourPrint("All blocks to be ejected. Ready? Enter",
- read()
- T:emptyInventory("up")
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {20}, true, "Match existing walls?")
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- sticky pistons
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"computercraft:computer_normal"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:sticky_piston"}, {2})
- else
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"computercraft:computer_normal"}, {2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:piston"}, {4})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"computercraft:cable"}, {6})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"computercraft:wired_modem"}, {2})
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"polished"}, {23}, true, "Any polished block")
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"wall"}, {2}, true, "Any wall block ? match")
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {7}, true, "Any stone slab. ? polished / match")
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:glass"}, {2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:stone_pressure_plate"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:dispenser"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"hopper"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"chest"}, {2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:redstone"}, {9})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"lava"}, {1})
- R.useBlockType = T:getPolishedItem("")
- if R.useBlockType == "" then
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", true)
- end
- end
- function lib.placeRedstone()
- T:go("D2U2") -- in left corner facing right
- T:place("slab", 0, "down") -- place slab layer 1
- T:up(2)
- T:place("slab", 0, "down") -- place slab layer 2
- T:up(1)
- T:place("redstone", 0, "down")
- T:go("F1D4 C2L1C1 L1U1", false, 0, false) -- facing ground level slab
- T:place("redstone", 0, "forward") -- redstone on ground level slab
- T:up(1)
- T:place("slab", 0, "down") -- slab on layer 1
- T:up(2)
- T:place("slab", 0, "down") -- slab on layer 3
- T:up(1)
- T:place("redstone", 0, "down") -- redstone on layer 3 slab
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:down(3) -- facing layer 1 slab
- T:place("redstone", 0, "forward") -- redstone on layer 1 slab
- T:go("D2C2", false, 0, false) -- under end of chest position
- T:place("redstone", 0, "forward") -- redstone on level 0 floor
- T:go("R1C1R1", false, 0, false) -- face right, repair back wall
- T:go("F1C2 L1C1 R1", false, 0, false) -- under chest start
- T:go("F1C2 L1C1 R1", false, 0, false) -- under hopper
- T:go("F1C2 L1C1 R1", false, 0, false) -- under right side wall block
- T:go("U1L2") -- ready for redstone
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:place("redstone", 0, "down") -- redstone under chest etc
- if i < 4 then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- -- finishes facing slab at ground level, redstone below
- end
- function lib.placeStorage()
- -- starts facing slab at ground level, redstone below
- T:go("L1F1L2") -- up and out ready for chest placement
- T:place("chest", 0, "forward") -- end chest
- T:go("R1F1 L1F1 R1U2") -- at above start chest position facing right
- T:place("slab", 0, "down") -- slab above chest
- T:turnLeft(1)
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:down(2) -- in front of start chest position
- T:place("chest", 0, "forward") -- start chest
- T:go("R1F2L2") -- at pressure plate position facing left
- T:place("wall", 0, "forward") -- place wall
- T:up(1)
- T:place("pressure", 0, "down") -- place pressure plate
- T:go("R1F1 L1D1") -- at second wall position
- T:place("hopper", 0, "forward") -- place hopper into chest
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("wall", 0, "forward") -- place second wall
- -- finishes on level 1 (ground) facing right side wall block
- end
- function lib.placePistons(R)
- -- starts on level 1 (ground) facing right side wall block
- T:go("U1F2 R1") -- go over wall block, facing back wall layer 2
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false) -- replace back wall with polished block layer 2
- T:up(1) -- layer 3
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false) -- replace back wall with polished block layer 3
- T:turnRight(1) -- face right side
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- use sticky pistons x 2
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false)-- polished block above second wall layer 3
- T:go("R2F1") -- ready to place lower piston (works ok as slab already in place behind it)
- else
- T:go("F2R2") -- move forward 2 and face left
- T:place("piston", 0, "forward") -- lower replacer piston placed
- T:go("U1F2D1F1") -- go up and over piston forward 1 ready for other piston
- end
- T:place("piston", 0, "forward") -- lower piston placed
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:go("U1R1") -- layer 4
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false) -- polished block back wall layer 4
- T:go("L1F2R2") -- head left ready for dispenser
- T:place("dispenser", 0, "forward") -- dispenser placed
- T:dropItem("lava", "forward") -- drop lava bucket into dispenser
- T:go("U1F2 D1") -- up and over dispenser, facing right side
- T:place("slab", 0, "down") -- lower piston slab placed
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false)-- polished block above second wall layer 4
- T:turnLeft(1) -- facing back wall
- else
- T:go("F1L1") -- at second computer position, facing back wall
- utils.goBack(1) -- ready to place computer
- T:place("computercraft:computer_normal", 0, "forward", false) -- place computer
- T:go("L1F1R1F1") -- facing back wall in mob drop, level 4
- end
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false) -- polished block back wall layer 4
- T:turnLeft(1)
- T:go("U1F3R2") -- level 5 ready for upper piston
- T:place("piston", 0, "forward") -- upper piston placed
- T:go("U1F3D1R2") -- up and over piston, facing left, level 5
- T:turnRight(1) -- at mob drop, facing wall, level 5
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false) -- polished block back wall layer 5
- T:turnRight(1) -- facing right side
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false)-- right side polished block layer 5, facing right side, in mob drop -- layer 5 facing left side, in mob drop
- else
- T:go("F1C1") -- move forward, place temporary block
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("piston", 0, "forward") -- upper replacer piston placed
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- T:place("slab", 0, "forward") -- upper piston slab placed
- T:turnLeft(1) -- facing away from back wall
- end
- function lib.placeComputer(R)
- -- starts facing away from back wall, layer 5, in mob drop
- T:go("F1R1 F2R1 D1") -- move to left computerposition, facing back wall, layer 4
- T:place("computercraft:computer_normal", 0, "forward", false) -- place computer in gap, layer 4
- end
- function lib.placeColumnSection(direction)
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false)
- T:go(direction.."1")
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false)
- T:go(direction.."1")
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false) -- facing right
- end
- function lib.placeColumns(R)
- -- starts facing left computer, layer 4
- T:go("R1F2 L1") -- facing mob drop level 4
- T:place("glass", 0, "down", false)
- T:up(1) -- facing mob drop level 5
- T:place("glass", 0, "down", false) -- on top of glass facing back wall at dungeon base level 5
- T:up(1)
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "down", false) -- level 6 dungeon exit
- T:go("F1L1")
- lib.placeColumnSection("L") -- facing right
- T:up(1)
- lib.placeColumnSection("R") -- facing left
- T:up(1)
- lib.placeColumnSection("L") -- facing right
- T:up(1)
- lib.placeColumnSection("R") -- facing left
- T:up(1)
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false)
- T:turnLeft(2)
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false) -- facing right
- T:turnLeft(1) -- at top of column
- T:go("x1D1 x1D1 x1U2") -- open exit for mobs
- utils.goBack(2)
- T:place(R.useBlockType, 0, "forward", false)
- T:down(9)
- end
- function lib.placeNetwork()
- T:go("R1F2L1 F3U3 F1L1F1 L1x1") -- go behind second computer and remove block
- T:place("computercraft:wired_modem", 0, "forward", false) -- place modem
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("computercraft:cable", 0, "forward", false) -- place network cable
- T:place("computercraft:cable", 0, "forward", false) -- place network cable (no need to move)
- T:go("R1F1 x2L1") -- move forward, face back wall
- T:place("computercraft:cable", 0, "forward", false)
- T:go("R1F1 x2L1")
- T:place("computercraft:cable", 0, "forward", false)
- T:go("R1F1 x2L1F1 x1x2") -- come behind left computer and expose back
- T:place("computercraft:wired_modem", 0, "forward", false) -- place modem
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("computercraft:cable", 0, "forward", false)
- T:place("computercraft:cable", 0, "forward", false)
- T:go("L1D3 F4R1 F3U4 D4") -- removes temporary block
- end
- local tempSubChoice = R.subChoice -- store for later use
- R.width = 4 -- settings for createFloorCeiling()
- R.length = 9
- R.height = 0
- R.up = true
- T:turnRight(2)
- local isWater, isSource, isIce, level, isAir = T:isWater("forward")
- if not isWater then
- T:turnRight(2)
- return{"Not in correct position. Must be water behind"}
- end
- --T:go("U1x1 U1L1 F4R2") -- go up to starting point
- T:go("U2L1 F4R2") -- go up to starting point
- local data = createFloorCeiling(R)[1] -- place ceiling, returns to starting position. if water or lava present is returned as "water or lava found"
- if data == "water or lava found" then
- R.height = 10
- R.silent = true
- T:up(1)
- createSinkingPlatform(R)
- T:go("F4L1 U5x1 U1x1 U3R1 F4C0 R1F3C0 R1F8C0 R1F3C0 R1D9") -- re-open exit hole, return to floor level
- else -- no water or lava found so empty out area
- R.height = 10
- R.subChoice = 2
- clearSolid(R) -- 76
- T:down(R.height - 1)
- R.width = 4 -- settings for createFloorCeiling()
- R.length = 9
- R.height = 0
- R.down = true
- R.up = false
- R.subChoice = 1 -- replace existing floor
- createFloorCeiling(R)
- end
- R.subChoice = tempSubChoice
- lib.getInventory(R)
- lib.placeRedstone()
- lib.placeStorage()
- lib.placePistons(R)
- lib.placeComputer(R) -- ends facing computer
- lib.placeColumns(R)
- if R.subChoice == 2 then
- lib.placeNetwork()
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function sandFillArea(R) -- 81
- --clearRectangle with sand drop
- -- could be 1 wide x xx length (trench) up and return
- -- could be 2+ x 2+
- -- even no of runs return after last run
- -- odd no of runs forward, back, forward, reverse and return
- local success
- local directReturn = true
- if R.width % 2 == 1 then
- directReturn = false
- end
- if R.width == 1 then -- trench ahead, so fill then return
- for i = 1, R.length - 1 do
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:forward(1, false)
- end
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:go("R2F"..(R.length - 1).."R2", false, 0, false)
- else --2 or more columns
- if directReturn then -- R.width = 2,4,6,8 etc
- for i = 1, R.width, 2 do -- i = 1,3,5,7 etc
- -- move along R.length, dropping sand
- for j = 1, R.length - 1 do
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:forward(1, false)
- end
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:go("R1F1R1") --turn right and return on next column
- for j = 1, R.length - 1 do
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:forward(1, false)
- end
- success = utils.dropSand()
- if i < R.width - 2 then -- eg R.width = 8, i compares with 6: 1, 3, 5, 7
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- end
- T:go("R1F"..R.width - 1 .."R1") --return home
- else
- for i = 1, R.width, 2 do -- i = 1,3,5,7 etc
- -- move along R.length, dropping sand
- for j = 1, R.length - 1 do
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:forward(1, false)
- end
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:go("R1F1R1") --turn right and return on next column
- for j = 1, R.length - 1 do
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:forward(1, false)
- end
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- -- one more run then return
- for j = 1, R.length - 1 do
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:forward(1, false)
- end
- success = utils.dropSand()
- T:go("R2F"..R.length.."R1F"..R.width - 1 .."R1")
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function deactivateDragonTower() -- 45
- -- go up centre of tower to bedrock
- local height = 0
- --numBlocksMoved, errorMsg = clsTurtle.doMoves(self, numBlocksRequested, direction)
- local numBlocks, message = T:doMoves(1, "up")
- while message == nil do
- numBlocks, message = T:doMoves(1, "up")
- height = height + 1
- end
- -- go round bedrock and destroy crystal
- T:go("F1R2U2x1U1x1")
- -- return to start
- T:down(height + 5)
- return {}
- end
- local function undermineDragonTowers() -- 44
- --[[
- -13, -40....12, -40 NNW (4) NNE (5)
- -34, -25............33, -25 NWW (2) NEE (9)
- -42, -1....................42, 0 W (1) E (8)
- -34, 24............33,24 SWW (3) SEE (10)
- -13,39....12, 39 SSW (7) SSE (6)
- North towers centres 25 blocks apart, 40 blocks north of axis
- Mid-North towers 67 blocks apart, 25 blocks north of axis
- W-E centres 84 blocks apart, on 0 axis
- Mid-south towers 67 blocks apart, 24 blocks south of axis
- South towers centres 25 blocks apart, 39 blocks south of axis
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.findNextTower(maxDistance, withMarker)
- local distance = 0
- local blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- local blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- for i = 1, maxDistance do
- if blockTypeF ~= "minecraft:obsidian" and blockTypeD ~= "minecraft:obsidian" then -- not in a tower
- if withMarker and blockTypeD ~= "minecraft:obsidian" then -- used to mark 0 coordinate
- T:place("cobble", -1, "down", false) -- place cobblestone or cobbled deepslate to mark zero coordinate
- end
- else -- obsidian found, could still be in an earlier tower
- if i > 10 then
- break
- end
- end
- T:go("F1x0")
- distance = distance + 1
- blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- if distance == maxDistance then -- obsidian not found ? wrong place/ direction
- print("Obsidian not found")
- error()
- end
- -- will now be at side of a tower
- lib.findCentre() -- move into tower to find the other side
- return distance
- end
- function lib.findCentre()
- local width = 0
- -- while obsidian in front or below (previously entered tower) measure width and return to centre
- local blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- local blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- while blockTypeF == "minecraft:obsidian" or blockTypeD == "minecraft:obsidian" do
- T:go("F1x0")
- width = width + 1
- blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- -- will always go outside the tower 1 block. width of 5 block tower = 6
- T:go("R2F"..math.ceil(width / 2)) --return to centre of tower
- T:turnLeft(1) -- now find another edge of the tower, dig forward until out of obsidian
- for i = 1, math.ceil(width) do -- give additional loops if missed centre
- blockTypeF = T:getBlockType("forward")
- blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockTypeF == "minecraft:obsidian" or blockTypeD == "minecraft:obsidian" then
- T:go("F1x0")
- else
- break
- end
- end
- -- now outside different edge of the tower
- -- reverse and move width/2, dig up + 1 to mark centre, face original direction
- T:go("L2F"..math.ceil(width / 2).."R1U2x1")
- T:place("minecraft:end_stone", -1, "forward", false) -- place endstone to mark facing direction
- T:down(2)
- end
- function lib.findPath(maxLength)
- local blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- local distance = 0
- while blockTypeD:find("cobble") == nil and distance < maxLength do
- T:go("F1x0") -- return to 0 axis,
- distance = distance + 1
- blockTypeD = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- return distance
- end
- -- start at 0,y,0, facing West
- T:dig("up") -- in case not already done
- local maxLength = 0
- local blockTypeD
- local distance = lib.findNextTower(45, true)-- find W tower (1) and mark trail with cobble
- T:turnRight(2)
- for i = 1, 8 do -- head back East 8 blocks, turn left (facing north)
- T:go("F1x0") -- this path may be off-axis, so dig double height
- end
- T:turnLeft(1)
- lib.findNextTower(30) -- find NWW tower (2)
- T:turnRight(2)
- distance = lib.findPath(30)
- distance = distance + lib.findNextTower(30) -- find SWW tower (3)
- T:turnRight(2)
- distance = lib.findPath(30)
- T:turnRight(1) -- should be on cobble path
- for i = 1, 21 do -- move East 21 blocks, turn left facing North
- T:go("F1x0")
- end
- T:turnLeft(1)
- distance = lib.findNextTower(45) -- find NNW tower (4)
- T:turnRight(1)
- distance = lib.findNextTower(30) -- find NNE tower (5)
- T:turnRight(1)
- distance = lib.findNextTower(85) -- find SSE tower (6)
- T:turnRight(1)
- distance = lib.findNextTower(30) -- find SSW tower (7)
- T:turnRight(1)
- distance = lib.findPath(40) -- head North to 0 axis
- T:go("R1F13") -- return to 0,0 facing East
- distance = lib.findNextTower(45, true) -- find E tower (8)
- T:turnRight(2)
- for i = 1, 9 do
- T:go("F1x0") -- this path may be off-axis, so dig double height
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- distance = lib.findNextTower(30) -- find NEE tower (9)
- T:turnRight(2)
- distance = lib.findPath(30) -- return to 0 axis
- distance = lib.findNextTower(30) -- find SEE tower (10)
- T:turnRight(2)
- distance = lib.findPath(30) -- return to 0 axis
- T:go("L1F33") -- return to 0, 0
- return {}
- end
- local function demolishPortal(R) -- 43
- --[[
- R.length = length of portal NOT width default 4
- R.height = height of portal default 5
- R.width = thickness of portal default 1
- = "bury" to embed bottom into ground
- R.subChoice 1 = facing portal, 2 = aligned
- ]]
- local data =
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- facing portal
- T:go("F"..R.width.."R1")
- else
- T:forward(1)
- end
- if == "bury" then
- T:down(1)
- end
- = "up"
- R.silent = true
- if R.width == 1 then
- clearWall(R)
- else
- clearBuilding(R, true, true)
- end
- if data == "bury" then
- T:up(1)
- end
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- facing portal
- T:go("R1F1L1F1L1")
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function digTrench(R) -- 77
- local blockType
- -- go down R.height, move forward
- if R.length == 0 then
- R.length = 4096 -- will go out of loaded chunks and stop or max 4096 on a server
- end
- for i = 1, R.length do
- local count = 0
- for down = 1, R.height do
- blockType = T:isWaterOrLava("down")
- -- go down only if no water or lava below
- if blockType:find("water") == nil and blockType:find("lava") == nil then
- T:down(1)
- count = count + 1
- end
- end
- T:go("C2", false, 0, true) -- if empty below fill void
- T:go("U"..count) -- return to surface, continue if block above
- while turtle.detect() do -- go up while block in front
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if T:isVegetation(blockType) then
- T:dig("forward")
- break
- elseif blockType:find("log") ~= nil then
- T:harvestTree("forward", false)
- else
- T:up(1)
- end
- end
- T:forward(1) -- move forward
- while not turtle.detectDown() do -- go down until block detected
- blockType = T:isWaterOrLava("down")
- if blockType:find("water") == nil and blockType:find("lava") == nil then
- T:down(1)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function harvestTreeFarm(R) -- 24
- local lib = {}
- function lib.getLogCount()
- local count = 0
- for i = 1,16 do
- local item, itemCount = T:getSlotContains(i)
- if item:find("log") ~= nil then
- count = count + itemCount
- end
- end
- return count
- end
- function lib.initialise()
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- local logType = ""
- local startHeight = 0
- local range = 0
- if blockType == "" then
- while turtle.forward() do
- range = range + 1
- if range == 3 then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("dirt") ~= nil then
- T:up(1)
- startHeight = 1
- else
- if blockType:find("log") ~= nil or blockType:find("sapling") ~= nil then
- logType = blockType
- end
- end
- return logType, startHeight
- end
- R.silent = true
- local treeType, startHeight = lib.initialise() -- possible ID tree type + move to correct position 1 above dirt
- T:forward(1) -- dig first log/sapling/ air if not planted
- clearRectangle({width = 7, length = 7, up = true, down = true})
- T:go("L1F2L1F2R2")
- local height = 0
- local pastLogCount = -1
- local currentLogCount = lib.getLogCount()
- while currentLogCount ~= pastLogCount do
- T:up(3)
- height = height + 3
- pastLogCount = currentLogCount -- 0 when loop starts
- clearRectangle({width = 12, length = 12, up = true, down = true})
- currentLogCount = lib.getLogCount() -- eg 20 logs from first round
- end
- T:down(height + startHeight)
- T:go("R1F2R1F2R2")
- return {}
- end
- local function harvestObsidian(R) -- 41
- local lib = {}
- function lib.forward(move)
- T:isWaterOrLava("forward") -- automatically use lava ahead to refuel
- T:isWaterOrLava("down") -- automatically use lava down to refuel
- T:go("C2", false, 0, false) -- place / replace block below
- if move then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- function lib.home(outward)
- if outward then
- T:go("L1F"..R.width - 1 .."L1F"..R.length - 1)
- else
- T:go("R1F"..R.width - 1 .."R1")
- end
- end
- function lib.start()
- local lavaSlot = T:getItemSlot("lava")
- if lavaSlot > 0 then
- turtle.refuel()
- end
- T:down(1)
- end
- local outward = true
- lib.start() -- use lava bucket if placed, move down into block below
- for w = 1, R.width do
- for l = 1, R.length do
- if l < R.length then
- lib.forward(true)
- else
- lib.forward(false)
- end
- end
- if w < R.width then
- if outward then
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- outward = not outward
- end
- end
- lib.home(outward)
- return {}
- end
- local function harvestShulkers(R)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.attackAll()
- return turtle.attack(), turtle.attackUp(), turtle.attackDown()
- end
- function lib.attack()
- local forward, up, down = lib.attackAll()
- while forward or up or down do
- forward, up, down = lib.attackAll()
- sleep(0.2)
- end
- end
- function lib.approach(direction, limit, dig)
- -- move forward until stopped by shulker
- limit = limit or 64
- dig = dig or false
- local count = 0
- local solidDown = false
- move = turtle.forward
- if direction == "up" then
- move = turtle.up
- elseif direction == "down" then
- move = turtle.down
- end
- local forward, up, down = lib.attackAll()
- if forward or up or down then -- attacks suceeded
- return true, 0, solidDown
- else
- while move() do
- count = count + 1
- if turtle.detectDown() then
- solidDown = true
- end
- if count >= limit then
- return false, count, solidDown
- end
- forward, up, down = lib.attackAll()
- if forward or up or down then
- return true, count, solidDown
- else
- if dig then
- T:dig("forward")
- end
- end
- end
- return false, count, solidDown
- end
- end
- function lib.home(direction, moves)
- local move = turtle.back
- if direction == "up" then
- move = turtle.down
- elseif direction == "down" then
- move = turtle.up
- end
- for i = 1, moves do
- move()
- end
- end
- function lib.checkPosition()
- if T:detect("forward") then -- wall in front
- T:turnRight(1)
- if T:detect("forward") then -- wall to right
- T:turnLeft(1)
- return true -- position corrected
- else
- T:turnLeft(2)
- if T:detect("forward") then -- wall in front. position correct
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function lib.getLength()
- local count = 0
- while turtle.detectDown() do
- count = count + 1
- T:forward(1)
- end
- utils.goBack(1)
- return count
- end
- function lib.clearWall()
- local distance = 0
- while distance < 9 do -- smallest external walls are 8 x 8
- local success, count = lib.approach("forward", 8 - distance)
- if success then
- lib.attack()
- end
- distance = distance + count
- end
- T:turnLeft(1)
- if T:detect("forward") then -- larger than 8 blocks
- T:turnRight(1)
- while distance < 14 do -- larger builds are 14 x 14
- local success, count = lib.approach("forward", 13 - distance)
- if success then
- lib.attack()
- end
- distance = distance + count
- end
- T:go("L1x2")
- end
- end
- function lib.roof()
- -- check position
- local doContinue = lib.checkPosition()
- if doContinue then
- T:go("U2F3 R1F3 R1")
- local length = lib.getLength()
- local width = 1
- local outward = lib.turnRound(true)
- local success, count, onRoof = false, 0, true
- while onRoof do
- local distance = 0
- while distance < length - 1 do
- success, count, onRoof = lib.approach("forward", length - 1 - distance)
- if success then
- lib.attack()
- end
- if count == 0 then
- turtle.dig()
- end
- distance = distance + count
- end
- width = width + 1
- outward = lib.turnRound(outward)
- end
- if outward then
- T:go("F".. 3 .."L1F"..width - 3 .."D2L1")
- else
- T:go("F".. length - 3 .."R1F"..width - 3 .."D2L1")
- end
- return {}
- else
- return {"Turtle not in front of a wall"}
- end
- end
- function lib.turnRound(outward)
- if outward then
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- return not outward
- end
- function lib.upAndOver()
- local start, height, forward = 0, 0, 0
- while turtle.detect() do
- turtle.up()
- start = start + 1
- end
- while turtle.forward() do
- forward = forward + 1
- end
- turtle.turnRight()
- while not turtle.detectUp() do
- local success, count = lib.approach("up", 64, true)
- if success then
- lib.attack()
- end
- height = height + count
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- while not turtle.detectDown() do
- if lib.approach("down", 64, true) then
- lib.attack()
- end
- end
- T:turnLeft(1)
- for i = 1, forward do
- turtle.forward()
- end
- for i = 1, start do
- turtle.down()
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- end
- function lib.walls()
- local doContinue = lib.checkPosition()
- if doContinue then
- T:go("F2R1 F2R2 D1x2") -- on corner outside middle of wall, facing along its length, dig light rod
- for i = 1, 4 do
- lib.clearWall()
- end
- T:go("F2L1 U1F2 R2")
- else
- return {"Turtle not in front of a wall"}
- end
- end
- local direction = "forward"
- local doContinue = false
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- Shulker is above
- direction = "up"
- doContinue = true
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- Shulker is ahead
- doContinue = true
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- Shulker is below
- direction = "down"
- doContinue = true
- else
- if R.subChoice == 4 then -- Climb tower wall
- lib.upAndOver()
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 then -- Clear roof above
- return lib.roof()
- elseif R.subChoice == 6 then -- Clear outside walls
- lib.walls()
- end
- end
- if doContinue then
- local success, moves = lib.approach(direction, 64)
- if success then
- lib.attack()
- end
- lib.home(direction, moves)
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function manageFarm(R)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkEquipment()
- --[[ Needs pickaxe and hoe equipped ]]
- T:clear()
- --T:checkInventoryForItem(items{}, quantities{}, required, message)
- print("Checking equipment. Please wait...")
- local equippedRight, equippedLeft, inInventory = T:setEquipment() -- any tools equipped except diamond_pickaxe and crafting_table have been removed to inventory
- --[[if equippedRight ~= "minecraft:crafting_table" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:crafting_table"}, {1})
- local equippedRight, equippedLeft = T:setEquipment()
- end]]
- T:suck("down") -- if hoe already in storage get it out
- if inInventory ~= "minecraft:diamond_hoe" then
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:diamond_hoe") > 0 then
- return true
- else
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:diamond_hoe"}, {1}, true, "Diamond Hoe required for planting!")
- end
- end
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:diamond_hoe") > 0 then
- return true
- end
- return false
- end
- function lib.checkPosition()
- --[[ first function called on start]]
- local atHome = false
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- print("Checking position "..blockType.. " below")
- if blockType:find("water") ~= nil then -- over water
- if lib.isStorage("forward") then
- atHome = true
- T:turnRight(1)
- if lib.isStorage("forward") then-- confirms in correct position, back to crops
- T:turnRight(2)
- else -- facing crafting table
- T:turnRight(1)
- end
- else -- not a chest: facing crops or crafting table
- T:turnRight(1)
- if lib.isStorage("forward") then -- confirms was facing crops
- atHome = true
- T:turnLeft(1)
- end
- end
- -- should now be facing crops. may be crafting table to left
- end
- return atHome-- now facing crops
- end
- function lib.crossFarm()
- -- used with goHome to find starting point
- local blockType = ""
- local isReady, cropType, status = lib.isCropReady("down")
- -- will go forward until chest or cobble detected below
- -- if detected within 1 move, this is ignored
- local numMoves = 0
- local endOfPath = false
- while not endOfPath do
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down", -1)
- if blockType == "" or cropType ~= "" then --crops or nothing below
- turtle.forward()
- elseif blockType:find("barrel") ~= nil or blockType:find("chest") ~= nil or blockType:find("cobble") ~= nil then
- endOfPath = true
- end
- numMoves = numMoves + 1
- end
- return blockType -- either chest or cobble
- end
- function lib.farmInFront()
- --[[ facing crops on first farm. move to next farm in front ]]
- T:go("U1L1F11D1R1") -- on next farm, facing crops
- local crop = lib.manageTree() -- refuel, gather seeds and other crops
- local isFarmToRight, _ = lib.harvest(crop) -- harvest field, store crops
- return isFarmToRight
- end
- function lib.farmToRight()
- --[[ facing crops on first farm. move to next farm on right side ]]
- T:go("U1F11 D1") -- on next farm, facing crops
- local crop = lib.manageTree() -- refuel, gather seeds and other crops
- lib.harvest(crop) -- harvest field, store crops
- end
- function lib.getCrops()
- T:turnRight(1)
- if lib.isStorage("forward") then
- lib.getSeeds("forward")
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- if lib.isStorage("forward") then
- lib.getVeg("forward")
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- end
- function lib.getSaplings(direction)
- --[[ get a single sapling from the chest ]]
- if direction == nil then
- direction = "forward"
- end
- while T:suck(direction, 1) do end -- remove saplings/ seeds
- T:dropItem("sapling", direction, 1) -- drop all but 1 saplings
- if not T:dropItem("seeds", direction, 0) then-- drop all seeds
- T:dropItem("seeds", "up", 0)
- end
- return T:getItemSlot("sapling", -1)
- end
- function lib.getSeeds(direction)
- --[[ get 1 stack of wheat seeds or 1 stack of beetroot seeds ]]
- print("Collecting seeds from storage")
- while T:suck(direction, 1) do end -- remove saplings/ seeds
- T:dropItem("sapling", direction, 0) -- drop all saplings
- T:dropItem("minecraft:wheat_seeds", direction, 64) -- drop all but 64 seeds
- T:dropItem("minecraft:beetroot_seeds", direction, 64)
- local crop = ""
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:wheat_seeds", -1) > 0 then
- crop = "wheat"
- print("Field crop = "..crop)
- elseif T:getItemSlot("minecraft:beetroot_seeds", -1) > 0 then
- crop = "beetroot"
- print("Field crop = "..crop)
- end
- return crop
- end
- function lib.getVeg(direction)
- -- assume only one type of crop per field
- print("Collecting crops from storage")
- direction = direction or "forward"
- while T:suck(direction, 1) do end -- remove carrots / potatoes / wheat / beetroot
- --clsTurtle.dropItem(self, item, direction, keepAmount)
- T:dropItem("wheat", direction, 0) -- drop all wheat
- T:dropItem("beetroot", direction, 0) -- drop all beetroot
- T:dropItem("carrot", direction, 64) -- drop all but 64 carrots
- T:dropItem("potato", direction, 64) -- drop all but 64 potato
- local crop = ""
- if T:getItemSlot("potato", -1) > 0 then
- crop = "potato"
- print("Field crop = "..crop)
- elseif T:getItemSlot("carrot", -1) > 0 then
- crop = "carrot"
- print("Field crop = "..crop)
- end
- --T:turnRight(2) -- face crops
- return crop
- end
- function lib.goHome()
- -- after a re-boot go to start
- local onTree = false
- -- is tree above or in front
- -- check if log in front
- if T:getBlockType("forward"):find("log") ~= nil then -- about to harvest tree
- lib.harvestTree("forward") -- will only harvest if fuel below half of limit
- onTree = true
- elseif T:getBlockType("up"):find("log") ~= nil then -- harvesting tree
- lib.harvestTree("up")
- onTree = true
- elseif T:getItemSlot("log", -1) > 0 then -- tree just harvested
- onTree = true
- turtle.up()
- if T:getBlockType("up"):find("log") ~= nil then -- harvesting tree
- lib.harvestTree("up")
- else
- while turtle.down() do end
- end
- end
- if onTree then -- tree harvested, but direction unknown
- local blockType = ""
- local turns = 0
- local onChest = lib.isStorage("down")
- while not onChest do
- if turtle.forward() then
- if lib.isStorage("down") then
- onChest = true
- else
- turtle.back()
- end
- end
- if not onChest then
- T:turnRight(1)
- turns = turns + 1
- end
- if turns == 4 then
- break
- end
- end -- should be on chest. If not should be over water
- if onChest then -- onChest and onTree, go left,down
- T:go("R1F1D1R1")
- end
- atHome = lib.checkPosition()
- if atHome then
- return true -- exit function
- end
- else
- while turtle.down() do end -- no tree around, no logs onboard
- end
- return false
- end
- function lib.gotoTree(logSlot)
- -- assume facing crops
- T:turnRight(1)
- print("Extracting saplings from storage")
- lib.getSaplings("forward") -- gets one sapling only (if present)
- print("Moving to tree position")
- T:go("U1F1R1")
- lib.harvestTree("forward") -- fell tree or plant sapling, ends facing tree / dirt / sapling. sticks already used for fuel. excess saplings placed
- if logSlot == 0 then -- no logs passed as parameter
- logSlot = T:getItemSlot("log")
- end
- T:go("R1F1D1") -- return to base, facing buried storage
- if logSlot == 0 then -- has logs so needs to craft and refuel
- T:turnRight(1) -- facing crops
- end
- return logSlot
- end
- function lib.harvest(crop)
- --[[
- cover the field in a set pattern.
- harvest crops if ripe
- till soil and plant new ones
- place seeds / harvest in chests
- return farm(s) to right / front
- ]]
- T:go("U1") --ready to farm field
- local isFarmToRight = false
- local isFarmToFront = false
- local width = 9
- local length = 10
- local toRight = true
- for l = 1, length do
- for w = 1, width do
- isReady, blockType, _ = lib.isCropReady("down") -- eg true, "minecraft:carrots", "7 / 7" or false, "", ""
- if blockType == "" then -- air (above water, storage or dirt)
- --turtle.digDown("left") -- use pickaxe
- turtle.digDown("right") -- use hoe
- lib.plantCrop(crop, "down") -- plant crop
- elseif isReady then -- crop below is ready
- turtle.digDown("left") -- use pickaxe
- lib.plantCrop(blockType, "down") -- plant crop
- end
- T:forward(1)
- if l == 1 and w == width then -- last block of first row at front of farm
- T:forward(1)
- if lib.isStorage("down") then
- isFarmToRight = true
- end
- turtle.back()
- end
- end
- -- end of the row: change direction
- if l < length then -- do not turn at final row
- lib.plantCrop(crop, "down")
- if toRight then
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- else
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- end
- end
- toRight = not toRight
- end
- T:go("R1F1") -- goes over chest/cobble on top wall
- if lib.isStorage("down") then
- isFarmToFront = true
- end
- T:go("R2F"..length.."D1L1") -- go straight across to seed chest 10 blocks, facing crops
- lib.storeCrops() -- rotates from start to deposit seeds and crops, ends facing crops
- return isFarmToRight, isFarmToFront
- end
- function lib.harvestTree(direction)
- --[[
- start in front of / during tree harvest
- Check if sapling present
- Harvest tree if present, replant sapling
- Dispose of apples. Use sticks as fuel
- Return to base
- ]]
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < turtle.getFuelLimit() / 2 then -- only harvest tree if fuel < half max
- direction = direction or "forward"
- local inFront = T:getBlockType("forward")
- print("Checking tree")
- if inFront == "" then -- no tree or sapling
- print("No sapling: planting sapling")
- T:place("sapling", -1, "forward", false)
- elseif inFront:find("log") ~= nil or direction == "up" then -- tree above or in front
- -- clsTurtle.harvestTree(self, extend, craftChest, direction)
- print("Harvesting tree")
- T:harvestTree(false, false, direction) --do not investigate side branches in case chunk unloaded
- T:go("R2F1R2") -- face dirt
- -- place(self, blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- T:place("sapling", -1, "forward", false)
- end
- print("Dropping saplings into storage")
- T:dropItem("sapling", "down", 0) -- drop all saplings down into chest
- print("Disposing of apples")
- T:dropItem("apple", "up", 0) -- drop any apples
- local slot = T:getItemSlot("minecraft:stick")
- if slot > 0 then -- use any sticks to refuel
- turtle.refuel()
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.manageTree()
- --[[ starting position facing crops ]]
- local crop = ""
- local logSlot = T:getItemSlot("stick")
- if logSlot > 0 then
- turtle.refuel()
- end
- logSlot = T:getItemSlot("log")
- local needsFuel = false
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < turtle.getFuelLimit() / 2 then
- needsFuel = true
- end
- if needsFuel then
- print("Running Tree Manager")
- logSlot = lib.gotoTree(logSlot) -- check for sapling or harvest tree, retuns to start, ends facing buried barrel/chest if has logs, logSlot returned
- end
- if logSlot > 0 then
- if not needsFuel then -- logs already onboard, no tree harvest, so turn towards buried chest
- T:turnLeft(1)
- end
- T:go("F1") -- move to buried storage chest/barrel
- lib.refuelWithLogs(logSlot) -- use any logs for fuel
- T:go("R2F1") -- facing seed chest/barrel
- else
- T:turnRight(1) -- facing seed chest/barrel
- end
- crop = lib.getSeeds("forward") -- get 1 stack of beetroot / wheat seeds
- if crop == "" then
- print("No seeds available. Checking root veg")
- T:turnRight(1) -- face crop chests
- crop = lib.getVeg("forward") -- gets any carrots / potatoes
- T:turnRight(2) -- face crops
- else
- T:turnLeft(1) -- face crops
- end
- return crop
- end
- function lib.isCropReady(direction)
- local isReady = false
- local status = ""
- local cropType = ""
- local success = false
- local data = {}
- direction = direction or "forward"
- if direction == "down" then
- success, data = turtle.inspectDown()
- else
- success, data = turtle.inspect()
- end
- if success then
- cropType =
- --print("cropType: "..cropType) read()
- if == "minecraft:carrots" then
- status = data.state.age.." / 7"
- --print("Carrots status: "..status) read()
- if data.state.age == 7 then
- isReady = true
- end
- elseif == "minecraft:potatoes" then
- status = data.state.age.." / 7"
- if data.state.age == 7 then
- isReady = true
- end
- elseif == "minecraft:wheat" then
- status = data.state.age.." / 7"
- if data.state.age == 7 then
- isReady = true
- end
- elseif == "minecraft:beetroots" then
- status = data.state.age.." / 3"
- if data.state.age == 3 then
- isReady = true
- end
- end
- end
- return isReady, cropType, status -- eg true, "minecraft:carrots", "7 / 7" or false, "", ""
- end
- function lib.isStorage(direction)
- blockType = T:getBlockType(direction)
- if blockType:find("barrel") ~= nil then
- return true, "barrel"
- elseif blockType:find("chest") ~= nil then
- return true, "chest"
- end
- return false, ""
- end
- function lib.plantCrop(crop, direction)
- local planted = false
- --turtle.digDown("left") -- harvest existing
- --turtle.digDown("right") -- till soil
- if crop:find("potato") ~= nil then
- T:dropItem("poison", "up", 0)
- end
- planted = T:place("carrot", -1, direction)
- if not planted then
- planted = T:place("potato", -1, direction)
- end
- if not planted then
- planted = T:place("beetroot_seeds", -1, direction)
- end
- if not planted then
- planted = T:place("wheat_seeds", -1, direction)
- end
- end
- function lib.refuelWithLogs(logSlot)
- -- assume positioned in front of buried chest / barrel, saplings already dropped, apples dumped, sticks used as fuel
- print("Logs present: collecting crafting table")
- -- earlier versions used crafting table buried in the ground
- -- newer versions have a barrel or chest embedded in the ground, containing the crafting table
- print("Sorting Inventory")
- T:sortInventory()
- while T:suck("down") do end -- empty out barrel/chest to find crafting table
- if T:getItemSlot("crafting") == 0 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"crafting"}, {1}, true, "Crafting table required for logs->planks")
- end
- if T:equip("right", "minecraft:crafting_table") then -- swap equipment on right side
- for i = 1, 16 do -- drop anything except logs down into barrel/chest/pit
- if T:getSlotContains(i):find("log") == nil then
- T:drop("down", i)
- else
- logSlot = i
- end
- end
- turtle.transferTo(1)
- turtle.craft() -- craft logs to planks
- logSlot = T:getItemSlot("planks")
- while logSlot > 0 do
- turtle.refuel()
- logSlot = T:getItemSlot("planks")
- end
- -- refuel using planks
- while T:suck("down") do end -- recover items from storagebelow
- if not T:equip("right", "minecraft:diamond_hoe") then -- re-equip
- T:equip("right", "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe")
- end
- if T:dropItem("minecraft:crafting_table", "down") then
- turtle.refuel() -- use any sticks
- end
- else
- print("Unable to equip crafting table.\n\nCheck turtle inventory and chest or barrel below")
- error()
- end
- end
- function lib.returnToBack()
- --[[ move from farm at front back to starting farm ]]
- T:go("U1R1F11D1L1")
- end
- function lib.returnToLeft()
- --[[ move from farm on right back to starting farm ]]
- T:go("U1R2F11D1R2")
- end
- function lib.storeCrops()
- -- place crops and seeds into chests
- T:turnRight(1)
- if lib.isStorage("forward") then
- lib.storeSeeds("forward")
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- if lib.isStorage("forward") then
- lib.storeVeg("forward")
- end
- T:turnRight(2) -- facing crops again
- end
- function lib.storeSeeds(direction)
- direction = direction or "forward"
- if lib.isStorage(direction) then -- chest exists
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:wheat_seeds") > 0 then
- if not T:dropItem("minecraft:wheat_seeds", direction, 0) then
- T:dropItem("minecraft:wheat_seeds", "up", 0)
- end -- drop all wheat seeds
- elseif T:getItemSlot("minecraft:beetroot_seeds") > 0 then
- if not T:dropItem("minecraft:beetroot_seeds", direction, 0) then-- drop all beetroot seeds
- T:dropItem("minecraft:beetroot_seeds", "up", 0)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function lib.storeVeg(direction)
- direction = direction or "forward"
- T:dropItem("apple", "up", 0) -- drop all apples
- T:dropItem("poison", "up", 0) -- drop all poison potatoes
- if lib.isStorage(direction) then
- if not T:dropItem("carrot", direction, 0) then-- drop carrots
- --return false
- end
- T:dropItem("potato", direction, 0) -- drop potato
- T:dropItem("minecraft:wheat", direction, 0) -- drop all wheat
- T:dropItem("minecraft:beetroot", direction, 0) -- drop all beetroot
- end
- end
- function lib.watchFarm()
- --[[
- check status of crops in front of turtle.
- call lib.harvest when ripe
- return farm(s) found in front or to the right
- ]]
- local isReady, crop, status = lib.isCropReady("forward") -- eg true, "minecraft:carrots", "7 / 7" or false, "", ""
- -- check state of crop in front. Harvest if ripe
- while not isReady do
- isReady, crop, status = lib.isCropReady("forward") -- eg true, "minecraft:carrots", "7 / 7" or false, "", ""
- if not isReady then
- if crop == "" then
- print("No crops found in front")
- print("Plant seeds, carrots, potatoes")
- error()
- else
- print("Waiting for "..crop.." status: "..status)
- end
- sleep(60)
- end
- end
- print("Local crops ripe")
- return lib.manageTree() -- "" or collected seeds / root crops
- end
- --[[
- called from args on start, or from user choice
- farm already built, needs planting and/or harvesting
- needs both pickaxe and hoe
- may start in any position if chunk unloaded while running
- ]]
- --local pp = utils.getPrettyPrint()
- local atHome = lib.checkPosition()-- facing crops, placed above water source
- if not atHome then
- if not lib.goHome() then -- try to find home
- return
- {
- "Unable to determine my position.\n",
- "Place me in the lower left corner",
- "over water, facing the crops with",
- "barrels or chests to my right and behind"
- }
- end
- end
- -- check equipment
- T:go("L1F1") -- over barrel
- local isStorage, storageType = lib.isStorage("down")
- if not isStorage then
- local message =
- [["Farm upgrade required:
- Previous designs had a crafting table
- next to the water source.
- 1. Place a barrel or chest under the turtle
- instead.
- 2. Restart"
- ]]
- print(message)
- error()
- end
- -- must be storage below to get this far
- if lib.checkEquipment() then
- T:equip("right", "minecraft:diamond_hoe", 0) -- equip hoe and put crafting chest into inventory
- T:dropItem("crafting", "down")
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- else
- return {"Unable to equip hoe."}
- end
- -- check if crops already planted
- local isReady, crop, status = lib.isCropReady("forward")
- local watch = true -- assume watching farm already planted
- if crop == "" then -- nothing has been planted
- watch = false-- not watching, continue with planting
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lightGray,,, colors.brown}
- crops = {"minecraft:wheat_seeds", "minecraft:beetroot_seeds", "minecraft:carrots", "minecraft:potatoes"}
- choices = {"wheat (seeds)", "beetroot (seeds)", "carrot", "potato"}
- choice ="Choose preferred crop", choices, pp, "Type number of your choice")
- crop = crops[choice]
- T:checkInventoryForItem({crop}, {95}, true, "Do not mix! add as many as you want")
- end
- while true do -- start infinite loop of watching crops, farming all modules
- if watch then -- not already in inventory
- crop = lib.watchFarm() --waits if required, returns crop type when ripe
- end
- print("Beginning "..crop.." management")
- local isFarmToRight, isFarmToFront = lib.harvest(crop)
- if isFarmToRight then
- lib.farmToRight() -- no action if no farmToRight
- lib.returnToLeft() -- return home and continue with front
- isFarmToRight = false
- end
- if isFarmToFront then
- isFarmToRight = lib.farmInFront()
- if isFarmToRight then
- lib.farmToRight() -- no action if no farmToRight
- lib.returnToLeft() -- return home
- end
- lib.returnToBack()
- end
- if not then -- not started from startup.lua
- T:go("L1F1")
- while T:suck("down") do end -- recover items from storagebelow
- T:equip("right", "minecraft:crafting_table", 0) -- equip crafting_table
- T:dropItem("diamond_hoe", "down") -- drop hoe into storage
- T:dropItem("crafting", "down") -- in case spare one picked by mistake
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:turnRight(1)
- return {"Crop management of all modules completed"}
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function manageFarmSetup(R) -- 33
- local lib = {}
- function lib.disableAutostart()
- if fs.exists("start.txt") then
- fs.delete("start.txt")
- end
- if fs.exists("startup.lua") then
- fs.delete("startup.lua")
- end
- end
- function lib.enableAutostart()
- if not fs.exists("startup.lua") then
- local h ="startup.lua", "w")
- h.writeLine('function main()')
- h.writeLine(' if fs.exists("start.txt") then')
- h.writeLine(' local handle ="start.txt", "r")')
- h.writeLine(' local cmd = handle.readLine()')
- h.writeLine(' handle.close()')
- h.writeLine('"tk.lua "..cmd)')
- h.writeLine(' end')
- h.writeLine('end')
- h.writeLine('main()')
- h.close()
- end
- local h ="start.txt", "w")
- if == "farm" then
- h.writeLine('farm')
- end
- h.close()
- print("Startup files written")
- end
- T:clear()
- --local pp = utils.getPrettyPrint()
- local choices = {"Plant or harvest this farm complex"}
- local isManaged = fs.exists("start.txt")
- if isManaged then
- table.insert(choices, "Disable automatic farm management")
- else
- table.insert(choices, "Enable automatic farm management")
- end
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime, colors.lightGray}
- local userChoice, modifier ="Choose your option", choices, pp) -- 1 to 2
- if modifier == "q" then -- quit chosen
- return {"Player has quit"}
- end
- R.subChoice = userChoice
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- harvest now
- R.silent = false
- = "farm"
- = false
- return manageFarm(R)
- else -- enable/disable auto farm
- local line = menu.clear()
- if isManaged then
- local message = ( "This turtle has been configured to"..
- "start automatically and run the farm"..
- "management program.\n")
- line = menu.colourText(line, message, true, true)
- if menu.getBoolean("Do you want to disable this? (y/n)", line, colors.yellow, then
- lib.disableAutostart()
- end
- return {"Autostart disabled. Reboot to activate"}
- else -- not managed
- local message = ( "~yellow~This turtle can be configured to be\n"..
- "a dedicated farm manager.\n\n"..
- "~lightGray~It will then start automatically and\n"..
- "monitor the farm complex:\n\n"..
- "~green~harvesting~yellow~ and ~lime~replanting ~yellow~continuously.\n")
- line = menu.colourText(line, message, true, true)
- if menu.getBoolean("Do you want to enable this? (y/n)", line + 2,, then
- lib.enableAutostart()
- else
- return {"Player cancelled operation"}
- end
- return {"Autostart enabled. Reboot to activate"}
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function measure(R) -- 101
- -- measure height/ depth / length
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- local dimension = "height"
- local message = ""
- local measure = ""
- local doContinue = true
- if R.choice == 102 then
- dimension = "depth"
- elseif R.choice == 103 then
- dimension = "length"
- end
- blocks = blocks + 1
- if blocks > R.size then
- message = "Max "..dimension.." of "..R.size.." stopped measurement"
- measure = ""
- doContinue = false
- else
- measure = dimension.." measured: "..blocks.." blocks"
- end
- return doContinue, blocks, measure, message
- end
- local blocks = 1
- local method = ""
- local measure = ""
- local message = ""
- local doContinue = true
- if R.choice == 101 then -- height
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- obstruction above
- method = "Method: Until obstruction above"
- while turtle.up() and doContinue do
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- end of blocks in front of turtle eg cliff, wall
- method = "Method: Until no block detected in front"
- while turtle.detect() and doContinue do
- if turtle.up() then
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- else
- message = "Obstruction above stopped measurement"
- measure = ""
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- search for specific block min 3 characters
- method = "Method:Until search: '""' met"
- while turtle.detect() and doContinue do
- if turtle.up() then
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- if doContinue then
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find( ~= nil then
- measure = "Height measured: "..blocks.." blocks"
- message = "Found "..blockType
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- else
- message = "Obstruction above stopped measurement"
- measure = ""
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then -- When block above changes eg dragon tower height
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("up")
- local compare = blockType
- method = "Method: Until "..blockType.." changes"
- while blockType == compare and doContinue do
- T:up(1)
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- if doContinue then
- blockType = T:getBlockType("up")
- end
- end
- measure = "Height measured: "..blocks.." blocks"
- message = "Found "..blockType
- end
- for i = 1, blocks do
- turtle.down()
- end
- elseif R.choice == 102 then -- depth
- T:go("F1R2D1") -- go off the edge and face cliff/pit wall
- blocks = blocks + 1
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- obstruction water / lava below
- local move = true
- while move do
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find("water") ~= nil or blockType:find("lava") ~= nil then
- message1 = blockType.." found at "..blocks
- move = false
- else
- move = turtle.down()
- if move then
- blocks = blocks + 1
- else
- measure = "Depth measured: "..blocks.." blocks"
- end
- end
- end
- method = "Method: Until obstruction below"
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- end of wall in front`
- while turtle.detect() do
- if turtle.down() then
- blocks = blocks + 1
- measure = "Depth measured: "..blocks.." blocks"
- else
- message1 = "Obstruction below stopped measurement"
- break
- end
- end
- method = "Method: Until no block detected ahead"
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- specific block detected ahead
- method = "Method:Until search: '""' met"
- while turtle.detect() do
- if turtle.down() then
- blocks = blocks + 1
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find( ~= nil then
- measure = "Depth measured: "..blocks.." blocks"
- message = "Found "..blockType
- break
- end
- else
- message = "Obstruction below stopped measurement"
- break
- end
- end
- end
- for i = 1, blocks do
- turtle.up()
- end
- T:go("F1R2")
- elseif R.choice == 103 then -- length
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- obstruction ahead
- method = "Method: Until obstruction ahead"
- while turtle.forward() and doContinue do
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- end of ceiling above
- method = "Method: Until no block detected above"
- while turtle.detectUp() and doContinue do
- if turtle.forward() then
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- else
- message = "Obstruction ahead stopped measurement"
- measure = ""
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- end of floor below
- method = "Method: Until no block detected below"
- while turtle.detectDown() and doContinue do
- if turtle.forward() then
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- else
- message = "Obstruction ahead stopped measurement"
- measure = ""
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then -- search for specific block up min 3 characters
- method = "Method:Until search: '""' above met"
- while turtle.detectUp() and doContinue do
- if turtle.forward() then
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- if doContinue then
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("up")
- if blockType:find( ~= nil then
- message = "Found "..blockType
- measure = "Length measured: "..blocks.." blocks"
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- else
- message = "Obstruction ahead stopped measurement"
- measure = ""
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 then -- search for specific block down min 3 characters
- method = "Method:Until search: '""' below met"
- --while turtle.detectDown() and doContinue do
- while doContinue do
- if turtle.forward() then
- doContinue, blocks, measure, message = lib.checkBlocks(R, blocks)
- if doContinue then
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if blockType:find( ~= nil then
- message = "Found "..blockType
- measure = "Length measured: "..blocks.." blocks"
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- else
- message = "Obstruction ahead stopped measurement"
- measure = ""
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- end
- T:turnRight(2) -- head home
- for i = 1, blocks do
- turtle.forward()
- end
- T:turnRight(2)
- elseif R.choice == 104 then -- depth of stretch of water
- --R.length = 0 to auto calculate
- R.width = 1
- R.silent = true
- R.useBlockType = ""
- = "clearWaterPlants"
- local data = clearWaterPlants(R)
- R.height = data[1]
- local length = data[2]
- T:go ("R2F"..length - 1 .."R2U1")
- return {"Greatest depth measured: ".. R.height,"Width of water: "..R.length}
- end
- if message == "" then
- return{method, measure}
- else
- return{method, measure, message}
- end
- end
- local function mineBedrockArea(R) -- 19
- --[[
- Assume on level 5 or -59
- for 1, width do
- for 1, length do
- go down until bedrock, digging/replacing all directions
- return to 5 / -59
- move forward 1 blocks
- end
- turn right/ forward 2 turn right
- end
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.clearColumn(R)
- local level = 0
- --T:go("L1x1R2x1L1")
- local success = T:down(1)
- while success do
- level = level + 1
- if == "leaveExposed" then
- T:go("R1x1R1x1R1x1R1x1", false, 0, true)
- else
- T:go("R1C1R1C1R1C1R1C1", false, 0, true)
- end
- success = T:down(1)
- end
- if == "leaveExposed" then
- T:go("U"..level)
- else
- T:go("U"..level.."C2")
- end
- end
- local goRight = true
- for i = 1, R.width do
- for j = 1, R.length do
- lib.clearColumn(R)
- T:forward(1)
- end
- if goRight then
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- goRight = not goRight
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function oceanMonumentColumns(R)
- -- utility to find corners and build columns to surface
- local lib = {}
- function lib.buildColumn()
- local depth = 0
- while T:isWater("forward") do
- T:go("U1C2")
- depth = depth + 1
- end
- return depth
- end
- function lib.buildTower()
- T:go("F1C2 F1C2 F1C2")
- T:go("L1F1 L1C2 F1C2 F1C2 F1C2")
- T:go("R1F1 R1C2 F1C2 F1C2 F1C2")
- T:go("L1F1 L1C2 F1C2 F1C2 F1C2")
- T:go("R2")
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:go("U1C2")
- for j = 1, 4 do
- T:go("F1C2 F1C2 F1C2 R1")
- end
- end
- end
- R.silent = true
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- while blockType:find("water") == nil do
- T:down(1) -- if on a platform will break through
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- --R.useBlockType = "prismarine", = "oceanMonumentColumns" from getTask
- --local tempData =
- = "clearWaterPlants"
- local result = clearWaterPlants(R)[1]
- if result ~= "" then
- return {result}
- else
- --on corner of monument, facing out to ocean
- local depth = lib.buildColumn()
- -- now above surface, block below at surface level
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:turnRight(1)
- R.length = 57
- utils.createPath(R) -- roughly at next corner
- if i < 4 then
- T:down(depth-2) -- roughly at correct depth
- local waterBelow = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- while waterBelow do
- T:down(1)
- waterBelow = utils.clearVegetation("down")
- end
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- while blockType:find("prismarine") ~= nil do
- T:forward(1)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- end
- turtle.back()
- depth = lib.buildColumn()
- end
- end
- -- completed retaining paths. Build small tower for easy access
- lib.buildTower()
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function placeRedstoneTorch(R) -- 91, 92
- local moves = 2
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("down")
- if == "level" then
- T:turnLeft(1)
- utils.goBack(1)
- if blockType:find("rail") ~= nil then
- moves = 3
- end
- T:down(moves)
- T:go("F1R1")
-, blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting)
- T:place(R.useBlockType, -1, "forward", false)
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:place("minecraft:redstone_torch", -1, "forward", true)
- T:turnLeft(1)
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:up(moves)
- T:go("F1R1F1")
- elseif == "up" then -- sloping rail up/down is relative to dirtection facing
- moves = 3
- T:turnLeft(1)
- utils.goBack(1)
- if blockType:find("rail") ~= nil then
- moves = 4
- end
- T:down(moves)
- T:go("F1L1")
- T:place("minecraft:redstone_torch", -1, "up", false)
- T:turnRight(1)
- utils.goBack(1)
- T:up(moves)
- T:go("F1R1")
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function plantTreefarm(R) -- 23
- --T:place(blockType, damageNo, direction, leaveExisting, signText)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkSaplings(saplings, firstChoice, secondChoice)
- local saplingSlot, sapling, count = T:getSaplingSlot(firstChoice)
- if count < 4 and secondChoice ~= "" then
- saplingSlot, sapling, count = T:getSaplingSlot(secondChoice)
- end
- if count == 0 then
- sapling = ""
- end
- return sapling, count
- end
- function lib.getSaplingInventory()
- local saplings = {}
- saplings.oak_sapling = 0
- saplings.spruce_sapling = 0
- saplings.birch_sapling = 0
- saplings.jungle_sapling = 0
- saplings.acacia_sapling = 0
- saplings.dark_oak_sapling = 0
- local firstChoice = ""
- local firstCount = 0
- local secondChoice = ""
- local secondCount = 0
- for i = 1, 16 do
- if turtle.getItemCount(i) > 0 then
- local data = turtle.getItemDetail(i)
- if"sapling") ~= nil then
- local name = -- removes "minecraft:"
- saplings[name] = saplings[name] + data.count
- end
- end
- end
- for sapling, count in pairs(saplings) do
- if count > firstCount then
- firstCount = count
- firstChoice = sapling
- else
- if count > secondCount then
- secondCount = count
- secondChoice = sapling
- end
- end
- end
- return saplings, firstChoice, secondChoice -- table, "oak_sapling", "dark_oak_sapling"
- end
- function lib.createIsland(sapling, count, exit)
- -- place 4 dirt with saplings on all 4 unless jungle
- -- sapling count/type already checked
- T:forward(2) -- assume starting outside planting area
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:go("R1F1")
- T:place("dirt", -1, "down", false)
- end
- T:up(1)
- if count >= 4 then
- for i = 1, 4 do
- T:go("R1F1")
- T:place(sapling, -1, "down", false)
- end
- else
- if sapling:find("dark") == nil and sapling ~= "" then
- T:place(sapling, -1, "down", false)
- end
- end
- if exit == "forward" then
- T:go("F1D1")
- elseif exit == "right" then
- T:go("R1F2D1")
- elseif exit == "left" then
- T:go("L1F1D1")
- elseif exit == "back" then
- T:go("R2F2D1")
- end
- end
- function lib.createSingle(sapling, exit)
- -- place single dirt with sapling on top
- -- sapling count/type already checked
- T:place("dirt", -1, "down", false)
- T:up(1)
- if not T:place(sapling, -1, "down", false) then -- try specific sapling
- T:place("sapling", -1, "down", false) -- any available sapling
- end
- if exit == "forward" then
- T:go("F1D1")
- elseif exit == "right" then
- T:go("R1F1D1")
- elseif exit == "left" then
- T:go("L1F1D1")
- elseif exit == "back" then
- T:go("R2F1D1")
- end
- end
- local saplings, firstChoice, secondChoice = lib.getSaplingInventory()
- if firstChoice ~= "" then
- print("first sapling choice: "..firstChoice .. " ("..saplings[firstChoice]..")")
- end
- if secondChoice ~= "" then
- print("second sapling choice: "..secondChoice .. " ("..saplings[secondChoice]..")")
- end
- -- check type/size of farm
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- 16 single trees
- local sapling, count = lib.checkSaplings(saplings, firstChoice, secondChoice)
- T:go("U1F4") -- outside first area
- for i = 1, 3 do -- column 1/4
- lib.createSingle(sapling, "forward")
- T:forward(1)
- end
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.createSingle(sapling, "right") -- place 4th dirt/saling and exit to right
- T:forward(1)
- end
- for i = 1, 2 do -- column 2/4
- lib.createSingle(sapling, "forward")
- T:forward(1)
- end
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.createSingle(sapling, "left") -- place 4th dirt/saling and exit to right
- T:forward(1)
- end
- for i = 1, 2 do -- column 3/4
- lib.createSingle(sapling, "forward")
- T:forward(1)
- end
- for i = 1, 2 do
- lib.createSingle(sapling, "right") -- place 4th dirt/saling and exit to right
- T:forward(1)
- end
- for i = 1, 3 do -- column 4/4
- lib.createSingle(sapling, "forward")
- T:forward(1)
- end
- T:go("R1F6L1F2R2D1")
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- 4 double trees (4 saplings)
- -- assume placed 4 blocks from start
- local sapling, count = lib.checkSaplings(mostName, secondMostName)
- if count >= 4 then
- T:go("U1F3") -- outside first area
- lib.createIsland(sapling, count, "forward")
- sapling, count = lib.checkSaplings(mostName, secondMostName)
- T:go("F2")
- lib.createIsland(sapling, count, "right")
- sapling, count = lib.checkSaplings(mostName, secondMostName)
- T:go("F2")
- lib.createIsland(sapling, count, "right")
- sapling, count = lib.checkSaplings(mostName, secondMostName)
- T:go("F2")
- lib.createIsland(sapling, count, "forward")
- T:go("R1D1F6L1F3R2") -- outside first area
- else
- return {"Insufficient saplings to plant"}
- end
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function quickMine(R) -- 17
- --[[
- mine valuable blocks from specified area
- if R.up set or lava/water found, ceiling is formed
- if R.down is set, or lava/water found layer is kept 1 block high
- R.subChoice
- 1 At mine area start, on the floor
- 2 At mine area start, on the ceiling
- 3 On floor, start 1 block ahead
- 4 On ceiling, start 1 block ahead
- 5 On floor diagonally to left"
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.refuel(direction)
- if T:getWater(direction) then
- T:refuel(1000, false)
- end
- end
- function lib.mine(R)
- -- starts on ceiling
- local isValuable, blockType
- for i = 1, R.length do
- local fillUp = R.up
- local fillDown = R.down
- isValuable, blockType = T:isValuable("down")
- if isValuable then
- T:dig("down")
- elseif blockType:find("water") ~= nil then
- fillDown = true
- elseif blockType:find("lava") ~= nil then
- lib.refuel("down")
- fillDown = true
- end
- isValuable, blockType = T:isValuable("up")
- if isValuable then
- T:dig("up")
- elseif blockType:find("water") ~= nil then
- fillUp = true
- elseif blockType:find("lava") ~= nil then
- lib.refuel("up")
- fillUp = true
- end
- --if not turtle.detectUp() and fillUp then
- if fillUp then
- T:fillVoid("up")
- end
- --if not turtle.detectDown() and fillDown then
- if fillDown then
- T:fillVoid("down")
- end
- if i < R.length then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- end
- end
- local outbound = true
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:up(1)
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then
- T:go("U1F1")
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then
- T:go("F1")
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 then
- T:go("U1R1 F1L1 F1")
- end
- for w = 1, R.width do
- lib.mine(R)
- if w < R.width then
- if outbound then
- T:go("R1F1R1")
- else
- T:go("L1F1L1")
- end
- outbound = not outbound
- end
- if T:getFirstEmptySlot() == 0 then
- T:dumpRefuse("forward", 1)
- end
- end
- if outbound then
- T:go("L1F"..R.width - 1 .."L1F"..R.length - 1)
- else
- T:go("R1F"..R.width - 1 .."R1")
- end
- return {}
- end
- local function quickMineCorridor(R) -- 16
- --[[
- R.subChoice
- 1: At corridor start, on the floor
- 2: At corridor start, on the ceiling
- 3: On floor, start 1 block ahead
- 4: On ceiling, start 1 block ahead
- ]]
- if R.subChoice == 2 then
- T:down(1)
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then
- T:forward(1)
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then
- T:go("D1F1")
- end
- local width = R.width - 1
- local length = R.length - 1
- R.silent = true
- R.length = length
- createCorridor(R, true) -- put floor and ceiling for R.length, place torch at start
- T:turnRight(1)
- R.length = width
- createCorridor(R, true)
- T:turnRight(1)
- R.length = length
- createCorridor(R, true)
- T:turnRight(1)
- R.length = width
- createCorridor(R, true)
- T:turnRight(1)
- return {}
- end
- local function repairWall(startAt, height, width, replaceWith)
- -- go up to startAt
- -- if width = 1
- -- for h = startAt, height, 1 do
- -- replace block with replaceWith ("" = any)
- -- move up
- --end
- -- move back to beginning
- -- else
- -- remain = height % 2
- -- for w = 1, width - remain do
- -- for h = startAt, height, 1 do
- -- replace block with replaceWith ("" = any)
- -- move up
- --end
- -- move to the right 1 block
- -- for i = height, startAt, -1 do
- -- replace block with replaceWith ("" = any)
- -- move down
- --end
- -- end
- -- end
- end
- local function getTaskItemsList()
- -- list of items required for each task
- local text = {}
- text[11] = {"1 ladder for each level","levels / 4 torch (optional)","levels * 4 stone"} -- ladder to bedrock
- text[12] = {"2 stairs for each level", "6 * levels stone", "1 chest"} -- stairs up/down
- text[13] = {"24 torch (optional)", "1 bucket (optional)", "64 stone", "1 chest"} -- mine at this level
- text[14] = {"levels * 4 stone","water_bucket"} -- safe drop to water block
- text[15] = {"levels * 4 stone", "1 soul sand", "1 water bucket"} -- single column bubble lift
- text[16] = {"1 bucket (optional)", "64 stone"} -- quick corridor
- text[17] = {"1 bucket (optional)", "64 stone"} -- quick mine
- text[18] = {"1 bucket (optional)"} -- mine to bedrock
- text[19] = {"1 UNUSED diamond sword (optional)"} -- rob mineshaft
- text[21] = {"1 chest (optional)"} -- Fell Tree
- text[22] = {"320 stone", "4 polished stone"} -- Create treefarm
- text[23] = {"min 4 saplings", "16 dirt"} -- plant treefarm
- text[24] = {"No items required"} -- Harvest treefarm
- text[25] = {"width * length * 2 walls or fences", "torches (optional)", "4 barrels (optional)"} -- fence or wall a forest
- text[26] = {"1 chest", " any saplings"} -- harvest and replant walled rectangle of natural forest
- text[31] = {"64 stone","128 dirt (optional)", "4 water buckets","4 chests / barrels","1 sapling"} -- Create modular crop farm
- text[32] = {"64 stone","128 dirt (optional)", "4 water buckets","5 chests/ barrels","1 sapling"} -- extend modular farm
- text[33] = {"No items required"} -- Manual harvest and auto setup
- text[34] = {"Walls or Fences", "Torches (optional)"} -- Build a wall or fence
- text[35] = text[34] -- Wall or fence enclosed area
- text[41] = {"stone to cover area of obsidian"} -- Harvest obsidian
- text[42] = {"2 x height + width obsidian", "4 stone"} -- build Nether portal
- text[43] = {"No items required"} -- demolish Nether portal
- text[44] = {"length * 4 stone/netherrack, bucket"} -- Netherite stripping
- text[45] = {"84 stone"} -- undermine dragon towers
- text[46] = {"No items required"} -- deactivate dragon tower
- text[47] = {"448 stone, 145 ladders, 1 obsidian, 1 water bucket"} -- dragon water trap
- text[48] = {"height * 4 stone","height * ladders", "1 trapdoor"} -- build end portal platform
- text[51] = {"dirt or stone * length","torch (optional)"} -- single path
- text[52] = {"dirt or stone 2 * length","torch (optional)"} -- covered path / tunnel
- text[53] = {"2 * length stone or dirt","2 water buckets","torches (optional)"} -- water canal
- text[54] = {"0.5 * length Packed or blue ice","length * slabs","stone","torches (optional)"} -- Ice canal
- text[55] = {"width * length stone"} -- platform
- text[56] = {"width + 1 * length + 1 stone"} -- sinking platform
- text[57] = {"height * 10 stone","height * 4 + 2 soul sand, 2 water buckets"} -- Boat bubble lift
- text[61] = {"512 stone","1 slab"} -- 9x9 cube round spawner
- text[62] = {"640 stone","37 slab","8 powered rail","64 rail","2 redstone torch",
- "1 hopper minecart","1 stone button"} -- 9x9 cube round blaze spawner
- text[63] = {"2 water buckets","If using bubble lift","2 fence","2 signs","1 slab",
- "1 soul sand (or dirt as placeholder)"} -- flood spawner chamber
- text[64] = {"128 stone","2 water buckets","1 soul sand"} --Build bubble tower kill zone
- text[65] = {"1-2 computer","2 sticky or 4 normal pistons","6 network cable + 2 wired modems",
- "23 polished stone + 7 slabs","2 glass","1 stone pressure plate","1 dispenser",
- "1 hopper + 2 chest", "9 redstone", "1 lava bucket"} --Computercraft mob grinder
- text[66] = {"1856 stone, diorite etc (inc polished)","1 chest","10 empty buckets",
- "2 water buckets","192 fence","8 signs","3 ladder","2 soul sand"} -- build endermen observation tower
- text[71] = {"width * length dirt"} -- Clear field
- text[72] = {"No items required"} -- Clear rectangle width, length
- text[73] = {"No items required"} -- Clear wall height, length
- text[74] = {"No items required"} -- Clear rectangle perimeter only width, length
- text[75] = {"No items required"} -- Clear structure floor/walls/ceiling
- text[76] = {"No items required"} -- clear solid
- text[77] = {"No items required"} -- Dig a trench
- text[78] = {"No items required"} -- carve mountain
- text[79] = {"width * height Any material floor / ceiling"} -- floor or ceiling
- text[710] = {"Blocks to add 'floor as you go'"} -- Direct control of movement
- text[81] = {"Enough sand or gravel to fill volume"} -- sand based utilities
- text[82] = {"length * depth stone"} -- vertical wall from surface
- text[83] = {"Blocks to add 'floor as you go'"} -- player driven path construction
- text[84] = {"width * length + extra stone"} -- water clearing by repeated block deletion
- text[85] = text[84] -- sinking platform
- text[86] = {"Full inventories of sand or stone"} -- Ocean monument utilities
- text[87] = {"ladder to height","stone, dirt netherrack 4 X height"} -- ladder to water/lava
- text[88] = {"No items required"} -- clear water plants
- text[89] = {"water buckets / buckets"} -- convert flowing water to source
- text[810] = {"6 buckets","slabs to cover area"} -- create sloping water
- text[91] = {"length * height stone"} -- Build a wall
- text[92] = {"length * height * 4 stone"} -- build a walled area
- text[93] = {"length * width * height stairs", "length * slabs"} -- build a gable roof
- text[94] = {"length * width * height stairs", "length * slabs"} -- Build a pitched roof
- text[95] = {"1 block of choice","1 redstone torch"} -- place redstone torch under current block
- text[96] = {"1 block of choice","1 redstone torch"} -- place redstone torch on upward slope
- text[97] = {"height x block of choice","height/3 x redstone torch"} -- build downward slope
- text[98] = text[97] -- build upward slope
- return text
- end
- local function getTaskHelp(menuLevel, menuItem, noMenu, getInteger)
- -- display help about selected task
- -- terminal size = 39 x 13
- --[[This line of text = 39 characters]]
- noMenu = noMenu or false
- getInteger = getInteger or false
- info = {}
- info.main = {}
- info.sub = {}
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~lightGray~MINING:~white~
- Can be used in over-world or nether.~brown~
- Ladders and ~lightGray~stairs up/down
- Create a pre-formatted 33 x 33 blocks
- mine at chosen level.
- ~blue~Bubble lift and ~cyan~safe drop to water.~magenta~
- Faster version of ~white~33x33 mine pattern
- using ~magenta~corridor and ~pink~rectangle functions.~brown~
- Mine bottom layer to bedrock (not worth
- the fuel and time)
- ~brown~Strip resources from abandoned mines.
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~lime~FORESTRY:~brown~
- Fell Tree can be used in Nether as well
- for cutting any size tree / branches~lime~
- Create a simple 16 single tree farm
- or 4 double size (Dark oak or any type)
- suitable for turtle harvesting.
- ~brown~ fence or wall a rectangle keeping
- to contours.
- ~green~Forest can be harvested and replanted.
- (Must be walled off)
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~green~FARMING:~yellow~
- Farm modules can be built to fixed size
- and placed next to each other in linear
- or rectangular pattern.~lime~
- Whole farm is managed by a dedicated
- turtle, which must be equipped with a
- diamond hoe as well as pickaxe.
- Fuel obtained from a tree placed in the
- corner of each module.
- Double chests store produce and seeds.
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~red~OBSIDIAN:~lightGray~
- The turtle can extract obsidian from
- lava areas safely.~pink~
- Nether portals can be built or removed
- without needing diamond pickaxes.~orange~
- End World dragon towers can be
- undermined ready for deactivating.
- End world towers can have the crystals
- destroyed.~red~
- Water trapped dragon attacked from above~brown~
- Minecart end portal stations built.
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~brown~PATHS, BRIDGES, CANALS:~white~
- Can be used in Nether and End.~lightGray~
- Build pathways over air, water or lava
- Optional roofed pathway for Nether use.
- Tunnel through rock and place a floor
- at the same time.~blue~
- Build a water canal with towpath.~cyan~
- Build a super-fast ice canal.~brown~
- Platform for use over air, water, lava
- Sinking version is removed and replaced
- 1 block lower each time
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~lightGray~SPAWNER FARMS:~brown~
- Tools to create mob farms round
- existing spawners. ~red~
- Special version for Blaze farms
- uses rail collection.~cyan~
- Choice of bubble lift mob dropper
- or ~brown~simple deep trench.~gray~
- Enderman observation tower can be
- built >128 above ground: is ~red~expensive.~gray~
- Re-spawns new mobs when used.~red~
- Suggest build only the base.
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- Tools to clear a field including trees~magenta~
- Clear rectangles.~pink~
- Clear single walls.~brown~
- Clear hollow and~orange~solid structures.~brown~
- Dig a trench.~gray~
- Carve away side of a mountain.~lightBlue~
- Place or replace floors and ceilings
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~blue~WATER AND LAVA TOOLS:~white~
- Used to drain ocean monuments and
- shipwrecks. Can also be used to make
- underwater base. ~blue~Water is cleared using
- sand dropping and recycling~cyan~
- Destructive draining uses solid block
- placing and recycling.~green~
- Water plants can be removed without
- damaging structures.~lightBlue~
- Tools to manipulate water areas:
- (convert to source, sloping water)
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~cyan~BUILDING, MINECART TOOLS:~lightGray~
- Build simple walls, buildings and ~gray~roofs
- ~orange~Used to build diagonal uphill slope~brown~
- and downhill slope for placing
- 45 degree rail tracks.~red~
- Placing Redstone torches under powered
- rails when above ground level (viaduct)
- ]])
- table.insert(info.main,
- [[ ~yellow~MEASURING TOOLS:
- Used to measure
- ~red~Height
- ~purple~Depth
- ~magenta~Length~pink~
- Greatest depth of water
- ]])
- info.sub[11] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on the ground at ~red~^~yellow~
- The ~brown~ladder ~yellow~will start at this level
- and go up or down.
- ~lightGray~| | | | | |
- ~lightGray~| | |*| | | * = Ladder support block
- | | |~brown~L~lightGray~| | | ~brown~L = Ladder
- ~lightGray~| | |~red~^~lightGray~| | | ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~lightGray~| | | | | |
- | | | | | |
- ]]-- Ladder up/down
- info.sub[12] =
- [[~lightGray~Place me on the ground at ~red~^
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | | | * = Solid block
- ~lightGray~| |*|*|*|*|*| | ~cyan~^ = Stairs to back
- ~lightGray~| |*|-|~cyan~>~lightGray~|-|*| | ~cyan~> = Stairs to right
- ~lightGray~| |*|~cyan~^|~lightGray~*|~cyan~V~lightGray~|*| | ~cyan~V = Stairs to front
- ~lightGray~| |*|-|~cyan~<~lightGray~|-|*| | ~cyan~< = Stairs to left
- ~lightGray~| |*|~red~^~lightGray~|*|*|*| | - = Corner tread
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | | | ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~lightGray~Going ~blue~down~lightGray~ -> digs down then stairs up
- ]] -- Stairs up/down
- info.sub[13] =
- [[~yellow~Press F3 to check Y level.
- ~lightGray~| |~red~^~lightGray~| | | ~red~^ = Turtle behind ladder
- ~lightGray~| |~gray~s~lightGray~| | | ~gray~s = 1 block space
- ~lightGray~| |*| | | * = Ladder support block
- ~lightGray~| |~brown~L~lightGray~| | | ~brown~L = Ladder
- ~lightGray~| |~brown~s~lightGray~| | | ~brown~s~gray~ = 2 spaces (inc. ladder)
- ~lightGray~| |~red~V~lightGray~| | | ~red~V = Turtle ahead of ladder~yellow~
- ]]
- if bedrock == 0 then --pre 1.18
- info.sub[13] = info.sub[13].."Place at Y = 5, 8, 11 ~red~(11 nether)" -- Create mine at this level
- else
- info.sub[13] = info.sub[13].."Place at Y = -59, -56, -53 (11 nether)" -- Create mine at this level
- end
- info.sub[14] =
- [[~yellow~Turtle goes ~blue~DOWN ~yellow~to chosen level
- enclosing all sides of the column.
- Water placed at bottom. Returns here.
- If next to a ladder, place as below:
- ~lightGray~| | | | | |
- ~lightGray~| | |*| | | * = Ladder support block
- | |~red~^~brown~|L|~red~^~lightGray~| | ~brown~L = ladder
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | ~red~^ = Turtle facing forward
- ~lightGray~| | | | | |
- ]] -- safe drop
- info.sub[15] =
- [[~magenta~Direction of travel = UP!
- ~yellow~Place me on the ground. I will build a
- 3 x 1 ~blue~water ~yellow~source and a single column
- bubble lift to the chosen height.
- If near a ladder, place left or right:
- ~lightGray~| | | | | |
- ~lightGray~| | |*| | | * = Ladder support block
- | |~blue~^~brown~|L|~blue~^~lightGray~| | ~brown~L = ladder
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | ~blue~^ = Turtle facing forward
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | ~blue~^ = Bubble column above
- ]] -- single column bubble lift
- info.sub[16] =
- [[~yellow~Place me as below:
- 1. On ~blue~floor ~yellow~(feet height)
- 2. On ~lime~ceiling ~yellow~(eye height)
- ~lightGray~B|B|B|B|B|B|B ~yellow~W I D T H
- ~lightGray~B| | | | | |B ~orange~L
- ~lightGray~B| |B|B|B| |B ~orange~E
- ~lightGray~B| |B|B|B| |B ~orange~N
- ~lightGray~B| |B|B|B| |B ~orange~G
- ~lightGray~B|~red~^~lightGray~| | | | |B ~red~^~lightGray~ = Turtle ~orange~T
- ~lightGray~B|~cyan~P~lightGray~|B|B|B|B|B ~cyan~P~lightGray~ = Player ~orange~H
- ]] -- quick corridor system
- info.sub[17] =
- [[~yellow~~yellow~Place me as below:
- 1. On ~blue~floor ~yellow~(feet height)
- 2. On ~lime~ceiling ~yellow~(eye height)
- ~lightGray~B|B|B|B|B|B|B
- B| | | | | |B
- B| |B|B|B| |B
- B| |B|B|B| |B
- B| |~lime~^~lightGray~|B|B| |B
- B|~red~^~lightGray~|~magenta~^~lightGray~| | | |B ~white~^~lightGray~ = turtle
- B|~cyan~P~lightGray~|B|B|B|B|B ~cyan~P~lightGray~ = Player
- ~yellow~Note colour of ~white~^~yellow~ matches next screen->
- ]] -- quick mine
- info.sub[18] =
- [[~yellow~Place me level -59 / 5 on the floor to
- expose bedrock ~red~(slow and inefficient)
- ~lightGray~| | | |B| |B| ~yellow~W I D T H
- ~lightGray~|B| | | | | |B ~orange~L
- ~lightGray~| | | |B|B| | ~orange~E
- ~lightGray~| | |B| | |B| ~orange~N
- ~lightGray~|B| | | |B| | ~orange~G
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | |B ~orange~T
- ~lightGray~|~red~^~lightGray~| | | |B| |B ~red~^~lightGray~ = Turtle ~orange~H
- ]] -- mine all blocks to bedrock pre 1.12
- info.sub[19] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on the end wall of a disused
- mine in the centre block, 1 block above
- the floor.
- Provide a ~cyan~diamond ~yellow~sword for
- harvesting string from spider webs~lightGray~
- ~gray~------- - = Ceiling
- ~lightGray~| | | |
- | |~red~T~lightGray~| | ~red~T = Turtle (facing wall)
- ~lightGray~| | | |
- ~gray~------- - = Floor
- ]] -- salvage mineshaft
- info.sub[21] =
- [[~yellow~Place me as below.
- ~brown~Chest ~yellow~ONLY required if ~blue~0 ~yellow~fuel
- Plan view:
- ~green~ | | | |
- ~green~ | |~lime~T~green~| | ~lime~T = Tree
- ~green~ | |~red~^~green~| | ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~green~ | | | |
- ]] -- Fell Tree
- info.sub[22] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on ground as below ~red~^
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | | | | | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | ~brown~|D| |D|
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | ~brown~|D|D|~blue~ | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | | | | |
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | ~brown~|D|D|~blue~ | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | ~brown~|D| |D|
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | | | | | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | | | | |
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | | | | | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | | | | |
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | | | | | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | | | | |
- ~lime~|~red~^~lime~|*|*|*|~blue~M~lime~|*| | ~green~or |~red~^~green~|*|*|*|~blue~M~green~|*|*|
- ~lime~4 ~brown~double ~green~ or 16 ~brown~single
- ~brown~D = Dirt, ~red~^ = Turtle, ~blue~M = Marker stone
- ]] -- Create treefarm
- info.sub[23] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on ground as below ~red~^
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | | | | | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | ~brown~|D| |D|
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | ~brown~|D|D|~blue~ | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | | | | |
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | ~brown~|D|D|~blue~ | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | ~brown~|D| |D|
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | | | | | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | | | | |
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | | | | | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | | | | |
- ~lime~|*|~blue~ | | | | | | ~green~or |*|~blue~ | | | | | |
- ~lime~|*|*|*|*|~red~^~lime~|*| | ~green~or |*|*|*|*|~red~^~green~|*|*|
- ~green~4 ~brown~double ~green~ or 16 ~brown~single
- ~brown~D = dirt,~red~^ = Turtle, ~yellow~Max 16 saplings
- Mixed OK. ~lime~Group 4 for double trees
- ]] -- Plant treefarm / Harvest treefarm
- info.sub[24] = info.sub[23]
- info.sub[25] =
- [[~yellow~Place me at ~red~^
- ~lightGray~|F|F|F|F|F|F|F| F = Fence or Wall
- ~lightGray~|F|~brown~B~lime~| | | |~brown~B~lightGray~|F| ~brown~B = Barrel (corners)
- ~lightGray~|F|~lime~ | | | | ~lightGray~|F|
- ~lightGray~|F|~lime~ | | | |~cyan~T~lightGray~|F| ~cyan~T = Tree
- ~lightGray~|F|~lime~ |~cyan~T~lime~| | | ~lightGray~|F|
- ~lightGray~|F|~lime~ | | | | ~lightGray~|F|
- ~lightGray~|F|~brown~B~lime~| |~cyan~T~lime~| |~brown~B~lightGray~|F|
- ~lightGray~|~red~^~lightGray~|F|F|F|F|F|F| ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~yellow~Fence/Wall follows land contours
- ]] --
- info.sub[26] =
- [[~yellow~A rectangular walled area of forest:
- Place me at ~red~^
- ~lightGray~|F|F|F|F|F|F|F| F = Fence or wall
- ~lightGray~|F|~brown~B~lime~| | | |~brown~B~lightGray~|F| ~brown~B = Barrel (corners)
- ~lightGray~|F|~lime~ | | | | ~lightGray~|F|
- ~lightGray~|F|~lime~ | | | |~cyan~T~lightGray~|F| ~cyan~T = Tree
- ~lightGray~|F|~lime~ |~cyan~T~lime~| | | ~lightGray~|F|
- ~lightGray~|F|~lime~ | | | | ~lightGray~|F|
- ~lightGray~|F|~red~^~lime~| |~cyan~T~lime~| |~brown~B~lightGray~|F| ~red~^ = Turtle ~brown~(on Barrel)
- ~lightGray~|F|F|F|F|F|F|F|
- ]] -- manage walled forest
- info.sub[31] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on the ground as below ~red~^
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | | ~lightGray~* = Wall
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~brown~|B|B~green~| | | | | | | | ~brown~B = Barrel or Chest
- ~brown~|B|~blue~W~green~| | | | | | | | ~blue~W = Water
- ~lime~|~red~^~lime~|~brown~B|B|~lightGray~*|*|*|*|*|*| ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~yellow~ Size = 13 x 13
- ]] -- Create modular crop farm
- info.sub[32] =
- [[~yellow~Place next to the tree as below ~red~^
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | | ~lightGray~* = Wall
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | | ~brown~B = Barrel or Chest
- ~brown~|B|B~green~| | | | | | | | ~blue~W = Water
- ~brown~|B|~blue~W~green~| | | | | | | | ~orange~S = Sapling or Tree
- ~orange~|S|~red~^~brown~|B|~lightGray~*|*|*|*|*|*| ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~yellow~ Size = 13 x 13
- ]] -- Extend farm
- info.sub[33] =
- [[~yellow~Place as below (2 choices) ~blue~> ~yellow~or ~red~<
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | | ~lightGray~* = Wall
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | | ~brown~B = Barrel or Chest
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~ | | | | | | | | ~blue~> = turtle on Water
- ~brown~|B|B~green~| | | | | | | | C = Crop (first)
- ~brown~|B|~blue~>~green~|C| | | | | | | ~orange~S = Sapling or Tree
- ~orange~|S|~red~<~brown~|B|~lightGray~*|*|*|*|*|*| ~red~< = Turtle on Chest
- ~yellow~Options to harvest or manage to follow.
- ]] -- Manual harvest and auto setup
- info.sub[34] =
- [[~yellow~Build a ~brown~fence ~yellow~or ~lightGray~wall ~yellow~to chosen length.
- Turtle goes ~orange~BACKWARDS ~yellow~when started.
- Start: length = 6, Turtle facing right
- ~lightGray~| |~red~>~lightGray~| | | | | | | ~red~> = Turtle
- Finish:
- ~lightGray~| |F|F|F|F|F|F| | F = Fence or Wall
- ]] -- build fence or wall
- info.sub[35] =
- [[~yellow~Build a ~brown~fence ~yellow~or ~lightGray~wall ~yellow~
- rectangular area.
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | | | ~brown~F = Fence or Wall
- ~lightGray~| ~brown~|F|F|F|F|F~lightGray~| |
- ~lightGray~| ~brown~|F| | | |F~lightGray~| |
- ~lightGray~| ~brown~|F| | | |F~lightGray~| |
- ~lightGray~| ~brown~|F| | | |F~lightGray~| |
- ~lightGray~| |~red~^~brown~|F|F|F|F| | ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | | |
- ]] -- build rectangular fence or wall
- info.sub[41] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on any block on the left
- side facing the obsidian field.
- ~gray~|O|O|O|O|O| O = Obsidian
- |O|O|O|O|O|
- |O|O|O|O|O|
- |O|O|O|O|O|
- |~red~^~gray~|O|O|O|O| ~red~^ = Turtle
- |~red~^~gray~| | | | |
- ]] -- Harvest obsidian
- info.sub[42] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on the ground as below ~red~> ~pink~^
- ~yellow~Start ~red~> ~yellow~(facing right) or ~pink~^ ~yellow~ahead
- ~lightGray~| |~red~>~lightGray~|O|O|*| | | |*|O|O|*| face view
- ~pink~^~lightGray~ |O|~purple~+ +~lightGray~|O|
- |O|~purple~+ +~lightGray~|O|
- ~yellow~Result (plan) ~lightGray~|O|~purple~+ +~lightGray~|O|
- ~lightGray~| |O|O|O|O| | | |*|O|O|*|
- ~green~--------- ground
- ~yellow~width=4, ~orange~height=5 ~red~(frame size)
- ]] -- build Nether portal
- info.sub[43] = info.sub[42] -- Demolish Nether portal
- info.sub[44] =
- [[~yellow~Press F3+G for chunk boundaries
- Netherite stripmine plan view
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*~lime~N~lightGray~*|*|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*~lime~|~lightGray~*|*|*| ~lime~-| = Chunk Boundaries
- ~lightGray~|*|~red~^~lightGray~|*~lime~|~lightGray~*|~red~^~lightGray~|*| ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~lime~W*-*-*~blue~+~lime~*-*-*E ~blue~+ = Boundaries junction
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*~lime~|~lightGray~*|*|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*~lime~|~lightGray~*|*|*| ~yellow~North of WE
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*~lime~S~lightGray~*|*|*| ~yellow~1 block from NS
- Most generate close to chunk boundaries
- ]] -- Netherite stripping
- info.sub[45] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on the ground ~red~<~yellow~ facing ~red~West.
- ~lime~x
- ~lightGray~N
- ~lime~a~lightGray~ -1 | | | |
- ~lime~x~lightGray~ 0 ~red~W~lightGray~| |~red~<~lightGray~| |E ~red~< = Turtle
- ~lime~i~lightGray~ 1 | | | |
- ~lime~s~lightGray~ S
- ~green~z axis ~lightGray~-1 0 1
- Centre of the dragon arena ~lime~X = 0, ~green~Z = 0
- ~yellow~ facing ~red~West
- ]] -- Find dragon tower centres
- info.sub[46] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle in ceiling facing endstone
- Plan view Side view
- ~gray~ |*|*|*|*|*|
- |*| |*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*| * ~lightGray~= Obsidian
- ~gray~|*|*|~yellow~E~gray~|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*| ~yellow~E ~lightGray~= Endstone
- ~gray~ |*|~red~^~gray~|*| |*|*|~red~T~gray~|*|*|~red~ ^T ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ~gray~ |*| |*|*| |*|*|
- |*|*| |*|*|
- ]] -- deactivate dragon tower
- info.sub[47] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle on the ground at 100,49,0
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| ~lightGray~= Dragon Island
- ~yellow~ Facing WEST
- ~gray~ |*|*|*|*|*| * ~lightGray~= Obsidian plate
- ~gray~ |*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~ S ~gray~|*|*|~red~T~gray~|*|*| ~yellow~N ~red~T ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ~gray~ |*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~ E]] -- build dragon water trap
- info.sub[48] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle under end world portal
- ~gray~ |B| B ~lightGray~= Bedrock
- ~gray~ |B|B|B|
- ~purple~|P| P ~lightGray~= Portal
- ~gray~ |B|B|B|
- |B|
- ~green~|
- ~green~| ~lime~Height measured first
- ~green~|
- ~red~ T T ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ~yellow~ |*|*|*|*|*|*| ~red~Inventory AFTER height
- ]] -- build end portal minecart
- info.sub[491] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle <64 blocks from shulker
- Directly below or 1 block in front
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~gray~> ~lime~S ~gray~< > T < = kill positions
- ~gray~T
- ~red~> T < Attacks ahead / above
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~> T <~lightGray~ = Turtle ~lime~S~lightGray~ = Shulker]] -- Shulker is above
- info.sub[492] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle <64 blocks from shulker
- Same level, or 1 block above/below
- Plan view:
- ~red~>~lightGray~ | | | | | |~lime~S~lightGray~|
- ~yellow~Side view:
- ~red~T~lightGray~ | | | | | |~gray~T~lightGray~|
- ~red~T~lightGray~ | | | | |~gray~T~lightGray~|~lime~S~lightGray~| ~gray~T = kill positions
- ~red~T~lightGray~ | | | | | |~gray~T~lightGray~|
- ~red~> T~lightGray~ = Turtle ~lime~S~lightGray~ = Shulker]] -- Shulker is ahead
- info.sub[493] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle <64 blocks from shulker
- Directly above or 1 block in front
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~> T < Attacks ahead / below
- ~gray~T
- ~gray~> ~lime~S ~gray~< > T < = kill positions
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~> T <~lightGray~ = Turtle ~lime~S~lightGray~ = Shulker]] -- Shulker is below
- info.sub[494] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle in entry pit centre wall
- ~lightGray~|*|~orange~+~lightGray~| | |~red~+~lightGray~| | |~lime~S~lightGray~|*| ~lime~S~lightGray~ = Shulker
- ~lightGray~|*|~orange~+~lightGray~| |~lime~S|~red~+~lightGray~| | |~blue~+~lightGray~|*| T = turtle places
- ~lightGray~|*|~orange~+~lightGray~| | |~red~+~lightGray~| | |~blue~+~lightGray~|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|~orange~+~lightGray~| | |~red~+~lightGray~| | |~blue~+~lightGray~|*| ~yellow~Plan view
- ~lightGray~|*|~orange~+|+|+|~red~+|~blue~+|+|+~lightGray~|*| |*|*|*|*|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|~orange~+|~red~+|~blue~+~lightGray~|*|*|*| |*| |~red~T~lightGray~| |*|
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|~orange~T|~red~T|~blue~T~lightGray~|*|*|*| |*|~orange~T~lightGray~| |~blue~T~lightGray~|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*| | | |*|*|*| |*| |~red~T~lightGray~| |*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|]] -- Climb tower wall
- info.sub[495] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle in corner against ceiling
- Face ~red~direction ~yellow~shown. It will exit up,
- clear the roof above and return
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| ~yellow~Clears 15x15
- ~lightGray~|*|~red~<~lightGray~| | | | | | |~red~^~lightGray~|*| ~yellow~area regardless
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | | |*| ~yellow~of actual size
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | | |*|
- ~lightGray~|*|~red~V~lightGray~| | | | | | |~red~>~lightGray~|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|]] -- Clear roof above
- info.sub[496] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle in corner against ceiling
- Face ~red~direction ~yellow~shown. It will exit out,
- clear 4 outside walls and return.
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| ~yellow~Size calculated
- ~lightGray~|*|~red~<~lightGray~| | | | | | |~red~^~lightGray~|*| ~yellow~automatically.
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | | |*|
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | | |*|
- ~lightGray~|*|~red~V~lightGray~| | | | | | |~red~>~lightGray~|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|]] -- Clear outside wall
- info.sub[51] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on the ground as below ~red~^
- ~yellow~Start:~blue~ |-|-|-| - = air/water
- ~orange~ |-|-|-| - = lava
- ~blue~ |-|-|-|
- ~lightGray~ |*|~red~^~lightGray~|*| ~red~^ = Turtle
- ~yellow~Result:~blue~ |-|~lightGray~*|~blue~-| - = air/water
- ~orange~ |-|~lightGray~*|~orange~-| - = lava
- ~blue~ |-|~lightGray~*|~blue~-|
- ~lightGray~ |*|*|*| * = Solid block
- ]] -- Single path
- info.sub[52] =
- [[~yellow~Place ~red~^ T~yellow~ at start of path or tunnel
- ~yellow~Plan view Face view
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~*~lightGray~|*| *|*|*|*|* ~green~* = new block
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~*~lightGray~|*| *|*|~green~*~lightGray~|*|*
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~*~lightGray~|*| *|*| |*|*
- ~lightGray~|*|~green~*~lightGray~|*| *|*|~red~T~lightGray~|*|* ~red~^ T = Turtle
- ~red~^~lightGray~ ~green~- - * - - ground
- ~green~Floor + ceiling ~yellow~placed for your safety!
- ]] -- Covered walkway / tunnel
- info.sub[53] =
- [[~yellow~plan view
- ~lightGray~|*|~blue~-|-~lightGray~|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|~blue~-|-~lightGray~|*| ~yellow~Cross section view
- ~lightGray~|*|~blue~-|-~lightGray~|*| ~lime~1 ~orange~2 ~brown~3 ~green~4 ~lightGray~= on ground
- ~lightGray~|~lime~^~lightGray~|~blue~^~lightGray~|~cyan~^~lightGray~|~green~^~lightGray~| |*|~blue~5~lightGray~|~cyan~6~lightGray~|*| ~lightGray~= in water
- ~yellow~New canal ~lime~1 ~orange~2 ~brown~3 ~green~4 ~yellow~ground level-63
- ~yellow~Extend existing ~lime~1 ~green~4 ~yellow~ground level-63
- ~yellow~Extend existing ~blue~5 ~cyan~6 ~yellow~water level-62
- ]] -- new/existing canal
- info.sub[54] =
- [[~lime~New ~yellow~ice canal or ~lightBlue~convert ~yellow~existing water
- ~lightGray~ |*| | |*| * = Slab
- ~lightGray~ |~orange~T~lightGray~|~blue~I~lightGray~| |*| ~blue~I = Ice (packed or blue)
- ~lightGray~ |*| | |*| | | = Air (empty block)
- ~lightGray~ |*|~blue~I~lightGray~| |~orange~T~lightGray~| ~orange~T = Torch (optional)
- ~lime~ 1 2 3 4 New ice canal
- ~lightBlue~ 5 6 7 8 Convert water canal
- ~red~All turtles placed at ground level!
- ~lime~1-4 ~lightGray~for ~lime~new ~lightGray~canal ~lightBlue~5-8 ~lightGray~to ~lightBlue~convert ~lightGray~water
- ]] -- ice canal
- info.sub[55] =
- [[~yellow~Place ~red~^~yellow~ any level air, water or lava.~lightGray~
- | | | | | | | |
- | |*|*|*|*|*| | * = Block
- | |*|*|*|*|*| |
- | |*|*|*|*|*| |
- | |*|*|*|*|*| |
- | |~red~^~lightGray~|*|*|*|*| | ~red~^ = Turtle~lightGray~
- | | | | | | | |
- Blocks placed under the turtle
- ]] -- Platform
- info.sub[56] =
- [[~yellow~Place ~red~^~yellow~ above water.~lightGray~
- Existing platform replaced below
- | |*|*|*|*|*| | * = Block
- | |*|*|*|*|*| |
- | |*|*|*|*|*| |
- | |*|*|*|*|*| |
- | |~red~^~lightGray~|*|*|*|*| | ~red~^ = Turtle~lightGray~
- | | | | | | | |
- Blocks placed under the turtle
- ]] -- Sinking platform
- info.sub[57] =
- [[~yellow~Boat Lift (Ice or Water)
- Place turtle left side. ~blue~Source~yellow~ to right
- Start~lightGray~ |*|~blue~ | ~lightGray~|*| ~yellow~Finish
- ~lightGray~ |*|~blue~ | ~lightGray~|*|
- |*|~cyan~S|S|~lightGray~*| ~cyan~S ~lightGray~= Soul sand
- |*|*|*|*| |*|~brown~S|S~lightGray~|*| ~brown~S = ~lightGray~Sand + gate
- |~red~^~lightGray~|~blue~W|W~lightGray~|*| |*~blue~|W|W|~lightGray~*| ~red~^ ~lightGray~= Turtle
- |*|~blue~W|W~lightGray~|*| |*|~blue~W|W~lightGray~|*|
- |*|~blue~ | ~lightGray~|*| |*|~blue~ | ~lightGray~|*| ~yellow~Ice canal needs
- ~lightGray~|*|~blue~ | ~lightGray~|*| |*|~blue~ | ~lightGray~|*| ~yellow~2x2 water source
- ]] -- boat bubble lift
- info.sub[61] =
- [[~red~NOT ~yellow~for Blaze spawners!
- Plan view Side view~lightGray~
- T T T = Outside dungeon
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*| |*|~brown~1~lightGray~|*|*|*|~yellow~2~lightGray~|*| Top
- T|*| | | | | |*|T |*| | | | | |*|
- |*| | |~magenta~5~lightGray~| | |*| |*| | |~magenta~5~lightGray~| | |*|
- |*| |~magenta~5~lightGray~|~orange~S~lightGray~|~magenta~5~lightGray~| |*| |*|~lime~3~lightGray~|~magenta~5|~orange~S~lightGray~|~magenta~5|~green~4~lightGray~|*| Base
- |*| | |~magenta~5~lightGray~| | |*|
- T|*| | | | | |*|T * = Dungeon Wall
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*| ~orange~S = Spawner
- ~lightGray~ T T T = Turtle ~brown~1 ~yellow~2 ~lime~3 ~green~4
- ~magenta~5~lightGray~ = On top or adjacent (0 chests only)
- ]] -- 9x9 cube round spawner
- info.sub[62] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle as indicated:
- Plan view Side view
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| ~lime~> T = Continue build
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | | ~red~< T = New build
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | |
- |*| | | |~purple~S~lightGray~| | | |~lime~>~red~< T
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | | |*| | | |~purple~S~lightGray~| | | |~red~T
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | | |*| | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*| | | | | | | | |*| | | | | | | |
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| |*| | | | | | | |~lime~T
- ~red~T]] -- 9x9 cube round blaze spawner
- info.sub[63] =
- [[~yellow~ Plan view (truncated) Side view
- ~lightGray~ |*| | | | | | | | | |*| |*| | | | | |
- ~red~>~lightGray~|*| | | | |~purple~S~lightGray~| | | | |*|~red~<~lightGray~ |*| | | | |~purple~S~lightGray~|
- |*| | | | | | | | | |*| |*| | | | | |
- |*| | | | | | | | | |*| |*| | | | | |
- |*| | | | | | | | | |*| |*| | | | | |
- |*| | | | | | | | | |*| |*| | | | | |
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| ~red~T~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~^
- ~purple~S ~lightGray~= Spawner ~red~<> ^ T ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ]] -- Flood spawner chamber
- info.sub[64] =
- [[~yellow~Bubble lift: Plan view at start~lightGray~
- |*| | | | | | | | | |*|
- |*| | | | |~brown~F~lightGray~| | | | |*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|~brown~F~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*| ~brown~F ~lightGray~= Fence
- ~brown~|~red~^~brown~|~lightGray~= Turtle on ~brown~Soul Sand
- ~yellow~Plan view completed~lightGray~
- |*| | | | |~brown~F~lightGray~| | | | |*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|~brown~F~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*| ~brown~F ~lightGray~= Fence
- ~yellow~kill zone~lightGray~|*|~blue~S~lightGray~|*|~yellow~kill zone ~lightGray~Left / Right
- ~lightGray~|*| ~blue~S ~lightGray~= Bubble lift
- ]] -- Build bubble tower kill zone
- info.sub[65] =
- [[~yellow~Computercraft mob grinder
- Plan view~lightGray~ |*~blue~| | | | | | | | | |~lightGray~*|
- |*~blue~| | | | | | | | | |~lightGray~*|
- |*|*|*|*|*~blue~| |~lightGray~*|*|*|*|*| Front
- ~red~T~yellow~urtle facing out ~red~V~lightGray~
- ~yellow~Side view ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~E~yellow~xit hole ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|~red~T~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~gray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| Base
- ]] -- Computercraft mob grinder
- info.sub[66] =
- [[This is a 3 stage process:
- 1.New tower lower base: place me on
- flat ground in open plain.
- 2.Upper base: place me in front of
- the existing chest at tower base.
- 3.Main tower, only needed to respawn
- mobs. Expensive, not recommended.
- Place me in front of chest in ground.
- ]] -- Build endermen observation tower
- info.sub[71] =
- [[~yellow~Clear field
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | Remove ~lime~trees ~lightGray~and ~pink~flowers
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | Fill ~gray~holes
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | Remove blocks > ground
- | | | | | |
- | | | | | |
- |~red~^~lightGray~| | | | | ~red~^ ~lightGray~= Turtle position
- ~yellow~Optional use ~brown~dirt ~yellow~as surface
- ]] -- Clear field
- info.sub[72] =
- [[~yellow~Clear rectangle
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | Remove all blocks
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | Optional dig ~lime~up
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | Optional dig ~blue~down
- ~lightGray~| | | | | |
- | | | | | |
- |~red~^~lightGray~| | | | | ~red~^ ~lightGray~= Turtle position
- ~red~^
- ~yellow~Can be used to clear 3 layers at a time
- ]] -- Clear rectangle
- info.sub[73] =
- [[~yellow~Clear wall
- Plan view Side view
- ~gray~T ~lightBlue~T
- ~red~>~lightGray~|~orange~>~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*| ~cyan~T~lightGray~|~blue~T~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*| Top
- ~lightGray~ |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~lime~T~lightGray~|~green~T~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*| Base
- T = Turtle top / bottom/ inside / out
- ~yellow~Bottom to top or top to bottom
- ]] -- Clear wall
- info.sub[74] =
- [[~yellow~Clear rectangle ~red~perimeter only
- ~yellow~Plan view
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | Remove all blocks
- ~lightGray~| |*|*|*| | Optional dig ~lime~up
- ~lightGray~| |*|*|*| | Optional dig ~blue~down
- ~lightGray~| |*|*|*| |
- | |*|*|*| |
- |~red~^~lightGray~| | | | | ~red~^ ~lightGray~= Turtle position
- ~red~ ^
- ~yellow~Can be used to clear 3 layers at a time
- ]] -- Clear rectangle (perimeter only)
- info.sub[75] =
- [[~yellow~Demolish cube structure
- Plan view Side view
- ~gray~T ~lightBlue~T
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*| ~cyan~T~lightGray~|~blue~T~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |~lime~^~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*| ~lime~T~lightGray~|~green~T~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~green~^
- ~lightGray~^ T = Turtle (top/base in/out)
- ]] -- Clear structure floor/walls/ceiling hollow and solid
- info.sub[76] = info.sub[75]
- info.sub[77] =
- [[~yellow~Dig a trench (Plan view)
- ~lightGray~ |~red~>~lightGray~| | | | | | |
- | | ~red~>~lightGray~ = Turtle
- | |
- | |
- | |
- | |
- |~red~^~lightGray~| ~red~^~lightGray~ = Turtle
- ]] -- Dig a trench
- info.sub[78] =
- [[~yellow~Mountain carving ~red~T ^ = Turtle
- ~yellow~Side view Plan view
- ~lightGray~ |*| |*|*| ~yellow~L
- ~gray~ |*~lightGray~|*| ~gray~|*~lightGray~|*|*|*| ~yellow~E
- ~gray~ |*~lightGray~|*|*|*| ~gray~|*|*~lightGray~|*|*|*|*| ~yellow~N
- ~gray~ |*~lightGray~|*|*|*| ~gray~|*|*~lightGray~|*|*|*|*| ~yellow~G
- ~gray~ |*~lightGray~|*|*|*| ~red~^~gray~|*~lightGray~|*|*|*| ~yellow~T
- ~gray~ |*|*~lightGray~|*|*|*|*| |*|*| ~yellow~H
- ~red~T~gray~|*|*~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~<--> no. of rows <-->
- ]] -- Carve mountain
- info.sub[79] =
- [[~yellow~Place / Replace floor or ceiling
- Plan view Side view
- ~lightGray~| | | | | | |*|*|*|*|*|
- | | | | | | T Ceiling
- | | | | | |
- | | | | | |
- | | | | | | T Floor
- |~red~^~lightGray~| | | | | |*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~^ ~lightGray~T = Turtle position
- ]] -- (Re)place floor or ceiling
- info.sub[710] =
- [[~yellow~Place me anywhere!
- Menu or direct command interface.
- ~lightGray~Commands:
- direction + ~blue~number ~yellow~eg ~white~f2 ~yellow~= forward ~blue~2
- ~yellow~f = forward ~orange~b = backward
- ~lime~l = left ~red~r = right
- ~lightGray~u = up ~cyan~d = down
- ]] -- Direct control
- info.sub[81] =
- [[~blue~1.Drop sand or gravel wall
- ~yellow~Place me on water/lava surface
- ~lightBlue~2.Fill area with sand
- ~yellow~Place on left corner of area
- ~yellow~3.Clear ~blue~(1) sand wall
- ~yellow~Place me on the surface of sand.
- ~yellow~4.Clear ~lightBlue~(2) sand filled area
- ~yellow~Place on left corner of sand field
- ]] -- Sand based utilities
- info.sub[82] =
- [[~yellow~Turtle position ~red~> T ~gray~(~red~V ~gray~to enclose)
- ~yellow~Plan view ~gray~Start:~red~V
- ~blue~|~red~>~blue~| | | | | | ~yellow~to ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|~red~V~lightGray~|~gray~ enclose
- ~gray~* area
- ~yellow~Side view
- ~red~T
- ~blue~| | | | | | | ~yellow~to ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~blue~| | | | | | | ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~blue~| | | | | | | ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~|S|~blue~ | | |~yellow~S|S| |S|~lightGray~*|*|*|~yellow~S|S|
- ~yellow~|S|S|S|S|S|S| |S|S|S|S|S|S|
- ]] -- build wall from water or lava surface downwards
- info.sub[83] =
- [[~yellow~Build a walled rectangle
- ~yellow~L ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~e ~lightGray~|*| | | | |*|
- ~yellow~n ~lightGray~|*| | | | |*|
- ~yellow~g ~lightGray~|*| | | | |*|
- ~yellow~t ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~h ~red~^
- ~yellow~ W i d t h ~red~^ ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ]] -- Create enclosed area
- info.sub[84] =
- [[~yellow~Clear volume of water
- Plan view
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| * = Stone
- |*|*~blue~| | |~lightGray~*|*~blue~| |~lightGray~*| ~blue~| ~lightGray~= Water
- |*~blue~| | | | | | |~lightGray~*|
- |*~blue~| | | | | | |~lightGray~*|
- |*~blue~| | | | | | |~lightGray~*|
- |*~blue~| | | | | |~lightGray~*|*|
- |*|~red~^~lightGray~|*~blue~| | | | |~lightGray~*| ~red~^ ~lightGray~= Turtle
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*| ~yellow~Width~blue~: ~yellow~6, ~orange~length~blue~:~orange~ 6
- ]] -- Clear volume of water
- info.sub[85] = info.sub[56] -- Sinking platform
- info.sub[861] =
- [[~yellow~Turtle placement ~red~V~lime~ < ^ > ~yellow~over monument
- ~red~****** ****** * ~lightGray~= Avoid this area
- ~red~****** ****** V do not face front
- ****** ****** ~lime~< ^ > ~lightGray~Ideal facing~lightGray~
- ****** ******
- ~green~******~lime~++++~green~****** ~lime~+ ~lightGray~= Ideal position~green~
- ******~lime~++++~green~****** ~green~* ~lightGray~= Good position
- ~green~****************
- **************** Or any corner < 12
- **************** blocks from edge
- ]]-- Ocean monument 85 subChoice 1: 4 corner pillars
- info.sub[862] =
- [[~yellow~Turtle positions ~red~> ^ < V
- ~lightGray~|*|~red~>~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|~red~<~lightGray~|*| ~red~NOT ~lightGray~corner blocks!
- |~red~V~lightGray~| |~red~V~lightGray~|
- |*| |*|
- |*| |*|
- |*| |*|
- |*| |*|
- |*| |*| ~yellow~Fill inventory~lightGray~
- |~red~^~lightGray~| |~red~^~lightGray~| ~yellow~with stone.~lightGray~
- |*|~red~>~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|~red~<~lightGray~|*| ~yellow~Add when asked
- ]] -- Ocean monument build retaining walls
- info.sub[863] =
- [[~yellow~Turtle ~red~> < ~yellow~on side walls only
- ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~lightGray~|~red~>~cyan~| ***** ***** |~red~<~lightGray~|
- ~lightGray~|~red~>~cyan~| ***** ***** |~red~<~lightGray~|
- ~lightGray~|~red~>~cyan~| ***** ***** |~red~<~lightGray~|
- ~lightGray~|~red~>~cyan~| *****+++***** |~red~<~lightGray~|
- ~lightGray~|~red~>~cyan~| *****+++***** |~red~<~lightGray~|
- ~lightGray~|~red~>~cyan~| ************* |~red~<~lightGray~|
- ~lightGray~|~red~>~cyan~| ************* |~red~<~lightGray~|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ]] -- clear plants before sand draining
- info.sub[864] = info.sub[863]
- info.sub[865] = info.sub[863]
- info.sub[866] = info.sub[56]
- info.sub[867] =
- [[~yellow~Turtle positions ~red~> ^ < V
- ~green~|*|*|*|*|*~brown~|*|*|*|~red~V~brown~|*|
- ~green~|~red~>~green~|- - - - ~brown~- - - -|*|
- ~green~|*|- - - - ~brown~- - - -|*| ~lightGray~1 Turtle removes
- ~green~|*|- - - - ~brown~- - - -|*| ~lightGray~1 coloured area
- ~green~|*|- - - - ~brown~- - - -|*|
- ~orange~|*|- - - - ~lime~- - - -|*| ~lightGray~6 chests / area
- ~orange~|*|- - - - ~lime~- - - -|*| ~lightGray~Follow turtle
- ~orange~|*|- - - - ~lime~- - - -|*|
- ~orange~|*|- - - - ~lime~- - - -|~red~<~lime~| ~lightGray~30,000 fuel each!
- ~orange~|*|~red~^~orange~|*|*|*~lime~|*|*|*|*|*| ~lightGray~3,000 stone each!
- ]] -- Ocean monument drain and remove 1 of 4 quarters
- info.sub[87] =
- [[~yellow~Ladder to water / lava: Plan view
- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~-
- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~-~lightGray~|*|- ~blue~- ~red~-
- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~red~- ~blue~- ~blue~- ~red~-~lightGray~|*|~brown~L~lightGray~|*|~red~- ~blue~- ~~lightGray~
- |*|*|*|~red~^~lightGray~|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~^ ~lightGray~= Turtle facing water / lava
- ~brown~L ~lightGray~= Ladder
- ]] -- Ladder to water/lava
- info.sub[88] =
- [[~yellow~Place ~red~T~yellow~urtle at water edge.
- Returns max ~blue~d~yellow~epth. ~yellow~Water ~green~p~yellow~lants~yellow~ removed
- ~red~T T
- ~lightGray~|*|*| ~blue~| | | | | | | | | | ~lightGray~|*|
- |*|*| ~blue~| | | | | | | | | ~lightGray~|*|*|
- |*|*| ~blue~| | | | | | | ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*| ~blue~| | |~green~p~blue~| | ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*| ~blue~| | |~green~p~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*~blue~|d~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ]] -- Clear water plants from enclosed area
- info.sub[89] =
- [[Place me on the left corner of the top
- of retaining wall facing water
- ]] -- Convert all water to source
- info.sub[810] =
- [[Place me on the left corner of the top
- of retaining wall facing water.
- The source blocks are placed ahead to
- selected length
- ]] -- Create sloping water
- -- Building and railway
- info.sub[91] =
- [[~yellow~Build a wall
- Plan view Side view
- ~red~>~lightGray~| | | | | | | |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~T~lightGray~|~red~T~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~> T~lightGray~ = Turtle
- ]] -- Build a wall
- info.sub[92] =
- [[~yellow~Build a walled rectangle / house
- Plan view Side view
- ~yellow~L ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~e ~lightGray~|*| | | | |*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~n ~lightGray~|*| | | | |*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~g ~lightGray~|*| | | | |*| |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~t ~lightGray~|~red~^~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*| ~red~T~lightGray~|~red~T~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~h ~red~^
- ~yellow~ W i d t h ~red~^ T ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ]] -- Build a rectangular structure
- info.sub[93] =
- [[~yellow~Build a gable roof
- Gable built on right side of turtle
- Plan view End view (width)
- ~gray~+ gable top
- ~yellow~L ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*| ~gray~+ + + gable end
- ~yellow~e ~lightGray~|*| | | |*| ~red~T~gray~ + + + + gable end
- ~yellow~n ~lightGray~|*| | | |*| |*|*|*|*|*| top of wall
- ~yellow~g ~lightGray~|*| | | |*| |*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~t ~lightGray~|*| | | |*| |*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~h ~lightGray~|~red~^~lightGray~|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~ W i d t h W i d t h ~red~^T ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ]] -- Build a gable end roof
- info.sub[94] =
- [[~yellow~Build a pitched roof
- Width ~red~MUST ~yellow~be ~red~<= ~yellow~Length eg ~red~4~yellow~ x 6
- Plan view End view (width)
- ~red~T ~lightGray~on top of building
- ~yellow~L ~lightGray~|*|*|*|*| |*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~e ~lightGray~|*| | |*| |*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~n ~lightGray~|*| | |*| |*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~g ~lightGray~|*| | |*| |*|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~t ~lightGray~|*| | |*|
- ~yellow~h ~lightGray~|~red~^~lightGray~|*|*|*|
- ~yellow~ W i d t h ~red~^ T ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ]]-- Build a pitched roof
- info.sub[95] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on suspended railway stone
- Redstone torch will go below me
- ~lightGray~_____
- ~lightGray~|*|*|\ ~red~>~lightGray~|*|
- |*|~red~< ~lightGray~/|*|
- ~lightGray~|*|______~red~T~lightGray~_________ /~lightGray~|*|~red~!
- ~red~!~lightGray~|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|*|\ /|*|
- ~red~! ~lightGray~|*|*|
- ~red~T < > ~lightGray~= Turtle ~red~! ~lightGray~= Redstone Torch
- On block or above rail, face up slope
- ]] -- Place redstone torch under block
- info.sub[96] = info.sub[95]
- info.sub[97] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on last block before up/down
- Build down Build up~lightGray~
- _____~red~T~lightGray~ ___
- |*|*|*|_ _|*|
- |*|_ _|*|
- |*|_ _|*|
- |*|__________~red~T~lightGray~|*|
- |*|*|*|*|*|*|
- ~red~T~lightGray~ = Turtle on block, not above rail
- ]] -- build down
- info.sub[98] = info.sub[97]
- --Measurement tools
- info.sub[101] =
- [[~yellow~Place me on floor.~lightGray~
- Measured Height:
- |~lightBlue~*~lightGray~|*|*|*| ~lightBlue~7. Overhead obstruction
- ~cyan~7. ~red~NOT ~cyan~detect() ~gray~7. Change~lightGray~
- |*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|
- |~lime~S~lightGray~|*|*| ~lime~4. Specific block found~lightGray~
- |*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|
- |*|*|*|
- ~red~T~lightGray~|*|*|~red~T~lightGray~| ~red~T~lightGray~ = Turtle
- ]] -- measure height
- info.sub[102] =
- [[~yellow~Depth measurement
- Place me on the floor above pit / edge
- ~red~T~lightGray~
- 1|*|*|
- 2|*|*|
- 3|*|*|
- 4|*|*| Measured depth:
- 5|*|~lime~S~lightGray~| ~lime~5. Specific block found
- ~lightGray~6 ~cyan~6. ~red~NOT ~cyan~turtle.detect()~lightGray~
- 7|*|*|~lightBlue~*~lightGray~|*| | ~lightBlue~6. Obstruction below
- ]] -- measure depth
- info.sub[103] =
- [[~yellow~Length measurement
- ~lightGray~1 2 3 4 ~lime~5~lightGray~ 6 ~lime~7 ~cyan~8 ~lightBlue~9~lightGray~ 10
- ~cyan~8. No block up
- ~lightGray~*|*|*|*|*|*|~lime~S~lightGray~| |*|*| ~lime~7. Search block
- ~red~T~lightGray~ |*| ~lightBlue~9. Obstruction
- ~lightGray~*|*|*|*|~lime~S~lightGray~|*|*| |*|*| ~lime~5. Search block
- ~cyan~8. No block down
- ~red~T ~lightGray~= Turtle
- ]] -- measure length
- info.sub[104] = info.sub[88] -- measure deepest section of water
- info.sub[105] =
- [[~yellow~Place turtle anywhere:
- 1. make a ~blue~borehole~yellow~ to chosen level.
- 2. Write a report called:
- 3. ~lime~borehole~blue~X~lime~.txt ~yellow~( ~blue~X ~yellow~= computer ID )
- 4. ~orange~Return home
- ]] -- Borehole: Analyse blocks below
- info.sub[110] =
- [[~yellow~How many turtles?:
- ~yellow~1.~lightGray~ Alternative positions for ~lime~2 ~lightGray~turtles
- ~lightGray~| |~lime~1~lightGray~|~lime~2~lightGray~| | |~lime~1~lightGray~| | |~lime~2~lightGray~| | | | | | ground 2
- ~lightGray~|*|~blue~W|W~lightGray~|*| |*|~blue~W|W~lightGray~|*| |*|~blue~1~lightGray~|~blue~2~lightGray~|*| water 2
- ~yellow~2.~lightGray~ Alternative positions for ~orange~4 ~lightGray~turtles
- ~lightGray~|~orange~1~lightGray~|~orange~2~lightGray~|~orange~3~lightGray~|~orange~4~lightGray~| ground 4
- ~lightGray~|*|~blue~W|W~lightGray~|*| water 0
- ~yellow~Enter 1 to use ~lime~2 ~yellow~turtles or 2 to use ~orange~4]] -- initial menu for water canal
- local line = menu.clear()
- if menuLevel == 1 then -- general help
- line = menu.colourText(line, info.main[menuItem], true, true)
- term.write("Enter to continue ")
- read()
- return ""
- else -- item specific help
- if info.sub[menuItem] ~= nil then -- help file exists
- line = menu.colourText(line, info.sub[menuItem], true, true)
- if noMenu then
- if getInteger then
- return line -- ready for further input
- else
- term.setCursorPos(1, 13)
- menu.enterToContinue()
- end
- else
- term.setCursorPos(1, 13)
- term.write("Enter=exit, Any key + Enter=more ")
- return read()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function getTaskOptions()
- local options = {}
- options.main =
- {
- "Mining (includes Nether)",
- "Forestry",
- "Farming",
- "Obsidian, Nether & End",
- "Canal, bridge and walkway",
- "Spawner farm tools",
- "Area shaping and clearing",
- "Lava and Water",
- "Building and minecart",
- "Measuring tools"
- }
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Ladder up or down",
- "Stairs up or down",
- "Create mine at this level",
- "Safe drop to water block",
- "Single column bubble lift",
- "QuickMine corridor system",
- "QuickMine rectangle",
- "Mine bedrock level",
- "Rob disused mineshaft"
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Fell Tree",
- "Create tree farm",
- "Plant tree farm",
- "Harvest tree farm",
- "Fence or wall a forest",
- "Harvest and replant forest"
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Create modular crop farm",
- "Extend modular crop farm",
- "Plant, harvest or manage crop farm",
- "Build a wall or fence",
- "Fence or wall an enclosure"
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Dig obsidian field",
- "Build Nether Portal",
- "Demolish Nether Portal",
- "Stripmine Netherite",
- "Undermine Dragon Towers",
- "Deactivate Dragon Tower",
- "Build dragon water trap",
- "Build portal ladder & platform",
- "Shulker harvester"
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Simple path on air, water or lava",
- "Covered path or tunnel",
- "Water canal (mulitple options)",
- "Ice canal (multiple options)",
- "Platform",
- "Sinking platform",
- "Boat bubble lift",
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Cube around spawner (NOT blaze)",
- "Cube around Blaze spawner",
- "Flood mob farm floor",
- "Create mob bubble lift",
- "Computercraft mob grinder",
- "Build Endermen observation tower"
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Clear field (inc trees)",
- "Clear a rectangle (+ u/d opt)",
- "Clear single wall up/down",
- "Clear rectangular wall section",
- "Clear hollow structure up/down",
- "Clear solid structure up/down",
- "Dig a trench",
- "Carve mountain side",
- "Place a floor or ceiling",
- "Direct control of movement"
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Sand based utilities",
- "Vertical wall from surface",
- "Create enclosed area",
- "Clear volume of water",
- "Sinking platform",
- "Ocean monument utilities",
- "Ladder down to water/lava",
- "Clear water plants",
- "Convert all water to source",
- "Create sloping water"
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Build a wall",
- "Build a walled area / house",
- "Build a gable end roof",
- "Build a pitched roof",
- "Place Redstone:torch level track",
- "Place Redstone:torch upward track",
- "Build downward track",
- "Build upward track"
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- "Measure height",
- "Measure depth",
- "Measure length",
- "Measure greatest depth",
- "Borehole: Analyse blocks below"
- })
- return options
- end
- local function getTaskColours()
- local options = {}
- options.main =
- {
- colors.lightGray, -- Mining (includes Nether)
- colors.lime, -- Forestry
-, -- Farming
-, -- Obsidian, Nether & End Portal
- colors.brown, -- Canal, bridge and walkway
- colors.lightGray, -- Mob farm tools
-, -- Area shaping and clearing
-, -- Lava and Water
- colors.cyan, -- Railway
- colors.purple -- Measuring tools
- }
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.brown, -- Ladder up or down
- colors.lightGray, -- Stairs up or down
- colors.lightGray, -- Create mine at this level
-, -- Safe drop to water block
-, -- Single column bubble lift
- colors.magenta, -- QuickMine corridor system
-, -- QuickMine rectangle
- colors.gray, -- Mine bedrock level
- colors.brown -- Rob disused mineshaft
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.brown, -- Fell Tree
- colors.lightGray, -- Create tree farm
- colors.lime, -- Plant tree farm
-, -- Harvest tree farm
- colors.brown, -- Fence or wall an enclosure
- colors.lime -- Harvest and replant forest
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.yellow, -- Create modular crop farm
-, -- Extend modular crop farm
- colors.lime, -- Manage modular crop farm
- colors.brown, -- Build wall or fence
- colors.brown -- Build rectangle wall or fence
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.lightGray, -- Dig obsidian field
- colors.purple, -- Build Nether Portal
- colors.gray, -- Demolish Nether Portal
-, -- Netherite stripping
-, -- Undermine Dragon Towers
-, -- Deactivate Dragon Tower
-, -- Build dragon water trap
- colors.lightGray, -- Build portal minecart station
- -- Shulker harvesting
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.lightGray, -- Continuous path
- colors.gray, -- Covered walkway / tunnel
-, -- Water canal
- colors.lightBlue, -- Ice canal (4 options)
- colors.brown, -- Platform
-, -- Sinking platform for oceans
- colors.cyan -- Boat bubble lift
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.brown, -- Cube around spawner (NOT blaze)
-, -- Cube around Blaze spawner
- colors.cyan, -- Flood mob farm floor
-, -- Create mob bubble lift
- colors.brown, -- Dig mob drop trench
- colors.gray -- Build Endermen observation tower
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.lime, -- Clear field (inc trees)
- colors.magenta, -- Clear a rectangle (+ u/d opt)
-, -- Clear single wall up/down
- colors.purple, -- Clear rectangular wall section
- colors.brown, -- Clear hollow structure up/down
-, -- Clear solid structure up/down
- colors.brown, -- Dig a trench
- colors.gray, -- Carve mountain side
- colors.lightBlue, -- Place a floor or ceiling
- -- Direct control of movement
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.yellow, -- Sand based utilities
-, -- Vertical wall from surface
-, -- Create enclosed area
- colors.cyan, -- Clear volume of water
- colors.lightGray, -- Sinking platform
-, -- Ocean monument utilities
- colors.brown, -- Ladder down to water/lava
-, -- Clear water plants
- colors.lightBlue, -- Convert all water to source
- -- Create sloping water
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
- colors.yellow, -- build a wall
-, -- build rectangular structure
- colors.lightGray, -- gable end roof
- colors.gray, -- pitched roof
-, -- Place Redstone:torch level track
-, -- Place Redstone:torch upward track
-, -- Build downward track
- colors.brown -- Build upward track
- })
- table.insert(options,
- {
-, -- Measure height
- colors.purple, -- Measure depth
- colors.magenta, -- Measure length
-, -- Measure greatest depth
- colors.lightBlue -- Borehole: Analyse blocks below
- })
- return options
- end
- local function chooseTask(R)
- --[[
- called from main()
- R = chooseTask(R)
- coloured menu:
- local pp =
- {
- prompt =,
- itemColours = {colors.white,, ... one for each item},
- menuPrompt = colors.yellow
- }
- choice, modifier = or"Choose your option", options, pp)
- ]]
- local lib = {}
- function lib.getHelp(choice, itemsRequired, pp)
- local listOfItems = itemsRequired[choice]
- local result = getTaskHelp(2, choice)
- if result ~= "" then -- any key + enter = more
- lib.showItems(listOfItems)
- end
- T:clear()
- pp.itemColours = {, colors.yellow,,}
- local options ={"Continue with selected task", "return to menu", "Return to main menu","Quit application"}
- local option ="Choose your option", options, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- if option == 2 then
- choice = -2 -- return to subMenu
- elseif option == 3 then
- choice = 0 -- return to main menu
- elseif option == 4 then
- choice = -1 -- quit
- -- else return original value of choice
- end
- return choice -- if R.choice reset to 0, then re-starts, -1 == quit
- end
- function lib.showItems(listOfItems)
- T:clear()
- if next(listOfItems) ~= nil then
- menu.colourPrint("Items required:", colors.lime)
- for k,v in pairs(listOfItems) do
- menu.colourPrint(" "..v, colors.lightGray)
- end
- else
- menu.colourPrint("No items required", colors.lime)
- end
- menu.colourWrite("Enter to continue", colors.yellow,, nil, true)
- read()
- end
- function lib.getItemList(subChoice, itemsRequired)
- local listOfItems = itemsRequired[subChoice]
- lib.showItems(listOfItems)
- end
- function lib.getChoice(choice, subChoice)
- if subChoice > 9 then -- need more than 9 sub-options
- choice = subChoice + (choice * 100) -- 10 = 10 + 1000 = 1100
- else -- eg main option 1 (mining), sub-option 1 (create mine) = 1 + 10 = 11
- choice = subChoice + (choice * 10) -- 9 = 9 + 9 * 10 = 99, 1 + 10*10 = 101
- end
- return choice
- end
- local modifier = ""
- local subChoice = 0
- local prompt = "Choose an option"
- local mainPrompt = "Choose option (+h = help eg 3h):"
- local subPrompt = "Choose (+h = help +i = items eg 3h):"
- local options = getTaskOptions()
- local menuColours = getTaskColours()
- local itemsRequired = getTaskItemsList()
- local menuState = 0 -- use main menu
- -- local pp = utils.getPrettyPrint(colors.cyan, colors.magenta) -- specify menu title and prompt colours
- --local pp = utils.getPrettyPrint()-- uses default colours
- while menuState >= 0 do -- menuState has to be -1 to exit loop
- --[[
- menu returns choice=nil if user enters just q or h
- menu returns choice=2, modifier = "h" if 2h entered
- Mining (includes Nether) white
- Forestry lime
- Farming lime
- Obsidian, Nether & End Portal brown
- Canal, bridge and walkway pink
- Mob farm tools gray
- Area shaping and clearing purple
- Lava and Water blue
- Railway magenta
- Measuring tools cyan
- ]]
- if menuState == 0 then
- pp.itemColours = menuColours.main
- local mainChoice, modifier =, options.main, pp) -- open main menu options
- if modifier == "q" then
- R.choice = -1
- return R -- quit application
- elseif modifier == "h" then -- get help on main menu items
- getTaskHelp(1, mainChoice) -- "" or any return string for more
- R.choice = 0
- return R -- quit task system so it re-starts as help menu chosen R.choice = 0
- else
- menuState = 1 -- next level so use sub-menu
- R.choice = mainChoice -- 1-10
- end
- else
- pp.prompt = colors.yellow
- pp.itemColours = menuColours[R.choice]
- subChoice, modifier =, options[R.choice], pp, "Back = 'q' or number + Enter: ") -- open submenu options
- if modifier == "q" then
- R.choice = 0 -- return to root menu. change this to -1 if quit application preferred
- return R -- quit task system so it re-starts first menu
- elseif modifier == "i" then -- get list of items
- local index = lib.getChoice(R.choice, subChoice)
- lib.getItemList(index, itemsRequired) -- list of items shown
- subChoice = nil -- allow menu to continue
- elseif modifier == "h" then -- get help on main menu items
- local index = lib.getChoice(R.choice, subChoice)
- index = lib.getHelp(index, itemsRequired, pp)
- --R = lib.getHelp(R, itemsRequired, pp) -- if R.choice reset to 0 then will continue
- if index == -2 then -- redraw sub-menu
- subChoice = nil -- allow menu to continue
- elseif index == -1 then -- if R.choice reset to 0 then will continue
- R.choice = -1
- return R
- elseif index == 0 then
- R.choice = 0
- menuState = 0 -- if R.choice reset to 0 then back to main menu
- end
- end
- if subChoice ~= nil then
- R.choice = lib.getChoice(R.choice, subChoice)
- return R -- exit loop
- end
- end
- end
- return R
- end
- local function getTask(R)
- -- Called from main(): R = getTask(R)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.isAutoHelp(choice, noAutoHelp)
- for _, v in ipairs(noAutoHelp) do
- if choice == v then
- return true
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- local prompt = "Choose an option"
- local noAutoHelp = {24, 47, 49, 53, 54, 81, 85}
- if not lib.isAutoHelp(R.choice, noAutoHelp) then -- exclude Water canal, ice canal, sand utilities, monument utilities, dragon trap
- getTaskHelp(2, R.choice, true)
- menu.clear()
- end
- -- 01. MINING
- if R.choice >= 11 and R.choice <= 13 then -- createLadder, createStaircase, createMine)
- --getTaskHelp(2, R.choice, true)
- --menu.clear()
- elseif R.choice == 14 then -- safe drop to water
- local currentLevel = menu.getInteger("Current level (F3->Y coord)? ", bedrock + 5, ceiling, nil, colors.lightGray)
- local destLevel = menu.getInteger("Go down to level? ("..currentLevel - 2 .." to "..bedrock + 5 ..")", bedrock + 5 , currentLevel - 2, nil,, nil, bedrock + 5)
- R.height = math.abs(destLevel - currentLevel)
- elseif R.choice == 15 then -- bubble lift
- local currentLevel = menu.getInteger("Current level (F3->Y coord)? ", bedrock + 5 , ceiling, nil,, nil, bedrock + 5)
- local destLevel = menu.getInteger("Go up to level? ("..currentLevel + 2 .." to "..ceiling ..") ", currentLevel + 2, ceiling, nil, colors.lightGray)
- --[[if currentLevel <= bedrock + 5 then
- if menu.getBoolean("Confirm close to bedrock (y / n) ", nil, colors.yellow, then
- = "bedrock"
- end
- end]]
- R.height = math.abs(destLevel - currentLevel)
- elseif R.choice == 16 then -- create mining corridor system default: square 17 x 17
- local choices = {"At corridor start, on the floor",
- "At corridor start, on the ceiling",
- "On floor, move forward to start",
- "On ceiling, move forward to start"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,, colors.magenta,}
- local userChoice, modifier ="Starting position?", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ") -- 1 to 4
- if modifier == "q" then -- quit chosen
- = "quit"
- return R
- end
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width (2-64 default 17) ", 2, 64, nil, colors.yellow, nil, 17)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length (2-64 default 17) ", 2, 64, nil,, nil, 17)
- R.torchInterval = 9 -- 8 spaces between torches
- if mcMajorVersion >= 1.18 then
- R.torchInterval = 17 -- 16 spaces between torches
- end
- R.subChoice = userChoice
- elseif R.choice == 17 then -- clear a rectangle, fill empty spaces above
- local choices = {"At mine area start, on the floor",
- "At mine area start, on the ceiling",
- "On floor, move forward to start",
- "On ceiling, move forward to start",
- "On floor diagonally to left"} -- just finished corridor
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,, colors.magenta,,}
- local userChoice, modifier ="Starting position?", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ") -- 1 to 4
- if modifier == "q" then -- quit chosen
- = "quit"
- return R
- end
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width (2-64 default 15) ", 2, 64, nil, colors.yellow, nil, 15)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length (2-64 default 15) ", 2, 64, nil,, nil, 15)
- R.subChoice = userChoice
- elseif R.choice == 18 then -- Mine bedrock area
- --getTaskHelp(2, R.choice, true)
- --menu.clear()
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width (2-64 default 17) ", 2, 64, nil, colors.yellow, nil, 17)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length (2-64 default 17) ", 2, 64, nil,, nil, 17)
- if menu.getBoolean("Leave bedrock exposed? (y/n) ", nil, colors.yellow) then
- = "leaveExposed"
- end
- elseif R.choice == 19 then -- salvage mine shaft
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, nil,
- -- 02. FORESTRY
- elseif R.choice == 22 then --Create treefarm
- R.width = 15
- R.length = 15
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lightGray,}
- choices = {"New tree farm. Start here", "On right side of existing farm" }
- local choice =, choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- if choice == 2 then
- = "existing"
- end
- R.up = menu.getBoolean({"Any blocks/trees above current level","in a 15 x 15 block area (y/n) "}, nil, {colors.yellow,},
- elseif R.choice == 23 then -- plant treefarm
- local choices = {"16 single trees", "4 double trees any type"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- R.subChoice =, choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- --elseif R.choice == 24 then -- Harvest treefarm
- elseif R.choice == 25 then -- Build wall or fence
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of the area (1-64)", 1, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of the area (1-64)", 1, 64, nil,
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, nil,
- if menu.getBoolean("Storage barrels in corners? (y/n)", nil, colors.brown) then
- = "barrel"
- end
- elseif R.choice == 26 then -- Harvest and replant natural forest
- -- 03. FARMING
- elseif R.choice == 31 then -- new crop farm
- elseif R.choice == 32 then -- extend crop farm
- local choices = {"Add a farm at the back", "Add a farm to the right"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- R.subChoice =, choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- elseif R.choice == 33 then -- manage crop farm
- elseif R.choice == 34 then -- fence or wall
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of wall / fence (1-256)", 1, 256, nil,
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 35 then -- rectangle fence or wall
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of the area (1-64)", 1, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of the area (1-64)", 1, 64, nil,
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, nil,
- -- 04. OBSIDIAN
- elseif R.choice == 41 then -- Harvest obsidian
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of the area (1-64) ", 1, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of the area (1-64) ", 1, 64, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 42 or R.choice == 43 then -- build Nether portal / demolish Nether portal
- local choices = {"Facing portal: forward, turn right",
- "Aligned with portal: start ahead"}
- pp.itemColours = {,}
- local userChoice, modifier ="Starting position?", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ") -- 1 to 2
- R.subChoice = userChoice
- if modifier == "q" then -- quit chosen
- = "quit"
- return R
- end
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Portal width", 1, 64, nil, colors.yellow, nil, 4)
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Portal height (inc. buried base)", 1, 64, nil, colors.lightGray, nil, 5)
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Thickness (Usually 1) Enter = 1)", 1, 64, nil,, nil, 1)
- if menu.getBoolean("Base below surface (y/n)", nil, then
- = "bury"
- end
- elseif R.choice == 44 then -- Netherite stripping
- R.width = 1
- while R.length == 0 or R.length % 16 > 0 do
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Strip length (divisible by 16) ", 16, 512, 1,
- if R.length % 16 > 0 then
- menu.colourText(1, "~red~Must be multiple of 16")
- end
- end
- R.torchInterval = 16
- = "seal"
- elseif R.choice == 45 then -- undermine dragon towers
- elseif R.choice == 46 then -- deactivate dragon tower
- elseif R.choice == 47 then -- build dragon water trap
- local text =
- [[~yellow~You ~red~MUST ~yellow~have already constructed a
- bridge / tunnel into the dragon island
- to allow for safe construction of the
- dragon trap.
- If not use toolkit:
- ~brown~5.~gray~2 Covered path or tunnel~yellow~ length 100
- start centre of obsidian platform:
- 100,49,0 facing west]]
- menu.colourText(1, text)
- if menu.getBoolean("Bridge already made? (y/n)", 12, then
- getTaskHelp(2, R.choice, true)
- menu.clear()
- else
- = "quit"
- return R
- end
- elseif R.choice == 48 then -- build end portal minecart station
- elseif R.choice == 49 then -- Shulker harvesting
- local items =
- {
- "Shulker is above",
- "Shulker is ahead",
- "Shulker is below",
- "Climb tower wall",
- "Clear roof above",
- "Clear outside walls"
- }
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lightGray, colors.brown,, colors.yellow,, colors.lightGray}
- R.subChoice ="Which utility? ", items, pp)
- getTaskHelp(2, R.choice * 10 + R.subChoice, true) -- eg 490 + 1 = 491
- menu.clear()
- elseif R.choice == 51 then --single path
- if menu.getBoolean("Shorten an existing path? (y/n)", nil, colors.brown) then
- = "reduce"
- end
- if == "reduce" then
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Reduce by? 0 = here to end", 0, 1024, nil,, nil, 64)
- else
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Path length? 0 = continuous ", 0, 1024, nil,, nil, 64)
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, line,, nil, 0)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 52 then -- 2 block corridor / covered walkway
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Corridor length?", 1, 1024, nil,, nil, 64)
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, nil,
- if menu.getBoolean("Seal off water or lava? (y/n)", nil, colors.brown) then
- = "seal"
- end
- elseif R.choice == 53 then --left/right side of new/existing canal
- local line = getTaskHelp(2, 110, true, true) -- request line no of help display if needed for getInteger
- = menu.getInteger("Choose method 1 or 2", 1, 2, line + 1, colors.white) -- 2 or 4 turtles
- menu.clear()
- line = getTaskHelp(2, R.choice, true, true) -- request line no of help display if needed for getInteger
- R.subChoice = menu.getInteger("Type position of this turtle", 1, 6, line + 1, colors.white)
- local position = "on ground"
- local side = "left"
- local colour = colors.lime
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- R.side = "L"
- R.height = 1
- position = "on ground"
- colour = colors.lime
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then
- R.side = "L"
- R.height = 1
- position = "above canal"
- colour =
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then
- R.side = "R"
- side = "right"
- R.height = 1
- position = "above canal"
- colour = colors.brown
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then
- R.side = "R"
- side = "right"
- R.height = 1
- colour =
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 then
- R.side = "L"
- R.height = 0
- position = "on canal base"
- colour =
- elseif R.subChoice == 6 then
- R.side = "R"
- side = "right"
- R.height = 0
- position = "on canal base"
- colour = colors.cyan
- end
- line = menu.clear()
- if == 1 or ( == 2 and (R.subChoice == 1 or R.subChoice == 4)) then
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, line,, nil, 0)
- end
- -- menu.colourPrint(text, fg, bg, width)
- -- menu.colourText(row, text, reset)
- menu.colourPrint("Turtle placed "..side.." "..position, colour)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Canal length? 0 = continuous ", 0, 512, line + 2,, nil, 64)
- elseif R.choice == 54 then --ice canal 4 sections: edge+torch, edge, centre+ice, centre no ice
- local line = getTaskHelp(2, R.choice, true, true) -- request line no of help display if needed for getInteger
- R.subChoice = menu.getInteger("Type turtle position", 1, 8, line, colors.white)
- R.side = "L"
- local position = "on towpath"
- local side = "left"
- local colour = colors.lime
- line = menu.clear()
- --[[
- new canal
- 1 = left towpath- move to centre left
- 2 = centre left ice or hollow
- 3 = centre right ice or hollow
- 4 = right side - move to centre right
- convert water canal
- 5 = left towpath
- 6 = centre left ice or air
- 7 = centre right ice or air
- 8 = right towpath
- ]]
- if R.subChoice == 1 or R.subChoice == 4 or R.subChoice == 5 or R.subChoice == 8 then
- -- on towpath r/l
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, line,, nil, 0)
- if R.subChoice == 4 or R.subChoice == 8 then
- side = "right"
- R.side = "R"
- end
- if R.subChoice <= 4 then -- 1 or 4 only
- if menu.getBoolean("Place Ice as well? (y/n)", line + 1, then
- = "ice"
- end
- end
- else -- on canal centre r/l
- if R.subChoice == 3 or R.subChoice == 7 then
- side = "right"
- R.side = "R"
- end
- if R.subChoice == 2 or R.subChoice == 3 then -- new canal
- R.torchInterval = menu.getInteger("Torch spacing? (0-64)", 0, 64, line,, nil, 0)
- position = "above air/ice"
- end
- if menu.getBoolean("Place Ice as well? (y/n)", line + 1, then
- = "ice"
- if R.subChoice == 6 or R.subChoice == 7 then
- position = "alternate air/ice"
- colour = colors.lightBlue
- end
- else
- if R.subChoice == 6 or R.subChoice == 7 then
- position = "on air spaces"
- colour = colors.lighGray
- if R.subChoice == 7 then
- side = "right"
- R.side = "R"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Canal length? 0 = continuous ", 0, 1024, line + 2,, nil, 64)
- menu.colourPrint("Turtle on "..side.." side "..position, colour)
- sleep(2)
- elseif R.choice == 55 then --platform
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Platform width", 1, 256, 1, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Platform length", 1, 256, 2,
- if menu.getBoolean("Remove blocks above? (y/n)",3, then
- R.up = true
- end
- elseif R.choice == 56 then --sinking platform
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width (excluding retaining wall)? ", 1, 1024, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length (excluding retaining wall)? ", 1, 1024 / R.width, nil,
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Levels to go down?", 1, 1024 / R.width * R.length, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 57 then --boat bubble lift
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Levels to go up?", 1, ceiling - 2, nil, colors.lightBlue)
- elseif R.choice == 61 then -- create cube round mob spawner
- local text =
- [[~yellow~Turtle placement options:
- ~lime~1. On top or in front of the spawner
- ~green~(cave spider OR no chests around)
- ~lightGray~2. Outside the dungeon at floor or
- ceiling level ~red~1 block from corner
- ~yellow~Make sure you have access to the block
- facing the spawner, as any chests
- found inside will be placed outside
- the new dungeon wall at this height
- ~white~Enter to continue
- ]]
- menu.colourText(nil, text, true)
- read()
- menu.clear()
- = "spawner"
- if menu.getBoolean("Any chests around spawner? (y/n)",1, then
- = "chest"
- end
- local choices = {"Turtle on spawner (no chests)",
- "Outside wall: left side, floor",
- "Outside wall: left side, ceiling",
- "Outside wall: right side, floor",
- "Outside wall: right side, ceiling"}
- pp.itemColours = {, colors.lime,,, colors.yellow}
- local userChoice, modifier ="Select turtle position", choices, pp) -- 1 to 5
- if modifier == "q" then -- quit chosen
- = "quit"
- return R
- end
- R.subChoice = userChoice
- if R.subChoice > 1 then -- get dungeon wall dimensions
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Dungeon external width ", 0, 11, nil, colors.yellow, nil, 11)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Dungeon external length ", 0, 11, nil,, nil, 11)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 62 then -- Blaze spawner
- local text =
- [[~yellow~Turtle placement options:
- ~red~1a On top of the spawner
- ~red~1b ~orange~At the same level in direct line of
- spawner.~yellow~ (can be behind a safety wall)
- ~red~1c~lightGray~ Room below spawner (via stairs)
- ~lime~2 Finish build: In brick floor outside
- existing cube. (facing player)
- ~white~Enter to continue]]
- menu.colourText(nil, text, true)
- read()
- pp.itemColours = {, colors.lime}
- R.subChoice ="Choose your option", {"New Blaze spawner", "Complete part build (killzone)"}, pp, "Type number + Enter") -- 1 = new, 2= continue
- = "blaze" -- default
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- new blaze spawner
- text =
- [[~yellow~Turtle placement options:
- ~red~1. On top of the spawner
- ~orange~2. In direct sight (safety wall ok)
- ~lightGray~3. Room below spawner (via stairs)
- |*|*|*|*|*| Ceiling
- |*|*|~red~T~lightGray~|*|*| Turtle under ceiling
- |*|~brown~+~lightGray~|*|~brown~+~lightGray~|*| Top of fence
- |*|~brown~+~lightGray~|*|~brown~+~lightGray~|*|
- |*|~brown~+~lightGray~|*|~brown~+~lightGray~|*| Bottom of fence
- |*|*|*|*|*| Floor level]]
- --R.subChoice ="Choose your position", {"On top of spawner", "In direct sight (safety wall ok)", "Room below spawner"}, pp, "Type number + Enter")
- --getInteger(prompt, minValue, maxValue, row, fg, bg, default)
- T:clear()
- menu.colourText(nil, text, true)
- R.subChoice = menu.getInteger("Enter position number", 1, 3, 12, colors.white)
- else
- = "restart" -- complete part build
- end
- elseif R.choice == 63 then -- flood spawner cube
- local choices = {"Bubble lift", "Computercraft mob softener"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- local userChoice ="Flood for Mob grinder type?", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- R.subChoice = userChoice -- 1 bubble, 2 computercraft
- elseif R.choice == 64 then -- create bubble lift at mob spawner
- local choices = {"Dropzone on left", "Dropzone on right"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- local userChoice ="Which side do you want the mobs?", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter")
- R.subChoice = userChoice -- 1 left, 2 right
- elseif R.choice == 65 then -- Computercraft mob grinder
- local choices = {"Use Sticky pistons", "Use non-sticky pistons"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- local userChoice ="Which type of pistons?", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- R.subChoice = userChoice -- 1 sticky, 2 normal
- elseif R.choice == 71 then --Clear field
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of the area (1-64)", 1, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of the area (1-64)", 1, 64, nil,
- if menu.getBoolean("Dirt on the surface (y/n)", nil, colors.brown) then
- R.useBlockType = "dirt"
- end
- elseif R.choice == 72 then -- Clear solid rectangle R.width, R.length
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Rectangle width (1-256)", 1, 256, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Rectangle length (1-256)", 1, 256, nil,
- R.up = menu.getBoolean("Remove blocks above?", nil, colors.yellow)
- R.down = menu.getBoolean("Remove blocks below?", nil,
- if menu.getBoolean("Am I outside clearing zone (y/n)?", nil, colors.yellow) then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 73 then -- Clear wall
- R.width = 1
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of wall (1-256) ", 1, 256, nil,
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Height of wall (1-50) ", 1, 50, nil, colors.lightGray)
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- R.subChoice ="Which direction?", {"Bottom -> Top", "Top -> Bottom"}, pp, "Type number + Enter ") -- open direction menu options
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- if menu.getBoolean("Am I outside clearing zone (y/n)?", nil, colors.yellow) then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- else
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lightBlue, colors.cyan,, colors.gray}
- local choice ="Exact position?", {"On top of clearing zone", "In front of clearing zone", "Inside clearing zone","Above AND outside"}, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- if choice == 1 then
- T:down(1)
- elseif choice == 2 then
- T:forward(1)
- elseif choice == 4 then
- T:go("D1F1")
- end
- end
- elseif R.choice == 74 then -- Clear rectangle perimeter only R.width, R.length
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Perimeter width (1-256) ", 1, 256, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Perimeter length (1-256) ", 1, 256, nil,
- R.height = 1
- if menu.getBoolean("Remove blocks above? (y/n)", 3, then
- R.up = true
- end
- if menu.getBoolean("Remove blocks below? (y/n)", 4, then
- R.down = true
- end
- if menu.getBoolean("Am I outside clearing zone (y/n)?", 5, colors.yellow) then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 75 or R.choice == 76 then -- Clear hollow building floor/walls/ceiling OR clear solid object
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Structure width (1-256)", 1, 256, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Structure length (1-256)", 1, 256, nil,
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Depth/Height (1-256)", 1, 256, nil, colors.lightGray)
- if R.choice == 75 then -- hollow building so need to check if floors/ceilings to be removed
- = {}
- = false
- = false
- if menu.getBoolean("Remove ceiling? (y/n)", nil, colors.yellow, then
- = true
- end
- if menu.getBoolean("Remove floor? (y/n)", nil,, then
- = true
- end
- end
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- R.subChoice ="Which direction?", {"Bottom -> Top", "Top -> Bottom"}, pp, "Type number + Enter ") -- open direction menu options
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- if menu.getBoolean("Am I outside clearing zone (y/n)?", nil, colors.yellow) then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- else
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lightBlue, colors.cyan,, colors.gray}
- local choice ="Exact position?", {"On top of clearing zone", "Outside clearing zone", "Inside clearing zone","Above AND outside"}, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- if choice == 1 then
- T:down(1)
- elseif choice == 2 then
- T:forward(1)
- elseif choice == 4 then
- T:go("D1F1")
- end
- end
- elseif R.choice == 77 then -- Dig a trench
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Depth of the trench (1-64) ", 1, 64, nil,
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Trench length? 0 = continuous ", 0, 1024, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 78 then -- Carve side of mountain
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- R.subChoice ="Remove blocks on which side?", {"Left", "Right"}, pp, "Type number + Enter ") -- open direction menu options
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Remove how many vertical rows? ", 1, 1024, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger({"Max length of each row?"," - Prevents cutting too wide","1 to 255 default 64"}, 1, 255, nil, {,, colors.white},, 64)
- elseif R.choice == 79 then -- Place a floor or ceiling
- local items = { "Replacing current floor",
- "New floor over existing",
- "Replacing current ceiling",
- "New ceiling under existing"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,,, colors.yellow}
- R.subChoice ="Laying what?", items, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- R.height = menu.getInteger({"Enter 0 for on-site placement",
- "If in deep water or above reach",
- "Enter approx depth/height"}, 0, 64, nil, {colors.yellow,, colors.cyan} )
- if R.subChoice < 3 then
- R.down = true
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of floor (1-64) ", 1, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of floor (1-64) ", 1, 64, nil,
- else
- R.up = true
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of ceiling (1-64) ", 1, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of ceiling (1-64) ", 1, 64, nil,
- end
- elseif R.choice == 710 or R.choice == 83 then -- Direct movement
- local choices = {"Simple path", "Covered 2 block high path"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- local userChoice ="Choose your path option", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- R.subChoice = userChoice -- 1 open, 2 covered
- choices = {"Command driven", "Menu driven"}
- userChoice ="Choose your preference", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- if userChoice == 1 then
- = "cmd"
- else
- = "menu"
- end
- -- 08. WATER LAVA
- elseif R.choice == 81 then -- Sand based utilities
- local line = getTaskHelp(2, R.choice, true, true) -- request line no of help display if needed for getInteger
- R.subChoice = menu.getInteger("Type number of choice", 1, 4, line, colors.white)
- T:clear()
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- drop sand into water or lava surface until solid ground reached
- R.width = 1
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of sand wall (0=to block) ", 0, 60, nil,
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- clear rectangle on top of building and fill with sand
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of area (<=30) ", 1, 30, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of of area (<=30) ", 1, 30, nil,
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- clear sand wall or harvest sand
- R.width = 1
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of sand (0=auto-detect)", 0, 60, nil,
- choices = {"Stay at end of wall", "Return home"}
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- userChoice ="Choose your preference", choices, pp, "Type number + Enter ")
- if userChoice == 2 then
- = "return"
- end
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then -- remove sand from cube. start at top
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of sand (<=30) ", 1, 30, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of of sand (<=30) ", 1, 30, nil,
- R.height = 0
- = "down" -- always starts at the top
- end
- if menu.getBoolean("Am I outside the active zone (y/n)?", nil, colors.yellow) then
- T:forward(1)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 82 then -- build wall from water or lava surface downwards
- R.width = 1
- if menu.getBoolean("Going 90 deg. from existing? (y/n)", nil, colors.yellow, then
- getTaskHelp(2, 852, true)
- menu.clear()
- R.length = 56
- = "withPath" -- ensures turtle will break through path
- R.length = menu.getInteger({"Wall length minus corners","(Ocean monument default 56)","Number -> Enter or Enter only (56)"},
- 1, 64, nil, {colors.yellow,,},, 56)
- else
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of the wall (1-60) ", 1, 60, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Fixed depth or 0 = to floor ", 0, 60, nil, colors.yellow)
- end
- -- for 83 see 710
- elseif R.choice == 84 then -- Clear area of water bounded by blocks
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width of water (0=autodetect) ", 0, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- if R.width > 0 then
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of water", 1, 64, nil,
- end
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Depth of water (0=autodetect)", 0, 64, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 85 then -- Sinking platform
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width (excluding retaining wall)? ", 1, 1024, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length (excluding retaining wall)? ", 1, 1024 / R.width, nil,
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Levels to go down?", 1, 1024 / R.width * R.length, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 86 then -- ocean monument utilities
- local items =
- {
- "Build 4 corner marker columns",
- "Retaining wall beween 2 columns",
- "Clear plants pre sand draining",
- "Drop sand wall",
- "Recover sand wall",
- "Sinking platform",
- "Drain and remove structure"
- }
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lightGray, colors.brown,, colors.yellow,, colors.lightGray, colors.gray}
- R.subChoice ="Which utility? ", items, pp)
- if R.subChoice ~= nil then
- getTaskHelp(2, R.choice * 10 + R.subChoice, true)
- end
- menu.clear()
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- Build 4 corner marker columns
- R.useBlockType = "prismarine"
- = "oceanMonumentColumns"
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- Retaining wall beween 2 columns
- R.length = 56
- = "withPath" -- ensures turtle will break through path
- T:clear()
- R.length = menu.getInteger({"Wall length minus corners","(Ocean monument default 56)","Number -> Enter or Enter only (56)"},
- 1, 64, nil, {colors.yellow,,},, 56)
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- Clear plants pre sand draining
- R.useBlockType = "prismarine"
- = "clearWaterPlants"
- R.silent = true
- R.width = menu.getInteger("water width (0=auto detect) ", 0, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("water length (0=auto detect) ", 0, 64, nil,
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then -- Drain using sand utilities
- R.width = 1
- R.length = 0
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 then -- remove sand wall using sand utilities
- R.width = 1
- R.length = 0
- elseif R.subChoice == 6 then -- sinking platform
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Width (excluding retaining wall)? ", 1, 1024, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length (excluding retaining wall)? ", 1, 1024 / R.width, nil,
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Levels to go down?", 1, 1024 / R.width * R.length, nil,
- elseif R.subChoice == 7 then -- Drain and remove structure
- R.width = 28
- R.length = 28
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Go down how far from current", 1, 64, nil,
- end
- elseif R.choice == 87 then -- Ladder to water/lava
- R.height = menu.getInteger("est. height above (?F3) ", 1, 256, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 88 then -- Clear water plants from enclosed area
- = "clearWaterPlants"
- R.width = menu.getInteger("water width (0=auto detect) ", 0, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("water length (0=auto detect) ", 0, 64, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 89 then -- convert flowing water to source
- R.width = menu.getInteger("water width (0=auto detect) ", 0, 64, nil, colors.yellow)
- if R.width > 0 then
- R.length = menu.getInteger("water length (0=auto detect) ", 0, 64, nil,
- end
- R.height = menu.getInteger("water depth (0=auto detect) ", 0, 64, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 810 then -- create sloping water
- R.width = menu.getInteger("water slope width (usually 7/8) ", 1, 8, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("water slope length ", 1, 64, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 91 then -- Build wall
- R.width = 1
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Length of wall (1-256) ", 1, 256, nil,
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Height of wall (1-50) ", 1, 50, nil, colors.lightGray)
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime, colors.magenta}
- R.subChoice ="What is my current position?", {"End of wall: Start ahead","Within the wall: start here"}, pp, "Type number + Enter")
- elseif R.choice == 92 then -- Build rectangular structure
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Building width (1-256)", 1, 256, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Building length (1-256) ", 1, 256, nil,
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Building Height(1-50) ", 1, 50, nil, colors.lightGray)
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime, colors.magenta}
- R.subChoice ="What is my current position?", {"Outside building: Start ahead","Within the walls: start here"}, pp, "Type number + Enter")
- elseif R.choice == 93 or R.choice == 94 then -- Build gable roof / pitched roof
- R.width = menu.getInteger("Building width (1-256)", 1, 256, nil, colors.yellow)
- R.length = menu.getInteger("Building length (1-256) ", 1, 256, nil,
- elseif R.choice == 97 then -- build downward slope
- R.height = menu.getInteger("How many blocks down (0=to ground)?", 0, 256, nil,
- R.down = true
- elseif R.choice == 98 then -- build upward slope
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Go up by how many blocks?", 1, 256, nil, colors.lightGray)
- R.up = true
- elseif R.choice == 101 then -- measure height
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lightBlue, colors.cyan, colors.lime, colors.gray}
- R.subChoice ="Measure using?", {"Obstruction above", "No further blocks in front", "Detect specific block in front", "Until block above changes" }, pp, "Type number + Enter ") -- open direction menu options
- if R.subChoice == 3 then
- = menu.getString({"Search for? eg 'ore', 'obsidian'",">"}, false, 3, 20, nil, {colors.lime, colors.yellow})
- end
- R.size = menu.getInteger("Max distance before abort?", 1, 1024, nil,, nil, 64)
- elseif R.choice == 102 then -- measure depth
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,,}
- R.subChoice ="Measure using?", {"Water/Lava/Obstruction below", "No further blocks ahead", "Detect specific block ahead"}, pp, "Type number + Enter") -- open direction menu options
- if R.subChoice == 3 then
- = menu.getString({"Search for? eg 'ore', 'obsidian'",">"}, false, 3, 20, nil, {colors.lime, colors.yellow})
- end
- elseif R.choice == 103 then -- measure length
- pp.itemColours = {colors.gray, colors.lime,,, colors.cyan}
- R.subChoice ="Measure using?", {"Obstruction ahead",
- "No further blocks above",
- "No further blocks below",
- "Detect specific block above",
- "Detect specific block below"}, pp, "Type number + Enter") -- open direction menu options
- if R.subChoice == 4 or R.subChoice == 5 then
- = menu.getString({"Search for? eg 'ore', 'obsidian'",">"}, false, 3, 20, nil, {colors.lime, colors.yellow})
- end
- R.size = menu.getInteger("Max distance before abort?", 1, 1024, nil,, nil, 64)
- elseif R.choice == 104 then -- measure greatest depth of water body
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,}
- R.subChoice ="Measure using?", {"Player entered", "No further water below"}, pp, "Type number + Enter ") -- open direction menu options
- -- 1 = player entry, 2 = water length
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- R.length = menu.getInteger("water length (0=auto detect) ", 0, 256)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 105 then -- drill borehole and write borhole.txt to file
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Current level (F3->Y coord)? ", bedrock + 5, ceiling, nil, colors.lightGray)
- R.depth = menu.getInteger("Go down to level? ("..R.height - 2 .." to "..bedrock + 5 ..")", bedrock + 5 ,R.height - 2, nil,, nil, bedrock + 5)
- end
- return R
- end
- local function getTaskInventoryTo30(R)
- local retValue = {}
- local thanks = "Thank you.\n\nPress the ESC key\n\nStand Back..\n"
- --local pp = utils.getPrettyPrint()
- if R.choice == 0 then --Missing pickaxe
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:diamond_pickaxe"}, {1})
- print("Diamond Pickaxe being tested...")
- T:setEquipment()
- elseif R.choice == 1 then --Missing crafting table
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:crafting_table"}, {1}) -- 0 if not present
- print("Crafting table being tested...")
- T:setEquipment()
- elseif R.choice == 2 then --Missing chest
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:chest"}, {1}) -- 0 if not present
- sleep(1.5)
- elseif R.choice == 11 or R.choice == 12 then -- ladder down / up / stairs down / stairs up
- local description = "Creating ladder going down" -- default action description
- pp.itemColours = {, colors.lightGray}
- pp.allowModifier = false -- only allow numbers to be returned
- local inAir = false
- local inNether = menu.getBoolean("Are you in the nether? (y/n) ", nil, colors.yellow,
- if inNether then
- bedrock = 0
- inAir = true
- end
- local option ="Which direction?", {"Going down","Going up"}, pp)
- if option == 1 then
- R.down = true
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Current level (F3->Y coord)? ", bedrock + 5, ceiling, nil, colors.lightGray)
- R.depth = menu.getInteger("Go down to level? ("..R.height - 2 .." to "..bedrock + 5 ..") ", bedrock + 5 , R.height - 2, nil,
- if R.choice == 11 then
- if menu.getBoolean("Build a shelter at base? (y/n) ", nil, colors.yellow, then
- = "chamber"
- end
- end
- if R.choice == 13 then
- description = "Creating stairs going down"
- end
- else
- R.up = true
- --R.depth = utils.getSize(true,"Current level (F3->Y coord)? ", bedrock + 5, ceiling)
- --R.height = utils.getSize(true, "Go up to level? ("..R.depth + 2 .." to "..ceiling ..")", R.depth + 2, ceiling)
- R.depth = menu.getInteger("Current level (F3->Y coord)? ", bedrock + 5, ceiling, nil,
- R.height = menu.getInteger("Go up to level? ("..R.depth + 2 .." to "..ceiling ..") ", R.depth + 2, ceiling, nil, colors.lightGray)
- if R.choice == 11 then
- description = "Creating ladder going up"
- else
- description = "Creating stairs going up"
- end
- end
- local range = math.abs(R.height - R.depth)
- if not inAir then
- inAir = menu.getBoolean("Are you in air (add blocks)? (y/n) ", nil, colors.yellow,
- end
- --[[
- range examples
- -50 to -59 = -59 -(-50) = -9 down
- -59 to -50 = -50 -(-59) = 9 up
- 70 to -48 = -48 - 70 = -118 down
- 5 to 64 = 64 - 5 = 59 up
- ]]
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket"}, {1}, false)
- if R.choice == 11 then -- ladders
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(range * 2)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:ladder"}, {range})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {math.floor(range / 3)}, false)
- if inAir then
- range = range * 4 -- more blocks needed
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {range})
- else -- stairs
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(range * 10) -- stairs: each layer needs 10 moves
- local numStairsNeeded = range
- local data = T:getStock("stairs")
- local numStairs =
- local cobbleNeeded = math.min(range * 6, 256)
- if inAir then
- cobbleNeeded = range * 6 -- 5 blocks / layer unless in water or lava
- end
- if numStairs < numStairsNeeded then
- cobbleNeeded = cobbleNeeded + (math.floor((2 * (numStairsNeeded - numStairs)) / 3))
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stairs"}, {numStairsNeeded}, false)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {cobbleNeeded})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:chest"}, {1}) -- needed for crafting
- end
- menu.colourPrint(description, colors.lightBlue)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- if R.choice == 11 then
- retValue = createLadder(R) -- "bedrock", 70, -48
- else
- retValue = createStaircase(R)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 13 then --Create Mine at this level
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(960)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {24}, false)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket"}, {1}, false)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {64})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:chest"}, {1})
- menu.colourPrint("CreateMine starting", colors.lightBlue)
- sleep(2)
- retValue = createMine()
- elseif R.choice == 14 then -- safe drop to water
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.height * 2)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.height * 2}, false) -- estimate only partial cloaking needed
- menu.colourPrint("Creating safe drop ".. R.height.. " blocks deep", colors.lightBlue)
- menu.colourPrint("Wait for my return!", colors.yellow)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- retValue = createSafeDrop(R)
- elseif R.choice == 15 then -- single column bubble lift
- local needSigns = true
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.height * 6)
- --print(text, fg, bg, width)
- menu.colourPrint("Checking if near ladder",
- T:turnRight(1)
- local blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("ladder") == nil then
- T:turnLeft(2)
- blockType = T:getBlockType("forward")
- if blockType:find("ladder") == nil then
- needSigns = false
- end
- T:turnRight(1)
- else
- needSigns = false
- T:turnLeft(1)
- end
- sleep(1)
- if needSigns then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sign"}, {2}, true, "Ladder not found")
- else
- menu.colourPrint("Ladder found, signs not required",
- sleep(1)
- end
- if T:getBlockType("down"):find("bedrock") == nil then -- NOT bedrock below
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {3})
- else
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {2})
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:soul_sand", "minecraft:dirt"}, {1, 1}, true, "? use dirt as soul sand placeholder")
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.height * 2}, false) -- estimate only partial cloaking needed
- local _, slots = T:getFirstEmptySlot() -- returns first empty slot, no of empty slots
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket"}, {slots}, false, "Add empty buckets for speed!")
- menu.colourPrint("Creating bubble lift ".. R.height.. " blocks high", colors.lime)
- if not needSigns then -- ladder present as signs not required
- menu.colourPrint("Wait at the top via ladder...",
- end
- menu.colourPrint("\nSTAND ON THE LADDER FOR SAFETY!",
- menu.colourPrint("\nEnter to continue", colors.yellow)
- read()
- retValue = createBubbleLift(R)
- elseif R.choice == 16 then --QuickMine corridor
- utils.checkFuelNeeded((R.width * 2 + R.length * 2) * 2)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.width * 2 + R.length * 2}, false)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {math.floor((R.width * 2 + R.length * 2) / R.torchInterval)}, false)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket"}, {1}, false)
- menu.colourPrint("QuickMine corridor: R.subChoice "..R.width.. " x "..R.length, colors.lightBlue)
- retValue = quickMineCorridor(R)
- elseif R.choice == 17 then --QuickMine
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.width * R.length)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {64})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket"}, {1}, false)
- menu.colourPrint("QuickMine rectangle: R.subChoice "..R.width.. " x "..R.length, colors.lightBlue)
- retValue = quickMine(R)
- elseif R.choice == 18 then --Mine bedrock area
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.width * R.length)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {64})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket"}, {1}, false)
- retValue = mineBedrockArea(R) -- = "leaveExposed" or ""
- elseif R.choice == 19 then -- salvage mineshaft
- local equippedRight, equippedLeft, inInventory = T:setEquipment() -- check for crafting table, sword, pickaxe, Put sword in spare slot
- if equippedLeft ~= "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe" and equippedRight ~= "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:diamond_pickaxe"}, {1}, true)
- equippedRight, equippedLeft, inInventory = T:setEquipment() -- check for crafting table, sword, pickaxe, Put sword in spare slot
- end
- if inInventory ~= "minecraft:diamond_sword" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:diamond_sword"}, {1}, false, "To harvest spider webs\nyou need a diamond sword.") --checkInventoryForItem(self, items, quantities, required, message, name)
- end
- if T:getItemSlot("minecraft:diamond_sword") > 0 then
- inInventory = "minecraft:diamond_sword"
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {R.torchInterval}, false)
- if inInventory == "minecraft:diamond_sword" then
- menu.colourPrint("Clearing Mineshaft and cobwebs",
- else
- menu.colourPrint("Clearing Mineshaft", colors.yellow)
- end
- retValue = clearMineshaft(R, equippedRight, equippedLeft, inInventory) -- pass whether the sword is present
- elseif R.choice == 21 then -- Fell tree
- if T:isLog("forward") then
- if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 30 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:chest"}, {1}, false,"Fuel level critical: "..turtle.getFuelLevel())
- T:dig("forward")
- T:craft("planks", 4)
- T:refuel()
- T:forward(1)
- T:up(2)
- T:craft("chest", 1)
- else
- T:forward(1)
- end
- menu.colourPrint("Felling tree", colors.lime)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- T:harvestWholeTree("up")
- while turtle.down() do end
- retValue = {"Tree Harvested"}
- else
- retValue =
- {
- "No log in front..",
- "Move me in front of a tree!"
- }
- end
- elseif R.choice == 22 then --Create treefarm
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(900)
- --T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:dirt"}, {16})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {320})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"polished"}, {4}) -- used to mark launch positions
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {5})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", true)
- menu.colourPrint("Creating Tree Farm with "..R.useBlockType, colors.lime)
- sleep(2)
- retValue = createTreefarm(R)
- elseif R.choice == 23 then -- Plant treefarm
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(180)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"dirt"}, {16})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sapling"}, {16}, false, "Max 16. NOT dark oak")
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(180)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"dirt"}, {16})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sapling"}, {16}, false, "Max 16. 4 saplings / tree")
- end
- menu.colourPrint("plantTreefarm starting: size "..R.subChoice, colors.lime)
- retValue = plantTreefarm(R)
- elseif R.choice == 24 then -- Harvest treefarm
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2)
- menu.colourPrint("Harvesting treefarm starting", colors.lime)
- retValue = harvestTreeFarm(R)
- elseif R.choice == 25 then -- Build wall / fence
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.width * R.length * 2)
- local quantity = math.ceil((R.width + R.length) * 2.3)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"wall", "fence"}, {quantity, quantity})
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {math.floor(quantity / R.torchInterval)}, false)
- end
- if == "barrel" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"barrel"}, {4}, false)
- end
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", false) -- no excluded blocks, any block type
- menu.colourPrint("Creating "..R.width.." x "..R.length.." walled enclosure", colors.yellow)
- menu.colourPrint("Using: "..R.useBlockType,
- retValue = createWallOrFence(R)
- elseif R.choice == 26 then -- clear natural forest
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:chest"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sapling"}, {64}, false)
- menu.colourPrint("Clearing and replanting trees", colors.lime)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- retValue = clearAndReplantTrees()
- end
- return retValue
- end
- local function getTaskInventoryTo70(R)
- local retValue = {}
- local thanks = "Thank you.\n\nPress the ESC key\n\nStand Back..\n"
- if R.choice == 31 then -- Create modular farm
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(300)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"cobble"}, {64})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"dirt"}, {128}, false)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"water_bucket"}, {4})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"chest", "barrel"}, {5,5})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sapling"}, {1})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("dirt", true) -- exclude dirt from count
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- print("Creating modular farm with "..R.useBlockType)
- retValue = createFarm(R, false)
- elseif R.choice == 32 then -- Extend modular farm
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(300)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"cobble"}, {64})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"dirt"}, {128}, false)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"water_bucket"}, {4})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"chest", "barrel"}, {5,5})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sapling"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"crafting"}, {1}) -- will be placed inside barrel / chest next to water source
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("dirt", true) -- exclude dirt from count
- menu.colourPrint("Checking position...\n",
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- retValue = createFarmExtension(R) -- subChoice = 1 for ahead, 2 for to the right
- elseif R.choice == 33 then -- manage modular farm
- -- inventory checked in function depending on option taken
- = "farm"
- retValue = manageFarmSetup(R)
- elseif R.choice == 34 then -- build single fence
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"wall", "fence"}, {R.length, R.length})
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {math.ceil(R.length / R.torchInterval)}, false)
- end
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("minecraft:torch") -- exclude torch
- menu.colourPrint("Creating "..R.length.." wall or fence",
- menu.colourPrint("Using: "..R.useBlockType,
- retValue = createWallOrFence(R) -- barrels not included in, R.width = 0 so only single length
- elseif R.choice == 35 then -- build fence
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.width * R.length * 2)
- local quantity = math.ceil((R.width + R.length) * 2.3)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"wall", "fence"}, {quantity, quantity})
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {math.floor(quantity / R.torchInterval)}, false)
- end
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("minecraft:torch") -- exclude torch
- menu.colourPrint("Creating "..R.width.." x "..R.length.." walled enclosure",
- menu.colourPrint("Using: "..R.useBlockType,
- retValue = createWallOrFence(R) -- barrels not included in
- elseif R.choice == 41 then --harvest obsidian
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.width * R.length * 3)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.width * R.length})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket", "minecraft:lava_bucket"}, {1, 1}, false, "Get extra fuel as well!")
- menu.colourPrint("Harvesting obsidian area: size "..R.width.. " x "..R.length,
- sleep(2)
- retValue = harvestObsidian(R)
- elseif R.choice == 42 then --build nether portal
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.height * R.width) -- length = width when facing standard = 5 high 4 length 1 width
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:obsidian"}, {((R.length - 2 + R.height - 2) * R.width * 2)})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.width * 4})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("obsidian", true) -- exclude obsidian from count
- menu.colourPrint("Building Nether portal",
- sleep(2)
- retValue = createPortal(R)
- elseif R.choice == 43 then --demolish nether portal
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(20)
- print("Demolishing Nether portal")
- retValue = demolishPortal(R)
- elseif R.choice == 44 then -- Strip mine Netherite
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * 2)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.length * 4})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", true) -- exclude none, use stone only/netherrack
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"cobble"}, {math.floor(R.length / 16) * 4}, true, "For marking Chunk boundaries")
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket", "minecraft:lava_bucket"}, {1, 1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {math.floor(R.length / 16)}, false)
- retValue = createStripMine(R)
- elseif R.choice == 45 then --undermine dragon towers
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(500)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:cobblestone", "minecraft:cobbled_deepslate"}, {84, 84})
- print("Undermining dragon towers")
- retValue = undermineDragonTowers()
- elseif R.choice == 46 then --deactivate dragon tower
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(50)
- print("Deactivating dragon tower")
- retValue = deactivateDragonTower()
- elseif R.choice == 47 then --build dragon water trap
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(256)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {356})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:obsidian"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:ladder"}, {145})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {1})
- print("Building dragon water trap")
- retValue = createDragonTrap()
- elseif R.choice == 48 then --build portal minecart station
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(200)
- menu.colourPrint("Inventory after height measurement",
- menu.colourPrint("Enter to start measurement.", colors.lime)
- read()
- print("Building portal platform")
- retValue = createPortalPlatform()
- elseif R.choice == 49 then -- shulker harvesting
- retValue = harvestShulkers(R)
- elseif R.choice == 51 then -- continuous path over void/water/lava
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length) -- allow for R.length
- if ~= "reduce" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.length}, false)
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {math.floor(R.length/R.torchInterval)}, false)
- end
- print("Building continuous path")
- end
- retValue = utils.createPath(R) -- returns {numBlocks}
- elseif R.choice == 52 then -- simple 2 block corridor
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.length * 2}, false)
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {math.ceil(R.length / R.torchInterval)}, false)
- end
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- print("Building simple corridor")
- retValue = createCorridor(R)
- elseif R.choice == 53 then -- canal management
- local torches = 0
- local length = R.length
- if length > 0 then
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(length * 4) -- allow for 1024 R.length
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- torches = math.floor(length / R.torchInterval)
- end
- else
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(2048) -- allow for 1024 R.length
- length = 256
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {length})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", true)
- if == 1 or ( == 2 and (R.subChoice == 2 or R.subChoice == 3 or R.subChoice == 5 or R.subChoice == 6)) then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {2})
- end
- if torches > 0 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:torch"}, {torches}, false)
- end
- retValue = createWaterCanal(R)
- elseif R.choice == 54 then -- ice canal
- local default = R.length
- if R.length > 0 then
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length)
- else
- default = 64
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(default * 2) -- allow for 128 min R.length
- end
- --[[
- new canal
- 1 = left towpath- move to centre left
- 2 = centre left ice or hollow
- 3 = centre right ice or hollow
- 4 = right side - move to centre right
- convert water canal
- 5 = left towpath
- 6 = centre left ice or air
- 7 = centre right ice or air
- 8 = right towpath
- ]]
- if R.subChoice <= 5 or R.subChoice == 8 then -- towpath
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {default}, true, "Add slabs to length required")
- end
- if R.torchInterval > 0 then
- --checkInventoryForItem(items, quantities, required, message)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {math.ceil(default / R.torchInterval)}, true, "NOT bricks!")
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", true)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"torch"}, {math.ceil(default / R.torchInterval)}, false)
- end
- if == "ice" then -- ice canal with 2 spaces above
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:packed_ice", "minecraft:blue_ice"}, {math.ceil(R.length / 2), math.ceil(R.length / 2)}, false)
- end
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- print("Building ice canal")
- retValue = createIceCanal(R)
- elseif R.choice == 55 then -- platform
- local volume = R.width * R.length
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(volume)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone", "dirt"}, {volume, volume})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", true)
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- print("Building platform")
- retValue = createPlatform(R)
- elseif R.choice == 56 then -- sinking platform
- local volume = (R.width + 1) * (R.length + 1)
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(volume * (R.height + 1))
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {volume + ((R.length * 2) + (R.width * 2) * R.height) + 1})
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- print("Building sinking platform")
- retValue = createSinkingPlatform(R)
- elseif R.choice == 57 then -- boat bubble lift
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.height * 20)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket","minecraft:water_bucket"}, {2, 2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.height * 10})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"gate"}, {R.height * 2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:soul_sand"}, {R.height * 2 + 2})
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- print("Building boat bubble lift")
- retValue = createBoatLift(R)
- --retValue = createBoatLift(R) -- R.subChoice:0=new, R.subChoice:1=extend, R.length:0=left, 1=right
- elseif R.choice == 61 then -- 9x9 hollow cube cobble lined
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(600) -- allow for 600 moves
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab","stone"}, {1, 3}, true, "Slab can be crafted from 3 stone")
- if T:getItemSlot("stone") > 0 and T:getItemSlot("slab") == 0 then -- no slabs, but is stone
- local craftOK, message = T:craft("slab")
- end
- if == "chest" then
- menu.colourText(nil, "~yellow~Chest(s) will be emptied first\nWait for me to exit and request\n~orange~around 700 stone!\n\n~lightGray~Enter to continue", true)
- read()
- else
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {512}, false, "Full cube uses ~700 blocks\nEstimate your requirements")
- end
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- retValue = createMobFarmCube(R) -- = "spawner" or "chest": not blaze
- elseif R.choice == 62 then -- Blaze spawner
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(2500) -- allow for 2500 moves
- if == "blaze" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {122}, true)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {576})
- print("You will be asked for more assets later")
- print("Enter to continue")
- read()
- end -- else == "restart"
- retValue = createMobFarmCube(R) = "blaze" or = "restart"
- elseif R.choice == 63 then -- flood mob spawner
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(60) -- allow for 60 moves
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {2})
- if R.subChoice == 1 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"fence"}, {2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sign"}, {2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {1})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:soul_sand", "minecraft:dirt"}, {1, 1}, true)
- end
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- retValue = floodMobFarm(R)
- elseif R.choice == 64 then -- build bubble lift on top of soul sand
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(200) -- allow for 200 moves
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab","stone"}, {6, 3}, true, "Slabs can be crafted from 3 stone")
- if T:getItemSlot("stone") > 0 and T:getItemSlot("slab") == 0 then -- no slabs, but is stone
- local craftOK, message = T:craft("slab")
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {256})
- if T:getBlockType("down") ~= "minecraft:soul_sand" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:soul_sand"}, {1})
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"hopper"}, {1}, false)
- if T:getItemSlot("hopper") > 0 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"chest"}, {2})
- end
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- retValue = createMobBubbleLift(R)
- elseif R.choice == 65 then -- computercraft mob grinder
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(1000) -- allow for 1000 moves
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {256}) -- for ceiling, walls and floor of area
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", true) -- stone only, no exclusions
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- retValue = createMobGrinder(R)
- elseif R.choice == 66 then -- build endermen tower
- -- build in 3 sections, base, tower, top
- getTaskHelp(2, 66) -- compulsory help display
- read() -- pause until user ready
- local numFuel = 700
- local choices =
- {
- "New tower lower base",
- "Add tower upper base + killzone",
- "128 block tower to existing base"
- }
- pp.itemColours = {colors.lime,,}
- local option, modifier ="Select build stage:", choices, pp)
- if option == 1 then --lower base
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:chest"}, {1})
- T:place("chest", -1, "down", false)
- T:emptyInventory("up")
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(320) -- allow for 320 moves
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {144}) -- <3 stacks
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:water_bucket"}, {2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"fence"}, {4})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sign"}, {4})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"door"}, {2})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:soul_sand"}, {1})
- elseif option == 2 then -- upper base
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(710) -- allow for 703 moves
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {384}) -- 6 stacks
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket"}, {4})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"fence"}, {15})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sign"}, {4})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"ladder"}, {3})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:soul_sand"}, {1})
- else -- main tower
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(3000) -- allow for 3000 moves
- if T:getBlockType("down") ~= "minecraft:chest" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:chest"}, {1})
- T:place("chest", -1, "down", false)
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {768}) -- 12 stacks
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:bucket"}, {10})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"fence"}, {64}) -- 1 stacks
- end
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- retValue = createEnderTower(option) -- 1, 2, or 3
- end
- return retValue
- end
- local function getTaskInventory(R)
- -- run this loop 2x per second to check if player has put anything in the inventory
- -- fuel 1 coal = 60 = 4 planks. 64 planks = 16 coal = 960 units
- local retValue = {}
- local thanks = "Thank you.\n\nPress the ESC key\n\nStand Back..\n"
- if R.choice < 31 then
- return getTaskInventoryTo30(R) -- Mining, Forestry
- elseif R.choice < 71 then
- return getTaskInventoryTo70(R) -- Farming, Obsidian, Canal / Bridge
- elseif R.choice > 500 and R.choice < 700 then
- return getTaskInventoryTo70(R)
- else -- Area carving, Lava/Water, Railway
- if R.choice == 71 then--Clear area
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.width * R.length * 3)
- if R.useBlockType == "dirt" then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:dirt"}, {R.width * R.length})
- end
- print(thanks)
- sleep(2)
- print("Clearing area: size "..R.width.. " x "..R.length)
- retValue = clearArea(R)
- elseif R.choice == 72 then --Clear rectangle
- -- R.choice, R.width(R.subChoice), R.length(R.width), up(R.length), down(R.height) from getTask()
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.width * R.length)
- print("Clearing rectangle: size "..R.width.. " x "..R.length)
- retValue = clearRectangle(R)
- elseif R.choice == 73 then --Clear wall
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.height)
- print("Removing wall "..R.length.." long x "..R.height.." high")
- retValue = clearWall(R)
- elseif R.choice == 74 then --Clear single R.height perimeter wall
- utils.checkFuelNeeded((R.width + R.length) * 2)
- print("Recycling wall section "..R.width.." x "..R.length)
- retValue = clearPerimeter(R)
- elseif R.choice == 75 then --Clear hollow structure
- utils.checkFuelNeeded((R.width * R.length) + ((R.width + R.length) * R.height))
- print("Recycling hollow object "..R.width.." x "..R.length.." height: "..R.height)
- retValue = clearBuilding(R)
- elseif R.choice == 76 then --Clear solid structure / extend water pool
- utils.checkFuelNeeded((R.width * R.length) + ((R.width + R.length) * R.height))
- print("Recycling solid object w:"..R.width..", l:"..R.length..", h:"..R.height)
- retValue = clearSolid(R)
- elseif R.choice == 77 then -- Dig trench
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.height * R.length * 2)
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- if R.length == 0 then
- print("Digging continuous trench "..R.height.." blocks deep")
- else
- print("Digging trench "..R.length.." blocks long, "..R.height.." blocks deep")
- end
- retValue = digTrench(R)
- elseif R.choice == 78 then --Carve mountain
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.width * 10)
- print("Carving mountain side "..R.width.." x "..R.length)
- retValue = clearMountainSide(R)
- elseif R.choice == 79 then -- Place floor or Ceiling
- local blocks = R.width * R.length
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(blocks)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone", "log", "planks"}, {blocks, blocks, blocks}, false)
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem()
- retValue = createFloorCeiling(R) -- R.subChoice integer 1 to 4
- elseif R.choice == 710 then -- direct commands
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(200)
- createRectanglePath(R)
- elseif R.choice == 81 then -- Sand based utilities
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- Drop sand or gravel wall
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(100)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sand", "gravel"}, {1024, 1024}, false)
- if R.length == 0 then
- print("Building sand wall. Auto length: ")
- else
- print("Building sand wall. length: "..R.length)
- end
- retValue = createSandWall(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- Fill area with sand
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.width)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sand"}, {1024}, false)
- print("Filling area with sand. length: "..R.length.." width: "..R.width)
- retValue = sandFillArea(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- Clear sand wall
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(200)
- if R.length == 0 then
- print("Digging sand. Auto length")
- else
- print("Digging sand. length: "..R.length)
- end
- retValue = clearSandWall(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then -- Clear sand filled area
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.width * 4)
- print("Removing sand cube. length: "..R.length.." width: "..R.width)
- retValue = clearSandCube(R)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 82 then --build containing wall in water or lava
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.length)
- local depth = R.height
- if depth == 0 then
- depth = 20
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {R.length * depth}, false)
- print("Building retaining wall in lava/water. length "..R.length)
- retValue = createRetainingWall(R)
- elseif R.choice == 83 then -- create a rectangle path in water/lava
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(200)
- createRectanglePath(R)
- elseif R.choice == 84 then -- Delete water/lava
- if R.width == 0 then
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(2000)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {256}, false)
- print("Deleting water using auto-detection")
- else
- if R.height == 0 then
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(2000)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {256}, false)
- else
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.width * R.length * R.height)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {math.max(R.length, R.width) * 2}, false)
- end
- print("Deleting enclosed water "..R.width.." x "..R.length.." x ".. R.height)
- end
- retValue = utils.drainWaterLava(R)
- elseif R.choice == 85 then -- Sinking platform
- local volume = (R.width + 1) * (R.length + 1)
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(volume * (R.height + 1))
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {volume + ((R.length * 2) + (R.width * 2) * R.height) + 1})
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- print("Building sinking platform")
- retValue = createSinkingPlatform(R)
- elseif R.choice == 86 then -- ocean monument utilities
- if R.subChoice == 1 then -- Build 4 corner marker columns
- --R.useBlockType = "prismarine", = "oceanMonumentColumns"
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {448})
- retValue = oceanMonumentColumns(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 2 then -- Retaining wall beween 2 columns
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {1024})
- retValue = createRetainingWall(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 3 then -- Clear plants pre sand draining
- retValue = clearWaterPlants(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 4 then -- Use sand draining
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(100)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sand", "gravel"}, {1024, 1024}, false)
- if R.length == 0 then
- print("Building sand wall. Auto length: ")
- else
- print("Building sand wall. length: "..R.length)
- end
- retValue = createSandWall(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 5 then -- remove sand wall
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(200)
- print("Digging sand from ocean monument")
- retValue = clearSandWall(R)
- elseif R.subChoice == 6 then -- Drain and remove structure
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {1024})
- retValue = utils.drainWaterLava(R)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 87 then --ladder to water/lava
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.height * 2)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:ladder"}, {R.height}, true, "Add more to be safe!")
- local cobble = R.height * 3 + 10
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {cobble})
- print(thanks)
- os.sleep(2) -- pause for 2 secs to allow time to press esc
- print("Creating ladder to bedrock")
- retValue = createLadderToWater()
- elseif R.choice == 88 then --remove plants
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.width * 4)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"sand", "stone"}, {64, 64})
- local width = R.width
- local length = R.length
- if width == 0 then
- width = "auto"
- end
- if length == 0 then
- length = "auto"
- end
- print("Removing water plants. length: "..length.." width: "..width)
- retValue = clearWaterPlants(R)
- elseif R.choice == 89 then -- convert flowing water to source
- --utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.width * 4) -- unknown as size not calculated
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"water_bucket", "bucket"}, {12, 12})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {128})
- print("Converting water to source "..R.width.." x "..R.length.." x ".. R.height)
- retValue = convertWater(R)
- elseif R.choice == 810 then -- create sloping water
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(R.length * R.width * 3)
- local buckets = math.floor(R.length / 2) + 1
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"water_bucket", "bucket"}, {buckets, buckets})
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {R.length * R.width})
- print("Creating sloping water field "..R.width.." x "..R.length.." x ".. R.height)
- retValue = createSlopingWater(R)
- elseif R.choice == 91 then -- Build a wall
- local blocks = R.height * R.length
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(blocks)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone", "planks", "bricks"}, {blocks, blocks, blocks})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem()
- print("Building a wall using "..R.useBlockType)
- sleep(2)
- retValue = buildWall(R)
- elseif R.choice == 92 then -- Build a rectangular structure
- local blocks = (R.height * R.length * 2) + (R.height * R.width * 2)
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(blocks)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone", "planks", "bricks"}, {blocks, blocks, blocks})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem()
- print("Building a house using "..R.useBlockType)
- sleep(2)
- retValue = buildStructure(R)
- elseif R.choice == 93 or R.choice == 94 then -- Build a gable end roof / pitched roof
- local blocks = ((R.width + 2) * (R.length + 2))
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(blocks)
- if menu.getBoolean("Using stairs / planks for roof (y/n)", nil, colors.yellow) then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"planks", "stairs"}, {blocks, blocks})
- else
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {blocks})
- end
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem()
- if R.choice == 93 then -- Build a gableroof
- if R.width % 2 == 1 then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {R.length + 2}, false, "Match slabs with roof blocks")
- end
- blocks = (R.width * 6)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone", "planks", "bricks"}, {blocks, blocks, blocks}, true, "Match gable with existing building")
- else
- local isWidthOdd, isLengthOdd, width, length = false, false, 0, 0
- R, isWidthOdd, isLengthOdd, width, length = utils.getRoofStats(R)
- if isWidthOdd then
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"slab"}, {length - 2}, false, "Match slabs with roof blocks")
- end
- end
- print("Building a roof using "..R.useBlockType)
- sleep(2)
- if R.choice == 93 then -- Build a gableroof
- retValue = buildGableRoof(R)
- else -- Build a pitched roof
- retValue = buildPitchedRoof(R)
- end
- elseif R.choice == 95 or R.choice == 96 then --place redstone torch level or downward slope
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(10)
- if R.choice == 95 then
- = "level"
- else
- = "up"
- end
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {1})
- R.useBlockType = T:getMostItem("", true)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"minecraft:redstone_torch"}, {1})
- print("Placing redstone torch on ".. R.useBlockType)
- retValue = placeRedstoneTorch(R)
- elseif R.choice == 97 or R.choice == 98 then --build downward/upward slope
- local blocks = R.height * 2
- if R.height == 0 then
- blocks = 64
- end
- utils.checkFuelNeeded(blocks)
- T:checkInventoryForItem({"stone"}, {blocks})
- print("Building slope")
- sleep(2)
- retValue = createRailway(R)
- elseif R.choice == 101 or R.choice == 102 or R.choice == 103 or R.choice == 104 then -- measure height/depth/length
- retValue = measure(R)
- elseif R.choice == 105 then--Borehole
- retValue = createBorehole(R)
- end
- end
- return retValue
- end
- local function test(R)
- local lib = {}
- function lib.dig(direction, bypass, slot)
- direction = direction or "forward"
- slot = slot or 1
- bypass = bypass or true
- print("direction: "..direction)
- print("bypass: "..tostring(bypass))
- print("slot: "..slot)
- end
- lib.dig("down")
- read()
- end
- local function main()
- local lib = {}
- function lib.checkLabel()
- if os.getComputerLabel() == nil then
- os.setComputerLabel("toolkit")
- print("Computer label set to "..os.getComputerLabel())
- end
- end
- function lib.checkLibs(libDir, filename)
- local fileExists = false
- if fs.exists(libDir) then
- if not fs.isDir(libDir) then
- fs.move(libDir, libDir.."Renamed")
- fs.makeDir(libDir)
- end
- else
- fs.makeDir(libDir)
- end
- if fs.exists(fs.combine(libDir, filename)) or fs.exists(fs.combine(libDir, filename..".lua")) then
- fileExists = true
- end
- return fileExists
- end
- local doContinue = true
- lib.checkLabel() -- make sure turtle label is set
- --check if lib folder exists
- if not lib.checkLibs("lib", "clsTurtle") then
- -- use pastebin get to download clsTurtle to libs folder
- print("Missing clsTurtle.lua in libs directory")
- print("Attempting to obtain from Pastebin...")
- if"pastebin","get","tvfj90gK","lib/clsTurtle.lua") then
- print("clsTurtle.lua installed from Pastebin")
- else
- print("failed to install clsTurtle.lua from Pastebin")
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- if not lib.checkLibs("lib", "menu") then
- -- use pastebin get to download menu.lua to libs folder
- print("Missing menu.lua in libs directory")
- print("Attempting to obtain from Pastebin...")
- if"pastebin","get","BhjbYsw4","lib/menu.lua") then
- print("menu.lua installed from Pastebin")
- else
- print("failed to install menu.lua from Pastebin")
- doContinue = false
- end
- end
- if doContinue then
- local result = {}
- local R =
- {
- choice = 0,
- subChoice = 0,
- size = 0,
- width = 0,
- length = 0,
- height = 0,
- depth = 0,
- up = false,
- down = false,
- silent = false,
- data = "",
- torchInterval = 0,
- useBlockType = "",
- auto = false,
- side = ""
- }
- menu = require("")
- T = require("lib.clsTurtle").new(false) -- true enables logfile to log.txt note dot NOT colon
- T:clear()
- doContinue = false -- reset
- if args[1] ~= nil then
- if args[1]:sub(1,1) == "h" then
- local help =
- [[... = any following characters
- tk v... = mc/ccTweaked versions
- tk log = enable logging
- tk log d... = enable logging + debug
- tk find = writes locate.txt
- tk test = runs test(R)
- tk farm = runs manageFarm(R)
- Enter to exit]]
- menu.colourPrint(help, colours.yellow)
- read()
- elseif args[1] == "log" then
- if args[2] ~= nil then
- if args[2]:sub(1,1) == "d" then
- dbug = true -- set dbug flag
- menu.colourPrint("Logging and debugging enabled", colors.lime)
- end
- else
- menu.colourPrint("Logging enabled", colors.lime)
- end
- if T:getLogExists() then
- if menu.getBoolean("Delete existing log file? (y/n)", 3, then
- T:deleteLog()
- menu.colourPrint("Log file deleted", colors.yellow)
- end
- end
- T:setUseLog(true)
- doContinue = true
- if dbug then
- menu.colourPrint("Enter to continue...", colors.lightBlue)
- read()
- end
- elseif args[1] == "farm" then
- R.silent = true
- = "farm"
- = true
- manageFarm(R)
- --elseif args[1] == "tree" then
- --manageTreeFarm() -- use file to read status
- elseif args[1] == "find" then
- -- missing turtle: player used 'tk find'
- T:setUseLog(true)
- T:setLogFileName("locate.txt")
- T:appendLine("Booting succeeded")
- T:appendLine("Block ahead: "..T:getBlockType("forward"))
- T:appendLine("Block above: "..T:getBlockType("up"))
- T:appendLine("Block below: "..T:getBlockType("down"))
- elseif args[1] == "test" then
- test(R)
- elseif args[1]:find("v") ~= nil then
- print("_HOST:")
- print()
- print(_HOST)
- print()
- print("Minecraft major version: "..mcMajorVersion)
- print("Minecraft minor version: "..mcMinorVersion)
- print("ccTweaked major version: "..ccMajorVersion)
- print("ccTweaked minor version: "..ccMinorVersion)
- print("tk version: "..tkVersion)
- print("clsTurtle version: "..version)
- print("\nEnter to exit")
- read()
- end
- else
- doContinue = true
- end
- if doContinue then
- print("Minecraft major version: "..mcMajorVersion)
- print("Bedrock level: "..bedrock)
- if T:getUseLog() then
- if T:saveToLog("Started with logging enabled", true) then
- menu.colourPrint("\nEnter to continue...", colors.lightBlue)
- read()
- end
- else
- print("Logging disabled")
- end
- sleep(1)
- while R.choice == 0 do
- R = chooseTask(R)
- end
- if R.choice > 0 then
- R = getTask(R)
- if ~= "quit" then
- result = getTaskInventory(R) -- table of comments
- end
- end
- end
- T:clear()
- table.insert(result, "Thank you for using 'survival toolkit'")
- local clr = {colors.yellow,,, colors.lightBlue}
- local count = 1
- for _, value in ipairs(result) do
- --print(value)
- --.print(text, fg, bg, width)
- menu.colourPrint(tostring(value), clr[count])
- count = count + 1
- if count > #clr then
- count = 1
- end
- end
- else
- print("Add missing files and restart")
- end
- end
- main()
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