

Aug 30th, 2014
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  1. [b]10/10[/b]
  3. This has to be the best GUI I've ever laid my eyes upon.
  4. The moment I saw it, I immediately thought, [i]"I need this man!"[/i]
  5. For, you see, I'm soon about to depart on a long and hard journey around the world, and I'm trying to create a [i]dream-team[/i], so to say.
  7. And, although I've never spoken to you in person, I know that you're perfect for this task!
  8. The GUI spoke to me, it told me about all your struggles through life, and I realized that you have a really strong spirit, which is something rare these days.
  9. I just can't let this opportunity slip, I don't know how many weeks, no, [b]years[/b], it would take me to find someone even close to your caliber.
  11. You might be wondering, [i]"Is there some sort of a payment for all of this?"[/i]
  12. And I'm glad to inform you, that yes, there is indeed a payment for the work you'd be doing.
  13. The first payment is a sum of $1000 which will be paid in cash, up-front, face-to-face, just so you know that I'm no one shady.
  14. But, [i]that's not all![/i]
  15. Every month, you'll get a sum of $10000 send to your bank account, [i](Seeing as it'd be troublesome to carry that amount of money on you when exploring, but if you really want to have them on you, an arrangement can be made.)[/i]
  16. [b]And[/b], you'll get to keep [i]any[/i] treasures [i]you[/i] personally find.
  17. (We're talking about really valuable things here! There's statues made out of [i]pure gold [/i], or you could even find a old pirate treasure map!)
  19. Now, you might be worried about things like work or school, [b]but[/b], do not fret!
  20. If you're still going in school, I will [i]personally[/i] be your teacher. (If you're worried about my qualification as a teacher, then I can safely assure you that I'm certified to be a teacher in [i]every[/i] subject that ever [i]has [/i]or [i]will[/i] exist.)
  22. So, what do you say, OP?
  23. Do you want to go on this grand adventure with me?!
  24. If you're still unsure, then I beg off you, please, come on this journey with me, we really need a good backpack carrier!
  26. [spoiler=]
  27. In all seriousness, the GUI looks pretty good.
  28. You did well, OP.
  29. [img][/img]
  30. [/spoiler]
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