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- Sub Initialize
- Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
- Dim session As New NotesSession
- Dim db As NotesDatabase
- Dim template As NotesDocument
- Dim rField1 As NotesRichTextItem
- Dim rField2 As NotesRichTextItem
- Dim embObject As NotesEmbeddedObject
- Dim path, fileName, templateName As String ' path to temp file, template for new files
- Dim countries List As String
- Dim pos, locNumber, locCount, rowCounter, entryCounter, generalCount As Integer
- 'collecting data
- Dim collection As NotesView
- Dim CollectionDoc As NotesDocument
- Dim mailServer, FullName, intAddress, mailFile As String
- Dim amailServer, aFullName As NotesName
- Dim view As NotesView
- Dim countOfReports As Integer
- ' New document, which will be created somewhere
- Dim attSession As New NotesSession
- Dim attDb As NotesDatabase
- Dim attDoc As NotesDocument
- Set attDb = attSession.CurrentDatabase
- Set attDoc = New NotesDocument ( attDb )
- attDoc.Form = "SaveAttachments"
- Dim rtItem As NotesRichTextItem ' for storing attachments
- ' end of init
- Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
- Set view = db.GetView("reportTemplate")
- Set template = view.getfirstdocument
- If template Is Nothing Then
- MessageBox "No configuration document",16
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Set rField1 = template.getfirstitem("template")
- If rField1 Is Nothing Then
- MessageBox "No confiuration document with template",16
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Set embObject = rField1.GetEmbeddedObject("reporttemplate.doc")
- If embObject Is Nothing Then
- MessageBox "Configuration file was now found in configuration document",16
- Exit Sub
- End If
- path = "C:\Users\volodymyr.stoyko\Desktop\reports\"
- ' Initialize array of locations - those will be used as key to filter collected data
- countries("Marocco") = "AWSM"
- countries("Mexico") = "PUE"
- countries("Tunisia") = "JEN"
- countries("Germany") = "WOB|ING|BLN|CER|CHA|CHD|GRO|SHA|WUX|ZWI"
- countries("Poland") = "GOR"
- countries("Ukraine") = "TER|CHE"
- countries("Bolgaria") = "KAR|MEZ"
- countries("Slovakia") = "NIT|BRA"
- countries("Romania") = "CRN"
- ForAll location In countries
- pos = 0 'position in string with few locations
- 'word variables
- Dim wordapp As Variant
- Dim worddoc As Variant
- Dim actDoc As Variant
- Dim table As Variant
- Dim selection As Variant
- templateName = Environ("TEMP") + "reporttemplate.doc"
- fileName = path + ListTag(location) + ".doc"
- Call embObject.Extractfile(templateName)
- Set wordapp = CreateObject("word.application")
- ' one way - extrct document and opent it for editing.
- ' second way - store the dot template and add this template for new docs
- Set worddoc =
- wordapp.visible = False
- countOfReports = template.GetItemValue("countOfReports")(0)
- countOfReports = countOfReports + 1
- rowCounter = 1
- generalCount = 0
- Set table = wordapp.Selection.Document.tables(2)
- ' there insert location and count of user in the en
- 'Start collect data
- Set collection = db.GetView("_Personen")
- If InStr(location, "|") <> 0 Then
- While pos < Len(location)
- ' count locations for
- 'Start collect data
- Set collection = db.Getview("_Personen")
- 'If collection.Count > 0 Then
- 'MsgBox CStr(collection.Count) + " | " + location
- 'Беремо перший док
- Set CollectionDoc = collection.GetFirstDocument
- table.Rows.Add ' add location string
- rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
- locNumber = rowCounter
- entryCounter = 0 ' count of docs for location
- 'поки не закінчилися дані
- Do While Not(CollectionDoc Is Nothing)
- 'MsgBox "blabla"
- 'if check if it is proper department
- mailServer = CollectionDoc.GetItemValue("MailServer")(0)
- FullName = CollectionDoc.GetItemValue("FullName")(0)
- intAddress = CollectionDoc.GetItemValue("InternetAddress")(0)
- mailFile = CollectionDoc.GetItemValue("MailFile")(0)
- Set amailServer = New NotesName(mailserver)
- Set aFullName = New NotesName(FullName)
- If mailServer <> "" And FullName <> "" And intAddress <> "" Then
- If Right(FullName,Len(FullName) - InStr(FullName, "O=") - 1) = _
- Left(Right(location,Len(location)-pos), 3) Then
- With table
- .Rows.Add ' add new row
- rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
- entryCounter = entryCounter + 1
- ' NotesName abbreviated or this shit left-right-Instr
- .Cell(rowCounter, 1).Range.InsertAfter(entryCounter)
- .Cell(rowcounter, 2).Range.InsertAfter(aFullName.Abbreviated)
- .Cell(rowCounter, 3).Range.InsertAfter(intAddress)
- .Cell(rowCounter, 4).Range.InsertAfter(amailServer.Abbreviated)
- .Cell(rowCounter, 5).Range.InsertAfter(mailFile)
- End With
- End If
- End If
- 'наступний документ
- Set CollectionDoc = collection.GetNextDocument(CollectionDoc)
- Loop
- 'End If
- table.Rows(locNumber).Cells.Merge
- table.Cell(locNumber,1).Range.InsertAfter("Location: " + _
- Left(Right(location,Len(location)-pos), 3) + _
- ". Quantity of users: " + CStr(entryCounter))
- table.Rows(locNumber).Range.Font.Bold = True
- generalCount = generalCount + entryCounter
- pos = pos + 4
- Wend
- 'general count of users count of rows - locations rows - first row
- 'generalCount = rowCounter - locCount - 1
- Else
- Set collection = db.GetView("_Personen")
- ' If collection.Count>0 Then
- ' CStr(collection.Count) + " | " + location
- 'Беремо перший док
- Set CollectionDoc = collection.GetFirstDocument
- table.Rows.Add ' add location string
- locNumber = table.Rows.Count
- entryCounter = 0 ' count of docs for location
- rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
- 'поки не закінчилися дані
- Do While Not(CollectionDoc Is Nothing)
- 'if check if it is proper department
- mailServer = CollectionDoc.GetItemValue("MailServer")(0)
- FullName = CollectionDoc.GetItemValue("FullName")(0)
- intAddress = CollectionDoc.GetItemValue("InternetAddress")(0)
- mailFile = CollectionDoc.GetItemValue("MailFile")(0)
- Set amailServer = New NotesName(mailserver)
- Set aFullName = New NotesName(FullName)
- If mailServer <> "" And FullName <> "" And intAddress <> "" Then
- If Right(FullName,Len(FullName) - InStr(FullName, "O=") - 1) = _
- location Then
- With table
- .Rows.Add ' add new row
- rowCounter = rowCounter + 1
- entryCounter = entryCounter + 1
- ' NotesName abbreviated or this shit left-right-Instr
- .Cell(rowCounter, 1).Range.InsertAfter(entryCounter)
- .Cell(rowCounter, 2).Range.InsertAfter(aFullName.Abbreviated)
- .Cell(rowCounter, 3).Range.InsertAfter(intAddress)
- .Cell(rowCounter, 4).Range.InsertAfter(amailServer.Abbreviated)
- .Cell(rowCounter, 5).Range.InsertAfter(mailFile)
- ' MsgBox "Fuck"
- End With
- End If
- End If
- 'наступний документ
- 'MsgBox location
- Set CollectionDoc=collection.GetNextDocument(CollectionDoc)
- Loop
- End If
- generalCount = entryCounter
- table.Rows(locNumber).Cells.Merge
- table.Cell(locNumber,1).Range.InsertAfter("Location: " + location + _
- ". Quantity of users: " + CStr(generalCount))
- table.Rows(locNumber).Range.Font.Bold = True
- 'End If
- ' summary
- Set table = wordapp.Selection.Document.tables(1)
- table.Cell(2,1).Range.InsertAfter(" " + CStr(countOfReports))
- table.Cell(2, 2).Range.InsertAfter(" " + ListTag(location))
- table.Cell(2, 3).Range.InsertAfter(" " + Format(Now, "mmmm yyyy"))
- 'table.Cell(2, 3).Range.InsertAfter(" " + CStr(Day) + " " + CStr(Year))
- table.Cell(3, 1).Range.InsertAfter(" " + CStr(generalCount))
- 'MsgBox CStr(rowCounter)
- Call worddoc.Saveas(fileName)
- worddoc.Close
- Set wordDoc = Nothing
- wordapp.Quit
- Set wordapp = Nothing
- 'add new counter to template doc
- template.countOfReports = countOfReports
- Call template.Save(True, False)
- End ForAll
- End Sub
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