

Dec 17th, 2024
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text 69.27 KB | None | 0 0
  1. market: BITMART_SPOT
  2. market: MEXC_SPOT
  3. market: MFS_DEX
  4. {"params": [{"quote_refund_fond": "10", "offset_base": "21610", "offset_quote": "56.5031", "zero_base": "21678", "zones": [{"side": "BUY", "quantity_step": "0", "total": "15", "protection": "false", "n_levels": "2", "bound": "200"}, {"side": "SELL", "quantity_step": "0", "total": "2000", "protection": "false", "n_levels": "2", "bound": "200"}], "price_step": "500", "zero_quote": "104.1822", "spread_size": "100"}], "target_price": "0.0082", "target_exchange": {"market": "MEXC_SPOT", "is_external_market": "false"}, "pricing_mode": "by_mid_price", "cooldown": "10000", "init_spread_size": "200"}
  5. converts_ size: 3
  6. api keys: mx0vglRsnmcTEgpmkD ef47dd75fb8b41eebf145056dc98032fthis = 0x555555958e40
  7. [New Thread 0x7ffff6800640 (LWP 1979509)]
  8. [New Thread 0x7ffff6400640 (LWP 1979517)]
  9. API 0x555555958e40
  10. run forever balance 0x555555958e40
  11. SIGN
  12. {"type": "SPOT", "maker_commission": 0, "taker_commission": 0, "balances": [{"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "LAI", "free": 7061.78, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 18382, "locked": 3228, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "ABDS", "free": 110, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}, {"asset": "USDT", "free": 51.5649, "locked": 14.9382, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}]}
  13. [New Thread 0x7ffff6000640 (LWP 1979518)]
  14. SIGN
  15. get balance indicator 0x555555958fe0
  16. trader {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "account": "TEST_1", "market": "MEXC_SPOT", "logger": {"severity_level": "DEBUG"}, "execution": {"print_ws_events": "1", "cancel_on_start": "0"}, "data": {"print_ws_events": "0", "use_part_depth": "true", "events": ["ORDER_BOOK"]}}
  17. >:)
  18. {"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  19. {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  20. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 7061.78, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  21. {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  22. {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 18382, "locked": 3228, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  23. {"asset": "ABDS", "free": 110, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  24. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 51.5649, "locked": 14.9382, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  26. SIGN
  27. already opened {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700370, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937914}
  28. already opened {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700367, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937914}
  29. already opened {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700369, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937915}
  30. already opened {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700366, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937915}
  31. already opened {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700368, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937915}
  32. [New Thread 0x7ffff5600640 (LWP 1979519)]
  33. Execution was constructed
  34. Trader was created
  35. found target exchange symbol: 0x555556b0f478
  36. zone with bound: 200
  37. zone side: SELL
  38. quantity 0 : 1000
  39. quantity 1 : 1000
  40. price offset 0 : 50
  41. price offset 1 : 150
  43. zone with bound: 200
  44. zone side: BUY
  45. quantity 0 : 7.5
  46. quantity 1 : 7.5
  47. price offset 0 : 50
  48. price offset 1 : 150
  50. market ask zones: 1
  51. market bid zones: 1
  53. init mid price = 0.0081255
  54. params size: 1
  55. ok
  56. [New Thread 0x7ffff4c00640 (LWP 1979520)]
  57. [New Thread 0x7fffefe00640 (LWP 1979521)]
  58. SIGN
  59. [New Thread 0x7fffef400640 (LWP 1979522)]
  60. {"params": ["spot@private.account.v3.api", "spot@public.limit.depth.v3.api@LOTTUSDT@20", "spot@private.orders.v3.api", ""], "method": "SUBSCRIPTION"}
  61. Market: MEXC_SPOT
  62. refund_remain_quote: 10
  63. refund_remain_base: 0
  64. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 18382, "locked": 3228, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  65. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 51.5649, "locked": 14.9382, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  66. config.zero_quote - quote_balance: 47.6791
  67. base_balance - config.zero_base: -68.05
  68. ask_bound: 0.0082
  69. bid_bound: 0.0082
  70. quote_position: 47.6791
  71. config.offset_quote - quote_balance: -1.47222e-05
  72. BUY usage coeff = 1
  73. base_position: 68.05
  74. config.offset_base - base_balance: 0.05
  75. SELL usage coeff = 0.999975
  76. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG strategy calculated orders: OrderEvent: delta=1.73434e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.008323, 999.975); (0.008241, 999.975); ], bids: [(0.008077, 928.563); (0.008159, 919.23); ]
  77. MEXC_SPOT book {"ask_price": 0.008126, "ask_quantity": 4492.92, "bid_price": 0.008124, "bid_quantity": 0}
  78. MEXC_SPOT grid OrderEvent: delta=1.73434e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.008323, 999.975); (0.008241, 999.975); ], bids: [(0.008077, 928.563); (0.008159, 919.23); ]
  79. min_bid: 0.008126
  80. max_ask: 0
  81. MEXC_SPOT grid before OrderEvent: delta=1.73434e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.008323, 999.975); (0.008241, 999.975); ], bids: [(0.008077, 928.563); (0.008159, 919.23); ]
  82. MEXC_SPOT grid after OrderEvent: delta=1.73434e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.008323, 999.975); (0.008241, 999.975); ], bids: [(0.008043, 928.563); (0.008125, 919.23); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  83. MEXC_SPOT new order OrderEvent: delta=1.73429e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.008323, 999.975); (0.008241, 999.975); ], bids: [(0.008043, 928.563); (0.008125, 919.23); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  84. Vector size: 1
  85. single res OrderEvent: delta=1.73429e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.008323, 999.975); (0.008241, 999.975); ], bids: [(0.008043, 928.563); (0.008125, 919.23); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  86. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO portfolio: OrderEvent: delta=1.73429e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.008323, 999.975); (0.008241, 999.975); ], bids: [(0.008043, 928.563); (0.008125, 919.23); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  87. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO execution order event process: OrderEvent: delta=1.73429e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.008323, 999.975); (0.008241, 999.975); ], bids: [(0.008043, 928.563); (0.008125, 919.23); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  88. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  89. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.008323
  90. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 999.975
  91. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.008241
  92. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 999.975
  93. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.008043
  94. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 928.563
  95. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.008125
  96. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 919.23
  97. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.008126
  98. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 1230.62
  99. execution to cancel: id: 1734434700368 dex id = 0 p = 0.008126 q = 1230.000000
  100. execution to cancel: id: 1734434700366 dex id = 0 p = 0.008125 q = 919.000000
  101. execution to cancel: id: 1734434700369 dex id = 0 p = 0.008241 q = 999.000000
  102. execution to cancel: id: 1734434700367 dex id = 0 p = 0.008043 q = 928.000000
  103. execution to cancel: id: 1734434700370 dex id = 0 p = 0.008323 q = 999.000000
  104. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.620000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  105. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.230000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  106. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.560000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  107. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.980000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
  108. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.980000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
  109. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: csize: 5
  110. [New Thread 0x7fffeea00640 (LWP 1979530)]
  111. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700368, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008126[New Thread 0x7fffee000640 (LWP 1979531)]
  112. , "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937915}
  113. 1734434941049
  114. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941049", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434700368", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  115. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700366, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000SIGN [New Thread 0x7fffed600640 (LWP 1979532)]
  116. ,"update_time":
  117. 1734434937915}
  118. 1734434941049
  119. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941049", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434700366", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  120. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700369, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": SIGN 0.000000, /api/v3/order"update_time": ?1734434937915origClientOrderId=1734434700366&recvWindow=5000&symbol=LOTTUSDT&timestamp=1734434941049&signature=4cc558a987fef2154c57a8ad8cb9514b521c05605bd46e4423cb6ad07cb165aa}
  122. 1734434941050
  123. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941050", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434700369", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  124. SIGN
  125. [New Thread 0x7fffecc00640 (LWP 1979533)]
  126. [New Thread 0x7fffe3e00640 (LWP 1979534)]
  127. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700367, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937914}
  128. 1734434941050
  129. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941050", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434700367", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  130. SIGN
  131. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700370, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937914}
  132. 1734434941051
  133. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941051", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434700370", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}[New Thread 0x7fffe3400640 (LWP 1979535)]
  135. [New Thread 0x7fffe2a00640 (LWP 1979536)]
  136. SIGN
  137. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.620000, "client_order_id": 1734434937892, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  138. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  139. new request mexc: {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937892", "quantity": "1230", "price": "0.008126", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  140. 1734434941052
  141. post mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941052", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937892", "quantity": "1230", "price": "0.008126", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  142. SIGN[New Thread 0x7fffe2600640 (LWP 1979537)]
  144. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! new: [New Thread 0x7fffe1c00640 (LWP 1979538)]
  145. {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.230000, "client_order_id": 1734434937893, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  146. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  147. new request mexc: {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937893", "quantity": "919", "price": "0.008125", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  148. 1734434941053
  149. post mexc execute: [New Thread 0x7fffe1200640 (LWP 1979539)]
  150. {"timestamp": "1734434941053", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937893", "quantity": "919", "price": "0.008125", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  151. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.560000, "client_order_id": 1734434937894, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  152. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  153. new request mexc: SIGN{"newClientOrderId": "1734434937894", "quantity": "928", "price": "0.008043", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  155. 1734434941053
  156. post mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941053", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937894", "quantity": "928", "price": "0.008043", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  157. SIGN
  158. [New Thread 0x7fffe0e00640 (LWP 1979540)]
  159. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.980000, "client_order_id": 1734434937895, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
  160. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  161. new request mexc: {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937895", "quantity": "999", "price": "0.008241", "side": "SELL", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  162. 1734434941054
  163. post mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941054", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937895", "quantity": "999", "price": "0.008241", "side": "SELL", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  164. [New Thread 0x7fffd7e00640 (LWP 1979541)]
  165. SIGN
  166. [New Thread 0x7fffe0400640 (LWP 1979542)]
  167. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.980000, "client_order_id": 1734434937896, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
  168. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  169. new request mexc: {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937896", "quantity": "999", "price": "0.008323", "side": "SELL", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  170. 1734434941056
  171. post mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434941056", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937896", "quantity": "999", "price": "0.008323", "side": "SELL", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  172. SIGN
  173. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 31
  174. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700366, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  175. [Thread 0x7fffee000640 (LWP 1979531) exited]
  176. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  177. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941082", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700366, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  178. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941082", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700366, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  179. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  180. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700366, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  181. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  182. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700366, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937915}
  183. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: erase
  184. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  185. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  186. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941093", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700370, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  187. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941093", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700370, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  188. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  189. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700370, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  190. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  191. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700370, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937914}
  192. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: erase
  193. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  194. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 53
  195. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700367, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  196. [Thread 0x7fffecc00640 (LWP 1979533) exited]
  197. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 53
  198. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700370, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  199. [Thread 0x7fffe3e00640 (LWP 1979534) exited]
  200. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 55
  201. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700369, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  202. [Thread 0x7fffed600640 (LWP 1979532) exited]
  203. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  204. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941096", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700368, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  205. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941096", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700368, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  206. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  207. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700368, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  208. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  209. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700368, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937915}
  210. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: erase
  211. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  212. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  213. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941101", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700367, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  214. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941101", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700367, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  215. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  216. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700367, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  217. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  218. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700367, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937914}
  219. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: erase
  220. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  221. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  222. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941102", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700369, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  223. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941102", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700369, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  224. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  225. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700369, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  226. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  227. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700369, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 1734434937915}
  228. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: erase
  229. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  230. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 72
  231. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434700368, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  232. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 70
  233. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "[Thread 0x7fffeea00640 (LWP 1979530) exited]
  234. NEW", "quantity": 1230.000000, "update_time": 1734434941102}
  235. [Thread 0x7fffe3400640 (LWP 1979535) exited]
  236. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 70
  237. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 999.000000, "update_time": 1734434941108}
  238. [Thread 0x7fffd7e00640 (LWP 1979541) exited]
  239. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  240. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941125", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937892, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "FILLED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 1230.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  241. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941125", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937892, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "FILLED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 1230.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  242. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  243. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937892, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "FILLED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 1230.000000, "update_time": 0}
  244. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  245. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937892, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.620000, "update_time": 0}
  246. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  247. $$$ {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": BUY, "trade_time": 0}
  248. open_position for order
  249. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Open position: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": BUY, "trade_time": 0}
  250. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO new position: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "entry_price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230, "position_quote": 9.99498}
  251. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: erase
  252. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  253. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  254. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941129", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  255. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941129", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  256. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  257. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  258. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  259. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.230000, "update_time": 0}
  260. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  261. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  262. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  263. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941130", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  264. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941130", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  265. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  266. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  267. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  268. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.980000, "update_time": 0}
  269. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  270. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  271. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 88
  272. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 999.000000, "update_time": 1734434941108}
  273. [Thread 0x7fffe0e00640 (LWP 1979540) exited]
  274. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 89
  275. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 928.000000, "update_time": 1734434941114}
  276. [Thread 0x7fffe1c00640 (LWP 1979538) exited]
  277. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  278. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941133", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  279. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941133", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  280. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  281. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  282. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  283. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.560000, "update_time": 0}
  284. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  285. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  286. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 93
  287. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 919.000000, "update_time": 1734434941106}
  288. [Thread 0x7fffe2600640 (LWP 1979537) exited]
  289. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  290. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941141", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  291. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941141", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  292. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: limit
  293. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  294. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  295. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.980000, "update_time": 0}
  296. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  297. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  298. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_TRADE
  299. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941123", type="ACCOUNT_TRADE", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_TRADE, "event_time": 140737337095104, "is_maker": false, "is_self_trade": false, "client_order_id": 1734434937892, "commission": {"asset": "USDT", "fee": 0.00499749}, "trade": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": BUY, "trade_time": 1734434941123}}
  300. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434941123", type="ACCOUNT_TRADE", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_TRADE, "event_time": 140737337095104, "is_maker": false, "is_self_trade": false, "client_order_id": 1734434937892, "commission": {"asset": "USDT", "fee": 0.00499749}, "trade": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": BUY, "trade_time": 1734434941123}}
  301. $$$ {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": SELL, "trade_time": 1734434941123}
  302. open_position for trade
  303. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO Open position: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": SELL, "trade_time": 1734434941123}
  304. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] INFO new position: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "entry_price": 0.008126, "quantity": -1230, "position_quote": -9.99498}
  305. update_available_refund_fond piece: 9.99498
  306. sell new fond: -9.99498
  307. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-01 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  308. SIGN
  309. {"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  310. {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  311. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 7061.78, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  312. {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  313. {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 20842, "locked": 1998, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  314. {"asset": "ABDS", "free": 110, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  315. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 41.5649, "locked": 14.9382, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  317. [Thread 0x7ffff6400640 (LWP 1979517) exited]
  318. [Thread 0x7fffe0400640 (LWP 1979542) exited]
  319. [Thread 0x7fffe2a00640 (LWP 1979536) exited]
  320. [Thread 0x7fffe1200640 (LWP 1979539) exited]
  321. Market: MEXC_SPOT
  322. refund_remain_quote: 10
  323. refund_remain_base: -9.99498
  324. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG base balance: {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 20842, "locked": 1998, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  325. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG quote balance: {"asset": "USDT", "free": 41.5649, "locked": 14.9382, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  326. config.zero_quote - quote_balance: 57.6791
  327. base_balance - config.zero_base: 1171.94
  328. base_balance > config.zero_base + 1 / mid_price
  329. ask_bound: 0.0492165
  330. bid_bound: 0.0082
  331. quote_position: 57.6791
  332. config.offset_quote - quote_balance: 9.99996
  333. BUY usage coeff = 0.333336
  334. base_position: 0
  335. config.offset_base - base_balance: -1239.94
  336. SELL usage coeff = 1
  337. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG strategy calculated orders: OrderEvent: delta=1.73434e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.0492985, 1000); (0.0492165, 1000); ], bids: [(0.008077, 309.523); (0.008159, 306.412); ]
  338. MEXC_SPOT book {"ask_price": 0.008126, "ask_quantity": 3262.92, "bid_price": 0.008124, "bid_quantity": 0}
  339. MEXC_SPOT grid OrderEvent: delta=1.73434e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.0492985, 1000); (0.0492165, 1000); ], bids: [(0.008077, 309.523); (0.008159, 306.412); ]
  340. min_bid: 0.008126
  341. max_ask: 0
  342. MEXC_SPOT grid before OrderEvent: delta=1.73434e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.0492985, 1000); (0.0492165, 1000); ], bids: [(0.008077, 309.523); (0.008159, 306.412); ]
  343. MEXC_SPOT grid after OrderEvent: delta=1.73434e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.0492985, 1000); (0.0492165, 1000); ], bids: [(0.008043, 309.523); (0.008125, 306.412); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  344. MEXC_SPOT new order OrderEvent: delta=1.73429e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.0492985, 1000); (0.0492165, 1000); ], bids: [(0.008043, 309.523); (0.008125, 306.412); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  345. Vector size: 1
  346. single res OrderEvent: delta=1.73429e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.0492985, 1000); (0.0492165, 1000); ], bids: [(0.008043, 309.523); (0.008125, 306.412); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  347. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO portfolio: OrderEvent: delta=1.73429e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.0492985, 1000); (0.0492165, 1000); ], bids: [(0.008043, 309.523); (0.008125, 306.412); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  348. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO execution order event process: OrderEvent: delta=1.73429e+11, symbol="LOTTUSDT", type="LIMIT_GRID", priority=default, asks: [(0.0492985, 1000); (0.0492165, 1000); ], bids: [(0.008043, 309.523); (0.008125, 306.412); (0.008126, 1230.62); ]
  349. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: LIMIT GRID
  350. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.0492985
  351. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 1000
  352. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.0492165
  353. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 1000
  354. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.008043
  355. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 309.523
  356. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.008125
  357. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 306.412
  358. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 0.008126
  359. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG in _process_limit_grid: 1230.62
  360. execution to cancel: id: 1734434937896 dex id = 0 p = 0.008323 q = 999.000000
  361. execution to cancel: id: 1734434937895 dex id = 0 p = 0.008241 q = 999.000000
  362. execution to cancel: id: 1734434937894 dex id = 0 p = 0.008043 q = 928.000000
  363. execution to cancel: id: 1734434937893 dex id = 0 p = 0.008125 q = 919.000000
  364. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.620000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  365. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 306.410000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  366. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 309.520000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  367. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.049217, "quantity": 1000.000000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
  368. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG @#*&* : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.049299, "quantity": 1000.000000, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
  369. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: csize: 4
  370. [New Thread 0x7fffe2600640 (LWP 1979594)]
  371. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323[New Thread 0x7fffe1c00640 (LWP 1979595)]
  372. , "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  373. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", 1734434951551
  374. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434951551", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434937896", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  375. "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0[New Thread 0x7fffe0e00640 (LWP 1979596)]
  376. }
  377. 1734434951551
  378. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434951551", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434937895", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}SIGN
  380. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", SIGN "price": https://api.mexc.com0.008043/api/v3/order, ?"quantity": origClientOrderId=1734434937895&recvWindow=5000&symbol=LOTTUSDT&timestamp=1734434951551&signature=fc59822398b4f6b145e870d61bae7c8ea2e996322dc1db9bfda3e482d3ace168928.000000
  381. , "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  382. 1734434951551
  383. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434951551", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434937894", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  384. SIGN
  385. [New Thread 0x7fffd7e00640 (LWP 1979597)]
  386. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ! cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  387. 1734434951552
  388. delete mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434951552", "recvWindow": "5000", "origClientOrderId": "1734434937893", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  389. SIGN[New Thread 0x7fffeea00640 (LWP 1979598)]
  390. /api/v3/order?origClientOrderId=1734434937893&recvWindow=5000&symbol=LOTTUSDT&timestamp=1734434951552&signature=a1fa7c958afa3d8c86a09446ba84568393108161f2cc3cd850cfa2bb22701fe4
  391. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.620000, "client_order_id": 1734434937897, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  392. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  393. [New Thread 0x7fffee000640 (LWP 1979599)]
  394. new request mexc: {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937897", "quantity": "1230", "price": "0.008126", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  395. 1734434951553
  396. post mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434951553", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937897", "quantity": "1230", "price": "0.008126", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  397. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 306.410000, "client_order_id": 1734434937898, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  398. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  399. new request mexc: {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937898", "quantity": "306", "price": "0.008125", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  400. 1734434951553
  401. post mexc execute: SIGN[New Thread 0x7fffed600640 (LWP 1979600)]
  402. newClientOrderId=1734434937897&price=0.008126&quantity=1230&recvWindow=5000&side=BUY&symbol=LOTTUSDT&timestamp=1734434951553&type=LIMIT&signature=f2c4fda7cd97532ac51a8425e15f2747adc9776b843d134fa7b94576122a85c6
  403. {"timestamp": "1734434951553", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937898", "quantity": "306", "price": "0.008125", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  404. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 309.520000, "client_order_id": 1734434937899, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY"}
  405. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  406. new request mexc: {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937899", "quantity": "309", "price": "0.008043", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  407. SIGN
  409. post mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434951553", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937899", "quantity": "309", "price": "0.008043", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  410. SIGN
  411. [New Thread 0x7fffecc00640 (LWP 1979601)]
  412. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] [New Thread 0x7fffe3e00640 (LWP 1979602)]
  413. DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.049217, "quantity": 1000.000000, "client_order_id": 1734434937900, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
  414. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  415. new request mexc: [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ! new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.049299, "quantity": 1000.000000, "client_order_id": 1734434937901, "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL"}
  416. ! new api API 0x555555958e40
  417. {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937900", "quantity": "1000", "price": "0.049217", "side": "SELL", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  418. 1734434951554
  419. post mexc execute: new request mexc: {"timestamp": "1734434951554", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937900", "quantity": "1000", "price": "0.049217", "side": "SELL", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  420. {"newClientOrderId": "1734434937901", "quantity": "1000", "price": "0.049299", "side": "SELL", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  421. 1734434951554
  422. post mexc execute: {"timestamp": "1734434951554", "recvWindow": "5000", "newClientOrderId": "1734434937901", "quantity": "1000", "price": "0.049299", "side": "SELL", "type": "LIMIT_MAKER", "symbol": "LOTTUSDT"}
  423. SIGN
  424. SIGN
  425. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 45
  426. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  427. [Thread 0x7fffe0e00640 (LWP 1979596) exited]
  428. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 53
  429. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  430. [Thread 0x7fffe1c00640 (LWP 1979595) exited]
  431. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  432. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951584", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  433. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951584", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  434. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  435. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  436. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  437. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937895, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008241, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  438. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: erase
  439. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  440. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  441. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951594", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  442. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951594", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  443. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  444. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  445. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  446. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937894, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 928.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  447. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: erase
  448. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  449. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  450. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951598", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  451. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951598", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  452. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  453. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  454. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  455. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  456. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: erase
  457. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  458. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 62
  459. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937896, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008323, "quantity": 999.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  460. [Thread 0x7fffe2600640 (LWP 1979594) exited]
  461. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  462. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951602", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  463. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951602", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  464. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  465. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "CANCELED", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  466. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  467. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  468. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: erase
  469. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  470. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 66
  471. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 309.000000, "update_time": 1734434951588}
  472. [Thread 0x7fffed600640 (LWP 1979600) exited]
  473. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: cancel order delta: 71
  474. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? cancel: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937893, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 919.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  475. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 71
  476. [Thread 0x7fffd7e00640 (LWP 1979597) exited]
  477. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 306.000000, "update_time": 1734434951582}
  478. [Thread 0x7fffee000640 (LWP 1979599) exited]
  479. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 70
  480. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 1000.000000, "update_time": 1734434951576}
  481. [Thread 0x7fffecc00640 (LWP 1979601) exited]
  482. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 75
  483. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 1230.000000, "update_time": 1734434951578}
  484. [Thread 0x7fffeea00640 (LWP 1979598) exited]
  485. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: new order delta: 86
  486. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG ? new: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "quantity": 1000.000000, "update_time": 1734434951622}
  487. [Thread 0x7fffe3e00640 (LWP 1979602) exited]
  488. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  489. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951678", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937900, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.049217, "quantity": 1000.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  490. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951678", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937900, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.049217, "quantity": 1000.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  491. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  492. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937900, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.049217, "quantity": 1000.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  493. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  494. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937900, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.049217, "quantity": 1000.000000, "update_time": 0}
  495. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  496. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  497. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  498. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951678", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937898, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 306.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  499. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951678", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937898, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 306.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  500. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  501. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937898, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 306.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  502. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  503. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937898, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.008125, "quantity": 306.410000, "update_time": 0}
  504. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  505. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  506. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  507. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951678", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937897, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "FILLED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 1230.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  508. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951678", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937897, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "FILLED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 1230.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  509. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  510. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937897, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "FILLED", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "filled_quantity": 1230.000000, "update_time": 0}
  511. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  512. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937897, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.620000, "update_time": 0}
  513. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  514. $$$ {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": BUY, "trade_time": 0}
  515. open_position for order
  516. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Open position: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": BUY, "trade_time": 0}
  517. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO new position: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "entry_price": 0.008126, "quantity": 2460, "position_quote": 19.99}
  518. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: erase
  519. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  520. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  521. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951678", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937899, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 309.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  522. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951678", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937899, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 309.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  523. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  524. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937899, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 309.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  525. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  526. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937899, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "BUY", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.008043, "quantity": 309.520000, "update_time": 0}
  527. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  528. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  529. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_ORDER
  530. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951685", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.049299, "quantity": 1000.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  531. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951685", type="ACCOUNT_ORDER", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_ORDER, "event_time": 140737337095104, "order": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.049299, "quantity": 1000.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}}
  532. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: limit
  533. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG Event order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "NEW", "price": 0.049299, "quantity": 1000.000000, "filled_quantity": 0.000000, "update_time": 0}
  534. old_it != cur_storage.end()
  535. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] DEBUG old order: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "coid": 1734434937901, {"dex_order_id": "0", "order_id": "", "type": "LIMIT", "side": "SELL", "status": "PENDING", "price": 0.049299, "quantity": 1000.000000, "update_time": 0}
  536. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: (execution) filled quantity is not initialized
  537. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  538. stream == e_stream::ACCOUNT_TRADE
  539. WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951677", type="ACCOUNT_TRADE", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_TRADE, "event_time": 140737337095104, "is_maker": false, "is_self_trade": false, "client_order_id": 1734434937897, "commission": {"asset": "USDT", "fee": 0.00499749}, "trade": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": BUY, "trade_time": 1734434951677}}
  540. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Execution::_process: WebSocketEvent: delta=1.73443e+11, event_time=1734434951677", type="ACCOUNT_TRADE", event: {"stream": ACCOUNT_TRADE, "event_time": 140737337095104, "is_maker": false, "is_self_trade": false, "client_order_id": 1734434937897, "commission": {"asset": "USDT", "fee": 0.00499749}, "trade": {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": BUY, "trade_time": 1734434951677}}
  541. $$$ {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": SELL, "trade_time": 1734434951677}
  542. open_position for trade
  543. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO Open position: : {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "price": 0.008126, "quantity": 1230.000000, "trade_side": SELL, "trade_time": 1734434951677}
  544. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] INFO new position: {"symbol": "LOTTUSDT", "entry_price": 0.008126, "quantity": -2460, "position_quote": -19.99}
  545. update_available_refund_fond piece: 9.99498
  546. sell new fond: -19.99
  547. [ 2024-12-17-11-29-11 ] MESSAGE: ! LOTTUSDT
  548. SIGN
  549. {"asset": "PNK", "free": 0.02, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  550. {"asset": "ORDITT", "free": 288.29, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  551. {"asset": "LAI", "free": 7061.78, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  552. {"asset": "MCC", "free": 54153.6, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  553. {"asset": "LOTT", "free": 22070, "locked": 2000, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  554. {"asset": "ABDS", "free": 110, "locked": 0, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  555. {"asset": "USDT", "free": 41.5291, "locked": 4.97402, "wallet": 0, "update_time": 0}
  557. ^C
  558. Thread 1 "test" received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
  559. __futex_abstimed_wait_common64 (private=128, cancel=true, abstime=0x0, op=265, expected=1979520, futex_word=0x7ffff4c00910) at ./nptl/futex-internal.c:57
  560. 57 ./nptl/futex-internal.c: No such file or directory.
  561. (gdb)
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