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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdbool.h>
- #include <string.h>
- typedef struct Org_struct {
- char name[20];
- int* prey; //dynamic array of indices
- int numPrey;
- } Org;
- void buildWeb(Org* web, int numOrg, int predInd, int preyInd) {
- char* organismNames[] = {"Grass", "Grasshopper", "Hawk", "Lizard", "Rabbit", "Snake", "Mouse"};
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrg; ++i){
- switch(i){
- case 0: sprintf(web[i].name, "Grass"); break;
- case 1: sprintf(web[i].name, "Grasshopper"); break;
- case 2: sprintf(web[i].name, "Hawk"); break;
- case 3: sprintf(web[i].name, "Lizard"); break;
- case 4: sprintf(web[i].name, "Rabbit"); break;
- case 5: sprintf(web[i].name, "Snake"); break;
- case 6: sprintf(web[i].name, "Mouse"); break;
- }
- web[i].prey = NULL;
- web[i].numPrey = 0;
- }
- //TODO (Task 1): build the web by adding the predator-prey relation to the food web.
- // Inputs:
- // web - a dynamically allocated array of Orgs
- // numOrgs - number of organisms = size of web[]
- // predInd - predator index in web[]; an entry to its prey[] subitem will be added
- // preyInd - prey index in web[]; will be added to predator's prey[] subitem
- // Outputs:
- // web - array is updated and implicitly returned (previously allocated on heap)
- //
- // For the predator-prey relation...
- // (1) if the predator's prey[] array is empty, allocate memory for one index
- // otherwise, reallocate predator's prey[] array to allow one more index
- // (2) append the prey index as the last element of the predator's prey[] array
- // (3) update the numPrey subitem for the predator appropriately
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrg; ++i){
- printf(web[i].name, "%s", organismNames[i]);
- web[i].prey = NULL;
- web[i].numPrey = 0;
- }
- if (predInd < 0 || predInd >= numOrg || preyInd < 0 || preyInd >= numOrg) {
- printf("Invalid indices. Predator and prey indices must be within the range [0, %d).\n", numOrg);
- return;
- }
- Org* predator = &web[predInd];
- if (predator->numPrey == 0) {
- predator->prey = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
- } else {
- predator->prey = (int*)realloc(predator->prey, (predator->numPrey + 1) * sizeof(int));
- }
- predator->prey[predator->numPrey] = preyInd;
- predator->numPrey++;
- }
- void extinction(Org** web, int* numOrgs, int index) {
- //TODO (Task 3): remove the organism associated with [index] from web.
- // Inputs:
- // web - a dynamically allocated array of Orgs
- // numOrgs - number of organisms = size of web[]
- // index - organism index in web[] to remove
- // Outputs:
- // web - pointer passed-by-pointer; memory address of web array changes due to reallocation
- // numOrgs - passed-by-pointer; must be decremented since web[] loses an organism
- //
- // Remember to do the following:
- // 1. remove organism at index from web[] - DO NOT use realloc(), instead...
- // (a) free any malloc'd memory associated with organism at index; i.e. its prey[] subitem
- // (b) malloc new space for the array with the new number of Orgs
- // (c) copy all but one of the old array elements to the new array,
- // some require shifting forward to overwrite the organism at index
- // (d) free the old array
- // (e) update the array pointer to the new array
- // (f) update numOrgs
- // 2. remove index from all organisms' prey[] array subitems - DO NOT use realloc(), instead...
- // (a) search for index in all organisms' prey[] arrays; when index is found:
- // [i] malloc new space for the array with the new number of ints
- // [ii] copy all but one of the old array elements to the new array,
- // keeping the same order some require shifting forward
- // [iii] free the old array
- // [iv] update the array pointer to the new array
- // [v] update the numPrey subitem accordingly
- // (b) update all organisms' prey[] elements that are greater than index,
- // which have been shifted forward in the web array
- //
- // Edge case: check the size array being malloc'ed;
- // for a web with only one organism and
- // that orgranism goes extinct,
- // instead of malloc'ing an empty array,
- // explicitly set the pointer to NULL;
- // see the web[] allocation in main() as an example
- }
- void printFoodWeb(Org* web, int numOrg){
- printf("Food Web Organisms with Prey:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrg; ++i){
- printf("%s", web[i].name);
- for(int j = 0; j < web[i].numPrey; ++j){
- printf(" %s", web[web[i].prey[i]].name);
- if(j < web[i].numPrey - 1){
- printf(", ");
- }
- }
- printf(")\n");
- }
- }
- void printApexPredators(Org* web, int numOrgs){
- printf("Apex Predators:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i){
- if (web[i].numPrey == 0){
- printf("%s\n", web[i].name);
- }
- }
- }
- void printProducers(Org* web, int numOrgs){
- printf("Producers:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i){
- if(web[i].numPrey == 0){
- printf("%s\n", web[i].name);
- }
- }
- }
- void printMostFlexibleEaters(Org* web, int numOrgs){
- printf("Most Flexible Eaters:\n");
- int maxPrey = -1;
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i){
- if(web[i].numPrey > maxPrey){
- maxPrey = web[i].numPrey;
- }
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i){
- if(web[i].numPrey == maxPrey){
- printf("%s\n", web[i].name);
- }
- }
- }
- void printTastiestFood(Org* web, int numOrgs){
- printf("Tastiest Food:\n");
- int maxEatenByOthers = -1;
- int tastiestFoodIndex = -1;
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i){
- int eatenByOthers = 0;
- for(int j = 0; j < numOrgs; ++j){
- if(i != j){
- for(int k = 0; k < web[j].numPrey; ++k){
- if (web[j].prey[k] == i){
- eatenByOthers++;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(eatenByOthers > maxEatenByOthers){
- maxEatenByOthers = eatenByOthers;
- tastiestFoodIndex = i;
- }
- }
- if (tastiestFoodIndex != -1){
- printf("%s\n", web[tastiestFoodIndex].name);
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
- bool quietMode = false;
- bool extinctMode = true;
- //TODO (Task 0): process command-line arguments & update quietMode and extinctMode
- // - default values: quietMode = FALSE, extinctMode = TRUE
- // - if quietMode = FALSE, then print user-input prompt messages
- // - if extinctMode = TRUE, then perform the extinction step
- //
- // valid command-line arguments are "-q" and "-x" (and can only appear once)
- // - set quietMode = TRUE if "-q" is present
- // - set extinctMode = FALSE if "-x" is present
- // - if an invalid command-line argument is present, print
- // "Invalid command-line argument. Terminating program..."
- // and end the program immediately
- //
- // once command-line arguments are processed, print the program settings
- // - Ex: if the program is run as "./a.out -q -x", then print
- // Program Settings:
- // quiet mode = ON
- // extinction mode = OFF
- // - Ex: if the program is run as "./a.out", then print
- // Program Settings:
- // quiet mode = OFF
- // extinction mode = ON
- for(int i = 1; i < argc; ++i){
- if(strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0){
- if(quietMode){
- printf("Invalid command-line argument. Terminating program...\n");
- return 1;
- }
- quietMode = true;
- } else if(strcmp(argv[i], "-x") == 0){
- if(!extinctMode){
- printf("Invalid command-line argument. Terminating program...\n");
- return 1;
- }
- extinctMode = false;
- } else{
- printf("Invalid command-line argument. Terminating program...\n");
- return 1;
- }
- }
- printf("Program Settings:\n");
- printf(" quiet mode = %s\n", quietMode ? "ON": "OFF");
- printf(" extinction mode = %s\n", extinctMode ? "ON": "OFF");
- int numOrgs;
- printf("Welcome to the Food Web Application\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- if (!quietMode) printf("Enter number of organisms:\n");
- scanf("%d",&numOrgs);
- Org* web = (Org*)malloc(numOrgs * sizeof(Org));
- buildWeb(web, numOrgs, 0, 1);
- buildWeb(web, numOrgs, 1, 2);
- buildWeb(web, numOrgs, 2, 3);
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i){
- printf("Predator %s has %d prey.\n", web[i].name, web[i].numPrey);
- }
- // for(int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i){
- // free(web[i].prey);
- // }
- // free(web);
- printf("Organisms:\n");
- for(int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i){
- printf("%ls", web[i].prey);
- }
- free(web);
- // Org* web = NULL;
- if(numOrgs > 0) { //Do not malloc an empty array, leave it pointing to NULL
- web = (Org*)malloc(numOrgs*sizeof(Org));
- }
- if (!quietMode) printf("Enter names for %d organisms:\n", numOrgs);
- for (int i = 0; i < numOrgs; ++i) {
- scanf("%s",web[i].name);
- web[i].prey = NULL;
- web[i].numPrey = 0;
- }
- if (!quietMode) printf("Enter number of predator/prey relations:\n");
- int numRels;
- scanf("%d",&numRels);
- if (!quietMode) printf("Enter the pair of indices for the %d predator/prey relations\n",numRels);
- if (!quietMode) printf("the format is [predator index] [prey index]:\n");
- int predInd, preyInd;
- for (int i = 0; i < numRels; ++i) {
- scanf("%d %d",&predInd, &preyInd);
- buildWeb(web,numOrgs,predInd,preyInd);
- }
- if (!quietMode) printf("--------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("Food Web Predators & Prey:\n");
- //TODO (Task 2): print the Food Web Organisms with what they eat (i.e. prey)
- printFoodWeb(web, numOrgs);
- printf("\n");
- printf("Apex Predators:\n");
- //TODO (Task 2): identify and print the organisms not eaten by any others
- printApexPredators(web, numOrgs);
- printf("\n");
- printf("Producers:\n");
- //TODO (Task 2): identify and print the organisms that eat no other organisms
- printProducers(web, numOrgs);
- printf("\n");
- printf("Most Flexible Eaters:\n");
- //TODO (Task 2): identity and print the organism(s) with the most prey
- printMostFlexibleEaters(web, numOrgs);
- printf("\n");
- printf("Tastiest Food:\n");
- //TODO (Task 2): identity and print organism(s) eaten by the most other organisms
- printTastiestFood(web, numOrgs);
- printf("\n");
- printf("Food Web Heights:\n");
- //TODO (Task 2): calculate and print the length of the longest chain from a
- // producer to each organism
- printf("\n");
- printf("Vore Types:\n");
- //TODO (Task 2): classify all organisms and print each group
- // (producers, herbivores, omnivores, & carnivores)
- printf("\n");
- if (extinctMode) {
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- int extInd;
- printf("Enter extinct species index:\n");
- scanf("%d",&extInd);
- printf("Species Extinction: %s\n", web[extInd].name);
- extinction(&web,&numOrgs,extInd);
- printf("--------------------------------\n\n");
- printf("UPDATED Food Web Predators & Prey:\n");
- //TODO (Task 3): print the UPDATED Food Web Organisms with what they eat (i.e. prey), AFTER THE EXTINCTION
- printf("\n");
- printf("UPDATED Apex Predators:\n");
- //TODO (Task 3): AFTER THE EXTINCTION, identify and print the organisms not eaten by any other
- printf("\n");
- printf("UPDATED Producers:\n");
- //TODO (Task 3): AFTER THE EXTINCTION, identify and print the organisms that eat no other organisms
- printf("\n");
- printf("UPDATED Most Flexible Eaters:\n");
- //TODO (Task 3): AFTER THE EXTINCTION, identity and print the organism(s) with the most prey
- printf("\n");
- printf("UPDATED Tastiest Food:\n");
- //TODO (Task 3): AFTER THE EXTINCTION, identity and print organism(s) eaten by the most other organisms
- printf("\n");
- printf("UPDATED Food Web Heights:\n");
- //TODO (Task 3): AFTER THE EXTINCTION, calculate and print the length of the longest chain from a
- // producer to each organism
- printf("\n");
- printf("UPDATED Vore Types:\n");
- //TODO (Task 3): AFTER THE EXTINCTION, classify all organisms and print each group
- // (producers, herbivores, omnivores, & carnivores)
- printf("\n");
- printf("--------------------------------\n");
- }
- //TODO (Task 4): make sure to free all malloc'd memory to prevent potential leaks
- return 0;
- }
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