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- Name,Dims,Type,Color,Author
- acosech,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- acosh,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- acoth,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- affine3D,3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- anamorphcyl,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- apocarpet_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- apollony,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- arch,2D,blur,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- arcsech2,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- arcsinh,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- arctanh,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- arctruchet,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- asteria,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- atan,2D,,,FractalDesire
- atan2_spirals,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- auger,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- barycentroid,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- bCollide,2D,,,Michael Faber
- bent,2D,,,
- bent2,2D,,,Michael Faber
- bi_linear,2D,,,Shortgreenpigg
- bipolar,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- bipolar2,2D,,,Brad Stefanov
- blade,2D,,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- blade3D,3D,,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- blob,2D,,,
- blob3D,3D,sets z,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- blocky,2D,,,FracFx
- blur,2D,blur,,
- blur_circle,2D,blur,,Joel/Michael Faber
- blur_linear,2D,,,Joel Faber
- blur_pixelize,2D,,,Joel Faber
- blur_zoom,2D,,,Joel Faber
- blur3D,3D,blur,,
- bMod,2D,,,Michael Faber
- boarders,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- boarders2,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- brownian_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- bsplit,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- bSwirl,2D,,,Michael Faber
- bTransform,2D,,,Michael Faber
- bubble,2D/3D,sets z,,
- bubble_wf,3D,sets z,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- bubble2,3D,,,FracFx
- bubbleT3D,3D,,,FractalDesire
- butterfly,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- butterfly_fay,2D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- butterfly3D,3D,sets z,,
- bwrands,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- bwraps7,2D,,,Neil Slater (slobo777)
- cannibiscurve_wf,2D-,half-blur,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- cardioid,2D,,,Michael Faber
- cell,2D,,,Joel Faber
- checkerboard_wf,3D,,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- checks,2D,,,Keeps Spencer (gossamer-light)
- chrysanthemum,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- chunk,2D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- circleblur,2D,blur,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- circlecrop,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- CircleLinear,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- CircleRand,2D,blur,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- circlesplit,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- CircleTrans1,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- circlize,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- circlize2,2D,,,Michael Faber
- circular,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- circular2,2D,,,Brad Stefanov (snicker02)
- circus,2D,,,Michael Faber
- clifford_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- cloverleaf_wf,2D-,half-blur,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- collideoscope,2D,,,Michael Faber
- colordomain,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- colormap_wf,3D,z only,RGB,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- colorscale_wf,3D,uses color,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- complex,2D,,,Brad Stefanov (snicker02)
- conic,2D,half-blur,,cyberxaos
- corners,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- cos,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- cos2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- cosh,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- cosh2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- coshq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- cosine,2D,,,
- cosq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- cot,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- cot2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- coth,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- coth2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- cothq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- cotq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- cpow,2D,,,Joel Faber
- cpow2,2D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- cpow3,2D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- cpow3_wf,2D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- crackle,2D,blur,,Neil Slater (slobo777)
- crob,2D,,,FractalDesire
- crop,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- crop3D,3D,,,Rick Sidwell
- cross,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- crown_js,3D,,,Jesus Sosa
- csc,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- csc_squared,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- csc2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- csch,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- csch2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- cschq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- cscq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- cubic3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- cubicLattice_3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- curl,2D,,,
- curl_sp,3D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- curl3D,3D,,,
- curliecue,2D,blur,DC,Jesus Sosa
- curliecue2,2D,blur,DC,Jesus Sosa
- curve,2D,,,Joel Faber
- custom_wf,2D/3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- custom_wf_full,2D/3D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- cylinder,2D,,,
- cylinder_apo,3D,sets z,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- cylinder2,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- d_spherical,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- dc_bubble,3D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- dc_carpet,2D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- dc_crackle_wf,2D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- dc_cracklep_wf,2D,blur,DC,
- dc_cube,3D,blur,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- dc_cylinder,3D,,DC,FracFx
- dc_cylinder2,3D,,DC,FracFx
- dc_dmodulus,2D,,DC,"Jesus Sosa, Brad Stefanov, Rick Sidwell"
- dc_gnarly,2D,,,"Brad Stefanov, Rick Sidwell"
- dc_hexes_wf,2D,,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- dc_kaleidotile,2D,,,Brad Stefanov
- dc_linear,2D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- dc_perlin,2D,blur,DC,Neil Slater (slobo777)
- dc_triangle,2D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- dc_triTile,2D,blur,,Rick Sidwell
- dc_ztransl,3D,uses color,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- deltaA,2D,,,Michael Faber
- devil_warp,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- diamond,2D,,,Ronald Hordijk
- dinis_surface_wf,3D,sets z,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- disc,2D,,,Ronald Hordijk
- disc2,2D,,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- disc3,2D,,,Brad Stefanov
- disc3d,3D,,,Keeps Spencer (gossamer-light)
- displacemap_wf,2D,,RGB,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- dla_wf,2D,blur,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- dla3d_wf,3D,,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- dragon_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- ducks,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- dustpoint,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- eclipse,2D,,,Michael Faber
- eCollide,2D,,,Michael Faber
- edisc,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- eJulia,2D,,,Michael Faber
- elliptic,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- elliptic2,2D,,,Brad Stefanov
- eMod,2D,,,Michael Faber
- eMotion,2D,,,Michael Faber
- ennepers,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- ennepers2,3D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- Epispiral,2D,half-blur,,cyberxaos
- epispiral_wf,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- ePush,2D,,,Michael Faber
- erf,2D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- erf3D,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- eRotate,2D,,,Michael Faber
- eScale,2D,,,Michael Faber
- escher,2D,,,Joel Faber
- estiq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- eSwirl,2D,,,Michael Faber
- ex,2D,,,Ronald Hordijk
- exblur,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- exp,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- exp2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- exponential,2D,,,
- extrude,3D,sets z only,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- eyefish,2D,,,
- falloff2,3D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- falloff3,3D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- fan,2D,,,
- fan2,2D,,,
- farblur,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- fdisc,2D,,,Michael Faber
- fibonacci2,2D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- fisheye,2D,,,
- flatten,3D,sets z only,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- flipcircle,2D,,,Michael Faber
- flipy,2D,,,Michael Faber
- flower,2D,half-blur,,cyberxaos
- flower_db,3D,,,Luca G and Gregg Helt
- flux,2D,,,Marian Sobetzki (meckie)
- foci,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- foci_3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- fourth,2D,,,Maulana Randa (guagapunyaimel)
- fract_dragon_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- fract_formula_julia_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- fract_formula_mand_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- fract_julia_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- fract_mandelbrot_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- fract_meteors_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- fract_pearls_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- fract_salamander_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- funnel,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- gamma,2D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- gaussian_blur,2D,blur,,
- gdoffs,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- glsl_acrilic,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_apollonian,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_circlesblue,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_circuits,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_code,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_fractaldots,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_grid3D,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_hoshi,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_hyperbolictile,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_kaleidocomplex,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_kaleidoscopic,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_kaliset,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_kaliset2,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_mandala,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_mandelbox2D,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_randomoctree,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_squares,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glsl_starsfield,2D,blur,RGB,Jesus Sosa
- glynnia,2D,,,Michael Faber
- glynnia3,2D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- glynns3subfl,2D/3D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- GlynnSim1,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- GlynnSim2,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- GlynnSim3,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- gosperisland_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- gpattern,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- grid3d_wf,3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- gridout,2D,,,Michael Faber
- gridout2,2D,,,Georg Kiehne and Brad Stefanov
- hadamard_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- hamid_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- handkerchief,2D,,,Scott Draves
- harmonograph_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- heart,2D,,,Ronald Hordijk
- heart_wf,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- helicoid,3D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- helix,3D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- hemisphere,3D,sets z,,
- hexaplay3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- hexes,2D,,,Neil Slater (slobo777)
- hexnix3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- hilbert_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- ho,3D,,,Keeps Spencer
- hole2,2D,,,Michael Faber and Rick Sidwell
- horseshoe,2D,,,Scott Draves
- htree_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- hyperbolic,2D,,,Ronald Hordijk
- hyperbolicelipse,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- hypercrop,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- hypershift,2D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- hypershift2,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- hypertile,2D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- hypertile1,2D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- hypertile2,2D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- hypertile3D,3D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- hypertile3D1,3D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- hypertile3D2,3D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- iconattractor_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- idisc,2D,,,Michael Faber
- iflames_wf,3D,blur,RGB,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- inflateZ_1,3D,z only,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- inflateZ_2,3D,z only,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- inflateZ_3,3D,z only,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- inflateZ_4,3D,z only,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- inflateZ_5,3D,z only,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- inflateZ_6,3D,z only,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- intersection,2D,,,Brad Stefanov
- inversion,2D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- inverted_julia,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- invpolar,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- invsquircular,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- invtree_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- isosfplot3d_wf,3D,,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- jac_asn,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- jac_cn,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- jac_dn,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- jac_sn,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- jubiQ,3D,,,Brad Stefanov (snicker02)
- julia,2D,,,
- julia3D,3D,,,Joel Faber
- julia3Dq,3D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- julia3Dz,3D,,,
- Juliac,2D,,,David Young (Sc0t0ma)
- julian,2D,,,
- julian2,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- julian3Dx,3D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- juliaq,2D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- juliascope,2D,,,
- Kaleidoscope,2D,,,Will Evans (eevans1)
- klein_group,2D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- knots3D,3D,,,Jesus Sosa
- koch_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- lace_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- layered_spiral,2D,,,Will Evans (eevans1)
- lazyjess,2D,,,Jess (FarDareisMai)
- lazysensen,3D,,,Zotya Dรณcs (bezo97)
- lazysusan,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- lazyTravis,2D,,,Michael Faber
- line,3D,,,Nic Anderson (chronologicaldot)
- linear,2D,,,
- linear3D,3D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- linearT,2D,,,FractalDesire
- linearT3D,3D,,,FractalDesire
- Lissajous,2D,blur,,Jed Kelsey (Lu-Kout)
- log,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- log_apo,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- log_db,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- log_tile2,3D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- loonie,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- loonie_3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- loonie2,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- loonie3,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- loq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- lorenz_js,3D,,,Jesus Sosa
- lozi,2D,,,Chris Johns (TyrantWave)
- lsystem_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- lsystem3D_js,3D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- macmillan,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- mandala,2D,blur,"DC, RGB",Jesus Sosa
- mandala2,2D,blur,"DC, RGB",Jesus Sosa
- mandelbrot,3D,blur,,Jed Kelsey/Andreas Maschke
- mask,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- maurer_lines,3D,,"DC, RGB",Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- maurer_rose,3D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- mcarpet,2D,,,FracFx
- metaballs3d_wf,3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- minkowskope,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- minkQM,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- mobiq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- mobius,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- mobius_strip,3D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- MobiusN,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- modulus,2D,,,Joel Faber
- murl,2D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- murl2,2D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- nBlur,2D,blur,,FractalDesire
- ngon,2D,,,Joel Faber
- noise,2D,half-blur,,
- npolar,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- nsudoku,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- obj_mesh_primitive_wf,3D,mesh,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- obj_mesh_wf,3D,mesh,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- octagon,3D,,,FracFx
- onion,3D,,,Nic Anderson (chronologicaldot)
- onion2,3D,,,Nic Anderson (chronologicaldot)
- ortho,2D,,,Michael Faber
- oscilloscope,2D,,,Michael Faber
- oscilloscope2,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- ovoid3d,3D,,,Rob Richards (piritipany)
- panorama1,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- panorama2,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- parabola,2D,half-blur,,cyberxaos
- parplot2d_wf,3D,blur,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- pdj,2D,,,
- perspective,2D,,,
- petal,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- phoenix_julia,2D,,,Chris Johns (TyrantWave)
- pie,2D,blur,,Joel Faber
- pie3D,3D,blur,,
- plane_wf,3D,,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- poincare3D,3D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- pointgrid_wf,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- pointgrid3d_wf,3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- polar,2D,,,Scott Draves
- polar2,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- polylogarithm,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- popcorn,2D,,,
- popcorn2,2D,,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- popcorn2_3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- post_axis_symmetry_wf,3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_bumpmap_wf,3D,z only,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_bwraps2,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- post_circlecrop,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- post_colormap_wf,3D,z only,RGB,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_colorscale_wf,3D,uses color,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_crop,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- post_curl,2D,,,
- post_curl3D,3D,,,
- post_custom_wf,2D/3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_dcztransl,3D,uses color,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- post_depth,3D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- post_displacemap_wf,2D,,RGB,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_falloff2,3D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- post_falloff3,3D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- post_heat,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- post_julia3Dq,3D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- post_juliaq,2D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- post_mirror_wf,3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_point_symmetry_wf,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_rblur,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- post_rotate_x,3D,,,
- post_rotate_y,3D,,,
- post_smartcrop,3D,,DC,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- post_spherical,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- post_spin_z,2D,,,Fred E (morphapoph)
- post_zscale_wf,3D,z only,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- post_ztranslate_wf,3D,z only,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- pow_block,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- power,2D,,,
- pre_blur,2D,blur,,
- pre_blur3D,3D,blur,,
- pre_boarders2,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- pre_bwraps2,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- pre_circlecrop,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- pre_crop,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- pre_curl,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- pre_custom_wf,2D/3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- pre_dcztransl,3D,uses color,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- pre_disc3d,3D,,,Keeps Spencer (gossamer-light)
- pre_falloff3,3D,,DC,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- pre_rect_wf,2D,blur,,
- pre_rotate_x,3D,,,
- pre_rotate_y,3D,,,
- pre_sinusoidal3d,3D,,,Keeps Spencer (gossamerlight)
- pre_spherical,2D,,,Michael Faber
- pre_spin_z,2D,,,Fred E (morphapoph)
- pre_stabilize,2D,,,Rick Sidwell
- pre_subflame_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- pre_wave3D_wf,3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- pre_zscale,3D,z only,,
- pre_ztranslate,3D,z only,,
- prepost_affine,3D,,,Rick Sidwell
- prepost_circlize,2D,,,Rick Sidwell
- prepost_mobius,2D,,,Rick Sidwell
- pressure_wave,2D,,,Timothy Vincent
- primitives_wf,3D,blur,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- projective,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- pRose3D,3D,half-blur,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- pTransform,2D,,,Rick Sidwell
- pulse,2D,,,Jess (FarDareisMai)
- pyramid,3D,,,Peter Sdobnov (Zueuk)
- q_ode,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- quaternion,3D,,,Brad Stefanov (snicker02)
- r_circleblur,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- radial_blur,2D,half-blur,,
- rational3,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- rays,2D,,,
- rays1,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- rays2,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- rays3,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- rectangles,2D,,,Michael Faber
- recurrenceplot,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- rhodonea,2D,,,Gregg Helt (cozyg)
- rings,2D,,,
- rings2,2D,,,
- ringsubflame,2D/3D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- ripple,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- rippled,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- rose_wf,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- rosoni,2D,,,Luca G and Gregg Helt
- roundspher,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- roundspher3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- rsquares_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- sattractor_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- sattractor3D,3D,,,Jesus Sosa
- scrambly,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- scry,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- scry_3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- scry2,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- seashell3D,3D,,,Jesus Sosa
- sec,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- sec2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- secant2,2D,,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- sech,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- sech2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- sechq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- secq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- separation,2D,,,Michael Faber
- shift,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- shredlin,2D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- shredrad,2D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- siercarpet_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- sigmoid,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- sin,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- sin2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- sineblur,2D,blur,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- sinh,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- sinh2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- sinhq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- sinq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- sintrange,2D,,,Ffey
- sinusoidal,2D,,,Scott Draves
- sinusoidal3d,3D,,,Keeps Spencer (gossamerlight)
- sph3D,3D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- sphere_nja,3D,,,Nic Anderson (chronologicaldot)
- spherecrop,3D,,,Rick Sidwell
- spherical,2D,,,Scott Draves
- Spherical3D,3D,,,Chris Johns (TyrantWave)
- spherical3D_wf,3D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- sphericalN,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- sphtiling3v2,2D,,DC,Brad Stefanov (snicker02)
- spiral,2D,,,Ronald Hordijk
- spiralwing,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- Spirograph,2D,blur,,Jed Kelsey (Lu-Kout)
- spirograph3D,3D,blur,,Rick Sidwell
- spliptic_bs,2D,,,Brad Stefanov (snicker02)
- split,2D,,,Joel Faber
- SplitBrdr,2D,,,FracFx
- splits,2D,,,Michael Faber
- splits3D,3D,,,Chris Johns (TyrantWave)
- sqrt_acosech,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- sqrt_acosh,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- sqrt_acoth,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- sqrt_asech,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- sqrt_asinh,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- sqrt_atanh,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- square,2D,blur,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- square3D,3D,blur,,
- squarize,2D,,,Michael Faber
- squircular,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- squirrel,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- squish,2D,,,Michael Faber
- starblur,2D,blur,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- starfractal,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- stripes,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- stripfit,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- stwin,2D,,,
- subflame_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- sunflower,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- sunvoroni,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- super_shape,2D,,,
- SuperShape3D,3D,blur,,David Young (Sc0t0ma)
- svensson_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- svf,3D,sets z,,Keeps Spencer (gossamerlight)
- svg_wf,2D,,RGB,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- swirl,2D,,,Scott Draves
- swirl3,2D,,,
- swirl3D_wf,3D,,DC,Jesus Sosa
- synth,2D,,,Neil Slater (slobo777)
- szubieta,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- tan,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- tan2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- tancos,2D,,,Kenny Vaneetvelde (Raykoid666)
- tangent,2D,,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- tangent3D,3D,sets z,,
- tanh,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli (cothe)
- tanh2_bs,2D,,,Gregory Zitelli/Brad Stefanov
- tanhq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- tanq,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- taprats,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- target,2D,,,Michael Faber
- target_sp,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- taurus,3D,,,Keeps Spencer (gossamerlight)
- terrain3D,3D,mesh,DC,Jesus Sosa
- text_wf,2D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- threepoint_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- tile_hlp,2D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- tile_log,2D,,,Anton Liasotskiy (zy0rg)
- tile_reverse,2D,,,Whittaker Courtney
- trade,2D,,,Michael Faber
- tree_js,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- triantruchet,2D,blur,DC,Jesus Sosa
- Truchet,2D,,,Chris Johns (TyrantWave)
- truchet_ae,2D,,DC,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- Truchet_fill,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- Truchet2,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- twintrian,2D,,,Antonio Intrieri (gygrazok)
- twoface,2D,,,Michael Faber
- unpolar,2D,,,Michael Faber
- vibration2,2D,,,Jess (FarDareisMai)
- vogel,2D,,,Victor Ganora
- voron,2D,,,Alexey Ermushev (eralex61)
- w,2D,,,Michael Faber
- waffle,2D,blur,,Jed Kelsey (Lu-Kout)
- wallpaper_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- wangtiles,2D,blur,,Jesus Sosa
- waveblur_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- waves,2D,,,
- waves2,2D,,,Joel Faber
- waves2_3D,3D,,,Larry Berlin (aporev)
- waves2_radial,2D,,,Tatyana Zabanova (tatasz)
- waves2_wf,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- waves2b,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- waves3_wf,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- waves4_wf,2D,,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- wdisc,2D,,,Michael Faber
- wedge,2D,,,Joel/Michael Faber
- wedge_julia,2D,,,Michael Faber
- wedge_sph,2D,,,Michael Faber
- whitney_umbrella,3D,,,Don Town
- whorl,2D,,,Michael Faber
- woggle_js,2D,,,Jesus Sosa
- x,2D,,,Michael Faber
- xerf,3D,,,Branden Brown (zephyrtronium)
- xheart,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- xheart_blur_wf,2D,blur,,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- xtrb,2D,,,Georg Kiehne (xyrus02)
- y,2D,,,Michael Faber
- yin_yang,2D,,,Luca G (dark-beam)
- yplot2d_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- yplot3d_wf,3D,blur,DC,Andreas Maschke (thargor6)
- z,2D,,,Michael Faber
- zblur,3D,"blur, z only",,
- zcone,3D,z only,,
- zscale,3D,z only,,
- ztranslate,3D,z only,,
- ztwister,2D,uses z,,Luca G (dark-beam)
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