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- --[[ Use this website for the password generator, or just use roblox studio. --
- --
- -- Animescapetowers/Kuroyami's Password Generator --
- --
- --I just felt bored of trying to think of passwords so I just made this, this uses the "catch" variable which contains bunch of ----characters which are used to make your password, these letters are then seperated in a for loop just to make the password, as the --password generator is a random integer based generator meaning the pass you generate is always random, and not always the same meaning no one will get your password unless they got into a database full of passworss, or are so lucky.]]
- local catch = [[qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm1234567890`-=[]';/.,\~!@#$%^&*(){}_+":><?|QWERTYUIOPLKJHGFDSAZXCVBNM]] -- you can put anything in here and it will generate a password
- local letters = {}
- --[[
- if the length goes past 94 the password will be multiplied(large, and less variables) then the original meaning you will have to use the large, and less integers
- to simply modify your password after that point.
- Still this is probably one of my best pass generators that I ever made without using an a.i, theres no slang except for a bunch of words which is used so that a hacker may never crack into your account.]]
- local sepmin, length, large, less = 0, 122, 2, 1 --< (Settings)
- local sub = string.sub
- -- string seperator --
- for i = 0, #catch - sepmin, 1 do
- i = (i + 1)
- local d = (#catch - sepmin)
- if i >= d then
- i = d
- end
- local seperate = (catch):sub(i,i)
- table.insert(letters, seperate)
- end
- -- password generator --
- local s = ""
- local l = length
- local max = #letters
- for i = 0, l, 1 do
- if l >= max or l == max then
- for g = 0, math.floor(max/((length/large)*less)), 1 do
- if g >= max or g == max then
- g = max
- end
- local t = math.random(g, #letters)
- local randomize = letters[t]
- s = s..tostring(randomize)
- end
- else
- local r = math.random(i, #letters)
- if r ~= nil then
- local randomize = letters[r]
- s = s..randomize
- end
- end
- end
- print("Generated Password: | "..s)
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