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- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096> **Human**
- Impact: 0/3
- “A regular human. Your ordinary Minecraft experience awaits.”
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096> **Avian**
- __Impact__: 1/3
- “The Avian race gas lost their ability to fly a long time ago. Now these peaceful creatures can be seen gliding from one place to another.”
- __Featherweight__: You fall as gently to the ground as a feather would, unless you sneak.
- __Fresh Air__: When sleeping, your bed needs to be at an altitude of at least 86 blocks, so you can breathe fresh air.
- __Like Air__: Modifiers to your walking speed also apply while you're airborne.
- __Tailwind__: You are a little bit quicker on foot than others.
- __Oviparous__: Whenever you wake up in the morning, you will lay an egg.
- __Vegetarian__: You can't digest any meat
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Elf**
- __Impact__: 1/3
- Elves are intelligent, long-lived residents of the forest. Their skills in archery prove useful from afar, but their frailness becomes and issue up close.
- __Archer__: Elves are expert marksmen. They deal significantly more damage using a bow than other creatures.
- __Forest Vision__: Centuries of living in the forest has given the elves far better perception in the dark than most.
- __Hyper Sight:__ Elves' enhanced perception allows them to keep track of an enemy for a while after hitting them, even when they aren't in view.
- __Towering:__ Elves are substantially taller than the average human. Despite this they are just as skinny...
- __Steward:__ Elves live off of the forest and its fruits. Their digestive systems cannot process meat.
- __Spindly:__ Owing to their slender nature, the heaviest armour elves can wear is chainmail.
- __Weak Melee:__ Elves are built for combat from afar, not up close. Their damage with swords and axes is reduced.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Goblin**
- __Impact:__ 1/3
- Conniving and greedy, goblins excel in one-on-one combat and gain more loot from any mobs that they kill, although their small size becomes an issue against groups of foes.
- __Cunning:__ Goblins are cunning creatures. Their attacks do more damage than other creatures and they gain more loot from killing mobs.
- __Greedy:__ Goblins have a naturally greedy disposition. Anything gilded gives significantly more benefit to them than it would to others.
- __Nippy:__ Although short, goblins are most certainly not slow. Moderate increase to base movement speed.
- __Stunted:__ Goblins' poor diets and genetics prevent them from growing as tall as other creatures.
- __Frail:__ Being small has its drawbacks. Goblins' max health is reduced, as their small size makes them prone to damage.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Knight** *(version 1)*
- __Impact__: 1/3
- Knights are valorous heroes, who work tirelessly to protect the land.
- __For Honour and Glory:__ What's a knight without his shining armour? Iron armour provides significantly more defence than it does others.
- __Skilled Swordsman:__ Knights are professionals at what they do. Any attack they make with a sword deals more damage.
- __Valour:__ Knights are valorous men. In their dying moments, they fight harder than ever.
- __Burdened:__ Burdened by heavy armour, knights have reduced movement speed.
- __Magic Prone:__ With high physical damage resistance, it is only natural that attacks of a more spectral nature have increased effects on knights.
- __Melee4Ever:__ Unskilled in the art of archery, knights are incapable of using bows.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Arachnid**
- __Impact__: 1/3
- Their climbing abilities and the ability to trap their foes in spiderweb make the Arachnid perfect hunters.
- __Climbing:__ *Toggle with [h]* You are able to climb up any kind of wall, not just ladders.
- __Maser of Webs:__ You navigate cobwebs perfectly, and are able to climb in them. When you hit an enemy in melee, they get stuck in cobweb for a while. Non-arthropods stuck in cobweb will be sensed by you. You are able to craft cobweb from string.
- __Carnivore:__ Your diet is restricted to meat, you can't eat vegetables.
- __Fragile:__ You have 3 less hearts of health than humans.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Elytrian**
- __Impact__: 1/3
- Often flying around in the winds, Elytrians are uncomfortable when they don't have enough space above their heads.
- __Winged:__ You have Elytra wings without needing to equip any.
- __Gift of the Winds:__ Every 30 seconds, you are able to launch about 20 blocks up in the air.
- __Aerial Combatant:__ You deal substantially more damage while in Elytra flight.
- __Need for Mobility:__ You can not wear any heavy armour. (Armour with protection values higher than chainmail.)
- __Claustrophobia:__ Being somewhere with a low ceiling for too long will weaken you and make you slower.
- __Brittle Bones:__ You take more damage from falling and flying into blocks.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Shulk**
- __Impact__: 1/3
- Related to Shulkers, the bodies of the Shilk are outfitted with a protective shell-like skin.
- __Hoarder:__ You have access to an additional 9 slots of inventory, which keep the items on death.
- __Sturdy Skin:__ Even without wearing armour, your skin provides natural protection.
- __Strong Arms:__ You are strong enough to break natural stones without using a pickaxe.
- __Unwieldy:__ The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
- __Large Appetite:__ You exhaust much quicker than others, thus requiring you to eat more.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Knight** *(version 2)*
- __Impact__: 1/3
- You're a powerful knight. You're used to being on the front line in battle and are always ready to make sacrifices.
- __Durable:__ You are more durable than others, and you always take less damage.
- __Large Appetite:__ You exhaust much quicker than others, thus requiring you to eat more.
- __Prepared:__ You're always prepared, so you start the game with a free shield.
- __Trained:__ You've trained so hard, no matter what, you deal more damage.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Cleric**
- __Impact__: 1/3
- You're there to heal and help others. You'll rarely be seen directly attacking others.
- __Village Friendly:__ Since you're the same class as one of the villagers, you're favoured by them.
- __Not the Strongest:__ You aren't the strongest of the bunch, so you have 3 less max hearts.
- __Brewer:__ You are experienced in potion making, so speed, regeneration, jump boost, and strength last longer.
- __Heal Pool:__ Summon a pool of healing on command that effects every mob.
- __Forgivable:__ Pillagers are worried with your alliance with villagers, you can no longer start raids.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Feline**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- With their cat-like appearance, the Feline scare creepers away. With the dexterity of cats, they always land safely on their feet.
- __Acrobatics:__ You never take fall damage, no matter from which height you fall.
- __Strong Ankles:__ You are able to jump higher by jumping while sprinting.
- __Velvet Paws:__ Your footsteps don't cause any vibrations which could otherwise be picked up by nearby lifeforms.
- __Nine Lives:__ You have 1 less heart of health than humans.
- __Weak Arms:__ When not under the effect of a strength potion, you can only mine natural stone if there are at most 2 other natural stone blocks adjacent to it.
- __Catlike Appearance:__ Creepers are scared of you and will only explode if you attack them first.
- __Nocturnal:__ You can slightly see in the dark when not in water.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Arachnae**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- Humanoid, arachnid half-breeds, Arachnae are the size of a man with the dexterity and nimbleness of a spider. What could possibly go wrong?
- __Climber:__ The fine bristles on the Arachnae's legs allow them to climb up walls.
- __Many Eyes:__ The Arachnae's eight eyes are all adapted to darkness, and allow them to see clearly even with very little light.
- __Venomous Bite:__ Arachnae's fangs contain venom, and every bite is a chance to poison their opponent.
- __Web Slinger:__ Arachnae can, on command, spin webs in which their opponents will be immobilised for a short while.
- __Bottomless Stomach:__ A human sized spider does not come without consequences. A massive amount of food is required to susain the Arachnae.
- __Brittle:__ The Arachnae's exoskeleton cannot support armour heavier than iron.
- __Fragile Exoskeleton:__ The Arachnae's exoskeleton is vulnerable to damage. Their health is less compared to a regular humans.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Banshee**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- Banshees are spirits whose cries can shatter glass and drive people to suicide. They are also seen as an omen of death in mythology.
- __Ethereal:__ Banshees possess the ability to become intangible at will, meaning they cannot be affected by foes in the physical realm. This of course comes with a cooldown. Activated with the secondary power key.
- __Hexed:__ Banshees are known for their cursing prowess. Every time they are hit, there is a small chance that the attacker will be consigned to a fate of slow, agonising death.
- __Sonic Shriek:__ Banshees are re owned for their supersonic cries, which can cause blood vessels to burst. Press G and for a short period you will find yourself dealing far more damage.
- __Flesh-eater:__ Banshees feast upon the organs of the living. Their ethereal bodies have no desire for fruit or vegetables.
- __Iron Aversion:__ Iron is lethal to banshees. They cannot bear to wear it.
- __Immaterial:__ Being incorporeal does not come without consequence. Banshees have half the health a living person would have.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Daemon**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- Daemons are evil, servants of Satan. This gives them numerous advantages, but it can also be their downfall.
- __Daemon Fire:__ Imbued with Satan's power, the daemon can release a burst of hell's energy on command. Triggered with secondary power key.
- __Heat Resistance:__ As a being forged from fire, you are immune to overheating and thirst.
- __Hellborne:__ When you've lived in the depths of hell, a lick of fire is nothing to you. Daemons are immune to fire damage.
- __Carnivore:__ A daemon's bloodlust is insatiable. If it isn't the flesh of an animal, it's worthless.
- __Unholy Deal:__ Daemon's can exchange some of their health for increased strength, on account of the devil's influence. Triggered by pressing G.
- __Hydrophobia:__ When you've lived in lava your whole life, water seems quite scalding. Daemons are damaged by being in water.
- __Impure:__ Daemons do not receive the positive effects from potions such as regeneration or instant health.
- __Overworld Weakness:__ As an agent of hell, daemons are not accustomed to the mobs of the overworld and take more damage from them.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Fae**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- Beings of magic, faes are capable of far more than regular humans. Whether that is a blessing or a curse; that is for you to decide...
- __Levitation:__ Faes are known for their ability to levitate. Press G and you will begin to hover.
- Magic Resistance: As magical creatures themselves, faes take less magic damage compared to other creatures.
- __Regeneration:__ Faes are magic creatures. Press your secondary power key and you will regenerate health for a short period, at the cost of your hunger.
- __Allure:__ Faes are naturally alluring. Unfortunately this means that mobs will pursue them from far further away than they would other creatures.
- __Diminutive:__ It is rare for a fae to break 5 feet in height. They are small creatures, even smaller than the weaselly goblins.
- __Iron Aversion:__ Iron inhibits fae powers. It is unbearable for them to wear it.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Necromancer**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- Mages learnt in the art of raising the dead. Necromancers can raise an army from nothing. However, this morbid relationship with death comes with consequences...
- __Hellraiser:__ At will, a necromancer can raise a circle of skeletons, blocking projectiles and damaging other opponents. Unfortunately, it only lasts for a short time.
- __Resilient:__ Learning about death goes a long way towards avoiding it. Necromancers have increased health.
- __Impervious:__ The study of death has made necromancers immune to poison, wither and instant damage. Unfortunately, this also means they do not receive the positive effects from regeneration and instant health.
- __Poor Reputation:__ Unfortunately, students of the dark arts are feared by the general populace. Villagers will refuse to trade with Necromancers and Iron Golems will attack them on sight. This does, however, come with the bonus that they are accepted amongst the ranks of the Pillagers.
- __Black Thumb:__ Necromancers only work with death. They cannot harvest any crops they wilt at their deathly touch.
- __Disturbed:__ Learning the art of necromancy is traumatising. Necromancers cannot sleep, too scared to dream of what they wish they did not know.
- __Unguarded:__ Enveloping oneself in the arcane leaves you open to attack i the physical realm. Most mobs deal more damage to necromancers.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Paladin**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Pixie**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Plague Victim**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Siren**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Yeti**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Enderian**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Archer**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Mage**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Bard**
- __Impact__: 2/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Merling**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Icarae**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- Carnivorous bird people, Icarae fly low to the ground, weaving between and through obstacles to hunt their prey.
- __Wings!:__
- __Aerial Combatant:__
- __Hollow Bones:__
- __Unwieldy:__
- __Carnivore:__
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Dwarf**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- Dwarves are short humanoids who live underground. They excel in mining, but have issues surviving above ground.
- __Dwarven Tech:__
- __Nocturnal Eyes:__
- __Potent Brew:__
- __Miniature:__
- __Darkness Dweller:__
- __Dense:__
- __Photoallergic:__
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Gorgon**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- Gorgons turn their enemies to stone. However, life without being able to look anyone in the eyes comes with consequences...
- __Serpentine Companions:__ Every time a gorgon is hit, they have a chance to spawn a silverfish to attack for them.
- __Stony Gaze:__ When a mob attacks a gorgon, there is a chance for it to be frozen in place for a short period of time.
- __Super Strength:__ Gorgons are renowned for their supernatural strength. They deal far more base damage than any other creature.
- __Hydrophobia:__ Gorgons take damage from water, as they are fundamentally evil creatures who cannot stand the purity of water.
- __Petrification:__ The gorgons were cursed with being bound in dark, dank caves. Being outside in daylight causes them to become petrified until night. Can be negated by wearing a helmet.
- __Silver Aversion:__ A gorgon's only real weakness is silver (iron acts as silver). They cannot wear silver armour.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Ogre**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- Large and impervious brutes, ogres are ferocious creatures with a grand stature. However, their appetite is insatiable, and their stature is just as often a hindrance as it is a help.
- __Charge:__ Ogres can charge forward, piercing through several blocks, but this drains hunger and slows the ogre for a short while.
- __Lead Belly:__ The enormous appetite of an ogre sometimes means eating an undesirable meal from time to time. As such, the ogre's stomach has evolved to withstand even the most toxic of foodstuffs.
- __Stocky:__ Owing to their tremendous size, ogres have 2.5x the health of a regular player.
- __Gargantuan:__ Ogres are renowned for their size, and are substantially taller (and wider) than most creatures.
- __Ravenous:__ It takes a lot of food to sustain a creature as large as an ogre. Appetite is massively increased.
- __Sluggish:__Not known for their agility, ogres are some of the slowest creatures to roam the land.
- __XXXL:__ It is rather hard to find a suit of armour in size is XXXL. As a result, ogres can only wear flexible armour, being leather and chainmail.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Blazeborn**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- Late descendants of the Blaze, the Blazeborn are naturally immune to the perils of the Nether.
- __Fire Immunity:__ You are immune to all types of fire damage.
- __Nether Inhabitant:__ Your natural spawn will be in the nether.
- __Heat Resistance:__ As a being forged from fire, you are immune to overheating and thirst.
- __Burning Wrath:__ When on fire, you deal additional damage with your attacks.
- __Hotblooded:__ Due to your hot body, venoms burn up, making you immune to poison and hunger status effects.
- __Hydrophobia:__ You receive damage over time while in contact with water.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Phantom**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- As half-human and half-phantom beings, these creatures can switch between a Phantom and a normal form.
- __Phantom Form:__ You can switch between human and phantom form at will, but only while you are saturated enough to sprint.
- __Translucent:__ Your skin is translucent.
- __Phasing:__ While phantomised, you can walk through solid material, except Obsidian.
- __Invisibility:__ While phantomised, you are invisible.
- __Photoallergic:__ You begin to burn in daylight if you are not invisible.
- __Fast Metabolism:__ Being phantomised causes you to become hungry.
- __Fragile:__ You have 3 less hearts of health than humans.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Thief**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- You're sneaky, and fast. Always ready to steal from those you dislike.
- __Speedy:__ You're faster than normal.
- __Stealthy:__ Whenever you crouch, you can't be seen, but you can't attack while you're invisible, and 3 seconds after.
- __Unwieldy:__ The way your hands are formed provide no way of holding a shield upright.
- __Better Unnoticed:__ You'd rather not be seen, since you sacrifice health for speed. You have 2 less max hearts.
- __Uneasy Alliance:__ You and the pillagers have known each other, but not well enough for them to let you live. Whenever you kill an iron golem in a village, it'll start a raid.
- __Thefty:__ Whenever you kill a villager (Why would you), you can steal some emeralds.
- <:beehive_dot:866876821189165096>**Brute**
- __Impact__: 3/3
- You're a heavy hitting machine with an arsenal of axes.
- __No Time to Rest:__ You can only heal naturally while you're sprining.
- __Select Targets:__ You are stronger against mobs with a great amount of health, but are weaker against mobs with lower health.
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