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- // (src/main.cpp)
- // includes the other code that get called in "main.cpp"
- #include "common.cpp"
- // makes a char enum value for all of our pneumatic ports
- // naming convention 'solinoid' used for the enums, for a more long term project I would make it a class, but this is subject to change at the drop of a hat
- #define intake_solenoid 'E'
- #define wrist_solenoid 'B'
- #define arm_solenoid 'C'
- #define mogo_solenoid 'D'
- #define chopper_solenoid 'F'
- // just as before, makes an enum value for the intake ports; the sign of the enum signifies direction the motor spins
- #define intake_stage_1 -10
- #define intake_stage_2 -9
- const std::string PROGRAM = "Blue";
- const bool E_VARIENTCE = false;
- const double E_ENTROPY = 0.5;
- const bool USE_AI = true;
- // creates a controller object for the two controllers we use during matches
- pros::Controller controller_1(pros::E_CONTROLLER_MASTER);
- pros::Controller controller_2(pros::E_CONTROLLER_PARTNER);
- // a constructor for the pros::Motor objects used
- pros::Motor lm1(-15);
- pros::Motor lm2(14);
- pros::Motor lm3(-13);
- pros::Motor rm1(16);
- pros::Motor rm2(-12);
- pros::Motor rm3(11);
- pros::Motor intake_lower(intake_stage_1);
- pros::Motor intake_upper(intake_stage_2);
- // constructs an easily manipulatable std::vector<pros::Motor> for use in the program
- pros::MotorGroup left_motors({lm1.get_port(), lm2.get_port(), lm3.get_port()}, pros::MotorGears::blue);
- pros::MotorGroup right_motors({rm1.get_port(), rm2.get_port(), rm3.get_port()}, pros::MotorGears::blue);
- pros::MotorGroup intake({intake_lower.get_port(), intake_upper.get_port()}, pros::MotorGears::green);
- // constructs the drivetrain from the builder classes used in lemlib
- lemlib::Drivetrain drivetrain(&left_motors, &right_motors, 11.625, 3.25, 480, 8); //left motor group, right motor group, track width, wheel diameter, drive rpm, horizontal drift
- // constructs the imu used in heading tracking for odometery
- pros::IMU imu(5);
- // more lemlib builder class objects for odom
- lemlib::TrackingWheel leftVerticalWheel(&left_motors, lemlib::Omniwheel::NEW_325, -5.825, 480);
- lemlib::TrackingWheel rightVerticalWheel(&right_motors, lemlib::Omniwheel::NEW_325, 5.825, 480);
- lemlib::OdomSensors sensors(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &imu); //vertical tracking wheels 1 & 2, horizontal tracking wheels 3 & 4, imu
- // pneumatics objects for the solinoids using the enums defined earlier, the second variable (bool) is used to denote startng position
- pros::adi::Pneumatics mogo_mech(mogo_solenoid, true);
- pros::adi::Pneumatics arm_mech(arm_solenoid, false);
- pros::adi::Pneumatics intake_mech(intake_solenoid, false);
- pros::adi::Pneumatics wrist_mech(wrist_solenoid, false);
- pros::adi::Pneumatics chopper_mech(chopper_solenoid, false);
- // lateral PID controller
- lemlib::ControllerSettings lateral_controller(8, // proportional gain (kP)
- 0, // integral gain (kI)
- 18, // derivative gain (kD)
- 0, // anti windup
- 0, // small error range, in inches
- 0, // small error range timeout, in milliseconds
- 0, // large error range, in inches
- 0, // large error range timeout, in milliseconds
- 0 // maximum acceleration (slew)
- );
- // angular PID controller
- lemlib::ControllerSettings angular_controller(2, // proportional gain (kP)
- 0, // integral gain (kI)
- 7, // derivative gain (kD)
- 0, // anti windup
- 0, // small error range, in inches
- 0, // small error range timeout, in milliseconds
- 0, // large error range, in inches
- 0, // large error range timeout, in milliseconds
- 0 // maximum acceleration (slew)
- );
- // input curve for throttle input during driver control
- lemlib::ExpoDriveCurve throttle_curve(2, // joystick deadband out of 127
- 0, // minimum output where drivetrain will move out of 127
- 1.023 // expo curve gain
- );
- // same thing for steering curves
- lemlib::ExpoDriveCurve steer_curve(2,
- 0,
- 1.020
- );
- // create the chassis object
- lemlib::Chassis chassis(drivetrain, // drivetrain settings
- lateral_controller, // lateral PID settings
- angular_controller, // angular PID settings
- sensors, // odometry sensors
- &throttle_curve,
- &steer_curve
- );
- // a function called later in the program that determines which controller is the one that allows input used in controlling the robot
- std::vector<cmn::my_controller> get_active_controller(cmn::my_controller controller_1_input, cmn::my_controller controller_2_input) {
- if(controller_1_input.is_master_controller) {
- return {controller_1_input, controller_2_input};
- } else {
- return {controller_2_input, controller_1_input};
- }
- }
- // the specific instance of a class that stores the varibles for the drive controls used by our driver Chase
- cmn::my_controller chase_config(cmn::my_controller chase) {
- chase.arm_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_UP;
- chase.wrist_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_LEFT;
- chase.intake_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_RIGHT;
- chase.mogo_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- chase.switch_controller_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_B;
- chase.intake_motor_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R1;
- chase.extake_motor_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L1;
- chase.load_arm_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_A;
- chase.chopper_mech = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L2;
- chase.reverse = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R2;
- return chase;
- }
- // the same thing but this is for our driver miles
- cmn::my_controller miles_config(cmn::my_controller miles) {
- miles.arm_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L1;
- miles.wrist_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L2;
- miles.mogo_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN;
- miles.switch_controller_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_RIGHT;
- miles.intake_motor_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_LEFT;
- miles.extake_motor_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_UP;
- miles.intake_pneumatic_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_A;
- miles.extake_motor_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_UP;
- miles.shift_button = pros::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_X;
- return miles;
- }
- // construct an object for the brain printing class
- cmn::GUI gui;
- // include the assets from the static folder used in lemlib pure pursuit, not used (yet)
- ASSET(path_jerryio_left_red_v1_1_txt);
- ASSET(path_jerryio_left_red_v1_2_txt);
- ASSET(path_jerryio_left_red_v1_3_txt);
- ASSET(path_jerryio_left_red_v1_4_txt);
- ASSET(path_jerryio_left_red_v1_5_txt);
- ASSET(example_txt);
- ASSET(ppTest_txt);
- // declare objects for the air tanks, tubes, pistons, and pneumatics components
- // declarations can get tedious because for every piece of real pneumatic components that have volume, an object must be constructed in the code
- cmn::Air_Tank tank1;
- cmn::Air_Tank tank2;
- cmn::Tube tank1_to_T;
- cmn::Tube t1_main;
- cmn::Tube doinker;
- cmn::Tube arm;
- cmn::Tube connector;
- cmn::Tube intake_tb;
- cmn::Tube clamp;
- cmn::Tube aux;
- cmn::Tube intake2;
- cmn::Tube main2;
- cmn::Piston ArmP;
- cmn::Piston DoinkerP;
- cmn::Piston intakeP;
- cmn::Piston auxP;
- cmn::Piston clamp1P;
- cmn::Piston clamp2P;
- cmn::Piston intake2P;
- cmn::Pneumatics_Component ArmC;
- cmn::Pneumatics_Component DoinkerC;
- cmn::Pneumatics_Component AuxC;
- cmn::Pneumatics_Component IntakeC;
- cmn::Pneumatics_Component ClampC;
- cmn::Pneumatics_Component TanksC;
- cmn::Pneumatics_System p_system;
- cmn::Controller_Print controller_print;
- // constructs and initalizes the pose of the robot within lemlib
- lemlib::Pose pose = chassis.getPose();
- int seed;
- void initialize() {
- // start be converting then calculating the volume of all the components used
- // #must be floats because it will not work properly when trying to preform floating point operations on an int
- tank1_to_T.length = (3.0f / 2.54);
- t1_main.length = (64.0f / 2.54);
- doinker.length = (39.0f / 2.54);
- arm.length = (42.0f / 2.54);
- connector.length = ((18.0f + 19.0f + 3.0f) / 2.54);
- intake_tb.length = (24.0f / 2.54);
- clamp.length = (41.0f / 2.54);
- aux.length = (3.0f / 2.54);
- intake2.length = ((6.0f + 3.0f) / 2.54);
- main2.length = (20.0f / 2.54);
- ArmP.stroke = 75.0f;
- DoinkerP.stroke = 75.0f;
- intakeP.stroke = 75.0f;
- auxP.stroke = 75.0f;
- clamp1P.stroke = 50.0f;
- clamp2P.stroke = 50.0f;
- intake2P.stroke = 50.0f;
- // calculate the actual volumes of each object
- ArmP.init();
- arm.init();
- DoinkerP.init();
- t1_main.init();
- doinker.init();
- aux.init();
- auxP.init();
- intakeP.init();
- intake2P.init();
- intake_tb.init();
- intake2.init();
- clamp1P.init();
- clamp2P.init();
- clamp.init();
- tank1_to_T.init();
- main2.init();
- ArmC.volumes.push_back(ArmP.volume);
- ArmC.volumes.push_back(arm.volume);
- DoinkerC.volumes.push_back(DoinkerP.volume);
- //DoinkerC.volumes.push_back(t1_main.volume);
- DoinkerC.volumes.push_back(doinker.volume);
- AuxC.volumes.push_back(aux.volume);
- AuxC.volumes.push_back(auxP.volume);
- IntakeC.volumes.push_back(intakeP.volume);
- IntakeC.volumes.push_back(intake_tb.volume);
- IntakeC.volumes.push_back(intake2P.volume);
- IntakeC.volumes.push_back(intake2.volume);
- ClampC.volumes.push_back(clamp1P.volume);
- ClampC.volumes.push_back(clamp2P.volume);
- ClampC.volumes.push_back(clamp.volume);
- TanksC.volumes.push_back(tank1_to_T.volume);
- TanksC.volumes.push_back(t1_main.volume);
- TanksC.volumes.push_back(main2.volume);
- TanksC.volumes.push_back(tank2.capacity);
- TanksC.volumes.push_back(tank1.capacity);
- ArmC.compute_system_volume();
- DoinkerC.compute_system_volume();
- AuxC.compute_system_volume();
- IntakeC.compute_system_volume();
- ClampC.compute_system_volume();
- TanksC.compute_system_volume();
- p_system.system_init({ArmC, DoinkerC, AuxC, IntakeC, ClampC, TanksC});
- // prepare the screen for printing
- pros::lcd::initialize();
- // the prefered drivetrain setup by both drivers
- chassis.setBrakeMode(pros::E_MOTOR_BRAKE_COAST);
- // this is where we can name individual autons for display on the brain during selection
- gui.auton_name_list.push_back("RL AWP");
- gui.auton_name_list.push_back("RR E");
- gui.auton_name_list.push_back(" ");
- gui.auton_name_list.push_back(" ");
- gui.auton_name_list.push_back(" ");
- gui.auton_name_list.push_back(" ");
- gui.auton_name_list.push_back(" ");
- gui.auton_name_list.push_back(" ");
- intake.set_encoder_units(pros::E_MOTOR_ENCODER_DEGREES);
- seed = pros::micros() + std::time(0) + static_cast<int>(lm1.get_position());
- // a critical function in order to get odemetry to work
- chassis.calibrate();
- }
- void red_right_elims(lemlib::Chassis& chassis) {
- chassis.setPose(0, 0, 180);
- mogo_mech.retract();
- // all the code for the autons
- // basically just scripting, not to exiting
- chassis.moveToPose(1, 13, 150, 2100, {.forwards=false, .maxSpeed= 71, .minSpeed=1, .earlyExitRange=0.25});
- chassis.moveToPose(-5, 29, 150, 1500, {.forwards=false, .maxSpeed=71});
- arm_mech.extend();
- pros::delay(1400);
- mogo_mech.extend();
- pros::delay(500);
- chassis.moveToPose(5, 18, 30, 2500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=1});
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- intake_lower.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPose(17, 34, 30, 2500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=1});
- intake_lower.move_velocity(200);
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPoint(-12, 24, 2500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=3});
- chassis.moveToPoint(-33, 8, 2500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=1});
- intake_mech.extend();
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- pros::delay(750);
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.turnToPoint(24, 2.5, 500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=1, .earlyExitRange=.25});
- intake_mech.retract();
- arm_mech.retract();
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- pros::delay(500);
- intake_lower.move_velocity(0);
- chassis.moveToPose(20, 6, 105, 3000, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed = 31, .earlyExitRange = 1});
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- pros::delay(500);
- intake_lower.move_velocity(0);
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPose(16, 12, 315, 2000, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=1});
- pros::delay(100);
- mogo_mech.retract();
- intake_upper.move_velocity(0);
- intake_upper.move_relative(-360, 200);
- chassis.moveToPose(22, 44, 180, 2750, {.forwards=false});
- /*chassis.setPose(-50, -30, 270);
- arm_mech.extend();
- chassis.moveToPose(-31.75, -27.75, 240, 2000, {.forwards=false, .minSpeed=31, .earlyExitRange = .5});
- chassis.moveToPose(-19, -22.5, 240, 2000, {.forwards=false, .minSpeed = 1, .earlyExitRange=.25});
- chassis.moveToPose(-33, -33.5, 180, 1200, {.minSpeed = 31, .earlyExitRange = .5});
- pros::delay(10);
- mogo_mech.extend();
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPoint(-20, -52, 2000, {.minSpeed = 28, .earlyExitRange =.5});
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPose(-33, -8, 315, 2000, {.minSpeed = 31, .earlyExitRange =1});
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPose(-51, 4, 270, 2000, {.minSpeed = 1, .earlyExitRange = .1});
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- intake_mech.extend();
- chassis.moveToPose(-52, -52, 135, 3000, {.minSpeed = 31, .earlyExitRange = .1});
- intake_mech.retract();
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- mogo_mech.retract();
- chassis.moveToPose(-30, -30, 200, 5000, {.minSpeed = 1, .earlyExitRange = .5});
- chassis.moveToPose(-12, -45.5, 270, 5000, {.forwards=false, .minSpeed=1, .earlyExitRange=0.1});
- mogo_mech.retract();*/
- }
- void blue_left_elims(lemlib::Chassis& chassis) {
- chassis.setPose(0, 0, 180);
- mogo_mech.retract();
- // all the code for the autons
- // basically just scripting, not to exiting
- chassis.moveToPose(-1, 13, -150, 2100, {.forwards=false, .maxSpeed= 71, .minSpeed=1, .earlyExitRange=0.25});
- arm_mech.extend();
- chassis.moveToPose(7, 30, -150, 1500, {.forwards=false, .maxSpeed=71});
- pros::delay(1400);
- mogo_mech.extend();
- pros::delay(500);
- chassis.moveToPose(-5, 18, -30, 2500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=1});
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- intake_lower.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPose(-17, 34, -30, 2500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=1});
- intake_lower.move_velocity(200);
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPoint(12, 24, 2500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=3});
- chassis.moveToPoint(33, 8, 2500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=1});
- intake_mech.extend();
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- pros::delay(750);
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.turnToPoint(-24, 2.5, 500, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=1, .earlyExitRange=.25});
- intake_mech.retract();
- arm_mech.retract();
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- pros::delay(500);
- intake_lower.move_velocity(0);
- chassis.moveToPose(-20, 6, -105, 3000, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed = 31, .earlyExitRange = 1});
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- pros::delay(500);
- intake_lower.move_velocity(0);
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPose(-16, 12, -315, 2000, {.maxSpeed=71, .minSpeed=10, .earlyExitRange=1});
- pros::delay(100);
- mogo_mech.retract();
- intake_upper.move_velocity(0);
- intake_upper.move_relative(-360, 200);
- chassis.moveToPose(-22, 44, 180, 2750, {.forwards=false});
- /*chassis.setPose(-50, -30, 270);
- arm_mech.extend();
- chassis.moveToPose(-31.75, -27.75, 240, 2000, {.forwards=false, .minSpeed=31, .earlyExitRange = .5});
- chassis.moveToPose(-19, -22.5, 240, 2000, {.forwards=false, .minSpeed = 1, .earlyExitRange=.25});
- chassis.moveToPose(-33, -33.5, 180, 1200, {.minSpeed = 31, .earlyExitRange = .5});
- pros::delay(10);
- mogo_mech.extend();
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPoint(-20, -52, 2000, {.minSpeed = 28, .earlyExitRange =.5});
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPose(-33, -8, 315, 2000, {.minSpeed = 31, .earlyExitRange =1});
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPose(-51, 4, 270, 2000, {.minSpeed = 1, .earlyExitRange = .1});
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- intake_mech.extend();
- chassis.moveToPose(-52, -52, 135, 3000, {.minSpeed = 31, .earlyExitRange = .1});
- intake_mech.retract();
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- mogo_mech.retract();
- chassis.moveToPose(-30, -30, 200, 5000, {.minSpeed = 1, .earlyExitRange = .5});
- chassis.moveToPose(-12, -45.5, 270, 5000, {.forwards=false, .minSpeed=1, .earlyExitRange=0.1});
- mogo_mech.retract();*/
- }
- void skills(lemlib::Chassis& chassis) {
- if (!USE_AI) {
- chassis.setPose(0, 0, 0);
- chassis.moveToPose(12, -24, 0, 5000, {.forwards=false, .minSpeed=1, .earlyExitRange=0.25});
- mogo_mech.retract();
- chassis.moveToPose(-5, -62, 45, 5000, {.forwards=false});
- pros::delay(500);
- mogo_mech.extend();
- intake_upper.move_velocity(200);
- chassis.moveToPoint(24, -62 + 24, 2000);
- mogo_mech.retract();
- pros::delay(500);
- intake_upper.move_velocity(0);
- } else {
- NeuralNetwork agent;
- AdamWOptimizer agentOptimizer(0.001, 0.9, 0.999, 0.01, 1e-4);
- agent.add_layer(Layer(5, 256, "relu", agentOptimizer));
- agent.add_layer(Layer(256, 256, "relu", agentOptimizer));
- agent.add_layer(Layer(256, 256, "relu", agentOptimizer));
- agent.add_layer(Layer(256, 5, "linear", agentOptimizer));
- agent.load("agent_network_params.txt");
- std::vector<std::vector<double>> outputs = agent.forward({lm1.get_actual_velocity(), rm1.get_actual_velocity(), intake_lower.get_actual_velocity(), intake_upper.get_actual_velocity(), static_cast<double>(mogo_mech.is_extended())});
- left_motors.move_velocity(outputs[0][0]);
- right_motors.move_velocity(outputs[0][1]);
- intake_lower.move_velocity(outputs[0][2]);
- intake_upper.move_velocity(outputs[0][3]);
- mogo_mech.set_value(static_cast<bool>(std::round(outputs[0][4])));
- pros::delay(100);
- }
- }
- double get_rand_double() {
- std::srand(seed);
- return static_cast<double>(rand()) / static_cast<double>(RAND_MAX);
- }
- double derating_level () {
- return E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? .5 > get_rand_double() ? 12.5 : 25 : 100;
- }
- void autonomous() {
- // Switch the brain to displaying current motor temperature status in preperation for the match
- gui.current_view = 1;
- if (PROGRAM == "Blue") {
- blue_left_elims(chassis);
- } else if (PROGRAM == "Red") {
- red_right_elims(chassis);
- } else if (PROGRAM == "Skills") {
- skills(chassis);
- }
- // determines which autons run based on the one selected on the previous screen
- /*switch (gui.selected_auton) {
- case 0:
- red_right_elims(chassis);
- break;
- case 1:
- blue_left_elims(chassis);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }*/
- }
- void opcontrol() {
- mogo_mech.extend();
- gui.current_view = 1;
- // gets a baseline for when opcontrol starts
- unsigned int current_time = pros::millis();
- // constructs objects, initializes objects, etc...
- bool arm_toggle = 0;
- cmn::my_controller chase;
- cmn::my_controller miles;
- chase.controller = &controller_1;
- miles.controller = &controller_2;
- chase = chase_config(chase);
- miles = miles_config(miles);
- chase.is_master_controller = true;
- miles.is_master_controller = false;
- cmn::my_controller master;
- cmn::my_controller slave;
- gui.motor_list.push_back(lm1);
- gui.motor_list.push_back(lm2);
- gui.motor_list.push_back(lm3);
- gui.motor_list.push_back(rm1);
- gui.motor_list.push_back(rm2);
- gui.motor_list.push_back(rm3);
- gui.motor_list.push_back(intake_lower);
- gui.motor_list.push_back(intake_upper);
- master = get_active_controller(chase, miles)[1];
- slave = get_active_controller(chase, miles)[0];
- controller_print.cont_drivetrain.push_back(lm1);
- controller_print.cont_drivetrain.push_back(lm2);
- controller_print.cont_drivetrain.push_back(lm3);
- controller_print.cont_drivetrain.push_back(rm1);
- controller_print.cont_drivetrain.push_back(rm2);
- controller_print.cont_drivetrain.push_back(rm3);
- controller_print.init(chase, miles);
- arm_mech.extend();
- std::srand(seed);
- double throttle_rand = get_rand_double();
- double steer_rand = get_rand_double();
- double delay_extremity = get_rand_double() * 1000;
- double arm_delay = E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? get_rand_double() * delay_extremity : 0;
- double wrist_delay = E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? get_rand_double() * delay_extremity : 0;
- double intake_mech_delay = E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? get_rand_double() * delay_extremity : 0;
- double mogo_delay = E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? get_rand_double() * delay_extremity : 0;
- double intake_delay = E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? get_rand_double() * delay_extremity : 0;
- double chopper_delay = E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? get_rand_double() * delay_extremity : 0;
- arm_delay = E_VARIENTCE == true ? arm_delay : 0;
- wrist_delay = E_VARIENTCE == true ? wrist_delay : 0;
- intake_mech_delay = E_VARIENTCE == true ? intake_mech_delay : 0;
- mogo_delay = E_VARIENTCE == true ? mogo_delay : 0;
- intake_delay = E_VARIENTCE == true ? intake_delay : 0;
- chopper_delay = E_VARIENTCE == true ? get_rand_double() > .5 ? chopper_delay : 0 : 0;
- //left_motors.set_voltage_limit_all(derating_level() * 120);
- //right_motors.set_voltage_limit_all(derating_level() * 120);
- // intake.set_voltage_limit_all(derating_level() * 120);
- // runs until the program is turned off
- while(1){
- // finds the current time relative to when the opcontrol function was called relitive to the initalialize funtion
- unsigned int opcontrol_time = pros::millis() - current_time;
- // set the current pneumatics for printing on the controller
- controller_print.p_sys = p_system;
- // creates an inverse of opcontrol_time for keeping track of remaining time during a match
- unsigned int time_left;
- if(opcontrol_time > 105000) {
- time_left = 0;
- } else if (PROGRAM != "Skills") {
- time_left = 105000 - opcontrol_time;
- } else {
- time_left = 60000 - opcontrol_time;
- }
- controller_print.time = time_left;
- if ((time_left < 15000 && time_left > 12000 ) && PROGRAM != "Skills") {
- master.controller->rumble("-");
- slave.controller->rumble("-");
- } else if (PROGRAM == "Skills") {
- if ((time_left > 60000 - 12000 && time_left < 60000 - 15000) || (time_left > 60000 - (12000 + 15000) && time_left < 60000 - (15000 + 15000)) || (time_left > 60000 - (12000 + 30000) && time_left < 60000 - (15000 + 30000)) || (time_left > 60000 - (12000 + 45000) && time_left < 60000 - (15000 + 45000))) {
- master.controller->rumble("-");
- }
- }
- // a check to see which controller is the one controlling the robot and to see which one is reciving the stats
- if(master.controller->get_digital(master.switch_controller_button)) {
- chase.is_master_controller = chase.is_master_controller;
- miles.is_master_controller = !miles.is_master_controller;
- master = get_active_controller(chase, miles)[0];
- slave = get_active_controller(chase, miles)[1];
- master.controller->rumble("-");
- chase.controller->clear();
- miles.controller->clear();
- }
- // a hacky way to get the "master" and "slave"
- master = get_active_controller(chase, miles)[0];
- slave = get_active_controller(chase, miles)[1];
- // all of the basic robot control scriping
- double throttle, steer;
- throttle = master.controller->get_analog(master.throttle_axis);
- steer = master.controller->get_analog(master.steer_axis);
- if (E_VARIENTCE == true) {
- //throttle = (E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? ((throttle_rand * 2 - 1) * .5) * throttle : 0) + throttle;
- //steer = (E_ENTROPY < get_rand_double() ? ((steer_rand * 2 - 1) * .5) * steer : 0) + steer;
- }
- if (master.controller->get_digital(master.reverse)) {
- throttle = -throttle;
- }
- // uses curvature drive when not at slow speeds, otherwise uses arcarde drive
- if((throttle > 2) && (steer > 2)){
- chassis.curvature(throttle, steer);
- } else {
- chassis.arcade(throttle, steer);
- }
- if(master.controller->get_digital(master.arm_pneumatic_button)) {
- pros::delay(arm_delay);
- arm_mech.toggle();
- p_system.cycled(ArmC);
- while (master.controller->get_digital(master.arm_pneumatic_button)) {
- pros::delay(2);
- }
- if (!arm_mech.is_extended()) {
- wrist_mech.retract();
- }
- }
- if(master.controller->get_digital(master.wrist_pneumatic_button)) {
- pros::delay(wrist_delay);
- wrist_mech.toggle();
- p_system.cycled(AuxC);
- while(master.controller->get_digital(master.wrist_pneumatic_button)) {
- pros::delay(2);
- }
- }
- if(master.controller->get_digital(master.intake_pneumatic_button)) {
- pros::delay(intake_mech_delay);
- intake_mech.toggle();
- p_system.cycled(IntakeC);
- while(master.controller->get_digital(master.intake_pneumatic_button)) {
- pros::delay(2);
- }
- }
- if(master.controller->get_digital(master.mogo_pneumatic_button)) {
- pros::delay(mogo_delay);
- mogo_mech.toggle();
- if(mogo_mech.is_extended() == false) {
- intake_upper.move_relative(-600.0f, 200);
- }
- p_system.cycled(ClampC);
- while(master.controller->get_digital(master.mogo_pneumatic_button)) {
- pros::delay(2);
- }
- }
- if (master.controller->get_digital(master.intake_motor_button)) {
- pros::delay(intake_delay);
- intake.move_velocity(200);
- } else if (master.controller->get_digital(master.extake_motor_button)) {
- pros::delay(intake_delay);
- intake.move_velocity(-200);
- } else {
- intake.move_velocity(0);
- }
- if (master.controller->get_digital(master.chopper_mech)) {
- pros::delay(chopper_delay);
- chopper_mech.extend();
- p_system.cycled(DoinkerC);
- } else {
- pros::delay(chopper_delay);
- chopper_mech.retract();
- }
- // renders the brain
- gui.render();
- // renders the controllers
- controller_print.print_master(master);
- controller_print.print_slave(slave);
- // would be more important if we had thread scheduling, but for now its just there as good practice
- pros::delay(15);
- }
- }
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