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- High said: ‘It licked the rime-stones, which were salty. And the
- first day as it licked stones there came from the stones in the
- evening a man’s hair, the second day a man’s head, the third day
- there was a complete man there. His name was Buri. He was
- beautiful in appearance, big and powerful. He begot a son called
- Bor. He married a wife called Bestla, daughter of the giant
- Bolthorn, and they had three sons. One was called Odin, the
- second Vili, the third Ve. And it is my belief that this Odin and his
- brothers must be the rulers of heaven and earth; it is our opinion
- that this must be what he is called. This is the name of the one who
- is the greatest and most glorious that we know, and you would do
- well to agree to call him that too.’
- Then spoke Gangleri: ‘How did they get on together, which
- group was the more powerful?’
- Then High replied: ‘Bor’s sons killed the giant Ymir. And when
- he fell, so much blood flowed from his wounds that with it they
- drowned all the race of frost-giants, except that one escaped with
- his household. Giants call him Bergelmir. He went up on to his ark
- with his wife and was preserved there, and from them are
- descended the families of frost-giants, as it says here:
- Countless winters before the earth was created, then was
- Bergelmir born. That is the first I remember, when that wise
- giant was laid on a box.’
- Then Gangleri replied: ‘What did Bor’s sons do then, if you
- believe that they are gods?’
- High said: ‘There is not just a little to be told about that. They
- took Ymir and transported him to the middle of Ginnungagap,
- and out of him made the earth, out of his blood the sea and the
- lakes. The earth was made of the flesh and the rocks of the bones,
- stone and scree they made out of the teeth and molars and of the
- bones that had been broken.’
- Then spoke Just-as-high: ‘Out of the blood that came from his
- wounds and was flowing unconfined, out of this they made the
- sea with which they encompassed and contained the earth, and
- they placed this sea in a circle round the outside of it, and it will
- seem an impossibility to most to get across it.’
- Then spoke Third: ‘They also took his skull and made out of it
- the sky and set it up over the earth with four points, and under
- each corner they set a dwarf. Their names are Austri, Vestri,
- Nordri, Sudri. Then they took molten particles and sparks that
- were flying uncontrolled and had shot out of the world of Muspell
- and set them in the middle of the firmament of the sky both above
- and below to illuminate heaven and earth. They fixed all the
- lights, some in the sky, some moved in a wandering course
- beneath the sky, but they appointed them positions and ordained
- their courses. Thus it is said in ancient sources that by means of
- them days were distinguished and also the count of years, as it
- says in Voluspa:
- The sun did not know where her dwelling was. The moon
- did not know what power he had. The stars did not know
- where their places were.
- That is what it was like above the earth before this took place.’
- Then spoke Gangleri: ‘This is important information that I
- have just heard. That is an amazingly large construction and
- skilfully made. How was the earth arranged?’
- Then High replied: ‘It is circular round the edge, and around it
- lies the deep sea, and along the shore of this sea they gave lands to
- live in to the races of giants. But on the earth on the inner side they
- made a fortification round the world against the hostility of
- giants, and for this fortification they used the giant Ymir’s
- eyelashes, and they called the fortification Midgard. They also
- took his brains and threw them into the sky and made out of them
- the clouds, as it says here:
- From Ymir’s flesh was earth created, and from blood, sea;
- rocks of bones, trees of hair, and from his skull, the sky.
- And from his eyelashes the joyous gods made Midgard for
- men’s sons, and from his brains were those cruel clouds all
- created.’
- Then spoke Gangleri: ‘A great deal it seems to me they had
- achieved when earth and heaven were made and sun and stars
- were put in position and days were separated — and where did the
- people come from who inhabit the world?’
- - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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