

Apr 19th, 2023
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  1. Then Odin’s horse Sleipnir was fetched and led forward
  2. and Hermod mounted this horse and galloped away. So the Æsir
  3. took Baldr’s body and carried it to the sea. Hringhomi was the
  4. name of Baldr’s ship. It was the biggest of all ships. This the Æsir
  5. planned to launch and perform on it Baldr’s funeral. But the ship
  6. refused to move. So they sent to Giantland for a giantess called
  7. Hyrrokkin. And when she arrived, riding a wolf and using vipers
  8. as reins, she dismounted from her steed, and Odin summoned
  9. four berserks to look after the mount, and they were unable to
  10. hold it without knocking it down. Then Hyrrokkin went to the
  11. prow of the boat and pushed it out with the first touch so that
  12. flame flew from the rollers and all lands quaked. Then Thor
  13. became angry and grasped his hammer and was about to smash
  14. her head until all the gods begged for grace for her. Then Baldr’s
  15. body was carried out on to the ship, and when his wife Nanna
  16. Nep’s daughter saw this she collapsed with grief and died. She was
  17. carried on to the pyre and it was set fire to. Then Thor stood by
  18. and consecrated the pyre with Miollnir.
  21. - Prose Edda, Gylfaginning
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