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- version: 1
- dn: ou=Accounting,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Accounting
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Product Development,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Product Development
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Product Testing,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Product Testing
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Human Resources,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Human Resources
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Payroll,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Payroll
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Janitorial,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Janitorial
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Management,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Management
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Administrative,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Administrative
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Peons,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Peons
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: ou=Planning,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- ou: Planning
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: organizationalUnit
- dn: cn=Jonthan Rabiasz,ou=Administrative,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Jonthan Rabiasz
- sn: Rabiasz
- description: This is Jonthan Rabiasz's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 804 886-9059
- l: San Mateo
- ou: Administrative
- postalAddress: Administrative$San Mateo
- telephoneNumber: +1 804 700-6449
- title: Associate Administrative Consultant
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: RabiaszJ
- givenName: Jonthan
- mail:
- carLicense: KGUGJH
- departmentNumber: 1771
- employeeType: Employee
- homePhone: +1 804 168-9377
- initials: J. R.
- mobile: +1 804 178-2010
- pager: +1 804 218-7971
- roomNumber: 9970
- dn: cn=Aryn Hiner,ou=Management,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Aryn Hiner
- sn: Hiner
- description: This is Aryn Hiner's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 206 626-9144
- l: San Mateo
- ou: Management
- postalAddress: Management$San Mateo
- telephoneNumber: +1 206 590-3261
- title: Associate Management Fellow
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: HinerA
- givenName: Aryn
- mail:
- carLicense: L4DLTH
- departmentNumber: 1446
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 206 318-3937
- initials: A. H.
- mobile: +1 206 188-1113
- pager: +1 206 141-3347
- roomNumber: 9606
- manager: cn=Jonthan Rabiasz,ou=Administrative,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- dn: cn=Bethany Rhoades,ou=Administrative,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Bethany Rhoades
- sn: Rhoades
- description: This is Bethany Rhoades's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 398-3585
- l: Armonk
- ou: Administrative
- postalAddress: Administrative$Armonk
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 818-2384
- title: Chief Administrative Sales Rep
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: RhoadesB
- givenName: Bethany
- mail:
- carLicense: OD0OYH
- departmentNumber: 4163
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 213 338-6892
- initials: B. R.
- mobile: +1 213 889-8177
- pager: +1 213 647-1744
- roomNumber: 8732
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Sephira Tunali,ou=Management,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Sephira Tunali
- sn: Tunali
- description: This is Sephira Tunali's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 510 691-6224
- l: Redwood Shores
- ou: Management
- postalAddress: Management$Redwood Shores
- telephoneNumber: +1 510 433-2032
- title: Associate Management Assistant
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: TunaliS
- givenName: Sephira
- mail:
- carLicense: A9D0NQ
- departmentNumber: 2459
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 510 471-4314
- initials: S. T.
- mobile: +1 510 199-5257
- pager: +1 510 858-1312
- roomNumber: 9484
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Karil Verardi,ou=Administrative,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Karil Verardi
- sn: Verardi
- description: This is Karil Verardi's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 818 929-6763
- l: Cupertino
- ou: Administrative
- postalAddress: Administrative$Cupertino
- telephoneNumber: +1 818 432-3028
- title: Supreme Administrative Mascot
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: VerardiK
- givenName: Karil
- mail:
- carLicense: 562T0P
- departmentNumber: 1487
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 818 933-5610
- initials: K. V.
- mobile: +1 818 426-8786
- pager: +1 818 118-5826
- roomNumber: 8211
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Tonie McGonigal,ou=Product Development,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Tonie McGonigal
- sn: McGonigal
- description: This is Tonie McGonigal's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 232-6593
- l: Armonk
- ou: Product Development
- postalAddress: Product Development$Armonk
- telephoneNumber: +1 408 462-8735
- title: Associate Product Development Artist
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: McGonigT
- givenName: Tonie
- mail:
- carLicense: UT7D7E
- departmentNumber: 6010
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 408 211-6771
- initials: T. M.
- mobile: +1 408 528-3894
- pager: +1 408 673-8179
- roomNumber: 8835
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Karrah Dalton,ou=Management,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Karrah Dalton
- sn: Dalton
- description: This is Karrah Dalton's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 206 587-5936
- l: San Jose
- ou: Management
- postalAddress: Management$San Jose
- telephoneNumber: +1 206 960-8228
- title: Junior Management Admin
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: DaltonK
- givenName: Karrah
- mail:
- carLicense: V35LBO
- departmentNumber: 6622
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 206 458-4730
- initials: K. D.
- mobile: +1 206 610-6642
- pager: +1 206 756-4094
- roomNumber: 9465
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Kit Gaston,ou=Product Development,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Kit Gaston
- sn: Gaston
- description: This is Kit Gaston's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 818 257-1754
- l: Santa Clara
- ou: Product Development
- postalAddress: Product Development$Santa Clara
- telephoneNumber: +1 818 763-4339
- title: Supreme Product Development Admin
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: GastonK
- givenName: Kit
- mail:
- carLicense: 441DE8
- departmentNumber: 1715
- employeeType: Employee
- homePhone: +1 818 116-3598
- initials: K. G.
- mobile: +1 818 109-3642
- pager: +1 818 397-1122
- roomNumber: 8621
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Issi Hanford,ou=Peons,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Issi Hanford
- sn: Hanford
- description: This is Issi Hanford's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 196-6390
- l: Alameda
- ou: Peons
- postalAddress: Peons$Alameda
- telephoneNumber: +1 408 433-1525
- title: Associate Peons Technician
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: HanfordI
- givenName: Issi
- mail:
- carLicense: RJGX0P
- departmentNumber: 1272
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 408 629-3945
- initials: I. H.
- mobile: +1 408 212-4713
- pager: +1 408 938-9595
- roomNumber: 8247
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Tori Tarrant,ou=Human Resources,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Tori Tarrant
- sn: Tarrant
- description: This is Tori Tarrant's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 225-5734
- l: San Mateo
- ou: Human Resources
- postalAddress: Human Resources$San Mateo
- telephoneNumber: +1 408 813-4611
- title: Master Human Resources Pinhead
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: TarrantT
- givenName: Tori
- mail:
- carLicense: 6WD7AQ
- departmentNumber: 5626
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 408 203-2097
- initials: T. T.
- mobile: +1 408 145-9687
- pager: +1 408 740-3034
- roomNumber: 9197
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Seven Sees,ou=Product Testing,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Seven Sees
- sn: Sees
- description: This is Seven Sees's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 940-7924
- l: Sunnyvale
- ou: Product Testing
- postalAddress: Product Testing$Sunnyvale
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 235-7203
- title: Junior Product Testing Manager
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: SeesS
- givenName: Seven
- mail:
- carLicense: 73C0G8
- departmentNumber: 7893
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 213 298-4248
- initials: S. S.
- mobile: +1 213 491-4879
- pager: +1 213 946-4244
- roomNumber: 9472
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Ronny Reznechek,ou=Payroll,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Ronny Reznechek
- sn: Reznechek
- description: This is Ronny Reznechek's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 415 820-2542
- l: Cambridge
- ou: Payroll
- postalAddress: Payroll$Cambridge
- telephoneNumber: +1 415 839-9602
- title: Supreme Payroll Vice President
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: ReznechR
- givenName: Ronny
- mail:
- carLicense: 3UHYQY
- departmentNumber: 8281
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 415 582-9712
- initials: R. R.
- mobile: +1 415 725-5759
- pager: +1 415 734-1302
- roomNumber: 9277
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Johnny Waterhouse,ou=Human Resources,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Johnny Waterhouse
- sn: Waterhouse
- description: This is Johnny Waterhouse's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 206 704-6046
- l: San Jose
- ou: Human Resources
- postalAddress: Human Resources$San Jose
- telephoneNumber: +1 206 898-1248
- title: Chief Human Resources Figurehead
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: WaterhoJ
- givenName: Johnny
- mail:
- carLicense: O1OBCV
- departmentNumber: 4260
- employeeType: Employee
- homePhone: +1 206 170-4616
- initials: J. W.
- mobile: +1 206 763-9019
- pager: +1 206 146-1225
- roomNumber: 8538
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Birmingham Novia,ou=Janitorial,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Birmingham Novia
- sn: Novia
- description: This is Birmingham Novia's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 804 885-5117
- l: San Jose
- ou: Janitorial
- postalAddress: Janitorial$San Jose
- telephoneNumber: +1 804 961-5490
- title: Supreme Janitorial Artist
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: NoviaB
- givenName: Birmingham
- mail:
- carLicense: XQ0687
- departmentNumber: 4886
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 804 622-2297
- initials: B. N.
- mobile: +1 804 155-3011
- pager: +1 804 672-1009
- roomNumber: 9010
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Donna Kosiorska,ou=Human Resources,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Donna Kosiorska
- sn: Kosiorska
- description: This is Donna Kosiorska's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 854-7855
- l: Menlo Park
- ou: Human Resources
- postalAddress: Human Resources$Menlo Park
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 626-5121
- title: Chief Human Resources Madonna
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: KosiorsD
- givenName: Donna
- mail:
- carLicense: 8HCR6J
- departmentNumber: 1598
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 213 719-2019
- initials: D. K.
- mobile: +1 213 954-1318
- pager: +1 213 349-6978
- roomNumber: 8592
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Murray Buggie,ou=Product Development,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Murray Buggie
- sn: Buggie
- description: This is Murray Buggie's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 206 296-7407
- l: Redmond
- ou: Product Development
- postalAddress: Product Development$Redmond
- telephoneNumber: +1 206 305-4163
- title: Junior Product Development Admin
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: BuggieM
- givenName: Murray
- mail:
- carLicense: VE7RI7
- departmentNumber: 3654
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 206 766-8214
- initials: M. B.
- mobile: +1 206 766-9323
- pager: +1 206 367-6017
- roomNumber: 9498
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Orly Fiegel,ou=Management,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Orly Fiegel
- sn: Fiegel
- description: This is Orly Fiegel's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 883-1859
- l: Armonk
- ou: Management
- postalAddress: Management$Armonk
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 120-1198
- title: Chief Management Madonna
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: FiegelO
- givenName: Orly
- mail:
- carLicense: CDB19V
- departmentNumber: 5567
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 213 174-1534
- initials: O. F.
- mobile: +1 213 517-4251
- pager: +1 213 527-6234
- roomNumber: 9699
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Julie Hundrieser,ou=Product Testing,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Julie Hundrieser
- sn: Hundrieser
- description: This is Julie Hundrieser's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 818 485-4144
- l: Armonk
- ou: Product Testing
- postalAddress: Product Testing$Armonk
- telephoneNumber: +1 818 752-7175
- title: Junior Product Testing Sales Rep
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: HundrieJ
- givenName: Julie
- mail:
- carLicense: QHP1PU
- departmentNumber: 9777
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 818 601-1682
- initials: J. H.
- mobile: +1 818 421-8230
- pager: +1 818 412-2750
- roomNumber: 8409
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Harrietta Gustafson,ou=Product Development,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Harrietta Gustafson
- sn: Gustafson
- description: This is Harrietta Gustafson's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 415-5909
- l: San Francisco
- ou: Product Development
- postalAddress: Product Development$San Francisco
- telephoneNumber: +1 408 297-5254
- title: Supreme Product Development Pinhead
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: GustafsH
- givenName: Harrietta
- mail:
- carLicense: 6B6M4N
- departmentNumber: 1647
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 408 146-1979
- initials: H. G.
- mobile: +1 408 630-7182
- pager: +1 408 690-7405
- roomNumber: 9579
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Long Zagorski,ou=Janitorial,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Long Zagorski
- sn: Zagorski
- description: This is Long Zagorski's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 768-1473
- l: Milpitas
- ou: Janitorial
- postalAddress: Janitorial$Milpitas
- telephoneNumber: +1 408 297-1544
- title: Master Janitorial President
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: ZagorskL
- givenName: Long
- mail:
- carLicense: F9IAFW
- departmentNumber: 9998
- employeeType: Employee
- homePhone: +1 408 909-6633
- initials: L. Z.
- mobile: +1 408 967-5582
- pager: +1 408 311-5235
- roomNumber: 9016
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Boris Talevi,ou=Product Testing,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Boris Talevi
- sn: Talevi
- description: This is Boris Talevi's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 510 801-9928
- l: Santa Clara
- ou: Product Testing
- postalAddress: Product Testing$Santa Clara
- telephoneNumber: +1 510 547-7572
- title: Master Product Testing Admin
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: TaleviB
- givenName: Boris
- mail:
- carLicense: V2CXTA
- departmentNumber: 7116
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 510 280-9783
- initials: B. T.
- mobile: +1 510 689-8008
- pager: +1 510 906-2457
- roomNumber: 9395
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Ramin Kember,ou=Payroll,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Ramin Kember
- sn: Kember
- description: This is Ramin Kember's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 408 256-1225
- l: Santa Clara
- ou: Payroll
- postalAddress: Payroll$Santa Clara
- telephoneNumber: +1 408 242-6548
- title: Master Payroll Architect
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: KemberR
- givenName: Ramin
- mail:
- carLicense: L7164S
- departmentNumber: 9594
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 408 329-4301
- initials: R. K.
- mobile: +1 408 231-5210
- pager: +1 408 636-7565
- roomNumber: 9168
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Catie Lovitt,ou=Payroll,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Catie Lovitt
- sn: Lovitt
- description: This is Catie Lovitt's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 448-8657
- l: Alameda
- ou: Payroll
- postalAddress: Payroll$Alameda
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 757-1825
- title: Supreme Payroll Architect
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: LovittC
- givenName: Catie
- mail:
- carLicense: D69LWP
- departmentNumber: 5243
- employeeType: Employee
- homePhone: +1 213 146-3236
- initials: C. L.
- mobile: +1 213 915-5288
- pager: +1 213 176-5160
- roomNumber: 8261
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Liv Barfield,ou=Payroll,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Liv Barfield
- sn: Barfield
- description: This is Liv Barfield's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 415 402-7090
- l: Orem
- ou: Payroll
- postalAddress: Payroll$Orem
- telephoneNumber: +1 415 749-2644
- title: Junior Payroll Fellow
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: BarfielL
- givenName: Liv
- mail:
- carLicense: 9I1RAB
- departmentNumber: 4697
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 415 239-6528
- initials: L. B.
- mobile: +1 415 759-7273
- pager: +1 415 748-5411
- roomNumber: 8072
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Jerome Okuzawa,ou=Janitorial,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Jerome Okuzawa
- sn: Okuzawa
- description: This is Jerome Okuzawa's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 206 937-7481
- l: Cupertino
- ou: Janitorial
- postalAddress: Janitorial$Cupertino
- telephoneNumber: +1 206 450-4284
- title: Associate Janitorial Visionary
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: OkuzawaJ
- givenName: Jerome
- mail:
- carLicense: OB9FKE
- departmentNumber: 6792
- employeeType: Employee
- homePhone: +1 206 365-2162
- initials: J. O.
- mobile: +1 206 194-7995
- pager: +1 206 533-5777
- roomNumber: 8666
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Odille Donleycott,ou=Management,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Odille Donleycott
- sn: Donleycott
- description: This is Odille Donleycott's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 123-5088
- l: Sunnyvale
- ou: Management
- postalAddress: Management$Sunnyvale
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 807-7769
- title: Junior Management Grunt
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: DonleycO
- givenName: Odille
- mail:
- carLicense: PD7HB2
- departmentNumber: 5077
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 213 859-7652
- initials: O. D.
- mobile: +1 213 922-5925
- pager: +1 213 369-1992
- roomNumber: 9698
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Emeline Esposito,ou=Peons,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Emeline Esposito
- sn: Esposito
- description: This is Emeline Esposito's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 432-6309
- l: Palo Alto
- ou: Peons
- postalAddress: Peons$Palo Alto
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 538-6896
- title: Associate Peons Dictator
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: EspositE
- givenName: Emeline
- mail:
- carLicense: X7EQ2L
- departmentNumber: 7023
- employeeType: Contract
- homePhone: +1 213 777-4888
- initials: E. E.
- mobile: +1 213 255-6148
- pager: +1 213 777-2490
- roomNumber: 9438
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Shari Innes,ou=Product Testing,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Shari Innes
- sn: Innes
- description: This is Shari Innes's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 818 249-9115
- l: San Mateo
- ou: Product Testing
- postalAddress: Product Testing$San Mateo
- telephoneNumber: +1 818 303-8785
- title: Junior Product Testing Grunt
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: InnesS
- givenName: Shari
- mail:
- carLicense: 2EQ6VH
- departmentNumber: 1447
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 818 663-8224
- initials: S. I.
- mobile: +1 818 158-2504
- pager: +1 818 796-7884
- roomNumber: 9134
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Madelena MacArthur,ou=Product Testing,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Madelena MacArthur
- sn: MacArthur
- description: This is Madelena MacArthur's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 399-7686
- l: Armonk
- ou: Product Testing
- postalAddress: Product Testing$Armonk
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 463-9764
- title: Associate Product Testing Pinhead
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: MacArthM
- givenName: Madelena
- mail:
- carLicense: QQTHLN
- departmentNumber: 8999
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 213 986-6731
- initials: M. M.
- mobile: +1 213 108-8994
- pager: +1 213 883-1120
- roomNumber: 9912
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Kathye Gruenhagen,ou=Product Development,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Kathye Gruenhagen
- sn: Gruenhagen
- description: This is Kathye Gruenhagen's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 213 670-1845
- l: Santa Clara
- ou: Product Development
- postalAddress: Product Development$Santa Clara
- telephoneNumber: +1 213 631-8080
- title: Associate Product Development Developer
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: GruenhaK
- givenName: Kathye
- mail:
- carLicense: 4JUB8N
- departmentNumber: 9874
- employeeType: Normal
- homePhone: +1 213 913-6800
- initials: K. G.
- mobile: +1 213 463-7943
- pager: +1 213 228-4592
- roomNumber: 8120
- manager: null
- secretary: null
- dn: cn=Brenn Riley,ou=Peons,dc=gameofthron, dc=es
- objectClass: top
- objectClass: person
- objectClass: organizationalPerson
- objectClass: inetOrgPerson
- cn: Brenn Riley
- sn: Riley
- description: This is Brenn Riley's description
- facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 510 229-7892
- l: Alameda
- ou: Peons
- postalAddress: Peons$Alameda
- telephoneNumber: +1 510 557-7329
- title: Junior Peons Visionary
- userPassword: Password1
- uid: RileyB
- givenName: Brenn
- mail:
- carLicense: 3LCIG2
- departmentNumber: 5610
- employeeType: Employee
- homePhone: +1 510 168-4562
- initials: B. R.
- mobile: +1 510 697-2749
- pager: +1 510 409-6156
- roomNumber: 8575
- manager: null
- secretary: null
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