
Avp 2004 37

Dec 24th, 2024
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  1. Then the Predator lowered its spear and scooped up the pack-just as the elongated head of an Alien warrior emerged from the shadows behind it. Lex opened her mouth to cry a warning, but, sensing danger, the Predator whirled to strike before she could even utter a sound. Swinging furiously, the Alien struck the spear from Scar's fist. A second blow sent the Predator reeling to the ground. Even before the warrior's back hit the cold stone, the snarling Alien was on him. Its tail lashed from side to side, its bony segments struck sparks on
  2. the walls and its claws shredded Scar's armor. The Predator tried vainly to dislodge the monster, but the Alien dug in harder, ripping gouts of flesh out from beneath the armor.
  4. Scar howled and jabbed. The Alien pulled back its head, opening its jaws to spray hot spittle on the Predator's mask. Scar's fingers tore at the Alien's hide until acid blood seeped from a dozen wounds. The Alien then leaned closer to Scar's face. Its jaws opened as wide as a snake swallowing its prey. Its interior mouth moved forward, slathering over Scar's flesh, its teeth gnashing grotesquely. The Predator showed signs of weakness. Its struggles became less violent, and it seemed to Lex that the creature was as close to accepting its death as she had been just a few second before. Finally, Scar lay still, its sightless eye slits staring impassively at the fate looming above it. The Alien hissed triumphantly, then tucked its head down to deliver the killing bite to Scar's exposed throat. Only then did the Predator strike. Using the Alien's weight against it, Scar rolled backwards, throwing the Alien over its head in what looked to Lex like a kind of judo move. To her horror, the Alien had been tossed in her direction.-Chpt.26 pg.227
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