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- #! /usr/bin/env ruby
- SudokuSize = 81
- SudokuRow = 9
- SudokuBox = 3
- SudokuValidCharacters = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
- SudokuStr = "000008000200059000100000250008001460300000100904083000000500084000004900023000000"
- arr =
- SudokuStr
- .chars
- .map{|c| c.to_i}
- def buildRow (p)
- r = p % SudokuRow
- rp = p / SudokuRow
- row = []
- 0.upto(SudokuRow - 1).each{
- |e|
- if e != r
- then
- row.push(e + (rp * SudokuRow))
- end
- }
- row
- end
- def buildCol (p)
- r = p % SudokuRow
- rp = p / SudokuRow
- col = []
- 0.upto(SudokuRow - 1).each{
- |e|
- if e != rp
- then
- col.push(r + (e * SudokuRow))
- end
- }
- col
- end
- def buildBoxArr (p)
- if p == 0
- then
- [1, 2]
- elsif p == 1
- then
- [-1, 1]
- else
- [-2, -1]
- end
- end
- def buildBox (p)
- r = buildBoxArr((p / SudokuRow) % SudokuBox)
- c = buildBoxArr(p % SudokuBox)
- r.reduce([]){|ar, dr| c.reduce(ar){|ac, dc| ac.push(dc + p + (dr * SudokuRow))}}
- end
- def buildStartingValues(e, ar)
- SudokuValidCharacters
- .reduce([]){
- |a, s|
- if (e.find{|ed| ar[ed] == s})
- then
- a
- else
- a.push(s)
- end
- }
- end
- sudokuArr =
- arr
- .map
- .each_with_index{
- |v, i|
- fixed = v == 0 ? false : true
- edges = fixed ? [] : (buildRow i) + (buildCol i) + (buildBox i)
- startingValues = fixed ? [] : buildStartingValues(edges, arr)
- [i, v, fixed, edges, startingValues]
- }
- def solveIt(sa, pos, ar)
- if pos < SudokuSize
- then
- elem = sa[pos]
- pe = elem[0]
- v = elem[1]
- f = elem[2]
- e = elem[3]
- sv = elem[4]
- if f
- then
- solveIt(sa, pos + 1, ar)
- else
- sv.each{
- |s|
- if (e.find{|ed| ar[ed] == s})
- then
- else
- ar[pos] = s
- solveIt(sa, pos + 1, ar)
- ar[pos] = 0
- end
- }
- end
- else
- p ar
- end
- end
- solveIt(sudokuArr, 0, arr)
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