

May 31st, 2015
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  1. Sigh...
  3. (Replying to the description)
  4. I'm very late to this, but the reason Mac and Linux don't have many viruses is because it's not really worth it.
  5. Windows has the most users, and it also has more people that don't know how to protect themselves from viruses. Why? Because it is MUCH easier to use than Linux and is less expensive than Mac.
  6. The Linux community can't seem to accept the flaws the system has, for example, lots of users don't know how to use/don't like CLIs. (Command Line Interface. The Linux terminal and the Windows CMD are examples of CLIs)
  7. For that reason, creating a virus for Windows is much more worth the time wasted than creating a virus for Linux. Especially if it's supposed to be used for a botnet.
  8. (Linux is full of bad design choices. The Open Source Software community is also pretty terrible and is full of jerks and assholes.)
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