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- -- +---------------------+-----------+---------------------+
- -- | | | |
- -- | | GIF | |
- -- | | | |
- -- +---------------------+-----------+---------------------+
- local version = "Version 1.3.0pr1"
- -- Loads and renders GIF files in ComputerCraft.
- -- Capable of handling animations.
- --
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------Variable Declarations------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- if not bbpack then os.loadAPI("bbpack") end
- local CCPal = io.lines and -- CC 1.55 adds this function, and also changes the colours, so...
- {[0] = {240,240,240},{242,178, 51},{229,127,216},{153,178,242},
- {222,222,108},{127,204, 25},{242,178,204},{ 76, 76, 76},
- {153,153,153},{ 76,153,178},{178,102,229},{ 51,102,204},
- {127,102, 76},{ 87,166, 78},{204, 76, 76},{ 25, 25, 25}}
- or
- {[0] = {240,240,240},{235,136, 68},{195, 84,205},{102,137,211},
- {222,222,108},{65,205, 52},{216,129,152},{ 67, 67, 67},
- {153,153,153},{ 40,118,151},{123, 47,190},{ 37, 49,146},
- { 81, 48, 26},{ 59, 81, 26},{179, 49, 44},{ 0, 0, 0}}
- local GIF87a, GIF89a, colourNum = {71,73,70,56,55,97}, {71,73,70,56,57,97}, {}
- do
- local hex = "0123456789abcdef"
- for i = 1, 16 do colourNum[i - 1] = hex:sub(i, i) end
- for i = 1, 16 do colourNum[hex:sub(i, i)] = i - 1 end
- end
- ---------------------------------------------
- ------------Function Declarations------------
- ---------------------------------------------
- local function snooze()
- local myEvent = tostring({})
- os.queueEvent(myEvent)
- os.pullEvent(myEvent)
- end
- local function simpleWindow(terminal, xPos, yPos, width, height)
- local results, curX, curY = {}, 1, 1
- results.clear = function(colour)
- local text = string.rep(colour, width)
- for y = 1, height do results[y] = text end
- end
- results.draw = function(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- if x1 then
- local text = string.rep(" ", x2 - x1 + 1)
- for y = y1, y2 do
- local snip = results[y]:sub(x1, x2)
- terminal.setCursorPos(xPos + x1 - 1, yPos + y - 1)
- terminal.blit(text, snip, snip)
- end
- else
- local text = string.rep(" ", width)
- for y = 1, height do
- terminal.setCursorPos(xPos, yPos + y - 1)
- terminal.blit(text, results[y], results[y])
- end
- end
- end
- results.setCursorPos = function(newX, newY)
- curX, curY = newX, newY
- end
- results.blit = function(_, _, colString)
- if curY < 1 or curY > height or curX > width or curX + #colString < 2 then return end
- local ending = (curX + #colString - 1 > width) and (width - curX + 1) or #colString
- if curX < 1 then
- colString = colString:sub(2 - curX, ending)
- curX = 1
- elseif ending ~= #colString then colString = colString:sub(1, ending) end
- if curX > 1 then
- if curX + #colString - 1 < width then
- results[curY] = results[curY]:sub(1, curX - 1) .. colString .. results[curY]:sub(curX + #colString)
- else
- results[curY] = results[curY]:sub(1, curX - 1) .. colString
- end
- elseif #colString < width then
- results[curY] = colString .. results[curY]:sub(curX + #colString)
- else results[curY] = colString end
- end
- return results
- end
- -- ComputerCraft builds prior to 1.74 lack term.blit(). This function implements a substitute:
- local function checkTerm(terminal)
- if not terminal.blit then terminal.blit = function(_, _, backCol)
- local counter, lastChar = 1, backCol:sub(1, 1)
- for i = 2, #backCol do if backCol:sub(i, i) ~= lastChar then
- terminal.setBackgroundColour(bit.blshift(1, colourNum[lastChar]))
- terminal.write(string.rep(" ", counter))
- counter, lastChar = 1, backCol:sub(i, i)
- else counter = counter + 1 end end
- terminal.setBackgroundColour(bit.blshift(1, colourNum[lastChar]))
- terminal.write(string.rep(" ", counter))
- snooze()
- end end
- end
- if term.setPaletteColour then
- function applyPalette(image, terminal)
- terminal = terminal or term
- local col, pal = 1, image.pal
- for i = 0, #pal do
- local thisCol = pal[i]
- terminal.setPaletteColour(col, thisCol[1] / 255, thisCol[2] / 255, thisCol[3] / 255)
- col = col * 2
- end
- end
- end
- function drawGIF(image, xPos, yPos, terminal)
- xPos, yPos, terminal = xPos or 1, yPos or 1, terminal or term
- if type(image[1][1]) == "table" then image = image[1] end
- checkTerm(terminal)
- for y = 1, image.yend do
- local x, ystart, imageY = image.xstart + 1, image.ystart, image[y]
- for i = 1, #imageY do
- local imageYI = imageY[i]
- if type(imageYI) == "number" then
- x = x + imageYI
- else
- terminal.setCursorPos(x + xPos - 1, y + ystart + yPos - 1)
- terminal.blit(string.rep(" ", #imageYI), imageYI, imageYI)
- x = x + #imageYI
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function animateGIF(image, xPos, yPos, terminal)
- if terminal == term or not terminal then terminal = term.current() end
- checkTerm(terminal)
- local buffer = simpleWindow(terminal, xPos, yPos, image.width, image.height)
- while true do for i = 1, #image do
- local imageI, imageIneg1 = image[i], image[i - 1]
- if i == 1 then buffer.clear(image.backgroundCol2) end
- drawGIF(imageI, 1, 1, buffer)
- if i == 1 then
- buffer.draw()
- elseif imageIneg1.disposal == 2 then
- buffer.draw(math.min(imageIneg1.xstart, imageI.xstart) + 1, math.min(imageIneg1.ystart, imageI.ystart) + 1, math.max(imageIneg1.xstart + imageIneg1.xend, imageI.xstart + imageI.xend), math.max(imageIneg1.ystart + imageIneg1.yend, imageI.ystart + imageI.yend))
- else
- buffer.draw(imageI.xstart + 1, imageI.ystart + 1, imageI.xstart + imageI.xend, imageI.ystart + imageI.yend)
- end
- sleep(imageI.delay)
- if imageI.disposal == 2 then
- local blit = string.rep(image.backgroundCol2, imageI.xend)
- for y = 1, imageI.yend do
- buffer.setCursorPos(imageI.xstart + 1, y + imageI.ystart)
- buffer.blit(nil, nil, blit)
- end
- end
- end end
- end
- local function rasteriseGIF(image)
- local results, buffer = {["width"] = image.width, ["height"] = image.height, ["backgroundCol"] = image.backgroundCol, ["backgroundCol2"] = image.backgroundCol2, ["pal"] = image.pal}, {}
- for i = 1, image.height do
- local temp = {}
- for j = 1, image.width do temp[j] = " " end
- buffer[i] = temp
- end
- for i = 1, #image do
- local thisImg = image[i]
- local xStart, yStart = thisImg.xstart + 1, thisImg.ystart
- for y = 1, thisImg.yend do
- local x, thisImgY, buffY = xStart, thisImg[y], buffer[y + yStart]
- for i = 1, #thisImgY do
- local thisImgYI = thisImgY[i]
- if type(thisImgYI) == "number" then
- x = x + thisImgYI
- elseif type(thisImgYI) == "string" then
- for j = 1, #thisImgYI do buffY[x + j - 1] = colourNum[thisImgYI:sub(j, j)] end
- x = x + #thisImgYI
- else
- for j = 1, #thisImgYI do buffY[x + j - 1] = thisImgYI[j] end
- x = x + #thisImgYI
- end
- end
- end
- local resultsI = {["delay"] = thisImg.delay or 0.1}
- for j = 1, #buffer do
- local newRow, buffRow = {}, buffer[j]
- for k = 1, #buffRow do newRow[k] = buffRow[k] end
- resultsI[j] = newRow
- end
- results[i] = resultsI
- if thisImg.disposal == 2 then
- local xEnd = thisImg.xstart + thisImg.xend
- for y = yStart + 1, yStart + thisImg.yend do
- local bufferY = buffer[y]
- for x = xStart, xEnd do bufferY[x] = " " end
- end
- end
- snooze()
- end
- return results
- end
- function flattenGIF(image, optimise, prerastered)
- if not prerastered then image = rasteriseGIF(image) end
- local width, bump, cacheImg = image.width, 0
- for i = 1, #image do
- local prevImg, thisImg, nextImg, same = image[i - 1 - bump], image[i - bump], image[i + 1 - bump], true
- if not thisImg then break end
- local txStart, txEnd, tyStart, tyEnd, cxStart, cxEnd, cyStart, cyEnd = image.width, 1, image.height, 1
- if cacheImg then cxStart, cxEnd, cyStart, cyEnd = cacheImg.xstart, cacheImg.xend, cacheImg.ystart, cacheImg.yend end
- if optimise and i > 1 then
- local prevDisp = prevImg.disposal
- for y = 1, #thisImg do
- local thisImgY, cacheImgY = thisImg[y], cacheImg[y]
- for x = 1, width do if thisImgY[x] ~= ((prevDisp == 2 and not (x < cxStart + 1 or y < cyStart + 1 or x > cxStart + cxEnd or y > cyStart + cyEnd)) and " " or cacheImgY[x]) then
- same = false
- if y < tyStart + 1 then tyStart = y - 1 end
- if y > tyEnd then tyEnd = y end
- if x < txStart + 1 then txStart = x - 1 end
- if x > txEnd then txEnd = x end
- snooze()
- end end
- end
- elseif optimise == false then
- same = false
- for y = 1, #thisImg do
- local thisImgY = thisImg[y]
- for x = 1, width do if thisImgY[x] ~= " " then
- if y < tyStart + 1 then tyStart = y - 1 end
- if y > tyEnd then tyEnd = y end
- if x < txStart + 1 then txStart = x - 1 end
- if x > txEnd then txEnd = x end
- end end
- snooze()
- end
- else
- same, txStart, txEnd, tyStart, tyEnd = false, 0, width, 0, #thisImg
- end
- if same and i > 1 then
- image[i - 1 - bump].delay = prevImg.delay + thisImg.delay
- table.remove(image, i - bump)
- bump = bump + 1
- snooze()
- else
- if i - bump ~= #image and optimise ~= nil then
- local obscured = true
- for y = 1, #thisImg do
- local thisImgY, nextImgY = thisImg[y], nextImg[y]
- for x = 1, width do if thisImgY[x] ~= " " and nextImgY[x] == " " then
- obscured = false
- if y < tyStart + 1 then tyStart = y - 1 end
- if y > tyEnd then tyEnd = y end
- if x < txStart + 1 then txStart = x - 1 end
- if x > txEnd then txEnd = x end
- end end
- snooze()
- end
- thisImg.disposal = obscured and 1 or 2
- else thisImg.disposal = 1 end
- if txStart > txEnd then txStart, txEnd, tyStart, tyEnd = 0, 1, 0, 1 end
- local nxStart, nxEnd, nyStart, nyEnd, cacheDisp = txStart, txEnd - txStart, tyStart, tyEnd - tyStart, cacheImg and cacheImg.disposal
- newImg = {["delay"] = thisImg.delay, ["disposal"] = thisImg.disposal, ["xstart"] = nxStart, ["xend"] = nxEnd, ["ystart"] = nyStart, ["yend"] = nyEnd}
- for y = 1, nyEnd do
- local skip, chars, temp, thisImgY, cacheImgY = 0, {}, {}, thisImg[y + nyStart], cacheImg and cacheImg[y + nyStart]
- for x = nxStart + 1, nxStart + nxEnd do
- local thisVal = thisImgY[x]
- if optimise ~= nil and cacheImg and thisVal == cacheImgY[x] and (cacheDisp == 1 or (cacheDisp == 2 and (x < cxStart + 1 or y + nyStart < cyStart + 1 or x > cxStart + cxEnd or y + nyStart > cyStart + cyEnd))) then thisVal = " " end
- if thisVal == " " then
- skip = skip + 1
- if #chars > 0 then
- temp[#temp + 1] = (image.pal and image.pal[1][4]) and chars or table.concat(chars)
- chars = {}
- end
- else
- chars[#chars + 1] = (image.pal and image.pal[1][4]) and thisVal or colourNum[thisVal]
- if skip > 0 then
- temp[#temp + 1] = skip
- skip = 0
- end
- end
- end
- if skip == 0 then temp[#temp + 1] = (image.pal and image.pal[1][4]) and chars or table.concat(chars) end
- newImg[y] = temp
- snooze()
- end
- thisImg.xstart, thisImg.xend, thisImg.ystart, thisImg.yend = txStart, txEnd, tyStart, tyEnd
- cacheImg = thisImg
- image[i - bump] = newImg
- end
- end
- return image
- end
- function resizeGIF(image, width, height)
- if not width then width = math.floor(height / image.height * image.width) end
- if not height then height = math.floor(width / image.width * image.height) end
- local xInc, yInc, pal = image.width / width, image.height / height, image.pal or CCPal
- image = rasteriseGIF(image)
- for i = 1, #image do
- local oldFrame, yPos2 = image[i], 1
- local newFrame = {["delay"] = oldFrame.delay or 0.1}
- for y = 1, height do
- local thisLine, xPos2 = {}, 1
- for x = 1, width do
- local remY, R, G, B, totalWeight, yPos = yInc, 0, 0, 0, 0, yPos2
- while remY > 0 do
- local remX, maxInc, oldFrameY, xPos, yWeight = xInc, (math.floor(yPos) == yPos) and 1 or (math.ceil(yPos) - yPos), oldFrame[math.min(math.floor(yPos), image.height)], xPos2
- if remY < maxInc then yWeight = remY remY = 0 else yWeight = maxInc remY = remY - maxInc end
- while remX > 0 do
- local maxInc, thisChar, xWeight = (math.floor(xPos) == xPos) and 1 or (math.ceil(xPos) - xPos), oldFrameY[math.min(math.floor(xPos), image.width)]
- if remX < maxInc then xWeight = remX remX = 0 else xWeight = maxInc remX = remX - maxInc end
- if thisChar ~= " " then
- local thisWeight = xWeight * yWeight
- totalWeight, thisChar = totalWeight + thisWeight, pal[thisChar]
- R, G, B = R + thisChar[1] * thisWeight, G + thisChar[2] * thisWeight, B + thisChar[3] * thisWeight
- end
- xPos = (maxInc < 1 and xWeight == maxInc) and math.ceil(xPos) or (xPos + xWeight)
- end
- yPos = (maxInc < 1 and yWeight == maxInc) and math.ceil(yPos) or (yPos + yWeight)
- end
- if totalWeight > (xInc * yInc) / 2 then
- local closest, difference = 0, 10000
- R, G, B = R / totalWeight, G / totalWeight, B / totalWeight
- for j = 0, #pal do
- local thisDiff = math.abs(pal[j][1] - R) + math.abs(pal[j][2] - G) + math.abs(pal[j][3] - B)
- if thisDiff < difference then
- difference = thisDiff
- closest = j
- if difference == 0 then break end
- end
- end
- thisLine[#thisLine + 1] = closest
- else thisLine[#thisLine + 1] = " " end
- xPos2 = xPos2 + xInc
- end
- yPos2 = yPos2 + yInc
- newFrame[y] = thisLine
- snooze()
- end
- image[i] = newFrame
- end
- image.width, image.height = width, height
- return flattenGIF(image, false, true)
- end
- function loadGIF(targetfile, pal)
- local results, fileread = {["backgroundCol"] = 0},, "rb")
- if not fileread then error("GIF.loadGIF(): Unable to open " .. targetfile .. " for input.", 2) end
- if type(pal) == "string" then
- local file =, "r")
- pal = textutils.unserialize(file.readAll())
- file.close()
- for i = 1, #pal do
- local palI = pal[i]
- if not palI[5] then palI[5] = 0 end
- end
- if not pal[0] then pal[0] = {1000, 1000, 1000, "minecraft:air", 0} end
- results.pal = pal
- elseif pal then
- -- Construct a reduced palette from the GIF's own.
- if not fileread.readAll then error("Installed version of CC does not support palette alterations.") end
- pal = {}
- local temp, counter =, 0
- -- Read in global palette:
- if, 128) == 128 then for i = 1, 2 ^ (, 7) + 1) do
- local thisCol, found =, false
- for i = 1, counter do if pal[i] == thisCol then
- found = true
- break
- end end
- if not found then
- counter = counter + 1
- pal[counter] = thisCol
- end
- end end
- -- Read in any additional palettes:
- while true do
- local record =
- if record == 33 then
- while true do
- record =
- if record == 0 then break end
- snooze()
- end
- elseif record == 44 then
- record =
- if, 128) == 128 then for i = 1, 2 ^ (, 7) + 1) do
- local thisCol, found =, false
- for i = 1, counter do if pal[i] == thisCol then
- found = true
- break
- end end
- if not found then
- counter = counter + 1
- pal[counter] = thisCol
- end
- end end
- while true do
- record =
- if record == 0 then break end
- snooze()
- end
- elseif record == 59 then
- fileread.close()
- break
- else
- error("Malformed record")
- end
- end
- -- Condense palette:
- for i = 1, counter do pal[i] = {pal[i]:byte(1, 3)} end
- while #pal > 16 do
- local matches, tally, bestDiff, curLen = {}, tally, 1000, #pal
- for i = 1, curLen - 1 do
- local palI, found = pal[i], false
- for j = i + 1, curLen do
- local palJ = pal[j]
- local thisDiff = math.abs(palJ[1] - palI[1]) + math.abs(palJ[2] - palI[2]) + math.abs(palJ[3] - palI[3])
- if thisDiff < bestDiff then
- matches, tally, bestDiff, found = {[j] = i}, 1, thisDiff, true
- elseif thisDiff == bestDiff and not matches[j] and not matches[i] and not found then
- matches[j], tally, found = i, tally + 1, true
- end
- end
- end
- local counter, max = 1, (curLen - tally > 15) and tally or (curLen - 16)
- for i, j in pairs(matches) do
- local palI, palJ = pal[i], pal[j]
- --print(#pal,i,j,type(palI),type(palJ))
- pal[i] = {math.floor((palI[1] + palJ[1]) / 2), math.floor((palI[2] + palJ[2]) / 2), math.floor((palI[3] + palJ[3]) / 2)}
- pal[j], counter = "remove", counter + 1
- if counter > max then break end
- end
- for i = curLen, 1, -1 do if pal[i] == "remove" then table.remove(pal, i) end end
- end
- pal[0] = pal[#pal]
- pal[#pal] = nil
- results.pal = pal
- fileread =, "rb")
- else pal = CCPal end
- local readByte =
- local readBytes = fileread.readAll and
- function(num)
- local output = readByte(num)
- return {output:byte(1, #output)}
- end
- or
- function(num)
- local output = {}
- for i = 1, num do output[#output + 1] = readByte() end
- return output
- end
- local function readInt()
- local results = readByte()
- return results + readByte() * 256
- end
- -- GIF signature:
- local temp = readBytes(6)
- for i = 1, 6 do if temp[i] ~= GIF87a[i] and temp[i] ~= GIF89a[i] then
- fileread.close()
- error("GIF.loadGIF(): " .. targetfile .. " does not appear to be a GIF.", 2)
- end end
- -- Screen discriptor:
- local width = readInt()
- local height = readInt()
- results.width, results.height = width, height
- local cacheFrame, cacheBackup = {}
- for y = 1, height do
- local cacheFrameY = {}
- for x = 1, width do cacheFrameY[x] = " " end
- cacheFrame[y] = cacheFrameY
- end
- temp = readByte()
- local globalColourCount = 2 ^ (, 7) + 1)
- readInt() -- This is the background colour, which we'll ignore, and instead pick something that contrasts the image later.
- snooze()
- -- Palette:
- local globalPal =, 128) == 128
- if globalPal then
- globalPal = {}
- for i = 0, globalColourCount - 1 do globalPal[i] = readBytes(3) end
- end
- -- Read image records:
- while true do
- local thisImg, interlace, thisPal, transparent = {}
- -- Read image headers:
- while true do
- snooze()
- local record = readByte()
- if record == 33 then
- record = readByte()
- -- Gif extensions:
- if record == 249 then
- -- Graphics control extension:
- readByte()
- local flags = readByte()
- local isTransparent =, 1) == 1
- thisImg.inputExpected =, 2) == 2
- thisImg.disposal = bit.brshift(, 28), 2)
- thisImg.delay = readInt()
- thisImg.delay = (thisImg.delay > 0) and (thisImg.delay / 100) or nil
- transparent = readByte()
- if not isTransparent then transparent = nil end
- readByte()
- elseif record == 254 then
- -- File comment:
- local fullComment = {}
- repeat
- local length = readByte()
- if length > 0 then fullComment[#fullComment + 1] = string.char(unpack(readBytes(length))) end
- until length == 0
- results.comment = table.concat(fullComment)
- elseif record == 1 then
- -- Plain text extension:
- readBytes(readByte())
- local fullText = {}
- repeat
- local length = readByte()
- if length > 0 then fullText[#fullText + 1] = string.char(unpack(readBytes(length))) end
- until length == 0
- results.text = table.concat(fullText)
- else
- -- All other extensions we skip past:
- repeat
- local length = readByte()
- if length > 0 then readBytes(length) end
- until length == 0
- end
- elseif record == 44 then
- -- Image descriptor:
- thisImg.xstart = readInt()
- thisImg.ystart = readInt()
- thisImg.xend = readInt()
- thisImg.yend = readInt()
- record = readByte()
- interlace =, 64) == 64
- if, 128) == 128 then
- -- Local colour map:
- thisPal = {[0] = readBytes(3)}
- for i = 2, 2 ^ (, 7) + 1) do thisPal[#thisPal + 1] = readBytes(3) end
- else
- -- Global colour map:
- thisPal = textutils.unserialize(textutils.serialize(globalPal))
- end
- local used = {}
- for i = 0, #thisPal do
- local closest, difference, thisPalI = 0, 10000, thisPal[i]
- for j = 0, #pal do
- local palJ = pal[j]
- local thisDiff = math.abs(palJ[1] - thisPalI[1]) + math.abs(palJ[2] - thisPalI[2]) + math.abs(palJ[3] - thisPalI[3])
- if thisDiff < difference then
- difference = thisDiff
- closest = j
- if difference == 0 then break end
- end
- end
- thisPal[i] = closest
- if i ~= transparent then used[closest + 1] = true end
- end
- local bgCol, bgCol2 = 2 ^ math.min(#used, 15), colourNum[math.min(#used, 15)]
- if bgCol > results.backgroundCol then
- results.backgroundCol = bgCol
- results.backgroundCol2 = bgCol2
- end
- -- Image data follows, go read it:
- break
- elseif record == 59 then
- -- End of file.
- fileread.close()
- return flattenGIF(results, false, true)
- end
- end
- local xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd = thisImg.xstart, thisImg.ystart, thisImg.xend, thisImg.yend
- if thisImg.disposal == 3 then
- cacheBackup = {}
- for y = 1, math.min(height - yStart, yEnd) do
- local cacheBackupY, cacheFrameY = {}, cacheFrame[y + yStart]
- for x = 1, math.min(width - xStart, xEnd) do cacheBackupY[x] = cacheFrameY[x + xStart] end
- cacheBackup[y] = cacheBackupY
- end
- end
- -- Read image body:
- fileread =, "rb", 2 ^
- readByte =
- local y, passnum, stepsize = 1, 8, 8
- while y < yEnd + 1 do
- local cacheFrameY = cacheFrame[y + yStart]
- if y <= height then
- for x = 1, xEnd do
- local thisVal = readByte()
- if thisVal ~= transparent and x + xStart <= width then cacheFrameY[x + xStart] = thisPal[thisVal] end
- end
- else for x = 1, xEnd do readByte() end end
- if interlace then
- y = y + stepsize
- while y > yEnd and passnum > 1 do
- stepsize = passnum
- passnum = passnum / 2
- y = passnum + 1
- end
- else y = y + 1 end
- snooze()
- end
- for y = 1, height do
- local thisImgY, cacheFrameY = {}, cacheFrame[y]
- for x = 1, width do thisImgY[x] = cacheFrameY[x] end
- thisImg[y] = thisImgY
- end
- if not thisImg.delay then thisImg.delay = 0.1 end
- if thisImg.disposal == 2 then
- for y = 1, math.min(height - yStart, yEnd) do
- local cacheFrameY = cacheFrame[y + yStart]
- for x = 1, math.min(width - xStart, xEnd) do cacheFrameY[x + xStart] = " " end
- end
- elseif thisImg.disposal == 3 then
- for y = 1, math.min(height - yStart, yEnd) do
- local cacheFrameY, cacheBackupY = cacheFrame[y + yStart], cacheBackup[y]
- for x = 1, math.min(width - xStart, xEnd) do cacheFrameY[x + xStart] = cacheBackupY[x] end
- end
- cacheBackup = nil
- end
- fileread = fileread.extractHandle()
- readByte =
- results[#results + 1] = thisImg
- end
- end
- function setBackgroundColour(image, colour)
- if type(colour) ~= "number" and not colourNum[colour] then error("GIF.setBackgroundColour: Bad colour.", 2) end
- if type(colour) == "number" then
- local counter = 0
- while colour > 1 do
- colour = bit.brshift(colour, 1)
- counter = counter + 1
- end
- image.backgroundCol = 2 ^ counter
- image.backgroundCol2 = colourNum[counter]
- else
- image.backgroundCol = 2 ^ colourNum[colour]
- image.backgroundCol2 = colour
- end
- end
- setBackgroundColor = setBackgroundColour
- function toPaintutils(image)
- if type(image[1][1]) == "table" then image = image[1] end
- local results = {}
- if not image.yend then error("wtf",2) end
- for y = 1, image.yend do
- local resultsY, imageY = {}, image[y]
- local x = image.xstart + 1
- for i = 1, #imageY do
- local imageYI = imageY[i]
- if type(imageYI) == "number" then
- for j = 1, imageYI do resultsY[#resultsY + 1] = 0 end
- else
- for j = 1, #imageYI do resultsY[#resultsY + 1] = 2 ^ colourNum[imageYI:sub(j, j)] end
- end
- end
- results[y] = resultsY
- end
- for i = #results[1] + 1, image.xstart + image.xend do results[1][i] = 0 end
- return results
- end
- function buildGIF(...)
- local colourChar, hex, width, height, used = {[0] = " "}, "0123456789abcdef", 0, 0, 0
- for i = 1, 16 do colourChar[2 ^ (i - 1)] = hex:sub(i, i) end
- for i = 1, #arg do
- local argI = arg[i]
- if #argI > height then height = #argI end
- for y = 1, #argI do if #argI[y] > width then width = #argI[y] end end
- end
- for i = 1, #arg do
- local thisImage, argI = {["delay"] = 0.1}, arg[i]
- for y = 1, #argI do
- local thisLine, argIY = {}, argI[y]
- for x = 1, width do
- local argIYX = argIY[x] or 0
- if argIYX > used then used = argIYX end
- thisLine[x] = colourNum[colourChar[argIYX]] or " "
- end
- thisImage[y] = thisLine
- end
- for y = #argI + 1, height do
- local thisLine = {}
- for x = 1, width do thisLine[x] = " " end
- thisImage[y] = thisLine
- end
- arg[i] = thisImage
- end
- arg.width, arg.height, arg.backgroundCol, arg.backgroundCol2 = width, height, used, colourChar[used]
- return flattenGIF(arg, true, true)
- end
- function saveGIF(image, file)
- if not (image.width or image.xstart) then
- -- "paintutils" image.
- image = buildGIF(image)
- elseif not image.width then
- -- Single frame of an image.
- image = {width = image.xstart + image.xend, height = image.ystart + image.yend, image}
- end
- local file, power, transCol =, "wb"), 5
- if not file then error("Unable to open file for output.", 2) end
- local writeByte = file.write
- local function writeBytes(bytes)
- for i = 1, #bytes do writeByte(bytes[i]) end
- end
- local function writeInt(num)
- writeByte(, 255))
- writeByte(bit.brshift(num, 8))
- end
- -- GIF signature:
- writeBytes(GIF89a)
- -- Screen discriptor:
- writeInt(image.width)
- writeInt(image.height)
- if image.pal then
- local pal = image.pal
- power = 1
- while 2 ^ power < (#pal + 1) do power = power + 1 end
- writeByte(127 + power)
- transCol = 0
- writeInt(transCol)
- -- Palette:
- for i = 0, #pal do
- local palI = pal[i]
- for j = 1, 3 do writeByte(palI[j]) end
- end
- for i = #pal + 2, 2 ^ power do writeBytes({127, 127, 127}) end
- else
- writeByte(132)
- transCol = #CCPal + 1
- writeInt(transCol)
- -- Palette:
- for i = 0, 15 do writeBytes(CCPal[i]) end
- for i = 0, 15 do writeBytes({127, 127, 127}) end
- end
- -- Loop extension:
- if #image > 1 then
- writeBytes({33, 255, 11})
- for i = 1, 11 do writeByte(string.byte("NETSCAPE2.0", i)) end
- writeBytes({3, 1, 0, 0, 0})
- end
- -- Write image records:
- for i = 1, #image do
- local image = image[i]
- writeBytes({33, 249, 4})
- writeByte(image.disposal and (1 + bit.blshift(image.disposal, 2)) or 1)
- writeInt((not image.delay) and 0 or math.floor(image.delay * 100))
- writeInt(transCol)
- writeByte(44)
- writeInt(image.xstart)
- writeInt(image.ystart)
- writeInt(image.xend)
- writeInt(image.yend)
- writeByte(0)
- writeByte(power)
- file =, "wb", 2 ^ power)
- writeByte = file.write
- for y = 1, image.yend do
- local rowLen, imageY = 0, image[y]
- for i = 1, #imageY do
- local imageYI = imageY[i]
- if type(imageYI) == "number" then
- for j = 1, imageYI do writeByte(transCol) end
- rowLen = rowLen + imageYI
- elseif type(imageYI) == "string" then
- for j = 1, #imageYI do writeByte(colourNum[imageYI:sub(j, j)]) end
- rowLen = rowLen + #imageYI
- else
- for j = 1, #imageYI do writeByte(imageYI[j]) end
- rowLen = rowLen + #imageYI
- end
- end
- for i = 1, image.xend - rowLen do writeByte(transCol) end
- snooze()
- end
- file = file.extractHandle()
- writeByte = file.write
- end
- writeByte(59)
- file.close()
- end
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