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- /**
- * Expands an order item to get its data.
- *
- * @param WC_Order_item $item Order item data.
- * @return array
- */
- protected function get_order_item_data( $item ) {
- do_action( 'woocommerce/cart_loop/start', $item );
- $data = $item->get_data();
- $format_decimal = array( 'subtotal', 'subtotal_tax', 'total', 'total_tax', 'tax_total', 'shipping_tax_total' );
- // Format decimal values.
- foreach ( $format_decimal as $key ) {
- if ( isset( $data[ $key ] ) ) {
- $data[ $key ] = wc_format_decimal( $data[ $key ], $this->request['dp'] );
- }
- }
- // Add SKU, PRICE, and IMAGE to products.
- if ( is_callable( array( $item, 'get_product' ) ) ) {
- $data['sku'] = $item->get_product() ? $item->get_product()->get_sku() : null;
- $data['price'] = $item->get_quantity() ? $item->get_total() / $item->get_quantity() : 0;
- $image_id = $item->get_product() ? $item->get_product()->get_image_id() : 0;
- $data['image'] = array(
- 'id' => $image_id,
- 'src' => $image_id ? wp_get_attachment_image_url( $image_id, 'full' ) : '',
- );
- }
- // Add parent_name if the product is a variation.
- if ( is_callable( array( $item, 'get_product' ) ) ) {
- $product = $item->get_product();
- if ( is_callable( array( $product, 'get_parent_data' ) ) ) {
- $data['parent_name'] = $product->get_title();
- } else {
- $data['parent_name'] = null;
- }
- }
- // Format taxes.
- if ( ! empty( $data['taxes']['total'] ) ) {
- $taxes = array();
- foreach ( $data['taxes']['total'] as $tax_rate_id => $tax ) {
- $taxes[] = array(
- 'id' => $tax_rate_id,
- 'total' => $tax,
- 'subtotal' => isset( $data['taxes']['subtotal'][ $tax_rate_id ] ) ? $data['taxes']['subtotal'][ $tax_rate_id ] : '',
- );
- }
- $data['taxes'] = $taxes;
- } elseif ( isset( $data['taxes'] ) ) {
- $data['taxes'] = array();
- }
- // Remove names for coupons, taxes and shipping.
- if ( isset( $data['code'] ) || isset( $data['rate_code'] ) || isset( $data['method_title'] ) ) {
- unset( $data['name'] );
- }
- // Remove props we don't want to expose.
- unset( $data['order_id'] );
- unset( $data['type'] );
- // Expand meta_data to include user-friendly values.
- $formatted_meta_data = $item->get_all_formatted_meta_data( null );
- // Filter out product variations.
- if ( isset( $product ) && 'true' === $this->request['order_item_display_meta'] ) {
- $order_item_name = $data['name'];
- $data['meta_data'] = array_filter(
- $data['meta_data'],
- function( $meta ) use ( $product, $order_item_name ) {
- $display_value = wp_kses_post( rawurldecode( (string) $meta->value ) );
- // Skip items with values already in the product details area of the product name.
- if ( $product && $product->is_type( 'variation' ) && wc_is_attribute_in_product_name( $display_value, $order_item_name ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- );
- }
- $data['meta_data'] = array_map(
- array( $this, 'merge_meta_item_with_formatted_meta_display_attributes' ),
- $data['meta_data'],
- array_fill( 0, count( $data['meta_data'] ), $formatted_meta_data )
- );
- do_action( 'woocommerce/cart_loop/end', $item );
- return $data;
- }
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