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- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # This script creates ZFS pools and dataset compatible with zsys
- # improved to avoid using all disk space
- # use extra disk space for dual boot, swap, extra vdev, etc.
- #
- # Layout:
- # bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_${UUID}
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var -o canmount=off
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/games
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/lib
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/lib/AccountsService
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/lib/apt
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/lib/dpkg
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/log
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/mail
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/snap
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/spool
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/www
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/var/lib/NetworkManager
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/srv
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/usr -o canmount=off
- # rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID}/usr/local
- # rpool/USERDATA/$user_$UUID2
- # rpool/USERDATA/root_$UUID2
- # rpool/keystore
- #
- # Steps:
- # - Verify that /target is mounted
- # - Retrieve fstab
- # - unmount /target
- # - delete all the partitions but the ESP on p1
- # - Create p2 zfs bpool 2 GB
- # - Create p3 zfs rbool 500 GB
- # - Create datasets
- #
- # After setup is done leave it mounted to let Ubiquity proceed with installation
- set -eu
- REQUIREDPKGS="zfsutils-linux"
- TARGET="/target"
- ESP="${TARGET}/boot/efi"
- ZSYSTMP="/tmp/$(basename $0)"
- INIT_FLAG="${ZSYSTMP}/init.done"
- FSTAB_PARTMAN="${ZSYSTMP}/fstab.partman"
- KEYSTORE_ROOT="/run/keystore/rpool"
- mkdir -p "${ZSYSTMP}"
- usage() {
- # Display script usage
- cat<<EOF
- Usage: $(basename "$0") [COMMAND] [OPTIONS...]
- Prepares a zsys compatible ZFS system.
- Commands:
- layout Get layout to display before formatting to ubiquity. Give the chosen disk as argument. Output to $PARTITION_LAYOUT
- init Initialize the pools and datasets
- finalize Finalize the installation after the system has been installed
- Options:
- -h, --help This help
- -d, --debug Enable debug mode
- exit
- }
- LONGOPTS="help,debug"
- TEMP=$(getopt -o $SHORTOPTS --long $LONGOPTS -- "$@")
- eval set -- "$TEMP"
- while true ; do
- case "$1" in
- -h|--help)
- usage;;
- -d|--debug)
- set -x
- shift;;
- --)
- shift;
- break;;
- *)
- usage;;
- esac
- done
- COMMAND=$( echo $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' )
- if [ $# -gt 1 ]; then
- EXTRAARG="${2}"
- fi
- if [ -n "${ZFS_KS_KEY}" ]; then
- fi
- check_prerequisites() {
- # Check and set requirements to run this script
- #
- # Check and set the requirements to run this test. If any of the
- # requirement is missing the programs exit with error
- #
- # Args:
- # $@: List of required packages
- #
- # Returns
- # Exit program is a requirement is not met
- echo "I: Checking system requirements"
- if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "E: Script must be executed as root. Exiting!"
- exit 1
- fi
- for pkg in $@; do
- if ! dpkg-query -W -f'${Status}' "${pkg}"|grep -q "install ok installed" 2>/dev/null; then
- echo "E: $pkg is required and not installed on this system. Exiting!"
- exit 1
- fi
- done
- }
- prepare_target() {
- target="$1"
- if ! grep -qE "\s${target}\s" /proc/mounts; then
- echo "E: $target is not mounted. Exiting!"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Save fstab generated by partman
- if [ -f "${target}/etc/fstab" ]; then
- echo "I: Saving existing fstab"
- cp "${target}/etc/fstab" "${FSTAB_PARTMAN}"
- else
- echo "W: ${target}/etc/fstab doesn't exist"
- fi
- # umount /target
- # It may fail to umount because the swap is being created by partman and not finished when we reach this point.
- # Give it some time and retry with a sleep between tries.
- iter=0
- maxiter=10
- for mountpoint in "${ESP}" "${target}"; do
- if [ ! -d "${mountpoint}" ]; then
- continue
- fi
- echo "I: umounting ${mountpoint}"
- while :; do
- # Do not make it quiet. We want to know why it failed.
- if ! sudo umount "${mountpoint}"; then
- iter=$(( iter + 1 ))
- echo "W: Try ${iter}. Failed to umount ${mountpoint}."
- if [ ${iter} -eq ${maxiter} ]; then
- echo "E: Failed to umount ${mountpoint}. Exiting!"
- exit 1
- fi
- sleep 3
- else
- break
- fi
- done
- done
- # Destroy existing pools before removing partitions
- if zpool list|grep -w bpool; then
- zpool destroy bpool
- fi
- if zpool list|grep -w rpool; then
- zpool destroy rpool
- fi
- }
- get_layout() {
- # Returns disk, base name of the partition and partition numbers to create
- target="$1"
- disk="$2"
- if [ -z "${disk}" ]; then
- # The entire disk has been formatted with use_device
- # There is either one ext4 partition or one ext4 and one ESP
- part="$(grep -E "\s${target}\s" /proc/mounts | awk '{print $1}')"
- partbase=""
- if [ -n "${part}" ]; then
- disk="$(lsblk -lns -o TYPE,PATH ${part}| grep disk| awk '{print $2}')"
- if [ -z "${disk}" ]; then
- echo "E: Couldn't identify disk for partition ${part}. Exiting!"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Some disks have letters in the partition number like /dev/nvme0n1p1
- # In this case we want to retrieve 'p' so we deal only with partition number
- # in the rest of the script and prepend the base.
- partbase="$(echo ${part} | sed -e 's/[0-9]*$//' | sed -e "s#${disk}##")"
- fi
- else
- # The only purpose of this code is to display a friendly message in ubiquity to show the user
- # what partitioning will be performed. However, on first call, the disk is not yet partitioned
- # and collecting the information about disk partitioning would require to query partman. But we
- # don't want to add this extra complexity just to display a message. Instead we hardcode the
- # extension of the partition name depending on the type of disk, basically it's 'p' for anything
- # else than standard drives (eg nvme01pX)
- case "${disk}" in
- /dev/sd*|/dev/hd*|/dev/vd*)
- partbase=""
- ;;
- *)
- partbase="p"
- esac
- fi
- if [ -d /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ]; then
- # No extended partition on EFI + GPT
- # The layout is
- # 1: ESP
- # 2: swap
- # 3: bpool
- # 4: rpool
- partesp=1
- partswap=4
- partbpool=2
- partrpool=3
- # As partman forces now gpt for any installation, we consider that not having efivar equals gpt with BiosBoot (LP: #1796260)
- else
- # The layout is:
- # 1: BiosBoot
- # 2: ESP
- # 3: swap
- # 4: bpool
- # 5: rpool
- partesp=2
- partswap=3
- partbpool=4
- partrpool=5
- fi
- echo "OK|${disk}|${partbase}|${partesp}|${partswap}|${partbpool}|${partrpool}"
- }
- format_disk() {
- disk="$1"
- partbase="$2"
- partesp="$3"
- partswap=$4
- partbpool="$5"
- partrpool="$6"
- ss="$7"
- partprefix="${disk}${partbase}"
- sfdisktmp="${ZSYSTMP}/sfdisk.cfg"
- rm -f "${sfdisktmp}"
- echo "I: Formatting disk $disk with partitions swap:${partswap} bpool:${partbpool} rpool:${partrpool}"
- # bpool size: 500M < 5% of ZFS allocated space < 2G
- # srcpath is the system partition on initial layout.
- srcpath=$(lsblk -ln -o PATH ${disk}|tail -1)
- partsrc=${srcpath##*${partprefix}}
- size_percent=$(expr \( $(blockdev --getsize64 ${disk}) / 1024 / 1024 \) \* 5 / 100)
- bpool_size=500
- [ ${size_percent} -gt ${bpool_size} ] && bpool_size=${size_percent}
- [ ${bpool_size} -gt 2048 ] && bpool_size=2048
- # Improvement: Delete all the partitions but the ESP
- # There should be only 1 or 2 partitions but it can be made generic
- if ! esp_exists "${disk}"; then
- start=$(sfdisk -l "${disk}"|grep "^${partprefix}${partesp}"|awk '{print $2}')
- cat > "${sfdisktmp}" <<EOF
- ${partprefix}${partesp} : start= ${start}, size= 512M, type=C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B, bootable
- else
- while [ $partsrc -gt 1 ]; do
- zpool labelclear -f ${partprefix}${partsrc} || true
- sfdisk --delete "${disk}" ${partsrc}
- partsrc=$((partsrc-1))
- done
- fi
- cat >> "${sfdisktmp}" <<EOF
- ${partprefix}${partbpool} : size= ${bpool_size}M, type=6A82CB45-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631
- ${partprefix}${partrpool} : size=512000M, type=6A85CF4D-1DD2-11B2-99A6-080020736631
- ${partprefix}${partswap} : size= ${ss}M, type=0657FD6D-A4AB-43C4-84E5-0933C84B4F4F
- cat "${sfdisktmp}" | sfdisk --append --wipe-partitions=always --no-reread "${disk}"
- # Force a re-read of the partition table
- echo "I: Re-reading partition table"
- partx --add "${disk}" 2>/dev/null || true
- partx --show "${disk}"
- }
- init_keystore() {
- keystore_dev="$1"
- echo "I: Initializing Key Store"
- if [ ${ENCRYPTION} -eq 1 ]; then
- mkdir -p "${KEYSTORE_ROOT}"
- printf "%s" "${ZFS_KS_KEY}" | cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/zvol/${keystore_dev} -
- printf "%s" "${ZFS_KS_KEY}" | cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/zvol/${keystore_dev} keystore-rpool -
- mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/mapper/keystore-rpool -L keystore-rpool
- mount /dev/mapper/keystore-rpool "${KEYSTORE_ROOT}"
- fi
- }
- init_zfs() {
- target="$1"
- partbpool="$2"
- partrpool="$3"
- echo "I: Initializing ZFS"
- # Now we can create the pools and dataset
- UUID_ORIG=$(head -100 /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' |head -c6)
- # Use stable uuid for partition when available as device name can change
- # Let udev finish its job before proceeding with zpool creation
- udevadm settle
- bpooluuid=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value $partbpool)
- [ -n "$bpooluuid" -a -e "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$bpooluuid" ] && partbpool=/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$bpooluuid
- rpooluuid=$(blkid -s PARTUUID -o value $partrpool)
- [ -n "$rpooluuid" -a -e "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$rpooluuid" ] && partrpool=/dev/disk/by-partuuid/$rpooluuid
- # Pools
- encrypt_args=""
- if [ ${ENCRYPTION} -eq 1 ]; then
- # Creation of the encryption key
- local ks_system_key="${KEYSTORE_ROOT}/system.key"
- local ks_system_key_tmp="${ZSYSTMP}/$(basename "${ks_system_key}")"
- head -c 32 /dev/urandom > "${ks_system_key_tmp}"
- encrypt_args="-O encryption=on -O keylocation=file://${ks_system_key_tmp} -O keyformat=raw"
- fi
- # rpool
- zpool create -f \
- -o ashift=12 \
- -o autotrim=on \
- -O compression=lz4 \
- -O acltype=posixacl \
- -O xattr=sa \
- -O relatime=on \
- -O normalization=formD \
- -O mountpoint=/ \
- -O canmount=off \
- -O dnodesize=auto \
- -O sync=disabled \
- ${encrypt_args} \
- -O mountpoint=/ -R "${target}" rpool "${partrpool}"
- # bpool
- # The version of bpool is set to the default version to prevent users from upgrading
- # Then only features supported by grub are enabled.
- zpool create -f \
- -o ashift=12 \
- -o autotrim=on \
- -d \
- -o feature@async_destroy=enabled \
- -o feature@bookmarks=enabled \
- -o feature@embedded_data=enabled \
- -o feature@empty_bpobj=enabled \
- -o feature@enabled_txg=enabled \
- -o feature@extensible_dataset=enabled \
- -o feature@filesystem_limits=enabled \
- -o feature@hole_birth=enabled \
- -o feature@large_blocks=enabled \
- -o feature@lz4_compress=enabled \
- -o feature@spacemap_histogram=enabled \
- -O compression=lz4 \
- -O acltype=posixacl \
- -O xattr=sa \
- -O relatime=on \
- -O normalization=formD \
- -O canmount=off \
- -O devices=off \
- -O mountpoint=/boot -R "${target}" bpool "${partbpool}"
- if [ ${ENCRYPTION} -eq 1 ]; then
- # Creation of the encryption keystore on the pool directly
- # and point to the system ZFS decryption key path
- local keystore_dev="rpool/keystore"
- zfs create -o encryption=off -V ${KEYSTORE_SIZE} "${keystore_dev}"
- init_keystore "${keystore_dev}"
- mv "${ks_system_key_tmp}" "${ks_system_key}"
- chmod 600 "${ks_system_key}"
- zfs set keylocation=file://"${ks_system_key}" rpool
- fi
- # Root and boot dataset
- zfs create rpool/ROOT -o canmount=off -o mountpoint=none
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}" -o mountpoint=/
- zfs create bpool/BOOT -o canmount=off -o mountpoint=none
- zfs create "bpool/BOOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}" -o mountpoint=/boot
- # System dataset
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var" -o canmount=off
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/lib"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/lib/AccountsService"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/lib/apt"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/lib/dpkg"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/lib/NetworkManager"
- # Desktop specific system dataset
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/srv"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/usr" -o canmount=off
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/usr/local"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/games"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/log"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/mail"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/snap"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/spool"
- zfs create "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var/www"
- # USERDATA datasets
- # Dataset associated to the user are created by the installer.
- zfs create rpool/USERDATA -o canmount=off -o mountpoint=/
- # Set zsys properties
- zfs set com.ubuntu.zsys:bootfs='yes' "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}"
- zfs set com.ubuntu.zsys:last-used=$(date +%s) "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}"
- zfs set com.ubuntu.zsys:bootfs='no' "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/srv"
- zfs set com.ubuntu.zsys:bootfs='no' "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/usr"
- zfs set com.ubuntu.zsys:bootfs='no' "rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_${UUID_ORIG}/var"
- }
- move_user () {
- target="$1"
- user="$2"
- userhome="$3"
- uuid="$4"
- echo "I: Creating user $user with home $userhome"
- mv "${target}/${userhome}" "${target}/tmp/home/${user}"
- zfs create "rpool/USERDATA/${user}_${uuid}" -o canmount=on -o mountpoint=${userhome}
- chown $(chroot "${target}" id -u ${user}):$(chroot ${target} id -g ${user}) "${target}/${userhome}"
- rsync -a "${target}/tmp/home/${user}/" "${target}/${userhome}"
- bootfsdataset=$(grep "\s${target}\s" /proc/mounts | awk '{ print $1 }')
- zfs set com.ubuntu.zsys:bootfs-datasets="${bootfsdataset}" rpool/USERDATA/${user}_${UUID_ORIG}
- }
- init_system_partitions() {
- target="$1"
- partefi="$2"
- # ESP
- mkdir -p "${target}/boot/efi"
- mount -t vfat "${partefi}" "${target}/boot/efi"
- mkdir -p "${target}/boot/efi/grub"
- echo "I: Mount grub directory"
- # Finalize grub directory
- mkdir -p "${target}/boot/grub"
- mount -o bind "${target}/boot/efi/grub" "${target}/boot/grub"
- }
- esp_exists() {
- parttype="C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B"
- sfdisk -d "${1}" | grep -q "type=${parttype}"
- }
- check_prerequisites ${REQUIREDPKGS}
- echo "I: Running $(basename "$0") ${COMMAND}"
- if [ -z "${COMMAND}" ]; then
- echo "E: ${COMMAND} is mandatory. Exiting!"
- exit 1
- elif [ "${COMMAND}" = "layout" ]; then
- # Just displays de layout that will be created without any change to the disk.
- # At this stage we don't know yet the size of the partition that will be created.
- $(get_layout ${TARGET} "${EXTRAARG}")
- if [ "${ERR}" != "OK" ]; then
- echo "${ERR}"
- exit 1
- fi
- disk:${DISK}
- if ! esp_exists "${DISK}"; then
- cat >> "${PARTITION_LAYOUT}" <<EOF
- part:vfat:ESP:${DISK}${PARTBASE}${PARTESP}
- fi
- cat >> "${PARTITION_LAYOUT}" <<EOF
- part:swap:swap:${DISK}${PARTBASE}${PARTSWAP}
- part:zfs:bpool:${DISK}${PARTBASE}${PARTBPOOL}
- part:zfs:rpool:${DISK}${PARTBASE}${PARTRPOOL}
- elif [ "${COMMAND}" = "init" ]; then
- rm -f "${INIT_FLAG}"
- $(get_layout ${TARGET} "")
- if [ "${ERR}" != "OK" ]; then
- echo "${ERR}"
- exit 1
- fi
- echo "I: Partition table before init of ZFS"
- partx --show "${DISK}"
- # Swap files are not supported on ZFS, we use a swap partition instead:
- SWAPFILE="$(grep "^${TARGET}" /proc/swaps | awk '{print $1}')"
- # Give us a minimum swap partition size of 4MB in case we decide on
- # no swap, just to keep the partition layout stable:
- SWAPSIZE=4194304
- # Disable swap and get the swap volume size:
- if [ -n "${SWAPFILE}" ]; then
- SWAPSIZE=$(stat -c%s "${SWAPFILE}")
- echo "I: Found swapfile with size ${SWAPSIZE}. Disabling"
- swapoff "${SWAPFILE}"
- fi
- # Convert to MiB to align the size on the size of a block
- SWAPVOLSIZE=$(( SWAPSIZE / 1024 / 1024 ))
- prepare_target "${TARGET}"
- init_system_partitions "${TARGET}" "${DISK}${PARTBASE}${PARTESP}"
- # Generate fstab
- # $TARGET/etc has been destroyed by the creation of the zfs partitition
- # Recreate it
- mkdir -p "${TARGET}/etc"
- if [ -f "${FSTAB_PARTMAN}" ]; then
- echo "I: Creating fstab"
- grep -Ev '\s/\s|/swapfile' "${FSTAB_PARTMAN}" > "${TARGET}/etc/fstab"
- fi
- if ! grep -q "boot/efi" "${TARGET}/etc/fstab"; then
- espuuid=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "${DISK}${PARTBASE}${PARTESP}")
- echo "UUID=${espuuid}\t/boot/efi\tvfat\tumask=0022,fmask=0022,dmask=0022\t0\t1" >> "${TARGET}/etc/fstab"
- fi
- # Bind mount grub from ESP to the expected location
- echo "/boot/efi/grub\t/boot/grub\tnone\tdefaults,bind\t0\t0" >> "${TARGET}/etc/fstab"
- if [ -n "${SWAPFILE}" ]; then
- swap_device="${DISK}${PARTBASE}${PARTSWAP}"
- if [ ${ENCRYPTION} -eq 1 ]; then
- # Format swap as Luks
- swap_name="cryptoswap"
- touch ${ZSYSTMP}/swap.keyfile
- cryptsetup -q --key-file=${ZSYSTMP}/swap.keyfile luksFormat "${swap_device}"
- cryptsetup -q --key-file=${ZSYSTMP}/swap.keyfile luksOpen "${swap_device}" "${swap_name}"
- udevadm settle
- orig_swap_device="${swap_device}"
- swap_device="/dev/mapper/${swap_name}"
- # Update crypttab
- printf "${swap_name}\t${orig_swap_device}\t/dev/urandom\tswap,initramfs" >> "${TARGET}/etc/crypttab"
- swap_dev_fstab="${swap_device}"
- fi
- mkswap -f "${swap_device}"
- if [ ${ENCRYPTION} -eq 0 ]; then
- # for unencrypted swap, this has to be after mkswap to read the right device id
- swap_dev_fstab="UUID=$(blkid -s UUID -o value "${swap_device}")"
- fi
- printf "${swap_dev_fstab}\tnone\tswap\tsw\t0\t0\n" >> "${TARGET}/etc/fstab"
- swapon -v "${swap_device}"
- fi
- # Make /boot/{grub,efi} world readable
- sed -i 's#\(.*boot/efi.*\)umask=0077\(.*\)#\1umask=0022,fmask=0022,dmask=0022\2#' "${TARGET}/etc/fstab"
- echo "I: Marking ZFS utilities to be kept in the target system"
- apt-install zfsutils-linux 2>/dev/null
- apt-install zfs-initramfs 2>/dev/null
- # apt-install zsys 2>/dev/null
- apt-install cryptsetup 2>/dev/null
- apt-install cryptsetup-initramfs 2>/dev/null
- touch "$INIT_FLAG"
- elif [ "${COMMAND}" = "finalize" ]; then
- if [ ! -f "$INIT_FLAG" ]; then
- echo "W: zsys init didn't succeed. Not proceeding with command: ${COMMAND}. Aborting!"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Activate zfs generator.
- # After enabling the generator we should run zfs set canmount=on DATASET
- # in the chroot for one dataset of each pool to refresh the zfs cache.
- echo "I: Activating zfs generator"
- # Create zpool cache
- zpool set cachefile= bpool
- zpool set cachefile= rpool
- cp /etc/zfs/zpool.cache "${TARGET}/etc/zfs/"
- mkdir -p "${TARGET}/etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache"
- touch "${TARGET}/etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/bpool" "${TARGET}/etc/zfs/zfs-list.cache/rpool"
- # Handle userdata
- UUID_ORIG=$(head -100 /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-z0-9' |head -c6)
- mkdir -p "${TARGET}/tmp/home"
- for user in ${TARGET}/home/*; do
- if [ -d "${user}" ]; then
- user="$(basename $user)"
- move_user "${TARGET}" "${user}" "/home/${user}" "${UUID_ORIG}"
- fi
- done
- move_user "${TARGET}" root /root "${UUID_ORIG}"
- echo "I: Changing sync mode of rpool to standard"
- zfs set sync=standard rpool
- # Disable resumable device
- if [ -b /dev/mapper/cryptoswap ]; then
- mkdir -p "${TARGET}/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d"
- echo "RESUME=none" > "${TARGET}/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume"
- chroot "${TARGET}" update-initramfs -u
- fi
- echo "I: ZFS setup complete"
- else
- echo "E: Unknown command: $COMMAND"
- exit 1
- fi
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