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- local fullname = "XWOS Installer"
- local data = {
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/modules/sandbox/timers.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- @module xwos.modules.sandbox.timers",
- "local M = {}",
- "",
- "local kernel -- xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- injects the kernel",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox.timers] setKernel",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k the kernel",
- "M.setKernel = function(k)",
- " kernel = k",
- "end -- function setKernel",
- "",
- "-------------------------------",
- "-- creates a new timer",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox.timers] new",
- "-- @param #number id the timer number",
- "-- @param xwos.processes#xwos.process proc",
- "-- @return #xwos.timer",
- " = function(id, proc)",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- timer type",
- " -- @type xwos.timer",
- " local R = {}",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.timer] #number id the timer id",
- " = id",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.timer] #number id the timer id",
- " R.proc = proc",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- Remove the timer from timer table",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.timer] remove",
- " R.remove = function()",
- " M[] = nil",
- " end -- function remove",
- " ",
- " -- TODO remove discarded timers on process termination",
- " ",
- " -- store timer",
- " M[] = R",
- " ",
- " return R",
- "end -- function new",
- "",
- "return M",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/modules/security/init.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- @module",
- "local M = {}",
- "",
- "local kernel -- xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel",
- "",
- "local function crProfile(name)",
- " -----------------------",
- " -- Security profile",
- " -- @type secprofile",
- " local R = {}",
- " ",
- " -----------------------",
- " -- Returns the profile name",
- " -- @function [parent=#secprofile] name",
- " -- @return #string profile name",
- " = function()",
- " return name",
- " end -- function name",
- " ",
- " -----------------------",
- " -- Checks if access to given api method is granted",
- " -- @function [parent=#secprofile] checkApi",
- " -- @return #string api",
- " -- @return #string method",
- " R.checkApi = function(api, method)",
- " return true -- TODO some meaningful implementation",
- " end -- function checkApi",
- " ",
- " -----------------------",
- " -- Checks if access to given acl node is granted",
- " -- @function [parent=#secprofile] checkAccess",
- " -- @return #string aclKey",
- " R.checkAccess = function(aclKey)",
- " return true -- TODO some meaningful implementation",
- " end -- function checkAccess",
- " return R",
- "end -- function crProfile",
- "",
- "local profiles = {",
- " root = crProfile(\"root\"),",
- " admin = crProfile(\"admin\"),",
- " user = crProfile(\"user\"),",
- " guest = crProfile(\"guest\")",
- "}",
- "",
- "---------------------------------",
- "-- @function [] preboot",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k",
- "M.preboot = function(k)",
- " k.debug(\"preboot security\")",
- " kernel = k",
- "end -- function preboot",
- "",
- "---------------------------------",
- "-- @function [] boot",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k",
- "M.boot = function(k)",
- " k.debug(\"boot security\")",
- "end -- function boot",
- "",
- "---------------------------------",
- "-- returns a security profile with given name",
- "-- @function [] profile",
- "-- @param #string name",
- "-- @return #secprofile",
- "M.profile = function(name)",
- " return profiles[name]",
- "end -- function boot",
- "",
- "---------------------------------",
- "-- Creates a new security profile with given name",
- "-- @function [] profile",
- "-- @param #string name",
- "-- @return #secprofile",
- "M.createProfile = function(name)",
- " -- TODO some meaningful implementation",
- " local res = profiles[name]",
- " if res == nil then",
- " res = crProfile(name)",
- " profiles[name] = res",
- " end -- if profile",
- " return res",
- "end -- function createProfile",
- "",
- "return M",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/modules/sandbox/evqueue.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- @module xwos.modules.sandbox.evqueue",
- "local M = {}",
- "",
- "local kernel -- xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel",
- "",
- "local originsert = table.insert",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- injects the kernel",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox.evqueue] setKernel",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k the kernel",
- "M.setKernel = function(k)",
- " kernel = k",
- "end -- function setKernel",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- Process and distribute event from event queue (part of pullEvent etc.)",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox.evqueue] processEvt",
- "-- @param #number lpid the local pid for logging",
- "-- @param xwos.process#xwos.process proc the process invoking this method; may be nil for kernel process",
- "-- @param #table event the event to deliver",
- "-- @param #string filter optional filter passed to pullEvent",
- "M.processEvt = function(lpid, proc, event, filter)",
- " if event[1] == nil then",
- " return nil",
- " end -- if event",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] got event \", kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event))",
- " ",
- " if kernel.eventLog then",
- " -- TODO are we able to pass non serializable data through events?",
- " -- this may cause problems at this point",
- " local str = .. \"-\" .. kernel.oldGlob.os.time() \" EVENT: \".. kernel.oldGlob.textutils.serialize(event)",
- " local f =\"/core/log/event-log.txt\", kernel.oldGlob.fs.exists(\"/core/log/event-log.txt\") and \"a\" or \"w\")",
- " f.writeLine(str)",
- " f.close()",
- " end -- if eventLog",
- " ",
- " local consumed = false",
- " ",
- " if event[1] == \"timer\" then",
- " local timer = kernel.modules.instances.sandbox.timers[event[2]]",
- " if timer ~= nil then",
- " if timer.proc == proc then",
- " if filter == nil or event[1]==filter then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] returning event \", kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event))",
- " return event",
- " else -- if filter",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] discard event because of filter\", kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event))",
- " consumed = true",
- " end -- if filter",
- " else -- if proc",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] queue event for distribution to pid \", kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event))",
- " originsert(timer.proc.evqueue, event)",
- " timer.proc.wakeup()",
- " consumed = true",
- " end -- if not proc",
- " end -- if timer",
- " -- fallthrough: distribute unknown timer event to all processes",
- " end -- if timer",
- " ",
- " if event[1] == \"xwos_wakeup\" then",
- " consumed = true",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] wakeup received\")",
- " if event[2] ~= lpid then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] wrong pid, redistribute\")",
- " kernel.oldGlob.os.queueEvent(kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event))",
- " end -- if pid",
- " end -- if xwos_wakeup",
- " ",
- " if event[1] == \"xwos_terminate\" then",
- " consumed = true",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] terminate received\")",
- " if event[2] ~= lpid then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] wrong pid, redistribute\")",
- " kernel.oldGlob.os.queueEvent(kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event))",
- " else -- if pid",
- " kernel.oldGlob.error('requesting process termination')",
- " end -- if pid",
- " end -- if xwos_terminate",
- " ",
- " if event[1] == \"xwos_terminated\" then",
- " consumed = true",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] terminated received\")",
- " if filter == \"xwos_terminated\" then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] returning event \", kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event))",
- " return event",
- " end -- if filter",
- " for k, v in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(kernel.processes) do",
- " if kernel.oldGlob.type(v) == \"table\" and == event[2] and v.joined > 0 then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] redistributing to all other processes because at least one process called join of \"",
- " ",
- " for k2, v2 in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(kernel.processes) do",
- " if kernel.oldGlob.type(v2) == \"table\" and v2 ~= proc and v2.procstate~= \"finished\" then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] redistributing because at least one process called join of \"",
- " originsert(v2.evqueue, event)",
- " v2.wakeup()",
- " end --",
- " end -- for processes",
- " end --",
- " end -- for processes",
- " end -- if xwos_terminated",
- " ",
- " if event[1] == \"char\" or event[1] == \"key\" or event[1] == \"paste\" or event[1] == \"key_up\" then",
- " consumed = true",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] user input received\")",
- " if kernel.modules.instances.sandbox.procinput.current.proc ~= nil then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] queue event for distribution to user input pid \"",
- " originsert(kernel.modules.instances.sandbox.procinput.current.proc.evqueue, event)",
- " kernel.modules.instances.sandbox.procinput.current.proc.wakeup()",
- " else",
- " -- TODO what to do with input if no one likes it?",
- " -- think about special key bindings fetched from background processes",
- " -- currently we silently discard that kind of input",
- " end -- ",
- " end -- if char",
- " ",
- " -- distribute event to all processes",
- " if not consumed then",
- " for k, v in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(kernel.processes) do",
- " if kernel.oldGlob.type(v) == \"table\" and v.procstate ~= \"finished\" then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..lpid..\"] queue event for distribution to all pids \", kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event))",
- " originsert(v.evqueue, event)",
- " v.wakeup()",
- " end -- if not finished",
- " end -- for processes",
- " end -- if consumed",
- " ",
- " return nil",
- "end -- function processEvt",
- "",
- "return M",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/test2.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "local a = function()",
- " print(\"a\")",
- " end",
- " a()",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/test.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "require('/rom/xwos/kernel/common/xwos/test2')",
- " print(\"foo\")",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/modulesmgr.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "local kernel -- xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel",
- "local moduleOrder = {}",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- local kernel modules",
- "-- @type xwos.modulesmgr",
- "local M = {}",
- "",
- "-------------------------------",
- "-- the module instances",
- "-- @type xwos.modulesmgr.instances",
- "-- @field [parent=#xwos.modulesmgr] #xwos.modulesmgr.instances instances",
- "M.instances = {}",
- "",
- "-------------------------------",
- "-- sandbox kernel module",
- "-- @field [parent=#xwos.modulesmgr.instances] xwos.modulesmgr.sandbox#xwos.modulesmgr.sandbox sandbox",
- "",
- "-------------------------------",
- "-- security kernel module",
- "-- @field [parent=#xwos.modulesmgr.instances] security",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modulesmgr] preboot",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k the kernel",
- "M.preboot = function(k)",
- " kernel = k",
- " -- load settings with kernel module boot order",
- " moduleOrder = kernel.require(\"moduleOrder\")",
- " -- helper to load kernel modules from given directory",
- " local loadKernelModules = function(dir)",
- " local path = dir .. \"/xwos/modules\"",
- " kernel.debug(\"loading kernel modules from \" .. path)",
- " if kernel.oldGlob.fs.isDir(path) then",
- " for i, v in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(kernel.oldGlob.fs.list(path)) do",
- " kernel.debug(\"loading kernel module from \" .. path .. \"/\" .. v)",
- " M.instances[v] = kernel.oldGlob.require(path .. \"/\" .. v)",
- " end -- for list",
- " end -- if isdir",
- " end -- function loadKernelModules",
- " ",
- " -- load kernel modules",
- " for k, v in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(kernel.kernelpaths) do",
- " loadKernelModules(v)",
- " end -- for kernelpaths",
- "",
- " for i, v in pairs(moduleOrder) do",
- " if M.instances[v] ~= nil then",
- " kernel.debug(\"preboot kernel module\",v)",
- " M.instances[v].preboot(kernel)",
- " end -- if exists",
- " end -- for moduleOrder",
- " for i, v in pairs(M.instances) do",
- " if not table.contains(moduleOrder, i) then",
- " kernel.debug(\"preboot kernel module\",v)",
- " v.preboot(kernel)",
- " end -- if not contains",
- " end -- for modules",
- "end -- function preboot",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modulesmgr] boot",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k the kernel",
- "M.boot = function(k)",
- " for i, v in pairs(moduleOrder) do",
- " if M.instances[v] ~= nil then",
- " kernel.debug(\"boot kernel module\",v)",
- " M.instances[v].boot(kernel)",
- " end -- if exists",
- " end -- for moduleOrder",
- " for i, v in pairs(M.instances) do",
- " if not table.contains(moduleOrder, i) then",
- " kernel.debug(\"boot kernel module\",v)",
- " v.boot(kernel)",
- " end -- if not contains",
- " end -- for modules",
- "end -- function preboot",
- "",
- "return M",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/startup.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- Default startup script",
- "-- @module xwos.startup",
- "local M = {}",
- "",
- "-------------------",
- "-- The installer",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.startup] run",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel kernel the kernel reference",
- "M.installer = function(kernel)",
- " local installerData = { lang = nil }",
- " print()",
- " print(\"starting installer...\")",
- " ",
- " kernel.print(\"read: \", read)",
- " kernel.print(\"read0: \", getfenv(0).read)",
- " kernel.print(\"read1: \", getfenv(1).read)",
- " kernel.print(\"read6: \", getfenv(6).read)",
- " kernel.print(\"read7: \", getfenv(7).read)",
- " kernel.print(\"read8: \", getfenv(8).read)",
- " print()",
- " print(\"********* XW-OS ********** INSTALLER\")",
- " local langs = {",
- " \"en\" -- TODO support language packs",
- " }",
- " while installerData.lang == nil do",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Choose your language:\")",
- " local input = read()",
- " if table.contains(langs, input) then",
- " installerData.lang = input",
- " else -- if contains",
- " print(\"Invalid language. Currently supported: \")",
- " for k, v in pairs(langs) do",
- " write(v)",
- " write(\" \")",
- " end -- for langs",
- " print(\"\")",
- " end -- if not contains",
- " end -- while not lang",
- " ",
- " local admin = {}",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Enter your administrators email address:\")",
- " admin.mail = read()",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Enter your administrators login name:\")",
- " admin.login = read()",
- " while admin.pass == nil do",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Enter your administrators password:\")",
- " local pass1 = read()",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Retype your administrators password:\")",
- " local pass2 = read()",
- " ",
- " if pass1 ~= pass2 then",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"The passwords do not match...\")",
- " else -- if not pass equals",
- " admin.pass = pass1",
- " end -- if pass equals",
- " end -- while not pass",
- " ",
- " local user = {}",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Enter your users email address:\")",
- " user.mail = read()",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Enter your users login name:\")",
- " user.login = read()",
- " while user.pass == nil do",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Enter your users password:\")",
- " local pass1 = read()",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Retype your users password:\")",
- " local pass2 = read()",
- " ",
- " if pass1 ~= pass2 then",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"The passwords do not match...\")",
- " else -- if not pass equals",
- " user.pass = pass1",
- " end -- if pass equals",
- " end -- while not pass",
- " ",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"***** starting installation\")",
- " print(\"\")",
- " print(\"Creating root...\")",
- " local proot =\"root\")",
- " print(\"Creating administrator...\")",
- " local padmin =\"admin\")",
- " print(\"Creating user...\")",
- " local puser =\"user\")",
- " print(\"Creating guest (inactive)...\")",
- " local pguest =\"guest\")",
- " ",
- " -- TODO start gui on primary terminal",
- " -- TODO create a wizard",
- " ",
- " -- TODO failing installer should set kernel.shutdown = true",
- " ",
- " kernel.writeSecureData('core/install.dat', textutils.serialize(installerData))",
- "end -- function installer",
- "",
- "-------------------",
- "-- The login processing",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.startup] run",
- "-- @param #string installData",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel kernel the kernel reference",
- "M.login = function(installData, kernel)",
- " print()",
- " print(\"starting login...\")",
- " ",
- " -- for gui see",
- " -- lua minifier:",
- " ",
- " -- TODO start gui on primary terminal",
- "end -- function installer",
- "",
- "-------------------",
- "-- Startup processing script",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.startup] run",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel kernel the kernel reference",
- " = function(kernel)",
- " local installData = kernel.readSecureData('core/install.dat')",
- " kernel.debug(\"[start] checking installation\")",
- " if installData == nil then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[start] starting installer\")",
- " M.installer(kernel)",
- " end -- if not installed",
- " ",
- " while not kernel.shutdown do",
- " kernel.debug(\"[start] starting login\")",
- " M.login(textutils.unserialize(installData), kernel)",
- " end -- while not shutdown",
- "end -- function run",
- "",
- "return M",
- },
- [ "/kernel/1/8/moduleOrder.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "return {",
- " \"sandbox\",",
- " \"security\"",
- "}",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/kernel.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "local origGetfenv = getfenv",
- "local origSetfenv = setfenv",
- "local origsetmeta = setmetatable",
- "local origtype = type",
- "local origpairs = pairs",
- "local origload = load",
- "local origpcall = pcall",
- "local origprint = print",
- "local origtostring = tostring",
- "",
- "local origTable = table",
- "table = {}",
- "for k,v in origpairs(origTable) do",
- " table[k] = v",
- "end -- for table",
- "",
- "-------------------------------------",
- "-- Creates a new clone; only first level of table will be cloned, no deep clone; no metadata clone",
- "-- @function [parent=#table] clone",
- "-- @param #table src",
- "-- @return #table new copy",
- "table.clone = function(src)",
- " local r = {}",
- " for k, v in origpairs(src) do",
- " r[k] = v",
- " end -- for src",
- " return r",
- "end -- function table.clone",
- "",
- "-------------------------------------",
- "-- @function [parent=#table] contains",
- "-- @param #table haystack",
- "-- @param #any needle",
- "-- @return #boolean success",
- "table.contains = function(haystack, needle)",
- " for k, v in origpairs(haystack) do",
- " if (v == needle) then",
- " return true",
- " end -- if equals",
- " end -- for haystack",
- " return false",
- "end -- function table.contains",
- "",
- "-------------------------------------",
- "-- @function [parent=#table] indexOf",
- "-- @param #table haystack",
- "-- @param #any needle",
- "-- @return #number index of given element or nil if not found",
- "table.indexOf = function(haystack, needle)",
- " for k, v in origpairs(haystack) do",
- " if (v == needle) then",
- " return k",
- " end -- if equals",
- " end -- for haystack",
- " return nil",
- "end -- function table.indexOf",
- "",
- "-------------------------------------",
- "-- @function [parent=#table] removeValue",
- "-- @param #table haystack",
- "-- @param #any needle",
- "-- @return #boolean true if element was found and removed",
- "table.removeValue = function(haystack, needle)",
- " for k, v in origpairs(haystack) do",
- " if (v == needle) then",
- " haystack[k] = nil",
- " return true",
- " end -- if equals",
- " end -- for haystack",
- " return false",
- "end -- function table.removeValue",
- "",
- "-------------------------------------",
- "-- @function [parent=#table] containsKey",
- "-- @param #table haystack",
- "-- @param #any needle",
- "-- @return #boolean success",
- "table.containsKey = function(haystack, needle)",
- " return haystack[needle] ~= nil",
- "end -- function table.containsKey",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- local kernel",
- "-- @type xwos.kernel",
- "local M = {}",
- "",
- "local bootSequence = {",
- " debug = function()",
- " M.kernelDebug = true",
- " M.print(\"activating kernel debug mode...\")",
- " end, -- function debug",
- " ",
- " eventLog = function()",
- " M.eventLog = true",
- " M.print(\"activating kernel event log...\")",
- " end -- function eventLog",
- "}",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- Boot kernel",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.kernel] boot",
- "-- @param #string ver kernel version number",
- "-- @param #table kernelpaths the paths to look for kernel files",
- "-- @param #function krequire require function to include kernel files",
- "-- @param global#global args the command line arguments",
- "M.boot = function(ver, kernelpaths, krequire, oldGlob, args)",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] #table kernelpaths the paths for including kernel",
- " M.kernelpaths = kernelpaths",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] #string version the kernel version",
- " M.version = ver",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] #table the built in environment factories (installed from modules)",
- " M.envFactories = {}",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] global#global oldGlob the old globals",
- " M.oldGlob = oldGlob -- TODO type (global#global) does not work?",
- " M.oldGlob._ENV = nil",
- " --M.oldGlob.package = nil",
- " M.oldGlob._G = nil",
- " = nil",
- " M.oldGlob.multishell = nil",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] #table args the command line args invoking the kernel",
- " M.args = args or {}",
- "",
- " -------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] #boolean kernelDebug true for kernel debugging; activated through script invocation/argument (\"xwos debug\")",
- " M.kernelDebug = false",
- "",
- " -------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] #boolean eventLog true for event logging; activated through script invocation/argument (\"xwos eventLog\")",
- " M.eventLog = false",
- " ",
- " -- parse arguments",
- " for i, v in origpairs(M.args) do",
- " if bootSequence[v] ~= nil then",
- " bootSequence[v]()",
- " else -- exists",
- " M.print(\"Ignoring unknown argument \" .. v)",
- " end -- not exists",
- " end -- for arg",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- Require for kernel scripts",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.kernel] require",
- " -- @param #string path the path",
- " M.require = krequire",
- " ",
- " M.debug(\"loading process management\")",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] xwos.processes#xwos.processes processes the known xwos processes",
- " M.processes = M.require('xwos/processes')",
- " ",
- " M.debug(\"loading module management\")",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] xwos.modulesmgr#xwos.modulesmgr modules the kernel modules",
- " M.modules = M.require('xwos/modulesmgr')",
- " ",
- " M.debug(\"booting modules\")",
- " M.modules.preboot(M)",
- " M.modules.boot(M)",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] #global nenv the new environment for processes",
- " M.nenv = {}",
- " M.debug(\"preparing sandbox for root process\", M.nenv)",
- " local nenvmt = {",
- " __index = function(table, key)",
- " local e = origGetfenv(0)",
- " if (e == M.nenv) then return nil end",
- " return e[key]",
- " end -- function __index",
- " }",
- " origsetmeta(M.nenv, nenvmt)",
- " origSetfenv(nenvmt.__index, M.nenv)",
- " local function wrapfenv(table, env, blacklist)",
- " local R = {}",
- " for k,v in origpairs(table) do",
- " local t = origtype(v)",
- " if t == \"function\" then",
- " if blacklist[k] == nil then",
- " R[k] = origGetfenv(v)",
- " -- print(\"setfenv\", k, R[k])",
- " origpcall(origSetfenv, v, env) -- pcall because changing internal functions will fail (silently ingore it)",
- " end -- if blacklist",
- " end -- if function",
- " if t == \"table\" and blacklist[k] ~= \"*\" then",
- " -- print(\"setfenv table \", k)",
- " R[k] = wrapfenv(v, env, blacklist[k] or {})",
- " end -- if table",
- " end -- for table",
- " return R",
- " end -- function wrapfenv",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.kernel] #table oldfenv the old fenv for global functions",
- " M.oldfenv = wrapfenv(oldGlob, M.nenv, {",
- " getfenv=true,",
- " setfenv=true,",
- " shell={run=true, clearAlias=true, dir=true, getRunningProgram=true},",
- " package=\"*\",",
- " bit32={bxor=true},",
- " redstone={getBundledOutput=true}",
- " })",
- " M.debug(\"boot finished\")",
- "end -- function boot",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- Startup xwos",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.kernel] startup",
- "M.startup = function()",
- " local nenv = {}",
- " M.debug(\"preparing new environment for root process\", nenv)",
- " for k,v in origpairs(M.oldGlob) do",
- " nenv[k] = v",
- " end -- for oldGlob",
- " nenv.print = function(...) -- TODO remove",
- " M.oldGlob.print(\"->\", ...)",
- " end -- function print",
- " ",
- " M.debug(\"creating root process\")",
- " local proc =, M, nenv, M.envFactories) -- TODO factories from root profile (per profile factories)",
- " local startupData = M.readSecureData('core/startup.dat', \"/rom/xwos/kernel/common/xwos/testsleep.lua\") -- TODO startup script",
- " M.debug(\"spawning thread with startup script \" .. startupData)",
- " proc.spawn(startupData)",
- " proc.join(nil)",
- " ",
- " M.debug(\"cleanup root process sandbox\")",
- " -- cleanup",
- " local function unwrapfenv(table, old)",
- " for k,v in origpairs(table) do",
- " local t = origtype(v)",
- " if old[k] ~= nil then",
- " if t == \"function\" then",
- " -- print(\"setfenv\", k, old[k])",
- " origpcall(origSetfenv, v, old[k]) -- pcall because changing internal functions will fail (silently ingore it)",
- " end -- if function",
- " if t == \"table\" then",
- " unwrapfenv(v, old[k])",
- " end -- if table",
- " end -- if old",
- " end -- for table",
- " end -- function unwrapfenv",
- " unwrapfenv(M.oldGlob, M.oldfenv)",
- " ",
- " table = origTable",
- " ",
- " M.debug(\"last actions before shutdown\")",
- " if proc.result[1] then",
- " origprint(\"Good bye...\")",
- " else -- if result",
- " origprint(\"ERR: \", proc.result[2])",
- " end -- if result",
- "end -- function startup",
- "",
- "-------------------------------",
- "-- debug log message",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.kernel] debug",
- "-- @param ... print message arguments",
- "M.debug = function(...)",
- " if M.kernelDebug then",
- " M.print(...)",
- " end -- if kernelDebug",
- "end -- function debug",
- "",
- "-------------------------------",
- "-- print info message",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.kernel] print",
- "-- @param ... print message arguments",
- "M.print = function(...)",
- " M.oldGlob.print(...) -- TODO wrap to kernel display",
- " if (M.kernelDebug) then",
- " local f =\"/core/log/debug-log.txt\", M.oldGlob.fs.exists(\"/core/log/debug-log.txt\") and \"a\" or \"w\")",
- " local str =\"-\"..M.oldGlob.os.time()..\" \"",
- " for k, v in origpairs({...}) do",
- " str = str .. origtostring(v) .. \" \"",
- " end -- for ...",
- " f.writeLine(str)",
- " f.close()",
- " end -- if kernelDebug",
- "end -- function print",
- "",
- "-------------------------------",
- "-- read data file from secured kernel storage",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.kernel] readSecureData",
- "-- @param #string path the file to read",
- "-- @param #string def optional default data",
- "-- @return #string the file content or nil if file does not exist",
- "M.readSecureData = function(path, def)",
- " local f = \"/xwos/private/\" .. path",
- " if not M.oldGlob.fs.exists(f) then",
- " return def",
- " end -- if not exists",
- " local h =, \"r\")",
- " local res = h.readall()",
- " h.close()",
- " return res",
- "end -- function readSecureData",
- "",
- "-------------------------------",
- "-- write data file to secured kernel storage",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.kernel] writeSecureData",
- "-- @param #string path the file to write",
- "-- @param #string data new data",
- "M.writeSecureData = function(path, data)",
- " local f = \"/xwos/private/\" .. path",
- " local h =, \"w\")",
- " h.write(data)",
- " h.close()",
- "end -- function readSecureData",
- "",
- "return M",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/modules/sandbox/procinput.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- @module xwos.modules.sandbox.procinput",
- "local M = {}",
- "",
- "local kernel -- xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel",
- "",
- "-- TODO refactor following to some linked stack type",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- @type pinput",
- "",
- "----------------------------------",
- "-- @field [parent=#pinput] #pinput prev the previous input",
- " ",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- @field [parent=#pinput] xwos.processes#xwos.process proc the input process",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- @field [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox.procinput] #pinput current the current process input (front process)",
- "M.current = nil",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- injects the kernel",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox.procinput] setKernel",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k the kernel",
- "M.setKernel = function(k)",
- " kernel = k",
- "end -- function setKernel",
- "",
- "M.acquire = function(proc)",
- " -- first invocation has no kernel",
- " if kernel ~= nil and proc ~= nil then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] fetching user input (front process)\")",
- " end -- if kernel",
- " local r = {}",
- " ---------------------",
- " -- release input if proc blocks it",
- " -- @function [parent=#pinput] release",
- " -- @param xwos.processes#xwos.process proc2 process to release the env",
- " r.release = function(proc2)",
- " if r.proc == proc2 then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] releasing user input (front process)\")",
- " M.current = r.prev",
- " while M.current.proc ~= nil and M.current.proc.procstate == \"finished\" do",
- " M.current = M.current.prev",
- " end -- while finished",
- " if M.current.proc ~= nil then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] switched user input to \"\" (front process)\")",
- " end -- if proc",
- " end -- if proc",
- " end -- function release",
- " r.prev = M.current",
- " r.proc = proc",
- " M.current = r",
- "end -- function acquire",
- "",
- "M.acquire(nil)",
- "",
- "return M",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/testsleep.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- " local function func1()",
- " print(\"[1]pid=\",pid)",
- " print(\"[1]Hello World!\")",
- " sleep(5)",
- " print(\"[1]Hello again\");",
- " end",
- " local function func2()",
- " print(\"[2]pid=\",pid)",
- " sleep(5)",
- " print(\"[2]Hello World!\")",
- " sleep(5)",
- " print(\"[2]Hello again\");",
- " end",
- " print(\"[0]pid=\",pid)",
- " local proc1 = xwos.pmr.createThread()",
- " local proc2 = xwos.pmr.createThread()",
- " proc1.spawn(func1)",
- " proc2.spawn(func2)",
- " proc1.join()",
- " proc2.join()",
- " print(\"Ending\")",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/modules/sandbox/init.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "-----------------------",
- "-- @module xwos.modules.sandbox",
- "local M = {}",
- "",
- "local kernel -- xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel",
- "local originsert = table.insert",
- "",
- "---------------------------------",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox] preboot",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k",
- "M.preboot = function(k)",
- " k.debug(\"preboot sandbox\")",
- " kernel = k",
- " ",
- " -----------------------",
- " -- process input type with mapping to previous input",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox] xwos.modules.sandbox.procinput#xwos.modules.sandbox.procinput procinput the input process management",
- " M.procinput = kernel.require(\"xwos/modules/sandbox/procinput\")",
- " M.procinput.setKernel(kernel)",
- " ",
- " -----------------------",
- " -- timers started from processes",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox] xwos.modules.sandbox.timers#xwos.modules.sandbox.timers timers the timer management",
- " M.timers = kernel.require(\"xwos/modules/sandbox/timers\")",
- " M.timers.setKernel(kernel)",
- " ",
- " -----------------------",
- " -- event queue handling",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox] xwos.modules.sandbox.evqueue#xwos.modules.sandbox.evqueue evqueue event queue management",
- " M.evqueue = kernel.require(\"xwos/modules/sandbox/evqueue\")",
- " M.evqueue.setKernel(kernel)",
- "",
- "end -- function preboot",
- "",
- "----------------------",
- "-- @param xwos.processes#xwos.process proc the underlying process",
- "-- @param #global env the global process environment",
- "local envFactory = function(proc, env)",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] preparing env\", env)",
- " =",
- "",
- " -- TODO this is partly original code from bios.",
- " -- we need to redeclare it to get into wrapped os.**** methods",
- " -- maybe in future we find a solution to not redeclare it here",
- " local biosRead = function( _sReplaceChar, _tHistory, _fnComplete, _sDefault )",
- " if _sReplaceChar ~= nil and type( _sReplaceChar ) ~= \"string\" then",
- " error( \"bad argument #1 (expected string, got \" .. type( _sReplaceChar ) .. \")\", 2 ) ",
- " end",
- " if _tHistory ~= nil and type( _tHistory ) ~= \"table\" then",
- " error( \"bad argument #2 (expected table, got \" .. type( _tHistory ) .. \")\", 2 ) ",
- " end",
- " if _fnComplete ~= nil and type( _fnComplete ) ~= \"function\" then",
- " error( \"bad argument #3 (expected function, got \" .. type( _fnComplete ) .. \")\", 2 ) ",
- " end",
- " if _sDefault ~= nil and type( _sDefault ) ~= \"string\" then",
- " error( \"bad argument #4 (expected string, got \" .. type( _sDefault ) .. \")\", 2 ) ",
- " end",
- " term.setCursorBlink( true )",
- " ",
- " local sLine",
- " if type( _sDefault ) == \"string\" then",
- " sLine = _sDefault",
- " else",
- " sLine = \"\"",
- " end",
- " local nHistoryPos",
- " local nPos = #sLine",
- " if _sReplaceChar then",
- " _sReplaceChar = string.sub( _sReplaceChar, 1, 1 )",
- " end",
- " ",
- " local tCompletions",
- " local nCompletion",
- " local function recomplete()",
- " if _fnComplete and nPos == string.len(sLine) then",
- " tCompletions = _fnComplete( sLine )",
- " if tCompletions and #tCompletions > 0 then",
- " nCompletion = 1",
- " else",
- " nCompletion = nil",
- " end",
- " else",
- " tCompletions = nil",
- " nCompletion = nil",
- " end",
- " end",
- " ",
- " local function uncomplete()",
- " tCompletions = nil",
- " nCompletion = nil",
- " end",
- " ",
- " local w = term.getSize()",
- " local sx = term.getCursorPos()",
- " ",
- " local function redraw( _bClear )",
- " local nScroll = 0",
- " if sx + nPos >= w then",
- " nScroll = (sx + nPos) - w",
- " end",
- " ",
- " local cx,cy = term.getCursorPos()",
- " term.setCursorPos( sx, cy )",
- " local sReplace = (_bClear and \" \") or _sReplaceChar",
- " if sReplace then",
- " term.write( string.rep( sReplace, math.max( string.len(sLine) - nScroll, 0 ) ) )",
- " else",
- " term.write( string.sub( sLine, nScroll + 1 ) )",
- " end",
- " ",
- " if nCompletion then",
- " local sCompletion = tCompletions[ nCompletion ]",
- " local oldText, oldBg",
- " if not _bClear then",
- " oldText = term.getTextColor()",
- " oldBg = term.getBackgroundColor()",
- " term.setTextColor( colors.white )",
- " term.setBackgroundColor( colors.gray )",
- " end",
- " if sReplace then",
- " term.write( string.rep( sReplace, string.len( sCompletion ) ) )",
- " else",
- " term.write( sCompletion )",
- " end",
- " if not _bClear then",
- " term.setTextColor( oldText )",
- " term.setBackgroundColor( oldBg )",
- " end",
- " end",
- " ",
- " term.setCursorPos( sx + nPos - nScroll, cy )",
- " end",
- " ",
- " local function clear()",
- " redraw( true )",
- " end",
- " ",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " ",
- " local function acceptCompletion()",
- " if nCompletion then",
- " -- Clear",
- " clear()",
- " ",
- " -- Find the common prefix of all the other suggestions which start with the same letter as the current one",
- " local sCompletion = tCompletions[ nCompletion ]",
- " sLine = sLine .. sCompletion",
- " nPos = string.len( sLine )",
- " ",
- " -- Redraw",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " end",
- " end",
- " while true do",
- " local sEvent, param = os.pullEvent()",
- " if sEvent == \"char\" then",
- " -- Typed key",
- " clear()",
- " sLine = string.sub( sLine, 1, nPos ) .. param .. string.sub( sLine, nPos + 1 )",
- " nPos = nPos + 1",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " ",
- " elseif sEvent == \"paste\" then",
- " -- Pasted text",
- " clear()",
- " sLine = string.sub( sLine, 1, nPos ) .. param .. string.sub( sLine, nPos + 1 )",
- " nPos = nPos + string.len( param )",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " ",
- " elseif sEvent == \"key\" then",
- " if param == keys.enter then",
- " -- Enter",
- " if nCompletion then",
- " clear()",
- " uncomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " end",
- " break",
- " ",
- " elseif param == keys.left then",
- " -- Left",
- " if nPos > 0 then",
- " clear()",
- " nPos = nPos - 1",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " end",
- " ",
- " elseif param == keys.right then",
- " -- Right ",
- " if nPos < string.len(sLine) then",
- " -- Move right",
- " clear()",
- " nPos = nPos + 1",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " else",
- " -- Accept autocomplete",
- " acceptCompletion()",
- " end",
- " ",
- " elseif param == keys.up or param == keys.down then",
- " -- Up or down",
- " if nCompletion then",
- " -- Cycle completions",
- " clear()",
- " if param == keys.up then",
- " nCompletion = nCompletion - 1",
- " if nCompletion < 1 then",
- " nCompletion = #tCompletions",
- " end",
- " elseif param == keys.down then",
- " nCompletion = nCompletion + 1",
- " if nCompletion > #tCompletions then",
- " nCompletion = 1",
- " end",
- " end",
- " redraw()",
- " ",
- " elseif _tHistory then",
- " -- Cycle history",
- " clear()",
- " if param == keys.up then",
- " -- Up",
- " if nHistoryPos == nil then",
- " if #_tHistory > 0 then",
- " nHistoryPos = #_tHistory",
- " end",
- " elseif nHistoryPos > 1 then",
- " nHistoryPos = nHistoryPos - 1",
- " end",
- " else",
- " -- Down",
- " if nHistoryPos == #_tHistory then",
- " nHistoryPos = nil",
- " elseif nHistoryPos ~= nil then",
- " nHistoryPos = nHistoryPos + 1",
- " end ",
- " end",
- " if nHistoryPos then",
- " sLine = _tHistory[nHistoryPos]",
- " nPos = string.len( sLine ) ",
- " else",
- " sLine = \"\"",
- " nPos = 0",
- " end",
- " uncomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " ",
- " end",
- " ",
- " elseif param == keys.backspace then",
- " -- Backspace",
- " if nPos > 0 then",
- " clear()",
- " sLine = string.sub( sLine, 1, nPos - 1 ) .. string.sub( sLine, nPos + 1 )",
- " nPos = nPos - 1",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " end",
- " ",
- " elseif param == keys.home then",
- " -- Home",
- " if nPos > 0 then",
- " clear()",
- " nPos = 0",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " end",
- " ",
- " elseif param == keys.delete then",
- " -- Delete",
- " if nPos < string.len(sLine) then",
- " clear()",
- " sLine = string.sub( sLine, 1, nPos ) .. string.sub( sLine, nPos + 2 ) ",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " end",
- " ",
- " elseif param == keys[\"end\"] then",
- " -- End",
- " if nPos < string.len(sLine ) then",
- " clear()",
- " nPos = string.len(sLine)",
- " recomplete()",
- " redraw()",
- " end",
- " ",
- " elseif param == then",
- " -- Tab (accept autocomplete)",
- " acceptCompletion()",
- " ",
- " end",
- " ",
- " elseif sEvent == \"term_resize\" then",
- " -- Terminal resized",
- " w = term.getSize()",
- " redraw()",
- " ",
- " end",
- " end",
- " ",
- " local cx, cy = term.getCursorPos()",
- " term.setCursorBlink( false )",
- " term.setCursorPos( w + 1, cy )",
- " print()",
- " ",
- " return sLine",
- " end -- function biosRead",
- "",
- " = function( _sReplaceChar, _tHistory, _fnComplete, _sDefault )",
- " proc.acquireInput()",
- " local res = {pcall(biosRead, _sReplaceChar,_tHistory,_fnComplete,_sDefault)}",
- " proc.releaseInput()",
- " if res[1] then",
- " return res[2]",
- " end -- if res",
- " error(res[2])",
- " end -- function read",
- " ",
- " env.sleep = function(nTime)",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] sleep\", nTime, kernel.oldGlob.getfenv(0), kernel.oldGlob.getfenv(env.sleep))",
- " if nTime ~= nil and type( nTime ) ~= \"number\" then",
- " error( \"bad argument #1 (expected number, got \" .. type( nTime ) .. \")\", 2 ) ",
- " end",
- " local timer = os.startTimer( nTime or 0 )",
- " repeat",
- " local sEvent, param = os.pullEvent( \"timer\" )",
- " until param == timer",
- " end -- function sleep",
- " ",
- " -- clone os to manipulate it",
- " env.os = table.clone(env.os)",
- " env.os.sleep = function(nTime)",
- " sleep(nTime)",
- " end -- function os.sleep",
- " ",
- " env.os.startTimer = function(s)",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] os.startTimer\", s)",
- " local timer = kernel.oldGlob.os.startTimer(s)",
- ", proc)",
- " return timer",
- " end -- function os.startTimer",
- " env.os.pullEventRaw = function(filter)",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] os.pullEventRaw\", filter)",
- " while true do",
- " for k,v in kernel.oldGlob.ipairs(proc.evqueue) do",
- " proc.evqueue[k] = nil",
- " if filter == nil or v[1]==filter then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] returning event from local event queue\", kernel.oldGlob.unpack(v))",
- " return kernel.oldGlob.unpack(v)",
- " else -- if filter",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] discard event from local event queue because of filter\", kernel.oldGlob.unpack(v))",
- " end -- if filter",
- " end -- for evqueue",
- " ",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] invoke os.pullEventRaw\", filter)",
- " local event = M.evqueue.processEvt(, proc, {kernel.oldGlob.os.pullEventRaw()}, filter)",
- " if event ~= nil then",
- " return kernel.oldGlob.unpack(event)",
- " end -- if event",
- " end -- endless loop",
- " end -- function os.pullEventRaw",
- " env.os.pullEvent = function(filter)",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] os.pullEvent\", filter)",
- " local eventData = {proc.env.os.pullEventRaw(filter)}",
- " if eventData[1] == \"terminate\" then",
- " kernel.oldGlob.error( \"Terminated\", 0 )",
- " end",
- " return kernel.oldGlob.unpack(eventData)",
- " end -- function os.pullEvent",
- " ---------------------------------------",
- " -- operating system access",
- " -- @type xwos",
- " -- @field [parent=#global] #xwos xwos predefined operating system accessor",
- " env.xwos = {}",
- " ---------------------------------------",
- " -- debugging output",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos] debug",
- " -- @param #string msg",
- " env.xwos.debug = function(msg)",
- " -- TODO find a way to pass variables etc.",
- " -- check for possible sandbox breaks during tostring",
- " if kernel.oldGlob.type(msg) ~= \"string\" then",
- " error(\"Wrong argument type (only strings allowed)\")",
- " else -- if not string",
- " kernel.debug(msg)",
- " end -- if string",
- " end -- function debug",
- " ---------------------------------------",
- " -- process manager",
- " -- @type xwos.pmr",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos] #xwos.pmr pmr process manager",
- " env.xwos.pmr = {}",
- " -- TODO demon child threads (threads to be fnished before process ends)",
- " -- TODO on terminate main process terminat all child threads",
- " ---------------------------------------",
- " -- create a new child thread",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.pmr] createThread",
- " -- @param #table newenv the environment of the new thread",
- " -- @return #xwos.pmr.thread",
- " env.xwos.pmr.createThread = function(newenv)",
- " local nenv = {}",
- " for k,v in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(kernel.oldGlob) do",
- " nenv[k] = v",
- " end -- for oldGlob",
- " local function wrap(target, src)",
- " for k,v in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(src) do",
- " if kernel.oldGlob.type(v) == \"table\" and kernel.oldGlob.type(target[k]) == \"table\" then",
- " wrap(v, target[k])",
- " else -- if tables",
- " target[k] = v",
- " end -- if tables",
- " end -- for src",
- " end -- function wrap",
- " if newenv ~= nil then",
- " wrap(nenv, newenv)",
- " end -- if nenv",
- " local nproc =, kernel, env, kernel.envFactories)",
- " ---------------------------------------",
- " -- the new thread",
- " -- @type xwos.pmr.thread",
- " local R = {}",
- " ---------------------------------------",
- " -- join thread and wait for finish",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.pmr.thread] join",
- " R.join = function()",
- " nproc.join(proc)",
- " end -- function join",
- " ---------------------------------------",
- " -- terminate thread",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.pmr.thread] terminate",
- " R.termninate = function()",
- " nproc.termninate()",
- " end -- function termninate",
- " ---------------------------------------",
- " -- spawn thread and invoke function",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.pmr.thread] spawn",
- " -- @param #function func the function to invoke",
- " -- @param ... arguments",
- " R.spawn = function(func, ...)",
- " nproc.spawn(func, ...)",
- " end -- function termninate",
- " -- TODO do we need this? we are declaring the functions already inside process thread with correct fenv",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(R.join, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(R.terminate, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(R.spawn, kernel.nenv)",
- " return R",
- " end -- function createThread",
- " ",
- " env.dofile = function(_sFile)",
- " if type( _sFile ) ~= \"string\" then",
- " error( \"bad argument #1 (expected string, got \" .. type( _sFile ) .. \")\", 2 )",
- " end",
- " local fnFile, e = loadfile( _sFile, kernel.nenv )",
- " if fnFile then",
- " return fnFile()",
- " else",
- " error( e, 2 )",
- " end",
- " end -- dofile",
- " ",
- " -- TODO do we need this? we are declaring the functions already inside process thread with correct fenv",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(biosRead, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(env.sleep, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(env.dofile, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(env.os.sleep, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(env.os.startTimer, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(env.os.pullEventRaw, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(env.os.pullEvent, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(env.xwos.debug, kernel.nenv)",
- " kernel.oldGlob.setfenv(env.xwos.pmr.createThread, kernel.nenv)",
- "end -- function envFactory",
- "",
- "---------------------------------",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.modules.sandbox] boot",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k",
- "M.boot = function(k)",
- " k.debug(\"boot sandbox\")",
- " ",
- " kernel.envFactories.sandbox = envFactory",
- "end -- function boot",
- "",
- "-- wrap lua console and wrap programs...",
- "",
- "---- global functions",
- "--orig.print = print",
- "--orig.write = write",
- "--orig.load = load",
- " = read",
- "--orig.error = error",
- "--orig.printError = printError",
- "---- relevant for sandbox",
- "--orig.dofile = dofile",
- "--orig.loadfile = loadfile",
- "--orig.loadstring = loadstring",
- "--orig.rawset = rawset",
- "--orig.rawget = rawget",
- "--",
- "---- computercraft apis",
- " = redstone",
- " = rs -- alias for redstone",
- "--orig.rednet = rednet",
- "--orig.fs = fs",
- "--orig.gps = gps",
- "--orig.disk = disk",
- "--orig.http = http",
- "--orig.os = os",
- "--orig.commands = commands",
- " = io",
- "--orig.multishell = multishell",
- "--orig.peripheral = peripheral",
- "--orig.settings = settings",
- " = shell",
- "--orig.turtle = turtle",
- "--orig.pocket = pocket",
- "--",
- "---- terminal management",
- "--orig.term = term",
- "--orig.paintutils = paintutils",
- "--orig.textutils = textutils",
- "--orig.window = window",
- "--",
- "---- threads etc.",
- "--orig.parallel = parallel",
- "--orig.setfenv = setfenv",
- "--orig.getfenv = getfenv",
- "--orig.xpcall = xpcall",
- "--orig.pcall = pcall",
- "--orig.coroutine = coroutine",
- "--",
- "-- Events:",
- "-- alarm",
- "-- char",
- "-- disk",
- "-- disk_eject",
- "-- http_failure",
- "-- http_success",
- "-- key",
- "-- key_up",
- "-- modem_message",
- "-- monitor_resize",
- "-- monitor_touch",
- "-- mouse_click",
- "-- mouse_drag",
- "-- mouse_scroll",
- "-- mouse_up",
- "-- paste",
- "-- peripheral",
- "-- peripheral_detach",
- "-- rednet_message",
- "-- redstone",
- "-- task_complete",
- "-- term_resize",
- "-- terminate",
- "-- timer",
- "-- turtle_inventory",
- "",
- "return M",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- },
- [ "/core" ] = true,
- [ "/xwos.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "term.clear()",
- "",
- "local tArgs = {...}",
- "",
- "local myver = \"0.0.1\" -- TODO manipulate through maven build",
- "local osvs = os.version()",
- "local osvIter = string.gmatch(osvs, \"%S+\")",
- "local osn = osvIter()",
- "local osv = osvIter()",
- "",
- "local kernelpaths = { \"\", \"/xwos/kernel/common\" }",
- "local kernels = {}",
- "kernels[\"CraftOS\"] = {}",
- "kernels[\"CraftOS\"][\"1.8\"] = \"/xwos/kernel/1/8\"",
- "",
- "print(\"** booting XW-OS........\")",
- "print(\"** XW-OS version \" .. myver)",
- "print(\"** Copyright © 2018 by\")",
- "print(\"** All rights reserved.\")",
- "",
- "-- check if already booted",
- "if xwos then",
- " print()",
- " print(\"FAILED... We are already running XW-OS...\")",
- " return nil",
- "end -- if already booted",
- "",
- "-- check if valid operating system",
- "if kernels[osn] == nil or kernels[osn][osv] == nil then",
- " print()",
- " print(\"FAILED... running on unknown operating system or version...\")",
- " print(\"OS-version we got: \" .. osvs)",
- " print(\"Currently we require CraftOS at version 1.8\")",
- " return nil",
- "end -- if valid",
- "",
- "-- kernel file loader",
- "kernelpaths[1] = kernels[osn][osv]",
- "",
- "-- prepare first sandboxing for kernel",
- "local old2 = getfenv(2)",
- "local old1 = getfenv(1)",
- "if old2 ~= _G or old1.require == nil then",
- " print()",
- " print(\"FAILED... please run XW-OS in startup script or on root console...\")",
- " print(\"Running inside other operating systems may not be supported...\")",
- " return nil",
- "end -- if not globals",
- "local oldGlob = {}",
- "for k, v in pairs(_G) do",
- " oldGlob[k] = v",
- "end -- for _G",
- "for k, v in pairs(old2) do",
- " oldGlob[k] = v",
- "end -- for _G",
- "for k, v in pairs(old1) do",
- " oldGlob[k] = v",
- "end -- for _G",
- "",
- "-- create an explicit copy of globals",
- "local newGlob = {}",
- "for k, v in oldGlob.pairs(oldGlob) do",
- " newGlob[k] = v",
- "end -- for _G",
- "",
- "-- redirect require for kernel loading",
- "-- using functions from oldGlob for security reasons",
- "local function krequire(path)",
- " for k, v in oldGlob.pairs(kernelpaths) do",
- " local target = v .. \"/\" .. oldGlob.string.gsub(path, \"%.\", \"/\")",
- " local targetFile = target .. \".lua\"",
- " if oldGlob.fs.exists(targetFile) then",
- " local res = oldGlob.require(target)",
- " -- print(\"loaded file \"",
- " return res",
- " end -- if file exists",
- " end -- for kernelpaths",
- " return nil",
- "end -- function require",
- "",
- "setfenv(1, newGlob)",
- "local state, err = pcall(function()",
- " local kernel = krequire('xwos.kernel') -- xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel",
- " ",
- " kernel.boot(myver, kernelpaths, krequire, oldGlob, tArgs)",
- " kernel.startup()",
- " end -- function ex",
- ")",
- "setfenv(1, old1)",
- "",
- "if not state then",
- " error(err)",
- "end",
- "",
- },
- [ "/kernel/common/xwos/processes.lua" ] = {
- "-- This file is part of xwos.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify",
- "-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by",
- "-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or",
- "-- (at your option) any later version.",
- "--",
- "-- xwos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,",
- "-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of",
- "-- GNU General Public License for more details.",
- "--",
- "-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License",
- "-- along with xwos. If not, see <>.",
- "",
- "local cocreate = coroutine.create",
- "local coresume = coroutine.resume",
- "local origGetfenv = getfenv",
- "local origSetfenv = setfenv",
- "local origsetmeta = setmetatable",
- "local origtype = type",
- "local origdofile = dofile",
- "local origloadfile = loadfile",
- "local origpcall = pcall",
- "local origpackage = package",
- "local origprint = print",
- "local origerror = error",
- "local origser = textutils.serialize",
- "local origpairs = pairs",
- "local origyield = coroutine.yield",
- "local originsert = table.insert",
- "",
- "local kernel -- xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- local process environments",
- "-- @type xwos.processes",
- "local processes = {}",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- next pid to use for new processes",
- "local nextPid = 0",
- "",
- "--------------------------------",
- "-- creates a new process",
- "-- @function [parent=#xwos.processes] new",
- "-- @param p the parent process",
- "-- @param xwos.kernel#xwos.kernel k the kernel table",
- "-- @param #global env the global process environment",
- "-- @param #table factories functions with signature (proc, env) to initialize the new process or environment",
- "-- @return #xwos.process",
- " = function(p, k, env, factories)",
- " kernel = k",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- process type",
- " -- @type xwos.process",
- " local R = {}",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.process] #number pid the process id",
- " = nextPid",
- " nextPid = nextPid + 1",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.process] #table evqueue the process local event queue",
- " R.evqueue = {}",
- " ",
- " ------------------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.process] #number joined number of processes having called method join",
- " R.joined = 0",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.process] #string procstate the process state; \"initializing\", \"running\" or \"terminated\"",
- " R.procstate = \"initializing\"",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] pocstate = initializing\")",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.process] #xwos.process parent the parent process",
- " R.parent = p",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.process] #global env the process environment",
- " R.env = { pid = }",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] environments\", env)",
- " local nenvmt = {",
- " __index = function(table, key)",
- " local res = env[key]",
- " if res == nil then",
- " if R.parent ~= nil then",
- " -- parent should at least lead to PID 0. PID 0 already should contain all the visible and public globals all processes are allowed to use",
- " res = R.parent.env[key]",
- " end -- if parent",
- " end -- if not res (env)",
- " return res",
- " end -- function __index",
- " }",
- " origsetmeta(R.env, nenvmt)",
- " origSetfenv(nenvmt.__index, R.env)",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------------",
- " -- acquire input (front process)",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.process] acquireInput",
- " R.acquireInput = function()",
- " -- TODO is a stack always good?",
- " -- switching between processes (alt+tab in windows) is not meant to build a stack of input",
- " -- a stack of input will represent some kind of modal dialog over other modal dialog where closing one will pop up the previous one",
- " -- think about it...",
- " kernel.modules.instances.sandbox.procinput.acquire(R)",
- " end -- function acquireInput",
- " ",
- " ------------------------------------------",
- " -- joins process and awaits it termination",
- " -- @function [parent=#process] join",
- " -- @param #xwos.process cproc calling process",
- " R.join = function(cproc)",
- " local cpid = \"*\"",
- " if cproc ~= nil then",
- " cpid =",
- " end -- if cproc",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..cpid..\"] joining\")",
- " R.joined = R.joined + 1",
- " while R.procstate ~= \"finished\" do",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..cpid..\"] waiting for finished of \"\" (state=\"..R.procstate..\")\")",
- " local event = kernel.modules.instances.sandbox.evqueue.processEvt(cpid, cproc, {origyield()}, \"xwos_terminated\")",
- " if event ~= nil and event[2] ~= then",
- " for k, v in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(processes) do",
- " if kernel.oldGlob.type(v)==\"table\" and == event[2] and v.joined > 0 then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..cpid..\"] redistributing to all other processes because at least one process called join of \"",
- " ",
- " for k2, v2 in kernel.oldGlob.pairs(kernel.processes) do",
- " if kernel.oldGlob.type(v2) == \"table\" and v2 ~= cproc and v2.procstate~= \"finished\" then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..cpid..\"] redistributing because at least one process called join of \"",
- " originsert(v2.evqueue, event)",
- " v2.wakeup()",
- " end --",
- " end -- for processes",
- " end --",
- " end -- for processes",
- " end -- if pid",
- " end",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"..cpid..\"] received finish notification or \"",
- " R.joined = R.joined - 1",
- " end -- function join",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------------",
- " -- release input (front process)",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.process] releaseInput",
- " R.releaseInput = function()",
- " kernel.modules.instances.sandbox.procinput.current.release(R)",
- " end -- function acquireInput",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------------",
- " -- wakeup process in reaction to events on local event queue",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.process] wakeup",
- " R.wakeup = function()",
- " if ~= nil and R.procstate ~= \"finished\" then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] wakeup requested\")",
- " kernel.oldGlob.coroutine.resume(",
- " end -- if proc",
- " end -- function wakeup",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------------",
- " -- request process to terminate",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.process] terminate",
- " R.terminate = function()",
- " kernel.oldGlob.os.queueEvent(\"xwos_terminate\",",
- " end -- function wakeup",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- Remove the process from process table",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.process] remove",
- " R.remove = function()",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] removing from process table\")",
- " processes[] = nil",
- " end -- function remove",
- " ",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- Spawn the process (invoke function)",
- " -- @function [parent=#xwos.process] spawn",
- " -- @param #function func the function to invoke",
- " -- @param ... the arguments for given function",
- " R.spawn = function(func, ...)",
- " local env0 = kernel.nenv",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] prepare spawn\")",
- " -- TODO ... may contain functions and objects with metatables; this may cause problems by mxing environments",
- " -- establish an alternative for IPC (inter process communication)",
- " local res = {origpcall(origser, {...})}-- this will cause an error if serializing forbidden types (functions etc.)",
- " if not res[1] then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] ERR:\", res[2])",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] pocstate = finished\")",
- " R.result = res",
- " R.procstate = \"finished\"",
- " kernel.oldGlob.os.queueEvent(\"xwos_terminated\",",
- " return",
- " end -- if not res",
- " ",
- " local spawn0 = function(...)",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] pocstate = running\")",
- " R.procstate = \"running\"",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] using env\", R.env, env0)",
- " origSetfenv(0, R.env)",
- " for k, v in origpairs(factories) do",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] invoke factory\", k, v)",
- " v(R, R.env)",
- " end -- for factories",
- " if origtype(func) == \"string\" then",
- " local func2 = function(...)",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] doFile\", func)",
- " local fnFile, e = origloadfile(func, kernel.nenv)",
- " if fnFile then",
- " return fnFile()",
- " else -- if res",
- " origerror( e, 2 )",
- " end -- if not res",
- " return origdofile(func, ...)",
- " end -- function func2",
- " origSetfenv(func2, kernel.nenv)",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.process] #table result the return state from process function",
- " R.result = {origpcall(func2, ...)}",
- " else -- if string",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] invoke function\", func)",
- " R.result = {origpcall(func, ...)}",
- " end -- if string",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] pocstate = finished\")",
- " if not R.result[1] then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] ERR:\", R.result[2])",
- " end -- if not res",
- " R.procstate = \"finished\"",
- " kernel.oldGlob.os.queueEvent(\"xwos_terminated\",",
- " end -- function spawn0",
- " R.env.getfenv = function(n)",
- " -- TODO: Hide kernel.nenv because one may decide to manipulate it to inject variables into other threads :-(",
- " local t = origtype(n)",
- " if t == \"number\" then",
- " if n == 0 then",
- " return kernel.nenv",
- " end -- if 0",
- " end -- if number",
- " return origGetfenv(n)",
- " end -- function get",
- " R.env.setfenv = function(n, v)",
- " -- TODO maybe we can compare current fenv with THIS nenv and nenv from kernel;",
- " -- if matches we deny changing the fenv",
- " -- if not matches we allow changing because it was loaded inside process",
- " ",
- " -- do not allow changing fenv at all",
- " -- simply return current one",
- " return R.env.getfenv(n, v)",
- " end -- function setfenv",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] prepare package\")",
- " R.env.package = {}",
- " -- taken from bios.lua; must be overriden because of env",
- " -- TODO maybe we find a better solution than copying all the stuff",
- " R.env.package.loaded = {",
- " -- _G = _G,",
- " bit32 = bit32,",
- " coroutine = coroutine, -- TODO wrap",
- " math = math,",
- " package = R.env.package,",
- " string = string,",
- " table = table,",
- " }",
- " -- TODO paths",
- " R.env.package.path = \"?;?.lua;?/init.lua;/rom/modules/main/?;/rom/modules/main/?.lua;/rom/modules/main/?/init.lua\"",
- " if turtle then",
- " R.env.package.path = R.env.package.path..\";/rom/modules/turtle/?;/rom/modules/turtle/?.lua;/rom/modules/turtle/?/init.lua\"",
- " elseif command then",
- " R.env.package.path = R.env.package.path..\";/rom/modules/command/?;/rom/modules/command/?.lua;/rom/modules/command/?/init.lua\"",
- " end",
- " R.env.package.config = \"/\\n;\\n?\\n!\\n-\"",
- " R.env.package.preload = {}",
- " local loader1 = function( name )",
- " if package.preload[name] then",
- " return package.preload[name]",
- " else",
- " return nil, \"no field package.preload['\" .. name .. \"']\"",
- " end",
- " end -- function loader1",
- " local loader2 = function( name )",
- " local fname = string.gsub(name, \"%.\", \"/\")",
- " local sError = \"\"",
- " for pattern in string.gmatch(package.path, \"[^;]+\") do",
- " local sPath = string.gsub(pattern, \"%?\", fname)",
- " if sPath:sub(1,1) ~= \"/\" then",
- " sPath = fs.combine(sDir, sPath)",
- " end",
- " if fs.exists(sPath) and not fs.isDir(sPath) then",
- " local fnFile, sError = loadfile( sPath, nenv ) -- inject our new env",
- " if fnFile then",
- " return fnFile, sPath",
- " else",
- " return nil, sError",
- " end",
- " else",
- " if #sError > 0 then",
- " sError = sError .. \"\\n\"",
- " end",
- " sError = sError .. \"no file '\" .. sPath .. \"'\"",
- " end",
- " end",
- " return nil, sError",
- " end -- function loader2",
- " R.env.package.loaders = {",
- " loader1,",
- " loader2",
- " }",
- " ",
- " local sentinel = {}",
- " R.env.require = function( name )",
- " if type( name ) ~= \"string\" then",
- " error( \"bad argument #1 (expected string, got \" .. type( name ) .. \")\", 2 )",
- " end",
- " if package.loaded[name] == sentinel then",
- " error(\"Loop detected requiring '\" .. name .. \"'\", 0)",
- " end",
- " if package.loaded[name] then",
- " return package.loaded[name]",
- " end",
- " ",
- " local sError = \"Error loading module '\" .. name .. \"':\"",
- " for n,searcher in ipairs(package.loaders) do",
- " local loader, err = searcher(name)",
- " if loader then",
- " package.loaded[name] = sentinel",
- " local result = loader( err )",
- " if result ~= nil then",
- " package.loaded[name] = result",
- " return result",
- " else",
- " package.loaded[name] = true",
- " return true",
- " end",
- " else",
- " sError = sError .. \"\\n\" .. err",
- " end",
- " end",
- " error(sError, 2)",
- " end -- function require",
- " ",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] setting new env\", env0)",
- " origSetfenv(spawn0, env0)",
- " origSetfenv(loader1, env0)",
- " origSetfenv(loader2, env0)",
- " origSetfenv(R.env.require, env0)",
- " origSetfenv(R.env.getfenv, env0)",
- " origSetfenv(R.env.setfenv, env0)",
- " --------------------------------",
- " -- @field [parent=#xwos.process] coroutine#coroutine co the coroutine",
- " = cocreate(spawn0)",
- " local res = {coresume(, ...)}",
- " if not res[1] then",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] ERR:\", res[2])",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] pocstate = finished\")",
- " R.result = res",
- " R.procstate = \"finished\"",
- " kernel.oldGlob.os.queueEvent(\"xwos_terminated\",",
- " end -- if not res",
- " end -- function spawn",
- " ",
- " processes[] = R",
- " kernel.debug(\"[PID\"\"] returning new process\")",
- " return R",
- "end -- function new",
- "",
- "return processes",
- },
- } --paste archive data here
- local tArg = {...}
- local outpath = ((tArg[1] ~= "") and tArg[1]) or (shell and shell.getRunningProgram() or "xwos")
- if fs.combine("",outpath):sub(1,26) == "rom/programs/http/pastebin" then
- outpath = (shell and fs.combine(shell.dir(),"xwos") or "xwos")
- end
- local progdor = fs.getName(shell.getRunningProgram())
- local dir = shell.dir()
- local explode = function(div,str)
- if (div=='') then return false end
- local pos,arr = 0,{}
- for st,sp in function() return string.find(str,div,pos,true) end do
- table.insert(arr,str:sub(pos,st-1))
- pos = sp + 1
- end
- table.insert(arr,str:sub(pos))
- return arr
- end
- local sanitize = function(sani,tize)
- local _,x = string.find(sani,tize)
- if x then
- return sani:sub(x+1)
- else
- return sani
- end
- end
- local tablize = function(input)
- if type(input) == "string" then
- return explode("\n",input)
- elseif type(input) == "table" then
- return table.concat(input,"\n")
- end
- end
- if not outpath then
- outpath = input
- end
- local choice = function(input,verbose)
- if not input then
- input = "yn"
- end
- if verbose then
- write("[")
- for a = 1, #input do
- write(input:sub(a,a):upper())
- if a < #input then
- write(",")
- end
- end
- write("]?")
- end
- local evt,char
- repeat
- evt,char = os.pullEvent("char")
- until string.find(input:lower(),char:lower())
- if verbose then
- print(char:upper())
- end
- local pos = string.find(input:lower(),char:lower())
- return pos, char:lower()
- end
- local doPack = function(list,output,doCompress,verbose)
- local tx = term.getTextColor()
- if fs.isReadOnly(output) and (fs.combine("",output) ~= "") then return 5 end
- local packageSelf = true
- local packageReadOnly = true
- local ro_asked = false
- local ps_asked = false
- if fs.exists(output) and (not fs.isDir(output)) then
- fs.delete(output)
- end
- local amnt = 0
- for k,v in pairs(list) do
- amnt = amnt + 1
- end
- local num = 0
- for k,v in pairs(list) do
- num = num + 1
- if v == true then
- fs.makeDir(fs.combine(output,k))
- else
- local file =,k),"w")
- if verbose then
- write("[")
- if term.isColor() then term.setTextColor(colors.lightGray) end
- write(k)
- term.setTextColor(tx)
- write("]")
- end
- file.write(tablize(v))
- file.close()
- local tx = term.getTextColor()
- if fs.getName(k):lower() == "peasant" then
- if term.isColor() then
- term.setTextColor(
- end
- print(" UNBURNINATED")
- else
- if term.isColor() then
- term.setTextColor(
- end
- print(" GOOD")
- end
- term.setTextColor(tx)
- end
- end
- return 2
- end
- if not fs.isDir(outpath) then
- fs.delete(outpath)
- end
- local success, res = pcall( function() return doPack(data,outpath,false,true) end )
- if not success then
- term.setTextColor(colors.white)
- print("\n***Something went wrong!***")
- return printError(res)
- end
- if res then
- local msgs = {
- [2] = "Successfully unpacked '"..fullname.."' to '"..outpath.."/'",
- [5] = "You don't have permission.",
- }
- print(msgs[res])
- end
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