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- # Grotto - depending on the grotto, indexes table in overlay or scene based on param or z-rotation
- ovl_Door_Ana_0x808E01A0/func_808E03B8.asm.c: temp_a3_2->unk1887A = (u16) *(temp_a3_2->unk18860 + ((arg0->unk1C & 0x1F) * 2));
- ovl_Door_Ana_0x808E01A0/func_808E03B8.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(&D_808E078C + (phi_v0 * 2));
- # Deku Guards - loads current scene with entrance value from actor->unk226
- ovl_En_Look_Nuts_0x80A678B0/func_80A680FC.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = func_80130784(arg0->unk226);
- # Blue warp - many cases, some hardcoded and some index scene exit table based on param
- ovl_Door_Warp1_0x808B8490/func_808B98A8.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + (temp_v0_3 * 2));
- ovl_Door_Warp1_0x808B8490/func_808BA10C.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + (phi_v0 * 2));
- # Bomber? - indexes scene exit table based on actor->unk2B2
- ovl_En_Bomjimb_0x80C00EA0/func_80C02CA4.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + (arg0->unk2B2 * 2));
- ovl_En_Bomjimb_0x80C00EA0/func_80C02CA4.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = func_80130784(5);
- # Gerudo Pirate - indexes scene exit table based on param
- ovl_En_Ge2_0x80B8B2D0/func_80B8BC78.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = temp_v1;
- # Gerudo Pirate - indexes scene exit table based on param
- ovl_En_Ge3_0x8099FEB0/func_809A03FC.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = temp_v1;
- # Loading Plane - indexes scene exit table based on param, but only if actor->unk144 == 4
- ovl_En_Holl_0x80899960/func_80899B88.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + ((temp_v0_3 & 0x7F) * 2));
- # Grog - indexes scene exit table based on param
- ovl_En_Hs_0x80952C50/func_809532D0.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + ((arg0->unk1C & 0xF) * 2));
- # Moon Child - indexes scene exit table based on param
- ovl_En_Js_0x809687B0/func_809695FC.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + (((s32) (arg0->unk1C & 0x3F0) >> 4) * 2));
- # Pirate? - indexes scene exit table based on actor->unk2D4
- ovl_En_Kaizoku_0x80B85590/func_80B868B8.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + (arg0->unk2D4 * 2));
- # Gabora - indexes scene exit table based on param
- ovl_En_Kgy_0x80B40800/func_80B41A48.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + ((arg0->unk1C & 0x1F) * 2));
- # Song of Soaring - indexes entrance table in overlay based on param
- ovl_En_Test7_0x80AF0820/func_80AF2350.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(&D_80AF3404 + (temp_v0 * 2));
- # ????? - indexes scene exit table based on param
- ovl_En_Time_Tag_0x80AC9EA0/func_80ACA724.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + ((arg0->unk1C & 0x1F) * 2));
- # Warp to Trial Entrance? - indexes scene exit table based on param
- ovl_En_Warp_tag_0x809C0760/func_809C0E30.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + ((arg0->unk1C & 0x3F) * 2));
- # Tijo? - indexes scene exit table based on param
- ovl_En_Zod_0x80BAEF70/func_80BAFC10.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) *(arg1->unk18860 + (((s32) (arg0->unk1C & 0xFE00) >> 9) * 2));
- # Clock Tower & Light Beam - restores entrance value saved in save context
- ovl_Obj_Tokeidai_0x80AB2790/func_80AB36C4.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = (u16) gSaveContext.unk3CE4;
- # Useless (hardcoded values)
- ovl_En_Az_0x80A94A30/func_80A94AB8.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = func_80130784(arg2);
- ovl_En_Az_0x80A94A30/func_80A97C4C.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = func_80130784(1);
- ovl_En_Az_0x80A94A30/func_80A97F9C.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = func_80130784(2);
- # Useless (hardcoded values)
- ovl_En_Baba_0x80BA8820/func_80BA8C4C.asm.c: arg0->unk1887A = (s16) (arg1 & 0xFFFF);
- # Useless (hardcoded value)
- ovl_En_Bom_Bowl_Man_0x809C4790/func_809C51B4.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = temp_ret;
- # Useless (hardcoded value)
- ovl_En_Bomjima_0x80BFE170/func_80BFFBC4.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = func_80130784(6);
- # Useless (hardcoded value)
- ovl_En_Bsb_0x80C0B290/func_80C0D9B4.asm.c: arg1->unk1887A = func_80130784(5);
- # Useless (hardcoded value)
- ovl_En_Suttari_0x80BAA6D0/func_80BAA88C.asm.c: arg0->unk1887A = (s16) (arg1 & 0xFFFF);
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