

May 19th, 2023
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  1. Review
  2. Positives:
  3. - Data binding usage
  4. - Coroutines usage
  5. - LiveData usage
  6. - Retrofit usage
  7. - The application has an architecture, Api, Retository, ViewModel.
  8. - The source code is buildable and the application is working
  9. - The app's appearance matches the design plan (More or less)
  10. - Caching, no network calls after screen rotation
  12. Negatives:
  13. - RelativeLayout is used instead of ConstraintLayout. Not a huge thing, but RelativeLayout is not very common these days
  14. - "Not null assertion operator" used a lot of times - code smell
  15. - No proper DI. ViewModel dependencies are instantiated in the Fragments
  16. - No loading
  17. - No proper error handling
  18. - Deprecated method calls, for example: getParcelable, onBackPressed
  19. - Code formatting
  20. - No unit tests
  21. - If I rotate the screen on the details page, then the UI becomes a bit disorganised
  23. Overall, it's not bad, the application works, the design is almost correct, and it implements a large portion of the libraries we use.
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