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- ; Script to display whois information in an @window
- ; Ook @ #mircscripting on undernet
- ;
- ; All the whois raws are captured but only the nick, address, idle, server, channels info is shown
- ; with a little tinkering more can easily be added.
- ;
- ; v1.0
- ; - First release
- ; v1.1
- ; - fixed possible error in endofwhois when $address fails.
- ; - added some more error output.
- ; - changed tabs to cut off text that exceeds limits.
- ; - changed code to update horiz scrollbar on end of whois (doesnt display whole line still, this is mircs fault)
- ; - channel name no longer needed, will take active window as channel if no channel name given.
- ;
- ; /whoischan <chan>
- ; $1 = chan
- alias whoischan {
- if ($0 > 1) { echo -aqmlbfti2 [whoischan] Usage: /whoischan <#channel> | halt }
- var %i = 1, %c = $iif($0,$1,$active)
- window -lM -t20,100,130,170 @whoischan
- clear @whoischan
- aline @whoischan $+( Nick,$chr(9),Address,$chr(9),Idle Time,$chr(9),Server,$chr(9),Channels)
- aline @whoischan
- while ($nick(%c,%i) != $null) {
- var %n = $v1
- aline @whoischan $+(%n,$chr(9),$iif($address(%n,5) != $null,$v1,unknown),$chr(9),0,$chr(9),-,$chr(9),$chr(160))
- _pushwhois %n %n
- inc %i
- }
- !return
- :error
- !echo 4 -s whoischan: $error
- }
- alias -l _nnet {
- !if ($network != $null) return $v1
- !elseif ($server($server).group != $null) {
- !if ($v1 !isnum) return $v1
- }
- !return Default
- :error
- !echo 4 -s _nnet: $error
- }
- ; start temp data hashtable functs
- ; $1 = var (delete temp var)
- alias -l tdel !if ($hget(whoischan)) hdel whoischan $1
- ; $1 = var wildcard (del temp vars that matcvh wildcard)
- alias -l twdel !if ($hget(whoischan)) hdel -w whoischan $1
- ; $1 = var, $2- = data (add a temp var)
- alias -l tadd !hadd whoischan $1-
- ; $1 = var (get the contents of a temp var)
- alias -l tget !return $hget(whoischan,$1-)
- ; end temp data hashtable functs
- alias -l _pushwhois {
- !var %cid = $cid
- !hadd -m $+(%cid,-whois-queue) $1 $1-
- if (!$timer($+(%cid,-pushwhois))) $+(.timer,%cid,-pushwhois) 1 0 _pushwhois.dump
- !return
- :error
- !echo 4 -s _pushwhois: $error
- }
- alias -l _pushwhois.dump {
- !var %cid = $cid, %limit = $tget($+(%cid,-maxtarget-WHOIS))
- !if (!%limit) var %limit = 1
- !if ($tget($+(%cid,enable_combined_whois))) {
- ; if the network supports it combine the /whois into one
- !while ($hget($+(%cid,-whois-queue),1).data != $null) {
- !var %n = $v1
- !if ($numtok(%n,32) == 1) {
- ; single nick /whois nick style, these can be combined.
- !var %whois = $addtok(%whois,%n,44)
- !hdel $+(%cid,-whois-queue) $hget($+(%cid,-whois-queue),1).item
- !if ($numtok(%whois,44) == %limit) break
- }
- ; otherwise its /whois nick nick style, these can't be combined.
- !elseif (%whois != $null) break
- !else {
- !var %whois = %n
- !hdel $+(%cid,-whois-queue) $hget($+(%cid,-whois-queue),1).item
- !break
- }
- !inc %cnt
- }
- }
- !else {
- ; otherwise do a single whois & pause before next
- !var %whois = $hget($+(%cid,-whois-queue),1).data
- !hdel $+(%cid,-whois-queue) $hget($+(%cid,-whois-queue),1).item
- }
- if ($hget($+(%cid,-whois-queue),0).item > 0) $+(.timer,%cid,-pushwhois) 1 2 _pushwhois.dump
- else hfree $+(%cid,-whois-queue)
- if (%whois != $null) whois %whois
- !return
- :error
- !echo 4 -s _pushwhois.dump: $error
- }
- RAW 5:*: {
- !if ($hget(whoischan) == $null) hmake whoischan 100
- !var %cid = $cid, %tmp = $matchtokcs($1-,SILENCE,1,32)
- if (%tmp) tadd $+(%cid,-silence) $gettok(%tmp,2,61)
- else tadd $+(%cid,-silence) 0
- !var %tmp = $matchtokcs($1-,TOPICLEN,1,32)
- if (%tmp) tadd $+(%cid,-topiclen) $gettok(%tmp,2,61)
- else tadd $+(%cid,-topiclen) 0
- !var %tmp = $matchtokcs($1-,NICKLEN,1,32)
- if (%tmp) tadd $+(%cid,-nicklen) $gettok(%tmp,2,61)
- else tadd $+(%cid,-nicklen) 0
- !var %tmp = $matchtokcs($1-,UHNAMES,1,32)
- if (%tmp) tadd $+(%cid,-uhnames) 1
- else tadd $+(%cid,-uhnames) 0
- !var %tmp = $matchtokcs($1-,TARGMAX,1,32)
- !if (%tmp) {
- !var %cnt = 1, %tmp = $gettok(%tmp,2,61)
- !while ($gettok(%tmp,%cnt,44) != $null) {
- tadd $+(%cid,-maxtarget-,$gettok($v1,1,58)) $gettok($v1,2,58)
- !inc %cnt
- }
- }
- else twdel $+(%cid,-maxtarget-*)
- !var %tmp = $matchtokcs($1-,MAXLIST,1,32)
- !if (%tmp) {
- !var %cnt = 1, %tmp = $gettok(%tmp,2,61)
- !while ($gettok(%tmp,%cnt,44) != $null) {
- !var %t = $+(%cid,-maxlist-,$gettok($v1,1,58))
- tadd %t $gettok($v1,2,58)
- if ($tget(%t) == $null) tadd %t 1
- !inc %cnt
- }
- }
- else twdel $+(%cid,-maxlist-*)
- !var %tmp = $matchtokcs($1-,AWAYLEN,1,32)
- if (%tmp) tadd $+(%cid,-awaylen) $gettok(%tmp,2,61)
- else tadd $+(%cid,-awaylen) 0
- !var %tmp = $matchtokcs($1-,KICKLEN,1,32)
- if (%tmp) tadd $+(%cid,-kicklen) $gettok(%tmp,2,61)
- else tadd $+(%cid,-kicklen) 0
- !var %nnet = $_nnet
- !if ($istok(DALnet UnderNet BeyondIRC IRCHighway SwiftIRC Genscripts,%nnet,32)) {
- ; net supports combined whois
- tadd $+(%cid,enable_combined_whois) 1
- !if ($tget($+(%cid,-maxtarget-WHOIS)) == $null) {
- ; max targets wasn't set for some reason, try a known value for that network.
- if (%nnet == Undernet) tadd $+(%cid,-maxtarget-WHOIS) 12
- elseif (%nnet == Genscripts) tadd $+(%cid,-maxtarget-WHOIS) 20
- else tadd $+(%cid,-maxtarget-WHOIS) 4
- }
- }
- else tdel $+(%cid,enable_combined_whois)
- }
- ; output line = nick address idle-time server channels
- ;275 HighwayIRC RPL_WHOISSECURE "<TheirNick> is using a secure connection (SSL)"
- raw 275:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;301 RPL_AWAY "<nick> :<away message>"
- raw 301:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;307 DALnet RPL_WHOISREGNICK Registered Nick â:<nick> is a registered nick
- raw 307:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;308 DALnet RPL_WHOISADMIN Server Admin (may be dropped)
- raw 308:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;309 DALnet RPL_WHOISSADMIN Services Admin (may be dropped) â: <nick> is a services adminstrator
- raw 309:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;310 DALnet RPL_WHOISHELPOP "%s :looks very helpful.", â<nick> <help status msg>" - A sample reply is: âWhite_Dragon looks very helpful.â
- raw 310:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;311 RPL_WHOISUSER "<nick> <user> <host> * :<real name>" - The '*' in RPL_WHOISUSER is there as the literal character and not as a wild card
- raw 311:*: {
- !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),1,1) != $null) {
- var %l = $v1
- haltdef
- rline @whoischan %l $puttok($line(@whoischan,%l),$chr(160),5,9)
- }
- }
- ;312 RPL_WHOISSERVER "<nick> <server> :<server info>"
- raw 312:*: {
- ;echo -s whoischan312: $1-
- !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),1,1) != $null) {
- var %l = $v1
- haltdef
- rline @whoischan %l $puttok($line(@whoischan,%l),$chr(160) $3,4,9)
- }
- }
- ;313 RPL_WHOISOPERATOR "<nick> :is an IRC operator"
- raw 313:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- raw 316:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;317 RPL_WHOISIDLE "<nick> <integer> :seconds idle"
- raw 317:*: {
- ;echo -s whoischan317: $1-
- !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),1,1) != $null) {
- var %l = $v1
- haltdef
- rline @whoischan %l $puttok($line(@whoischan,%l),$chr(160) $duration($3),3,9)
- }
- }
- ;318 RPL_ENDOFWHOIS "<nick>(,nick,nick,...) :End of /WHOIS list"
- raw 318:*: {
- ;echo -s whoischan318: $1-
- !var %i = 1
- !while ($gettok($2,%i,44) != $null) {
- !var %n = $v1
- !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+(%n,$chr(9),*),1,1) != $null) {
- var %l = $v1
- haltdef
- if ($address(%n,5) != $null) rline @whoischan %l $puttok($line(@whoischan,%l),$chr(160) $v1,2,9)
- }
- inc %i
- }
- }
- ;319 RPL_WHOISCHANNELS "<nick> :{[@|+]<channel><space>}"
- raw 319:*: {
- !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),1,1) != $null) {
- var %l = $v1
- haltdef
- var %txt = $line(@whoischan,%l)
- rline @whoischan %l $puttok(%txt,$addtok($gettok(%txt,5,9),$3-,32),5,9)
- window -b @whoischan
- }
- }
- ;330 Undernet/Quakenet RPL_WHOISACCOUNT "<source> 330 <target> <nick> <account> :is authed as" returned when using the WHOIS command on UnderNet "is logged in as" is shown as text
- raw 330:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- raw 335:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;338 RPL_WHOISACTUALLY ":%s 338 %s :%s is actually %s@%s [%s]"
- raw 338:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;615 HighwayIRC RPL_WHOISMODES "<TheirNick> is using modes <modes>"
- raw 615:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
- ;616 HighwayIRC RPL_WHOISREALHOST "<TheirNick> real hostname <host> <ip>"
- raw 616:*: !if ($fline(@whoischan,$+($2,$chr(9),*),0,1) != $null) haltdef
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